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: Biomedical waste management rules, 2016


Bio-Medical Waste  According to these rules, the ‘occupier’ (a Bio-medical wastes
(Management and person who has control over the concerned
Handling) Rules, 19984 institution or premises) of an institution
Draft BioMedical Waste generating bio-medical waste is responsible
(Management and for ensuring that such waste is handled
Handling) Rules, 20115 without any adverse effect to human health
and The Bio-Medical and the environment.
Waste Management  The rules govern the categorisation, on-site,
Rules, 20166 and off-site storage, transport, treatment,
and disposal of bio- medical wastes.
 The Bio-Medical Management Rules, 2016
mandates every occupier to obtain
authorisation irrespective of the number of
patients being treated; Bio-medical waste has
now been classified in to 4 categories instead
10 to improve the segregation of waste at
source; and specifies colour coding for
various categories of bio-medical waste to
avoid overlapping; establish a Bar-Code
System for bags or containers containing bio-
medical waste for disposal.
 The new rules prescribe more stringent
standards for incinerator and existing
incinerators to achieve the standards for
retention time in secondary chamber and
Dioxin and Furans within two years;
Bio-Medical Waste
Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, Reasons and likely
(Management and
2016 implications
Handling)Rules, 2011
Bio-Medical Waste The word
Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules,
(Management and ‘Management’
Handling) Rules,2011 includes Handling.
These rules apply to all These rules shall apply to all persons who Modified to bring
persons who generate, collect, generate, collect, receive, store, transport, more clarity in the
receive, store, transport, treat, treat, dispose, or handle bio-medical waste in application.
dispose, or handle bio medical any form and shall not apply to:
waste in any form Clarified that
 radioactive wastes, vaccination camps,
 wastes covered under the MSW Rules, blood donation
2000, camps, surgical camps
 lead acid batteries, or any other
 hazardous wastes, healthcare activity
 E-waste, undertaken outside
 hazardous microorganisms the healthcare facility,
will be covered
Duties of the Health care facilities
Every occupier of an in Additions:
stitution generating bio  Health care facilities (HCF) shall make a
-medical waste which includes provision within the premises for a safe,
a hospital, nursing home, ventilated and secured location for storage of
clinic, dispensary,veterinary segregated biomedical waste
institution, animal house,
 pre-treat the laboratory waste, microbiological
pathological laboratory,blood waste, blood samples and blood bags through
bank to take all steps to disinfection or sterilisation on-site in the
ensure that such waste is manner as prescribed by the World Health
handled without any adverse Organisation (WHO) or National AIDs Control
effect to human health and Organisation (NACO) guidelines and then sent
the environment. to the common bio-medical waste treatment
facility for final disposal.

 phase out use of chlorinated plastic bags, gloves

and blood bags within two years from the date
of notification of these rules

 provide training to all its health care workers

and others involved in handling of bio medical
waste at the time of induction and thereafter at
least once every year

 immunise all its health care workers and others

involved in handling of bio-medical waste for
protection against diseases including Hepatitis B
and Tetanus that are likely to be transmitted by
handling of bio-medical waste,

 establish a Bar-Code System for bags or

containers containing bio-medical waste to be
sent out of the premises
 report major accidents including accidents
caused by fire hazards, blasts during handling of
bio-medical waste and the remedial action
taken to SPCB

 existing incinerators shall achieve the standards

for retention time in secondary chamber and
Dioxin and Furans within two years from the
date of this notification

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