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Employee Engagement


Engaged Employees Fuel A Virtuous Cycle Temkin Employee Engagement Index

Temkin Group has found that three employee attitudes determine their level of engagement

Lower Completely disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Completely agree

Total score defines level
I understand the overall of employee engagement
mission of my company
19 to 21 Highly engaged
Engaged Great Customer Loyal Strong Financial My company asks for my feedback Moderately
Employees Experience Results 16 to 18
Customers and acts upon my input engaged
13 to 15
My company provides me with the training and
the tools that I need to be successful 12 or less Disengaged

Employees Investment In
Employees Total:

Few Employees Are Highly Engaged

Engaged Employees Are A Valuable Asset 5,552 full-time U.S. employees (Employee Engagement Benchmark Study, 2016)
5,552 full-time U.S. employees (Employee Engagement Benchmark Study, 2016) Engagement levels of U.S. Employees
Highly engaged
87% 82% employees
Do something Disengaged
Highly engaged 26%
Employees Recommend
your that is good employees
who are
likely to… company’s for your Moderately engaged 31%
company 60%
products and
services even if it is not Make a Slightly engaged 23%
to someone who expected of you recommendation
might need them about an improvement Disengaged 21%
that can be made in your
21% 19% The Five I’s Of Employee Engagement
15% To engage employees, master these five competencies

Provide employees the Take action with employees
information they need to to improve processes and
understand what’s expected. solve problems.

CX Leaders Have More Engaged Employees

5,552 full-time U.S. employees (Employee Engagement Benchmark Study, 2016)
Employee engagement levels based on customer experience (CX) performance:

Less engaged employees Highly/moderately engaged employees


51% CX worse than 49% CX significantly 75% Connect employees Deploy appropriate systems to
competitors better than to the company’s measure, reward and reinforce
vision and mission. desired behaviors.
Support employees with training, coaching and feedback.

Companies Have A Lot Good News… HR Is Getting More Involved

Of Room For Improvement 300 human resource professionals in large North American organizations
(Benchmarking HR’s Support of CX and Employee Engagement)
155 large companies (State of Employee Engagement Maturity, 2016)
HR professionals who say these are important areas of focus, in 2012 and 2016
5 Stages of Employee Engagement Maturity Maturity Levels Of (Top 5 in 2016)
Large Organizations
2012 2016
Organization views employees as
Stage 5 THE key asset and this belief is 1% 84% 84% 84% 81% 81%
Maximizing central to its culture and 78% 80% 79%
leadership ethos 75% 73%

Stage 4 Organization views employees as

a key asset and has a significant 11%
Enhancing commitment to engage them

Organization views employees

Stage 3 as very important and invests in 26%
Maintaining efforts to engage them

Organization views employees as

Stage 2 important, but doesn’t expend 34%
Neglecting much energy to engage them Employee Recruiting Retaining key Employee Manager
training and hiring employees engagement training

Stage 1 Organization doesn’t view

employee engagement as an 27%
Damaging important activity

For more information, visit the Customer Experience Matters ® blog at
Copyright @2016 Temkin Group

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