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Fe l@ rtcbxA h^rx Ih Nd'xa h.\tx (t)
-: {c rjlglrh th pgF,u/paqtb+ InE |--,g l.l^
rlQ lh Nhthp b^tdtb 't,|J3F\ ,JEblrar ER (|,r-Jr^pr$,, (t1)
ire e p{s10 s
iLl-ogtr Ftp tor ES ognpra (r)
!+e le Ur(|"
r-ibh lur^?tea lh e thlg fOr pbqrr,r ,trlrdA
F ilcbra h^tr +ry AldH{t hle Sf
lrdp hr.[39 nos {le a€"tr{h 'a€1al6 't^plcb FbF
ttrt uau nprngr"eg (e)
iite .{c ilrr(b t}th tphtgrr F hlL e !lte, Er"rzigrgr$ llaa trIblle lo]& s xt(br$ b^tr
.(a lbiGtD {B thLr rrurg DUlt3 lh{a til5 N(r,ra h^tr
&|Ael Llrd}ll btoerr Fe rrqpg
LgeIE + (seor 's-u.ngqre. xrgg) seo! '.hbJqre gun brcoen ucg (4
lb€llrR lh h+fdl $ uqr, ElFlt e hhgqte hJ\tr urg uBr (l)
-: R DtghUA Dbggbg SIIE r{re rtlldu lh r-,rplhro Fe Lq, h^rr DgpF g t+pgEg
!h ler +e llDlur lbe qis g nrpoFro + ha^D 'R D{$e g ,rural, (rj
:uuah b Phl^lr
Ifte pgg t)18 Urbturrg Fh U?[.b tr]Sle + hhuqN] e p{ule S ,Dgel,, (h)
:e Eg r-o!r'rr-
F itrltalA AldHg {1l pgh' flo,zbroqrr ur"r:n Eg gro ugBg S hur g lEr
Itte $etbe b tEblral {FSg C prule + ,,Br(],qrbhureo/brogrn (!E)
''gBU,, .z
- {c tr p-QJ$e rtGEte h FEa (brJ,F\ b kr?r.Jgb rIB _ larbllt{h
tglg uBn e uhh + plE Eh (o)
xde l]uq b h.\rx
ileg F}l}I gh (z)
IUrPA 15 F,tr ,,OtOZ Uilcthhu
hHllle (lg e pE x(f\hcb p nu oBpre) b Fq,thil- b lElhna lbld}3& lhp {.h.uqil
{g uerEs bn ph leg,, urr,rhbu ch (r) - lhrrn E[ lurg,ht' .,
-: c Bu.r, uobrhhg pqqhg Ec +u rrb.Jlhr4r
{o thEha e hhg$e pbA p;\ Fr.b hp.ha hrerrE pragh ot ;\rg e gD r(t^hcb
S biL AJQIb Nd?rA h^lr $ g&b t,(fh t.(]) t}lgti lrbh tr|B Ot lilh {h ,,6tOZ
'hhugle roaME (lg
+ Irrb ruAh(b g no ogn) h Lcblhl. h .Eltana ald}qa
llaa lgag{l ga lterbs pt ph .,r9,,Z6-gf.eroz,/eo_r_ogom,/!r_oh
hlh.g 1^lllllh h-lhltl
N6rA rl9g
(z) oe-+ o{Efrqq, rsso (erftftw-r, rsso) d
srm orz, qer qftTrfud t
{r{o.rft o-qft orartn d-q sT {fq eiftftqq trRr qT ssd ettfi-{ {enRd ftTq, fuTt
Trwr s{irr{ Et-n srnEd c}q-r gS d gwraq cR{rd q ergr *w qO a'rffi G d;
t t
(9 "3nHq, $q orfrq q.f" sTftfd t, otfi-6 \,?i cRET"r frrnrr. d6
Rrfrr{rd Tq if{H qTFq, qntt s*DR d tdt€q-F. No. 3603s/t/2019-Estt.
@es.) friio-re.o1.2o1e t qer qfuTrft-d enQlo' sq fi omt* q,i or d-$ qfu; aefl
d r{fuq if qqq-r{Tq qr qQrT {i{iltrd ft-qt qrq;
sf' t s{ftfd t riqrr s{ ftil€-l c€n .rfflilcis-q qfr qrft ar;
(s) "q-fr
(u) "emetut,' d 3rftfd t ft-6ri {rq t qet cs t-srcTi o1 Rfuf d oeTr
ffiro' w{effit { qrqio--{ t oTrPfo bc d ordr s'tr d ftc 3mefur;
(v) "g"rry"r {fr" t 3rftfd t {s 3ifuftqq d crqeTr+ d er-gwn aqT ftgfu
o.-{i ft\ qT dHFrfi riwrr+i t qrqFF-{ d frc dr{,3TrM d crgsn Xqrgur F-c
t tqri +1rrg @-qfurd d q*,
(cr) "{rw" d wp6. S fu6R qrq o1q-{s'R, frETrnqsd glti qrqqrftroT qq
cfq d cfttr{ s{erqr {rwr s*Frr d fuawft{ sft Rriftq qT 3rar crFfin \ii
n+x d ftrel"r €*em;
(n) "cfuqr { vp6. i'q.qefi d
errelor 6T dFT dqr qr6dr d. er,qfi d
qTdl-ftdl G ra qS t -q org d,Td-{f,{ epn qhrzq$ Vq rs s{ t oq eTrS +1
O "qRRrE" d
3Tftfd d {s |ffi
d qrer Ftrq qRpre;
3. t
erFfo sq oq-6* s{T d frc €tfi rr$ G phTFro s{QTr+ qnio-{ d {
eTReTor d drq cTR o.'{i ig qmf,s (1) q-Sqfud qft. sr5qfud
qr-"ilh, oi-r{f, frEd s,f Ts
t$ er,qff
s.f d fuc ftr} w sfi{ui"T rn-rrc} ofl@rkd t
TS t, +1 qrqn, enRfo, 6c oqd{ q,f d t w
d sil-{eTur d arq d fuc A
qdrft, ffi cRfi o1 ffi t
ga qrff-o eir+ e (oro) are $cd oq dt t
qfifo enq urneq d oii Tffi
fufrq s{ d nd-q, qfu. qrqri cq tcn eTrR t *i
qr$ wrw riril crq enql of up6. foqr qTqrrl
(z) tS erqeff si, ffi
qRqR d cr€ ftq6fud fr t
ftffi g6 q-fin at
qftsqft €tft, GTrF{o rc t oq*r r.f d el$-{ 3rrteToT o'r dlq crq r€i d.n,
vg-d qRqrq o1 qrtr6 eirq qrl d fr d ,-
(i) s (tfr-q) Ts-s qE *.q Tfr eist-fl {-sd g.q$
(ii) go ren r.f qn-c erercr {s$ eTtrfi et{m_d ol ersr$-q r+e;
(iii) slffidd wnqrftr-or d 3rtft{ roo q,f qv oretqr gst artrfi sr oTrsr$-q
(iv) erffi+a wr*qrfuor d qa-r frt zoo qrf rruT eptqr ys$ erE-o or
eror$-o qors t

