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Topic of Assignment:
Indigenous people of Bangladesh:
Barriers and how to overcome the barriers

Course: Bangladesh Studies

Course Code: GED 1102

Submitted to:
Farzana Tazin
Department of Management Studies
Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submitted by:
Raufur Rahman
Roll: 2024161064
Sec: B
Department of Management Studies
Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Date of submission: 16th May, 2020

Indigenous individuals of Bangladesh: Barrier and how to defeat the

Indigenous individuals allude to socially unmistakable gatherings influenced by colonization. There are in
excess of 45 gatherings of indigenous individuals living in Bangladesh. They live in both plain terrains and
uneven zones. In Bangladesh, the primary term used to show these indigenous individuals are "Upojati",
"Adibashi", "Jumma". The way of life and culture of these individuals are very particular from dominant
parts of our nation. A portion of these indigenous individuals of Bangladesh is – Chakma, Khasia,
Shantals, Manipuri, Garo, and so forth.


Chakma additionally called Changma, Sakma, or Sangma, biggest of the indigenous populaces of
Bangladesh, likewise settled in parts of northeastern India and in Myanmar (Burma). They are the
biggest ethnic gathering in the Chittagong Hill Tracts locale in southeastern Bangladesh, and in Mizoram,
India (Chakma Autonomous District Council). The Chakma individuals have been in Bangladesh for quite
a while, yet at the same time, they face different hindrances in their everyday life. A portion of those
hindrances are-

Educational barriers: The Chakma individuals basically live in the slope track area. In those territories,
instructive establishments are extremely uncommon. Subsequently, children too young people need to
travel a tremendous separation day by day to go to their school or college.88% of the respondent
guardians told that separation of the schools from their house is underneath 1000 meters. Then again,
the rest of the guardians said that the separation is between 1000 meters and 3000 meters from their

Additionally, It is critical to remember nearby societies and practice for training uniquely those are not
shrouded well in the educational plan or in hazard to be wiped out. In Bangladesh, Chakma is the biggest
ethnic gathering however their neighborhood societies and practices are not introduced well in
educational plan explicitly in essential training .

• The measure of instructive organization ought to be expanded, so an ever-increasing number of

children can be proficient absent a lot of trouble.

• The mechanism of guidance ought to be in the Chakma language in the early evaluations.

• Local essential educational programs can be created considering these neighborhood issues
which may supplement the national educational program of Bangladesh.

• In the thought of these nearby issues a neighborhood essential educational plan can be created
which may supplement the national educational program of Bangladesh.

Health-related barriers: Chakma youngsters generally experience the ill effects of different sicknesses.
Viral fever, looseness of the bowels, jaundice, absolve respiratory infection(ARI), skin ailment, stomach
issue, and so forth are among the normal ones. Among the infrequent sufferings, there are intestinal
sickness, typhoid, snake gnawing, and so forth. The absence of mineral water assets can be recognized
as a major reason. The presence of effectively available clinics is not normal thus at the time of crisis it is
exceptionally hard to get clinical help. They do not have the information on keeping up close to home
cleanliness. Poor sterile conditions and obviousness are the reason for most of their medical issues.


• Hospitals, drug stores with deployment-ready specialists ought to be set up in these regions.

• Awareness about wellbeing ought to be increasingly rehearsed

• Lack of mineral water is the main source of a large portion of their infections. Chakma
individuals gather water from well, waterway, and so forth which are generally dirtied. So to forestall
the illnesses, doctors stressed on taking safe drinking water and a perfect water source ought to be
overseen for them.

Socio-economic barriers: Chakma individuals need essential needs like food, attire, and sanctuary.
Because of the low proficiency rate they need aptitudes to become independent. Sometimes they face
some 'psycho-social' issues like drug and liquor misuse. The majority of the standard society in our
nation is additionally not warm to them. They carry on with a dedicated life and the majority of these
individuals are not well-to-do enough. A large portion of the guardians can't help kids in their
examination at home, the primary reasons being the vast majority of the youngsters are the original in
instruction. Just 44% guardians oversee house guides for their kid while the rest can't offer any
instructional exercise help for their kid at home.

Terrains of the indigenous peoples have been infringed upon and settled by newcomers. With little legal
protection, indigenous people groups can seldom recuperate the terrains they customarily occupied.
Sometimes government offices for the sake of improvement work take over lands belonging to the
indigenous individuals.


