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2017-08E MATH EP we HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS ANO ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY MATHEMATICS Extended Part Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus) Question-Answer Book :30am— (2% ours) ‘This paper must be answered in English IstRucTIONS 0 @ ° “ o © o ‘Aer the announcement of the slat of the ‘Sraminaon, you shoud fest wn” your Candidate Number in the space provided on Page tad sick bacode labels In he spaces provided on Pages, 9, 11 and 13 “This paper consists of TWO sections, A and 8. ‘Atempt ALL questons inthis paper. Write your ‘swe inthe spaces provided n this Queston- newer Book. be net ite i the margins ‘neware wien nthe Margins wil "net be smorkes CGraoh paper and supplementary answer shoots wl be supped on request Writ. your (Candela Number, mark the queston number to and sek a barca label on each shes, {and fasten them with sbing INSIDE tis book. ness otherwise speci, all warking must be ‘ea shown Unless ottervise species, umercal answers rust be exact, No extra timo wil be given to candiats for teking on the barcode labels oF fling In he Sueston number boxes after the Time Is Up Srmouncement oRteRRHED sae Hong Kong Examination ena AScessmont Autry ‘AIRIghs Reserves 2017 2or-DseMATILERO)1 1 i 1 | Please stick the barcode label here. po [conse nina [ *AOSZEOOT* Avene vet athe FORMULAS FOR REFERENCE, sa ( AB) sin Acos Bos din B ‘us (4 8) coe Acar BF sin Asin ana 2sin Acs =sin(4+ BY +51 4—B) Revs Acs = cos 4 B04 B) sind B=cas(4~B)-cou As) wea, sian B= 2s 2s 2 SECTION A (0 marks) 1 tt ste tome (sats) “Asner wien ne mara wl orbs mad 2nrrosemarivengey-2 2 Please stick the barcode label here. 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