(3) fu-S "qfu{R' ET{r qrR-r o1 .r{ 1'o 31ettr vfi.t s{tr6ernzzwt fr
Br-qRTd eqw qRdqfut oi orrFfo t.q 6r'ili q,f t * eTnerq oi erqqnq oqi
i-g yo qnr qrfq-r
(+) rs
u-ot*oref ws "cR-qR" {qfu Hfufrd * cil onieT"r sr d*r qr6dr
t, B-s-d qrar-fuor cTer 18 q{ t oq urg d qr{,zcrc ai--i sfi-d qft,zc-dfi Ts
re s{ t oq 3Trg o1 r{ory
4. qrTM s-{ ft.rd 6-ri qfr cfrqrr- ftqq-312; qft qd d 3ftff-{ erFio w t
6*ft 4f d cs frtrd qffiqT qrRd rs o-ri or e-q*-Tr sqD-f,
fffizorgffiTer+oroorfi drir sdrr ergqfi-r (cq-d-r) q trd fu*
qrdtnt diifua q-srtrorfr Am
tsr crTg-q? ffid 6Ti-t Td-c-+6 er.qsff t T6
prqeFq? cr* fr-qr qr&n, fr'ot er,qfr d H.' q5 .lcw o1 qr+rfr fu ssd
qR-qri d crs i{iifud oiTd d frqrq orerqr crrdR.'ffi erq, 6i{ on**n *a
crenr 6-$ onrd qr" Rerd qffiri qn
ffi d q*-qrd fi d e{rRr*' w d 6qq1
s.f d Erqt fr cnd d r dqry vu-* ergqfi-rr (rv-+_u) d w d q-d,_{
5. +rdn - enf*o rq t qq-6* .',f d ftc arq G qftu=qft vffi qff*_q{

