Storage Location Not Defined For Delivery Item PDF

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storage location not defined for
delivery item
This question is Assumed Answered.

Nandini Pandey
Aug 14, 2009 12:09 PM
Hi ,

i am trying to do PGI after creating delivery and TO . But I am getting error message
as storage location not defined for delivery item .


Helpful Answers by Muthupandiyan Chendrayan, manmohan bora, Pradyumna patel


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 Helpful AnswerRe: storage location not defined for delivery item

Muthupandiyan Chendrayan Aug 14, 2009 12:12 PM (in response to Nandini Pandey)
This error comes becoz 1. You didnt maintained plant Storage location view and 2. No
stock is posted in any storage location for the same material.

Go to MB1C and post initial stock for the material with mov type 561.

This will resolve the issue.

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o Re: storage location not defined for delivery item

Nandini Pandey Aug 14, 2009 12:28 PM (in response to Muthupandiyan Chendrayan)
The storage location view has been maintained and material is also available in storage
location . When I am giving the storage location to the delivery document then I am
getting message Material XXX does not exist in warehouse 100 .
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 Re: storage location not defined for delivery item

Aroop Dhar Aug 14, 2009 12:30 PM (in response to Nandini Pandey)
This means WM1 and 2 views have not been maintained for your material. Maintain the
necessary master data and try again.

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 Re: storage location not defined for delivery item

Nandini Pandey Aug 14, 2009 12:32 PM (in response to Aroop Dhar)
The material has been craeted already .

So what do I do to extend the material to these two views

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 Helpful AnswerRe: storage location not defined for delivery

Pradyumna patel Aug 14, 2009 9:30 PM (in response to Nandini Pandey)

I think, you need to check the assignmentof "Plant/Storage location/ Warehouse

number", as well as the Plant and Storage location assignment.

Your storage location must have been assigned to your Plant and

the Plant and Storage location combination must have been assigned to the Warehouse
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o Re: storage location not defined for delivery item

Barb Drenth Aug 26, 2009 7:09 PM (in response to Muthupandiyan Chendrayan)
Aroop - thanks for the notation of transaction OVL3 -- I had the same issue and was able
to immediately resolve it!
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o Re: storage location not defined for delivery item

Barb Drenth Aug 26, 2009 7:09 PM (in response to Muthupandiyan Chendrayan)
Aroop - thanks for the notation of transaction OVL3 -- I had the same issue and was able
to immediately resolve it!
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 Re: storage location not defined for delivery item

Aroop Dhar Aug 14, 2009 12:28 PM (in response to Nandini Pandey)
I understand you want to perform picking via TO and then do the PGI.

If your TO is created & confirmed, then it implies that the delivery already has the sloc
associated with it.

If you havent created the TO yet the sloc might be missing in the delivery, and the
warehouse no. will not show up in picking tab.

Please check if the sloc has been set. This error occus only when the sloc is not provided
in the delivery.

You can set the default storage location using TCode OVL3.

All the best!

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 Re: storage location not defined for delivery item

Raj Aryan Malhotra Aug 14, 2009 12:39 PM (in response to Nandini Pandey)

Store your material to the Warehouse first.

Go to the MM02 and extend your material to the ware house 100.
You might have create the material but if you have stored the setting for the WM1 and 2
your material wonu2019t extend to the warehouse number.
So for that purpose you have to extend your material to the warehouse from MM02

Go to VL02N and give your delivery document number.

In the picking tab just check out overallWMstatus.
Does it say transfer order required?
If it written no wm transfer order required then you donu2019t have to create the
transfer order.

Then check your setting for the storage location in OVL3.

If your warehouse is still giving problem then check your setting from this link.


Edited by: Raj Aryan Malhotra on Aug 14, 2009 4:09 PM

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 Re: storage location not defined for delivery item

Lakshmipathi G Aug 14, 2009 3:32 PM (in response to Nandini Pandey)

For the said error, first check in "Picking" tab whether storage location is flowing. If not,
you can maintain there and do PGI. Still if you face the same problem, then go
to MMSC, key in material code and plant and execute. There maintain the storage
location and save.

G. Lakshmipathi
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o Helpful AnswerRe: storage location not defined for delivery item

manmohan bora Aug 14, 2009 3:56 PM (in response to Lakshmipathi G)

goto MM01 and extend the material for warehouse 100. What i guess is that you have
not maintained the material for warehouse 100 in the material master.
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 Re: storage location not defined for delivery item

Nandini Pandey Aug 17, 2009 7:50 AM (in response to Nandini Pandey)

Storage Location is not Defined for Delivery

Item 000010
Ashish asked Oct 5, 2011 | Replies (6)

Hi Gurus,

While Posting Goods Issue I have following issue:

The storage location is not defined for delivery item 000010

I have done all the required settings for Storage location in Material Master but it still
gives the error.

I would like to know from where the storage location came from?

Please guide.


