The Empire of The Emerald Stars

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Empire of Emerald

Stars Companion
An Unofficial Collection of Homebrew Rules for the 4th Edition of the Legends of the Five Rings Role Playing Game

Imperial Histories 2 introduced a new setting for L5R roleplaying game called The Empire of the
Emerald Stars. But most of the information was partial and incomplete. I just collected and edited all the
material I can found on Internet. This booklet has not for goal to rewrite or copy what has already been
done but to implement this with new material and/or clarifications.

Within these pages you’ll find more than new rules, equipment, spells, disadvantages, advantages,
ancestral items… Feel free to use it or not, to adapt it for your needs or not, the best way to play L5R is
always your way.

I do not have the rights to use the original texts and/or illustrations.
You can find them here:
All the original authors are credited on this page.
I present my apologies to the original authors if they might take offense; this collection is nothing more
than a tribute to their work. I have no intention of appropriating if for myself, just to keep it alive and
make it available to the greatest number. Thank to them!

Deeply yours, Droidscotty.

Written By: Samurai Fox (the Bear Clan), Ettin (Purposes of the clans in The Empire of the Emerald
Stars, A Winter Court in the Emerald Stars), Droidscotty (Ships of the Emerald Star Empire, Non
humans and aliens, Purposes of the clans in The Empire of the Emerald Stars, the Scarabs, the Panda
Clan, the Anglerfish Clan (on a concept by Daigotsu Masanori), the Beaver Clan (on a concept by
Ettin, the Rooster Clan (inspired by the Star Trek Department of temporal investigations), Allison
Heimbach and Rich Wulf (Skills, Many New spells, Noteworthy Creatures, Many Advantages and
Disadvantages, Many Equipment), DukeofWolfsgate (Worlds of the Empire, New Rules, Aibisu War
Dancer School), Ian Straughan (Usagi Gunslinger School), Chris Burns (Toku Police Officer School),
SkinnyD (New ronin Paths, New Sacred weapons, Fortunes of Food Blessings and Curses), Shiba
Gunichi (Yak clan concept), LucaCherstich (Date Swordman, Yadomejutsu Expert, Sagara Archer),
L5R development teams: Stonemelt avantage (Enemies of the Empire p.194), Personal weapons
(Imperial Histories 2 p.307), Legend of the Five Rings RPG Blog (Using the Owl clan into a normal
game), Nheko (Ryoshun Courtier School), Kael Winters (Sleeping Serpents fiction), The Reptile
(Economy, Etiquette and Class, Technology), Katana (The Rooster Clan technique), L5R 5th edition
(Deer clan purpose), Autralian RPG users (Garuda, Jinn, Kyparixid, Sassathif species, spider clan
description, important figures of major clans)
Edited By: Droidscotty
Artists: Most of the illustrations come from Deviant art artists: RebeccaDell (Bear clan mon based upon
her original design), peaches9d (Panda clan mon), Tensen 01 (Owl clan mon), Droidscotty (Anglerfish
and Ibis clans mons), Snook 8 (Scarab illustration), Adamkop (nearly all the ships), rich35211,
hideyoshi, Ryan Wolfe (ships), tryingtofly, neisbeis, nkabuto, gunsbins, Rianna Moller, Jorge Jacinto,
Paul Chadeisson (Onnotangu’s heart), ZeroChan (Barrier Reef)
Layout: Angel Torres, Droidscotty based on the L5R 4th Edition RPG Layout

Legend of the Five Rings and all related marks and logos are © and ™ Alderac Entertainment
Group and Flight Fantasy Games

Errata’s and clarifications:

This book has been designed to work with the Court of the Minor Clans fanbook that you can
find here:
The Aibisu War Dancer School was originally the Kyoshi Guardian School that I adapted for
the Ibis Clan
I already had an Octopus, Bee, Otter and Firefly into the court of the minor clan. So I
retrofitted their descriptions to keep the ideas and give new ones to game masters. The Lynx’s
purpose corresponds to the original Ettin’s Octopus, the Echidna’s one to the Bee, the Firefly to
the Beaver and the Otter to the Weasel.
The Vulture’s purpose corresponds to the original Ettin’s Trout. I just changed the animal not
to confuse with the Way of the Carp technique from the Crab Clan but I kept the original
Shouko family name.
The Neo Versailles world name is a wink to the French Web series “Le Visiteur du Futur”
The Rooster clan is a citation from Master Oogway from the “Kung Fu Panda” movie.
I changed the original Tiger tattoo to the Lynx tattoo; the Bat tattoo to Tanuki tattoo; Cherry
Blossom tattoo to Star tattoo; Tortoise tattoo to Kitsu tattoo; White Mask tattoo to Fan tattoo;
to avoid duplication with Little Truth fanbook.
Most of the material of this book has not been play tested. Use it at your own risk.

Introduction ................................ 7 New Tatoos ............................... 30 Minor Clans of a new era ........... 58
Economy, Etiquette and Class ..... 7 Non-humans and aliens .............33 The Anglerfish Clan ...... 58
Technology ................................. 8 Enemies of the Empire ... 33 The Bear Clan ................ 60
A Winter Court in the Emerald Stars Other Species ................. 35 The Beaver Clan ............ 64
................................................... 8 Noteworthy Non-humans38 The Ibis Clan .................. 66
Ships of the Emerald Star Empire 9 Equipment .................................40 The Panda Clan.............. 68
Great Clans and Ship Design 9 Armors ........................... 40 The Rooster Clan ........... 70
Ships Basic Rules ............ 11 Other Equipment ........... 40 New Schools.............................. 73
A ship’s rings values ....... 12 New items for a travelling pack New Paths ................................. 77
Navigation Rules ....................... 13 ........................................ 40 New Ronin Paths............ 79
Shipboard stations ..................... 14 The Clans in The Empire of the
Salaries ........................... 41
Shipboard Equipment ................ 14 Emerald Stars ............................ 81
Vehicles.......................... 41
Ship Weapons................. 15 Great Clans..................... 81
Housing .......................... 41
Ship Shields and Hull Upgrades Minor Clans .................... 93
Utilities .......................... 41
........................................ 17 Other Factions .............. 100
Personal Weapons .......... 42
Advanced Ship Equipment17 New Rules ............................... 102
Sample Ships Statistics .............. 20 Explosives ....................... 43
Tetsukami Technology .. 44 Skills ............................. 102
Frigates ............................ 22 Advantages and Disadvantages
Carriers ........................... 24 Nemuranais .................... 45
Technological Levels ..... 46 Adaptation.................... 104
Transports, Barges, and New Advantages........... 104
Worlds of the Empire .................47
Merchant-craft................ 25 New Disadvantages....... 106
The Tenth Major Clan .............. 53
Fighter craft .................... 26 The Eleventh Major Clan ..........55
New Spells ................................ 27

“Shields are down to twenty percent, and we are “If my research is correct -and trust me it is-“. He
losing life support on decks three, six and seven said with a bit of arrogance in his voice “this
Taisa” ancient race will soon awaken.”

Another impact on the shields caused Daidoji “I thought the Naga were extending. They will
Moro to grip her council. A siren wailed in the surely fail to return on the Third day of
background reminding the crew that they were Thunder.”
in a combat situation. Quietly she cursed the
Mantis Atakebune-class Corvettes. Those “There are believed to be extinct. But I think
Mantis raiding vessels were always faster than they went into a deeper hibernation.”
most ships in the Empire. Thankfully Crane
radiant weapons were a lot stronger. Kitashi moved towards the holo emitter and
keyed in a few things bringing up a holographic
“Bring us to these coordinates” she keyed in new image of Rokugan Prime. The image then
coordinates for the helmsmen to enter into the rotated to an enlarged picture of the Shinomen
counsel. forest.
“Divert power from the engines and use it to
reinforce forward shields. Fire on my mark” “This is where the Naga rest.”

The ship came about behind one of the three Mikeiko nodded “How do you know they will
Mantis raiders. Moro waited only a moment awaken though? And if they are still there what
before giving the order. “Fire!” makes you think that the time did not consume
A volley of torpedoes fired into the back side of
the Mantis vessel. Followed by three short burst “Dreams” Kitashi answered.
from the radiant cannon. Moro glanced back at
her tech officers for a damage report. “Dreams?”

“Damage to their engines, shields down by sixty He nodded and then continued “The realm of
percent” Yume-Do as you may know is the dream realm.
Moro nodded and then looked towards the Everything that sleeps dreams. Yume-Do is filled
ambassador seated nearby. with pocket realms of sleeping dreamers. Some
“Are you certain they will show? We cannot bigger than others” there was a short pause and
take much more of this Mikeiko-sama” Kitashi turned a keen eye towards Mikeiko.
“Hai” Mikeiko said “He said he will be here and “Are you familiar with the work of Kitsu
he will!” Yumeji?”

Another impact to the shields caused both Mikeiko tilted her head for a moment.
samurai-ko’s to grab something to hold onto. “I’m familiar with his work to some extent. I am
Moro nodded and locked at the blinking light on told his link with his Kitsu ancestry allows him
her counsel. The shields would not be able to to perceive other realms.”
take much more of this.
“Prepare for boarders!” she ordered and begins “It does” Kitashi voice began to rise with his
plotting new coordinates for the helm. excitement. “He has been working on mapping
various realms to see if there are new hyperspace
************************ lanes to be found in between the spirit realms.
Of late his work has been on Yume-Do.”
Two Days ago. Asahina Kitashi was reading a
data pad and grinned. If his findings were correct Kitashi began keying up more information on
he may have stumbled upon the greatest find the holo emitter as he continued:
since the great clans discovered space travel. “Once of the larger realms, that was previously
believed to be permeant has recently begun to
He poured over the information again just to shrink in size, denoting that either the dreamers
make sure before looking up at his apprentice there are dying or waking up. He theorizes that
this realm may be where the Naga dreams are
“Have you heard of a race known as the Naga held.”
Mikeiko-san?” he asked with a grin.

“I have come across them in my studies, yes”

An image of the Shinomen forest turned vessel spiraled and then drifted the only thing
sideways showing a holographic image of the keeping it moving being the Mantis raider’s
earth below the forest. inertia.
“Kuni Sukumi has used thermographic imaging
for many years to track movement on Rokugan.” “A Mantis raider is disabled Taisa. The other
two are coming about. Our shields will not be
The old Asahina then leaned forward and able to withstand much more of this.”
pointed to a spot that had some discoloration as
if it were slightly warmer than the rest of the Suddenly, another ship decloaked and fired at
underground region. the two Mantis ships causing them to advert
their course with the Lady Wolf. It came up
“See the Naga are awakening. They rest here.” behind the two vessels and continued firing
before they had a chance to come about and face
“It’s only a theory though.” Mikeiko said the new threat.
although she was defiantly fascinated with these
findings. “Taisa! The Scorpion vessel is making a general
“A theory worth checking out. If the Naga
should wake now they will be wiped out. I will “Attention Mantis raiders, this is Scorpion
need you to go back to Rokugan Prime and find vessel Shadow. Stand down and depart or be
the Naga. Make sure they are safe.” destroyed!”

“I have no ship. How will I get there?” Mikeiko turned to Moro and smiled softly.
“I told you Kenzo-san would be here.”
Kitashi laughed some, not a mocking tone but
one full a bit of mirth. Moro scowled a bit and then nodded, if only the
Scorpion could be on time she thought to
“You have been a resourceful samurai. I know herself…
you have friends with ships. And I’m sure you
can find a crew willing to brave the deep to
reach Rokugan Prime. I would go myself but I
am too old to make such a trip. Instead I will go
see the Empress. If I can convince her to give
more resources to my project perhaps we can
save the entire race from a horrible fate.”

“Hai sama”. Mikeiko said and bowed gently.

“I will make my preparations”

With that she bowed again and took a few steps

backward, waiting till she had left his presence
before turning and exiting.


Three more hits rocked the Lady Wolf. Moro

was thankful that Daidoji engineers made firm
sturdy vessels. “Shields are collapsing Taisa!”

“Security teams prepare to repel borders. Helm

fire at these coordinates on my mark!”

The ship flew towards the damaged Mantis

vessels. Moro leaned forward and watched the
view screen.

“Fire!” The Lady Wolf launched volley of

torpedo impacting directly on the ship. The

It is a time of miracles…
With the advent of modern sensibilites came a
The year is 3121 by the Isawa Calendar, and the change in attitude, and perhaps greatest of all is
glorious Empire of Rokugan has spread to the the attitude towards commerce. Once treated as
stars. Using a unique blend of science and a necessary evil, now money is accepted an
mysticism, the samurai of the Great Clans have appropriate display of power and status... a
developed tools and techniques unimaginable to development no doubt spurred on by the Mantis.
their revered ancestors, and with them they have Which Clans and Samurai now willing to
left behind their earthly cradle and walked indulge in cash splendor, fantastic displays of
among the heavens themselves. Guided by the wealth are common among more decadent
immortal wisdom of their ancestors and three Samurai, and even a conservative is expected to
thousand years of unbroken tradition they have have the most expensive and top brand fashions
carried their art and civilization to even the in their wardrobe.
most distant star.
The Clans of Rokugan, having long since Ironically, this acceptance of wealth has proved
reached beyond their borders to conquer their a great boon to the Heimin class. With the focus
homeworld, have extended the Emperor's on the aquisition of wealth no longer looked
domain to the stars. Samurai have given the down upon, enterprising Heimin businessmen
Katana and Horse places of honor in their can begin to go into affairs for themselves
history and now take up Radiant Light Rifles without doors being closed off to them. More
and Starships to fulfill their duties to their lords. than one company, while technically sponsored
Samurai wield irradiated katanas forged of by a Great Clan, was started and brought to
billion-year-old asteroids, or from slivers of greatness by a Heimin CEO, and in some cases
neutron stars, imprinted with their ancestor's the wealth displayed by a Heimin businessman
genetic memories through blood-soaked re- or politician can be greater than that of a
forging. Bushi of all types wear armor both Samurai.
primitive and technological, mundane and
enchanted. There are no mecha, but many In order to keep the division between Heimin
samurai's armor have life support, rocket jets, and Samurai clear, new laws were codified to
power servos, magnetic pulse generators, etc. empower the Samurai class. After all, in an age
Some sport charms to ward against the where everyone is expected to gain an education
extradimensional Taint… and keep a consistent salary, extra effort must be
made to ensure one's status. First and foremost is
Where Clans once battled for supremacy over creation of the Credit system. While physical
miles of earth, they now vie for control over Koku and its delineations are still the realm of
entire planets and solar systems. Legions have Samurai, Credits, equal to 1000 per Koku, are
given way to Fleets, patrolling the emptiness the realm of Heimin, with Credits handed out in
between worlds with weaponry capable of bills of 1, 5, 10, 20 or 50. Only Samurai are
vaporizing entire armies. permitted to handle Koku. Any Heimin found
No less than fifty-seven-star systems now lie with the distinctive gold coin is immediately
under the aegis of the Divine Empress, Iweko arrested. In addition, only Samurai are permitted
CXII, ritually purified and accepted into the to wear the mon of their Clan and Family upon
ever-growing Empire of Emerald Stars of their clothing, and indeed to be found with such
Rokugan. Twice as many again are in the process an emblem on one’s person is arguably a greater
of being claimed and colonized by his most offense than that of the Koku: After all, one can
dutiful servants among the Eleven Great Clans, simply find a coin in the gutter if they are lucky.
and with each passing year new discoveries and To gain such an exquisite piece of clothing is
new conquests are reported back to the Imperial not only a Heimin pretending to be above their
Court by exultant samurai, each one eager to station, but they likely stole it in the first place.
earn glory among the stars and bring honor to
their lords. Power and influence shifts by the The modernization of Rokugan has resulted in a
day, each Clan driven to outdo their peers in a lax emphasis on what could be considered
relentless contest of skill and daring, and every 'manners'. While a peasant showing respect to a
year the star-lanes and space-ports seem to Samurai is naturally expected, the almost
explode in a tangled mess of violent conflict as draconian dress code and court intrigue is no
ambitious rivals make war upon their peers… longer strictly enforced outside of social or

formal occasions. Ironically enough, the other business to attend to and send
traditionalist Crane clan were one of the first representatives. The rest of the invites are
and strongest pushers for the lax dress codes. Of handled by the Chancellor, who mostly just
course, such a push was for economic reasons: As distributes them among the Clans to do what
they are the premier controllers of fashion, they like with. The host Clan and Imperial
looser standards for clothing means more variety, authorities can issue a few invites as well. The
and more variety means more opportunity for smaller Minor Clans usually rely on the Alliance
money to be made. While some Clans, such as to speak for them at Winter Court and trade
the Lion and Phoenix, remain as prudish as ever, many of their bonus invitations for favors.
some, especially the Scorpion, have become
famous and almost stereotypical for producing
individuals who are ready and willing to push For some Clans, their first impression is when
what is and isn't acceptable in fashion and sex they enter the host planet's orbit. It's become
appeal. something of a tradition for the major players to
try and make a dramatic entrance in the fanciest
ship they have. Not everyone cares -the Crab
usually just bring a practical transport ship, for
Rokugan has modernized, not just in cultural example-, and for most samurai there's no shame
standards and attitude, but technologically as in catching a shuttle or something as long as
well. Only the Unicorn extensively practive they show up on time—but a courtier who shows
riding steeds, and even then, only as a means of up in a dented piece of junk is going to look like
preserving heritage. Vehicles such as cars, a fool unless they can explain it away. Most
motorboats and starships are commonplace now, guests dock their ship at an orbital station and
and televisions, cell phones and more are take other transport to the surface. The Minor
everyday necessities. Clan Alliance is bringing their only Katana-class
battlecruiser, the Defiant.
Of course, the katana remains as vital as ever. During winter, these orbital stations are filled
Unwilling to let the symbol of their status with samurai who weren't invited to the Court
become truly obsolete, the discovery og Radiant but had to crew the ships. It's great time for
Energy, the power that enables faster than light tourism. What happens on the station usually
travel, brought the Katana back to the forefront, doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of
as the application of the energy to the katana things, but some samurai like to joke that there's
blade brought its edge to an almost impossible an informal second court going on up there.
sharpness and made them virtually unbreakable. Topics usually center on the kind liked by
In a world that had previously become samurai who crew spaceships and don't get
dominated by firearms, almost overnight the invited to parties: engineering, spaceship
katana was brought back to the forefront, designs, new technology, etc. As for security, the
especially when it was discovered Radiant host Clan is expected to have a fleet on hand to
Energy could be applied to personal armor as protect the Winter Court. Guests can bring their
well, significantly increasing its defensive own security, but besides guarding their docked
capabilities. Nowadays, many weapons have ships it's mostly ceremonial.
Radiant Energy applied to them to grant them a
greater edge in battle, and all but the most
pragmatic Samurai still yearn for the chance to
strike down their foe in close combat.

The total number of guests changes every year,

but there's a hard cap somewhere in the
hundreds to stop things getting out of hand.
Some people are automatically invited: The
Emperor, the Emperor's Chosen, the Jeweled
Champions, the Great Clans Champions, and
their family daimyo. Not all attend: they have

The Lion specialize in troop-carriers and when
forced into combat in space, almost invariably go
for ramming and boarding actions. They also
maintain a number of smaller escort vessels - not
nearly as many as the Mantis, but enough to
distract and harry long enough for the larger
assault boats to come to grips with the foe.
Vessels of the Badger clan are certainly few in
number but tend to be models of efficiency. The Mantis have turned to seeking their future
Access to mineral resources tends to produce beyond the boundaries of Rokugani space: the
vessels that are robust. Many functions are result of this would be their highly advanced
automated, which suits the personal shortage of navy -- a fleet wherein each individual craft is
the youngest of the major clans. Many vessels unrivaled in its ability to endure the harshness of
are genuine industrialized factories and equipped space in and out of the Emerald Empire, well-
for harvesting materials. In combat, their ships suited to the exploration of uncolonized sectors.
respect the ancestral belief of the badger clan: The Mantis are also known for their expertise in
Hit as hard as possible so that the enemy does ranged combat, and they were the first to
not have time to reply. They adore escape develop long-ranged beam weaponry.
tactics, use special combat strategies in non- Meanwhile, the Mantis that do remain within
empty spaces -like asteroid fields- and do not Rokugan carry out that which the Mantis have
hesitate to use their harvesting tools against been known for all along: larceny and piracy.
opponent ships. Many of their adversaries have They have fleets of smaller ships with a carrier-
blamed themselves for having judged lightly the based philosophy. They tend to swarm their foes,
obstinacy of the crews of these vessels. using high-mobility fighter craft to strike where
the foe is weak. They also generally tend to have
Crab ships are enormous, ponderous things with excellent and the most updated stellar maps.
quite a lot of armor and powerful weapons that
make up for any slowness or inaccuracy with area Owl ships are quite heterogeneous. They use
effect. As far as personal gear, they recognize equipment and arrangements that may seem
that there is a stigma attached to having armor strange even to the Dragon clan due to their
beefed up for additional toughness, shrug, and do duty to deal with alien species. Thus, they
it anyway. recover, adapt and have special technologies
that help them in their daily tasks but which are
Crane vessels are beautiful, elegant, and agile also often difficult to replace. As a result, their
with shielding that guides attacks to just miss, ships are mostly unique and precious and the
leading to a sort of "Dancing through the clan never ventures to use them in battle lightly.
raindrops" effect. Their shipboard weapons are However, this specificity sometimes obliges them
incredibly precise, but tend not to have to dispatch a particular vessel for a particular
particularly good power. They can slowly disable situation, which considerably increases the
and then cripple their foe, but it takes time and logistics. This is compensated by a number of
effort to line up a kill shot. So, they focus on smaller vessels when unusual equipment is not
evasion. required. Their interiors are often refined to
receive the best of foreign species but also in
Dragon vessels are weird. They tend to be memory of the prestigious family names that the
midrange, multirole ships. Rather than armor clan enjoys.
(decent but not amazing) or evasion (likewise)
they focus their defenses on active measures - Phoenix vessels are a dichotomy. The majority
shooting attacks out of the sky, or blocking them of their ships are on the small side. They're
with a particular form of point-defense shielding. extraordinarily well-designed and well-built,
They're also all deeply customized, and generally with highly trained crew. They can outfight
have a decent shugenja contingent aboard, with anything of their size or crew contingent.
overbuilt reactors providing power to a variety of They're also easily outnumbered by the larger,
special projects. You never really know what cheaper, more populous craft of any of the other
tricks a given Dragon vessel is going to pull out major clans. The very few larger ships, however,
until it does. are different. Referred to as the World breakers,
these vessels are designed to contain and make
full use of the sheer number and force of
Shugenja that the Phoenix can bring. The raw
power of these vessels is frankly horrifying, with

almost absurdly powerful shields, and mystic
attacks that are said to reach out and swat entire
fleets out of the sky. The Phoenix do not bring
these vessels to battle often, however - partly
because they do not wish to visit that horror
upon the other clans, and partially because if
they were often deployed, the other clans would
have to design and field counters to them.
Losing even one of the great ships would be
crippling to the clan, simply from the sheer
number of shugenja who would die with the

Scorpion vessels are hard to spot, and hard to

target. They have excellent ECW and ECCW,
the next best thing to cloaking, and a fondness
for torpedoes. Hunting a Scorpion vessel is
harrowing work. Of course, all of that comes at a
price. If you can manage to burn through the
fog, their mobility and evasion are mediocre, and
their durability is poor. The use of torpedoes also
means that they have limited stamina. Note that
the Scorpion often customizes their torpedoes to
the navy that they expect to be fighting. A well-
prepared Scorpion striking unexpectedly from
stealth can be deadly almost no matter who you
are. Dark rumors also speak of even quieter
boarding torpedoes, crammed full of stealth, that
allow the Scorpion to infiltrate ninja on board
mid-transit with no one the wiser. A saboteur
thus infiltrated cannot move too quickly or
openly, but over time, what they can do will
cripple the vessel, killing it slowly.

Spider vessels are varied but always disgusting for

all other clans, mixing technology with flesh and
maho. They always seem to emit dark energy
and fearing auras where they appear. They crew
often include large portions of undead or even
worse... Seeing a Spider vessel coming to you is
always a source of anxiety and nearly always bad
news. It’s dangerous to board such a ship because
you can never predict if you’ll leave it and what
you’ll find inside. Even more terrifying: they’re
often corrupted by Shadowlands Taint…

The Unicorn runs larger ships with powerful

radiant cannons strengthened by the power of
their shugenja. They’re well known for their hit-
and-run tactics using their superior engines.
They’ve also the most developed fleet of
transport vessels and have the fastest ships of the

All the ships and spatial stations are characterized by some values derivate from size:

1 0-1 10 5-20m 5 +6 600 Tanto

2 2-3 12 21-50m 7 +5 1500 Baraunghar, Teppoudo, Shuriken, Sherpa
3 4-9 14 51-100m 10 +4 3200 Atakebune, Ninja, Kobune, Tortoise, Yuso
4 10-27 16 100m-200m 14 +3 6500 Ide, Kagaku, Hankyu
5 28-81 18 200m-400m 19 +2 13200 Wakizashi, Igaku, Yumi
6 82-243 20 400m-800m 24 +1 26500 Katana
7 244-732 22 800m-1,5km 32 0 54000 Torid-e Station
8 733-2199 24 1,5km-3km 39 -1 1 09000 Daikyu
9 2200-6600 26 3km- 6 km 50 -2 2 20000 Testubo, Shiro Station
10 6601-19800 28 >7km 60 -3 5 00000 Kyuden Station

The ship Size is an exponential scale, only a of free equipment slots when removing increase,
global measure of her real size. Two ships of the it.
same size have nearly never the same measures.
One can be higher but shorter for example. The Movement modifier determines the easiness
of the ship to move. The larger a ship is, the
Nearly every ship must be operated by a slower she’ll be.
Minimum Crew for maximum efficiency. The
GM may decide when you don’t satisfy the The Average Basic cost gives an idea of the
minimum crew to reduce the console’s bonus by value of a new ship in koku without any
the same fraction of lacking crew. equipment.
(Ex: a size 4 ship needs 10 minimum crew members. If
she has only 5 crew members, it lacks 50% of The Insight Rank of a ship is measured by
minimum crew so all the bonus are reduced by 50%) adding all of a ship’s Rings together and
multiplying them by ten, then adding the total
Often, they also carry passengers but the total of her consoles’ bonuses together and adding it
number of people aboard a ship would never to the total from the Rings. (See Core Rules
exceed the Maximum crew value. The crew Book p.104 for more information)
capacity increases logically with the size of the (Ex: a ship with all five Rings at 2 and with a total of
ship. 20 ranks in bonuses would have an Insight of 120 and
an Insight Rank 2)
Each ship has a number of basic Traits Points
determined by the chart above. Those points The Initiative determines the order of action of
must be distributed between all the ship’s traits. all ships in a battle. The Initiative is equal to:
The traits measure the real capacities of a ship. Insight Rank + Reactivity Trait – Ship Size

The number of Equipment Slots determines the A ship may receive Shadowland Taint just like
quantity of additional equipment she can carry. any object or character. When a living creature
The higher the ship size, the higher would be the travels aboard a corrupted ship, she receives
equipment slot number, just because she has automatically 1 shadowland taint point per
more place to wear equipment. Number of complete week. All ships begin their life with a
equipment slots is determined in the table shadowland taint of 0. Some weapons effects,
above. Installing new equipment reduce number magic or environmental conditions may increase

The Air Ring is determined by adding the ship
overall Shields output Trait and its Reactivity
trait. All the Radiant shields output are
The ship’s rings functions quite the same way as
calculated with the Air Ring as a basic. The
those of a creature or a character. They’re still
reactivity measures the easiness to maneuver and
limited to a value of 10 but have not the same
operates the ship properly. When the Air Ring is
reduced to 0, the ship cannot restore her shields,
crew operations are really difficult and she is
The Earth Ring is determined by the addition of
exposed to all the dangers of space. Move
the overall structural Solidity trait and the level
without an operating shield can be very
of internal Security trait of the ship. It gives the
hazardous as even the smallest asteroid could
number of Hull Structural Points of the ship, her
damage the hull.
“Life Points” and the Hull Reduction, her
Shield Regeneration: Air Ring x 2 Per round.
“Armor TN”, just as a samurais. The higher the
Earth Ring should be, the more difficult it would
The Void Ring is equal to the ship’s Artificial
be to penetrate the ship or her computers. High
Intelligence Trait -1. It functions the same way
values translate multiple indoor shielded doors
as for the samurais except that a ship has her
or highly efficient antivirus or security programs.
own reserve of Void Points that can be used only
When the structural points or Earth Ring values
to augment rolls based on the ship’s systems. To
are reduced to 0, the ship is very vulnerable.
recuperate Void Points, the ship must dock at a
station or land (if she can) for at least 8
Basic Hull Structural Points = Earth Ring X20 X
uninterrupted hours.
Ship Size
Basic Hull Reduction = Earth Ring X2

The Fire Ring is calculated by adding the ship’s

Power output trait to its global Artificial
Intelligence trait. For example, radiant weapons
damages are calculated with the Fire Ring. A
high artificial intelligence trait denotes the ship
capacity to do things by herself without crew
assistance. When the Fire Ring is reduced to 0,
the ship is disabled. The crew relies only on raw
power from emergency batteries to maintain Life
Support systems, cannot open fire (even with
projectile weapons as they are guided by
computer) or operate other complex systems like
computers programs.

The Water Ring is obtained by adding the ship’s

sub light Engine output trait with the strength of
her Sensors trait. The higher the ring, the faster
the ship would be and the farer she would
perceive. Even Large ships or stations have a
Water Ring value of 1 at least in form of
positioning thrusters but also to see properly
what is around her. When the Water Ring is
reduced to 0, the ship is adrift and blinded. She
is in danger has she see nothing, cannot move by
herself and drift in space. Orbiting ships and
stations loss their orbital stability and should be
destroyed if they enter the atmosphere without
the appropriate equipment.
Movement Rate= Water Ring + Movement

The larger a ship is, slower she will be as the size increase the risk of collision. Travelling without fresh
information or to unknown space is very hazardous. Most of known Rokugan space is equipped with
Yumeji News Network relays and beacons that provide up to date navigational information.

1 9 squares 11 squares 13squares 3300 km/h 2 400 000 km/h

1 8 squares 10 squares 12squares 3000 km/h 2 100 000 km/h
2 7 squares 9 squares 11 squares 2700 km/k 1 800 000 km/h
2 6 squares 8 squares 10 squares 2400 km/h 1 600 000 km/h
3 5 squares 7 squares 9 squares 2100 km/h 1 400 000 km/h
4 4 squares 6 squares 8 squares 1800 km/h 1 200 000 km/h
5 3 squares 5 squares 7 squares 1500 km/h 1 000 000 km/h
6 2 squares 4 squares 6 squares 1200 km/h 800 000 km/h
7 2 squares 3 squares 5 squares 900 km/h 600 000 km/h
8 1 square 2 squares 3 squares 600 km/h 400 000 km/h
9 0 square 1 square 2 squares 300 km/h 200 000 km/h
9 0 square 0 square 1 square Maintain position Maintain position

Movement Rate= Ring Water + Movement Modifier

Ramming Damage= Size² X Movement squares of the last action

* With a speed of 3 squares, Superior Engine equipment not included

* No additional raise to the Spell Casting Roll or time reducing equipment included

weapons of the ship in times of battles and
monitors launch bay activity.
The ship’s crew uses computers for all the
operations inside the ship. When a crew member The Navigation console contains all stellar maps
uses a ship system aboard the ship to make and last navigation information at disposal and it’s
something, she adds a bonus after making the roll. often linked to Piloting console that controls ship
The bridge (or cockpit) often has specialized thrusters, engines and acceleration dampeners.
stations for special uses:
The Engineering console is often in the main
engine room of the ship and controls hull integrity,
ship shields, power supplies, energy allocation,
Environmental and Ship Size All rolls made computer core and program operations, etc.
Survival to survive
aboard The Science console is a derivate and specialized
Security Ship’s Earth Investigation tactical console about science activity and research.
Ring (Intern She contains a Science database and mainly uses
operations) the ships ‘sensors and radars to examine the outside
Engineering Ship’s Earth Artisan, Craft,
Ring Engineering,
of the ship and conduct experiments.
Communication Ship’s Water Courtier, The Medical console is at the sickbay of the ship.
Ring Cryptography, Often coupled to relay the environmental and
Etiquette, survival systems, medical console can detect largely
Sincerity, spread diseases and poisons. She serves to
Commerce, coordinate the medical care and global health of
Intimidation, the crew.
Tactical Ship’s Fire Battle, Defense,
Ring Hunting, Ship
Navigation Ship’s Water Navigation All the ships are considered to have the minimum
Ring vital accommodations to support their crew such as
Piloting Ship’s Air Piloting, crew barracks or cockpit, life and environmental
Ring Stealth (ship)
systems, acceleration dampeners, artificial gravity,
Science Ship’s Investigation
Artificial (Extern simple computers, etc. Equipment Slots only serve
Intelligence operations), to track and measure special or advanced
relevant Lore equipment.
Medical Ship’s Medicine,
Artificial relevant Lore The Cost of all of these ship weapons, ship shields,
Intelligence upgrades and pieces of equipment is roughly equal
to: Number of slots (after applying clan reduction)
The Environmental and Survival station is the X 100 kokus.
working console for all minimum vital
accommodations to support the crew just as Time for installing or modifying equipment (in
artificial gravity, air recycling and conditioning days): (Ship Size) X (Number of Equipment Slots
system, food supplies, lights, oxygen supplies, water of the modified equipment) / (Number of workers)
and waste recycling, etc. It’s is totally independent
from all others systems with its own backup

The Security console govern all the internal

security, not only prisoners’ cells but also internal
gas, fire or radiation detectors, computer anti-virus
programs, intrusion detectors, etc. It’s also often
coupled to the Communication console that
servers emit both internal and external messages
and contains languages translator’s algorithms and
Tactical console that mainly controls shields and
cloaking devices activation, sensors, radars and

Damage: 10k8 (Ignores 8 points of
Reduction against targets not protected by
radiant shields. A hit also inflicts 4k4 of
“splash” damage to anything one square of
Slot Size: 1
the impact point.
Operating Skill: Use Computer
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per round
(Tactical)/ Intelligence
Range: 5
Damage: (Fire RingX1)k2 Ignores 5 points
Slot Size: 3 (-1 for Hare)
of Reduction against targets not protected
Operating Skill: Use Computer
by radiant shields)
(Tactical)/ Intelligence
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per round
Range: 1
Damage: 0. All Spell casting rolls within a
4X4 square area must be done with 3
Slot Size: 3
Raises or fail automatically
Operating Skill: Use Computer
Rate of Fire: 1 layering per round
(Tactical)/ Intelligence
Often used to set traps, blockades or ambushes, it
Range: 5
disrupts the capacities of shugenjas and interferes
Damage: (Fire RingX2)k5 (Ignores 10
thus with a fleet capacity to retreat.
points of Reduction against targets not
protected by radiant shields. The damage
applies to the point of impact. If the target
Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Hare)
is not sufficient to stop the blast (GM’s
Operating Skill: Use Computer
discretion), the cannon applies 6k6 to
(Tactical)/ Intelligence
everything in a hundred-foot line behind
Range: 1
the point of impact, then 4k4 for another
Damage: 4k4 (Ignites when a ship is next
hundred-foot line beyond that.
to her. Ignores 5 points of Reduction
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per minute
against targets not protected by radiant
shields. A hit also inflicts 2k2 of “splash”
damage to anything within 2 squares of
Slot Size: 6
the impact point)
Operating Skill: Use Computer (Tactical)/
Rate of Fire: 1 layering per round
Often used to set traps, blockades or ambushes.
Range: 10
Damage: (Fire RingX4)k10 (Ignores all
Reduction, including the Reduction
Slot Size: 2
generated by the Isawa Fleetguard’s Ward
Operating Skill Use Computer (Tactical)/
of the Elements technique. The damage
applies to the point of impact, as well as
Range: 1
inflicting 5k5 of “splash” damage to
Damage: 4k4 (Ignites on impact. Ignores 5
anything within 2 squares of the target. If
points of Reduction against targets not
the target is not sufficient to stop the blast
protected by radiant shields. A hit also
(GM’s discretion), the cannon applies 6k6
inflicts 2k2 of “splash” damage to anything
to everything in a hundred-foot line
within 2 squares of the impact point.
behind the point of impact, then 4k4 for
Rate of Fire: 1 drop per round
another hundred-foot line beyond that.
Used in bombing raids against terrestrial
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per five minutes
Special: Fear 3 when used. If at least one
crew member operating the Daitsuchi has
the Ship Weapons Emphasis from the
Slot Size: 3
Engineering Skill, the Daitsuchi gains
Operating Skill: Use Computer
+1k0 to its attack roll.
(Tactical)/ Intelligence
Range: 1
Damage: 6k6 (Ignites on impact. Ignores 5
Slot Size: 4
points of Reduction against targets not
Operating Skill: Use Computer
protected by radiant shields. A hit also
(Tactical)/ Intelligence
inflicts 3k3 of “splash” damage to anything
Range: 8
within 2 squares of the impact point.
Unprotected flammable targets catch fire.)

Rate of Fire: 1 drop per round
Used in bombing raids against terrestrial Slot Size: 3
installations. This weapon is considered terribly Operating Skill: Use Computer
dishonorable for which employs. (Tactical)/ Intelligence
Range: 4x4 squares
Damage: (Fire RingX2) k2. All the ships
Slot Size: 3 with the sphere of influnce take the
Operating Skill: Use Computer damages.
(Tactical)/ Intelligence Rate of Fire: 1 shoot per min
Range: 8 This weapon causes a shield flash that emits radiant
Damage: 6k4 (Ignores 4 points of energy in all directions. Used for ship personal
Reduction against targets not protected by defense against fighters and small vessels. It can
radiant shields. A hit also inflicts 2k4 of have tremendous effects if employed within a fleet.
“splash” damage to anything within one
square of the impact point.
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per round Slot Size: 2
Operating Skill: Artillery/ Reflexes
Range: 5
Slot Size: 5 per piece Damage: The spiders of Kumo's Children
Operating Skill: Use Computer land upon the Hull of the ship and begin
(Tactical)/ Intelligence to rip at the armor plating.
Range: 8 The aim of this is to reduce a ships
Damage: 10k10+30 (Ignores all Reduction reduction. Unless dealt within 2 rounds
against targets not protected by radiant will create a spot on the ship with no
shields. A hit also inflicts 10k8 of thermal reduction that requires 3 raises to hit it.
“splash” damage to anything within 6x6 Each following Round will reduce the
squares of the impact point and EMP pulse number of raises required.
disable all non-protected electronic Should they remain still not dealt with
devices in a 100km radius. after 5 rounds, they will detonate for 3k3
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per 10 minutes damage. Fortunately, the machines are
Considered the most blasphemous, dishonoring and designed to rip plates up, not cling to ships
last resort weapon, an imperial edict forbids its use Rate of fire: 1 shot per minute (5 per shot)
against any rokugani targets.