• Ngo's can make mindfulness about professional examinations, can show them different world
related aptitudes to make them confident

• Ngo and govt. should cooperate to guarantee them a superior working area and ensure more
hazard free working environment

• Government should stricter strategy so nobody can assume control over land from the
indigenous individuals with no earlier explanation

• The innate individuals could be furnished with arable grounds for performing agriculture and
they can likewise be settled there.

• Discrimination ought not to be drilled on account of giving permits to operate to the indigenous

Cultural Barriers: Chakmas have their own way of life, old stories, literature, and conventions. Language
is one of the principal obstacles. These people are additionally casualties of ethnic prejudice. Likewise,
the territory individuals don't comprehend their social significance and do things that hurt their way of
life. As social things are not shrouded appropriately in our training there is an opportunity of extinction.
Sometimes individuals can't go to their social projects appropriately.


• The Ministry of Education alongside the Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs should make
essential strides so as to guarantee the instruction of the indigenous youngsters in their own language

• Textbooks ought to be created so as to guarantee this. The International Mother Language

Institute of Dhaka, Bangladesh can likewise help here.

• The standard framework applied in landing administrative positions and getting entrance into
legislative instructive establishments ought to be changed so as to guarantee that these amounts are
completely involved by the indigenous up-and-comers.

The Khasi individuals are an indigenous ethnic gathering of Meghalaya in north-eastern India with a
huge populace in the flanking territory of Assam, and in specific pieces of Bangladesh. Their language,
Khasi, is ordered as the northernmost Austroasiatic language. The Khasi individuals structure most of the
number of inhabitants in the eastern piece of Meghalaya, and is the state's biggest network, with
around 48% of the number of inhabitants in Meghalaya. Prior to the appearance of Christian ministers,
most of the Khasi individuals rehearsed an indigenous innate religion. Despite the fact that around 85%
of the Khasi masses have grasped Christianity, a significant minority of the Khasi individuals despite
everything follow and practice their well established indigenous religion, which is known as Ka Niam
Khasi or Niam tre. The principle Christian groups followed by the Khasis incorporate Catholicism,
Anglicanism, Presbyterianism (biggest Christian division among the Khasis), and others. The fundamental
harvests created by the Khasi individuals are betel leaf, areca nut, oranges, neighborhood Khasi rice, and
vegetables. This term is for the most part dependent on the topographical area a Khasi occupies. Khasi
possessing the northern part is known as Bhoi, as that zone is frequently called Ri Bhoi. Generally living
in the Sylhet areas, Mouloviabzar and Hobiganj the Khasia's are one of the indigenous networks of
Bangladesh. They have lived particularly in the bumpy and rugged locale of Bangladesh for centuries.
There are around 100 Khasi towns situated in three regions of Bangladesh - Sylhet, Moulvibazarand
Hobiganj. Like all other innate individuals of Bangladesh, the Khasias face hindrances of their own.

Educational Barriers: The education rate of Khasis is low. Just 20% of the network individuals can peruse
and compose just while the rate of enrollment in higher instructive organizations is too little to even
think about counting. Government lead educational foundation in our nation is truly low in numbers
coming about in non-dissolvable families not having the option to bear to send their youngsters to non-
government schools.


• Awareness ought to be expanded about the significance of training in these regions.

• Initiative from the Government ought to be taken into built up more schools and schools nearby
the territories.

• Some steps can be taken by NGOs and the government to help those families who can't give
training to their youngsters.

Health-related barriers: Health benefits in the Khasi towns are extremely poor. Like different clans,
these individuals likewise experience the ill effects of comparable wellbeing related issues. Absence of
clinics, drug stores, and so forth have constrained these individuals to either need to rely upon
customary healers and paramedics or to cross a significant distance to get legitimate wellbeing
treatment from the medical clinic. Having no entrance to better wellbeing administrations and offices
these individuals experience the ill effects of different infections. Then again, the condition of physical
correspondence is additionally exceptionally poor. One needs to stroll over thick shrubberies, sloppy and
dangerous streets to go the vast majority of Khasi towns.

Solution: If the government can build up increasingly more wellbeing administrations in the towns,
individuals would go to these wellbeing administrations, instead of those conventional healers. Other
than that, individuals there experience the ill effects of numerous sterile issues. Access to wellbeing
administrations can diminish these issues ideally.

