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These are home learning options that you can mix-and-match and repeat.

Week of 5/25 Fine Arts

Offline Let’s plan an expedition around your home this summer! 

 Start a small garden: Keep a visual journal of what you see in your garden. Draw and write about it!

 Use recyclable things around your home and build a sculpture: Draw and name your sculpture. 

 Sketch and write about one “happy thing” that you experience each day. Compile all of your work and create
a book: design front and back cover. Don’t forget your name!

 Tidy up your space or room: Look around your room and draw things that bring joy and happiness for you. 

 Experiment with different sounds: Tap a pencil, clap your hands, stomp your feet, or use empty bottles or
cans to make musical sounds. Play them at a different tempo.

Now it’s your turn, can you think of other ideas?

Online Have you thought about your summer expeditions? Take a look at the Offline sharing for ideas to help you
decide on what your plans may be.

Watch the following videos to help with your planning!

 Seeing Positive  Jan Warren Olonan of Farrington High School created this video to share some ideas on
how to spend your summer. 

 Watch GroverPlant understand what plants need to grow.

 Build with things around your home, watch PBS-Build, and design your own creation.

 Creative literacies videos for all grades. 

 Tidying up your clothes? Watch Irene and KonMari for how to fold your clothes, surprise your family!

Please share your summer artwork via this LINK.

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