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English 3 (Eng 3) — Communication Arts 3 and English and American Literature aims to develop

competence in communication through literature-based lessons designed to enhance further the five

(5) macro-skills (but giving emphasis on the integration of analytical web reading and participation with

critical viewing) through readings and analysis of English and American literary texts. It develops

artistic oral, written, and web texts that speak of humaneness, patriotism, and other values that

express appreciation of and pride for Philippine literature, culture, and traditions and understanding of

western views as gleaned from selected English and American literary materials.

1st Quarter:

— Review on the fundamentals of effective listening and speaking

— How to write unified and coherent texts

— Literary Text (Reading)

— Scientific Text (Reading)

— Film Viewing

2nd Quarter:

— Speaking

— Writing academic reports and reaction papers

— Reading

— Film Viewing

3rd Quarter:

— Making informative speech

— How to write concept paper

— Reading

— Film Viewing

4th Quarter:

— Delivering Persuasive Speech

— Writing Position Paper

— Reading

— Film Viewing

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