Slot Size: 1
Slot Size: 1 Operating Skill: Artillery/ Intelligence
Operating Skill: Use Computer (Tactical)/ Range: 5
Intelligence Damage: A raise must be called to this
Range: 8 weapon's attack roll due before firing.
Damage: 1k1 Upon a successful hit, the enemy ship rolls
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per round earth (TN 25) or a system is disabled for 5
Special: The ship has Chain Weapon Skill rounds. Popular targets include Engines,
by herself with a +1k1 bonus to its user. Shielding, 5 Equipment slots worth of
weapons or Life Support.
Targeting the last one is considered
Slot Size: 4 similar to poisoning someone.
Operating Skill: Use Computer (Tactical)/ Rate of Fire: 1 shot per 1 minute
Range: 4
Damage: 0 Operating Skill: Pilot/ Reflexes
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per round Slot Size: 2
Special: Effective only if the shoot hit the Range: 10
hull. The crew of the targeted ship must Damage: -
attempt an Earth Ring/Stamina roll Rate of Fire: 1 shot per round
against a TN equal to the Attack roll – Not technically a weapon, boarding pods are found
the targeted ship size. All who failed their on most large ships. The Pilot of the pod rolls
roll by 5 are Dazed. All who failed their Pilot/Reflexes. On hit, the targeted ship has a
roll by 10 or more are Stunned. Perceived contested roll Earth vs Pilot's Fire. Success leads to
as a very dishonorable tactic. Hull Breach.

Slot Size: Shield Trait (-1 for Phoenix)
Operating Skill: None
The Ship Shields trait is considered on rank higher
Slot Size: 2
for determining shields points only (doesn’t add to
Operating Skill: Use Computer (Tactical)/
air ring). Only one equipment of this kind will be
effective per ship even if more than one can be
Provides shield protection equals to Shield trait

Slot Size: 4 (-1 for Crab)

Slot Size: 3
Operating Skill: None
Operating Skill: Use Computer (Tactical)/
The Ship Earth’s Ring is considered on rank higher
for determining Hull Reduction only. Maximum
Provides shield protection equals to Shield trait
one equipment of this kind per ship.

Slot Size: 4
Operating Skill: Use Computer (Tactical)/
Provides shield protection equals to Shield trait Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Mantis, -2 for
X20 Seahorse)
Operating Skill: None
The ship can operate and fly in aquatic condition
Slot Size: 6 and is able to land or dock under water.
Operating Skill: Use Computer (Tactical)/
Intelligence Slot Size: 2
Provides shield protection equals to Shield trait Operating Skill: None
X30 The ship can operate and fly in atmospheric
condition and is able to land or dock on a planet.

Slot Size: 5 (-3 for Scorpion)

Operating Skill: Use Computer Slot Size: Size of the ship (-1 for Beaver
(Tactical)/ Intelligence and Dragon)
The ship has Stealth Skill with a bonus of +3k3 to Operating Skill: None
operator and can totally disappear from direct view Reduce minimum crew by one half (rounded up).
but cannot activate shields or weapons when Augment minimum cost by one half. Only one
cloaked. Rolls to detect her must be done with 4 equipment of this kind will be effective per ship
Raises or fail automatically. Only one equipment of even if more than one can be installed.
this kind will be effective per ship even if more
than one can be installed.
Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Tortoise)
Operating Skill: Computer Use
Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Crab) (Engineering)/Intelligence
Operating Skill: None A Cargo Jettison System allows a ship to dump part
Provides to the ship crew a +0k2 bonus in Earth or all its cargo into space without docking or
Ring only to resist Shadowland Taint. slowing down. This system is most often used by

Slot Size: 3 (-1 for Scorpion)

Operating Skill: None Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Crane and Imperial)
The ship has Stealth Skill and provides a +1k1 to Operating Skill: Use Computer
operator. Rolls to detect her must be done with 2 (Tactical)/Perception
Raises or fail automatically. Only one equipment of Rolls of Tactical systems made to fire a torpedo,
this kind will be effective per ship even if more missile or bomb weapon on this ship must be done
than one can be installed. with 2 Raises or fail automatically.

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Crane and Imperial) Slot Size: 4 (-2 for Mantis)
Operating Skill: Use Computer Operating Skill: Courtier/Awareness
(Communications)/Perception This ship has the capacity to carry and launch an
Rolls to send electronic messages on an area of 4x4 equivalent of 50 ship size’s points but cannot carry
squares centered on this ship must be done with 2 a craft larger than size 3.
Raises or fail automatically.

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Phoenix)

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Spider) Operating Skill: Computer
Operating Skill: None Use/Intelligence
Replace the Fire Ring value by the Shadowland Provides to the ship crew a +0k1 bonus in
Taint Rank of the ship value when calculating the Spellcraft and Divination Skills. Augment the ship
damage of her Radiant weapons. Each shot cause a Void point maximum by 1.
number of points of Shadowland Taint equal to
Shadowland Taint Rank of the ship. Only one
equipment of this kind will be effective per ship Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Lion or Crab)
even if more than one can be installed. Operating Skill: Computer Use
When this special system is activated, the Ship
Power trait is considered one rank higher. Cause 20
Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Butterfly, Mantis and
damages to the hull without Reduction each round
the system is maintained operative.
Operating Skill: Computer Use
Cryogenic chambers are hibernation systems that
Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Scorpion)
allow live creatures to be carried in stasis. Useful to
Operating Skill: None
haul herds of livestock, carry critically injured
The ship size is considered 1 less for purpose of
passengers, dangerous animals or criminal
Opening a space way casting roll only.

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Brotherhood and

Slot Size: Size of the ship X0,5 (rounded
Operating Skill: None
Operating Skill: None
Provides to the ship crew a +0k1 bonus in
Augment minimum crew by one quarter rounded
Meditation and Tea Ceremony Skills aboard this
up. Add 2 Equipment slots.
ship. Augment the ship Void point maximum by 2.

Slot size: 1
Slot Size: Size of the ship X1
Operating Skill: Pilot/Reflexes
Operating Skill: None
Sometimes the best captains know when to live
Augment the maximum crew by the basic value of
and fight another day.
maximum crew.

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Crane and Ibis)

Slot Size: 4 (-2 for Spider)
Operating Skill: Use Computer
Operating Skill: Intimidation/Awareness
Reduce minimum crew by one half. No
The Ship Water Ring is considered on rank higher
environmental or survival systems needed. Add
for determining Communication bonus only.
half of the Ship size (rounded down) to maximum
equipment slots. Augment the ship Shadowland
Taint by 2 ranks that cannot be removed. Only one
Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Lion and Crab)
equipment of this kind will be effective per ship
Operating Skill: None
even if more than one can be installed.
Augment the ship’s Initiative by 1.

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Mantis and Lion) Slot Size: Size of the ship X1 (-1 for
Operating Skill: None Tanuki and Ibis)
Provides to the ship crew a +0k1 bonus in Jiujutsu, Operating Skill: Commerce/ Intelligence
Kenjutsu and Firearms Skills aboard the ship. Provides to the ship crew a +0k1 bonus in Perform,
Acting and Games Skills. For each buy you can
find a kind of this equipment for all the crew: a
Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Moth and Badger) food system, a holographic cinema projection, a
Operating Skill: Computer small shop, a bath installation, a hydroponic
Use/Intelligence garden…
Provides to the ship crew a +0k1 bonus in
Computer Use Skill
Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Crab)
Operating Skill: Computer Use
Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Unicorn) (Engineering)/Intelligence
Operating Skill: Piloting/ Reflexes The Ship Earth Ring is considered on rank higher
The Ship Water Ring is considered on rank higher for determining Engineering bonus aboard this
for determining Maximum Speed only. ship.

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Otter)

Operating Skill: Computer Use
(Medicine)/ Intelligence
Provides to the ship crew a +2 bonus when using a
medical console aboard this ship

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Mantis)

Operating Skill: Computer Use
The Ship Water Ring is considered on rank higher
for determining Navigation console bonus and the
Ship Air Ring the same way for Piloting bonus
aboard this ship.
Reduce travel time between destinations 10%.

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Dragon and Phoenix)

Operating Skill: Computer Use
Provides to the ship crew a +2 bonus when using a
science console aboard this ship

Slot Size: 2(-1 for Dragon and Scorpion)

Operating Skill: Computer Use
The Ship Earth Ring is considered on rank higher
for determining Security bonus aboard this ship.

Slot Size: 2 (-1 for Lion)

Operating Skill: Computer Use
The Ship Fire Ring is considered on rank higher for
determining Tactical bonus aboard this ship.

Size: 6
Approximate Cost: 28700 kokus (new)
Crew: 200 Passengers: 40
Standard Class Equipment:
o Daitsuchi-class Heavy Radiant
Cannon (10g10 +1 dmg)
Size: 9 o Ballista-class Heavy Missile
Approximate Cost: 225600 kokus (new) Launcher (10g8 dmg)
Crew: 6000 Passengers: 600 o Heavy Radiant Shield: 60 pts
Standard Class Equipment: Free Slots: 2
o Daitsuchi-class Heavy Radiant
Cannon (x2) (10g10+1 dmg) WATER: 2 AIR: 3 FIRE: 3 EARTH: 2 VOID: 2
o Ju-class Medium Radiant Cannon Hull Points: 240 Initiative: -2 Reduction: 4
(x2) (8g5 dmg), Movement Rate: 3 Insight Rank: 1
o Ballista-class Heavy Missile
Launcher (x2) (10g8 dmg) With its sleek lines and a shape reminiscent of the
o Heavy Radiant Shield: 60 pts weapon whose name it bears, the Katana is present
Free Slots: 13 in the fleets of all clans, although the numbers
fielded vary greatly due to the vast. At the bare
WATER: 4 AIR: 3 FIRE: 3 EARTH: 3 VOID: 2 minimum, however almost every family in each
Hull Points: 540 Initiative: -4 Reduction: 6 Great Clan maintains at least one of these
Movement Rate: 2 Insight Rank: 2 magnificent ships as its flagship.

Tetsubo-class is very rare and carries enough Example of Ships in service:

firepower to rival no less than 3 katana-class -Akodo (Lion): The first katana-class ship
dangerous ships. produced in 2841
-Peaceful (Crane): Asahina family ship produced in
Example of Ships in service: 2872
-Emerald Blade (Imperial): Personal flagship of the -Tsukune (Phoenix): This World breaker is
Emerald champion. Has protective shields that are rumored to have superior firepower to any other
vastly superior to anything commanded by other save perhaps the Emerald Champion’s own
contemporary craft. Emerald Blade, although the Tsukune has rarely
-Chomchog (Unicorn): Fitted to be self-sustainable been deployed
over long periods of time, it often orbits newly -The Revenant (Spider): The Daigotsu family’s
discovered planets, serving as a temporary station. lead battlecruiser is a monstrosity of steel and flesh
It is lightly armed for such a large vessel, and as which very few samurai would wish to even see, let
such is often allowed in other clans’ systems, giving alone board.
the Unicorn considerable advantages for their -The Vigilant (Scorpion): A patrol ship.
commercial and diplomatic efforts. -The Defiant (Minor Clan Alliance): Financed by
-Katsumaru (Imperial): It is one of many several clans jointly and deployed only when the
bureaucracy-ships in the Exploration Corps. The majority of the Alliance votes for it.
hundreds of the Imperial family samurai that live in
this converted battleship help oversee the Corps,
direct its efforts, and generally do the paperwork.

Size: 5
Size: 3
Approximate Cost: 15200 kokus (new)
Approximate Cost: 4000 kokus (new)
Crew: 30 Passengers: 50
Crew: 5 Passengers: 4
Standard Class Equipment:
Standard Class Equipment:
o Ju-class Medium Radiant Cannon
o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation
(x2) (8g5 dmg)
o Aquatic Operations Adaptation
o Medium Radiant Shield: 45 pts
o Arachi-class Light Radiant
Free Slots: 5
Cannon (5g2 dmg)
o Light Radiant Shield: 20pts
Free Slots: 2 (3 for Mantis, 4 for Seahorse)
Hull Points: 200 Initiative: -2 Reduction: 4
Movement Rate: 4 Insight Rank: 1
Hull Points: 60 Initiative: 0 Reduction: 2
Far and away the most numerous ships found in the
Movement Rate: 6 Insight Rank: 1
fleets of Rokugan, slightly less than half the sizes of
a Katana-class, but require only a fraction of her
A smaller ship utilized mostly by the Mantis Clan,
it the smallest and remarkably swift vessel that can
bear the name of cruiser.
Example of Ships in service:
Example of Ships in service:
The Solitary (Unicorn)
-Crocodile’s Tooth (Crocodile)
-Hachiko (Dog)
Size: 5
Approximate Cost: 15500 kokus (used) Senkyōshi (The Brotherhood of Shinsei)
Crew: 50 Passengers: 30
Equipment: Size: 3
o Ju-class Medium Radiant Cannon Approximate Cost: 4200 kokus (used)
(x2) (8g5 dmg) Crew: 5 Passengers: 5
o Shinkei sogai Neural Inhibition Equipment:
Ray Cannon o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation
o Grappling Launcher (X2) (1g1 o Medium Radiant Shield: 75 pts
dmg) o Meditation Chamber
o Medium Radiant Shield: 60 pts o Countermeasure Systems
o Superior Engines (X2) Free Slots: 0
Free Slots: 0
WATER: 3 AIR: 4 FIRE: 4 EARTH: 4 VOID: 5 Hull Points: 300 Initiative: +6 Reduction: 10
Hull Points: 400 Initiative: +3 Reduction: 8 Movement Rate: 7 Insight Rank: 4
Movement Rate: 7 Insight Rank: 4

Size: 3
Approximate Cost: 4100 kokus (new)
Crew: 6 Passengers: 1
Standard Class Equipment: Size: 5
o Stealth Capacity Approximate Cost: 15400 kokus (new)
o Arachi-class Light Radiant Crew: 30 Passengers: 51
Cannon (5g2 dmg) Standard Class Equipment:
o Light Radiant Shield: 20pts o Arachi-class Light Radiant
o Superior Science System Cannon (X2) (5g2 dmg)
Free Slots: 1 (3 for Scorpion) o Medium Radiant Shield +
Reinforced Shields (60 pts)
WATER: 2 AIR: 2 FIRE: 2 EARTH: 1 VOID: 1 o Superior Medical Systems (X2)
Hull Points: 60 Initiative: 0 Reduction: 2 Free Slots: 2 (4 for Otter, 3 for Phoenix)
Movement Rate: 6 Insight Rank: 1
A rumored Scorpion cruiser class with advanced Hull Points: 200 Initiative: -1 Reduction: 4
stealth technology and unrivaled surveillance Movement Rate: 4 Insight Rank: 1
Igaku are mobile hospitals carrying enough medical
Example of Ships in service: material to provide significant help. Passengers of
this ship are mostly patients. Many convoys have
Scorpion’s sting (Scorpion) often a medical frigate escorting them.

Size: 3 Example of Ships in service:

Approximate Cost: 4400 kokus (used)
Crew: 12 Passengers: 1 Wisdom of Furokujin (Phoenix)
o Arachi-class Light Radiant Size: 5
Cannon (X2) (3g5 dmg) Approximate Cost: 15500 kokus (used)
o Medium Radiant Shield: 30 pts Crew: 30 Passengers: 75
o Cloaking Device Equipment:
o Superior Science Systems o Hareyakana-Class Radiant Aura
Free Slots: 0 Projector (5g2 dmg)
o Light Radiant Shield +
WATER: 4 AIR: 3 FIRE: 3 EARTH: 4 VOID: 4 Reinforced Shields: 40 pts
Hull Points: 240 Initiative: +4 Reduction: 8 o Passenger Extension Module
Movement Rate: 8 Insight Rank: 3 o Superior Medical Systems (x2)
Free Slots: 0


Hull Points: 500 Initiative: +2 Reduction: 10
Movement Rate: 6 Insight Rank: 3

Size: 4 Size: 4
Approximate Cost: 7800 kokus (new) Approximate Cost: 8600 kokus (new)
Crew: 20 Passengers: 7 Crew: 20 Passengers: 22
Standard Class Equipment: Standard Class Equipment:
o Arachi-class Light Radiant o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation
Cannon (2g5 dmg) o Aquatic Operations Adaptation
o Heavy Radiant Shield: 60pts o Arachi-class Light Radiant
o Superior Science Systems (X2) Cannon (2g5 dmg)
Free Slots: 1 (3 for Dragon or Phoenix) o Medium Radiant Shield: 30 pts
o Superior Science Systems
WATER: 2 AIR: 2 FIRE: 2 EARTH: 2 VOID: 1 o Equipment Extension Module
Hull Points: 160 Initiative: -1 Reduction: 4 (x2)
Movement Rate: 5 Insight Rank: 1 Free Slots: 2 (3 for Seahorse)

A vessel designed to provide a mobile facility for WATER: 2 AIR: 2 FIRE: 2 EARTH: 2 VOID: 1
science studies and expeditions. Hull Points: 160 Initiative: -1 Reduction: 4
Movement Rate: 5 Insight Rank: 1
Example of Ships in service:
Designed for long-range exploration and longtime
The Eye of Kitsuki (Dragon) missions.

Size: 4 Example of Ships in service:

Approximate Cost: 11350 kokus (used) -Ide(Unicorn): produced in 3120 with phoenix
Crew: 30 Passengers: 2 collaboration in an effort to cross the western
Equipment: frontier of the Empire. Considered lost but
o Arashi-Class Light Radiant retrieved on year later.
Cannon (2g2 dmg)
o Medium Radiant Shield: 40 pts
o Superior Computer Core
o Holographic Communication
o Superior Science Systems (x2)
Free Slots: 1


Hull Points: 320 Initiative: +3 Reduction: 8
Movement Rate: 7 Insight Rank: 3

Size: 5
Approximate Cost: 14800 kokus (new)
Crew: 20 Passengers: 50
Standard Class Equipment:
o Launch Bay
o Medium Radiant Shield: 45pts
o Arashi-class Light Radiant
Size: 8 Cannon X2 (2g2)
Approximate Cost: 113800 kokus (new) Free Slots: 5 (7 for Mantis)
Crew: 800 Passengers: 1400
Standard Class Equipment: WATER: 2 AIR: 3 FIRE: 2 EARTH: 2 VOID: 2
o Launch Bay X2 Hull Points: 200 Initiative: -1 Reduction: 1
o Super Heavy Radiant Shield: 90 Movement Rate: 4 Insight Rank: 1
o Arashi-class Light Radiant The most common class of carrier can transport
Cannon X4 (2g2 dmg) and maintain 50 fighters of any class.
Free Slots: 3 (7 for Mantis)


Hull Points: 480 Initiative: -4 Reduction: 6
Movement Rate: 5 Insight Rank: 1

Rare, they’re capable of fielding 100 Tanto-class

fighters or 50 of heavier ones.

Example of Ships in service: Size: 4

Approximate Cost: 7700 kokus (new)
The Nest of the Wasp (Mantis) Crew: 10 Passengers: 27
Standard Class Equipment:
o Launch Bay
Size: 8 o Medium Radiant Shield: 45pts
Approximate Cost: o Arashi-class Light Radiant
Crew: 750 Passengers: 2150 Cannon X2 (2g2)
Equipment: Free Slots: 2 (4 for Mantis)
o Launch Bay X2
o Super Heavy Radiant Shield + WATER: 2 AIR: 2 FIRE: 2 EARTH: 2 VOID: 1
Reinforced Shields: 150 pts Hull Points: 160 Initiative: 0 Reduction: 4
o Arashi-class Light Radiant Movement Rate: 5 Insight Rank: 1
Cannon X5 (2g2 dmg)
o Internal Command Center The smallest carrier can hold only a single
Free Slots: 0 squadron of 25 tanto fighters and must often rely
on her fighters for her own defense.
Hull Points: 640 Initiative: +0 Reduction: 8
Movement Rate: 3 Insight Rank: 3

Size: 4
Approximate Cost: 7900 kokus (new)
Size: 3 Crew: 10 Passengers: 27
Approximate Cost: 4100 kokus (new) Standard Class Equipment:
Crew: 5 Passengers: 8 o Passenger Extension Module
Standard Class Equipment: o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation
o Arashi-class Light Radiant o Light Radiant Shield: 10pts
Cannon (1g2 dmg) o Reinforced Hull
o Light Radiant Shield :20 pts Free Slots: 0 (1 for Crab)
o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation
Free Slots: 3 WATER: 2 AIR: 1 FIRE: 1 EARTH: 3 VOID: 0
Hull Points: 320 Initiative: -1 Reduction: 8
WATER: 2 AIR: 2 FIRE: 1 EARTH: 2 VOID: 0 Movement Rate: 5 Insight Rank: 1
Hull Points: 120 Initiative: 0 Reduction: 4
Movement Rate: 6 Insight Rank: 1 Very tough and robust ship, used to carry up to 27
persons safely to battlefields. But she is not
The most common type of ship seen in the trade- adaptable, has very low accommodations and
lanes and skies of the Empire. comfort to offer and wears no weapons.

Size: 3
Approximate Cost: 4000 kokus (new)
Size: 2
Crew: 2 Passengers: 7
Approximate Cost: 2100 kokus (new)
Standard Class Equipment:
Crew: 2 Passengers: 1
o Light Radiant Shield: 20 pts
Standard Class Equipment:
o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation
o Light Radiant Shield :10 pts
o Recreation and Entertaining
o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation
o Cargo Jettison System
Free Slots: 2 (3 for Tanuki and Ibis)
Free Slots: 1 (2 for Tortoise)
Hull Points: 120 Initiative: 0 Reduction: 4
Hull Points: 80 Initiative: 0 Reduction: 4
Movement Rate: 8 Insight Rank: 1
Movement Rate: 7 Insight Rank: 1
This shuttle is the standard mean of transport for a
Used to carry containers from planet to planets, she
samurai on personal journey in space.
has very low accommodations or comfort to offer.

Size: 2
Approximate Cost: 2500 kokus (new)
Size: 1 Crew: 2 Passengers: 0
Crew:1 Passengers: 0 Standard Class Equipment:
Approximate Cost: 1000 kokus (new) o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation
Standard Class Equipment: o Light Radiant Shield: 10pts
o Arashi-class Light Radiant Free Slots: 7
Cannon (1g2 dmg)
o Light Radiant Shield: 10pts WATER: 2 AIR: 2 FIRE: 1 EARTH: 1 VOID: 0
o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation Hull Points: 40 Initiative: +1 Reduction: 2
Free Slots: 1 Movement Rate: 7 Insight Rank: 1

WATER: 2 AIR: 1 FIRE: 1 EARTH: 1 VOID: 0 Versatile “heavy” fighter used to carry a bomb
Hull Points: 20 Initiative: +1 Reduction: 2 dropper, a mine layer or a torpedo launcher. She
Movement Rate: 8 Insight Rank: 1 must be escorted by other fighters because has only
A small, single-pilot combat craft, vital to any limited dogfighting capacity.
fleet. These “fighters” are used to great effect during
large-scale battles but are unable to access faster
than light travel even if the pilot is a shugenja.

Size: 2
Approximate Cost: 2600 kokus (new)
Crew: 2 Passengers: 0
Size: 2 Standard Class Equipment:
Approximate Cost: 2600 kokus (new) o Arashi-class Light Radiant
Crew: 2 Passengers: 0 Cannon (1g2 dmg)
Standard Class Equipment: o Light Radiant Shield: 10pts
o Arashi-class Light Radiant o Superior Engines X2
Cannon (1g2 dmg) Free Slots: 0 (2 for Unicorn)
o Light Radiant Shield: 10pts
o Atmospheric Flight Adaptation WATER: 3 AIR: 1 FIRE: 1 EARTH: 1 VOID: 0
Free Slots: 2 Hull Points: 40 Initiative: +1 Reduction: 2
Movement Rate: 10 Insight Rank: 1
Hull Points: 40 Initiative: +1 Reduction: 2 Mostly in use in Unicorn fleets, the shuriken is a
Movement Rate: 7 Insight Rank: 1 very fast space-only operation fighter used to
maintain space domination and superiority against
A two-person version of the Tanto used mostly by other fighters.
the Unicorn Clan. A pilot and a shugenja operate
the craft, which (thanks to a shugenja) can use
Opening a Space Way to make highly efficient
faster-than-light jumps.

whispers and return you with it as fast as they can.
The spells in the basic rulebook still apply in the More populous the community, more confusing
Emerald Star Empire, but a few new ones have might be the answer as they report it in the form of
been devised to take advantage of the options the bribes of voices of multiple conversations directly
modern world provides. reporting to the question. You may this way try to
localize an item or a person or find some news
about it but interpreting the results may be quite
AIR, MASTERY LEVEL 1 frustrating.


Ring/Mastery: Air 1 [Travel] [Technology] AIR, MASTERY LEVEL 3
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: One targeted ship SPIRIT OF LIGHTNING
Duration: Until arrival at destination Ring/Mastery: Air 3 [Technology]
Raises: You must take raises equal to ship Range: Touch
size then you can try to add additional Area of Effect: One target
raises to reduce time travel: Duration: 1 Round
Number of additional Raise(s) Time travel reduction Raises: Special (Amount/clarity of info)
1 10%
2 20% This spell is hearting a very specialized version of
3 25% the commune spell, used to commune with the
4 30%
spirits of electricity. The spell was devised by
5 33%
6 or more 35%
Phoenix shugenja in ancient times, but was
Ex: Trying to open the way for a ship of size 7 with a time travel considered mostly useless since such spirits could
reduction of 25% needs a TN 60 roll (10 raises). You can then never be persuaded to remain still long enough to
divide the casting to 6 simultaneous TN 10 rolls or 3 communicate meaningfully with them. In modern
simultaneous TN 20 rolls. All the rolls must succeed to open the
way portal or a travel mishap may occur at GM discretion.
times, it has become indispensable, as it can be
used to communicate with electrical impulses in
You entreat the kami to open a shimmering portal mechanical objects. The most obvious use of this is
between two locations, allowing travel between computers - if the right spirit can be found, it can
them. The distance traveled is still the same, but direct the shugenja wherever he may need to go to
the travel time is exponentially reduced. The spell find whatever information he seeks. (Note that this
manifests as a glowing silver doorway leading into is not of much use to would-be hackers. Most spirits
nothingness and require a space of vacuum. (It are loyal to the systems they inhabit.) It can also be
shall work in any atmosphere with tremendous used to ask a spirit what it has seen anywhere on
risks) Once the ship bearing the shugena passes the same electrical circuit. For example, a shugenja
through, the doorway vanishes. At the end of the could dial the phone, cast the spell, and ask the
journey, another doorway appears at the spell’s spirit what it sees on the other end (even if no one
destination and vanishes once all the travelers had picked up the phone). Of course, if the other end
passed through it. More than one shugenja is hangs up, the connection is broken. Electrical
required to render possible the fast journey of larger spirits are flighty, excitable, and prone to
ships. exaggeration.

AIR, MASTERY LEVEL 2 Ring/Mastery: Air 3 [Travel] [Technology]
Range: Self
WHISPERS OF THE CITY Area of Effect: 2 miles
Ring/Mastery: Air 2 [Divination] Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Raises: Range (+1 mile per raise), Special
Area of Effect: A zone of 5 miles of (+1 person travelling per 2 raises)
Duration: 10 minutes This spell permits you to travel at light speed
Raises: Range (+2 miles per raise), between two locations linked by a physical electric
Duration (+5 minutes per raise), Special network. It’s not a teleportation: you cannot reach
(+1 question per 2 raises) a ship in orbit from the ground or the center of a
virgin forest this way. You just disappear with all
This spell permits you to ask a question to the the equipment you wear into a form of pure energy
kamis of Air. For the duration of the spell, they spy and rematerialize within seconds to your
for you to the answer among the community’s destination just as you were at your departure. You

must have been to the location of your destination FIRE, MASTERY LEVEL 2
by the past and the network should be feed with
energy when you use the spell or you reappear at
the nearest point of your destination that fulfills
Ring/Mastery: Fire 2 [Thunder,
these conditions. Rumor says it that this spell was
developed by Monkey clan police officers to
Range: 50'
facilitate their interventions.
Area of Effect: One target
Duration: 5 rounds
EARTH, MASTERY LEVEL 4 Raises: Duration (+1 Round), Target (+1
target per two Raises)
Ring/Mastery: Earth 4 [Technology] This is a prayer to the Fortune of Thunder, using
Range: Touch the well-known tendency of lightning to disrupt
Area of Effect: One target radiant technology. This spell targets a personal-
Duration: 10 rounds sized technological item, like a computer, energy
Raises: Duration (5 rounds per raise), weapon, communications device, and so on, and
Special (+1k0 to skill per two raises) prevents it from functioning for the duration with a
powerful surge of energy. This can also target
This spell creates a link between a living creature vehicles with duration of one round instead of five,
and an electronical device that they are in physical with one raise for a small vehicle like a personal
contact with, giving each the understanding of the transport, two raises for something with two or four
other. As long as the two remain in contact, the seats, and larger vehicles by GM judgement. This
target is endowed with all knowledge of how to cannot target devices that do not use electronics
operate the device, increasing his skill in using the (like radiant melee weapons or radiant armor) or
device by one (even if the current skill level is awakened items (like nemuranai or self-aware AIs).
zero). Note that this spell only functions on
electronical devices (vehicles, computers, power FIRE, MASTERY LEVEL 4
tools) but not with simply mechanical objects
(fireguns, blades, simple tools…).
HEART OF STONE Ring/Mastery: Fire 4 [Technology]
Ring/Mastery: Earth 4 Range: 3’
Range: Special Area of Effect: Self
Area of Effect: One target Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 10 rounds Raises: Duration (5 rounds per raise),
Raises: Duration (5 rounds per raise), Special (-5 to TN Defense per raise)
Special (+5 Armor bonus per raise)
When cast, this spell causes the shugenja to
This spell allows the character to channel the suddenly be surrounded by a brilliant flash of
power of the earth through her own body to electricity. This surge is completely harmless to
extreme degrees. The caster becomes of the earth living beings, though it may be startling. Its true
itself, her body, clothing, and equipment becoming effect is upon electrical systems. Any electrical
solid stone for the duration of the spell. The caster device within the area of effect is rendered
cannot move or speak while stone, and is very inoperable for 1d6 minutes. More delicate devices
dimly aware of the world, due to the spell's level of like computers may be permanently damaged, with
concentration. On the plus side, her earth ring is most of their files erased. Some devices, such as
considered one rank higher for determining wound Anago Supercomputers are shielded from electrical
levels, and her TN to be hit becomes equal to her surges, and the GM should assign a TN for the
Earth+2X5. (Reflex bonuses to TN are negated shugenja to roll against (Using his Fire) in order for
while stone.) Note that the character's appearance this spell to work.
will generally resemble the most common stone in
the immediate area, so the spell could be used as a
disguise, in an emergency.

WATER, MASTERY LEVEL 5 Duration: Permanent
Raises: Special (+5 to TN to resist for
every raises)
Ring/Mastery: Water 5 [Healing]
By means of this spell, the caster causes a living
Range: Contact
being and a mechanical device to become one.
Area of Effect: One target
This change is permanent, and it is not pretty. The
Duration: Instantaneous
device always replaces some portion of the subject’s
Raises: Special
body (for instance, a sidearm becomes a hand, a
motorcycle replaces the legs, a living creature is
This spell is forbidden for all shugenja outside of
absorbed into a ship computer), and the flesh and
the medical profession. The target rolls his Earth vs
metal twist and melt together where they meet.
the caster's Water. If he fails this roll, the target's
circulatory and nervous system are numbed by the
If the spell is cast upon an unwilling target, they
milk, producing the following effects:
may make an opposed roll of their Earth vs the
casters in order to cause the spell to fail. After the
No Raise - he feels no pain (no wound penalties)
subject and machine have been combined, the
for one hour, but cannot combat and rolls one less
subject gains skill in using the machine at rank 3,
dice for all actions (similar to opium use).
or adds one to his rank if it is already 3 or 4. The
machine is now considered to be alive and fully
2 Raises - he falls into a deep sleep within the next
part of the subject. Any damage done to the
ten minutes and cannot be roused for an hour.
machine is healed as if it was done to the subject,
and the machine no longer requires fuel or
4 Raises – the target’s heart stops within 10
ammunition. It now draws its sustenance directly
minutes and he may die without medical attention.
from a living being and the dark magic that binds
them. Note that when this spell is cast, the Taint
If an individual uses Daikoku's milk three times in
bestowed by it is shared equally by both the caster
the same week, the TN to resist its effects is raised
and the target.
by ten. This effect persists until he stops using it for
one month. Daikoku's milk is very addictive even
after the first time it is injected. SOUL TWIST
Ring/Mastery: Water 4
Range: Touch
MAHO SPELLS, MASTERY RANK 1 Area of Effect: One target
Duration: 3 Rounds
ENERGY OF MY BLOOD Raises: Duration (+1 round per raise),
Ring/Mastery: Earth 1 [Technology] Special (See description)
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: One target Believed to be a twisted version of the spell
Duration: Instantaneous Sympathetic Energies, Soul Twist exacts a much
Raises: None darker toll on its target. This spell feeds off the
strengths of its victim, building the weaknesses of
its caster. The target's highest trait is swapped with
As long as this spell is active, the caster may the caster's lowest trait for the duration. For
operate a small electrical item (like a small lamp or example, if the target's best trait was an agility of 6,
a portable personal computer but no weapon) and the caster's worst trait was an awareness of 1,
simply by holding it in her hand, using her own life the target would have 1 agility and the caster
energy rather than a battery to fuel the device. For would have 6 awareness for the spell's duration.
the duration of the spell, each round of use cause
one Wound to the caster, which cannot be With two raises, the effect can be intensified,
prevented by any Technique, spell, ancestor, causing the target to lose an additional point from
advantage, or kiho. his trait after it is switched, and allowing the caster
to gain an additional point. If the target's trait is
MAHO SPELLS, MASTERY RANK 4 reduced to zero or less, he will become
incapacitated for the duration due to the shock to
his spirit.
Ring/Mastery: Earth 4 [Technology]
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: One target

but cannot copy somebody in particular. The
transformation does not alter the voice.
With the centuries passing new discoveries and
Chrysanthemum: the flower symbol of the imperial
techniques have been discovered. Here is a series of
line. You can heal yourself of a number of wounds
more than 40 tattoos coming from old editions and
equal to school rank X school rank.
the CCG. Some are adaptation from fictions (the
Kokujin tattoos except the Lizard).
Cricket [Continue]: When you get this tattoo, you
The references to Tsurai-zumi are to the now
must select and pay for one kiho. Your water ring is
defunct order of Hoshi, and the Kikage-zumi the
considered one rank higher for meeting the mastery
also defunct order of Hitomi.
requirement of the kiho, if he is of the water
As per 4th edition Core Rulebook page 115
element. You can add your school rank to your
Tattoos don’t have a number of activations per day,
unarmed attacks rolls when you are making atemi
but duration. Take the duration as the total
attacks with this kiho.
duration per day, but you can interpret it your own
Crow [Continue]: the crow guided Shinsei and the
Thunders in the Shadowlands, and his multi-
The [Continue] tag signifies this tattoo is always
colored feathers all turned black. Now he is a
active and doesn’t prevent the use of others tattoos.
symbol of protection against the Shadowland taint.
When rolling to resist gaining shadowland taint
Avalanche: this tattoo is only given to Kikage-zumi
points (as long as you don’t willingly do something
and Tsurai-zumi. When this tattoo is active, the
to gain them, like casting maho), you roll a number
disarm maneuver only need one raise.
of additional dice equal to twice your school rank.
Bellflower: this flower is said to be the last thing
Dragonfly: you can activate this tattoo when you
Shinsei spoke to before disappearing from the
are the target of a friendly spell. The spell doesn’t
Empire and it has five petals, for each ring. You can
cost a spell slot to the caster. This tattoo effect end
activate this tattoo just before making a roll, you
immediately after. You can only target a spell of a
use your void ring instead of the normal trait. You
mastery level equal or lower to your school rank.
can spend an additional void point on this roll.
Dog: when you are performing the guard maneuver,
Bone: this tattoo is only given to Kikage-zumi and
your target gain a reduction equal to twice your
Tsurai-zumi. When activated, the tattooed monk
school rank.
can cast the Puppet Master maho spell (but as it is
not maho, it doesn’t need spilling blood, it is the
Elephant [Continue]: When you get this tattoo,
power of the tattoo), and the spell stay active until
you must select and pay for one kiho. Your earth
it is cast again or the duration of the tattoo ran out.
ring is considered one rank higher for meeting the
mastery requirement of the kiho, if he is of the
Butterfly [Continue]: When you get this tattoo, you
earth element. You can add your school rank to
must select and pay for one kiho. Your void ring is
your unarmed attacks rolls when you are making
considered one rank higher for meeting the mastery
atemi attacks with this kiho.
requirement of the kiho, if he is of the void
element. You can add your school rank to your
Eye: the power of the heavens grand you the
unarmed attacks rolls when you are making atemi
ability, when you use this tattoo, to cast sense,
attacks with this kiho.
commune and invocation, once each, within one
hour of the activation, as a shugenja of the same
Cat [Continue]: The cat enhances your ability to
school rank as yours.
appeal to others with your warm personality. You
gain the Benten’s blessing advantage.
Falcon [Continue]: Whenever you make an honor
roll, your roll a number of unkept dice equal to
Carp: the carp is a symbol of prosperity and good
your school rank.
fortune, and those tattooed men who bear its tattoo
embody those traits. It can be activated before
Fan: you can activate this tattoo when someone is
making a roll, and for this roll the 9′ explode as 10′
attempting a contested roll based on awareness
(remember that a second 9′ doesn’t explode).
against you. You roll a number of unkept dice equal
to your school rank. Any contested roll based on
Chameleon: a symbol of illusion and misdirection.
awareness during the duration of the tattoo effect
As long as the tattoo is active, the Ize Zumi can
will have the same bonus.
alter his/her appearance to look like somebody else,

Hare: the ise-zumi can add twice his school rank to toward activating a kiho, and is lost if not used at
his water ring for determining movement rates. the end of the round.