trd frtA qri qfr frfq t go q{ d fus Aq qrcr qr}rnr

6. SemF - 3Trrifs w t oqfrr s,f d q$-{ ftgfuqrzqrqm-{ sqlho. Ts
er,qsfr dRT enq vq qfr$qft €sfid qqTUT-q,
d o*r* d qtaeft{ e}r}t vsrq_q o
mq { enf0fo' sq t oq-,trq T.f d fuC qrfi/.rca qlTrur_q-{
.rqr qd
vri w Q-qrZqrqi-cq, ft-{r srfdr ffi d, qrrrqr o-r ftqT qr}.n oprTfuvr
qT{dE Eo_s
mtrf,r d ri"rd qrffr+i d qtft{ o.rx-fi ofu o1 w
r. frfrqqt - qR ffi ,t-tr q{ tt qr frlfi v*wdfi I

d qni6_{ { eTrqo w t
o.rd-i d orfi{ oTnft-d o}E s .Tt qri srd ss{qri qftftqq
3lriar"r qfrcrd ilF sqrrer c d d) q-ff gd
d sreft{ frtrd
ft.fu2fit 3r.rFrd rS o1ura.X1 96
Rfufi/Sd B$ Hrrartr€n /rrrqi6q uq t gfi 1qrgur 6.)E d B.ftqqg t ,rq A

B' vteqt -
enffi-o wt
oq-6* qqt d qft{ sr*cTur sqd-cr o-{i d sdfud
ergqfi-rrr { frqr .TqT roo (dr) fusd or oTrEcf rr-s-d
rl€q oTq{rfl qr}.n
e. ffiqi _
or Ftro-qr qR w ftqqrqnfi d qrqtrnl oi $Trfi s_{i q qR

6tg oPdqrg ccq-q d d. sr-w vron, fsr 6-eirr BBr sd.rft qT

tsr sTrtyT ftrlo o-r
sdrft, qt gs l,'o*fr
d qrqqnl t
ci-sirf, c d, st{ ce *fr*g ffi sr{i d ;
ftg onsr{o wrsr
ft-srs qrqqrd d ofl-iv d
Nt*,\ t6\'\tR
d s{w qfuq \
fq-en wrorr
orqFdq ir't qrq.
qlRfo. uq t o+sftq c.f d wes il$ c-qd f6'-qT fli srdr €frq \.s
qR$qfr lFnq-rrt
qqtq-qr €sI- r-.
Iq -t tqr-

ffiq s{ d ftc qrq

qqTFrd fr-'qr qrar t fu SZffi7qqffi
+€ sfifus ..... qt=tT . 3r-gq€d
fudr........................... yfq
s+g d en* frqr.$ d, frtmT
qtctrlrs frn oTftqqTFrc t, engo Fq *
a.qdr s,f d F{s d, eo16 p**
s{ ....... .
{ {r-d qR-qT{ o1 qa arffio ere 6 q;q (oird arq sqi qTr) S oq t

gc-d cfuqR S Erfr€ d ft'qfufud t t

otg ff qR-sqfr c-€t t ,_
r. 5 (.trq) foS eR drq Tfr q*r-ar g.sS swt
IL \'6 e-qlt qrf ste oTQrsr gs$ s{fu6 et{q_d or csd t