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6 Replies

Elizabeth Long replied Oct 5, 2011

Hi Amol,

Could you check if the Storage Location is being input in the SO itself? Base on my
personal experience, the Storage Location during Goods Issue depends on what we
input in the SO.

jim mcdowall replied Oct 5, 2011

Is the stock actually in the location you have specified on the delivery?

Could be you need to use MMSC and extend the part to the location that you intend
to ship from.

Jim McDowall

Ashish replied Oct 5, 2011

I have checked the storage location is not being input in SO. I am doing it manually.

For automatic what setting has to be done?

Kirit Pattani replied Oct 5, 2011

There is some setting in the Config to automatically determine the Storage Location
on the delivery. The transaction path is:-

> LE > Shipping > Picking > Determine Picking Location > Assign Picking Location
Within this transaction you can assign Storage Location based on following

Plant / Shipping Point / Storage Condition

Storage Condition is defined on the Material Master (please this is part of client data
therefore is not plant specific).

Please indicate if this helped or not.

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Ganesh D replied Oct 5, 2011


Storage location will never come automatically in standard. It will

flow only in delivery. Only if you apply sale order user exit where
the storage location is hard coded, it will flow into your sale order.

Storage location determination at sales order level is only possible

using user exits.



jitender dalal replied Oct 7, 2011

While creating sales order, click on line item and go to shipping tab. There
you need to enter the storage location. Then probably will be solve.

Hi Experts, I am an SAP -SD consultant . I have created
new enterprise structure. I am able to create a sales
with new enterprise structure but I am receiving an error
message during creating delivery T-code: VL01n which
says " Material 'XXXXXXXXX' does not exist in storage
location plant-'SHIV' Storage location-'KVSK'. I am also
receiving another error message like "The storage
location is not defined for delivery item 00010". How to
resolve this issues? How to make my storage location work
for my new Ent Structure? What are the settings required
make items picked for delivery in TRansfer order t-code :
LT03.Please provide detailed procedure & neccessary t-
and explanation (if required) to avoid the above errors.

Warm Regards
Question Submitted By :: Siva
I also faced this Question!! Answer
Rank Posted By

Re: Hi Experts, I am an SAP -SD consultant . I have created new

enterprise structure. I am able to create a sales order with new enterprise
structure but I am receiving an error message during creating delivery T-
code: VL01n which says " Material 'XXXXXXXXX' does not exist in
storage location plant-'SHIV' Storage location-'KVSK'. I am also receiving
another error message like "The storage location is not defined for delivery
item 00010". How to resolve this issues? How to make my storage location
work for my new Ent Structure? What are the settings required to make
items picked for delivery in TRansfer order t-code : LT03.Please provide
detailed procedure & neccessary t-codes and explanation (if required) to
avoid the above errors. Warm Regards
Answer COz the material is not available at the 0 Vinay
# 1 storage location
that the order had deterimed. Use tx MB1C to
maintain the
material at the storage location and check the

Check if the plant for the line item is differnt

atoo which
no storage location is maintained.
Is This Answer Correct ? 0 Yes 1 No

Re: Hi Experts, I am an SAP -SD consultant . I have created new

enterprise structure. I am able to create a sales order with new enterprise
structure but I am receiving an error message during creating delivery T-
code: VL01n which says " Material 'XXXXXXXXX' does not exist in
storage location plant-'SHIV' Storage location-'KVSK'. I am also receiving
another error message like "The storage location is not defined for delivery
item 00010". How to resolve this issues? How to make my storage location
work for my new Ent Structure? What are the settings required to make
items picked for delivery in TRansfer order t-code : LT03.Please provide
detailed procedure & neccessary t-codes and explanation (if required) to
avoid the above errors. Warm Regards
Answer You can check in go to MM02 that material 0 Rajendra
# 2 which storage
location created and then proced,if u r not
maintain wanted
storage location maintain the storage
Is This Answer Correct ? 3 Yes 1 No

Re: Hi Experts, I am an SAP -SD consultant . I have created new

enterprise structure. I am able to create a sales order with new enterprise
structure but I am receiving an error message during creating delivery T-
code: VL01n which says " Material 'XXXXXXXXX' does not exist in
storage location plant-'SHIV' Storage location-'KVSK'. I am also receiving
another error message like "The storage location is not defined for delivery
item 00010". How to resolve this issues? How to make my storage location
work for my new Ent Structure? What are the settings required to make
items picked for delivery in TRansfer order t-code : LT03.Please provide
detailed procedure & neccessary t-codes and explanation (if required) to
avoid the above errors. Warm Regards
Answer hi shiv see at the time of creation of ur 0 Kumar
# 3 eneterprise
structure weather proper assingment is done
or not wether
the plant is properly assigned to the SL which
ur created.
at the time of creation of material by trans
code MM01 in
that after creation on material there u find
one row in
that u check SL which ur created is one and
the same or
not. ur problem will be solved.
Is This Answer Correct ? 1 Yes 0 No