Hummingbird: when this tattoo is activated, all the Naga: this really rare tattoo, for so far only one
TNs of disarm, knockdown, called shots, extra tattooed man has been showing it, grants you the
attack and feint maneuvers against you are ability to have the Way of the land advantage for
increased by your school rank X 5. Notice that this the region you are in for the duration of your
effect will not prevent the attack to hit: if the School Rank in hours.
attack beat the original TN (with the raises), it
stills hits. The maneuver will only succeed if the Night sky: this picture of a sky with stars is
attack roll beat the increased TN. sometimes seen as a sign of fate. When this tattoo
is active, opponents’ uses of re-rolls and void points
Hurricane [Continue]: When you get this tattoo, on actions against you are negated. They are aware
you must select and pay for one kiho. Your air ring of the effect after the first time it has negated
is considered one rank higher for meeting the something.
mastery requirement of the kiho, if he is of the air
element. You can add your school rank to your Nightingale: this tattoo lowers the TN of the
unarmed attacks rolls when you are making atemi assessment roll during a duel by 10.
attacks with this kiho.
Orochi: a symbol of strength and violence, this
Kitsu: when activated, you can use the Kitsu tattoo increases your TN to be hit by twice your
shugenja technique the eyes of the ancestor as if school rank while you are under the grappled
you were a shugenja of a school rank equal to yours. conditional effect, and you have one unkept dice
for your grappling rolls
Lynx: when activated, you gain a number of free
raises equal to your school rank per turn that can Panther: this tattoo is only given to Ize-zumi and a
only be used for the extra attack maneuver. All few Tsurai-zumi. The Ize Zumi rolls school rank
your attacks must be unarmed while this tattoo is additional dice for stealth when the tattoo is
active. active. Last a number of hours equals to your school
Monkey: once activated this tattoo grants you a
number of unkept dice equal to twice your school Pine: once activated, you can remove one
rank to your Athletics rolls. condition effect from yourself for the duration of
the tattoo. If the condition effect last longer than
Moon (crescent): this tattoo is only given to the duration of the tattoo, it resumes after, but the
Kikage-zumi and a few Tsurai-zumi. For a void duration of the tattoo is deduced from the duration
point, the Ize Zumi can become a shadow for of the effect.
school rank X 10 minutes. He/she is non-physical
and can go anywhere a shadow can go, but cannot Salamander [Continue]: When you get this tattoo,
go through objects. Magic affect him as if he/she you must select and pay for one kiho. Your fire ring
was normal. He/she suffers a full rank of wounds at is considered one rank higher for meeting the
the start of each hour in this form, and cannot use mastery requirement of the kiho, if he is of the fire
any skills or techniques, and he/she cannot talk. element. You can add your school rank to your
This tattoo can be stopped at any time. unarmed attacks rolls when you are making atemi
attacks with this kiho.
Moon (full): once a mark of the Kikage Zumi, and
rarely of the Tsurai Zumi, this tattoo is activated Scarab [Continue]: the scarab is an insect found
after an unarmed attack is successful. Your target across the Burning Sands, although the Scorpion
loses a void point in addition to any damage or brought a handful of them back after that clan’s
effect of the attack. If your target doesn’t have any banishment there. In the Burning Sands, the scarab
void points left, you gain a void point instead, that is seen as a symbol of the ruthless sun, a sinister
last until the next dawn if not used before. entity there but a revered deity in Rokugan. All
damage from heat and fire, magical or not, is
Moth: as someone once said, be like the moth, seek reduced by your school rank.
the fire of wisdom without fear. Once this tattoo is
activated, you are considered a Brotherhood monk Snake: The Snake tattoo is among the most
for the expenditure of void to activate kihos, as per dangerous and sinister of all Ise Zumi tattoos, and
page 261, and you gain a void point every round at usually only manifests on those who have the
your initiative. This void point can only be used strength of will to keep such power in check. After

making a successful unarmed attack, if any of your White Dragon: this tattoo is only given to Ize-zumi
damage dice explode, your target is now stunned. and a few Tsurai-zumi, it symbolizes the wrathful
aspect of the fortune Inari. It uses the same rules as
Snow crane: a character with a snow crane tatoo the Dragon tattoo but using your water ring instead
cannot have a crane tattoo and vice-versa. You of your fire ring and you have an ice breath instead
gain a void point that can only be used during a of a fire one.
duel, and your skills rolls regarding the duel are
increased by your school rank.

Star: a symbol of renewal. When this tattoo is

activated, you can spend void points to have one Boiling pit of pitch [Continue]: this disgusting
target ally within school rank X 10 feet gain a void tattoo offer protection against all fire, ice and
point. You can select a second target when you water-based attacks. You have a damage reduction
reach the 3rd rank of the Togashi Tatooed order equal to your school rank against all fire and water
school, and a third at the rank 5. spells, kihos and effects (like the blaze tattoo). You
gain a shadowland taint points every week.
Sun (full): the glory of the day star gives the power
to gain a void point when activated. Obsidian: once activated, this dark tattoo grants all
unarmed attacks all the effect of obsidian and you
Sun (rising): this tattoo is only given to Ize-zumi add your shadowlands rank to your damage with
and a few Tsurai-zumi. Since the creation of the unarmed attacks.
Brothers of Jade it has seen more use than before.
Once activated, all your unarmed attacks inflict the Shikibu no Oni [Continue]: this tattoo shows a
blind condition effect to all targets that have the representation of the oni lord that stole the bodies
Shadowlands taint. This status effect can be of the dead. It allows instant regeneration. You
removed by the same rules as the stunned heal a number of wounds equal to your school rank
condition. each round during the reaction stage of the round.
You gain a Shadowlands taint points every week.
Tanuki: You can activate it during the initiative
stage of the round to add 1 dice + your school rank Tsuburu no Oni: this tattoo shows a representation
to your initiative. of the oni lord of gluttony. It allows the wearer to
blows a horrible wind of corruption or a split of
Tern: when this tattoo is activated, target an dark acid. It works like the dragon tattoo but
opponent in your skirmish. His/her initiative is instead of using your fire ring use your earth or
reduced by your school rank. This tattoo has no Shadowlands taint rank.
duration, and is activated during the initiative step
of the round.

Torii [Continue]: The TN of your opponent’s

assessment roll during duels is increased by your
school rank X 5.

Vine: this tattoo is only given to Ize-zumi and a few

Tsurai-zumi. When this tattoo is activated, you
recover school rank wounds per round during the
reaction stage of the round. While this tattoo is
active, he doesn’t prevent the use of another

Viper: after making a successful unarmed attack,

the victim is now fatigued if any of your damage
dice exploded. This status effect can be removed by
the same rules as the stunned condition.

Wasp: when activated, you gain unkept dice equal

to your school rank to one social skill of your


For more information and statistics, see the

Enemies of the Empire sourcebook.

At first appearance the Garuda, a race of tall and
strong bird people, are also quite connected to air.
However a closer look at their gold skin and
feathers, as well as studying their personalities, one
comes to realize that these highly intelligent, if
quick to anger species is actually slightly
imbalanced towards fire.
Technologically advanced and highly expansionist
the Garuda are second only to the Jigoku aliens as a
threat to the Empire in the eyes of the Owl.
However this same fire that burns within them
makes it very difficult for them to remain united The Empire doesn’t know many things about this
and they often fight each other far more than nearly extinct species. Ryunins are surely parents
anyone else, leading to some concerns among the with the Ryu but no evidence of this has been
first Tortoise to interact with them, that they are established truly. Only some samples have been
connected to Jigoku. studied by the Kitsune family but no one of a ryu
In a way it would be better if they were. Longer has ever been collected to compare. The only
study of the culture of the Garuda has shown a things sure are that they’ve a reptilian ascendancy
strong resemblance to the ancient culture of the and are oviparous. It’s also known that Ryunin
Ivindi, up to including the names of the deities. have a clan society, they’re nomads and only the
And while they cannot talk with the kami, they strongest among them may survive, mate and rule.
recognize the kami in Rokugani technology. No rokugani knows more on how their society
There are grave concerns that wider knowledge of works, what they believe or even if they’ve magic
the Garuda by the Empire could lead to another or gods.
religious war, or perhaps lead some Samurai of
Ivindi decent to do something rash in an attempt These only partial information collected comes
to contact the ancestors that aren’t in Yomi from the ruins and very rare prisoners the Lion
Clan leaved on their planet after the war to
GOBLIN (BAKEMONO) conquer it. They’re a proud people trying to defend
How some of them managed to survive the purge of their land very aggressively. Perhaps if the first
the Shadowlands centuries ago? No one’s knows. contact would occur with another clan, perhaps the
But they’re still today a flail of some cities things would have been friendlier?
‘underground where they survive in small packs,
living only on garbage, criminality and thievery. But now the few remaining ryunins are hiding into
They tried to mimic some kind of primitive remote places on the world of the same name. They
technology with no many successes. would be ready to take a bitter revenge against the
Lion Clan if only they had a way to fight on the
JINN same basis. Some enemies of the Lion clan already
The Jinn likewise were gaijin spirits, similar to try to pass them some technology, happy to exploit
kami, and for a time the Rokugani considered some free but truly harsh and strong mercenaries
leaving them be. However, it quickly became clear against them.
that doing so was not the correct answer and so the
Toritaka family and the Iuchi slowly but surely Only small pockets of them remains but their
figured out how to take them off world. Located on guerilla and sabotage actions make tremendous
the largest of the worlds orbiting the Burning Star, damages on lion’s outposts. The Lion Clan still
the Jinn remain the most hostile to Rokugan. claims to have the total control of the planet but
imperial authorities shall surely discover the truth

very dangerous. They can achieve this via
SAMPLE VILLAIN: RYUNIN WARRIOR (RANK 3) mutagenic retroviruses that all of them carry in
…………………………………………………….. their blood. It recodes the DNA of the victim and
AIR 3 EARTH 3 FIRE 5 WATER 3 VOID 0 transforms it into a repugnant creature that keeps
…………………………………………………………... memories of its former existence. Above this, they
“Honor”: 6.0 Status: --- Infamy: -6.0 are not easy to detect as they have some stealth
ability and can remain hidden for a long time in
Initiative: 8k5 Attack: Claws 8k4 (Simple) hibernation until it has the chance to multiply by
Bite 5k4 (Complex) contaminating some victims.
Damage: 5k3(claws), Armor TN: 30
Bite: 4k4 They are not devoid of intellect but are not very
Reduction: 5 Wounds: Human-type Wound ranks clever individually because moved by a common
goal transmitted by a kind of “collective beehive
Skills: Athletics 5, Battle 3, Defense 3, Heavy Weapons
3, Intimidation (Bullying) 5, Jiujutsu 4, Lore: Ryunin consciousness” contained in their DNA that
Clans 5, Stealth 2 quickly surpasses any individual will. This is the
number and their ability to tip their former
Special Abilities enemies into their camp which makes them so
Berserker Rage: On the first two Rounds of a terrifying. They easily adapt to any strategy they
skirmish a ryunin’s frenzy makes it hit harder have already encountered and store it in their
and feel little to no pain. It adds +1k1 to its universal memory. No one has ever shown an
attack rolls and increases its Reduction by 5 (to ability to cast any form of magic and they have no
a total of 10). These effects end on the
proper god or technology.
Reactions Stage of the second Round.
Fearless: Ryunins gain a +3k3 bonus to resist
Fear effects. But their strength also seems to be their weakness.
Huge Their willingness to incorporate as much living
Regeneration: Ryunins heal 5 Wounds during being into their hive may push them to some errors
the Reactions Stage of each Round, continuing or to fall into traps.
to heal until they are killed. They can reattach
a severed limb in 2 rounds, as long as the limb Magic affects them like any humanoid even though
and the stump are held together continuously they are particularly sensitive to sacred substances
for that time.
such as jade, crystal and obsidian since they have
Swift 2
been described as being demons in the myths of the
Ivory Kingdoms and Senpet Empire.
SCARAB Perhaps some ancient gaijin books have some
answers on how to beat them. But even in this
modern era is still information not easy to find…


Change Rings and traits;
Honor: Reduce to 0 Status: Reduce to 0 Infamy: -10.0

Initiative: becomes 8k5 Attack: Claws 8k4 (Simple)

Bite 5k4 (Complex)
Damage: 4k2 (claws), Armor TN: 15
The Scarabs remain an enigma for the vast Bite: 3k3 + Infection (See Special Abilities)
majority of rokuganis. How have such abject beings Reduction: 0 Wounds: Keeps Human-type Wound ranks
come into being? Some think of the influence of School/Rank: Keep the school and rank of the previous
the Jikogu’s Taint on the inhabitants of a distant existence but can use only Bushi and Courtier
lost colony. Others put forward the same opinions Techniques.
but add to hit a hint of genetics and forbidden
experiences. Still, the Scarabs are able to infect any Skills: Keep the skills of the previous existence and
humanoid easily. Many object that this easiness is upgrade or add those: Athletics +3, Defense +3,
an evidence of a link between humanity and these Intimidation +6, Jiujutsu +2, Lore: Scarab Collective +5,
Stealth +5
Gain Special Abilities
Their ability to transform any humanoid and make Fear 4
it one of theirs in just a few hours renders them

Infection: When a scarab bites a humanoid or HANAJIN
when one of them comes in contact with a
scarabs’ blood without proper protection, it
suffers a chance to be infected by some
mutagen retrovirus. The victim must succeed
an Earth Roll of TN 20 or will be transformed
into a Scarab within the next 12 hours.
Hibernation: A scarab can remain dormant
without suffering any damage for not feeding or
drinking for up to a month.
Universal Memory: Scarabs within reach of a The Hanajin are nice, and specifically fit into
scarab hive always success Intelligence-based Rokugan society to be harmlessly avoided. They
tests. tend to subtly mimic the customs of the species
Vulnerability: Jade, crystal and obsidian deals they're interacting with to get favorable outcomes.
double damage against them.
Besides that, they're human-like, they adapt their
Swift 2
Collective Hive mind: Lose all Spiritual, Social core philosophy's virtues to bushido. They mostly
and Mental previous Advantages and interact with Clans who are open to aliens, and are
Disadvantages sometimes arrogant, not willing to share their most
advanced technology. But they don't really want
TROLL anything except a chance to meet people and bask
The trolls are still more stupid creatures than real in the light of new stars.
sentient species. But in some remote hidden
laboratory some Spider agents have a special KENKU
agenda for them: They try to control and even Many Kenku still lives into Sakkaru realm or
enhance them with modern technology and maho within the Empire, disguised into humans.
magic to form an army. Unknown to the Empire is that some of them have
colonized centuries ago a remote gaseous world by
TSUNO using portals. This planet is lying into a nebula and
Tsuno are definitively not extinct in the modern many agents of the kenku works actively every day
era. They have been fought on some remote to sabotage the Star Empire efforts to discover it.
Toshigoku linked planets. Some of them are even No one knows how they will react if any imperial
under their total control. Fortunately, their society could one day put a foot on their colony.
remains quite primitive to Rokugani standards. It’s
only a matter of time, the Lion Clan open a war KIPARIXID
with them to clean their old dept with the Kistu. The Empires closes neighbor, the Kyparixid are
most closely comparable to bipedal flying insects. A
race strongly linked to air, they are only slightly
more primitive then the Emerald Empire, but far
The responsibility to monitor non-human non- more numerous due to how little space they thrive
Jikogu-linked activity within the Empire is devoted in.
to the Owl Clan. But many others have interests The Owl have found to their detriment
into non-human species. that the Kyparixid in many ways are more
traditional and ritual based then even the Crane
ASHALAN and Lion, with formal greeting ceremonies
The Ashalan were one of the elder races, and were commonly taking up to an hour. The Courts of the
never numerous, with few souls to go around - and Kyparixid are long, convoluted, and in the eyes of
so little ability to breed. In fact, there are only the rokugani almost nonsensical affairs due to
twelve ensouled Ashalan - anywhere. The rest have lacking certain senses that the Kyparixid take for
no souls and instead serve the ensouled as best they granted, with a political structure that is half based
can, to ensure the race is propagated. They were around religious numbers and half based around
too small in number to be given a planet, but ultraviolet colors on the insects flesh and where
inhabit a small protected station. They rarely leave skill plays almost little to no part.
- they have no reason to any more, as they are Fortunately, the Merchant Class is far
focused entirely on their own safety. When they do more interested in money than rituals, although
leave, it is to study the sun and stars they consider often they will still wish to perform at least some
holy (though they can never stand under the direct form of formal negotiations turning every
light of a sun in the same system as they are). They transaction into a minor court in and of itself.
are essentially irrelevant.

KITSU incorporate into modern society. The Seahorse
Most of the Rokugani believe that “true Kitsu” clan tries to explore new pelagic worlds to discover
have disappeared centuries ago with the creation of more about this ancient civilization but lacks of
the Lion’s Clan family of the same name. But they means to do it properly. They remain the main
have always been champions to detect portals and contact ningyo tolerates.
evade the worst situations by passing through them.
With so many new worlds discovered, rumors OGRE
filtered that some explorers discovered evidence of Now free from Jikogu’s influence Ogres retrieve a
their presence on remote worlds. The Kitsune few of their former intellect and try to reform some
family geneticists actively research on rare samples communities. They cooperate with the Star Empire
that were founded to prove this and perhaps and serve mainly as shook troops or heavy work
recreate the species one day. laborers. They only have small and poor
communities often near a city that employs them.
Recently, sightings of snake-like creatures have SASSATHIF
been increasing, but these creatures look very A Four-armed, eyeless reptile race, the Sassathif
different than the Naga that Rokugan knows. May were initially mistaken for another monstrous
some of them live hidden on the most remote relative of the Naga. However instead they are a
planets? From now they’re only founded and highly intelligent race that seems to have an odd
preserved in some remote places of Rokugan Prime. connection to the Realm of Animal Spirits. While
Samurai were also careful and usually traded with a cunning predator when they wish to be the
the Naga in orbit for safety reasons. However, the Sassathif would rather fight their equals, rather
Naga finally had a place where they could breed than their lesser, and the discovery of Rokugan was
peacefully. seen as a chance to challenge a new race of peoples
Explores of the Naga race are extremely to conflict of the sword. The Owl delay formal
rare, but they do happen occasionally, the urge to engagement for as long as possible however, trying
wander filling them. Such Naga are warned to steer to find a way for the creatures to practice with and
clear of Rokugan, for approaching the world to againest the Bushi of Rokugan without it leading to
closely makes them more likely to fall under the war.
curse that had been used to trap the Naga race long
ago. The Sassathif have an oddly accurate yet bizarre
All the other sleeping Nagas are about to concept of their death and rebirth, believing they
wake up for third and perhaps the last time as they will always be reborn in the same place over and
are nearly extinct. The only hope to save their over again, trapped forever in Chikushudo. This
species is to discover a new colony or to accept fact doesn’t seem to bother them and instead they
cloning process and genetic manipulation proposed believe it means they can die again and again, in
by the Empire of Emerald Stars… search of greater glory, that they can always be
reborn to serve their lord again and again,
NEZUMI following the same ruler that has been reborn over
The ancient race known as the Nezumi have been a thousand times.
allies of the Crab since the days of Hiruma Kazuma. They have a great love of silk, their Empire having
Now, however, all of Rokugan owes them a debt of no source of it within its boundaries.
gratitude. Not everyone is so willing to repay this
debt, unfortunately. The Nezumi have found their ZOKUJIN
place in the modern world by founding the Waste Held underfoot by the slavery and subjugation of
Disposal and Recycling Corporation. Many of their the Lion Clan for centuries, the creatures known to
factories employ low-ranking Nezumis but many of most only as Rock Goblins have begun to protest
them have been automated as well. They have no for their rights. Will these simple creatures succeed,
central authority or estate as they sprayed or will they become a footnote to Rokugan's proud
themselves quickly across the Empire territory. history?

This species long lived in a harsh environment for
humans. But the depths of the oceans are no more
a shelter for them because of the modern
technology of the humanity. They’ve sometimes
been forced out of their isolation by humans but
are still not very eager to cooperate or to

What is not known, except to He who shall not be
Named, is that the Hakkakukei are but shells
animated by the seething hatred of once human
things that live inside them; these warped souls are
Also known as “lesser dragons”, these canopy
corrupted and twisted into horrible little creatures
dwelling predators are native to the world known
by the evil of jigoku and now wish nothing more
simply as the Nest. Native to the world-spanning
than conquest and destruction in the name of their
jungles of this Mantis holding, many Unicorn once
lord and master.
made pilgrimages to this system in order to capture
and train Doreiku as flying mounts. Now, Doreiku
The Empire can be thankful, as whatever the
breeds can be found on many worlds inhabited by
source of these creatures seems to have vanished
the Unicorn Clan.
and the Hakkakukei are very rare. Though
AIR 4 EARTH 3 FIRE 3 WATER 3 whatever allowed them to be constructed in the
STAMINA 6 PERCEPTION 4 first place may occur again and if that happens, the
…………………………………………………………... Empire will again be afraid of the Hakkakukei and
Initiative: 7k4 Attack: Claws 8k4 (Simple) their war cry of “Tayasu!”
Damage: 6k3 (claws) Armor TN: 30 ……………………………………………………..
Reduction: 5 Wounds: 25: +5; 50:+10, 45:+15, AIR 2 EARTH 3 FIRE 3 WATER 2
…………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………...
Special Abilities: Initiative: 6k3 Attack: Slash 5k43(Simple)
Swift 4 (when flying) or Black Fire 7k3 (Simple)
Damage: 7k1 (slash) Armor TN: 25 or
ARASHITORA 3k2 (black fire)
During the exploration of New Kalani by Arashi Reduction: 15 Wounds: 20: +5; 25:+10, 30:+15,
40:+20, 50: Dead
Dairuko in 3018, the Mantis shugenja discovered
the “stormtigers” flying above the oceans of this Taint Rank: 6
world heavily influenced by Chikushudo. A Skills: Battle (mass battle) 3, Investigate (spot ambush)
mythical creature with the head, forelegs, and 3, Spellcraft 3
wings of an eagle, and the hindquarters of a tiger.
Also referred to as “thunder-tigers”. Special Abilities:
…………………………………………………….. Black Fire: this cold fire ignores armor TN
AIR 2 EARTH 3 FIRE 2 WATER 2 from physical armor and all reduction, anyone
REFLEXEES 4 STAMINA 2 PERCEPTION 4 AGILITY 4 wounded by the black fire must make a Void
roll (TN 10) or lose a point of Void. If they
have no Void left to lose, they are rendered
Initiative: 5k5 Attack: Claws 6k4 (Simple)
unconscious for 5 minutes.
Damage: 6k4 (claws) Attack: Bite 4k4 (Simple)
Death Feeder: heals [insight rank of victim]k1
Damage: 3k3 (bite) Armor TN: 30
wounds when it kills an enemy.
Reduction: 5 Wounds: 30:+15, 40:+20, 50: Dead
Dense: treat them as having an Earth or Water
of 5 to resist any attempt to move them against
Skills: Hunting 4, Stealth 4
their will.
Fear 4.
Special Abilities:
Swift 3 (when flying)
Fear 2

These feared creatures founded on planets
corrupted by Jikogu appear as a floating eight-sided
obsidian pillar with an oversized helmet of black
steel and obsidian fused to the top. A single
glowing red eye stares out from the depths of the

The Hakkakukei spit black fire from the depths of

jigoku as their primary attack, this fire is colder
than ice and can damage the very spirit of those
struck by it. It can lash out with shards of obsidian
against those who get too close.


Argcklt dresses simply, usually in only trousers or a

loincloth. The zokujin have little value for material
possessions, so he rarely carries any items.
Kaibutsu was always a good boy. He helped those
Argcklt is the son of the High Rockseer of
weaker than him, he loved the beauty of nature,
the Rejn. Though his father yet lives, he is ancient
and he'd sit for a long time, just thinking about
in the extreme, believed to be over a thousand
how wonderful it was to be alive. Of course, for an
years old. He has passed the leadership of his tribe
ogre, this was nothing more than a sign of
on to his son, along with all of the attendant
weakness. His father and littermates soon turned
worries and responsibilities. Since before most
upon him, attempting to eat him one day when
zokujin can remember, the Rejn tribe has been
pickings in out the city were scarce and the goblins
slaves of the Lion clan, treated little better than
were just a little too quick. Kaibutsu was
beasts, used for manual labor and other work
frightened, so he ran. He ran as far and as fast as he
deemed too dangerous for humans to perform.
could, he was more frightened than ever now,
because now he was alone.
Of late, Argcklt has become troubled. For
the first time in an age, freedom seems only a
The details of how Kaibutsu began to
breath away for his people. His actions during the
masquerade as a human and how he made his way
Senpet Invasion and Meda's Coup have even led
to the stars are unknown. What is known is that he
many humans to consider him a hero. He has even
worked as a pit fighter for a time, making just
become close friends with Kitsu Jurin, the daughter
enough money to survive. The strangely good-
of Kitsu Suro, president of Okurachem, the man
hearted ogre is happy to finally be part of
who holds more zokujin in servitude than any
something, even if it is an anarchist criminal
other. He is torn between the adulation of these
organization. Their constant crime and destruction
humans and his duty to his people. He must
disturb him slightly, but he doesn't say anything
struggle every day not to forget his true course, ever
about how he feels. After all, they're still a
keeping the needs of his struggling tribe first.
thousand times friendlier than his family.
And to make matters worse, his dreams grow
Kaibutsu always wears a coat over a suit of
disturbed. He can hear the breath of the earth in
black leather and boots, the usual garb of a pit
the night. The Bloodwhite Stone has been found.
fighter. He also wears a black wrestler's mask, with
And it is near…
holes cut into the forehead for his horns. To all but
very close inspection, the horns appear to be part of AIR 3 EARTH 5 FIRE 3 WATER 3 VOID 4
the mask. He also carries a pair of brass knuckles in PERCEPTION 4 INTELLIGENCE 4
either pocket of his long coat. Kaibutsu never uses …………………………………………………………...
modern weapons; they seem somehow unfair to Honor: 5.5 Status: 1.0 Glory: 5.0
School/Rank: Rockseer 5
…………………………………………………………... Clear Thinker, Enhancing Mutation: Night vision,
Honor: 1.5 Status: 0 Glory: 0.0 Stonemelt

School/Rank: Bushi Ogre 3 Disadvantages: Social Disadvantage - Zokujin, Soft-

Crab Hands (Melee Weapons Only), Great Destiny, Skills: Courtier 1, Craft (Chemistry) 2, Crystal Method 3
Hands of Stone, Large, Quick (zokujin’s equivalent of Tea Ceremony), Defense 2,
Engineering (Mining) 4, Lore (Law) 2, Lore (Element:
Disadvantages: Black Sheep, Can't Lie, Gullible Earth) 3, Lore (Theology: Manha) 3 (Zokujin’s
equivalent of Shintao), Meditation 2
Skills: Athletics 3, Hunting 2, Jiujutsu 4, Stealth 2,
Weapons 3 Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, Argcklt has learned
and memorized all known earth spells


She's been taught the naga magic over the course

of a century, and her soul has suffered for it. She
retains only fractured memories of her past life,
able to use her former skills at an instinctive level.
In facts, Zin is amnesiac. To tell further of it here
would do her great injustice, as her destiny is still
unfolding. It’s up to you to imagine what has
happened to her. Zin currently carries the Blades of
the Bright and Pale.
Honor: 5.5 Status: 2.0 Glory: 3.0

School/Rank: Hiruma Scout 2, Naga Jakla 2

Amphibious, Benten's Blessing, Great Destiny, Multiple

Disadvantages: Amnesiac, Driven (to discover who she

truly is), Obligation (to save the Naga race)

Skills: Athletics 2, Craft (Pearl) 2, Hunting 3, Kenjutsu:

4, Lore (Pearl Magic) 3, Lore (Shadowlands): 2, Firearms
(Rifle) 2, Knife 4, Meditation 3, Stealth (Sneaking) 4

Spells: Because of her recent circumstances, Zin does not

currently carry any magical pearls.

A security kit is a set of special tools for bypassing
electronic and mechanical locks. On most worlds
RADIANT ARMOR in the Empire, possession of a security kit is illegal
The armors worn by samurai are now afforded the for anyone who doesn’t have the proper permits,
added protection of “radiant” energy. The armor such as members of law enforcement agencies and
glows in direct proportion to the severity of damage professional security experts. When using the
dealt to its wearer. Radiant Armor comes in all Hacking Emphasis of the Computers Skill to bypass
variations of traditional armor, including: ashigaru, locks, using the Security Kit decreases the TN of
light, riding, and heavy. It is very rare to see non- the task by 10.
radiant armor in use in this era, but many ancient Keywords: Small
sets of armor are kept by families as heirlooms or Price: Because of the nature of Security
can be found in museums across the empire. Kits, they are only available when issued
by a superior or when found on the black
ATSURYOKU ARMOR market. (30 kokus)
A variant of Radiant Armor, this modification
allows samurai to operate in the vacuum of space NIGHT SIGHT GOGGLES
without dire consequence. Pressurizing Atsuryoku Keywords: Medium
Armor requires a Simple Action Computer Use/ Price: 24 koku
Intelligence Skill Roll with a TN of 15. Damaged
armor requires a Complex Action with the same TRACKING BUG
Skill to repressurize with a TN of 25. Keywords: Small
Price: 40 koku


This wrap-around cloak protects its wearer from Keywords: Small
the elements and hostile conditions. Add a +5 Price: 40 koku
equipment bonus to all Rolls made to resist severe
Keywords: Medium Keywords: Large
Price: 3 bu Price: 10 koku

This personal atmosphere-filtering system consists Data Cylinder
of a mask that fits over the mouth and nose. This Flare Gun with Flares
life-supporting mempo provides approximately 1 Flashlight
hour of breathable atmosphere before its filter and Flight Suit
atmosphere canisters must be replaced. To replace Electric Guitar
the filter and canisters, the user must make an First Aid Kit
Engineering / Intelligence Roll with a TN of 15. In Microphone
combat, this TN becomes 20. Money Credit Card
Keywords: Small Music recorder/emitter
Price: 5 bu Radio
A personal communications transceiver, the Tool Kit
Adjutant is a standard issue model used by most Video Camera
Great Clans. Civilian models come in a variety of Video Game Portative Console
small shapes and styles. Some are built into helmets Walkie-Talkie
and armor; Imperial Legion armor includes a Wristwatch
kabuto equipped with an Adjutant. The range of
typical devices is 30 miles or low-orbit. For greater
range, an Adjutant must be connected to a more
powerful energy source, such as those built into
vehicles. For an added expense (5 koku), it may be
equipped with encrypting routines.
Keywords: Small
Price: 10 koku

-4 0.5 Eta Shack 120
-3 1 Small Home 600
-2 2 Large Home 1800
-1 4 Apartment (Fleabag) 4/mo.
0 9 Studio Space (large, non-residential) 8/mo.
1 18 Apartment (Nice) 12/mo.
2 36 Apartment (Luxury Suites) 80/mo.
3 72
4 144 Note that all Housing Costs are roughly five times
5 288 as expensive on Rokugan or the World of Dreams,
6 576 with the exception of Large Homes and Luxury
7 1152 Suites, which are ten times as expensive.
8 2304
9 4608
10 9216

Very Cheap One light bulb, no 0.5/mo.

Very Used Hiruma Kappa 35 Cheap Minimal electric 1/mo.
Senpet Surefire heating, piped water
Used, Decent Ide Oasis 44 supply…
Doji Centurion Average Normal electric, 2/mo.
Used, Nice Aurelian Danforth 66 heating, a/c, decent
Shiba Neo bath room…
New, Cheap Hiruma Jackrabbit 80 Luxurious Central air, multiple 5/mo.
Cricket Sunshot electric sockets in
New, Decent Senpet Jackal 150 each room, three
Cricket Comet freezers…
New, Luxury Otaku Vehement, 200 Very Swimming pool, 12/mo.
Ide Equestrian Luxurious private cinema…
Industrial Backup generators, 9/mo.
power tools,
Used, Decent Hiruma Steamer 30 supercomputers
New, Cheap Hiruma Exploder 50
New, Decent Ide Steadfast 190 So, an average samurai (status rank 4) living in a
New, Fast Doji Katana 250 studio space apartment with average utilities spends
New, Luxury Battle Maiden MC 500 about 24 kokus on utilities and 96 kokus on
housing a year.
This leaves him about 24 kokus per month to eat
New, Cheap Hang Glider 5 and to otherwise spend as he sees fit.
New, Cheap Ornithopter 60
New, Decent Ultra-light M. 90
New, Military Shiba Gyrocopter 30 00
New, Luxury Doji Jet craft 50 00
New, Civilian Ide Caravel 100 00

New, Cheap Inflatable Dinghy 20

New, Cheap Antic Kobune 50
New, Decent Modern Kobune 150
New, Military Small corvette 250 00
New, Luxury Doji Yack 100 00
New, Military Submarine 500 00

Certain circumstances require specialized weapons,
STANDARD SIDEARM and while there are a wide variety of these in
The traditional sidearm conforms to a common existence, one of the most frequent is a rifle
pattern that is mechanically identical throughout customized for long range sniping. The Tsuruchi
the Empire, although there are many variations of are the natural masters of this particular art, and
outward design to suit the particular styles of a their Distant Thunder model rifle is widely
given clan. One of the most ubiquitous such considered one of the best such weapons on the
weapons is the Mirumoto weapons called Twin market.
Radiance, which are intended to be worn in pairs, Keywords: Large
and are freely sold to outsiders such as the Minor DR: 6k3
Clan Alliance and various ronin groups. Range: :1000’
Keyword: Samurai, Small Price: 15 kokus
DR: 3k3
Price: 5 kokus Given the advanced state of technology in this
setting, it is only logical to assume that ranged
STANDARD RIFLE weapons in this era (which include both
The most common battlefield weapons (other than magnetically-propelled solid projectiles and
the katana), carried by virtually every samurai, and outright energy weapons) should have a completely
is the standard energy rifle. The most common devastating effect on anyone unfortunate enough
version is the Akodo Arms Indomitable X32, to be hit by one. However, scaling damage to suit
which has been in service for more than two this idea will render melee weapons completely
centuries with virtually no significant changes. obsolete regardless of their design improvements.
Keywords: Samurai, Medium Thus, GMs should decide whether they wish to
DR: 4k4 focus their campaign entirely on ranged combat or
Range: 500’ maintain a more “samurai-esque” balance between
Price: 10 kokus ranged and melee combat.
If a balance is preferred, ranged weapons must stay
HEAVY ASSAULT RIFLE at a reasonable damage level, as depicted in this
Despite the significant power of the standard chapter. One way to justify this is to assume that
assault weapons carried by samurai troops, there are armor technology has progressed at a similar level
times when greater impact is required. Weapons and this is “built in” to the ranged weapon DRs. To
such as the Kaiu Forge Devastator-class Siege represent this, in those instances where a target is
Weapon are renowned for their ability to threaten struck by an advanced ranged weapon and is not
the armor of even hardened targets such as armored wearing any armor the GM should double the
vehicles. The energy generated by such weaponry is damage (e.g. a standard sidearm would do a base
significant, and can even threaten those in the DR of 6k6). This allows for a reasonable damage
vicinity if wielded without proper training. progression while still preserving some of the
Keywords: Large setting’s cultural integrity. Note that the ranged
DR: 6k5 weapon DRs presented in this chapter assume the
Range: 400’ characters are adding their Perception to the DR as
Price: 15 kokus unkempt dice, much like Strength is added to
Special Rules: The sheer force exerted by melee weapon DRs as unkempt dice.
this weapon, not to mention its significant
size and weight, means it requires Strength
4 to wield properly.

A vicious trap you hide in the ground. Explode
These explosives are much generalized. To have when someone walk on it.
skill with using them, one must pick up the Damage: 5k3
Engineering (Demolitions) skill Radius: 10’
All explosives list a TN. All targets in the Effective Throwing Range: Inapplicable
area of affect may roll their Agility+ Defense TN: 2
against this number to take half damage from Cost: 8 bu
the explosion by jumping clear.
The person using the explosive may increase NAPALM
the TN by five for each two raises he makes Chemicals designed to stick to a surface, burn on
with his Engineering (Demolition) roll. contact with air, and just keep burning, encased in
The explosives don't depend upon any a grenade. Napalm is very expensive, in many cases
particular skill to do damage, so they do not considered dishonorable, and is extremely
add strength or anything else. dangerous to just carry around. Any exposure to air
You are always considered to be unskilled will cause it to ignite and explode. It is very illegal,
when throwing an explosive. and difficult to obtain even for the military.
Explosives for the most part are illegal for Damage: Against character 7k7 fire +3k3 fire
even most samurai to be carrying around. per round for 1k1 rounds
Crabs and Lions (the military) are the general Against items: 5k2 fire +1k1 fire per round for
exception to this rule. 2k2 rounds
Radius: 10’
-Optional: If a character using an explosive rolls Effective Throwing Range: 150’
three or more natural ones when attacking, he may TN: 25 (35 against character)
be caught in his own explosion. Each of these Cost: 2 kokus (Craft Chemistry skill does not
natural ones may be cancelled by a natural ten. reduce this cost)
Special: Possibility of combustibles or clothing
BAKEMONO JUICE catching ablaze.
Simple glass bottles full of fuel, with a lit rag for a
wick. Light and throw. PLASTIQUE
Damage: Against character 5k5 fire +2k2 fire Liable explosives designed for destroying
per round for 1k1 rounds obstructions and safecracking cannot be detonated
Against items: 3k1 fire +1k1 fire per round for without an electrical charge. Must be set with a
1k1 rounds timer, or detonated by remote.
Radius: 5’ Damage: 3k3 per ounce + 1k1 per additional
Effective Throwing Range: 30’ ounce
TN: 5 Radius: 5’
Cost: 1 bu (dangerous to carry) Effective Throwing Range: Inapplicable
Special: Possibility of combustibles or TN: 10
clothing catching ablaze Cost: 10 kokus per ounce, 8 kokus if made with
the Craft (Chemistry) skill.
Sticks of explosive trinitrotoluene, detonated by a SMOKE GRENADES/ TEAR GAS
blasting cap. Simple can of smoke producing or blinding,
Damage: 2k2, +1k1 per each stick noxious gas chemicals.
Radius: 10’, plus 5’ per stick. Damage: 0
Effective Throwing Range: 60 feet Radius: 20’
TN: 10 + 2 per stick. Effective Throwing Range: 150’
Cost: 4 bu (1bu if made yourself using the TN: Inapplicable, as it does no damage. See
Chemistry Skill) rules for resisting the affects.
Cost: 5 bu, 3 bu if made with the Craft
GRENADE (Chemistry) skill. (dangerous to carry)
Simple thrown hand grenade. Special: In radius, all rolls made with a -3
Damage: 4k2 penalty. Every round the targets must make a
Radius: 20’ stamina roll vs TN=30 or be Down, may do
Effective Throwing Range: 150’ nothing but try to resist again each round, or
TN: 2 crawl away). The smoke lasts about 2k2 rounds,
Cost: 8 bu or less (1k1) in windy environments, and up to
5k5 in contained areas with no ventilation.