III. sTmqc +Trqrfuor $ ordrfd roo q.f .rq 3remr fs$ eifus a.1 qTqr$_q
v. 3Tfu[Ed qrnqrfuor t E-as zoo e.f Tq srerqr FsS uF5 qy sil_qr$,q
TgD_s I

2. +fr/rffi/gcffr . ......... qft

d ves t, iil 3'Tqfud qrfr, 3t-Sqfrf, !i-r-{ft, frE]sr 14 dsTr Gri{'tT q,f
d .o
d etffi*a r€t t I


onls-o or qrfl+d
(6rqfds or grt vtra)
qriq oT 3rffird

snRl6 sq t oq-qtr crf d arqrei eiq stqun rt
{qq qlqqt q'rl
q............................ grlg-fi//qh....................
rrHly|{{........... ql€ 3I1$-fl...... sTrfl.......................
trsrs.................. fu-dr..................... .. {fcrr.............. i 3ilff-fi Ec
t oqdr d rqrr qd ig 3rni{ ftqr t, ca-q grtr s}surr orarTo-rfi ( fu ,-
r. f;.................... qft d €du vwarTvwfi t d R-6ry tg s{eqfud
frEgr s,f. 3re-d frBtrT q'f, sr-{qfud qrfr vq 3l-Jqhd qqqft o1E-fi q lOe-q'rgf
z. tt qitqn o1 4-a #f Fd-{, qft e-+nr+,nnr E-dnR) t
ga arfito onv
F........................... (crcd D Br
s. tt qR-qn d qrs ........................... siTd d fuqTq 3rersr {sd erftR-m erqa
oi-{ qRsrqfr TS *r
s-$ wrrn qq fui-o qRrsqRgt o) ffi d cc-qrd rfi { (clq)
snFffi sq oq-q- 4,f d Erqt { enor
a. t dqqr oEcn/o-rfi ,( fu ni cFqn o1 wft cRsqRrqt oi dsi d
qrqrd ffirfud q t frffi fi Sqr d erfi-o agy g_
i. s (dtq) \'6-s EB m.q Tfr o{erar {sS sq{ r

ii. gs 6qn wf qfre 3{erEr V'sS 3{tro. d-dq-d or enqr$-q q-Sc t

iii. 3Tfu[hd +nqrfuor d oiil'rd roo q'f .rq 3{erar {sg erD-o or en+rft rlcs
iv. 3rWd rrriqrfufir t Faq zoo q,f .re ore*r Fss e+Fo 6r erorfro rlwe

q TqrFrd o-ror7orft fu ti sm sq-i-€ qn-oifr r

{, tt sn eN Acsrs a
34-jqR sf,r t 3il-i q erFio w $ oq6- T,f d frc erne"r gfotn ctw o-ri tg qa-dr
ernur o-cci/o-rfi
t l qR tt Crtr A rr{ q66ffi enrel/q-66 cr$ qrfi t A t ryf
sq-t qr+cn {7un-fr t fu f-q snffi qr d eilETn qq fri .r-} rqr"rq-a d am
*efiF €wrn it fufl .r+r cleTZa}o +srcn q crw q,1 d frgfu ftrw oc fi
qr&ft/or iCqr qr+'qr 3rerfi {q rrTruFrr d qBrn w ol$ o* gd*Z-n
c1q fu-qr
.rqr t ssd fr dfud fo-qr qr wsrn oil{
{q gciq i ftD cs n++ a qsfr.{ ti fts-€
ol qri srfr ffffi d ftc str{flfi v{.nZq*nr
qte,- q) aq c-fr et at ore t r