Socio-Economic Barriers: The Khasis win their vocation through cultivating betel leaves. Be that as it
may, the vast majority of the occasions they don't get the reasonable cost of their items. Contingent just
upon a single crop they have to take credits for running their families on most occasions. Betel leaves
development also requires immense venture however during the fiascos they endure tremendous
misfortune. They are in debt ordinarily in light of the fact that they don't approach the administration
gave horticulture sponsorships. By not getting reasonable cost of the produces just as being hit with
debacles that harm the yields, the Khasis today are not profited cultivating just betel leaves.


• Government guaranteed reasonable cost for the Khasis would give incredibly to the
advancement of their occupation.

• Agro-ranger service tasks ought to be acquainted with these individuals for their food.

• Marketing offices ought to be guaranteed so as to make the agro-woodland organizations


• The persevering Khasis individuals ought to be presented with new and compelling specialized
aptitudes to adapt up to rural exercises.

Cultural Barriers: The Khasi individuals who leave to town and study there, regularly disregard their own
way of life which has been an unmistakable danger to see the Khasi culture on the edge of eradication.
Without protecting social references, social things may shrink away after some time. Other than that,
ethnic prejudice is additionally a major hindrance here.

Solution: Culture is a basic component of each clan. So the protection of Khais culture is the obligation
of all. The government can find a way to protect it by making more individuals think about it, showing
kids social worth. Ethnic bigotry is as yet anything in here. To annihilate it, instructing about social worth
is vital. Just by doing it individuals will regard others' worth and won't have a go at anything to hurt
individuals subsidiary with their own way of life.

The Garo is one of the minimized ethnic minority bunches in Bangladesh initially relocated from Tibet.
They have been living in the various regions of Bangladesh for not many hundreds of years with a
standard Bengali people group. Garos hold particular social custom and social framework not steady
with standard Bengali individuals. In light of ethnographic examination, the current paper contends that
despite the fact that Garos customary family design and social practices are changing step by step to a
great extent as a result of incessant association with standard Bengali individuals and impact of
Christianity, conventional standards rehearses still overwhelm their family and social life to a significant
degree. They additionally live in the Indian province of Meghalaya. The current populace size of Garo in
Bangladesh is 150,000. They live in the areas of Tangail, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Mymensingh, Netrakona,
Sunamganj, Sylhet, and Gazipur with the most elevated focus in Haluaghat and Dhobauraupazilas of
Mymensingh, Durgapur, and Kalmakandaupazilas of Netrokona, Nalitabari, and Jhenaigatiupazilas of
Sherpur and Madhupur Upazila of Tangaildistrict. The Garo society is matrilineal and moms acquire
property and they are the head of their separate families. Each spouse or the dad of kids fills in as an
administrator of the family. The youngsters accept the last name of their mom. As indicated by the Garo
customs, girls acquire family property. The Garos are one of only a handful barely any staying matrilineal
social orders on the planet.

Educational Barriers : In certain zones, instructive organizations are fairly common. So, the education
rate in those zones isn't so much low like different clans. In any case, just a little bit of those individuals
finish advanced education not to mention remain in school after SSC. The principal reason being the
families incapable to bear the cost of and not being completely mindful of the advantages of being
taught. The absence of female instruction is likewise an issue. The Garo young ladies are very little urged
to get taught. Just 4% of the Garo young ladies are energized by their kin. Be that as it may, in some
provincial zones instructive establishments are non-existent and the proficiency rate there is as low as
different clans.


• Awareness about training ought to be an essential worry for government to build education

• NGO and government should cooperate to guarantee progressively instructive organizations in

provincial zones.

• Government and NGO should offer payment to understudies who can't stand to examine as a
result of their money related condition
• Cash moves to poor families, with qualifications connected to class participation, can assist with
countering the impacts of neediness.

• Early youth nourishment projects can guarantee that youngsters are truly arranged for school. ...

• Ensuring that schools have important instructors, assets, and framework is basic.

Health-related barriers: Health care benefits in Garo slopes are not in decent shape. Poor foundation
and absence of specialists and experts making the Garo individuals endure. The five areas of Garo slopes
have offices like emergency clinics, network wellbeing focuses, essential wellbeing communities, and so
on. Despite the fact that wellbeing administrations in those districts lack doctors and masters. Other
than that, the absence of clinical supplies is likewise a major issue. Numerous specialists detailed that
there are times when essential types of gear are not there when you need them. The medications and
drugs are dispatched to Garo slopes when they are very nearly expiry.