The Beaver Clan began experimenting heavily The weapon of choice of the Emerald Star Empire's
with the combination of magic and technology. Battle Maidens. These weapons can contract from
The Biba Shugenja school followed their lead, and their normal length to a mere two feet, and have a
soon became the pioneers in the field now known built-in weapon system equal in power to the rifle
as "Tetsukami Technology." In this process, a above. These functions are both merely
minor elemental spirit is temporarily encouraged to mechanical. The kami inhabiting the naginata is a
inhabit an item, enhancing its capabilities. The guardian spirit, attuned to the weapon's true owner.
following are a few of the more common Tetsukami If anyone else attempts to use the naginata, it will
items... not function, and will in fact fold up into a useless
two-foot long stick.
ONI STOMPER RIFLE Cost: Free to Battle Maidens. Never given
Fires beams of intense jade light, similar in many to anyone else.
respects to lasers. The beam does no damage to
normal opponents, but creatures with the DRAGON SPHERE (PAIR)
Shadowlands Taint take 6k4 damage. Can fire four Allows the wielder of one to communicate verbally
blasts per hour, then requires one hour of with the wielder of the other, no matter the
recharging in direct sunlight. distance. Both parties must be holding their stone
Cost: 70 kokus and will the connection simultaneously, or the
crystals do not function.
SPIRIT MODEM Cost: 30 kokus, very rare.
A small device that plugs easily into most
computers. Allows the user to communicate
directly with any dominant spirits in the immediate
area, including kami, ancestors, and gaki. (It has
similar function to the commune spell.) The spirit
is not required in any way to answer, and may be
hostile, so these devices are used carefully, if at all.
Cost: 30 kokus

A simple 30 lb. harness that fold out into a small
personal helicopter. The device carries up to
200lbs, flies at altitudes up to 600 feet, and moves
at about 15 miles per hour without any fuel or
electricity. The mini-gyros are very trendy
currently, but are never used by the police or
military. The kami that drive them tend to be
stubborn, mischievous, and unpredictable,
requiring constant maintenance.
Cost: 30 kokus

Thick, heavy lensed goggles that allows the user to
see through the enhanced senses of the kami.
These goggles can detect heat sources, electricity
sources, and can make out shapes even in total
darkness (making them superior to their mundane
counterparts). The presence of a powerful source of
magic, such as an ancestral sword or a powerful oni,
tends to frighten the goggle spirits and cause the
goggles to malfunction.
Cost: 70 kokus

This weapon is a 3k3 blade forged of dark pearl.
The knife can strike any creature of the
Shadowlands, no matter what invulnerabilities
they may have, ignoring monster armor. Any
creature killed by the knife is *permanently* dead.
They may not be reanimated or return to life as
undead, or by any other power of the Shadowlands.
Oni are permanently destroyed, unless they are the
spawn of a greater oni, in which case their master is
caused tremendous pain and can create no further
spawn for a year.


This weapon is a 3k3 blade forged of white pearl.
The knife can unerringly strike any naga, ignoring
any armor or magical defenses the naga may be
using. If a naga is slain by the blade of the Bright
Eye, its soul and memories disappear from the
Akasha forever.


In 1160 the Oracles of Light decided to retreat
from the Mortal Realm for a time, to watch the
people of Rokugan from the Celestial Heavens.
Before they left each Oracle gifted an enchanted
item that bore the power of an Elemental Dragon.

The Anvil was found by a Monkey Toku Tomoe,

the younger sister of the Hare Clan Champion
Usagi Ozaki. Tomoe was visiting her Hare relatives
shortly after the Rain of Blood to aid them in
recovering when she came upon the Anvil. The
bloodspeakers attacked Shiro Usagi, and during the
heaviest of the fighting she discovered the Anvil,
sensing great power from within. The kami
surrounding the Anvil told her how to use it, and
she realized that if she used it to its full power the
existence of the Anvil would become known to all.
She therefore used it sparingly, only making sure
the Hare were never overrun, and in the end the
Hare won the battle against a vastly superior
bloodspeaker army. Tomoe returned with the
Anvil to Toku lands where it could be safely

To activate the Anvil sprinkled earth on it. When

activated the user can focus on any natural
landmark within line of sight, like a mountain or
plain, and strokes the anvil, shaping the landscape
to their will. Major change like flattening an entire
mountain takes prolonged use of the Anvil.

The galaxy of the Emerald Empire
evolved. Scientists and scholars have designed a
scale to rate to technological level of new
civilizations. When the Kamis fall on Rokugan
centuries ago, the future Empire had already
achieved the 1st Tech level. The Kamis gave then
inspiration and knowledge to their followers but
Stone Age Fire, Primitive Tools the xenophobic attitude of the Empire and their
(before 3500 BC) absolute faith in magic make it will remain
Bronze and Iron Wheel, Writing, between 2nd and 3rd Tech level roughly during a
1 millenary. After 1300 of the Isawa calendar, the
Age (3500 BC) Geometry, Paper
tech levels were easier to jump, reaching a level 6
Medieval Age Gun Powder, roughly in the 2000’s and finalizing to an early 8th
(600 AD) Cannon tech level in 3122.
Age of Sail Printing, Steam
3 In the 32th century, the Hanajin have
(1450 AD) Machine
already reached the 9th level in some fields but are
Industrial Concrete, not easy to convince to share their technology.
4 Revolution Submarine, Explosion At the opposite, monsters of Jikogu are
(1730 AD) Engine, Car still considered to have a 0 Tech Level.
Batteries, Fire gun, The Ryunin were at late 1st level when
Explosives, X-Rays, they made their contact with the Lion Clan but
Mechanized Age easily adapt themselves even to the 7th level
5 Tanks, Laser,
(1880 AD) concepts of the Emerald Empire technology.
Television, Reaction
Motors, Robots The Tech level of the Scarabs is unknown
but as they depend and rely on technologies, they
Atomic Bomb, incorporate into their collective they are roughly
Fission reactors, considered between the 7th and 8th Level.
Nuclear Age
6 Missiles, Scanner, The Neo Versailles planet inhabited by
(1940 AD)
Chip cards, Ion the Merenae and Thrane has reached the 4th level
Drives but is maintained at this level by imperial decree.
Digital Age
7 Virtual intelligence,
(1990 AD)
Computer network
Fusion reactors, Laser
Early Stellar
8 weaponry,
(2050 AD)
Stellar Era Energy fields, Anti-
(2120 AD) gravity
Late Stellar Era Teleporter, Matter-
(2250 AD) antimatter energy
Pure energy
Far Future (after
11 conversion, Neural
2500 AD)

them in, a political matter which has not been
resolved in the courts yet.
The Empire of the Emerald Stars contains more
than fifty-two ritually sanctified systems, with
dozens of planets and moons colonized by the
citizens of Rokugan. Some of these worlds have
been left in their natural state, while others have
been heavily terraformed.

Clan(s): Phoenix
A relatively young system by their estimation. Its
solid planets are all in their infancy, most of them
still being shaped by the raw Elements, and the Clan(s): Unicorn
Phoenix – led by the Agasha – have started Has the dubious honor of housing several of the
experimenting with large scale re-engineering on relocated gaijin nations, which the Unicorn
these worlds, hoping to create conditions similar to protects from more unfriendly clans.
Rokugan on some of them and to enhance
production of rare elements on others. CRADLE OF TEN THOUSAND GODS
Clan(s): None
ALAINE TWO Not a part of the Empire of Emerald Stars, it’s the
Clan(s): Owl new home of the Senpet Empire, under
The capital of the Owl Clan is a unique place protectorate of the Unicorn Clan.
devoted to Hantei kami and where you can find
the most density and diversity of alien species in a DRAGON’S EYE
single space in the whole Empire. Clan(s): Dragon
A small planet orbiting a dual star system close to
AMATERASU’S WISDOM the mysterious “eastern” nebula. The planet is
Clan(s): Mantis closed to other clans, but rumors abound of the
This moon is the siege of the Centipede University Dragon working on secret new technologies to
of Astrophysics ruled by the Moshi. explore the nebula, as well as of the strange worlds
orbiting the two stars. To deal with other clans the
BARRIER REEF Dragon have built Kitsuki’s Hand, an orbital
station in an otherwise uninteresting system that is
easily accessible to most of the clans.

Clan(s): Crab
A tempered small planet within Crab Space,
headquarter of the Toritaka family. Falcon nest has
many mountain ranges and his gravity is slightly
lower than the “normal” standard, giving a feeling
of lightness to anything.

Clan(s): Crane, Phoenix FEATHERS OF THE SPACE

Barrier Reef is a frontier ocean world, with deep Clan(s): Cat, Swan, Scorpion
oceans and small landmasses full of jungles and It’s a temperate small moon within Scorpion’s
dangerous creatures. Discovered and settled only territory. Located near a dim star, the daylight
recently, it's mostly influenced by Chikushudo and always seems to be as dark as the twilight even in
Maigo no Musha. It has some large and dangerous the middle of the day. Many people pretend it’s the
xenofauna. The amphibious Mizunin race lived lair of the deepest and strongest mysteries of the
here a long time ago, and their ruins are of great Empire.
interest to the Empire. The Emperor eventually
granted settlement (and research) rights to the
Crane, who share the system it's in with the
Phoenix. The Mantis are blockading the world in
an attempt to strong-arm the Crane into letting


Clan(s): Crane
The jewel in the Crane’s crown. This planet is an
Clan(s): Unicorn
almost perfectly idyllic version of Rokugan, devoid
Discovered in 2797 and the destination of
of large predators, storms, or other dangers.
Rokugan’s first interstellar expedition, First
From large festive seaside resorts to bustling cities
Landing is a jungle-covered planet. Full of exotic
and ‘traditional’ villages to explore, the entire
animals and plants, the Unicorn as carefully
planet is a giant attraction and fuels the clan’s
studied, bred, and harvested them all.
coffers with billions of koku. It is the center of the
Empire’s often-strange mix of modern and ancient
culture, where galaxy-wide broadcasts can gain a
young pop star or a talented iaijutsu duelist equal
fame and wealth.

HAPPY FROG (moon of the)

Clan(s): Frog
The Tadpole Eggs Complex, headquarter of the
Frog clan is located on the unwelcoming and very
hot moon of the Happy Frog. The temperature is
explained by the very slow rotation of the planet:
A standard “day” here longs as long as five days on
Rokugan Prime.
Clan(s): Crane
Much more open to all visitors, and the military HELLFALL
presence more relaxed; it is a meeting place where Clan(s): Spider
pilots relax in between missions and diplomats A nightmare of influences from Jigoku, Toshigoku,
from various clans negotiate with each other. and Gaki-do, where every day is a fight for survival.
The planet has vast reserves of obsidian and
FRIENDLY MOON Tainted metals which the Spider use in their ships.
Clan(s): Crab Mining draws the attention of many predators, so
It’s a terrestrial (Rokugan-like) moon orbiting the the Spider also use Hellfall as a training ground for
Gaz Giant Six Petals with five other moons in the their warriors.
Path of Hope System. It’s under Chikushudo
influence. HIDA PRIME


Clan(s): Crab
The core Crab system, unimaginatively named
Hida Prime, holds several moons and planets of
Clan(s): Badger great mineral value, which have been ships and
This dwarf planet rich of metals is on the outer weapons.
edge of the Hiruma Prime system is center of
Badger activity in the Empire

Clan(s): Formerly Crab. Clan(s): None
Virtually identical to Hida prime if smaller in size, Every inch of the planet has been built upon, and
and Hiruma prime, which held the busiest and as a result, much as in the old Burning Sands,
richest Crab spaceport in the northern section of natural resources are precious. Water flows beneath
the galaxy. Now under Scarab aliens dominion. the soil, to be sure, but it has been forced
underground or into the extremely vast network of
HIVE piping maintained by the Merchant Houses of
Dahab. The Dahabi houses remain the driving
economic force of the Sands and in many ways
serve as most of the government of Medinaat al-
Salaam. The Caliphate exists almost entirely to
enforce the law (though they also can elevate new
Merchant Houses and assign purviews), while the
Sultanate essentially only runs the judicial system,
with the Merchant Houses taking care of the actual

Clan(s): Spider
A vast, hollowed-out asteroid world set in orbit Clan(s): Spider
A system with large asteroid belts is the home of
around a luminous gas giant. Hive is still
the infamous Undead Legion, a fleet which need
unsanctified and the siege of many maho
experimentations. not worry about pressurization, oxygen supply,
heat, or any other such mundane concerns.
Clan(s): Crab MEKHEM’S CLOAK
Clan: Scarab
Kyuden Hida Prime, a gigantic orbital stronghold
Still unsanctified and remote world near Dragon
located above the largest solid planet, is the center
of Crab activities in the galaxy, and quite possibly border, Mekhem’s Cloak is rarely visited by
outsiders and lacks even of the most basic
impregnable. It orbits a planet known as Inferno, a
accommodations. To live there outside the
place of extremely high temperatures and toxic
atmosphere, populated by a variety of creatures conditioned buildings, you’ve to wear a breath
mask because of the higher density of ammoniac in
which draw their influence from Gaki-do,
his atmosphere.
Toshigoku, and more the already massive radiant
cannons of Kyuden Hida Prime into orbital jade
strikes able to annihilate all traces of corrupted life
Clan(s): Moth
in a radius measured in miles. The fact that the
creatures still keep fighting back is a testament to A remote, dark, unsanctified and lonely planet
near a black hole, the Moth’s cocoon is very
the danger they represent, but the surrounding
unwelcoming to any visitor. The night is nearly
moons are so rich with rare minerals that the Crab
would never give up the place. omnipresent here as it’s located far from a sun.


Clan(s): Crane, Sparrow Clan(s): Spider
A world that does not revolve around himself, thus
The sparrow is headquartering here, within a space
plunging the dark side into permanent cold and
station orbiting this gas giant.
Clan(s): Albatross
This small moon is a territory covered with calm
oceans calm and serene atmosphere that perfectly
matches the temperament of the albatross clan.

Clan(s): Shark
A remote and still unsanctified world. Lost
Tangoku has all of a paradise, despite the unaligned
samurais that populates it.


Clan(s): None
After centuries of cold war, Thrane and Merenae
peoples finally accepted to be relocated together to Clan(s): Seahorse, Crab
this temperate world rather than be obliterated. A Small pelagic moon within Crab Space, Ocean
Covered with oceans it was originally the source of of Sapphire is aggregable to live but lacks of land
a dispute between the Mantis and the Dragon where establish large cities. Some imperial
clans. It’s now officially an Imperial world under communities even live there within domes under
Unicorn Protectorate largely ignored by all other the sea.
clans. An imperial edict forbids all technological
and weaponry trade with this world. OCTAVION
Clan(s): Yodotai
NEST The new home planet for the relocated Yodotai


Clan(s): Mantis
A planet of deep jungles and exotic animals, most
notably: the Doreiku or “lesser dragon”.
Clan(s): Mantis
NEW KALANI A harsh moon-prison run by the Mantis where rain
Clan(s): Mantis is almost constant.
Ninety percent covered by water; this world is a
sailor’s dream. Dangerous for its storms and its OSANO-WO REACH
native life-forms, it is almost infinite in its Clan(s): Disputed between Mantis and Phoenix,
resources. Bear
A world of precious resources that have led the two
NEW ROKUGAN major clans to turn the area into a near-permanent
battle zone. Under the “protection” of the minor
bear clan.


Clan(s): Lion
Nearly at the center of the Star Empire, New
Rokugan is a planet in the Shori system that has
been completely engineered to look like Rokugan Clan(s): Camel
of old, including ancient era technology and A remote desert moon near the east border of the
lifestyles. Empire.

Clan(s): None
A large planet dominated by a relatively advanced
but cruel alien culture, which has responded very
violently to attempts at pacification.


Clan(s): Lion
A system with many habitable worlds. One of the
has been converted into a gigantic military camp,
with vast facilities for the training of new recruits,
large-scale practice exercises, weapons production,
and – in orbit- ship manufacture and repair.
Clan(s): Imperial Families, Peacock, Tiger SUITENGU'S GRASP
The Homeworld. The Imperial Throne. The Land Clan(s): Unicorn, Ibis
of Our Ancestors. Rokugan is known by many Ko-no-hama's Bloom is the Ibis headquarter, an
names across the length and breadth of the Empire, ocean city (with a station in geostationary orbit
and the majority of samurai make a point of above it) located on this Unicorn world with a
visiting at least once during their lives if at all spectacular view of a nearby nebula.
possible. Every last Great Clan maintains holdings
here, and it would be unusual indeed for the TOGASHI’S REST
Emperor to permit any of them to be lost to any Clan(s): Dragon
kind of conflict. The original and capital world of A traditional castle and monastery located on a
the Emerald Star Empire is now free of gaijin remote planet with deadly snows and extreme
presence. weather conditions. The stronghold is located atop
the tallest mountain peak discovered so far in the
RYUNIN galaxy, and requires extensive life support systems
Clan(s): Lion and protections to allow human life. It is a place of
The first with an indigenous race encountered by pilgrimage for tattooed monks, for it is said the
the expanding Empire in 2812. The Lion Clan was planet has received a touch of Tengoku’s influence.
called upon in exterminate the incredibly
aggressive ryunins, which the planet is named after. TOKETSU
Clan(s): Dragon
SHINJO'S SHELL A frozen planet discovered in 2817 where a crust of
Clan(s): Unicorn ice hides colossal oceans beneath. While originally
Located in the Dreaming Shore, somewhere on the discovered by the Mantis, it was given by the
edge of the Empire, Shinjo’Shell is a Unicorn- Emperor into the safekeeping of the Dragon with
controlled system and the Kyuden-class orbital no explanation.
station they maintain there. It serves as the Shore's
primary waystation, where traveling samurai can TADAKA SYSTEM
rest, mingle with the locals, and purchase exotic Clan(s): Phoenix
goods imported from Unicorn space. The Phoenix has built numerous orbital stations to
monitor the various planets located there.

Clan(s): Phoenix
Near the Crane frontier, Ujimitsu is renowned for
its many beautiful natural and magical phenomena,
such as mountain ranges made entirely of jade or
crystal, and geysers of water reaching seemingly
impossible heights.
The Phoenix have harvested much of the planet’s
energy while carefully preserving its balance and

Clan(s): Scorpion, All

The most highly populated planet in the entire

empire, with a city that covers most of the planet’s
surface. With skyscrapers almost literally higher
than the sky, and urban zones spanning the length
of entire continents, the planet houses billions of
people from all the Great Clans (and even a few
from other cultures and races) but remains at least
nominally under the control of the Scorpion. Low
taxes and lax security have attracted investment
from around the galaxy, and many consider the
World of Dreams to be the true capital of the
Empire, although more traditional citizens frown at
such claims. The vast city has a culture of its own,
and one would need several lifetimes to fully
explore it, with many new buildings appearing
almost daily. The World of Dreams draws so much
attention that little else is known about the
Scorpion Clan and its settlements, which is
probably part of their intent. Orbits the gigantic
red star named Bayushi’s Eye.


Clan(s): Imperial Families, Oriole
A gas giant with many metal rich moons held by
the Oriole minor clan in a Seppun system.


Clans(s): Mantis
Yama-no-Kami is habitable, but there's little there
besides mineral resources. Many scholars think it is
due to direct Meido's influence. The only real town
is the colony of Nibui Mura.

Clan(s): Mantis
Noteworthy for two reasons: pirates… and alcohol.

some strange aliens. Many pretend that the
owl clan established peace before the aliens
enable war. The reality is only known by the
clan himself and the Imperial Throne.

The Owl Clan has the smallest territory of all the

Major Clans and only claims a single planet and his
direct neighbors’ systems as his own: Alaine Two.
It’s easier to defend but also lacks of many
resources. Thus, many of the revenues of the Owl
come from the exchange, adaptation and
exploitation of alien technology, development of
their techniques and cultures to accommodate with
those of the Empire. The Tortoise clan doesn’t like
this very much and even if it as only little power to
Shortly after the Destroyer War ends Empress interact with, the Owl Clan always respects their
Iweko was put in the position of having the decisions.
empire accept the Spider clan and in
exploring the former Ivory Kingdoms. Just as
important though is reconciling the traditions
of old with forging a new path in an uncertain
future. The population of the Owl Clan is dense and
To show her respect for the past, fanatic as its only real territory his on a lone
Iweko instructed her imperial historians to planet. Many people and the imperial throne
find any living members among the Imperial suggest that the clan should shortly try to
families who may have had Hantei blood. The absorb others minors clans to increase their
goal was to instore a feeling of unity among population and territories. Until now only the
the Empire. It takes more than ten months but Seahorse clan seems to be interested but
they found a few individuals to pool together negotiations given no many results.
to take on the Hantei family name. Iweko
doesn't stop there however, choosing to honor
the Toturi line: Toturi Shigekawa becomes
daimyo of the fledgling Owl clan’s second
family as the Toturi daimyo. Moving forward The Owl clan welcomes more aliens than all
the Hantei and Toturi families adopted a the other clans. Even if it’s populating his
number of ronin shugenjas. Some of them ranks it doesn’t help to establish continuity.
pretended to be the keepers of the ancestral They’re no more tolerant than other clans
Snake Clan technique. The Empress granted about non-humans but tend to have a deeper
her blessing for them to combine into a single knowledge of them. This causes many ethics
family and to honor one of the most powerful debates on if it’s possible to found a true
shugenja's known to the Rokugan. They take family with other species as members. This
on the Yoshun family name and the clan idea still repulses most of the imperial
began his existence as a minor clan for many population even in this era. All of the Owl
centuries. Clan members are very proud of their
prestigious lineage and nobody would ever risk
Later after a catastrophic encounter being rejected as an outcast by merging his
with a very dangerous entity, the Grasshoper blood with an alien one.
Clan was nearly destroyed and was absorbed as
the Inago Family. They were some of the They sometimes adopted and more certainly
major players in the first contact and the later adapted some alien concepts when it deserved
peace treaty with the Hanajins. the purpose of the clan. These habits gave
them some strange reputation or even
It’s only recently that the clan was barbarian one among the others clans much
granted a major status. After having like has the Unicorn clan centuries ago. But
demonstrated many centuries of utility, the bearing such names as Hantei or Toturi has
clan was able to prevent a secret invasion by

advantages: rare are the people that obviously alien magic and techniques encountered to find a
attack the clan on this subject. way to counter them. They also found back the
ancestral technique of the Snake Clan to fight
The cult of the First kami has steadily grown against the Tainted creatures.
over the centuries after the creation of the owl
clan until it has arguably become one of the
most powerful religious forces within the
domains of the Empire of Emerald Stars. As of
today, the cult of Hantei has become an
essential part in the Brotherhood of Shinsei. Imperial History II introduces the Owl clan as the
Due to their fanatical devotion to their clan of Hantei in the Togashi Dynasty chapter.
Imperial kami, the Cult of Hantei demands Their charter in is to handle non-human threats to
that its followers fight all forms of evil in the the empire that aren't shadowlands related.
empire with the strength of their arms as well
as their faith, with many of its monks So, oni and taint were the Crab job, the Owl
accompanying the Empire's armies when they handled Naga relations and taming Nezumi.
march off to war, following and honoring that Togashi's empire was filled with more magical
creed. This sense of righteousness, self- critters and thus there is a stronger need for a clan
determination, and holy attention from a that specifically deals with otherworldly beings.
caring but demanding kami has ensured that
the citizenry of the Empire is a people of So, translating them to a normal “classical era”
strong faith, will, and unconquerable spirit. game can be somewhat challenging if you want to
Hantei is the symbol that unites the whole keep the essence of what is presented for the Owl.
Empire across all the territories its own: In the future era of Empire of Emerald Stars there is
Hantei is the Empire, and the Empire is no problem while finding a purpose for them...
Hantei as it was its first ruler. With his
ascension to Tengoku, he became a legendary Mechanically speaking you can make
forbear worshiped by the folk of the Empire as use of the Hantei bushi school as the main
a rightful kami whose covenant with his bushi family. However, the advanced school,
people is to defend them as long as the Tsudao's Legion would fit in very well as a
principles upon which his Empire was founded school for the Hantei family.
upon continue to stand.
The Yoshun family would make use
THE HANTEI FAMILY: +1 VOID of the Seppun shugenja school from Imperial
Carrying on the Hantei name they serve as a Histories II and if you permit it of the original
reminder of Rokugans glorious past and traditions. Chuda shugenja school from the Core
They are the longest family to detain the imperial rulebook.
throne centuries ago, and they have still imperial
blood in their veins. They take on the Meanwhile the Otomo Diplomat
responsibilities of leading family provide most of School from Imperial Histories II would
the fanatical bushis of the Cult of Hantei. become the Toturi Diplomat School, similar
in structure to say the Bayushi family does
The Inago Family was once the Grasshopper clan
and is still specializing to monitor Sakkaku activity The Inago family still continues to
and first contact to alien Sakkaku linked ensign the techniques of the Inago Bushi
civilizations. School from the Court of the Minor Clans
The Toturi sought to find a purpose by taking the The non-human bent of the Owl
control of Alaine Two. They are the guardians of clans’ mechanics makes them ideal for helping
the Owl Clan and act mainly as courtiers. to lead the development of the colonies as the
clans face down a number of non-human
They receive a new family name to distinct them
member from the ancestral Chuda family of the
Spider Clan. They’re often at conflict with this
major clan who sees them as traitors. The Yoshun
family is mostly composed of shugenjas that study

gave these minor clans a new legitimacy. They used
this media tool to spread peace messages across the
network throughout the conflict. The small Eel
Clan put his heart to create computer storage tools
and naturally made its servers available to the
Yumeji News Network. Alliances War sees the
beginning of new collaborations.

In 2967 Empress Iweko CXI recognized the

importance of the media within the empire and
wanted to reward its creators. She therefore
decided to assemble the minor clans into a major
one. Neither the Bat Clan nor the Eel Clan wished
in their modesty to lead the clan. Then Iweko CXI,
proposed to the Badger Clan to take the head of
the new major clan in reward of centuries of work
and this one accepted. She also proposed a new
family name to lead them: Ryoshun in the
veneration of the tenth Kami. So, the new Major
Finding its place in the modern era has not always Clan of the Badger was born.
been easy for all. Many minor clans often
disappeared for lack of resources. With the
departure to the stars and the evacuation of
Rokugan Prime, the Badger Clan suddenly found
itself without any real utility since it had become The original Badger's capital is still in the
useless to keep the northern border of the incursion mountains where they came from, but the center of
of the Yobanjin. All he had to do was to keep the Badger activity in the Empire is the dwarf planet
tomb of the tenth kami: Ryoshun. The Boar Clan, Gale on the outer edge of the Hiruma Prime
restored in 1199, was also orphaned of land to system. The clan also secured at least one outpost
exploit but wished to find new territories in space. at the limit of the territory of each other Great
The Bat Clan found itself increasingly deprived of Clan to maintain the YNN.
usefulness because the development of technology As the Badger has also the responsibility to guard
that allowed the greatest number to communicate the northern frontier of the Star Empire -a large
over long distances without resorting to magic ... asteroid field- they established there The Golden
The beginning of modernity seemed to sound the Compass, a large space station that orbits a red sun
death knell of these clans. Deprived of utility they called the Boar’s Eye.
risked disappearing. The Komori family conserved her ancestral home
on the Island of Lost Wilderness, but run most of
The Badger was originally a Minor Clans and one her operations from of the World of Dreams. Most
of the first eager to go to space. Many Badger of their revenues come from mining operations.
joined the Imperial Exploration Corps, and the
Crab brought them to share some of their systems
after the Emperor's declaration.
They survived thanks to the Minor Clan Alliance
but it was really only in the worst of the The Badger clan’s population is scattered on his
misfortunes that they tied for good. From 2932 to multiple territories but manage to survive well even
2966 Alliance War raged and carried away millions is the harshest conditions. As the youngest major
of lives in atomic wars. The Boar Clan and Badger clan, his population is still smaller than the others
Clans were able to play their part by negotiating but comparable to those of the Spider Clan.
the radioactive materials used to make the nuclear
weapons. Soon, their safe boxes were filled but The first preoccupation of the clan when it raised
their population declined. to major status was to increase its population and it
did it in some original way: the clan invited the
The Bat Clan managed to survive but lacked funds Brotherhood of Shinshei to settle their territories.
to create the first computer communication It didn’t give them many marriages but at least the
network that soon became the Yumeji News lands were occupied and populated. In return, the
Network. The financial windfall of the Boar Clan Brotherhood was happy to create some new shrines
and the Badger Clans provided for this. The to worship Ryoshun.
jurisdiction and development of this computer tool

The original tiny bat clan became the Komori
family of the Badger Clan and manages many forms
When the Badger became a Major clan, it of communication across the Empire. They also run
originally lacked of shugenjas. The small Anago the Yumeji News Network (found on the World of
family had some of them but a strong tradition Dreams). As the samurai version of the people who
within the Heichi and Ichiro family denied them to work in the IT basement of a major corporation,
have more. The Brotherhood of Shinshei not only they have allies both in the Scorpion (who watch
improved their population but also gave them some YNN a lot, for some reason) and the Crab (who
access to magic. Some of them filed the rank of the still make heavy use of their communication magic
Ryoshun family and established many connections to deceive their opponents). They’re always happy
with the spirit realms. As the Badger helped to to discover, develop and decrypt new form of
guard monasteries and provided raw materials for communications and form appreciated courtiers.
their constructions, the two groups have become
pretty close over the years and the cult of Ryoshun THE RYOSHUN FAMILY: +1 VOID
developed. The young and calm Ryoshun family runs the daily
operations of the clan and tries to accommodate it
When it became a major clan, the customs of the to the status of a Major Clan. They soft temper
new Badger clan were as dense as the Mantis Clan makes they mainly act as courtiers for the clan.
when he rose to the same status. Most of the
families kept their original traditions. Ceremonies
and gemppukus were then as varied as the number
of the families. But with time and marriages
between family’s differences faded away and the KOMORI PROTOCOL OFFICER
composing families only kept strong identities Since the development of modern communication
within their tiny ancestral territories. The Heichi systems, the ancestral technique of The Kami’s
and Ryoshun families were the easiest to adapt as Whispers has often become obsolete. But the
the youngest of the clan but were very enthusiast to Komori have had time enough to specialize
rediscover the ancestral lost traditions of the themselves to decipher and learn many foreign
original boar clan. languages and communication concepts. All clans
are very happy when it can have the service of a
The Badger clan is one of the most technological, Komori protocol officer to conduce negotiations.
mechanized and industrialized major clan, still less
advanced than the Phoenix clan but sometimes Rank: 1
more relying on machines than the Crab Clan. Replaces: Komori Shugenja 1
Benefit: +1 Perception
THE ANAGO FAMILY: +1 PERCEPTION Skills: Calligraphy (Cipher), Etiquette
The Anago family was once known as the Eel Lore: Theology, Meditation, Spellcraft,
Clan. They maintain the largest data storage Tea Ceremony, any one High Skill
facilities and search engine within the Empire. Honor: 4.5
They’re also expert programmers and to classify and Outfit: Robes, Wakizashi, any 1 weapon,
retrieve rapidly any information from their Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
tremendous data servers. They serve the clan Affinity/Deficiency: Air / Earth
mostly as courtiers, more rarely as shugenjas. Requirements: None
Technique: The Kami’s Wisdom – You
THE HEICHI FAMILY: + 1 AWARENESS have the kami’s help who translate for you
The once renewed boar clan is now the Heichi uncommon languages. You’ve a +2k1
family and maintains the mining operation of the bonus in Calligraphy (Cipher). After
clan. They specialize in mining prospection and spending a month speaking with a person
exploration of mountain, harsh, remote, polar or who practice a foreign language you can
icy frost worlds and asteroids fields. They form buy the Language advantage for this for a
bushis for the clan with their retrieved ancestral point less than the normal cost.
techniques. Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 3 Air,
2 Water, and 1 Fire
The original family of the badger has the strongest
traditions among the clan. Their legendary
resilience served well to accommodate to
modernity. They provide bushis to the clan.

Benefit: +1 Awareness
Skills: Calligraphy, Courtier, Etiquette
(Courtesy), Lore: Spirit Realms (Choose
One), Meditation, Sincerity, any one
High Skill
Honor: 4.5
Outfit: Sensible Clothing, Wakizashi,
Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack, 5 koku



You gain one of the Touch of the Spirit Realms
Advantage for no cost in Experience Points (if you
already have that Touch of the Spirit Realms
Advantage, you are refunded that many Experience
Points). You gain a bonus to all Courtier and
Etiquette Social Skill rolls equal to the number of
Emphases you have in the Lore: Spirit Realms


A number of times equal your School Rank per
day, you may spend a Void Point to grant one of
your allies within 30 feet, one of the Touch of the
Spirit Realms Advantages for a number of hours
equal to your School Rank. If your ally already has
this Advantage, your Technique fails.


You gain a bonus of 2k1 to all your Social Skills.
You receive one additional Touched by the Spirit
Realms Advantage.


A number of times per session equal to your School
Rank, you may speak with someone for a few
minutes and then make a Contested Roll of your
Courtier (Manipulation) / Willpower against their
Etiquette (Courtesy) / Awareness. If you succeed,
they acquire one of the Cursed by the Spirit
Realms Disadvantages (your choice) for a number
of hours equal to your School Rank. (You cannot
use this technique on the same person twice in the
same day.)


All bonuses, penalties, TNs, etc bonus or penalties
that the Touched of the Spirit Realms or Cursed by
the Spirit Realms confer are now doubled for you
and people you affect with your techniques. You
gain two additional Spirit Realms Advantages.

smokescreen for its darkest activities and a kind of
ambassadors just as the Dragonfly clan work for the
Dragon clan.

The Anglerfish clan strives to remain pure

and free of any Taint but only to mask the growing
scale of the disproportionate and unreasonable
ambitions of the Spider clan. His apparent sincerity
is a lure of light designed to attract easy preys into
the deep abyss where the Spider clan hides...

Most of the revenues come from voluntary

“In space, no one can hear you scream.” donations and even the imperial support in
memory of their “unwavering loyalty”. They also
grow tea of Jade petals officially to guard them from
the Taint of the Spider but specially to make an
illegal black market.
The Anglerfish Clan is a faction of the Spider clan
who openly separated from the rest of the clan and In reality, the funds come obviously from
lent allegiance to Iweko Ist. At first, they had no the dubious or downright illegal activities of the
other status than a pariah one and no other one Spider. Their territory is not more extensive, being
was actually granted if it is the ability to work for limited to a single Torid-E class station located at
the glory of the Empire in the colonies as they the edge of Spider space. It would be easy to get
remained loyal and destitute of all traces of Taint around but decorum order to respect the courtesy
of the Shadowlands. This aroused some bitterness and traditions.
but they accepted this position gracefully as the
distrust of the other clans was great. The
monitoring of the Dragon Clan never faltered and
any sign of corruption was systematically
eliminated. With time things came to settle and The Anglerfish clan will always claim to be
confidence was established. understaffed because it suits well. In this way, it
may justify certain breaches of its jurisdiction and
The real stroke of genius was fulfilled still require more funds to the imperial treasury.
when the Anglerfish clan was created. The Dragon Some, however, go up to use racket to bring a guest
Clan had found a strong interest in the exploration in relation with the Spider but this practice is very
of the nebula of the east border and needed as subtle, pernicious and often repressed.
many resources to operate strange worlds that he
already devoted to colonize them. The Although it was never a very influential
responsibility for monitoring the Spider Clan was clan, it demonstrated good manners by gathering
then entrusted to the clan of Anglerfish. the outcasts and the poorest even in the ranks of
the ronin, etas or the peasantry. But this is also a
Corruption, however, catches up with the deception because they know anyway that most of
new clan. First, because some members of the them will end up in the web of the spider if they
samurai caste were unwittingly suffering mutations. come to talk.
Some think they are due to Spider clan who
surreptitiously used Shadowland Taint to transform
them. The Spider clan fiercely defended by
claiming that they were due to atomic fallouts of
the Alliances War. No one really knows the answer
Members of the Anglerfish Clan are working to
but this crisis led to a large number of refugees.
stay as pure as possible in order to hide the darkness
These were treated as outcasts and while having no
of their dark intentions. They are courteous and
longer a place to live within the other clans, they
sincere but this is mostly a facade. They act as
refused to join the Spider. The clan of the newly
diplomats and smokescreen to the Spider clan that
created Anglerfish was so all found to
weighs on them to show that their intentions are
accommodate them. Over time the Anglerfish
good. In reality the Spider clan always exercises its
became the instrument of the Spider: a

formidable Daigotsu courtiers but they can now act TECHNIQUES
more freely on condition of even more anonymity.
The Anglerfish managed to deceive the vigilance RANK 1: THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON
of the clan of the Seahorse clan which she often You may voluntary lose a maximum of 10 Honor
uses to purge their members of their surplus of Points (a complete rank) to add the same bonus to
Shadowlands Taint. any Contested Social roll. You may do it for a
willing ally but (s)he loses Honor at your place.
ANKO FAMILY: +1 AWARENESS Add your School Rank to your Honor Rank
whenever another is attempting to discern your
Anko's family lives mostly reclusive and only show true Honor Rank.
up to bite most often to defend its interests or to
make believe that it is closely monitoring the RANK 2: THE BRIGHT OF THE PURE DARKNESS
Spider. This is not a close family nor welded Once per month you may attempt a Contested Roll
formed because of people who were united there by of Courtier/Intelligence versus the
desperation and trapped. Only the most influential Courtier/Awareness of a non-player character of a
members of the Anglerfish are aware of its superior Status than your own. If you succeed you
profound goals and enjoy a comfortable life. The immediately gain a number of Koku equal to the
others are most often left behind except when it difference of Status and lose the same number of
comes to exercise a demonstration of good graces. Honor.