3Trcio'/3TdRo-r 6I FKTer< dsrT ;rrr I

{EIFI :_

€nPfo' sc S o.q_qtr q.f d fuc to cftsrd srrtrwr d €frotr t roo
ftSqf or fso rler ,-
effi< fru.q qd sz. ffi
qql o1 qRdr
3. 3r-n-ifud (qkdr) ss. 3fiRftd
4. sr-dqEn \rl o 54. sremT frE-gT q,f
3r-{rihd ss. er..nh'n (qR-cr)
6. frE-sr E4 so. srgqfu6 qft
7. erFfo sq oq-q)r qdi 57. 3npf6 wt
6q6s u4
8. ere-< fruq s'i (qFfdr) se. &Egr iFf
9. or{Rfrl (qtrdr) ss. Gmne-d
t0- or-{qhd qfr (qFtnr) 60. e[eml Fu-sr a{ lqkdry
11. or-dTrft-d
ot. ercrift-d (rrft-dr)
re. & q',f (cR-dr) ez. ergqfus Rrfr (qR.dr)
ra. erqtrfre os. Grqrf*f,
14. itrdrcr frE1q q'tf o+. q',f ge-cr)
i5. 3r;tnhd (qFdil) os. 3i-{r(ftd
ro. ergqfu6 qft 66. srerct frE:cl s,f
rz. erQlo sc 6qdr Erf t oz. enElo sq t
6.T+{ q,f ({R-dr)
rs. @ ilrT o1 qtrdT ea. erEqF+a wft
rs. ergqp6 qqq6 es. crqRftd
20. srgfr frE-sr a{ 70. srenr ftE-gT s',f
2r. 3,rlRft-d (qfudr) zr. ercrcfSf,
22. trlEgr Erl zz. q.f
zs. ifiRF-d zs. errnF-a fiFor)
zl. rgqtu6 qtft Ffedr) zn. ergqfuq qft
2s. 3l;wletd zs. enRkd
26. 3f,dtrr RE-.sT T,f (ql6-dr)
76. qremr REgr q'f (qFdr)
27. 3r ofq5 6c € 6-{fr{ T,f (qf8dr) 77. 3TTIer6 Ec € 6Tqh q{
2s. crgqtsd qrfr za. crgqfu6 qrft (cR-dr)
zs. 3ffiRfud zg. enrihd (qFdr)
so. fiugr {.f ao. Ef
sr. GfiRfud er. 3nrftd
32, srenr ev]gt i',f
82. cf,et<T frE:gT s',f
os. 3n'Rft-d (qFdr) es. 3l-{ruFt
34.q-dqfrd qrfr
ea. @ q.'rt ol qt-ot
as. ercRkd (cFdr)
36. 3ret<I fr'Esr s"f ao. ergqfuo urft
37. 3TrFfo. Ec t
6q-qlr rrf ez. snElo 6q ordr t q{
rs. frEsr r,f (qfrdr) 88. sreml frE-gr Erf
gs. 3firih-d ('rFgdr)
as. 3i-qrfud
40. 3r-{qfrd srft (qkdr)
so. ftEsr Ed (qFdr)
41. sr-rTift-d
st. 3rfifud (rrFFdr)
42. 3rgd frg-sr qrf
s,f (qtrdr) 92. 3qqhd \t ltcl
43. ^,----a-
etlt\tq|(| 93. 3r-rnFd
44. et.l t\ tctc
94. crdnr fuE-sr Ef (qFdr)
45. si-{rik-d (qtril)
(qFdr) 95. 3FIREKT
46. frE-.q qd
so. frEsr {.f
47. sil€fo. sq o.E t gz srFfo sq d 6.T*{ {.f
48. 3r5qE-d qTfr
49. 3r-nft-d (qtrdr)
ea. ergqfuo wfr (cFFdr)
gs. orcrfrd
3Iel<I frwr qd
50. 3rsm roo. €rettl ftsgr sd