Solution: Though the government is making a decent attempt to fulfill the necessities of wellbeing
administrations, still the issue can't be explained. In this present, NGOs can approach and work with the
government in this.

Socio-Economic barriers: Agriculture is utilized to be the primary control of the Garos. About 90% of the
Garo individuals are straightforwardly engaged with cultivating, and the land is their essential job. It was
discovered that 90 to 95% of the Garo families had their own territory before. In any case, presently just
10 to 12% of families have some type of land ownership. As indicated by accessible writing and the
consequences of our FGDs, the Garos lost their territories and properties because of the absence of
education, ominous ecological conditions, political obliviousness, heedlessness, absence of familiarity
with great land the board rehearses, numbness about the Land Act, poor settlement studies, and so
forth. The Garos despite everything rely upon resource economies, regardless of mechanical
progressions. About 90% of the Garos are presently landless, despite the fact that they are still in a
roundabout way associated with agribusiness (day work, tenant farmers, and so forth.). Accordingly,
they are being compelled to change their callings to acquire adequate wages. Presently the Garos are
moving endlessly from the woodlands to look for urban employments with Government and private
workplaces, piece of clothing stores, magnificence parlors, tea gardens, processing plants, police, and
military services. Seizure of their land is the principle issue looked by the Garo individuals is which
causes consistent loss of ancestral land for which families are diminished to destitution and separated
by relocation to look for some kind of employment. Two principal instruments at play are the
appointment of conventional yet untitled land by untouchables who by one way or another protected a
title and the seizure of titled land by moneylenders who exploit inborn's effortlessness. Other than that,
numerous families endure outrageous destitution. A considerable lot of them can't send their children
to class because of destitution.
Solution: The government should execute strategies so these loan specialists can-not exploit these
individuals' straightforwardness. The government should make individuals mindful of the most recent
gear utilized in agribusiness. Gov. what's more, NGOs should cooperate to lend capital to these
individuals with no intrigue.

Cultural Barriers: Garo individuals have their own way of life. Their family structure is matrilineal. Be
that as it may, these days, numerous Garo families don't follow this structure. Or maybe on account of
modernization, they will, in general, follow the general family structure. In Garohabitations, the house
where unmarried male youth or lone rangers live is called Nokpante. The ladies were taboo from
entering the Nokpante. Any lady who defied this guideline was viewed as spoiled or quot;
marangnangjok and quot;. Be that as it may, this is a relic of days gone by, and all youngsters are given
equivalent consideration, rights, and significance by the advanced guardians. Garo people are well
known for their own celebrations. Yet, presently, not all celebrations are performed. Numerous cutting
edge Garo families don't follow the ceremonies and garments they used to follow.

Solution: Due to modernization, not every single social thing can be followed. In any case, the way of life
saved for people in the future, individuals can, in any event, know where they originated from.

Santals, one of the significant ethnic gathering in Bangladesh. The Santals mostly live in the locale of the
Rajshahi division. Their chief home is in Radha (in West Bengal), the backwoods of contiguous Bihar
(Jharkhand) and Orissa, and Chhota Nagpur. The British government appointed an exceptional space to
them and called it Santal Pargana. The enumeration of 1881 shows that there were Santal settlements in
the areas of Pabna, Jessore, Khulna, and even in Chittagong. A review of the Santal populace of present
Bangladesh territory directed in 1941 recorded their number as 829,025. The censuses sorted out after
the Partition of Bengal (1947) didn't consider Santals a different gathering of individuals, and
subsequently, their precise number in East Pakistan couldn't be determined.Santals are the relatives of
the Austric-speaking Proto-Australoid race. Their appearance is dull, tallness medium, hair dark and
twisted, and lips substantial. MUNDAS, ORAONS, PAHARIAS, and some other ethnic gatherings have a
decent arrangement of likeness with the since quite a while ago headed, expansive nosed Santals in
physical highlights, language, and culture.

Educational Barriers :

• Language issue in school: Medium of guidance, the language of the cohorts and books, and the
instructors are not the same as their home language. So the Santal kids face issues in following exercises
and taking part in class work.

• Lack of wanted School condition: Santal kids discover school conditions hostile. They feel
dismissed, manhandled, and detached in the school. They said that oppressive conduct is pretty much
comparable in both semi-urban and country zones. Most instructors and non-Santal peers take part in
this conduct in grade school. As communicated by a respondent: Teachers don't show any respect for us
or focus on us. They don't permit us to participate in any food program in school. Regardless of whether
they give any food, eating along with peers is denied. This conduct harms us a ton.