You may spend a Void Point or lose 5 Honor Points
to make your attacks with a samurai weapon or a
ANKO COURTIER SCHOOL knife as Simple Actions rather than Complex
actions during this skirmish.
The techniques of the Anko Courtier School are
largely inspired by those of the Daigotsu Courtier RANK 4: THE BACK OF THE MEDAL
School although they fiercely defend from it. The Any rolls made to detect your lies have their TN
honor is of little value to an Anko as long as he can increased by an amount equal to 5 x your School
afford to keep their secrets. Rank. You gain a free Raise when you use your
Sincerity (Deceit) or any Low skill.
Benefits: +1 Perception
Skills: Acting, Courtier, Etiquette, RANK 5: TO THE ABYSS OF THE ANGLERFISH
Meditation, Sincerity (Deceit), Every student of the Anko Courtiers is
Temptation, a Low Skill at choice. accomplished at the art of pretending that his faults
Honor: 1.5 are those of another. When you have to lose Honor
Outfit: Simple Clothes, Wakizashi, or Glory or even Status, you may spend a Void
Knife, Travelling Pack, 3 koku point as a Complex Action to try to shift this loss
to someone else of lower Status than you who is
present at the moment of the accusation. You must
make a Contested Roll of your Sincerity (Deceit) /
Awareness versus the victim’s Sincerity (Honesty) /
Awareness in order to make the shifting of blame

Members of the Crane had heard rumors of a
peasant who possessed strength like no other, said
to be a son of Bishamon himself. They found this
young man, named Kuma, and hatched a cruel plan
to pay the Crab back for the Rice War. The Crane
educated Kuma is the basics of court etiquette and
trained him brutally by the clan's best sumai
masters, promising him a life of ease for his family
and a Doji wife should he wins the sumai contest.
Having seen that the Great Famine was only
"The Strong always survives." getting worse, Kuma readily agreed.

The Hida he faced put up a good match, but

Kuma soon proved victorious, throwing the
desperate but unskilled warrior out of the ring in an
The rule of Hantei XX was not good to impressive display of strength. After the
the Crab. The selfish and vain Emperor had tournament, the same Hida attempted to get
openly and cruelly showered favors upon the other revenge on Kuma by killing him outright (his
clans, especially the Crane, and placed punitive peasant status meant there would be no
taxes on the Crab during the Great Famine after reproductions for such an act), but the Seppun
the Clan of Hida claimed they didn't have enough stopped the attack. The Emperor had been deeply
rice to pay taxes and feed their armies. It is only entertained by the Crab's humiliation; to protect
luck that there was no major Shadowlands uprising the Crane's champion sumai, Hantei XX named
during Hantei XX's rule, or it is likely that the Kuma the Champion of a new Minor Clan, thereby
Crab would not have the strength to hold back the granting him samurai status. The young man chose
tide of darkness. Hantei XX levied many insults the Bear as his clan's symbol, and the Crab had no
and humiliations upon the Crab's shoulders. choice but to accept the humiliation and leave.

One such insult came in the form of the Though Kuma was given a (very low-
Bear Clan. During Winter Court of 664 (held in ranking) Doji bride, his peasant birth meant he had
Kyuden Doji, as most of Hantei XX's Winter few samurai willing to join the Bear, and instead he
Courts were), Crane Champion Doji Morito selected almost all of his early followers from the
arranged for a sumai contest to be held in 'honor' of ranks of the heimin caste. Made mostly of men of
the Crab. In truth, the whole tournament was great strength, the Bear became a clan of warriors
arranged to insult and humiliate the Crab. The and wrestlers. Aside from sumai, the Bear branched
year before, the Crab had attacked the Crane in a out to all areas where they could employ their great
desperate attempt to gain the food needed to strength, earning a reputation as brawlers, athletes,
survive in what is now known as the Rice War, and even reliable bodyguards.
only for the Crab army to be blocked off by the
Imperial Legions. Due to the Crab's increasingly
dire food situation, their best sumai wrestlers had
given up the sport, which required a high-calorie
diet. As such, the Crab were ill prepared for the After Hantei XX created the Bear Clan, he didn't
tournament, having brought no trained sumai to give much thought to the new Minor Clan,
court; the Crab had been told there would be no including giving them a home. The actual
sumai contests this court (a miscommunication by responsibility fell to the Otomo, who were less than
an Otomo clerk with a Doji wife, strangely pleased with the whole affair surrounding the clan's
enough). Still, with the pride of the clan on the creation. Eventually, the Bear was granted lands
line, several Hida entered the contest, their sheer nestled in the foothills western section of the Wall
strength and years on the Wall pitted against the above the Ocean mountain range, very close to
sumai of the other clans. In all amazement, the Crab lands. Originally, the Otomo attempted to
Crab prevailed, until at last a warrior of Hida stood place the Bear on the eastern side, in Crane lands,
for the final match. However, the Crane had but the Crane petitioned to the Emperor, who of
prepared one final humiliation: his opponent was course favored the Crane and instead placed the
not a samurai, but a commoner named Kuma. Bear near Crab territory rather than deprive the
Crane of one foot of land. This has not endeared
the Bear to the Crab at all.

The Bear's single province was of workable Kuma family members tend to be strongly
quality, but has little overall worth. The most built and tall, especially males. They're rarely
valued spots of the nearby mountains were already considered attractive, especially when compared to
claimed by the Crane and Crab long before the samurai from other clans, due to their peasant
Bear came into existence, as were the locations origins. Most samurai notice that Kuma have
with the most fertile soil. Still, it is enough for the 'commoner' features, which lack either the softness
Bear to get by, and the clan's simple tastes mean favored by the Crane, or the confident proud look
they rarely need real extravagances. Their peasants prized by the Lion. Most wouldn't be called
are willing to work hard, as the Bear's samurai often ruggedly handsome so much as simply gruff and
share bounty of their labors. hard-featured. A few, especially those from long
sumai lines, are the notable exceptions. A good
One notable resource the Bear maintain is sumai can normally expect a good marriage,
honey. Kuma himself had a regular sweet tooth; as regardless of status, and sumai are always in
did many of his followers, and the Bear maintain a demand. As such, Kuma from the family's sumai
small but reliable supply of honey on hand because best lines tend to show features common amongst
of this. This supply has never been very big, seeing other clans, especially the Lion, Phoenix, and
as their lands are not strongly suited for wholesale Crane.
honey production, but it is enough that the Bear
have never needed to buy it from another clan. In spite of their great love of sumai, Kuma
are rarely 'fat.' Their love of all athleticism and
The Bear have only one important holding, disdain for laziness means the Kuma work out
on the Osano-Wo Reach planet: Shiro Kuma. The regularly, and are often more muscled and stouter
keep was built by both peasant and samurai hands, than outright fat. If anything, they are never
as Kuma and his followers were eager to have their flabby.
home completed quickly and had no qualms about
doing the work themselves. The 'castle' itself is
small and plain, more like an estate. However, the
grounds surrounding it have been turned into a vast
gymnasium, fit for any form of athletic training. The Bear have few allies. After their initial
Bear samurais train themselves at the castle creation, the Crane had little use for the Bear, and
grounds at all hours of the day, constantly fighting largely ignores them. The Lion find their peasant
in all sorts of physical challenges to prove who is origins revolting overall, and their creation
strongest. At the center of Shiro Kuma is a large insulted the Crab. Luckily, the in the years that
shrine to Bishamon, whom the Bear consider their followed, the Bear offered no further insults and
patron (and possible forefather, if the rumors the Crab seem to have dropped any interest in
surrounding the first Kuma are to be believed). feuding with the Minor Clan (or considers
destroying them more trouble than its worth). The
Bear's only form of influence is in their strength
and athletic skill; they try to compete in any
The Bear Clan has a slightly smaller than athletic contest they hear of, and send as many
average population for a Minor Clan. The Bear's representatives to the Winter Court sumai
birthrates are normal, but their relative poverty tournaments as possible. Successful sumai bring
means that they sometimes lack the medical care wealth, favors, and prestige to the Bear, as well as
available to richer clans. They also have had no good marriages and connections. In eras where the
recorded shugenja born amongst their ranks, and Mantis are still a Minor Clan, they have a semi-
must ask the priests of other clans to bless their hostile relationship, seeing the Bear as rivals in
crops and births. both athletic contests (which the Mantis also
appreciate), and in mercenary work. Once the
Every birth in Bear lands, samurai or Mantis becomes a Great Clan, they might view the
commoner, is celebrated with a plentiful but simple Bear in a different light, as a clan of strong warriors
meal of the family's favorites, followed by a desert they can possibly absorb into a Mantis family.
of honey on toasted flatbread. The custom was The Bear always admired the Badger's strength and
born of the simple food item being the first Kuma's appreciation for wrestling, and the two would be
favorite treat; the Bear believe that eating it at a strong allies normally. However, both the distance
birth grabs the attention of Kuma's spirit, and helps between them and the Badger's deeply reclusive
make the child strong. traditions mean members of either clan rarely see
each other.

Of relations with the Minor Clans, the Bear receive better educations than their male
fare slightly better. The Hare and Sparrow both are counterparts, especially in finances and history, and
close enough to their commoners to not care about are the most likely to be selected for training
the Bear's peasant blood and bearings, and are outside of the Bear, even if they are encouraged to
generally friendly, though their different spheres of maintain athletic fitness. Women normally oversee
influence mean they have little interest in one the economics and education of their household.
another. The Bear consider magic something In fact, the Bear Champion's wife normally knows
outside of their understanding, so shugenja clans just as much, if not more, about the clan's finances
like the Dragonfly and Fox pose little interest to and politics than he does.
them, though the Bear do prefer to request a Minor
Clan shugenja to bless their crops or births rather A promotion in rank in the Bear Clan is
than one belonging to a Great Clan. followed by the person promoted wrestling those
beneath him in one-on-one contests to prove his
Occasionally, the Bear find themselves strength and worthiness. This also means that a
hired by other clans as yojimbo, especially to the newly crowned Bear Champion must wrestle all of
Crane. While this may seem strange at first, a few his most important vassals, and such an event is
courtiers have found that having a powerfully built treated as a grand tournament the whole clan can
bodyguard can influence negotiations, especially watch and enjoy; often, troops will cheer for their
with the Crab. The presence of Kuma bushi can commanding officers rather than their new young
disrupt a Yasuki merchant's negotiation methods, Champion, and the Bear consider this acceptable.
as they often attempt to have their Hida yojimbo
subtly threaten their adversaries, a task far harder The Kuma are simple people with simple
when the person sitting across the table has a bushi and cheap tastes. They do not have lavish parties,
that can match the Hida in size and bulk. are content with simple meals and drink, and dress
in the plainest clothing their station allows for.
Because they come from peasant stalk, the Bear
treat their commoners well, not allowing them to
Athleticism is the most prized aspect of the Bear. be abused by clan-mates or outsiders alike. The
Wrestling and sumai are held in highest esteem, Bear are a jolly people, and they have many
but any display of athletic ability is encouraged. festivals, often centered on athletic contests, that
Likewise, scholarly pursuits are seen as unnecessary, peasant and samurai alike can join in. On the very
and education, which can be expensive for the rare occasion that a commoner wins such contests,
poor clan anyway, is kept to a minimum. The Bear they are allowed to join the Kuma family.
do not have the resources to teach any refined and
courtly arts, though they trade favors to the Crane *Note: Modern professional sumo wrestling is still
to teach their brightest students of sumai the male-only in real life, and highly traditional.
etiquette lessons necessary to avoid embarrassment While a few woman sumo originations are around,
in court. If a Kuma has a Crane mother or wife they are rare. The GM is free to decide how true
(which can be a little more common than one this is in Rokugan (if this distinction exists at all).
might think), it falls on her to teach him such arts
The Kuma of the Bear are a strong, large people.
Because traditional sumai is reserved for They universally despise physically weakness, and
men* (though woman are allowed to compete in constantly train in athletics to improve their
several contests, including some Winter Court bodies. While rarely attractive, the Kuma's strength
tournaments) boys children are favored slightly cannot be denied.
over girls, and sumai fathers will go to lengths to
ensure their sons follow in their footsteps. This They are quite often shaggy or at least
tradition is less apparent in non-sumai family lines, hairier than the average rokugani. The beards are
and ignored outright in families that focus on a appreciated by the men whereas the ladies often
bushi's traditional role as a warrior first and braid their long hair in an elaborate way.
foremost. The few women sumai of the Bear can
expect promotions and the best possible marriages, Members of the Kuma family are usually
in or out of the clan, as such rarities are considered calm, jovial and sweet, but beware the ones who
clear signs of Bishamon's favor. Woman warriors dare to threaten them because their anger is
and athletes alike are respected as equal members proportional to their temperance. One must be
of the clan, though only males that have gained the wary of the bear that sleeps...
sumai rank of sanyaku are allowed to become Bear
Champion. Non-warrior women can expect to


The Kuma Bushi are paragons of strength, favoring

melee combat and especially wrestling. The Kuma
favor endurance and strength, trusting it to see
them through against faster and more skilled
opponents. Those unlucky enough to be caught in
the Kuma bushi's grasp rarely escape.

Benefit: +1 Strength
Skills: Athletics, Heavy Weapons,
Hunting, Jujutsu (Grapples), Kenjutsu,
any two Skills.
Honor: 4.5
Outfit: Light or Heavy Armor, Travelling
Pack, Daisho, Any one weapon, Practical
Clothing, 3 koku



The Kuma possess strength and endurance of their
namesake, making them mighty warriors. Add
+1k0 to all Damage rolls made with Melee attacks
(including unarmed attacks). You gain 3 bonus
Wounds per Wound Rank.


The Kuma Bushi endures like a hibernating bear,
his strength outlasting even the winter's rage. You
subtract your Strength from any Wound Penalties
you suffer.
Strength and speed lead power to each other. You
may make Melee attacks as Simple Actions,
including when fighting Unarmed.


A bear awoken from hibernation is as dangerous a
foe as most oni, and the Kuma Bushi emanate its
power. You may spend a Void Point on any
Strength-based Roll (including Damage Rolls) to
cause the lowest kept dice to Explode.


Nothing that stands before an angry bear lives to
tell of it. Once per encounter, when you damage
an opponent in with a Melee attack or while
Grappling them, you may spend a Void Point to
cause the target make an Earth Ring Roll against a
TN equal to the damage dealt, or be Stunned for
one Round.

seemed promised a bright future. Nothing seemed
to be able to cure her and Kato, instead of despair,
prayed for a long time to her ancestors. No one
knows what happened that night when a terrible
storm broke out. In the morning Kato was
discovered dead of exhaustion, a smiling to the lips
in the temple of his ancestors. The little girl had
also succumbed to the disease and despair began to
point in the heart of Misato for not being able to
perpetuate the work of his father. But while she was
crying something unheard of happened, she
suddenly felt a hand rest on her shoulder and
turned, frightened.
The Beaver clan originated in the Dragon. It is
indeed for them very frustrating to be confronted She discovered the android, who, as animated by a
with an enigma that they cannot solve. Particularly conscience of her own, came to console her. With
when you carry the name of Kitsuki and find time Misato felt the presence of her daughter in
yourselves in front of a nebula impossible to cross. this body of cold metal but whose eyes nevertheless
Kitsuki Kato was one of them. While he saw the showed a spark of feelings. The robot had become
progress of science bringing their everyday its lot of the receptacle of the girl's soul. He explained that
wonders, he deduced that the finding the solution this was what Emma-O, the fortune of Death,
was only a matter of time. But a single existence of decided in exchange for the expectation and
man would it suffice for to know it? He doubted it servitude offered by Kitsuki Kato. When the story
sincerely. Kitsuki Kato had heard of the founder reached the Imperial Palace, Empress Iweko CXI
Kami of his clan, Togashi, and read that he lived decided to grant Kitsuki Kato the status of minor
until the twelfth century without aging. This fortune of Patience. She also created the Kato
divine power fascinated him but his wisdom told family and the Beaver clan. Officially their duty
him that to seek the means of achieving it would would be to perpetuate the work of Kitsuki Kato in
violate the Celestial Order. He was no more the manufacture of habitats and robots.
attracted by the yet so promising maho and said Unofficially, the aim would be to break through
that the solution would come from the technology the secrets between the spirits and the artificial
itself. intelligence to reach a status of eternity...

He studied more and more, began engineering,

discovered robotics and applied himself to it. After
all, robots suffer very little from the outrage of The Beaver's home and greatest achievement is the
time. If he should succeed in transferring his Bibagari One, a massive colony ship with hills,
consciousness into one of them, then, it would live rivers and seas under a space worthy dome. This
for eternity even if he would lose the faculty to ship was a collaborative effort between the Beaver,
have feelings. For more than 50 years he worked Unicorn and Crab, and was designed as a potential
tirelessly until he managed to build a satisfactory means of crossing the Empire's empty western
prototype of android. But energy was beginning to border. For now, the three Clans use it as a mobile
fail both at the level of the body and the temporary base for ship repairs and construction.
astronomical amount it would take to transfer its Most of their economy comes from their habitat
mind into the robot. It was then that a ronin craftsmanship and they are reputed to design very
presented himself before his door. The latter never beautiful skyscrapers. They still lack off true
revealed his identity but said he wanted to talk to funding’s to implement their research facilities
Kitsuki Kato. They talked together all night, no about robotics and cybernetics.
one really knows about what, but in the morning as
the ronin went away in the mist, Kitsuki Kato had
The beaver is a very young clan and not very
He abandoned his research and then began populous. They were happy to welcome some
building more reliable, more robust habitats so that former Dogs, Unicorns and Crabs clan members
his offspring could comfortably live the time to who adopted the small beaver as their new clan.
wait where he had failed. He had a daughter, Many of them are just searching for peace but some
Kitsuki Misato, who, after his marriage, had in her of them have an interest to make their way into
turn given birth. But her only little girl fell ill this new domain of engineering.
shortly before her gempukku when she nevertheless

The Beaver are fairly sociable, as they understand
you can't run a ship alone, but tend to bypass
political maneuvering in favor of the kind of
honest, direct approach that saves lives every day.
Though the Beaver are excellent team leaders,
their knowledge of combat is very basic, and both
families rely on the Dog Clan for protection.


Their Biba shugenja family studies officially the art
of massive space transportation, and researches
ways to make it simpler and easier. It would be very
useful to place massive orbital stations without
having to deploy tremendous energy or armies of
shugenjas. Secretly, the most talented of them seek
the link between technology and spirits, how a
kami could provide energy to fuel a device, how a
soul managed to habit a robot, etc. Some of their
work has already given results even if some Spider
agents have rendered such fast research easier with


Kato does their best to maintain the flourishing
clan activities running despites of funds. They are
unique in the way they try form themselves as
courtiers or bushis. They are responsible of
recruiting laborers and negotiating contracts
against favors to implement the clan basics.


Benefit: +1 Perception
Skills: Cryptography (Cipher), Lore:
Theology, Meditation, Spellcraft 2, Use
Computer, any one High Skill
Honor: 3.5
Outfit: Robes, Wakizashi, any 1 weapon,
Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack, 1 koku
Affinity/Deficiency: Air / Earth

Technique: Discovering Electricity Kamis - You

can spend any number of Air Spell slots as a Simple
Action to give to a skill test using technology (as
Use Computer, Piloting, Flying, Driving or
Cryptography) a +1k1 bonus for each slot you
spend this way. Also, you gain a Free Rise for all
spells with the Technology tag.
Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 3 Air, 2 Water,
and 1 Fire

Most Ibis holdings are broadcasting stations or
recruitment agencies in places offered to them
by the Great Clans. Their largest holding is Ko-
no-hama's Bloom, an ocean city (with a station
in geostationary orbit above it) on the Unicorn
world of Suitengu's Grasp with a spectacular
view of a nearby nebula. (The Unicorn gave
them the territory to ensure they'd get all Ibis
broadcasts.). Notably the Ibis Clan is one of the
richest of minor clans and its revenue comes
from advertising and prohibitive fees of artists
The Clan of the Ibis was born of war. But not among its ranks.
from the inspiration that can give the war. I
have nothing to do with tactics or even strategy
but with propaganda and morale. Like the
Emperor, Doji Aibisu could no longer see his
countrymen constantly quarreling over territory. Ibis's clan has more people than it seems at first
She had lost her parents, both mowed down by look because its members are not all situated in
infighting while the Alliances War threatened Ko-no-hama's Bloom but scattered throughout
to destroy the Emerald Empire from within. Doji the Empire. Gossips claim that only the
Aibisu knew it better than anyone. wealthiest or the most famous are entitled to
become members of this very select clan but it is
She was not particularly good with not in reality. As the clan serves as cultural
blades or weapons but excelled from an early age window to the alliance of minor clans, it seeks to
in the art of eloquence. So, she began to send show only its finery but all celebrities started at
letters to all clan warlords to try to resolve the the bottom of the scale even if it is true they are
conflict. But nothing helped. Even the pacifist almost always from the samurai caste. You can
Phoenix clan refused to listen to reason. Then find etas, heimins and hinins in the clan but
she took drastic measures and decided to contact they are often relegated to menial tasks such as
the Emperor himself. handling and maintenance.

The son of Heaven heard his

supplication and offered the girl to speak on his
behalf as the Voice of the Emperor. There has
never had such a young person in this position Is not a member of the Ibis who wants. For a
but Doji Aibisu not retired. She spent long days chance to be accepted as such it must be
to prepare a speech for the Emperor and almost a recognized by his peers as an outstanding
month later, it was widely distributed individual. Many people claim to be from Ibis
throughout the Empire by the YNN. The words clan because of his high dispersion while they
were so righteous, the emotion was such that have never even been approached by one. The
resounded to the ends of the galaxy and the Ibis clan recruits by itself and unsolicited
fighting ended early. The Emperor delighted to applications and volunteers rarely have a
finally see peace return proclaimed as soon the favorable response. Only the best of the best
new Aibisu family name of the Ibis clan. The should expect to be welcome.
one that had delivered the message was the first
daimyo. He entrusted her the mission to The clan holds every winter an annual
maintain the morale of the population in all gala to receive donations that will go to the
conditions, to ensure that the joy lives in the poorest. The event is broadcast throughout the
hearts on and that culture was a vector of peace. empire by YNN. However, unlike the favor of
The Crane Clan took offense of this purpose the Miya family, the funds raised are generally
that was assigned to her then Aibisu Ishiko used only for Minor Clan Alliance members.
purposed to become the spokesman of the Minor
Clan Alliance. The Emperor agreed. Since then,
The Ibis Clan represents the cultural strength of
the Alliance.

No one in the Empire has mastered the facets of
The Aibisu family is not prestigious by his the iron fan with the same fluency at the Aibisu
struggles or his bravery but by his eloquence, his War Dancers. When wielding a war fan or a
wit and panache. The Aibisu are usually music instrument in your off hand, you suffer no
exuberant in their habits, their demands and penalties for attacks made with that hand. You
their clothing, they're one of the few Minor also add your rank in War Fans to the total of
Clans families who can expect to be known and your Armor TN at all time while wielding a War
recognized wherever they go. The glory they get Fan.
usually serves them as an excuse for all the
etiquette or courtesy errors they may commit. RANK 3: SPEED OF THE STARS
Having a member of the Clan of the Ibis at his With speed built upon endless training, the
court is a pledge of fun as much as prestige. Aibisu strikes an opponent from every angle.
Aibisu are proud, sometimes even arrogant and Attacking is a simple action instead of a
often behave with a slight disdain. They never complex action when listening good music or
fail to remember that they are appreciated to the using War Fans or a music instrument.
court of the Emperor…
Ibis clan members may never buy the Bland The Aibisu War Dancer wear extravagant
advantage. clothes while on stage, both to inspire fear in
opponents, imagination of their audience and to
AIBISU WAR DANCER SCHOOL make them difficult to distinguish from one-
[BUSHI] another.
Benefit: +1 Agility When wearing extravagant clothes, you gain
Skills: Acting, Athletics, Intimidation, Fear 2. This effect rises by 1 for every five
Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, War Fans, any one additional Aibisu War Dancer fighting alongside
Perform skills. you, to a limit of Fear 6. When wearing
Honor: 2.5 traditional clothes, this effect does not occur.
Outfit: Extravagant Clothing, Daisho, However, when someone makes a Lore:
two Tessen, Music recorder/emitter, Heraldry/Intelligence roll to determine your
Traveling pack, 8 koku. identity, you may voluntarily choose to increase
the TN of that roll by 10.
RANK 1: THE BLAZE OF THE IBIS Those who have mastered the Aibisu School
The Aibisu truly believes that her work serves a seem to strike from everywhere at once. If you
higher purpose and has often little care about attack more than once in the same turn while
her own protection. So, they are used to have listening good music and wielding a Tessen or a
servants to take care of them and especially music instrument, you may make a single extra
yojimbos at their service to protect them against attack maneuver each time with your off hand
hordes of groupies. You may but the Servant for 3 raises instead of 5.
advantage for 4 points instead of 5. Anyone may
Guard you as a Free Action. You also gain a
+1k1 bonus to your Perform skills.

at the soup kitchen. When he saw the effort
made to feed the population, he immediately
revealed his identity and said he had never eaten
better food than he had consumed. A food that
filled not only the stomach but mostly fed the
soul. As a reward he conferred Kunshin the
family name of Xiongmao and asked him to
found a minor clan for his initiative to endure.
Kunshin Xiongmao is now long dead but his
charity work continues and there is even a
restaurant that bears his name in rebuilt city of
“When the appetite goes well, all is well ..." Otosan Ushi on Rokugan.

Sometimes it is memorable meals that mark the The wealth of the Panda Clan is almost indecent
spirits. Hida Kunshin was among people who for a family of monks but it is mainly due to
thought that. Originally, he was a sumai warrior imperial support and to their popularity. They
from the Crab Clan, but his overweight never use their fame or wealth of apparent
prevented him from being truly effective in manner, preferring to live in a humble and quiet
combat. He always liked to eat; it was sickly for way and entrust money to the rest of the
him. So rather than bring shame on his family, Brotherhood and to the poor. They often live
he preferred to retire to a Brotherhood independently, their popularity earning them
monastery in order to find the serenity that he more often to be warmly welcomed everywhere.
lacked. They have only one fixed place, the Peaceful
Bamboo Monastery located in the Dragon space.
This works wonderfully and Kunshin
finally found his inner peace. But when the
Alliances War raged and many inhabitants of
the Empire were driven from their homes, many
people died of starvation. Kunshin who loved There are often more mouths to feed than
food could not bear it. monks in Panda facilities but the food is never
lacking for those who appreciate good food.
He brought much of his attention in
devotion to the Fortune or rice Inari but it
seemed to him that she remained insensitive to
his pleas. Also, he undertook to bring all possible
resources to create a soup to help the poor. He Members of the panda clan are reputed to be
was little inclined to use diplomacy to get funds constantly feeding, snacking or chewing
then he has a strange idea. He excelled in the art something, even when they meditate. All
of preparing meals with few resources and excuses are good to eat something and they
petitioned the Komori family so he can multiply meals every day. They are often grumpy
disseminate culinary ideas on Yumeji News when they cannot sustain but their reserves
Network. allow them to hold several days without food just
with meditation. They have good relations with
They accepted and the Kunshin the minor clans as the Albatross, the Tanuki,
television show enjoyed a successful start, up to the Salmon and the Bat and they are also in very
boost the morale of a population ravaged by war good terms with the Miya imperial family.
by his debonair and playful humor. Soon he was Xiongmao Monks revere all Fortunes but
joined in his effort by others who put their talent especially Inari, Toyouke-Omikami and Kojin.
at the service of the poor. Certainly, the Crane
Clan obviously tried to oppose this initiative, XIONGMAO FAMILY: +1 STAMINA
but it had to bow to the growing popularity of
the show to concentrate on their war effort. The panda is a symbolic animal of friendship,
peace, a quiet strength and determination.
The legend says that the Emperor Under his apparent gentleness, he reiterates the
himself heard of it and that once the war ended, importance of establishing a clear scope to
he disguised himself begging to mingle incognito delineate the space of privacy and sense of
security. The Xiongmao family reflects this and RANK 4: TO SPREAD IMPERIAL PEACE
its members are likely to be quite emotional and The Emperor greatly appreciates the quiet side of
make proof of compassion. A stable material the Xiongmao family. If a person tries to unfairly
comfort is a source of well-being, sometimes to slander you, you can try a Social Opposed Test
the risk of dependence and goes to excess. of Sincerity (Honesty)/ Intuition against
Xiongmao so encourage integrating different Sincerity (Deception) / Intuition your opponent.
aspects of the personality into a harmonious If successful, any loss of honor due to this lie is
whole without depending on material goods. doubled and imposed on the liar.
Whoever refuses food to a person who requests is You can buy the Sacrosanct and Imperial
severely punished. Alliance (with Miya family) Advantages for one
point less.


Pandas are known for their incredible resilience.
They can withstand longer than normal to
impact and lack of food. You can spend one
Void Point as a Simple Action to ignore all
The Xiongmao Monks practice a particular art
damage taken during an attack. You also receive
for Sumotori. Not widespread and focused on
the Advantage Blessing of Inari for free.
non-violence, their techniques are easily
laughable to the uninitiated. They teach above
all patience and intuition, to avoid combat XIONGMAO MASTER OF SUSHIS
whenever it’s possible. Enjoying the protection (ALTERNATE PATH) [ARTISAN]
of the Emperor, its members are among the most
honorable of the Brotherhood. As Xiongmao are not samurai monk by their
status, nothing prevents them from cooking
Devotion: Fortunist without anyone taking offense. They even past
Benefit: +1 Awareness masters in the fine art of preparing sushis that
Skills: Tea Ceremony, Knowledge: they consume in vast quantities. They fill this
Theology (Fortunes), Etiquette practice with katas which apply only to sushis, a
(Courtesy), Jiujutsu (Sumai), thousand times repeated gestures that bring
Meditation, Sincerity (Honesty), a them culinary excellence.
High skill at choice.
Honor: 6.0 Rank: 2
Outfit: Simple clothes, a Bo or a pair of Replaces: Any school at rank 2
Jo, Travelling Pack, 6 Kokus Prerequisites: Craft: (Cooking) 4
Technique: The Stomach is the Seat of
TECHNIQUES the Good Mood - All your Craft
(Cooking) and Tea Ceremony rolls
RANK1: HEAVEN STABILITY receive a Free Raise. When you spend a
The TN any test to throw you down or make you Void Point to increase their results, you
lose your balance is increased by 20. You must get a bonus of + 2k2 instead of +1k1.
purchase the Corpulent Disadvantage but The first time you use one of these two
benefit from a Fortune of Foods ‘Blessing of your skills to prepare a meal for a person of
choice. higher status to yours and that it is
successful and appreciated, you gain 2
All your buys of Mental Advantages and
Physical Disadvantages are reduced by 1 point.
You get a bonus of + 1k1 in all your school skills.


Pandas are known to meditate long and to be
symbols of peace and wisdom. But when there is
no other solution than confrontation, they work
with disconcerting speed and high efficiency.
You can make your attacks Unarmed or with a
bo or a pair of jo with Simple Actions instead of
Complex Actions.

unsuspected as inexplicable; it seems that his
chests and reserves never fade without reaching
proportions that could attract attention and lust.
Only the most mystical - mainly from the
Dragon clan but also from the Kitsune family of
the Mantis clan - inexplicably feel the
strangeness of the rooster's clan for what it really

Many are rightly passionate

watchmakers and the only real trade practiced
by the small clan comes from the sale of their
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but
achievements in this area. Clepsydras, antique
today is a gift. That is why it is called the
hourglasses and other hourly candles are prized
gifts sought by the clan.

The origins of this clan are as mysterious as him. The clan does not talk much about it. However,
Some will say that he never existed, others that weddings are always the result of a laborious
he has been there forever. Some will finally say arrangement for which the rooster members
that it has been recreated sometimes multiple defend themselves tooth and nail. They
times, no one has an absolute answer on the maintain accurate and accurate family trees in
subject. And for good reason ... All his assertions order to maintain their lineage in a destiny
are both true and false. This illusory and known only to the "Fortune of Time". It is
incomprehensible paradox of common mortals difficult to estimate its total population
holds its key in the why and causality of the accurately because many of the Hokori ni omou
rooster's clan: time. By whom and when it was are infiltrated into other clans for investigation
created have no importance. It is almost assumed purposes.
that he is related directly to the Phoenix clan,
even though it is tenuous and risky to trace the
time line of his past. His animal is a symbol of
pride and flamboyance but above all it is an
indicator of the time that passes. The rooster was
The rooster's clan measures the passing of time.
considered a sacred animal, associated with
Not as historians - even if they have good
Amaterasu, for it greets the sun at the dawning
relations with the lion's clan - but as
of every day with its cry, and with Fire for its
metronomic scientists to measure and quantify
fierceness when threatened. Peasants believed
it. With the exploration of space, it appeared
the crowing of a rooster can banish gaki and
that this task was both relative and important. It
other unsavory spirits. Shinseist monks
was indeed increasingly difficult to maintain a
considered roosters to be good luck. Some will
competent administration without anyone
argue it's also a kind of "minor phoenix" but
precisely regulating when time is this or on a
never in front of a scientist of the rooster clan.
planet. So, an emperor decreed that it was
imperative for someone to keep an eye on it and
the rooster clan was created. The clan is
therefore up to date with the means to measure
time but also a whole series of directories that
The rooster's clan has - for the moment - a small give the precise measure of time and calendars of
domain removed from the possessions of the different areas of the Emerald Empire.
Phoenix. Nakigoe Shiro is very uncrowded and
is almost as mystical as a possession of the For the rooster clan time is extremely
Dragon. Its exact position is an incongruous important. This is the main test of the clan's
secret because it seems that the domain gempukku: Memorize as much temporal
sometimes simply disappears or moves on its own information as possible and recite it from
to reappear elsewhere without anyone caring. In memory. Not to detail an event or highlight the
fact, temporal paradoxes can sometimes alter glory as the lion clan would but to keep an
reality without anyone other than rooster indelible and as accurate as possible trace.
members noticing it. The clan has a wealth as Besides, none of its members will ever travel
without at least one way of measuring time. It is that note any incursion of another time in the
also given to them at the same time as their time frame of the Empire. In fact, the rooster
daisho at the time of their gempukku. Apart clan is aware of certain "pockets of time" that
from this, the rooster clan is a warm and exist outside of "reality". Even if they are almost
welcoming institution, every moment must be impossible to penetrate, they are nonetheless
appreciated for what it is without nostalgia of real. A saying says that "Nothing unreal exists":
the past or anxiety of the future. Keeping track of time means protecting the
integrity of reality. The rooster clan knows for
Almost unknown also to other clans sure that there is not a story but several parallel
except the Dragon Clan and imperial families is and complementary stories. So, he does not
a task of the rooster clan to study, catalog and make any effort to explain his origins because he
classify any phenomenon related to temporal knows himself that they have changed several
anomalies, temporal loops and other temporal times in the past - but also the future. The clan
alternative realities. The Hokori ni omou are will never undertake anything that may be
extremely discreet but will do their utmost to harmful to the destiny even less if this act aims
maintain the integrity of the time frame. to promote a selfish or personal destiny.
Although to date the journey through time
remains a hypothetical thing by magic and NAKIGOE FAMILY: +1 PERCEPTION
impossible with the current technology, the facts
have shown that it was not impossible. The Nakigoe are always exemplary punctuality
sometimes even disturbing or incongruous in the
They venerate and respect their eyes of other clans. They are meticulous, fussy
ancestors, kamis and fortunes for what they are sometimes obsequious but most often humble in
and with all the application of the other clans front of the scale of their task. They are aware
without however having the same relations of that they are only a tiny part of the destiny of
deference. Their daimyo has the exclusive and the universe and mark promptly every moment
imperative peculiarity of venerating a "fortune of of the day but also of the imperial calendar.
time" which remains virtually unknown to any Every anniversary date, every moment of
other person - including the Emperor himself - importance must be notified.
and whose name cannot be revealed by any case.
The biggest secret of the clan is that this Fortune
is not an ancestor but a mysterious benefactor
who would operate from the future. It is through
him that the clan would be able to prevent The little clan of the rooster has only one school
damaging facts. The first mission of the clan of shugenja and the needs of each are sometimes
daimyo is to maintain this absolute secret which found in the results to fill them. Their
will only be revealed to his successor. Some observations sometimes allow them to subtly
claim that if the seventh month rokugani is distinguish the immediate time frame in order to
dedicated to their animal totem, this is nothing act at the most favorable moment.
but a discreet tribute to the many invisible
services that the clan has rendered to the Rooster members experimented with
Empire. various forms of magic. One of them was based
on the secrets of the Khadi wizards of the Senpet
The minor clan of the Lynx has Empire. The most terrible secret of Khadi was
sometimes wind of actions of the Rooster and even stolen by Iuchiban himself, becoming
vice versa because their actions are immortal, braving the power of time. Far from
complementary. Their relationship is stormy being aware of such blasphemous witchcraft, the
however because the clan of the Rooster sticks Rooster have nevertheless learned some notion
to the facts and does not care about the to influence the passage of time. Their studies
prophecies of the Lynx. Many of its members resulted in slowing down time, allowing one to
cannot know that their enlightened daimyo act before the other. Perhaps in the distant
owes its apparent clairvoyance only through the future, will the accomplishment of this
"Fortune of Time". technique allow them to travel back and forward
in time?
The clan has also proved that
sometimes elements of the past fluctuate and
disappear without any other possible cause than
a mysterious intervention. Since then they have
undertaken in a secret library to write almanacs

Benefit: +1 Perception
Skills: Cryptography (Cipher), Lore:
Theology, Meditation, Spellcraft 2, Use
Computer, any one High Skill
Honor: 3.5
Outfit: Robes, Wakizashi, any 1
weapon, Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack,
1 koku
Affinity/Deficiency: Water/ Fire

Technique: One step ahead - By a spending a

Free Action, a Void Point and a Water Spell,
the character increases his Initiative by +1k1 in
a skirmish. By extra Water Spell spent, within
the limit of his Shugenja School Rank, the
bonus increases by + 1k0.