q'tu-r swr-1 1 7 s1o ftTo- E{. : 3...! 2-..
tto-r-oe 7 201 e
orh{q-{r lfqr- a_{.+? futs._ ze_:.?2..........ot ftqftfod dsd}
q-tqrq, f*sn qtwqrd d srE-o-R d
vo-q am q-s.rRrf, fo-qr qror t, qr qrso
*.hrtr d 3,TdE g+a d uu-e (s) d 3ift{ erfifi q'* { vqor qfd qrrsrr
qrtn r

fusn q-qqra d 3ntcT d

f'q$ ru\{f
(vr$* qn)
vron d orqr qfusr

Government of Bihar

-: Notification:-

11lAa.Ni.-r-03/zo7ssa.pra.-'*f .?-k,"".":1:::riTJ.T*':;d
section 10 0f The Bihar Reservation in vacancies
in posts and services and in
Admissions in the Educational Institutions (For
Economically weaker
sections) Act, 2019 the state Government makes
the following rules for
providing 1.00lo reservation for Economicaily
weaker Sections and for
implementation of the provisions of the said Act._
1, Short title, extent and commencement. - (1) These rules may
called "The Bihar Reservation in vacancies of posts
and Services and in
Admissions in the Educationar Institutions
Sections) Rules, 20 19".
ffor Economicalry weaker
(2) It shall extend to whole of the State of Bihar.
(3) It shall come into force with immediate
2' Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise
requires -
[a) "Appointing authority/competent authority,, means in relation
services or posts in an establishmen! an authority
empowered to make
appointment/a person who is responsible for
admission in educational
(bJ "Prescribed" means prescribed by
rures made under the Act and
published in the Official Gazette;
[c) "Establishment" means any office or departments of the state
concerned with the appointment to the public service and post in connection
with the affairs of the state and includes-
(1J A local or statutory autlorities constituted under any state Act
for the time being in force, or
(2J a cooperative institution registered under the Bihar Co-
operative society Act, 1935 (Act 5,193s) in which share is held by the state
Government or which receives aid from the state Government in terms
loan, grant subsidy etc. and
(3) universities and colreges affiriated to tle universities, primary
secondary and High Schools and also other educational institutions which
owned or aided by the State Governmen! and
[4) an establishment in public sector.
[d) "Establishment in pubric sector" means any industry trade, business
or occupations owned, controlled or managed by _
(1) The State Government or any department of the State
(2) A Government,Company as defined in section 617 of the
Company Act 1956 (Act, 1 of the 1956J or a corporation established
by or
under a central or State Act, in which not less than 5L% ofthe paid-up
capital is held by the State Government.
(eJ "Economicalry weaker Sections" means a person belonging
Economically weaker section as defined in the office Memorandum
F. No.
36039/L/201.9-Estt. (Res.) dated 19.01.2019 of D.o.p.T., Minisrry personner
and Public Grievances and pension, Government of India and as
mav be
amended in future from time to time accordingly.
(f) "Recruitment year" means the carendar year during which
recruitment/admission is actually to be made.
(g) "Reservation" means reservation for Economicalry weaker sections
in vacancies of posts and services in the State of Bihar and in
the admissions
in educational institutions.
(h) "Merit list" means the rist of candidates arranged in order of merit
prepared according to the provisions of this Act.and
orders as may be
applicable for making appointments or for admission in educational
[iJ "state" includes the Government , the Legisrature and Judiciary of
the state of Bihar and all local or other authorities and all type of
Institutions within the state or under the control of the state
fi) "Family" for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefit
of reservation, his/her parents and siblings berow the age of rg years
as arso
his/her spouse and children below the age of 1g years.
(k) "schedule" means the scheduled attached with this rule.
3. Parameters of Economicaily weaker Sections for the purpose of
direct recruitment and in the admission in educational institutions. -
(1) Persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation
scs, srs, EBCs and BCs and whose famiry has Gross Annual Income
berow Rs.
8.00 lak:h(Rupees eight lakh onlyJ are to be identified as EWSs
for benefit of
reservation. Income shall also include income from all sources
i.e, salary
agriculture, business, profession, etc. for the financiar year prior
to the year of
(2) Also persons whose family owns or possesses any
of the following
assets shall be excluded from being identified as EWS,
irrespective of the
family income. -
tD 5 acres ofagricultural land and above;
(iil Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
(iii) Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified
[iv) Residential prot of200 sq. yards and above in areas
other than the
notifi ed municipalities.
The property held by a "Family" in different locations
or different
places/cities would be clubbed while apprying
the rand or property hording
test to determine EWS status.
The term "Family" for this purpose will include the person
who seeks
benefit or reseryation, his/her parents and sibrings
below the age of 19 years
as also his/her spouse and children below
the age of years.
4. Certificate of Economically Weaker Sections and not possessing
of the assest mentioned in rule 3(2) wiil be issued
by District Magistrate/sub-
Divisional Magistrate/circle officer concerned in
the prescribed Schedured-l
(format-l). The concerned officer, prior to issuing
the said certificate, wil take
an affidavit from the candidate in which a declaration
by the candidates that,
his family does not possess any other assests except
in the concerned circle or
even adding the assets rocated at different places,
he fails under the
Economically weaker sections. The declaration
format i, u,
Scheduled-II (format-llJ. "n.lorua
5. Validity. - Varidity of income and assets certificate will be
of one year
from the date ofissue.