• Lack of strong home condition: Most guardians are not proficient or educated about what they
can do to assist their youngsters with being prepared for school. Schools additionally don't have a lot of
correspondence with guardians, particularly with those from the ethnic network. Guardians are
frequently indiscreet about this, not knowing how they could help.

• Lack of guardians' familiarity with youngster training: Most of the guardians don't know about
their job and duty about controlling and helping their kids' development and advancement and making a
suitable domain at home for this reason and to set up their kids for school. Regardless of whether a few
guardians have a touch of comprehension about youngsters' training, a large portion of them are
without formal instruction or even proficiency and can't deal with and direct their kids' instruction
• Loss of enthusiasm for instruction/to concentrate in school: Our respondents expressed that a
portion of the Santal youngsters dropped out, in light of the fact that they lost their enthusiasm for
school. It appears that they lose their enthusiasm for instruction because of a portion of the reasons
referenced above, for example, the distinctive language of guidance, disregard looked in school, and
absence of proper home condition.

• Poverty: Poverty is one of the fundamental hindrances to training, making impediments in the
method of access to and maintenance in school.

• Early marriage: Early marriage of Santal young ladies (teenagers) is another obstacle to their
continuation in school. This is a general issue in Bangladesh, however, gives off an impression of being
progressively pervasive among the Santals.

• Alcoholic compulsion: Home-made liquor readiness and drinking normally is a dependence that
makes an unfriendly situation in the family and in releasing parental duty. It hampers the instruction of
youngsters in numerous Santal families.

• School separation: The separation of the school from home requiring kids here and there to
stroll for a few miles is additionally noted by the respondents as one reason why Santal kids would
prefer not to go to class.


• Govt should make essential move to make them taught by set up school,college

• To investigate circumstance and arrangement of ability advancement for Santal kids and youth
(10-24 years) concentrating on word related expertise improvement, the commitment of youth in work,
and arrangements for aptitude advancement through institutional and nonformal implies;

• To discover abt the ability advancement needs, desires, and difficulties of Santal youth as saw
by them;

• To produce approach suggestions with respect to training and expertise advancement open
doors for Santal youth.

Health-Related Barriers:

Santals carry on with poor life. They are constrained to sell their work at a low cost in tea gardens or
somewhere else. By conceived nearly time they will influence diverse ailment. They can only with
significant effort to take nutritious food, that's the reason babies are effortlessly contaminated. There is
not much clinical focus in those zones. Other than that, the absence of clinical supplies is likewise an
extremely large issue.
Solution: Though the government is making a decent attempt to fulfill the necessities of wellbeing
administrations, still the issue can't be illuminated. The govt and NGO need to approach in such a

Socio-Economic Barriers:

Santals carry on with poor life. They are constrained to sell their work at an extremely low cost in tea
gardens or somewhere else. Furthermore, they burrow soil, convey stacks, or draw in themselves in
comparative works of day workers. They are acquainted with difficult work. Like their basic, plain, and
sincere lifestyle, their DRESS is additionally basic. The head food things of Santals are rice, fish, and
vegetables. They eat crabs, pork, chicken, meat, and the meet of squirrels. Jute spinach (nalita) is one of
their preferred food things. Eggs of ducks, chicken, feathered creatures, and turtles are a delicacy in
their menu. Alcohol refined from festered rice called hadia (or pachai) is their preferred beverage. They
are likewise familiar with distill alcohol at home from mahua or palmyra syrup. These beverages are
essential in their happy functions. Other than that, numerous families endure outrageous neediness. A
considerable lot of them can't send their children to class because of destitution.

Solution: Govt and NGO need to remove steps to get them from these financial hindrances. On the off
chance that the govt makes different moves to solve all these problems, they will have the option to do
a great deal for the nation and country.