The character can also increase for a global of +

1k1, the initiative of one of his allies located in
his 9m, if he spends an additional Void Point.
Unlike the character, this ally will not benefit
from the bonus given by the additional Spell

Finally, as part of a mass fight, by a Free Action,

spending a Void Point and a Water Spell, the
character moves automatically on the line of his
choice. By spending an extra point of Void, he
can benefit one of his allies located in his 9m.
Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 3 Water, 2
Air, and 1 Earth

The Akodo learns the final lesson. The play is
the thing; his life is unimportant in comparison
The new "Akodo" have nothing to do with the
to his performance. Once per day, he may spend
once great Lion family of the same name, save
a Void Point as a Complex Action ignore the
their importance to the Lion Clan. "Akodo" is
effects of wound levels (including Down, Out,
merely an appellation, nothing more, applied to
and Dead) for a number of rounds equal to his
students in tribute to the legendary family. The
Akodo Actors are not the thespian actors of the
Kakita or the trained impostors of the Shosuro.
The Akodo are destined for action movie
stardom, and as such must be brilliant
The Kakita Programmers are the modern
combatants as well as charismatic celebrity
champions of the Crane Clan. They are the
moneymakers, executives, and defenders of
Dojicorp, the Crane super corporation that
Benefit: +1 Awareness
dominates sixty percent of the world's computer
Honor: 3,5
markets. The students of the Kakita are highly
Skills: Acting (Action films), Firearms,
trained and in demand, but among their training
Kenjitsu, Jiujitsu, Defense, Driving, any
is a certain level of restraint -- they almost never
one Bugei or High Skill.
perform at their peak of ability unless doing so
Outfit: Daisho, Side Firearm, Simple
for their own clan.
Clothing, Concealed Light Body
Armor, any one Weapon, Travelling
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Pack, 7 Kokus
Honor: 3, 5
TECHNIQUES Skills: Computer 2, Etiquette,
Meditation, Any 3 High Skills
Outfit: Portable Laptop Computer (can
modem into home systems), Simple
The Akodo's charisma is unmatched. It is his
Clothing, Tanto, Travelling Pack, 10
spirit and his strenght; he carries it into
everything that he does. Actors from this school
may add his Awareness to the total of any skill
roll he makes.
A Kakita Programmer has an unparalleled
The Akodo Actor is trained to make no
knowledge of programming, data storage, and
mistakes. The opportunity for greatness comes
the YNN. The Programmer may add one to
only once. Once per day, the actor may spend a
every die kept on a Computer skill roll for every
Void Point as a Simple Action to re-roll any
rank she has achieved.
failed roll. Take one of the two results at your
The Programmer is capable of building complex
computer systems from spare parts, and can
The Akodo is now the center of restraint and
create basic programs in hours. When doing
the heart of fury. He may choose to make a Full
research using the YNN, the Programmer
Attack that causes no damage whatsoever, but
requires results equal as if she had the equivalent
requires his opponent to make an opposed
Lore Skill at Rank One, or adds one Rank to the
Stamina+ Defense test against his attack roll or
skill if she already knows it. This process takes
be knocked to the ground, missing all his next
ten minutes, minus the Programmer's School
round actions.
Rank in minutes.
The Akodo is so loved by the people that he
The Programmer is now knowledgeable in
may attack twice - once for himself and once for
creating elaborate security programs. When
those who live through his deeds. You may make
accessing a friendly system, she may raise its TN
attacks unarmed or with samurai weapons as a
to be hacked by 5 for every twenty minutes she
Simple Action instead of a Complex Action.
spends working on it, to a maximum of his

Rankx5. This requires a simple skill roll - the stupid. When using Sincerity or Commerce, the
TN of this roll is equal to the amount of marketeer gains a number of free raises equal to
protection she is giving to the system. She may the difference between his intelligence and the
also attempt to create loop programs raising the target. If the target has greater intelligence than
TN of someone entering a system she has hacked the marketeer, then this technique has no effect.
into (even if it is their own) by an equivalent
amount (this effect lasts for the Programmer's Also, at this rank, the marketeer gains an
Rank in days, or until it is successfully accessed "Underworld Contact." This contact is another
once). Either of these effects can only be done to marketeer or a high placed individual in some
a particular system once. other merchant organization. In game terms, this
is more or less the equivalent of a Major Ally,
RANK 4: TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE (maximum worth of 6XP) except that the
The Programmer now understands the workings contact can't be depended upon to help the
of computers better than the machines marketeer when he gets into trouble. This
themselves. Any operations performed on a contact is more valuable in gaining information
computer now require half the normal time (this through underworld syndicates, or as a contact
includes her Rank Techniques). for buying black market goods.


The Programmer now knows the intricate The Marketeer has learned to hone his senses to
weavings of man's technology like she knows a razor's edge, both to the purposes of judging
herself. She no longer needs make skill rolls the quality of goods and the greater good of
when using a computer unless she intends to keeping his own skin intact. He may add his
make raises. Perception ranks on all rolls of Commerce and
attempts to detect ambush.
The Rakuda Family members are known The Marketeer at this rank finds himself
throughout Rokugan as diplomats and increasingly skilled at manipulating words to his
peacemakers. Their travels in foreign lands have advantage. By spending a Void Point as a Simple
given them a unique perspective and action and winning an opposed Sincerity/
understanding of the customs of other peoples. Awareness roll he can convince an opponent
Unfortunately, there is a darker side to this any of the following:
unique understanding. The Rakuda have also -That the value of an object is what he
been exposed to the various crime syndicates claims it to be (still does not guarantee
and secret mercantile organizations, and in some a sale)
cases have participated. These black-market -That the marketeer's intentions are
caravan masters have carved a place for honorable (useful for temporarily
themselves in the seamy underbelly of world escaping a compromising situation)
trade as a cold and ruthless underworld force. -That the marketeer comes in peace,
and should not be attacked (is
Benefits: +1 Perception immediately cancelled if the marketeer
Honor: 1.5 is carrying any sort of visibly offensive
Skills: Commerce, Firearms, Games, weapons.)
Investigation, Knowledge: Law (for the These lies are usually rather thin; most
purposes of knowing interstellar trade individuals will believe them at first but quickly
laws and such and how to find realize that they were taken in by the
loopholes in them), Stealth, Sincerity marketeer's con. (Generally, a target will fall for
Outfit: Simple Clothing, Knife, a small the lie for a time equal to one hour minus their
fire arm, a vehicle (Large trucks or fast IntelligenceX10 in minutes, but it's up to the
cars, a small ship preferred), Travelling GM's discretion.)
Pack, 8 Kokus
TECHNIQUES The marketeer at this point is so skilled at the
weaving of lies that he is now immune to their
RANK 1: BY THE FORTUNES power. Sincerity and magical enhancements that
The marketeer becomes quite adept at using lies allow lies to be easily told now have no effect
and subterfuge to cover his tracks and upon the marketeer. When a person attempts to
manipulate others, especially the gullible and lie to the marketeer, an opposed

Investigation/Perception vs Sincerity/Awareness down, out, and dead) for a number of rounds
roll will reveal one true fact per raise. (Special equal to his Earth as long as he fights to directly
Note: This rank technique is exactly the same as defend his master and his master is still alive.
the Rank 4 technique of the Ide Emissary school,
a fact that has not gone unnoticed by the black TOKU POLICE OFFICER [BUSHI]
marketeer's more law-abiding brethren.)


When making any opposed rolls of Commerce or
Sincerity, the marketeer's target must use their
lowest trait instead of the relevant trait.


All Enforcers must have a master, preferably a

Scorpion, in whose employ they work. Their
entire life must is dedicated to protecting and
obeying their daimyo even unto death. Though
they would be the last to admit it, they are
samurai in a truer sense of the word than most in
the Empire of Emerald Stars.

Benefit: +1 Stamina
Skills: Courtier (Intimidation), Defense During this time the Monkey also developed a
2, Firearms, Jiujitsu, Stealth, Driving strong tie with the Hiruma family, as well as the
Honor: 0,5 Bayushi. These ties enabled the Monkey Clan to
Outfit: Side Arm, Light Concealed get hard data on the threats they needed to
Body Armor, Simple Clothing, any 2 assess, and during the war this unlikely trio
Weapons, Travelling Pack, 2 Kokus helped contain situations that otherwise may
have been the downfall of Rokugan. But the
TECHNIQUES War would also be the beginning of the end for
the noble duties of the Monkey and Clan bushi
RANK 1: LOYALTY IS ALL were soon being given assignments far less than
The Yojimbo learns the first lesson: his life for their worth. Beset by a now laughable existence,
his master's. He may add his master's Glory to and coffers running low due to lessened Imperial
his TN to be hit, and to his initiative. support the Monkey Clan was on the verge of
fading away.
The Yojimbo has developed a tangible aura of Then a young Clan daimyo, Toku Yaro came up
menace. He gains a free raise for all Intimidation with a bold plan to assist his clan. Brash and
attempts, and may add his Intimidation rank to pragmatic he began to market his bushi as hired
his attack and damage rolls. guns. Not exactly in the vein of mercenaries,
Yaro came up with a various marketing strategy.
RANK 3: MY LIFE FOR MY DAIMYO His samurai were used to bolster home guards
The Yojimbo is now the ultimate instrument of and serve as yojimbo on an as needed basis. Soon
self-sacrifice. If he is within ten feet of his the Monkey Clan were also employed as armed
master, he may spend a void point as a Simple couriers and eventually branched out into
Action to redirect any attack that successfully hunting bounties and investigating issues that
hits his master to himself. Imperial Magistrates would not handle, for
whatever reason. The reputation of efficiency
RANK 4: YOJIMBO 'S FURY and professionalism of the Monkey Clan soon
You may make attacks unarmed or with samurai built up into what is now Toku Security
weapons as a Simple Action instead of a Services, a corporation dedicated to safety,
Complex Action. whether it is the Empires as a whole or a small
businessman that needs help with local punks.
RANK 5: ONLY FOR YOU The vast majority of the details are low profile
The Enforcer's willpower is absolute. So long as security jobs, but every Clan and corporation
his master breathes, he fights. A yojimbo at this knows that when quality services of a secure
rank can ignore all wound penalties (including nature are needed, TSS is the answer.

Benefit: +1 Stamina point it is at now. Some students of the school
Honor: 2,5 have also gone on to become successful
Skills: Battle, Defense, Driving, yojimbos, lawmen and even actors. Many dies
Firearms, Investigation, Knowledge: perfecting their art. Those who follow school are
Law, any one Bugei skill fast on their way to becoming the newest Stars
Outfit: Side Arm, Stun baton, Light or of the Action World, a fact that has not escaped
Heavy Body Armor, Simple Clothing, the Akodo School and has begun to cause some
any 1 weapon, Travelling Pack, 2 Koku tensions.

TECHNIQUES Benefit: +1Reflexes

Honor: 2,5
RANK 1: THE CALL OF DUTY Skills: Acting, Athletics, Craft: Modern
The bushi is dedicated to his assignment, and he Weaponsmith, Firearms, Driving,
expects nothing but the best from himself. Kenjutsu, any on Bugei or High skill.
Whenever making a bugei skill roll add your Outfit: Daisho, Any Firearm, Light
Earth Ring to the final result. Armor, Simple Clothing, any one
RANK 2: FORCE OF WILL Weapon, Traveling Pack, 5 Kokus
By exerting his body and mind to the task at
hand, the bushi may be burned out fairly early. TECHNIQUES
Long nights patrolling or investigating can wear
down one’s mind body and soul. Also, there are RANK 1: THE WAY OF THE GUN
times when others wish to stop the Monkey from At this rank you learned to move like the wind
completing his duty. At this Rank the bushi has and avoid getting hit. Add Air Ring Rank to
learned how to block out any distraction, your TN-to-be-Hit. Also add Air Ring Rank to
whether it be physical or emotional. Any all Damage rolls with Firearms.
cooperative rolls made to interfere with his duty
have their TN raised by 10, and all cooperative RANK 2: BULLETS GUIDED BY THE KAMIS
rolls made by the bushi to continue his duty You are trained to find weak points in your
have their TN lowered by 10. targets and to make impossibly long-range shots.
Gains a number of Free raises equal to school
RANK 3: FOR THE EMPIRE rank, for Firearms only. Each School Rank,
As long as you act according the Law, you don’t including this one, extends firearms range by
lose any Honor for using a Low skill to resolve 100'
an investigation. You can attempt Knowledge:
Law/Intelligence vs. the Status of your target X5 RANK 3: AT HIGH NOON
to deny the consequences of your duty. You add your school rank to any Acting,
Intimidation or dueling-related rolls with a fire
You may make attacks unarmed or with Samurai
Fire Arm as a Simple Action instead of a RANK 4: DANCE OF DEATH
Complex Action. You learn the most famous cinematographic
technique, signature to the Usagi School, the
RANK 5: ABOVE AND BEYOND Two-fisted gun-shooting technique. You don’t
The fortunes and fate have a way of making sure suffer any penalty for using two firearms
that even seemingly boring duties are eventful, simultaneously. You may make attacks unarmed
and while others may not be prepared for this, or with Fire Arms as a Simple Action instead of
the Monkey always is. By spending 2 Void Point a Complex Action.
as a Simple Action, the Monkey may make an
additional Complex action that turn. This RANK 5: RAIN OF DEATH
action can be used for whatever the Monkey By spending 1 point of Void, as a Complex
wishes. Roll a separate initiative for this action. Action you can make an additional attack for
each weapon you are using. In other terms, with
USAGI GUNSLINGER [BUSHI] a pistol in each hand they can fire twice per gun
or four times a round. Further, reloading is now a
Working closely with their long-standing good free action.
relationship with the Akodo Acting School they
have developed a successful, albeit small school
of acting and dueling. Over the last hundred
years they have perfected their Technique to the

masters of radiant energy, and an elite group of
their priests has been trained to use the elements
in defense of their ships. The Fleetguard, as they
eventually come to be called, are often recruited
Since the Emerald Empire expanded out into the
from shugenja who would normally have joined
stars, the Crane Clan has changed perhaps the
the Elemental Guards, and receive much of their
least of all the Great Clans. The exception to
training directly from the clan’s Masters. The
this is the Daidoji family, which has seen the
Fleetguard are taught to call on the power of the
value in training Crane bushi in techniques of
elements to supercharge their vessels radiant
zero-g combat and boarding action. Every Crane
shields, allowing the Phoenix to fight on even
military vessel of significant size has a
terms with the more numerous ships of the other
detachment of Daidoji Marines aboard, and they
Great Clans.
often accompany Crane emissaries during
interplanetary travel. The versatile soldiers who
Rank: 3
came to be known as the Daidoji Marines are
Replaces: Isawa Shugenja 3
trained to fight in the weightless environment of
Requirements: All Rings at 3, Piloting 3
space and to conduct boarding actions against
enemy vessels, using the zero-g environment to
While on board a ship in space, you may expend
their advantage.
a non-Void spell slot as a Complex Action to
Rank: 3
enhance or create a barrier of radiant energy
Replaces: Doji Magistrate 3, Daidoji Iron
around the ship. This barrier lasts or enhances
Warrior 4
for 3 Rounds. While this technique is in effect,
Requirements: Jiujutsu 3, Zero-G Training
the ship has Reduction of +10 against any
physical attacks and Reduction of +25 against
You do not suffer any TN penalties for fighting
any radiant attacks. In addition, the barrier
in a weightless environment. If you are in the
obstructs personal firearms discharged at (or
Attack or Full Attack stance in a situation
from) the ship or anyone on the outside of its
where such a penalty would normally have
hull, replicating the effects of the spell
applied, you add a +Xk0 bonus to your melee
Summoning the Gale.
attack rolls, where X is equal to your Reflexes.
DATE SWORDMAN All the Great Clans maintain fleets armored
The North Western cliffs of the Phoenix lands
with radiant shields, but the Crab’s ships are
bred centuries ago a rare and brutal variant of
engineered to defend not only against the
the Shiba school. The Date focused their efforts
weapons of other clans but against the creatures
on perfecting their mastery of the great No
of Jigoku, Toshigoku, and Gaki-do. After the
Dachi but also of the shorter variants.
discovery of planets influenced by these realms,
the Kaiu family was called upon to design and
Rank: 2
command a new generation of Crab Clan ships.
Replaces: Shiba Bushi 2
Based on the ancient methods of Kaiu Utsu and
Requirements: Kenjutsu 4, Strength 3
his son Kaiu Umasu, this technique continues to
serve the Crab thousands of years after its
Technique - The Sword of the Cliffs
development. The Kaiu Shipmasters learn how
No-Dachi and Parangu are now Samurai
to reinforce their clan’s ships against any sort of
weapons for you. Furthermore, you can spend
threat, whether it be from the Shadow Worlds or
Void points to raise the damage with a No-
from the fleets of other clans, using a mixture of
Dachi and Parangu as if it was a katana.
physical improvements and defensive tactics.
As the Phoenix Clan expanded into the stars, Replaces: Kaiu Engineer 3 or Kaiu Siege Master 1
they lacked the numbers of their fellow clans. Requirements: Battle 4, Piloting 5
The Phoenix could not keep up with the sheer
number of ships constructed by the other Great At the beginning of any space battle in which
Clans, and sought a magical means of keeping you are in command of a warship, you may make
the playing field level. In the year 2828, Isawa a Battle / Intelligence Skill Roll at TN 25 to
Kazuo discovered “radiant energy”, grant your ship a bonus Reduction value equal to
revolutionizing how nemuranai were understood. your Piloting Skill Rank x2. If the ship is a Kaiu-
Since then, all the Great Clans have equipped built ship, the bonus is equal to your Skill Rank
their vessels with radiant shields and cannons. x4 instead.
However, the Phoenix has always been the true
ROCKSEER Rank: 2 or 3
An advanced technique that finds her origins Replaces: Akodo Bushi 2, Kakita Bushi 2,
within the zokujin shamans. Rarely taught to Mirumoto Bushi 2, Suzume Bushi 3.
other species. Requirements: Agility 3, Reflexes 3, Kenjutsu 4.

Rank: 5 Technique - Cutting Flying Arrows

Replaces: Any shugenja rank 5 Technique Whenever you are hit by a missile or radiant
Requirements: Knowledge (Elements) 4 laser attack and you have an unsheathed sword
Special: You owe to the Zokujin who teach you in your hand, you can immediately spend a Free
an Ally Advantage involving you. Action, even if it is not your own turn, to make
a Kenjutsu/Agility roll with a TN equal to the
A Rockseer is the equivalent of a shugenja, attack roll which has just hit you.
except that every non-Earth spell they attempt
to cast has its target number raised by 10, and all A success means that you have intercepted the
Earth spells have their TN reduced by 10 above projectile with your blade and you will not suffer
all affinities and deficiencies. damage.
If you are performing a Guard Action you can do
SAGARA ARCHER the same for your charge.
The mighty archers of the Sagara Vassal family
once served the Shiba protecting Shiro No You can use this technique with a sheathed
Kozumi, a small castle not far from Nikesake and sword but only if you can draw it with a Free
the road to Lion lands. They developed Action and you will suffer a Forced Raise for no
techniques for using archery exploiting the effect.
particular link of the Shiba to Void they still
exploit today. Like most Rokugani, a Sagara This technique can be performed against larger
Archer does not aim, but he is just most missiles (e.g. thrown spears) or smaller missiles
accustomed than others to wait for the right (e.g. Shuriken) but always suffering a Forced
moment with the bow down, then he abruptly Raise for no effect. This technique can be used a
raises the weapon, pull the string and shoot. He number of times per Round equal to your Bushi
has nothing to envy to gunslingers. basic school Rank (including this path if it is
your first path, as per normal Core Rules p.246).
Rank: 2 In effects this technique is an exception to the
Replaces: Shiba Bushi 2 “1 Free Action of the same type per round” usual
Requirements: Kyujutsu 4 rule.

Technique - Focus and shoot

The sagara archer knows how to focus on his
own inner forces in order to shoot one but very
effective arrow.

If after a round spent in the center stance a

Sagara shoots an arrow he applies the normal
1k1+Void bonus to both attack and damage

Cutting arrows in flight is a mighty feat but it is
also an art which requests time and efforts to
master. There are also a few Yojimbo who are
able to hit arrows directed at their charges with a
single sword movement, a characteristic which
makes them stand out from other warriors.
Similar techniques have been developed among
the best kenjutsu schools of the empire, but
warriors who totally dedicate themselves to
Yadomejutsu remain rare.

Outfit: Extravagant Dancers Clothing,
Wakizashi, Traveling Pack, 3 Koku.
Technique: Dance of Cherry Blossoms - When
you spend a Void Point to enhance a Social
Those who become or are born Ronin often fall
Skill, you gain a bonus to your Skill Roll equal
into the orbit of criminal organizations, one such
to twice your Glory Rank.
group is the Fraternity of Smoke, a loose
network of extortionists, gamblers and other
The Fraternity of Smoke is mobile, seeking
opportunities where they may and establishing The ronin Sairou has aggressive recruited and
operations where they can. drilled those ronin that follow her banner.
Sairou knows that ronin can rarely equal Clan
The symbol of the fraternity is the kiseru, the samurai in equipment or training, but they can
smoking pipe, which they can turn into a excel in dedication and superior application of
weapon at a moment’s notice. numbers.

TECHNIQUE RANK: 1 Sairou’s Wolves excel in ambush and small unit

Benefit: +1 Reflex combat, she recognizes this and tries to avoid
Skills: Defense, Jojutsu (Kiseru), contracts that would places her ronin in open
Kenjutsu, Games (any gambling), field battle.
Intimidation, any one Bushi skill, any
one low skill TECHNIQUE RANK: 1
Honor: 3.5 Benefit: +1 Stamina
Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Kiseru, Skills: Athletics, Battle, Kenjutsu,
Traveling Pack, game of choice, 6 bu. Kyujutsu, Stealth, any one weapon skill,
any one skill
Technique: Smoke to Strike– A member of the Honor: 3.5
Fraternity of Smoke can use their kiseru (or a jo Outfit: Ashigaru or Light Armor,
staff) to disarm or feint at one less raise than Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any one
usual, they also gain a free raise when using a weapon, Traveling Pack, 1 koku.
kiseru or jo staff in combat. Lastly, the member
gains +1k0 when using Intimidation against Technique: Wolf Pack – The Wolves have
someone with a status of 0 or less. learned how to use their numbers to confuse and
out-maneuver their foes. When two ronin with
SAKURA DANCER [ARTISAN] this technique attack the same target, they each
get +1k0 on their attack rolls, if there are three
Like the cherry blossoms from which they take ronin each also gains a +5 to their Armor TN
their name, the Sakura Dancers are elegant, against the outnumbered target and if four or
beautiful, and fleeting. They roam the whole of more ronin are attacking the same target they
the Empire, using their social connections to each add +1k0 to their damage.
remain aware of the greatest celebrations and Even if not working with other people with
festivals, so that they can be sure to make an knowledge of this technique, the Wolf can still
appearance. Their skill at dance is well known read the flow of battle well enough to gain these
among all social ranks, from peasants to the bonuses but it requires twice as many allies to
Emperor himself, and this reputation serves trigger them (+1k0 to attack with two allies
them well, for even as ronin, the Sakura Dancers against a foe, +5 to Armor TN with three allies,
are never without the funds to see them through and the damage bonus at six or more allies).
a winter... or five. Many pretend that they’re no
more than Scorpion and Cat clan agents in

Benefit: +1 Awareness
Skills: Athletics, Courtier, Etiquette,
Kenjutsu, Perform: Dancing,
Temptation, Any one High Skill.
Honor: 4.5

[BUSHI] When Fu Leng died, the power of Jigoku bored a
During the Destroyer War, a band of ronin new hole into Ningen-do in the midst of the
formed to help defend the Empire from the Empire. To prevent the spread of Oni and other
invading forces of Kali-Ma. While they were Tainted creatures, the Crab Clan built a new
small in comparison to the armies of the Great wall, encircling the newly formed Festering Pit.
Clans, their efforts were significant. As a reward With a new threat right at their back boors, the
for the bands service in the war, the Empress other Clans of Rokugan finally acknowledged
folded their numbers into the Imperial Legions. the threat of the Shadowlands and the forces of
Although the Legion of Two Thousand no Jigoku, and sent contingents of their own
longer exists, their Technique is preserved samurai to help guard this new wall. But they
within the ranks of the Imperial Legions and the were not the only ones with a vested interest in
few ronin who chose to remain wandering seeing this wall defended. A ronin woman called
warriors. Hiushi gathered her family and a small band of
followers willing to give up their lives in defense
TECHNIQUE RANK: 4 of their homeland. Together, they petitioned the
Replaces: Any ronin or Imperial Bushi Crab Clan to allow them to take residence in
School Rank 4 one of the small villages that exist inside the
Requirements: Battle 5 Ranks, any 2 wall itself. They were granted this opportunity,
Weapon Skills at Rank 3 with no one thinking they would amount to
much, but to the surprise of all who know of
Technique: Forward Unto Dawn - The Legion of their sacrifices, they have not only survived, but
Two Thousand fought to defend the Empire, thrived in their small community.
even though no one gave them aid or
encouragement, because they knew it was their TECHNIQUE RANK: 1
duty. You may increase or decrease your dice Benefit: +1 Strength
result when rolling on the Mass Combat Table Skills: Athletics, Defense, Heavy
by your Honor Rank. You gain this same bonus Weapons, Kenjutsu, Lore (Oni), any
to any Skill rolls you make as part of a Heroic one Bugei Skill, any one Skill.
Opportunity or Duel during Mass Combat. Honor: 3.5
Outfit: Tattered clothing, Light or
Heavy Armor, Daisho, any one Heavy
Weapon, traveling pack, 1 koku.

Technique: Stone Fangs- The Stone Wolves

were the very first line of defense between the
Festering Pit and the Empire, and they figure
that the best defense is a good offense. You may
wield any two-handed Heavy Weapon in one
hand without penalties. If you choose to dual
wield heavy weapons, you only suffer a -5 to
attacks made with either hand, rather than the
normal penalties for dual wielding. Additionally,
you may add your Insight Rank to your damage
total when attacking with a Heavy Weapon.

Ever the stalwart defenders against the
Shadowlands, much of their time is spent
holding the Kaiu Asteroid Belt at the edge of
For players that want to use the clans from this
colonized space. After the Festering Pit of Fu
book, Court of the Minor Clans fan book and
Leng was closed, the Crab Clan endured a
others, here is a suggestion of what their
spiritual crisis of sorts, having lost the primary
activities and purpose can be in these future
focus of its existence. Soon, however, the
times. You’ll even find here new clans that
children of Hida proved as pragmatic as ever,
appeared later than you can develop by yourself.
reorganizing around two areas of focus.

First, with the growing importance of science

and technology, the Kaiu family became an
important part of Rokugan’s development, and
much greater resources were allocated to them in
order to expand their operations, in mining and
The youngest major clan has the great engineering particularly. The Crab are still
responsibility to keep the Yumeji News Network known for their bluntness and utter dedication
working. It’s a very strong social advantage on to their duty and have also developed many
all other clans. The clan also guard the northern mining and construction operations. They’re the
frontier where they have a developed a very leaders in weapons and defense development and
strong ore processing industry. their structural engineering and space frame
academy has no equal in the Empire. They use
+Access to mass media and information more modern weaponry than any other clan, for
+Strong industrialization gives them an access to the Kaiu engineers are the greatest gunsmiths
rare metals and raw minerals and weapons engineers in the world.
+Good relations with the Brotherhood Unfortunately, their dependence upon
technology has caused them to lose touch with
-Resistant ships but limited in number. their spiritual traditions
-Territory far from the Core Worlds
Secondly, the opening of space exploration
Important Figures revealed many planets inhabited by strange and
Ichiro Nobushige is a strong and powerful man, often hostile life-forms influenced by the more
with a bold and loud personality. He is dedicated dangerous Spirit Realms, occasionally including
to his duty and delights in the traditional Jigoku.
wrestling, drinking and fighting that the Crab
and Badger both traditionally enjoy. This gave renewed purpose to the Crab, who
However, despite his quite stereotypical nature, took to the stars to fight against the most
two things make him better than the last few dangerous and inhuman species, as well as
Badger Clan Champions in the eyes of the other establishing gigantic mining and construction
Great Clans. operations for weapons and defense
The first is he is actually aware of the development. Long used to hardship and
new situation his clan’s status as a major Clan difficult conditions, the Crab adapted very well
really is. to exploring strange new environments, and
The second is he has artistic tendencies. This became a force to be reckoned with in the
interest in art has led to far more open relations Empire of Emerald Stars.
between the Badger and other Great Clans. A
recent tension however is slowly limiting his The Toritaka still specializes into spirit and
options to don’t lead his clan to a conflict with ghost hunting but also into alien non-corporeal
either the Scorpion or the Phoenix. Juggling the life forms studies and contacts. So, they are
honour and pride of the Phoenix and the sometimes called “ghostbusters”. They maintain
Scorpion’s belief that their actions are always facilities across the Empire and their central
justified due to the intended end result has organization is located on the Falcon’s Nest.
indeed started to turn his hairs grey.
The most secrete purpose of the Crab clan is the
defense against foreign aliens, especially the
Scarabs. They guard the southern frontier of the
Imperial Star Empire. Still defenders of the
Empire, they are among the few who still

consider the minions of the Shadowlands a
serious threat. They know that what happened The sons and daughters of Doji have taken to
with Fu Leng can happen again even now. They the stars, but not in the same numbers as their
continue to scour all of Rokugan for signs of the rivals. They are, as they always were, the symbols
taint. of grace excellence in Rokugan. Now, more than
ever, the Cranes make good use of diplomacy
+ Strong engineering and mercantile focus, and favor mongering to give themselves wealth,
leading to high Prosperity. status and power in this empire that's more than
+ The best, bar none, at defensive warfare and ten times as big as that of their ancestors. Of all
fortifications. the clans, the Crane probably retain the greatest
+ Particularly good at overcoming supernatural influence on Rokugan proper, staying close to
challenges through martial might. the seat of power and letting other clans get the
larger share of new land and new worlds while
- Low mobility forces, will frequently be the Crane fill the void they are gradually leaving
outmaneuvered. behind. This is not to say they have not explored
- Boorish demeanor makes courtly goals difficult space at all; they simply have done so more
to achieve. carefully and to a more modest extant.
- Territory tends to be horrifically dangerous in
some fashion. The Crane maintains is superiority over the arts
and entertainment across the Empire. They’re
Important Figures with the Miya journalists, the main users of the
Hida Tsuneko is the current clan champion of Yumeji News Network.
the Crab. A strong-willed woman forged on the
battles of Hida Prime, she is surprisingly well Most of the bureaucrats of the Crane clan are
educated for a Crab and a very quick learner. still well concerned with the Empire intern
She has spent at least 2 years with every Crab politics, diplomacy and regulation of the
family after her Gempukku and thus understands commerce and economics.
their strengths and weaknesses better than most
clan champions would. The Crane are also the first to develop a real
However, while her training and tourism industry, a natural outgrowth of their
knowledge could make her a very competent splendid palaces and beautiful lands; they have
rear general, and few would think less of her for seized some of the most beautiful (and safe)
employing her skills in that manner, she favours worlds in the galaxy, where they build extensive
being in the thick of battle, trusting her resorts. While more warlike clans like the Crab
subordinates to make any adoptions to the plan and the Lion still mock the Crane for their
while she deals with the foe more personally. ‘softer’ ways, the truth is everybody appreciates a
It is her education in fact that means her doubt beautiful sunset on a tropical beach, a concert
the Emperor’s word. She has told only those she from a popular band, or a delicious exotic drink,
trusts most...but the idea that the Day of so the Crane still command a lot of power –
Thunder is cancelled? albeit of a subtle kind.
“I refuse to believe the enemy our
ancestors spent 3,000 years fighting, who have Those who believe the Crane are truly weak can
been planning this moment since the War of 14 be in for a surprise, since the Daidoji still provide
Thunders ended, would fail so easily.” the Crane with their military defenses and have
become quite skilled in precision ship-to-ship
Kuni Shitatsu is the Kuni Daimyo and despite boarding actions.
his recent rise to power following the death of
his father aboard the lost Katana Class cruiser, + Provinces are highly developed and well
he is adapting quickly to his role. The man is protected
efficient, brutally so, rarely caring who gets + Very strong social influence, leading to easier
crushed under his endless pursuit of Jigoku and and more effective court-based rolls
that was before his father died. + Exceptionally wealthy
However more unsettling is Shitatsu’s seemingly
unending joy in the pursuit of his duty. The - Limited 'overt' power, Units tend to be smaller
Kuni are supposed to be cold, distant and and more specialized.
enigmatic. Shitatsu’s joy has led to more than - Limited room for expansion due to nearby
one accusation he is perhaps mentally unwell. territories already being claimed.
- Heavily bound by tradition and Imperial

Important Figures
Doji Aishi is the Great Aunt of the previous The Dragon has always been known for its
Doji Daimyo and until the current Clan seeking Enlightenment, and the generations
Champion comes of age leads the Crane Clan. spent in space haven't changed that. Again they
An aged and calm woman she puts the best have situated themselves at the very edge of
effort that she can to see that Doji Fuyuhisa colonized space, practically living in peaceful
becomes the wisest Clan champion possible. seclusion where they may bask in the mysteries
However, she was not about the miss the of the universe undisturbed. The few monks of
opportunities the last Winter Court possessed theirs that do wander around colonized space are
and thus was one of the largest supporters for the even more awe-inspiring than the monks of the
Mantis’ petition for trade. olden days for though the kami are difficult at
best when it comes to the empire's shugenja and
Doji Fuyuhisa is largely unknown by most of the their spellcasting, the monks of Rokugan seem to
Empire, however those of the Crane know he is have no trouble at all manipulating the elements
a quiet and contemplative child and while he through their kiho in the void of outer space. As
may take a while to respond to a situation, once for the Mirumoto family, their rivalry with the
he does react, he moves quickly and efficiently. Kakita seems to have all but died down for they
He is no visionary, which has some worried spend more time guarding the Dragon's borders.
given the large shadow the last four generations
of the Crane Clan Champions left as they rebuilt More internal Dragons are still concerned with
the clan. mysticism and personal development Having
Oddly he is arranged to marry a Ronin, long lost the guidance of the Kami Togashi, the
a highly skilled duelist that goes by the name Dragon in the Empire of the Emerald Stars have
Tora. How this marriage agreement was made, or managed to prosper, unshaken by the
even why is unknown to essentially everyone if developments of technology and content in their
only due to how much effort the Doji have gone faith in both the Tao and the Hantei dynasty.
to make sure Fuyuhisa’s life remains relatively They still maintain a close relationship with the least till his Gempukku. Throne and are the favored vassals when a
dangerous duty can be trusted to no one else.
Daidoji Mitsuhisa is considered to be the oldest
man in the Empire of Emerald Stars and should The Dragon is still as mysterious as it was before
have long since retired. This follows a recent and maintains a great interest for mysteries.
trend among the Daidoji Daimyoship for long They are devoted to strange planet and space
lived and late retiring leaders. Some suspect they exploration with a particular interest for the
are cursed.... others that this is a sign of some western nebula. The strangest and most
sort of blessing from Lady Doji in return for mysterious of the early planets were often
becoming what they used to be once more. The conquered by the Dragon or even directly
truth is a little more complicated and a secret allocated to them by Imperial order. Many of
only to the Daidoji daimyo. these worlds are off-limits to the other clans,
Regardless, a man does not reach such leading to many discussions of what secrets they
an age without becoming calm and wise, and may hold; however, the fleets of the Mirumoto
Mitsuhisa was a tactical genius at a young age. are powerful and well-armed. These worlds
Unfortunately, he is also known, despite his age certainly do not hold many resources, since the
and wisdom, to have quite a reputation when it Dragon remain one of the poorest clans of the
comes to visiting the Geisha and....lesser forms Empire, heavily depending on Imperial subsidies.
of entertainment. Thus, despite the other Crane
Daimyo’s seeking his wisdom, his presence in + Favored servants of the Throne, protected
court circles is non-existent to safeguard the clan from many negative consequences by Imperial
from his less honorable habits. patronage.
+ Long term relationship with the Brotherhood
of Shinsei gives you great spiritual influence.
+ Characters tend to be better-rounded, and can
perform tasks outside of their set roles.

- Provinces hold limited resources

- Find it difficult to exert non-spiritual influence
due to unconventional attitudes.
- Officially appointed duties are less flexible than
those of many other Clans.