r{\ \,\
6. Verification. - The appointment/admission under Economically
weaker Sections quota will be provisional and subject to the income and
assets certificate being verified. If the verification reveals that the certificate
produced by the candidate is fake/false, the service/admission will be
terminated without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to
further action as may be taken under the provisions of Indian penal code for
the production of fake and false certificate.
7. Exchange. - If in any recruitment year or admission for a session,
candidates from Economically Weaker Sections are not available to the extent
of the reservation percentage prescribed under this Rule to be filled up by the
reserved category, rest of the vacancies/seats shall be fiiled up by the
candidates of open merit category in the same transaction or recruitment
8. Roster. - A hundred point model roster will be followed for providing
reservation under Economically weaker Sections as given in schedule-lll.
9. Removal of difficulties. - If any difficulty arises in given effect to the
provisions of this Rulg the state Government may take such steps or issue
such orders not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act and as it may
consider necessary for removing the difficulty.
By order ofthe Government ofBihar

isoq il\r\t4
Addl. Secrdtary t
e Gdvt.
'l 'l' schedurer
v (Form-l)
Government of ...
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the certificate)



Certificate No. Date:


This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari son/daughter/wife of

permanent resident fo Village/Street
Post Office District in the State
Pin Code whose photograph is attested below belongs to Economically Weaker
Sections, since the gross annual income* of his/her "family"*r' is below Rs. 8 lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh

only) for the financial year _. His/her family does not own or possess any of the following

i. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;

ii. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
iii. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notifies municipalities;
iv. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities

2. Shri/Smt./Kumari belongs to the caste which is

not recognized as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes (State list).

Signature with seal of Office


Recent Passport
size attested
photograph of the

*Note 1 : Income covered allsources i.e. salary, agriculture,

business, profession, etc,
**Note 2: The term "Family" for this purpose include the person,
who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and riblings
below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.
***Note 3: The property held by a "Family" in different locations
or different places/cities have been clubbed while applying
the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.