Cultural Barriers: The Santal language (Santali) has a place with a group of Austric dialects. Santali has a
significant similitude with Kole and Mundari dialects. Today most Santals of Bangladesh talk both Bangla
and Santali. Likewise, numerous Bangla words are presently embraced in Santali. There is no composed
Santali writing, however, the rich legacy of society tunes and people stories of Santals is recognized by
all. Much the same as the way that Santals have a language yet no letters in order, they have a religion
yet no sanctioned sacred text. In the frightfully destitution stricken existence of Santals, Christian
minister work of social government assistance and, alongside that, proclaiming of the message of
otherworldly harmony quickened their change to CHRISTIANITY. Then again, because of monetary guide
from NGOs, want for getting current instruction is developing among Santals, yet destitution is an
extraordinary obstruction. The Santal people group has not had the option to liberate themselves from
the standard and abuse of landowners and moneylenders. Santals took a dynamic part in the TEBHAGA
MOVEMENT that occurred during the period somewhere in the range of 1946 and 1950.

Solution: The govt should show the shoes in their own language and rouse them in Bengali by showing
them the Bengali language. Also, make important strides praise the different occasions of the shoes.
Accordingly, shoes will be animated and they will have the option to bring something useful for the
nation and country.


The Manipuris are one of the significant ethnic networks of Bangladesh. The Manipuri individuals are of
Mongolian drop and communicate in a language called Meithei. Most Manipuri individuals lived in
northeastern India. The Manipuri fled from their country in the northeastern Indian realm of Manipur to
settle in East Bengal, which was then controlled by Britain. Be that as it may, in 1947 East Bengal picked
up its freedom, and today most Manipuri individuals live in the locale of Sylhet of northeastern

Educatinal Barriers: Like different indigenous individuals, The Manipuri individuals likewise experience
the ill effects of language obstruction. They can't get Bangla and furthermore don't learn Bangla
appropriately. Thus, training stays a far off issue for them. They need more thought regarding the
significance and advantages of training. Thus, numerous families don't send their children to class,
rather they make the person in question go to work. Segregation of sex is additionally present here.
Females are very little urged to take training, while they are coordinated to work for their family or sent
away to get hitched.

Solution: The kids ought to learn in their own language till kindergarten and schools should show them
Bangla in that period. This may understand the language hindrance they are confronting.

Health-Related Barriers: In the towns, individuals experience the ill effects of numerous infections. The
infection example can be partitioned as major and minor diseases. Kids are progressively inclined to
ailments, which are occasional and minor in nature. The ladies grumble of conceptive medical issues like
a steady white release, urinary tract contamination, iron deficiency, complexity identified with
pregnancy. The men people are increasingly inclined to jungle fever and tuberculosis.

Solution: Awareness is vital. The government should expand wellbeing administrations more. NGO's
ought to make mindfulness by going to class to class and different foundations. Accessibility of
specialists, medication, basic drugs is significant.

Socio-Economic Problems: Farming and partnered exercises give the spine to the economy in both the
slopes and the valley. Logging, development of a couple of money yields, handloom, and painstaking
work are conventional wellsprings of extra salary in the slopes. 95 percent of the Manipuri individuals
are partnered with material and craftsmanship. In any case, they hang tight for this period, Eid for the
interest. In this time, ordinarily, they keep occupied to satisfy the need of the items. Be that as it may,
because of corona pandemic, these individuals are confronting tremendous misfortune.

Solution: NGO and government should work inseparably to offer these individuals capital with the goal
that they can fabricate increasingly carefully assembled items. The government should find a way to
advance these carefully assembled items in the nation and in outside as well, with the goal that they can
trade increasingly more of this item. During this troublesome time, the government ought to give them
money related assistance so they don't confront outrageous neediness. Instructing them about the
current method of farming and present-day gear will be useful.

Cultural Barriers: Numerous families are leaving the towns and living in towns. Subsequently, they can't
follow all the social things, their children grow up not knowing society appropriately. Numerous
indigenous individuals left the nation because of the dread of outside individuals. Now and then there
are numerous snags and less security which is the reason they can't appreciate celebrations
appropriately. Culture and cultural programs are very nearly termination.

Solution: The Ministry of Education alongside the Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs should make
vital strides so as to guarantee the training of the indigenous youngsters in their own language.
Textbooks ought to be created so as to guarantee this. The International Mother Language Institute of
Dhaka, Bangladesh can likewise help here

The Chittagong Hill Tracts and all the areas where ethnic people are living, raises complex
questions of land use, ownership, settlement, and regional autonomy in Bangladesh. Justifiable
government efforts to utilize natural resources effectively, create conflict between politically
dominant ethnic groups and cultural minorities with historical and legitimate claims to these
resources. Given history to date, the future of the latter is not optimistic. But with suitable
solutions to the problems, It can be hoped that their sustainability will persist.

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