Important Figures
The Dragon Clan Champion is not a hereditary Expanding the reach of Rokugan to the stars also
position. In honoring the words of Togashi that expanded the need for military protection of its
led to the initial choice of Togashi Satsu and assets and citizens. The Empire of the Emerald
then Satsu’s choice that led to Mirumoto Kei Stars is far from safe, given clan rivalries, pirates,
leading the Dragon, plus the slowly decreasing and innumerable strange creatures on alien
wisdom his grandchildren and great- worlds. In response they have been even more
grandchildren had during the Yodatai Wars has devoted to instilling the values of Bushido in the
left the Dragon slightly more democratic. hearts of their clansmen and in the Emerald
Empire, for the Lion believe that as the primary
The Dragon family Daimyo’s choose the practitoners of Bushido they practically hold the
Clan Champion from among their number, keystone of Rokugani culture in their hands. In
reflecting the direction the Dragon feel it must preparation for the day that the empire might
go over the next generation. This has usually led have its vengeance on the Shadowlands, the
to a Togashi monk being chosen regardless, but Lion's military training has more than tripled in
all the Dragon families have led the Dragon at its intensity and a direct result of this training is
one stage or another. the Lion's greatest tactical advantage on the
Currently Togashi Ando leads the interstellar battlefield: Rokugan's most powerful
Clan. A small and old man, he is more involved and stable communications equipment.
in the courts then most Togashi would be. Not
directly in the courts mind you, but when you For the Lion this has often meant war on a
wish to talk to him, it is not uncommon to find heretofore unknown scale, and they would not
him meditating on your home world, waiting for have it any other way. The Lion is still the
you to find him. Some have even reported seeing strongest clan about military. It maintains the
Ando in two places at once. largest space fleet deployment across the Empire.
His enigmatic ability to seemingly appear where They have the greatest ship manufacturing and
he thinks he is needed is matched by his mind. repair systems but lacks sometimes of resources
More than once it has been suggested that he because of the large armies they have to
may suffer from some sort of enlightened maintain. They also excel in personal weapons
madness, but if so, his eccentricities and development.
enigmatic actions have done nothing but guide
the Dragon well, at least until recently. But more than any other clan, the Lion have
had difficulty adapting over the centuries to the
Kitsuki Nikako is the current Daimyo of the changes in society and technology, their
Kitsuki family, named after part of famous traditional warrior mindset chafing at every new
magistrate duo and love story from the 13th idea or disruptive invention. But the exploration
Century. A smart woman, and an extremely of the galaxy has given them renewed purpose,
talented investigator, even by the standards of and the other clans were surprised at how
her own clan, she has allies and connections in aggressively the Lion took to settling on new
every clan. While some say it was intentional, planets. They’re always ready to deploy their
and that she trying to build a network of allies troop to conquest a new world inhabited by
and obligations to empower the Dragon in the aggressive aliens and to study their tactics to
Courts, to make up for the Kitsuki’s traditional circumvent them.
lacking power in that area....
The truth is more that see feels like she It heralded a new era for the Lion, a time of
has a hole in her heart... she sought out her glorious battles between the stars and across the
many allies and friends to find someone who surfaces of whole planets. In fact, the Lion are so
likes her for her, who is willing to see past who busy fighting enemies of the Empire on various
she is, and past the fear some have of her talents, systems that they are no longer as aggressive
but her duty and skills keep people nervous. toward the other clans as they often were in the
past. Still, friction happens, and when it does
She has had some results in this regard and her the vast, near-endless fleets of the Lion answer.
large circle of friends has helped this a little,
meaning she keeps up correspondence with the + Largest, most skilled and adaptable military of
Samurai-ko who see past her position and talent, all the Great Clans
and see her as she wants to be seen. + At the forefront of any Imperially-mandated
But up till now she has yet to know the blessing conquests, this is the easiest way to secure new
of Benten. territory.
+ Units tend to have very high Honor scores,

- Peaceful diplomatic efforts are difficult at best,
sometimes nigh-impossible. The age of space exploration is, in many ways,
- Hidebound and traditional, making it much the age of the Mantis. With the open space to
harder to introduce entirely new ways of doing discover, the Mantis has retrieved his lust for
things. exploration, conquest and also piracy. They
- Characters more likely to commit seppuku firmly believe that the entire empire owes them
upon failure. a debt of gratitude. Unfortunately, the rest of
Rokugan never quite got around to repaying that
Important Figures debt -- the years following the empire's exodus
Akodo Tsuroi is the current Lion Clan into the stars saw everyone else focusing more on
Champion, and a direct descendant of Akodo establishing their own holdings than thanking
One Eye and considered one of the greatest the Mantis for keeping Rokugan Prime safe. The
generals alive. Only perhaps the ancient Daidoji clan’s audacity, resourcefulness, and economic
general is his superior and that’s due to having acumen ensured it was among the first to explore
almost 70 years additional experience. He is a the galaxy and reap the profits of doing so. The
highly traditional figure among the Lion and has Mantis Clan’s initial strategy was simple: race to
inspired loyalty in his soldiers far beyond what a new system, establish a base regardless of initial
simply Bushido requires. He spent years fighting appeal, and then defend it tooth and nail. This
many an alien threat and when the battle with proved effective, if costly – the Mantis control
the aliens who serve Jigoku occurred he was more systems than any other Great Clan, many
second only to the Emerald Champion in of them of little value but others with numerous
authority. Artist, Scholar, and General, he is planets and resources to be exploited. The
considered by many to be one of the best Mantis economy reaches into almost every
examples of an Akodo War College in the last market, but is most famous for rare and exotic
Century. materials and goods. The space is very great still
full of treasures to discover and the mantis is
Unfortunately, he finds himself unable hoping to exploit them first hand. They also
to contain the anger, righteous as it maybe, of maintain a strong connection with astrogation
the Matsu Daimyo. While he considers himself maps trying to keep them as acute as possible.
well learned and cultured, he has difficulties
understanding the fact that the Matsu continue The Tsuruchi family tries to find ways to attain
to harass the Mantis over an insult that enemies before they could reach the Star
happened almost 300 years ago, and that the Empire. They specialize in remote and long-
Lion had already proven Victory in. range combat and develop new firearms. They
also maintain the most efficient Bounty Hunter
That the Mantis and the Otomo would continue Guild of the empire.
to antagonize the Matsu he would admit didn’t
help, but surely bushido demanded that they be After the discovery of other suns, the Moshi
the better Samurai, be courteous, and loyal to Family convinced that all of them were
the commands of the Emperor and be satisfied manifestations of the original Amaterasu. They
with the victory against the insult already. especially devoted themselves to astrophysics
However, the Dragon’s insult to the Lion, that studies but also to philosophical applications of
he cannot abide. His duty is clear, he won’t let it. They hold the Centipede University on
any clan stand in the way of his duty to deal Amaterasu’s Wisdom moon.
with Threats to the Empire. The Dragon would
subjugate the Gaijin, make them bow and serve The Kitsune family still encompasses is original
as slaves, or die, and if they failed to do that, the passion for cataloging and studying all animal
Lion would take the planet from them and do it and plant-based life form, especially emanating
for them. from Chikushudo. They are among the finest
geneticists and biologists of the Empire,
Ikoma Shabiko is the current Ikoma Daimyo and sometimes trying to restore disappeared species
one of the most renown historians in the or to adapt them to the survival conditions of a
Empire. He had an interest in history from a new environment.
young age and like his family founder has a + Extremely wealthy, with high prosperity.
slightly strange sense of humor, as shown by his + Large territory with lots of room for expansion.
name. + Most powerful and numerous fleet units of all
the Great Clans.

- Existing territories are often under-developed
- Position on the frontier makes hostile Space exploration only became possible through
encounters from non-human forces much more the efforts of the Phoenix Clan, who not only
likely pioneered the ritual which allows faster-than-
- Legacy of piracy and 'mongrel blood' imposes light travel but also discovered radiant energy
diplomatic penalties. and many other forms of technology which
combine esoteric knowledge with mundane
Important Figures aspects.
Kitsune Jinong is the Daimyo of the Kitsune
family and in many respects, single handily Being the most religious among the Great Clans,
started up the tension between the Lion and the they were the first to discover a startling fact:
Mantis once more. A proud, perhaps even when in the void of space away from a planet's
arrogant man, often accused of being outspoken gravitational pull, the kami have difficulties to
and contrary, Jinong does however care greatly respond to prayers. Since the kami have been
for the animals and animal spirits. Sadly, his the foundation of the Phoenix way as far back as
compassion for them has likely dragged the any would recall, the Phoenix managed to
Mantis to war in which they can gain nothing. develop technology that would allow shugenja to
cast their spells in space. As a result of this, the
Yoritomo Osu is a ship captain, a pirate, Phoenix have grown significantly more powerful
a rogue, and a scoundrel. Why he was chosen to due to the fact that they practically regulate
be the Yoritomo Daimyo, by his own admission, spellcasting within colonized space.
he isn’t sure of himself. His kind aren’t supposed
to be the public face of the clan, they are So, the Phoenix has a lot to do with
supposed to be the ones disavowed and shamed. technological and magical research and
Despite this, he is brave and dutiful and is as development. Their interest for knowledge and
comfortable in deep space as he is in a bar. science decupled with the conquest of the stars
While he lacks the training that makes a true and they have many scientists and scholars
general and master of warfare, he seems to be among them. They’re nearly always at the most
favored by the Fortunes, for he has caught more upper level of development but have still no
lucky breaks in his life then he truly deserves great interest in wars and conflicts.

While Phoenix Clan samurai are not the richest

or the most numerous, their equipment is quite
The role of the Owl clan in the Empire of often the best, and this gives them an edge in
Emerald Stars is to monitor and enforces all non- many confrontations. Their technical wizardry is
shadowlands related alien activity while also symbolized by the legions of Phoenix gyrocopters
reminding Rokugan of it's past. Since alien races regularly seen patrolling the large cities of
are beings from the other realms the Owl clan Rokugan. It was also the Phoenix who sealed the
has also developed an affinity for them. They are Festering Pit on Rokugan, and now it is the
the Emperors first contact clan and also help to Phoenix who work to see that the seal is
mediate the disputes of the native life on the maintained.
worlds that they encounter.
True to their nature, the Phoenix try to
+Access to alien technology and contacts approach both alien animals and the far rarer
+At the forefront of any Imperially-mandated sentient beings as peacefully as possible, assisted
mediations. by the extensive use of magic. When peace fails,
+Good relations with most of the Spirit Realms the Shiba step in with their small but powerful
fleet and army, able to use radiant energy as a
- Find it difficult to exert non-spiritual influence hammer or a scalpel depending on the need. The
due to unconventional attitudes. Phoenix seem content with exploring the galaxy
and further advancing their technological and
magical prowess for the good of their vassals
Their pacifistic views combined with the other
Great Clan's debts to them in matters of religion
are among the major reasons that Rokugan
manages to stay stable in its current state.

+ Most technologically advanced of all the the ripples from her actions quickly become
Great Clans waves.
+ Greatest proportion of Shugenja in the Despite her hesitance to act in most cases, out of
empire, leading to vastly increased magical the current Elemental Masters she is the most
might. likely to call upon the Elemental guard, knowing
+ Still have the control over magic. exactly when only the force of the Tsunami
+ Provinces tend to be very well developed. Legion will advance the future she wishes to see.

- Smallest of the Great Clans, in both Master of Void: Shiba Shou is Shiba
population and territory. Aikune reborn, and when that was first
- Pacifistic nature makes aggressive military determined, many were confused as to how he
ventures much harder. could be such a powerful Void Shugenja. It was
-Clan Champion has less direct authority. the previous Master of Void who determined the
Important Figures The Last Wish still continues to fill the
The Elemental Masters remain an ever- hole in his soul where the Soul of Shiba was
important part of Phoenix society, and with the meant to go. Instead of joining the Shiba
Clan Champion often in seclusion, their power Daimyo’s, ever guiding the current Clan
has only grown in recent years. The current Champion, Shou and the last Wish are
Masters are. connected forever, the part of the Wish that
bonded with him, still a part of him, still
Master of Air: Chiba Su-Yeon The First whispering to him.
Elemental Master from the Shiba family, she was This gives Shou incredible power.... but also
a controversial choice. Often described as makes him think differently from most
flighty, and not entirely shedding the dishonor Shugenja, let alone most Samurai. Ever cautious
that comes with her family name, Su-Yeon’s to act, and seeing the world entirely differently
appearance changes regularly due to her skill from anyone else a great many are unsure how
with illusions. Despite all this she has a keen long he will live or if he even counts as human
intellect, and is surprisingly insightful, the or a spirit.
natural intuition of air coming easily to her.
Shiba Sachihiro is the Clan Champion of the
Master of Earth: Isawa Yeong is the Phonix. Like most Shiba of the last 200 years, he
master of Earth and oldest member of the is partially trained by the Hinshin to handle the
Council. A rather emotionless man with the strain and maintain the focus required to be
patience of the element that is his title, there are advised by three millennium of predecessors.
many who say he is on a quest of Having taken to this rather well, he is the most
enlightenment...and others say he is already public clan Champion the Phoenix has had in a
there. Regardless, while his wisdom is rare at the century.
council it’s always heeded. Still, he rarely leaves Phoenix lands, only doing
so when it is connected to the Emperor himself,
Master of Fire: Isawa Haneul is best and even among the Phoenix his appearances
described as energetic, and regularly trains kata are always private. A focused and somewhat
and other skills traditional of a Bushi, trying to blunt man, it is not that he lacks wisdom or the
focus the passion of fire out in other ways. This desire for enlightenment...but living with so
has been largely unsuccessful, but he lacks any many voices who contradict each other at times,
sort of temper. Instead Haneul has a habit of as wise as they him less patience to
falling deeply in love, and creating beautiful deal with proper propriety or discussions that the
music for his love....and then his passion burns ancestors connected to him have already had in
out and he moves on, unaware of the string of his mind.
broken hearts he leaves behind.

Master of Water: Isawa Suk-Ja is a

natural born seer, gifted with prophecy. Her
studies with Water kami and in the Kawaru Sage
School have had some rewards, but she is
cautious to act, recognising that by acting she
will change what she saw. When she does
however, it always seems like a single touch, but

+ Highly skilled at assassinating or ruining the
Still the keepers of the empire's secrets, the characters of other Clans.
Scorpion are about as mistrusted as they have
always been...perhaps even moreso - Dishonorable nature brings few friends
The Scorpion has embraced the modern world - Limited ability to leverage direct military force.
like no one else. As concepts such as honor and - Criminal influence is not entirely one way...
bushido seem to become more and more
outdated, the Scorpion become more and more Important Figures
the norm. The Lion struggle to adjust. The Bayushi Mineko is the Scorpion Clan
Crane argue amongst themselves that they will Champion. A beautiful woman with a seemingly
not adjust. The Scorpion has already adjusted. unending supply of patience, Mineko is also
Though most perceive their clan as nothing considered quite vindictive, famously believed to
more than base criminals and gangsters, this is have completely destroyed an Otomo Courtier
merely the facade that the Scorpions wish the politically, five years after losing a game of
world to see. In the service of their beloved stones to the man.
Emperor, they have become the most pervasive Of course, other rumors say this was
and sinister intelligence organization in the completely by accident, and she hasn’t the
world and maintains the Imperial Intelligence finesse to do such a thing, that her patience is
Bureau, the best organization for collecting actually hesitation.
information and spying. The key to the Scorpion And further rumors say it was a plot to weaken
information network is the fact that none of the the Otomo politically, and it had nothing to do
other Great Clans know that they are fully with the game of Stones.
capable of space travel on their own (Scorpion Those who know her best recognize it
ambassadors are known to 'hitch rides' on the was all of these, and none of them. Trained with
transports of other clans), thanks to their stealth the Shosuro as well as her own family, Mineko’s
technology. disguises are not her appearance, but her true
nature, augmenting the acting skills she has,
Rokugan's great lights blaze brighter than ever with the ability to spread rumours the Bayushi
before, but so too does its shadows lengthen. possess, made 6 different women all with the
Crime and the underworld have expanded to name Bayushi Mineko.
levels unheard of in previous years, and the Her only concern is, deep down, she
Scorpion have expanded with them. Wielding doesn’t even know which one herself is the real
the power and influence of a Great Clan, the her...and that could one day lead her into
Scorpion have infiltrated, co-opted or outright trouble. She knows what she isn’t.... but what
absorbed a vast majority of Rokugan's she is, that’s harder.
underworld, and that gives them great power
indeed. Yogo Mikiko is the current Yogo Daimyo. A
surprisingly vibrant young woman who triggered
They also developed the Empire Internal her curse very early in life, she sees the loss of
Security preventing any other clan to complot the Phoenix as a chance to give the Yogo a true
against the imperial throne. The Scorpion has purpose, rather than just warders and hunters of
also the best cloaking devices technology and darkness.
maintains the most of listening outposts of the After all, was there not to this day,
Empire. At least, they produce and monitor the Yogo researching their Curse? Do they still not
use of all chemical industry, including drugs and develop magical wards unlike any in the Empire?
poisons With the Phoenix no longer gifting Scorpion
technology in return for court and military
Although apparently lacking in obvious support, surely this was a chance for the Yogo to
strength, the Scorpion remain the masters of expand their horizons, and truly begin to follow
unconventional warfare, both on the battlefield the path that Yogo and Asako walked, the path
and in the courts. Few are willing to be their that allowed Yogo to rip down the wards of the
friends, but fewer still are their enemies, and that Castle of Murder in the first place.
is as it should be. Of course, there was a risk if they fell in
love with their research, they would harm it, and
+ Exceptional underworld ties bring great wealth by extension the Clan, however Mikiko believes
and covert influence that there are ways around it. Yogo had loved
+ Unparalleled stealth technology expands all their duty before and still served the Scorpion
the way up to invisible battle-cruisers. for three Millennium now.

And on the battlefield, they got to fight against
The Spider have long accepted that they will and aid in the destruction of a dark beast of
never truly be part of the Empire. Despite all Jigoku, a wound they hope will fester in
they have changed, despite the fact they no Daigotsu’s dark heart.
longer are in lockstep with Jigoku, no matter
that they were critical in defending the Empire, Cut off from any direct resource, the
just as all past clans were... clan does not hesitate to use bioenergy as a
source of food, ravaging everything that lives in
They are not a clan of Tengoku. And a process of total zombification. It specializes
this will never change. Fu Leng, or even into retro and bioengineering and still continues
Diagotsu, no matter how many hundreds of to use and develop Tainted devices, techniques
times they are reborn, will never set foot in and maho magic” for the glory of the Empire”.
Tengoku without facing the wrath of heaven. But it is only a matter of time before the Spider
Even their allies the Mantis have someone Clan members will target all the other Clans on
watching out from them above...the Spider only a total war…
have people watching from below.
Thus, while the Spider remain one of
However, the Empire means their the smallest of Great Clans. It’s only an illusion
children are free of Taint...means they will live a as they are also among the more powerful. Some
meaningful existence, no matter what code of of them have gone a little too far towards the use
honour they chose to follow...and at this point, of maho and have become really undead. The
the man who founded them, Diagotsu, has made most common of them and the less powerful are
it clear that he considers their actions they called by the generic term "ghosts". They are no
turned towards Gaki-do and Toshigoku betrayal. more than simple envelopes of the flesh and
Serving the Empire allows them to get a measure technology virtually devoid of any soul and
of revenge on the god that turned their back on therefore of any moral sense.
Important Figures
Besides, the Spider enjoys what they do. The Spider Clan is totally under the control of a
Be it developing unconventional weapons, furious fool as rich as a megalomaniac daimyo:
committing genocide against primitives or Daigotsu Scorpio who seeks a way to achieve
fighting the monsters of the Spirit Realms, and immortality. It is secretly and slowly developing
at times learning from them, the Spider have an army not hesitating to recover the corpses of
learned their place in the Empire and loyally the other clans and aliens in order to make them
commit to it. soldiers at low prices.

In many ways they are more a Susumu Tirue is the current Diamyo of the
perversion of Bushido then they were in the Susumu family. Claimed by some to be the
12th Century, because just as the Spider reborn soul of the Susumu Kuroko, Tirue long
corrupted the Empire with Shourido, so too did discarded such beliefs as foolish. Kuroko had
the Empire ‘corrupt’ the Spider in turn, teaching done so much in her life, had achieved true
the monsters a version of honor, a semblance of greatness and reshaped the Susumu family.
duty, a concept of loyalty. And yet, they don’t Still, being told such things her entire
quite get it, seeing it all through the lens of life has affected Tirue. While any would be
conflict, of the dark realms that they study and foolish to underestimate her skills as a Susumu
use, and twisted by their less than human Courtier, especially since she was also trained in
thought process at times. the Bayushi Courtier School as well as her
family’s school, there is a clear pride to her. She
Recent events are not exactly in their is used to being the best at what she does,
favor but neither are they truly opposed to manipulating minds, thoughts and feelings more
them....the Crane’s growth is worrying, but the easily than any beautiful Geisha or Air
Otomo long stopped being the allies of the Shugenja. This Hubris has caught her upon
Spider, and the Scorpion don’t trust them...the occasion, and when her control does slip, the
Crane would be fine allies in the courts, if they skilled courtier has been known to ruin her own
will let it happen. And they recently agreed to plans to get revenge on the person who saw such
share a world; the Susumu see a potential olive weakness.
branch, but at least this past winter court But such times are rare, and she is
anything more formal has stalled. considered by many to be a Paragon of

- Limited social influence within Rokugan,
After 1200 years, the Unicorn are no longer the especially close to the center of power
outsider barbarians they once were considered by - Exploring the galaxy is a dangerous job...
most of Rokugan. They have adjusted well, - Highly disadvantaged in a defensive war.
combining their knowledge of the gaijin with
the new traditions of Rokugan. Much like when Important Figures
they first returned to the Empire in the early Moto Cheluhui is the current Khan and Clan
ninth century, their culture in the fourth Champion of the Unicorn. A prominent fighter,
millennium is a mix of the domestic and the both with the Scimitar and star ship, Cheluhui
foreign; where once a traditionalist might have has often been described as a little to Brash for
been disgusted at a Unicorn samurai wearing fur, the courtly role that a Clan Champion demands,
now he must also wonder what kind of creatures and at times has been accused of having a
the fur could have come from. complete lack of appreciation for Rokugani
culture, preferring the artwork of those who once
The infinity of space waked up the deepest lived in the Jewel of the Desert.
instinct of the Unicorn for deep space and He is also of the largest men in the
longtime exploration. From their travels to many Empire, and would be considered large even
exotic places the Unicorn returned with among the Hida.
technology beyond that of any other clan: most However, he is loved by the people,
notable of these would be their revolutionizing both Samurai and heimin alike, and in a way
zero-gravity combat. They sponsored the that makes his current single status so odd. He is
relocation of the last gaijin nations from approaching 30 and still remains unmarried, and
Rokugan to their own worlds, and maintain heirless, despite the best efforts of the Ide to fix
extensive contact with them. They’re always this. It is considered very likely that the children
interest to develop exchange with alien cultures, of his brother will lead the Unicorn after him,
and maintain contact with them. and rumours persist that he is completely
The Unicorn are one of the few clans (along Ide Lobsang is the current Daimyo of
with the Phoenix) who first try communication the Ide family. Born blind, his parents made the
with alien cultures, resorting to violence only rather rash decision to have the Kuni restore his
when that fails. They are highly utilized as sight. While the operation was a complete
diplomats and ambassadors in relations with success it led to horrific scaring around his eyes,
foreign nations. and devices that replaced his eyes were a
disturbing black colour, with spots of orange,
Exploration is what the Unicorn have always white and dark blue that constantly seem to
done, and after the Empire of Rokugan extended move, grow, shrink and combine in an
to cover the whole planet they were eagerly unpredictable, unsettling and distracting
waiting for some new frontier to seek. The idea manner.
of exploring entire star systems could not help Despite his disfigurement, Lobsang still became a
but attract them, especially coupled with their courtier and few would fail to guess his Ide
love for speed and travel, and the Unicorn were training, for he is courtly, diplomatic and calm,
among the first in the race to the stars. At the with an almost never-ending good will to
dawn of the fourth millennium they maintain anyone he meets, be they samurai, heimin, gaijin
only a token presence on Rokugan itself, the or alien. He often wears a mesh purple veil to
vast majority of the clan having resettled on negotiations, not out of shame but
other planets or being permanently on the move. understanding that people find his eyes
Unicorns are the best for taming new alien However recently it has been suggested
animals and plants. Unicorn Transportation is that the kami in his eyes are far more active than
renowned into all the Empire as the best for they would normally be in such devices, and that
material shipping and personal transport. he perhaps can hear them, which explains his
uncanny ability to guess the thoughts and
+ Finest pilots among all the Great Clans feelings of others, no matter how well they hide
provides highly mobile armies. it. If that’s the case, he quite possibly knows
+ Extensive contact with non-Rokugani more secrets than anyone else in the Empire,
elements provides unconventional resources and although his dedication to the ideals of the Ide
influence. founder means he is unlikely to ever speak of
+ Possess mobile Provinces in the form of them.
nomadic fleets

it with great care and respect. Unfortunately, the
With the Empire developing so far, the Imperial current Miya Daimyo lacks his ancestors’
families have never been so important to willpower.
maintain the Empire bureaucracy and leadership.
They’re still devoted to serve the Emperor The Seppun have gained far less than
himself and also run the most of the facilities of the other Imperial Families and continue their
the capital planet Rokugan. The Imperial long-term dedication to duty. They have a very
Families have grown quite powerful in recent strong alliance with the Badger
years, due to the ever-increasing size of Imperial
Bureaucracy. Efforts have been made to weaken Important Figures
the Otomo by splitting the family into parts, but Otomo Hokusai is one of the most loyal and
the power of the Otomo and its alliance with the steadfast men in the Empire, at least in his own
Susumu and then more recently the weakened eyes, having chosen to take the name of the man
Crane has all but made such a thing impossible. who re-earned the Emperor’s trust after the first
It’s likely that history will turn against the Gozoku. The man is built like a soldier due to
Otomo in the long run, however. daily kata rituals, and at first glance most
mistake him for a Bushi, if quite an aged one.
For now however, they are on top of the And he was a kind and courteous man,
mountain, basking in their ability to control seemingly prone to breaking his on regularly in
summer court, to win favors from the Great company, building trust and friendship, and
Clans to allow them to settle worlds and systems often under-estimation.
entirely as a single clan instead of sharing it with But Hokusai at times is truly vicious. He
a minor clan, and the literal masters of a web of has perfect recall and has spent much of his life
documents, laws, precedents, achieves, studying the bureaucracy red tape of the Empire
references and duel results and bureaucracy as well as the long and contradictory list of
stretching back 3,000 years that even the most imperial edicts going back 3,000 years. And if he
dedicated of Asako Lore masters and Ikoma thinks it necessary for the Empire, or if he thinks
historians would be hesitant to look into. To the you slighted him in some way, he will bring this
Otomo however, this maze is their source of down upon you.
power, and on at least one occasion they have But if you don’t leave, tomorrow in the
been accused of re-writing the law to suit their early morning some very unfortunate history
own purpose. about your ancestor will come to light, and then
a few hours later it will be found that you broke
The Miya however, have possibly had a decree that was issued by Iweko the twelfth.
even a greater gain in power and prestige. The And then there are the numerous code
advent of mass media has allowed the Miya to violations your ship has. It really is best you do
spread news and information far more quickly this my way.”
than in ages past, and while the other Clans, the
Scorpion being the best example, tried to start Miya Mi-Na is the Daimyo of the Miya
their own media empires, the trust the Empire family and controls their vast and powerful
places in the Miya means the power in their media empire. She comes from a long line of
words is unmatched. The Miya family seizes all strong-willed men and women who have
the information of the Empire when the Otomo reported the truth and issued edicts of the
have the total control on power plant facilities Emperor himself. His house has resisted pressure
and energy distribution. After the Alliances to lie, spin stories, or take sides in conflicts and
War, they also rule the use of civil nuclear use due to this they are the most trusted men and
and forbids the use of radioactive material to women in the Empire.
weaponry development And Mi-Na was raised in the same way.
She is strong willed and determined.... unless it
The Ikoma decide the history.... but the involved Opium, or Geisha, or Alcohol, or really
present is written by the Miya. The strength of any chemical or sensual vice. However, she will
the Miya daimyo to handle the pressure from the never accept money. She is quite proud of that;
Clans to change the story, to show favoritism, that despite its temptations money and
and to shape public opinion on news has been materialism holds no influence over her.
hard to resist. Fortunately, in the first Winter The current Miya Daimyo remains ‘independent’
Court where the Miya had Mass Media, the and thus isn’t under anyone’s thumb yet, the
duels that resulted from their poor choice of Mantis, Scorpion and some elements of the
words during those reports gave the Miya insight Crane are making moves to change this.
into the power they wielded and have since used

Some monks have adjusted better than
The Brotherhood still maintains is role for all others, becoming televangelists using the YNN
theological affairs specially to adapt their communication network to spread the good
concept to and from the new discoveries of the preach across the galaxy while others have
universe. Still the religious and philosophical receded into seclusion entirely, waiting for this
foundation of Rokugan, the monks of Shinsei fragile new empire to destroy itself.
struggle the hardest to recover the old traditions,
attempting to reconcile them with the new ways. Important Figures
The Brotherhood of Shinsei is always flowing, The Grand Abbot of the Brotherhood is a Monk
always moving and adapting as new paths reveal called Eun-ji. Not much is known about her
themselves. As the Empire has advanced, the past; however, it’s believed she may have once
orders have tended to become more ascetic by been a Heimin. A calm and quiet woman, who
comparison, however there are a few exceptions has dedicated her life to the Rinzai sect of the
to this rule, with at least one Order devoted to Brotherhood, it was exceptionally rare for her
understanding the universe through the creation answer someone’s questions, instead replying
of intricate devices, each artistic in their own question for question.
way if a little more practical. She is particularly famous for spending
several years in Rokugan, studying ancient
This has met with some resistance, for Rokugani Manuscripts to translate lost Koan.
many Rokugani have abandoned the teachings The book that resulted in this is Koan of the era
of Shinsei and the Tao. The biggest of conflict, and details the Koan made between
developments however are the Five Elemental the Clan Wars to the Destroyer war.
Moons and the followers of a False Path known
as the “Way of the Sword and Book.” Iyagi believed to be the Abbot of the
Way of the Sword and Book. Exceptionally little
The Way of the Sword and Book is known about him other than the name;
emerged shortly into the War of the Tao and are however, a single picture is known to exist of
believed to have been a result of the conflicts him and he is considered a wanted criminal.
religious nature. Recognizing that Bushi had in According to the little information the Emerald
the past found enlightenment, and seeing the Magistrates have made public, Iyagi is in
violence all around them, the Order dedicated possession of a Nemurani of some power and it is
itself to trying to find enlightenment in a similar through this weapon he is an exceptional duelist.
manner. However, this pushed the order However, he appears to be rational and assuming
dangerously close to being Bushi using the you do not attempt to apprehend him or
privileges of being Monks, or Monks using the challenge his honor, he will leave you be.
privileges of a Bushi, rather than picking a path He is also a highly skilled hacker, which allows
and sticking to it, and after a Great Convocation him to avoid detection.
the Way of the Sword and Book was declared a
False Path.

Despite this, efforts to eradicate the

path have largely met with failure when any
Clan has chosen to focus on it, and thus far the
Emperor has yet to order the organisation to be
purged, meaning that quite often that when a
group of them are discovered they simply move

It is also a commonly held belief among

those Samurai, that they must have a sponsor
Clan or Family, as the Kukojin and the Order of
the Spider did in the past, however thus far no
family has openly shielded them. However even
lacking that, the Order has long since gotten
very good at going unnoticed, and rarely if ever
spreads its teachings, knowing what the majority
of the Empire thinks of them.

In front of so many clans it can be very difficult
to practice large-scale politics. This is why it’s
sometimes better to bring them together in
THE MINOR CLAN ALLIANCE coalitions with same affinities. Below are
proposed several possible groups but note that
By the fourth millennium there are dozens of
they are flexible and that changes are frequent.
Minor Clans in existence, so many that no
samurai is surprised to meet someone who claims
Idealistic Philosophy: Albatross, Bear, Deer,
to be a member of a Clan they've never heard of.
Firefly, Otter, Panda, Peacock, Seahorse,
The large number of these Minor Clans is the
Sparrow, Tern, Rat.
only thing which allows the Alliance to have
Protectors of the Empire: Crocodile, Dog,
any weight relative to the Great Clans, who
Echidna, Hare, Hedgehog, Lark, Monkey,
number in the tens of millions of samurai.
Nightingale, Ox, Salmon, Tiger, Tortoise, Wolf.
Coalition for Imperial Reform: Anglerfish, Cat,
Most Minor Clan holdings were gained after an
Hyena, Moth, Roach, Shark, Spider, Yak
Imperial edict that no Clan could lay claim to an
Industrialist Group: Beaver, Camel, Drake, Frog,
entire planet any more. Many Great Clans see
Octopus, Oriole, Vulture, Tanuki.
sharing space with a Minor Clan as a better
Tradition, Spiritual and Magic Department:
option than a rival Great Clan, so while the
Bee, Butterfly, Cormorant, Dragonfly,
Minor Clans lack exclusive access to any single
Hummingbird, Ibis, Lynx, Obake, Raven,
planet or system, they have plenty of small
Salamander, Scarab, Squirrel, Swan, Swordfish.
holdings on planets, moons, and stations all
across the galaxy.

While territories have been given to specific The clan of the albatross is still scattered
clans within the Alliance, their real strength is throughout the galaxy. They made a good
the network of influence and trade they have reputation in the world of fun and their
established between each other. The emissions on Yumeji News Network are
headquarters of the Alliance is the City of the appreciated. They are always eager to explore
Smiling Tortoise, an island city on the World of and good jokes. Their only true possession is the
Dreams. (The area was gifted by the Scorpion by small moon of Kohaku's Heaven.
request of the Monkey, on the provision that the
city always has a Monkey governor.)

The Governor of the Alliance (chosen by the The Anglerfish's purpose is to serve as official
Champions of all the Minor Clans) lives there, and Taint free emissaries of the Spider Clan.
acting on the Alliance’s behalf but able to make They do their best to monitor and supervise the
major decisions such as war only when backed by Spider Clan but they often lack of resources to
more than half of the individual clans. This do it properly.
participative leadership is an oddity even in the
fourth millennium, and draws a certain amount
of mockery from the Great Clans, but the Minor The Bear are a relatively small Minor Clan.
Clans seem happy enough with the arrangement. They received the Osano-Wo Reach planet to
The Governor is usually a Tortoise, though the settle a dispute between two major clans and still
current Governor is Suzume Xian. try to produce the best honey of the galaxy.

The Beaver are dedicated to robotics,

automation and space habitat construction.
Beaver artisans study everything about them,
from engineering and to layout and aesthetics.
They train as architects to understand how
inhabitants will use their facilities.

Atakebune-class cruiser that permits them to be
The Bee maintains is activity of fashion critiques quickly be where they’re useful.
within the Star Empire but has passed her honey
fabrication process to the Bear. They still have
no good relations with this clan. With so many The Deer always served the Empire as guardians
new discoveries they focus to catalog and price of balance. Through divine vision, they
the artwork from the entire galaxy. They’ve only uncovered the threads of futures yet to come,
small estates but nearly always within Crane and through artful stealth, they wove or severed
space. these threads to ensure that order was
maintained. They could tie alliances between
the Great Clans or unravel them as soon as any
one faction became too powerful. Through
The Butterfly gained a new role with the subtle manipulation, the Deer Clan sought to
discovery of new alien species: protecting the preserve power balance, and this meant that at
cemeteries, ancestor’s souls and cinders from times, the weak had to rise and the mighty had
their influence. They also study foreign and alien to fall.
concepts of death. They sometimes serve as
undertakers and their etas are among the best
thanatopractors of the galaxy. Some of them also
studies cryogenics as a way to preserve corpses. The Dog clan is still reputed to have the best
wood craftsmen from of the Empire, specializes
also into the hunting of large predators and
aggressive alien animals to deliver them to the
The Camel clan maintains strong supply and Kitsune family clan and mostly work as guards
commerce lines with an impressive merchant and yoriki for other Clans. Besides acting as
fleet between all the worlds of the Star Empire. yojimbo for Minor Clans who don't have their
They settled a remote desert moon near the east own, they have a reputation for doing the work
border of the Empire that they called Rakuda’s other Clans avoid, whether it's boring or
Beacon but have many warehouses across the distasteful or just kind of weird. They get little
galaxy. respect—even some other Minor Clans sneer at
them—but the Dog don't seem to mind. The
average Dog bushi is patient and silent waiting
in the background for a chance to shine that
The Clan cat is more active than ever, renewed
may never come. The Dog have been given
for his many teahouses and geisha houses across
some small holdings at the edge of a few systems,
the Star Empire. But with the development of
but spend a lot of their time on ships or in other
communications, it has expanded its activities
Minor Clan territory. The Dog's "headquarters"
by creating many social networks. Their main
are on the Hachiko, an Atakebune-class cruiser
base is secret and located deepest within
that spends most of its time lurking in the
Scorpion space.
Trojan asteroids of other Clans' worlds and goes
where it's needed.

Even in the modern era, the official duty of the

Cormorant is still to search out, preserve
prophecies (and maybe other paranormal The Dragonfly's purpose remains the same: the
activities) and to know who is researching the official emissaries of the Dragon Clan. To deal
phenomenon itself. Most Clans believe this is a with other Clans the Dragon built Kitsuki's
pointless task, but the Cormorant takes it Hand, an orbital station in a mostly
extremely seriously. They’ve also developed uninteresting system that is easily accessible to
some gambling and casino houses to improve most of the Clans, and the Dragonfly are
their economy and have an interest in alien charged with running it. They also have
games. holdings in every other Dragon system, partly as
a show of good faith, partly to satisfy the
Emperor's edicts, and partly to watch for
intruders. The Mantis Clan bear a grudge against
The Crocodile clan patrol and protects the Dragonfly for some decades-old reason, and
commerce and supply lines of the Star Empire. Dragonfly who stray too far from Dragon
They have a large fleet of small rapid vessels and protection risk being attacked by "pirates". To
their headquarters are the Crocodile’s Tooth, an improve their ties with the Minor Clan
Alliance, the Dragonfly has received permission
to share the land (and Dragon protection) with of domes named The Tadpole Eggs Complex on
some of their allies: The Bear, Bee, Octopus, and the unwelcoming moon of the Happy Frog.
Otter clans.

