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Mikaela Cabrido Grade 8- Mt kanlaon



a. Differentiate food chain and food web.

A food chain is a one path chain of animals eating food while the food web is more complex
than food chain. The food web shows many different paths with other living things associated
with it, like plants and animals.

b. Give an example of a food chain. Explain what would happen if one part of the food chain was


Sun - grass - ant – anteaters

If the food chain is incomplete, the food chain would not continue to grow. For example, if the
sun was not in this food chain, how would the grass grow? Everything in the food chain reacts to
one another. So, if one of it was missing, the food chain would stop.

c. Describe the role of decomposers in the ecosystem.

The decomposers have a important role in our ecosystem. They break down the dead animals
and waste from animals. It is also a form of food for other organisms.

d. Explain why is there only at least 10% of the energy transfer between trophic levels.
There are only 10% energy transfer between trophic levels because most of the energy is
undigested or lost in heat.

e. Cite at least 1 human activity that affect the food chain and food web.

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