HLTENN004 Assignment - Nursing

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Identify six Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) and give the rationale for providing
care to support these ADL’s.
The six Activities of Daily Living are toileting, bathing, grooming, feeding, transferring
and dressing. The rationale for providing care to support these ADLs are to take care
of patient’s daily routine activities so their health will not deteriorate.

2. Your client complains they are unable to sleep. Explain what you need to consider
when suggesting strategies to maximise their comfort, sleep and rest.
The strategies are to avoid alcohol, caffeine, heavy meals and exercise at least a
couple of hours before bedtime, limit the duration and frequency of day time naps
and establish a regular sleep and wake schedule.

3. A) Outline the safety precautions that need to be taken when assisting a person
with their personal hygiene?

The safety precautions that need to be taken when assisting a person with their
personal hygiene are the “likelihood of fall, check brakes are used on commodes,
check the temperature of the shower or bath water, never completely fill a bath.”
(Hall, 2019)

B) How would you maintain the privacy and dignity of your client whom you are
assisting with their toileting needs?
I would maintain the privacy and dignity of the client by closing the door and wait
outside. However, if the patient has dementia, I would leave the door open more
than halfway and carry out nursing duties so that he or she can do their toileting

C) What information regarding personal hygiene needs to be documented on the

care plan?
The information regarding personal hygiene that needs to be documented are the
patient’s skin integrity, type of hygiene, how capable the patient can handle their
own personal hygiene, and the type of equipment that is needed to assist a person.

4. Define physical comfort and outline the strategies that you can utilise to ensure
that your client is physically comfortable.
Physical comfort is the state of feeling well due to the environment around us. The
strategies that I can utilise to ensure that the client is physically comfortable by
having adequate blankets, having a head pillow to support head and neck, and talk
to patient about ways to make them comfortable.

5. Outline strategies that could be used to manage your clients’ urinary incontinence.
The strategies that could be used to manage the clients’ urinary incontinence are to
drinking enough fluid every day, eating plenty of high-fibre foods, pelvic floor muscle
exercises, bladder training program, medication and incontinence aids such as pads,

6. Describe the consideration that you must be taken when caring for a person using
urinary continence aids.
The considerations that must be taken is that the person I am caring for may be
deeply distressed and ashamed about their incontinence. Aiming to be calm and
patient, plus talking it out can be helpful and can relieve them from their
uncomfortable feelings.

7. Explain the strategies you would need to consider when assisting your client with
each of the following: teeth brushing, care of dentures, using alcohol-free
mouthwash, interdental cleaning.

Care of dentures: Older people who wear dentures are at risk of developing fungal
infections. In order to prevent that, clean dentures with a denture brush and mild
soap to remove plaque from all surfaces, then rinse well under running water. Hold
dentures carefully while brushing and clean them in a bowl of water placed in a sink,
to protect them from breakage if dropped.

Interdental cleaning: To avoid injury, with a floss held tightly between thumb and
forefinger or using a interdental flosser, use a gentle sawing motion to guide the
floss between adjacent teeth. Also, take care not to snap the floss against the gums
when doing this to prevent an injury from occurring.

Teeth-brushing: To avoid hurting the gums, use a soft toothbrush and refrain from
brushing too hard. Practising a good technique is also what you need to consider
when helping a patient. Hold the toothbrush at a slight angle, aiming the bristles
towards the area where your tooth meets your gum.

Alcohol-free mouthwash: To avoid the presence of excessive alcohol-free

mouthwash in the mouth, encourage the client to rinse their mouth until all of it is
gone. Having some mouthwash in the mouth for a long period of time can result in
damage to the teeth and gums.

8. A) Explain how you assess a client’s mobility status.

I assess a client’s mobility status by using the Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool
(BMAT). The BMAT allows nurses to determine the appropriate patient handling and
mobility equipment to safely move the patient.

B) Outline three types of aids available to assist a client a client with mobility
One type of aids is canes, “they support the body’s weight and help transmit the
load from the legs to the upper body. Another type are crutches. They help transfer
the weight from the legs to the upper body and keep the person upright. The third
type are wheelchairs in which they used by people who should not put weight on
their lower limbs or who are unable to walk.”(Gregory Minnis, 2019)

9. What Nursing activities need to be included in the care plan relating to respiration
and circulation for a hospitalised client?
The nursing activities that need to be included in the care plan relating to respiration
and circulation are to keep the patient’s position upright and activities that increases
circulation and respiration.

10. How do we recognise fluid deficits or overloads, and where do we record this?
We recognise fluid deficits by carrying out a physical exam to check for swelling on
the body part and to perform a blood test to check for patient’s sodium levels. We
record this on to the fluid balance chart.

11. Why is it important to screen for nutritional deficits, particularly in elderly?

It is important to screen for nutritional deficits, as it may cause to have a negative

impact on the other body’s systems, such as the immune system. Having an
inadequate nutrient diet causes the breakdown on the immune system as it needs
the necessary nutrients in order for the body to function properly.

12. Describe how you would assess a client for pain, and how is this reported?
I would assess a client for pain by using the PQRST method. I would ask questions
like “what caused it? What seems to trigger it? What does the pain feel like? Where
is the pain located? Does the pain radiate? How severe is the pain on a scale of 0 to
10? When did the pain start? How long did it last?”("PQRST Pain Assessment
Method", 2019) This is reported to the registered nurse.

13. How would a clients’ underlying medical conditions impact on the nursing care we
A clients’ underlying medical conditions would have an impact on the nursing care
we provide by not having the same level of quality to support them. If a client has a
medical condition that is hidden, then we would have to change and perform an
additional type of care.

14. Outline three types of sensory problems a client may have and what aids and
devices the client may be using to assist with the problems you have identified.
One type of sensory problems a client may have is a sensory processing disorder
where a person has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in
through the senses. People with SPD are often treated and assisted by working with
an occupational therapist where they will perform activities that help train the
senses. Another type is low vision. People with low vision are not able to see long
distances or short distances and their eyesight are blurry. The device they use to
assist with their vision are wearing glasses and contact lenses. The third type is
hearing loss. Hearing loss is the partial or total inability to hear. The device they use
to assist with their hearing are hearing aids.

15. Outline the tools which can be used to help identify cognitive deficits?

The tools that can be used to help identify cognitive deficits are the Abbreviated
Mental Test (AMT), Clock Drawing Test, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and
The General Practitioner assessment of Cognition (GPCOG).

16. List when deep breathing exercise would be used in a health care setting. What is
the rationale for Deep Breathing and Coughing exercises?
The deep breathing exercise that would be used in a health care setting are when
the patient goes for surgery, has a respiratory condition (such as chest infection) or
has a chronic airways condition (such as emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia).

Reference List
Hall, S. (2019). Care Tips: Personal Hygiene Care for the Elderly. Retrieved from
PQRST Pain Assessment Method. (2019). Retrieved from
Gregory Minnis, D. (2019). Mobility aids: Types, benefits, and use. Retrieved from

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