The Hare Clan has always been one of

For decades, the Drake clan fought for its Rokugan's more well-known Minor Clans. Over
survival. Then modern times came and with 1500 years ago they were instrumental in putting
them the creation of the energy handguns. It was down Iuchiban and his Bloodspeaker Cult. Since
at this point that the Drake Clan finally then they have always been treated with respect
flourished. Indeed, many people asked advice to beyond most other Minor clans. Over time their
the clan to apprehend the handling of weapons reputation faded and they began to fall into
that the time only taught the Drake to handle. neglect, but with the advent of Modern
Contempt for their methods became almost of television and organized sports, the Hare Clan's
admiration and the Drake Clan prospered. reputation began to climb again. Known to
Duelists of the Drake Clan are among the most produce some of the finest athletes in Rokugan
feared when using of handguns is required. Only they have also begun to get into the media
the Tsuruchi family outperforms them for market. They are currently working to establish
sharpshooting. their own TV station to follow up their highly
successful alternative Radio Station, KHRE. In
more recent years, with the coming of modern
firearms and Gaijin influence, the Hare Clan has
The Echidna was created centuries ago to honor discovered the Art of the Gun Duel and
a band of ronin who helped Imperial suddenly found their niche.
Magistrates. They since invented a strange new
invention they called the sword bayonet and The age of space makes it easier for
refined and updated the style to become maho-tsukai to do their business: it's a lot easier
excellent infantry for the Emerald Stars era. to hide when you can fly to another planet
They used to take mercenary jobs to fill their nobody's using. The Hare's task is to search the
coffers, but unfortunately most of their last Empire, figure out where they're hiding, and take
generation was lost when the Crane Clan used them out. The Hare have nearly been destroyed
them to win dangerous battles. They've spent by their allies many times over the centuries, so
the last couple decades rebuilding. The behind the scenes some Hare work to make sure
Echidna's headquarters are on Kitsuki's Hand. their knowledge and techniques will be
Their last Champion sold a couple other preserved even if the Hare die.
holdings to get by, and these days the Echidna Hare samurai encountered by other
clan is so small that people consistently confuse Clans are usually on a mission, working as
them for the larger Hedgehog Clan. They do not magistrates, or scouting out new places to hide
appreciate this. away their knowledge. Hare holdings are
intentionally hidden, mobile, or placed close to
heavily-defended Imperial worlds for protection.
Their largest (known) holding is Sudaro's Hand,
The Firefly monitors the eastern frontier of the
a station in a Lion Clan system that serves as
Star Empire. They also maintain a rapid response
their court.
fleet of small and fast ships to rescue any ship in
distress. What you can do, you can never take
the skies from them.
The Hedgehog Clan has survived for centuries
thanks to its mastery of spears. Today the use of
firearms has made the use of such weapons
A recent outcast from the Mantis clan and one
somewhat obscure and the bushis of the clan are
of the youngest minor clan, the Frog clan
always looking for a real utility. Most have
specializes in climatology. They adopted the
become mercenaries and the clan has somewhat
family name of Kearu when they absorbed them
lost its notoriety in modern society.
to manage their finances. They developed
technology for environmental systems and
weather control facilities. And when it’s not
possible they diffuse weather forecasts on the
Yumeji News Network. They live in a complex

itself—it's extremely rare. Prophets willing to
The Hummingbird still lack of a clear purpose join a Minor Clan are even rarer, so the Lynx
but was never disbanded even after so many focus instead on gaining shugenja. Still, the
centuries. This weakness is actually their Lynx get a prophet once every generation or
strongest strength: It’s one the most versatile two, and they are guaranteed high positions
clan, eager to find a solution to a problem when within the Clan.
others are still trying to understand it. They The Lynx prefer to make their homes in
maintain small outposts everywhere in the orbital stations. Their secret headquarters and
Empire. primary servers are found in Shiro Hajime, a
cloaked station in the border of Scorpion Space.
As a small and obscure branch of the rokugani
department of defense, they are treated as an
The clan of shame, bitterness and dishonor... urban legend.
This is how many people call this group.
Originally, he left a laudable intention on the
part of certain women of the Moshi family of the
Mantis clan: to defend the emancipation of While the Imperial Legions and Guard were
women in this modern world. However, the necessary for the safety of the Empire, the
aggressive and not always discerned recruitment Monkey Clan could be sent to where the
made the actions of some of these members Emperor needed their presence. Their
transformed it into a criminal organization determination and dedication to their duty has
conspiracy rather than a true clan whose made them one of the most valuable assets to
imperial status was never obtained. Its existence the Jade Throne and their role hasn't changed
is comparable to that of the shark clan: a kind of much: they're a symbol of hope and virtue in the
blackmail or shame to oppose it directly. The « Empire. The Monkey still care about day-to-day
hyena clan » tries topically to impose matriarchy wellness of the entire Empire citizens. They
where man always held a preponderant place in main purpose is to serve as elite police to
the imperial universe. These people tend to use maintain order within the Star Empire. The
sneering and sneaky manifestations to achieve Monkey took to spacecraft well, and these days
their ends. Only the most radical and even "heroic Toku starship captain" is a common vid
extremist Nekoma, Matsu and Utaku find their show stereotype. They're not as well-off
count there, the others never fail to laugh compared to other Minor Clans as they used to
openly of this grouping. Hence the little glorious be, but they're relatively large with a lot of
nickname of "clan of the hyena"... political capital. The Scorpion still see the
Monkey as their naïve younger brother, and the
Monkey have profited greatly from the
relationship. The Monkey doesn’t have many
The Ibis believe that true power comes from holdings, but the ones they do are large and
winning hearts and minds, and their artisans are prosperous. Besides governing the City of the
pop idols, dancers, and soap opera stars. Aibisu Smiling Tortoise on behalf of the Alliance, their
have earned a lot of fans and political currency largest holding is the orbital station Toku's Duty
through their broadcasts and this has shielded in the Bayushi's Eye system
them well from the machinations of the Great
The Moth clan is specialized in cryptography
and computer hacking. They love studying alien
The Lark is a paramilitary organization that computers and programs and protect the Yumeji
protects especially many of the Brotherhood News Network from piracy when they’re not
properties dispersed in the galaxy. Their hacking it themselves. The information about
headquarters is a Katana-class battle cruiser them is still difficult to obtain as they live near a
named The song of the lark. black hole on a remote dark and lonely planet
called the Moth’s Cocoon.

They also work on predictive modeling and

analytics, and plenty of Minor Clan Alliance
settlements around the Empire use Lynx
scientists as advisors without even knowing it.
The Lynx rarely study the gift of prophecy

The Nightingale specializes into Rapid Response The Ox Clan still combats actively and monitors
Teams and corruption detection. They have the activity of the Kolat, trying to destroy it
only small fleet of vessels but what they lack of definitely from within but with so many remote
the power, they compensate it with swiftness and worlds where to hide, it’s still not for tomorrow.
deduction. They try to maintain a police activity The Ox has more than one agency within the
like the Wolf or the Monkey clans. Empire and their headquarters are on a space
station named Morito’s Will not far from a

The Obake clan is specialized in cataloging,

tracking and banishing rare and dangerous
undead spirit and creatures like zombies. Their The Panda clan is special in the sense that it
location is a secret known only by the clan and contains only monks who fight under the rules
imperial authorities. They often cooperate with and the art of sumo. Their special statuses and
the Toritaka family, more rarely with the their peaceful and good-natured character often
Butterfly and hate the Spider for using undead as enable them to be forgiven.
regular troops.

The Peacock clan always keeps the imperial

The Octopus has specialized himself in the mass volatiles of the same name on areas of the
production and duplication not only in art but Emperor’s domain. It is always the smallest clan
also for all tools of the day-to-day life. They’re at to date with only bare interest for space.
the head of one of the most competitive
industrial network and economical organization
of the Star Empire. They are also very good to Finding love across the stars is sometimes even
detect and counterfeit foreign merchandise. more difficult than in the original Empire. The
Rat clan still emphasizes to arranged marriage
organization and as even spread matrimonial
New Family: Murakumo +1 Willpower agencies among the galaxy.
The Oriole Clan kept their position as some of
the best smiths in the Empire, but they've had to
adapt to the times. In the fourth millennium,
when even an average samurai carries a blade The Raven operates the only official
encased in an aura of radiant energy, higher- organization that proposes and enforces
ranking samurai wield monomolecular blades, authorized mercenary services. They also
blades forged from metals taken from the heart monitor ronin activities within the Empire.
of collapsed stars, and other advanced weapons. Their headquarters is a unique designed and
The Tsi can work with radiant energy, but ragtag ship named the Raven’s claw.
they've created the Murakumo shugenja family
to help them make the other things. They're one
of the richer Clans of the Alliance, and one of When the others clans try to find the best way to
the few with the honor of sharing a system with expend their influence on the galaxy, the Roach
Imperial families: their largest holdings are the is more than ever concerned in the development
moons around Xing Guo's Anvil, a gas giant in a of the oneself and the survival in the worst
Seppun system. conditions.

The Otter has become one of the finest and The Salamander is still looking to understand
uppermost developed organizations concerning what give the shugenja the gift to speech to the
medicine. They maintain a large network of kami. They’re now extending their research to
medical stations across the Star Empire where other worlds and alien concepts, even trying to
they’re now developing advanced prosthetics develop technological or even genetics
and remedies to heal the diseased. Their data enhancements to make this ability more spread
about poisons and diseases is probably the best without many successes. They are based on a
you can find in the whole galaxy. convoy of small vessels that run the Star Empire
without cease to perform their duties.

practice when they accidentally gave the
The Salmon clan is always known for his sense Sparrow huge swathes of territory on the gas
of taste and publishes a highly anticipated giant Jikoju's Breath right before the Phoenix
annual guide of the best Star Emerald Empire invented kobune-class stations that could float
establishments. He also created the in its skies like giant balloons. Jikoju's Breath is
Consumption and Protection of the food chain now a beautiful city. The Crane are still mad but
Agency which regulates all food production in nobody cares.
the Empire. After centuries of life on scares and
poor lands, the Sparrow has also learned how to
tame the earth herself. They made heavy use of
terraforming, utilizing the power of the Anvil of
Now that a civilization has been discovered that Earth to transform mountains, ranges, and even
threaten the Empire himself, the secluded continents to better suit the desires and needs of
Scarab clan is looking for a way to destroy them the rokugani. They are now among the best
in an unconventional way: with the only terraformers of the Empire, looking for and
strength of the spirit and the soul. They live on preparing barren worlds to welcome future new
the dark face of an unsanctified remote world life.
near Dragon border called Mekhem’s Cloak.

After centuries of incessant collection, the

The Seahorse as developed many Squirrel clan managed to amass an enormous
accommodations throughout the Star Empire to quantity of various and varied objects. Some
ensure that every honorable one in need could could have been forgotten since the dawn of
find an appropriate refuge. They are still time but the hard work of this small clan allowed
specialized in the exploration of pelagic planets keeping them intact. In some situations, like the
and contacts with aquatic life forms. Their main Alliance War some of these objects have even
holding is a small oceanic moon named Ocean rocked the course of some battles. In these
of Sapphire within Crab Space. remote times, science is beginning to discover
the secrets of certain Nemunarais, and the
collection and archives of the Squirrel clan are
all the more precious. The Squirrel Clan chose
The Shark has never had a purpose and managed
to establish its headquarters aboard the
to evade eradication by fleeing to a remote world
Chomchog, the flagship of the Unicorn Clan.
they called Lost Tengoku. They still enjoy life
above bushido and their new planet is a source
of debauchery for anyone is looking for a place
to act without any law. Wolf officers sometimes The main activity of the Swan Clan is still to
tried to bring them back on track but have never give important people false identities and
so far managed to impose imperial law on their protection at imperial request. They run the
world. Imperial Secret Service and specialize in witness
protection and body guarding as well. Their
main holding is a temperate small moon called
Feathers of the space within Scorpion’s territory.
The humble Suzume are the glue that holds the
Minor Clan Alliance together. All major Minor
Clan holdings have a Suzume somewhere,
usually performing underappreciated For centuries, the Swordfish Clan has worked to
bureaucratic roles or serving as a link to the uphold the tradition of bushido as the path of
greater Alliance. When the Alliance gets a the individual swordsman. The Swordfish spend
presence in the courts, they're often much of their time wandering the Empire,
accompanied by a Suzume artisan. They are of traveling by their own means and taking on any
little importance to the greater Empire, but to problems they come across. Many Swordfish find
the Alliance, they're vital. work as magistrates. The Swordfish also study
bushido heavily, and have perhaps the most
The Sparrow were first brought into extensive collection of writings about bushido in
space by the Crane Clan, who gave them mostly the galaxy. Most Great Clans see the Swordfish
barren locations and simple space stations that as jumped-up ronin, but the Swordfish rarely
only technically fulfilled the Emperor's decree. It give anyone a reason to move against them.
was a pretty bad joke, and the Crane stopped the Most Swordfish holdings are in Crane, Lion or
Crab space.
The Tanuki has extended his activities not only The Tortoise is the center of the Alliance of the
to sake brewing but to the whole agribusiness of minor clans and often at the head of their
the Star Empire. With so many people to government. They still continue their original
nourish, their industry is quite developed. They purpose on monitoring crime activity and
hold many “factory domains” where they custom service by preventing alien and gaijin
produce tremendous quantities of food and technology penetration of the Empire.
beverage. They’re often in dispute with the
Salmon Clan
New Family: Shouko: +1 Reflexes
The Vulture Clan clean space debris from the
After centuries of isolation, the Tern clan was orbits of Empire worlds, to protect the satellites,
rediscovered some times before the launch of the space stations, and spacecraft of other Clans
first space vessel. The Tern remain isolationist from collisions. They also clean up after major
and quite primitive, deeply convinced that what space battles, retrieving as many dead as they
a machine or computer can do can be done can for burial. Most of their money comes from
better by a human. Using technology is equal to salvaging; many samurai have petitioned them
diminish a samurai’s soul for them. They’ve been to find a treasured item lost on a derelict, or
relocated and then live peacefully on a remote accused them of keeping salvaged resources and
iced moon within Dragon Space. They’re rarely equipment. Overall the Vulture Clan is seen as a
seen out their world. necessity that can be safely ignored unless you
need them.
The Vulture has offices in all major
space stations (usually somewhere small and in
The Tiger has only one purpose: Guard the the back); their only major holding is the
capital world of Rokugan, monitor the access Benten's Biwa station in Unicorn space, where
and often refuse it. Their main estate is the Eye the Vulture take their salvage for sorting and
of the Tiger Station that orbits Rokugan. trade.

New Family: Risu: +1Awareness

The official role of the Tortoise remains the
By the fourth millennium, there are a lot of
same: grubby merchants who keep the Imperial
lesser Fortunes. Some were forgotten, died or
Capital clean and watch over the borders of
even or found some other way to lose their
Imperial systems. Unofficially, they're still
station, which doesn't help matters. The Weasel
smugglers who spy on criminal and gaijin groups
are tasked with recording and remembering
for threats to the Empire. They're just watching
them, as well as making sure that shrines to
aliens too. When the Empire interacts with
them remain open and accessible throughout the
those aliens openly, such as the Hanajin, the
galaxy. Their founder was a Phoenix samurai
Tortoise are caretakers of the stations where
named Shiba Risu, and the Phoenix are still
most of this interaction takes place. The
their closest Great Clan ally. The Weasel
Tortoise are the main voice of the Minor Clan
regularly sends young samurai to travel the
Alliance in the courts, and one of the few Clans
galaxy and teach others about the Fortunes, and
that actually keeps track of how many Minor
most retire to join the Temples of the Thousand
Clans there are and where they live.
Fortunes. The Weasel's headquarters are on
Kitsuki’s Hand, and their other holdings are
Since nobody wants to share worlds
libraries and shrines. These holdings are used as
with the Tortoise, they mostly purchase station
resting places for their traveling samurai, but the
rights in out-of-the-way places like Trojan
Weasel have a standing offer that any ronin who
asteroids, the outer rims of systems, and
does not make trouble will be given hospitality
uninhabitable dwarf planets. Their biggest
for up to three weeks.
holding is the Shell, a space station bazaar
orbiting a dead star where all Rokugani (and
aliens) can meet, trade and increase the
Tortoise's wealth. Like the Scorpion and their Where the Monkey, Crocodile, Salmon and
World of Dreams, most Clans spend so much Tortoise clans have a police activity within the
time being disgusted (or fascinated) by the Shell Empire, the Wolf is a Ranger Police
that they don't really pay attention to the Organization that enforces the imperial law even
Tortoise's other holdings. in the most remote corners of the galaxy. They
still don’t manage to bring Lost Tengoku planet
of the Shark clan to the law. The Wolf has
several outposts in the form of small orbital
stations along the borders of the Star Empire.
Their headquarters is a deep space station, the The imperial power is diluted in the vastness of
Wolf's Lair between the border of Dragon and space. All the efforts of the imperial families are
Badger spaces. insufficient to maintain the incredible
bureaucracy in place. Even the capital world of
Rokugan Prime sees its legitimacy contested by
the World of Dreams, much more populated and
New Family: Karaushi: +1 Perception
accessible. In this context many people believe
The Karaushi family has been created by Iweko
that a third Gozoku is already up and eating
II centuries ago from an alliance of Shiba
away the foundations of the Empire of Emerald
eccentrics and Ikoma outcasts, secluding them
with the purpose of keeping an eye on the
Yobanjin. This included maintaining contact
with less-hostile bands as Yobanjin were still
tolerated in the Empire but no trade was With the closure of the two Fu Leng’s Pits
officially conducted with them. Kind of rough centuries ago many thoughts now that it’s an
and ready clan, they kept this role in the modern extinguished menace. Nothing is more far from
era but are in fact the beginning of a new Kolat. reality than this. There are always been other
portals to Jikogu on other planets than Rokugan
Prime. Some maho-tsukai and members of the
Spider Clan are actively trying to open the larger
portal than a samurai has ever seen on a remote
space location. The Third Day of Thunders is
approaching but this time technology will have a
tremendous impact on the victory…

When the Scorpion scattered the Kolat, these

shadow conspirators found themselves exposed
and destroyed. Their power base and operatives
were broken, their leaders publicly executed. Its
leaders then took it upon themselves to
restructure the conspiracy individually, with
themselves at the head. Ironically, while this
resulted in the Kolat numbers reaching higher
than ever, this has also severely undercut the
scope of their influence, as they spend as much
time feuding with each other as they do against
the Rokugani government. With the move to
the stars, the Kolat have now got the almost
impossible task of convincing an Empire that
lives on worlds that have been blessed or cursed
by various spirit turn away from such
things.... a near impossibility.

The Syndicates in modern times are intensely

anti-authoritarian, believe the Rokugani
government tyrannical and oppressive. Whether
this is true or not is in the eyes of the beholder,
but even in the comparatively lax standards of
etiquette of Modern Rokugan, the Kolat
Syndicates seem to take joy in pushing the
boundaries of what is acceptable. That many of
the syndicates hold significant power makes
removing these blights against good taste all but

Unsurprisingly, Kolat Syndicates are popular
employers for unscrupulous Ronin who do not
wish to kowtow to a Samurai master. Indeed, in
modern times most of the Ronin population
belong to a Kolat Syndicate in some form or

Depending on the world and the Syndicate in

question, the power they wield can be immense.
Some worlds are governed by Clan only in
name, the true power belonging to the Kolat
who claims them as their own, the world so
isolated or beneath notice that the Clan does
not even realize their rule has been usurped.
This growing of power, accelerated in the
galactic stage, has caused the most powerful
syndicates to butt heads with the Scorpion
controlled organizations.

Still, there are many worlds to hide and rumors

abound of the return of the Kolat, in an
altogether different form. The Yak Clan has
been deeply infiltrated but still lacks of

Legends still persist of the Dark Path of Shadow,

the Lying Darkness, an evil that has nothing to
do with Jigoku or the Shadowlands. Some have
learned to harness this power for great feats of
stealth and agility. These are the true ninja,
assassins, midnight warriors of Rokugan. The
Dark Path was believed defeated for a time, but
some individuals claim they can hear it calling
them. Is their power truly an extension of the
Dark Path, or some other evil altogether?

There are so many places to hide within space:

No other environment is so friendly to the Lying
Darkness than the vacuum of space himself. The
Shadow dragon is still alive today and his
strength and influences have grown with the
fears of the unknown. He uses so many black
holes in the universe as shelters and wormholes
to reach the end of the universe… Rumors say
that he has access to tremendous energy through
the dark matter that lies between the galaxies
and that he even knows how to convert it to
very dangerous anti-matter. No one heard about
him from centuries now but from the darkness
he has begun again to whisper his dream to put
an end to the reality. The Moth Clan was the
first touched by his influence and through it he
should have an access to the YYN and all
connected technology…

Knowledge of mathematics, basic science,
laboratory techniques and complex chemical
The courts still exist and have strong influence formulae. With the proper laboratory, this skill
in Rokugan (although some courtly interplay is can be used to create medicines, explosives,
done via computer now) and samurai still carry complex neurotoxins and/or extremely potent
katana as a symbol of their station and are alcoholic beverages.
expected to be able to use them.
In the modern world of the Emerald Star SUB-TYPE: Merchant Skill
Empire, a few things are assumed to be common EMPHASIS: Wheeled, Tracked, Air-Cushion,
for all player characters such as have enough Boats
basic knowledge of technology to operate a DESCRIPTION:
computer and use the YNN on simple levels, The ability to operate vehicles. All characters
drive a car, and read. Certain schools and are able to drive vehicles with automatic
disadvantages forbid this, but they will be transmission unless his school or disadvantages
handled on a case by case basis. imply otherwise, in which such a driving skill
can be learned as a skill. Suggested Trait is
Here are the modifications for existing L5R Intelligence, although Reflexes could be used
skills: when avoiding sudden threats.


NEW EMPHASIS: In addition to Noh and Kabuki RANK 5: –The character gains a bonus of
(both now very rare) you may choose to +5 to the total of any Driving Skill Roll
specialize in Film: Drama, Film: Comedy, Film: made as part of a Cooperative or
Action Movies or Non-human. Cumulative Skill Roll.


NEW EMPHASIS: Bees and all emphases for all NEW EMPHASIS: Demolitions
exotic and alien creatures This emphasis combines both the general
knowledge of the types and mechanics of
CALLIGRAPHY common explosives, as well as skill with using
NEW EMPHASIS: Gaijin fonts, Numerology, them as weapons. This skill may be used to set or
Ancient codes. disarm explosive devices, and to throw explosive
Now called Cryptography and may be replaced weapons such as grenades and Bakemono Juice.
with Computer Use, if your school offers it. The
art to secure data with coding and/or ciphering. ENGINEERING
NEW EMPHASIS: Cybernetics and robotics
COMPUTER USE This emphasis gives you general knowledge of
SUB-TYPE: High Skill electronics of how to fix and build modern
EMPHASIS: Research, Programming, Hacking, equipment.
DESCRIPTION: The art of making computers do ENGINEERING
what one wants. Considered a Low Skill when NEW EMPHASIS: Mining
using the Hacking emphasis. Suggested Trait is This emphasis enables you to locate ore and to
Awareness. exploit it properly.

CRAFT (Armorsmithing) and FIREARMS

(Weaponsmithing) are now separated into SUB-TYPE: Weapon Skill, Bugei Skill
Modern (high tech synthetic fabrics, radiant EMPHASIS: Sidearm, Rifle, Marksman, Heavy
generators and metal padding) and Ancient (the Weapons
armor and weapons of the original era). Ancient DESCRIPTION: The skill used when firing modern
is a very rare specialization and for the most part ranged weapons. Suggested Trait is either
outdated. All schools which offer it should Reflexes or Intelligence, depending on whether
replace it with Craft: Modern Armorsmithing or the GM wants to depict accurate shooting as
Craft: Modern Weaponsmithing unless noted being dependent more on muscle-memory or
otherwise. mental focus. The character gains glory at half
the rate of normal when using firearms in battle.

While firearms are commonly used and accepted LORE (Heraldry): Now includes modern
in Rokugani society, true glory is gained through company logos (Dojicorp, KTSU, YNN, etc) as
melee combat. well as advertising, weapons and armor of
distinctive clans and corporations.
RANK 3: – Readying a firearm with the LORE (History): Now divided into two
Small or Medium Keyword is a Free specializations, Lore (Modern History) and Lore
Action rather than a Simple Action. (Ancient History). "Ancient" is anything from
RANK 5: – The maximum range of any before about 1800. Any schools that offer
firearm is increased by 50%. History may replace it with Modern History.
RANK 7: – When using any firearm, the Ancient History is very rare area of knowledge,
Perception of the firearm is increased by and it is difficult to find sources of information
1. or teachers on the subject.

SUB-TYPE: Merchant Skill. NEW EMPHASIS: Autopsy
EMPHASIS: Fixed-Wing, Helicopter Considered a Low Skill when using the Autopsy
DESCRIPTION: The skill used when operating emphasis, it’s the study of dead bodies to
flying craft within planetary atmosphere. Like determine the time and cause of their death, as
Driving, this Skill is probably primarily well as illnesses they may have carried and
Intelligence-based but could use physical Traits identifying marks. Note that touching dead flesh
during emergencies. is still taboo and considered dishonoring. During
autopsy, most samurai direct a skilled eta while
MASTERY ABILITIES: they observe.
RANK 5: –The character gains a bonus of
+5 to the total of any Flying Skill Roll MEDICINE
made as part of a Cooperative or NEW EMPHASIS: Genetic and Cloning
Cumulative Skill Roll. The art of sequencing and decoding DNA. The
advances in rokugani science allow cloning and
GAMES gene therapy even though the practice remains
NEW EMPHASIS: Computer stratagem, 3D Go, very costly and controversial among the most
video games… conservative.

SUB-TYPE: Merchant Skill. NEW EMPHASIS: Prosthesis Installation
NEW EMPHASIS: Doreiku or “lesser dragon”, The art of installing prostheses properly is not
Arashitora or “stormtiger”, and other creatures. given to everyone. It is considered Low and very
Now called Riding and may be replaced with dishonoring to remove a fully functional and
Driving skill if your school offers it. Many healthy organ or member to replace it with
Unicorns are still skilled horsemen and ride something else ... except within the Spider clan.
other beasts more exotic or alien creatures than
rokugani ponies, but many don't bother PILOTING
anymore. SUB-TYPE: Merchant Skill.
EMPHASIS: Combat, Docking
INVESTIGATION The skill of controlling a spacecraft. Suggested
NEW EMPHASIS: Forensics Trait is Intelligence.
The art of modern crime solving with the help of
RANK 5: –The character gains a bonus of
KYUJUTSU +5 to the total of any Piloting Skill Roll
In almost every case, this should be replaced made as part of a Cooperative or
with Firearms, but it is not mandatory. If a Cumulative Skill Roll.
samurai wishes to use a bow instead of a sidearm,
he will get odd looks but not much else. Side SPACEFRAME ENGINEERING
arms are more compact, more powerful, and SUB-TYPE: Merchant Skill.
easier to use. Bows on the other hand, are more NEW EMPHASIS: Ship design, Ion Engines, etc.
accurate, silent, and much easier to repair and Now includes a basic understanding of how to
maintain. Traditionalist enclaves such as the fix and build ships and vehicles. This Skill will
Tsuruchi family are known to use both.

acquire several new Emphases Suggested Trait is FORTUNES OF FOOD’S BLESSING [SPIRITUAL]
Intellect (4POINTS)
Toyoyuke-Omikami’s Blessing (Panda)
NEW MASTERY ABILITIES: You gain a +1k0 on all Etiquette rolls
RANK 5: – The character may operate made within an hour of your arrival in
Vehicle Weapons with 3/4 minimum any location as everyone is happy to see
crew (three men instead of four) you arrive. If you eat with your hosts,
RANK 7: – As rank 5 but with half this bonus increases to +1k1 on
minimum crew (two men instead of Etiquette and +1k0 on all other social
four) rolls. Further, any meal you partake in
automatically has enough food to
provide for everyone there.
Kojin’s Blessing (Panda) No Kitchen
you routinely work in will ever
accidentally catch fire. You gain a +1k0
CITIZEN/STIGMA/VETERAN [SOCIAL] (VARIES) bonus to all Craft: Cooking and Tea
In order to properly adapt the places to the new Ceremony rolls and Craft: Cooking is a
context, we suggest you the following Noble Skill for you.
Broken Wave Osano-Wo Reach You have been touched by the Realm of
Clear Water Hida Prime Mischief, perhaps by heritage, perhaps by
Dark Edge Burning Star exposure to a world close to the realm. This
Imperial City Rokugan Prime inner gift may only be purchased by shugenja.
Iron Heart Gale Take +1k0 to social rolls when interacting with
Laughing Plains Golden Mirror
denizens of Sakkaku. In addition, you may learn
Naishou New Rokugan
Ninesake Ujimitsu and research spells aligned with this realm under
Ruined City Hida Secundus their listed element. These spells are the
Sacred Forest First Landing equivalent of soultwister spells (from Enemies of
Water Hammer City Dragon’s Eye the Empire) aligned with Sakkaku, and do not
Zakyo Toshi World of Dreams require scrolls to cast.


POINTS) The character has a strong connection to his
One of your relatives was a successful captain for roots. His ancestors have recognized this, and in
a Clan, and his kobune-class merchant ship has hopes of spreading his knowledge have made this
passed to you now that you have come of age. connection even stronger. The character has a
You may not be the most prepared for such a +2k0 bonus when using any ancient weapons or
task, but the option is available if you wish it. using any Ancient skills, and may purchase
You possess a small Kobune-class ship. You are ancestors for one point less. The character may
capable of make trips between populated worlds learn Ancient skills when he is created if this
of your system; and assuming you are (or a advantage is taken.
member of your crew is) a shugenja you can
travel between systems. Assuming good MEDICAL REMEDY [PHYSICAL AND MATERIAL]
Commerce Skill Rolls are made, a single voyage (VARIES)
should cover expenses and end with a profit for Modern medicine allows the development of
you. cybernetic implants or even to culture them
with bioengineering. This advantage cost the
same amount of points as the physical
disadvantage it cures as long as he doesn’t give
ALIEN LANGUAGE [MENTAL] (3 POINTS) any other advantage. For example: Replacing a
An alien language, such as the Goryu, Ryunin, missing eye with a cybernetic ocular implant
Hanajin or Scarab language, requires three that gives also X-Ray, IR and UV vision cost
points and confers only an ability to understand more than 6 points as Blind is a 6 point
the language and a limited ability to express very Disadvantage. The GM has the final word for
basic concepts verbally. what it’s allowed, the cost and the additional
benefits or drawbacks of a medical remedy.

You are an opportunist, and will take the Mantis Wasp Yumi (6)
opportunity to be cruel or vicious in a fight. You
know how bushido works, and how to take
advantage of it in a fight. When facing an Phoenix Guardian (7)
opponent with lower honor rank than yours, you
may lose 3 honor points to add to your damages
a number equal to the difference between your
opponent's honor rank and yours until the end Phoenix Shiba Naginata (6)
of the encounter. Spider characters may
purchase this Advantage for 4 points.

SACRED WEAPON [MATERIAL] (VARIES) Scorpion Dark Mirror Edge (6)

You have bought or been given a special weapon
created by your clan. The point cost of each
individual weapon is denoted by the number
Scorpion Holdout sidearm (6)
after its name. New weaponsmithing techniques
have also been created and the table from the
Core Rulebook p.153 is expended:
Unseen Blade (5)

Crab Earth Breaker (6)

Scorpion Yogo Jitte (4)

Crab Slayer's Edge (6)

Crab Hammer of Earth (5) Unicorn Ide Fan (4)

Devastator Siege
Crab Weapon (7)
Unicorn Antic Horse Bow (6)
Crab Mediator (6)

Crab Golden Jitte (3)

Unicorn Utaku Cutter (6)

Crane Heavenly Spear (4)

Unicorn Khol-class Firearm (7)

Lady Doji's Gift (5)
Spider Chuda Han-Kyu (6)

Twin Radiance (Pair)

Dragon (4x2)

Lion Indomitable X32 (7)

Spider Dark Radiance (7)

Lion Tessen of Legends (5)

Spider Obsidian Blade (6)

Lion Tachi of Furor (6)

Spider Spider Bisento (6)

Mantis Distant Thunder (7)
As the Empire has grown more diverse, so to
have you grown more practical in your skill set.
Mantis Storm Blade (5) Whenever you are in a situation where you
would be forced to make an Unskilled Roll using
a Merchant Skill, you are considered to have 1
rank in the Skill instead. Mantis, Daidoji, Ide,

and Yasuki characters may purchase this CRUEL [MENTAL] (3 POINTS)
Advantage for 2 points. Your cruelty need not manifest itself as physical,
though it may very well be. You suffer a -1k1
STONEMELT [PHYSICAL] (8 POINTS) penalty on all Social Skill rolls and Honor rolls.
Pre-requisites: Earth Ring at 3 or more
The character has pierced the secret of the FORTUNES OF FOOD CURSES [SPIRITUAL]
ancient matter. Allows to move at normal speed (4POINTS)
through solid earth or stone, (but not metal, Curse of Toyoyuke-Omikami (Panda):
paper or wood) without suffering any effect. A You have a -1k0 penalty to all etiquette
character who moves at Water 2 can leave a rolls for the first hour of meeting
tunnel that will last for one minute before people. If you stay longer than an hour,
collapsing. A character who moves at Water 1 the penalty rises to -1k1 on Etiquette
can leave a permanent tunnel. rolls and -1k0 on all other social rolls.
All Zokujins have this advantage for free. In addition, if you stay longer than a
day all grains in a radius of 100 feet x
TECHNOPHILE [MENTAL] (3 POINTS) Void tends to grow sickly, wither, or
The character has a natural talent for modern spoil. This effect reduces yields by
technology and equipment. Whenever using or roughly 10%, or 1 Koku of grain per
repairing any modern electrical device, the field/store room.
character gains a +1k0 bonus. Curse of Kojin (Panda): Any time you
Phoenix, Beaver and Crab characters may prepare food you must take a Raise for
purchase this Advantage for 2 points. no effect and if you fail a roll or do not
call a raise, the food burst into flames at
ZERO-G TRAINING [PHYSICAL] (2 POINTS) some point during the cooking process
The character has a +0k1 die when acting in a (this includes plating). Regardless, even
zero-g atmosphere or trying to resist the vertigo if the individual succeeds, the food will
weightlessness. be unappetizing. If Kojin or the GM
allows, you may call four raises to make
food that is actually tasty, though most
people familiar with the person's
cooking will find it hard to believe he
AMNESIAC [MENTAL] (4 OR 8 POINTS) or she prepared the tasty meal.
You don’t remember from where you come from
or even who you are. This disadvantage at DARK SECRET: MUTATION [PHYSICAL AND
character creation worth 4 points only and you SOCIAL] (4 POINTS)
begin play without any basic school. All of your The terrible weaponry unleashed during the wars
skill rolls are considered unskilled rolls (See core left many parts of Rokugan devoid of life and
rules p.80). filled with radiation. This has caused some
minor mutations in those whose ancestors were
During a campaign, it worth 8 points and you are in those areas during the War. Mutation will
not affected by any previous mental or social leave some noticeable mark upon the character,
advantage or disadvantage and cannot benefit a foul blemish or disfigurement that cannot be
from an ancestor. Though a combination of cured. You suffer a -1g0 to resist to cancers and
bushi and shugenja schools is normally not other diseases, and will be a freak and an outcast
allowed, you can achieve it as long as you don’t if his mutation is discovered.
remember how to cast a spell. You can also learn
a technique from only one different school from DEAF [PHYSICAL] (3 POINTS)
your basic original one without the Multiple The character cannot hear without special
School advantage. equipment. Any skill rolls involving hearing
automatically fail. On the other hand, the
CORPULENT [PHYSICAL] (2-6 POINTS) character may purchase Read Lips advantage for
Your appetites have led to a diminished speed. 1 point, and is considered to be fluent in sign
For each two points spent on this Disadvantage, language.
your movement rate decreases by 5’ (below the
normal Water x5’ for Free Move Action or x10’ ILLITERATE [SOCIAL] (2 POINTS)
for Simple Move Action per round). At 6 points The character cannot read and not write. This
your clothes and armors need to be specially creates quite a few barriers in modern society -
tailored for you. no newspapers, no road signs, and NO

MEDDLER [SOCIAL] (3 POINTS) Trait roll with a TN of 25 or else spend twice as
You cannot resist getting into another people's long preparing your appearance for the day.
business. You suffer a +5 TN penalty to all When you interact with a character who has not
Courtier and Etiquette Skill rolls. either complimented or praised your beauty
(regardless of if you are worthy of such praise),
NIHILIST [SOCIAL] (2 POINTS) you take a penalty of -1k0 to all Contested
Life sucks. Industrialization brought nothing but Social rolls with that character.
ruin to the world, and you hate it. You've come This Disadvantage is worth 4 points to
to be cynical and disillusioned, and believe that characters with the Dangerous Beauty
life doesn't have a point beyond escapism. You're Advantage.
more than happy to forget about life in opium or
sake or even worse. Not an addiction, though, ZERO-G ILLNESS [PHYSICAL] (2 POINTS)
yet… The character has a -0k2 die when acting in a
zero-g atmosphere or trying to resist the vertigo
OLD/ VENERABLE [PHYSICAL] (4/8 POINTS) weightlessness.
Progress in medical has maintained you alive but
your age has advanced beyond the easy fitness of
youth. You suffer a penalty of +5 TN to all
Agility and Strength Skill and Trait Rolls if
you’re old. The penalty increases to +10 to TN if
you’re venerable and your Water Ring is
considered 1 lower for the purposes of movement


You have a "list." Anyone who displeases you or
does something remotely suspicious is obviously
out to get you. They go on the "list." You'll show
them. You'll get them. You'll NEVER trust
them. In game terms, the character must make a
Willpower Check vs TN of 15 whenever the
GM determines that their character may be
suspicious of someone. If they fail, they must
spend a Void point to do so temporarily thrust
anyone, and may seek revenge for imagined
slights. On the plus side, the character gets a free
raise on all attempts to detect ambush.


The character simply cannot adapt to modern
technology. While she may use and own it, she
does not like it and tends to accidentally break
delicate items with frequency. The character
suffers a -1g0 malus to use any modern device. If
this disadvantage is chosen, the character may
choose to have basic fluency with either the
computer or automatic transmission
automobiles, but not with both.


The character has no basic fluency with either
modern technology and suffers a -3g0 malus to
use any modern device. For example, she had to
make Intelligence checks just to turn a computer
or a car on.


You are particularly obsessive about your
appearance, and associate your own worth with
it. Every morning, you must make a Willpower


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