Self declaration form for getting benefit of E.W.Ss

Self declaration form

son/daughter/wife of vill/town
Post Office Police Station Block Sub-div.
District State have applied for certificate of E.W.Ss, herebv
declare that :-

I belong to _ caste. Which is not enlisted under the state list of EBC, BC, SC
& sT.
My family's gross annual income from all sources (salary, agriculture, business,
profession) is Rs. (in words)
3. My family has asset in circle (Name of the Circle). Except this asset, mV
family does not posses any other asset.
even after adding assets of different locations of my family, I fall under the
4. I hereby declare that after adding all the assets of my family, it does not exceed from
any of ihe following :-
i. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
ii. Residential flat of tOO0 sq. ft. and above;
iii. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notifies municipalities;
iv' Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.

I certify that the information given by me is true

to my best knowledge and belief and I
am eligible for getting reservation under E.W.Ss. lf any information given by me
is found to be
falsefake, I am fully aware that the admission/appointment or any other
benefit on the basis
of fake/false E.w.Ss. certificate, will be canceled and I would be held responsible
for any legal
action against me according to rules.

Sienature of ?pplicant



100 Points Model Roster in the light of 10% Reservation for E.W,Ss :-

1. Unreserved 51. Unreserved

2. Extremely Backward Class 52. Backward Class (Female)
3. Unreserved (Female) 53. Unreserved
4. Scheduled Caste 54. Extremely Backward Class
5. Unreserved 55. Unreserved (Female)
6. Backward Class 56. Scheduled Caste
7. Economically Weaker Sections 57. Economically Weaker Sections
8. Extremely Backward Class (Female) 58. Backward Class
9. Unreserved (Female) 59. Unreserved
10. Scheduled Caste (Female) 60. Extremely Backward Class (Female)
11. Unreserved 61. Unreserved (Female)
12. Backward Class (Female) 62. Scheduled Caste (Female)
13. Unreserved 53. Unreserved
14. Extremely Backward Class 54. Backward Class (Female)
15. Unreserved (Female) 65. Unreserved
16. Scheduled Caste 66. Extremely Backward Class
17. Economically Weaker Sections 67. Economically Weaker Sections (Female)
1.8. Backward Class (Female) 58. Scheduled Caste
19. Scheduled Tribe 69. Unreserved
20. Eltremely Backward Class 70. Extremely Backward Class
21. Unreserved (Female) 71. Unreserved
22. Backward Class 72. Backward Class
23. Unreserved 73. Unreserved (Female)
24. Scheduled Caste (Female) 74. Scheduled Caste
25. Unreserved 75. Unreserved
26. Extremely Backward Class (Female) 75. Extremely Backward Clars (Female)
27. Economically Weaker Sections (Female) 77. Economically Weaker Sections
28. Scheduled Caste 78. Scheduled Caste (Female)
29. Unreserved 79. Unreserved (Female)
30. Backward Class 80. Backward Class
31. Unreserved 81. Unreserved
32. Extremely Backward Class 82. Extremely Backward Class
33. Unreserved (Female) 83. Unreserved
34. Scheduled Caste 84. Backward Class (Female)
35. Unreserved 85. Unreserved (Female)
35. Extremely Backward Class 85. 5cheduled Caste
37. Economically Weaker Sections 87. Economically Weaker Sections
38. Backward Class (Female) 88. Extremely Backward Class
39. Unreserved (Female) 89. Unreserved
40. Scheduled Caste (Female) 90. Backward Class (Female)
41. Unreserved 91. Unreserved (Female)
42. Extremely Backward Class (Female) 92. Scheduled Caste
43. Unreserved 93. Unreserved
44. Unreserved 94. Extremely Backward Class (Female)
45. Unreserved (Female) 95. Unreserved
46. Backward Class 96. Eackward Class
47. Economically Weaker Sections 97. Economically Weaker Sections (Female)
48. Scheduled Caste 98. Scheduled Caste (Female)
49. Unreserved (Female) 99. Unreserved
50. Extremelv Backward Class 100. Extremelv Backward Class


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