Enseimada: (Lola's Recipe)

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Enseimada (Lola’s Recipe)

Sponge Dough: Dough:

1 ¼ c. lukewarm water ¾ c. butter
1 tsp. sugar ¾ c. sugar
4 tsp. active dry yeast 1 tsp. salt
2 c. all purpose flour 8 egg yolks
3 c. all purpose flour

Dissolve sugar in lukewarm water. Add the yeast and let stand until it
forms a scum on the surface of the water. Add the flour gradually and
blend well to make a soft dough. Cover with a damp cloth, and let rise in a
warm place for about an hour. Dough should rise to double its original
Meanwhile. start creaming the butter with the sugar. Add salt and egg
yolks, beating well after each addition.
Add the flour gradually blending well to make a stiff dough. Stop adding
the flour when dough is too tough to manage with the wooden spoon. Set
aside remaining flour, about ¼- ½ c.
Add dough gradually to risen sponge dough mixing well after each
addition. A soft dough will be formed when both mixtures are thoroughly
blended. Add remaining flour to make dough more manageable with
Prepare a well-oiled mixing bowl. Oil both hands well then gather dough
forming into a ball, tucking in edges make dough smooth. Transfer into
oiled bowl. Oil surface of dough and cover with a damp cloth.
Let rise in a warm place until double in bulk, about 2 hours. Dough is
reading to punch down if a slight dent remains when pressed lightly with
Punch down dough, pulling edges to the center then turn dough over.
Divide dough into four and form each portion into a roll or “baston” 8-
10 inches long. Let rest for 10 minutes.
Divide each roll into 6 to make 24. Shape each by rolling out thinly into
about 8 x 5 in. rectangle.
Brush surface with softened margarine and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Roll as in jelly roll starting from long edge and coil into shape tucking end
under to seal.
Place in greased enseimada molds and let rise until double in bulk,
about 1-1 ½ hours.
Bake In preheated oven at 325 F degrees for the first 15 minutes, and at
350 F for the last 10 minutes, or until a deep golden brown in color.
Brush surface with melted butter and roll in sugar.

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