Re: Hi Experts, I am an SAP -SD consultant . I have created new

enterprise structure. I am able to create a sales order with new enterprise
structure but I am receiving an error message during creating delivery T-
code: VL01n which says " Material 'XXXXXXXXX' does not exist in
storage location plant-'SHIV' Storage location-'KVSK'. I am also receiving
another error message like "The storage location is not defined for delivery
item 00010". How to resolve this issues? How to make my storage location
work for my new Ent Structure? What are the settings required to make
items picked for delivery in TRansfer order t-code : LT03.Please provide
detailed procedure & neccessary t-codes and explanation (if required) to
avoid the above errors. Warm Regards
Answer u have to check Enterprise structure defining 0 Madan
# 4 and assigning
if it is correct then u can check in storage
assignment and material creation and check
ur storage
location Determination and shipping point
determination is
properly assigned or not?
Is This Answer Correct ? 0 Yes 0 No

Re: Hi Experts, I am an SAP -SD consultant . I have created new

enterprise structure. I am able to create a sales order with new enterprise
structure but I am receiving an error message during creating delivery T-
code: VL01n which says " Material 'XXXXXXXXX' does not exist in
storage location plant-'SHIV' Storage location-'KVSK'. I am also receiving
another error message like "The storage location is not defined for delivery
item 00010". How to resolve this issues? How to make my storage location
work for my new Ent Structure? What are the settings required to make
items picked for delivery in TRansfer order t-code : LT03.Please provide
detailed procedure & neccessary t-codes and explanation (if required) to
avoid the above errors. Warm Regards
Answer Make sure you have done your assign part 0 Prashant
# 5 with plant and check the TC MB1C to make
sure storage location is simmilar in your
material master data MM02
Is This Answer Correct ? 0 Yes 0 No

Re: Hi Experts, I am an SAP -SD consultant . I have created new

enterprise structure. I am able to create a sales order with new enterprise
structure but I am receiving an error message during creating delivery T-
code: VL01n which says " Material 'XXXXXXXXX' does not exist in
storage location plant-'SHIV' Storage location-'KVSK'. I am also receiving
another error message like "The storage location is not defined for delivery
item 00010". How to resolve this issues? How to make my storage location
work for my new Ent Structure? What are the settings required to make
items picked for delivery in TRansfer order t-code : LT03.Please provide
detailed procedure & neccessary t-codes and explanation (if required) to
avoid the above errors. Warm Regards
Answer hi shiv this can be becuse of the below 0 Subha
# 6 specific reasons

1.Plant not determined to the storage location

if so
please go spro-enterprise structure- logisctic
deinfe storage location and create
Once done assign your storage location to
your plant ;SO;
DIST CHAN and division which can be done
in Assigmentin ES
Secondly please also check if your customer
master and
material master is properly defined .
Thirdly alos do check if you have doneany
listing or
exclusion if yes then your material will not be
Fouhrly see if there is any block created for
your material
andifall th conndition proccedure are proerly
Fifthly also check your shipping point
if all ar assigned properly you must beableto
excute the
Is This Answer Correct ? 0 Yes 0 No

Re: Hi Experts, I am an SAP -SD consultant . I have created new

enterprise structure. I am able to create a sales order with new enterprise
structure but I am receiving an error message during creating delivery T-
code: VL01n which says " Material 'XXXXXXXXX' does not exist in
storage location plant-'SHIV' Storage location-'KVSK'. I am also receiving
another error message like "The storage location is not defined for delivery
item 00010". How to resolve this issues? How to make my storage location
work for my new Ent Structure? What are the settings required to make
items picked for delivery in TRansfer order t-code : LT03.Please provide
detailed procedure & neccessary t-codes and explanation (if required) to
avoid the above errors. Warm Regards
Answer Hi go to tcode MB1C and try to input the
# 7 material ther vide
movement type 561. then see if it accepts
and saves it. Id
not go to oms2 and selec the appropriate
material type i.e
FERT, HAWA, etc and then check the
quantity updatation
allowed fields.

Error Type VL604 the Storage Location is

Not Defined for Delivery Item 000010
upadhyaymunmun asked Feb 13, 2013 | Replies (1)

The storage location is not defined for delivery item 000010

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1 Reply

wnash7658 replied Feb 17, 2013

SD question, but this occurs during a delivery split, so check the details in the DN.


VL02N - Change Outbound

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Mar 1201
Storage location not defined for delivery item (vl02n)
09:26 // Dipti Ranjan Pradhan

Hello, this is Dipti facing an error during PGI in T-code VL02N Plz somebody help
me out.

Error: Storage Location not defined for delivery item.

Waiting for quick reply.

Thanks & regard,


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Mar 12

Re: Storage location not defined for delivery item (vl02n)

11:34 // Anand N


Please go to VL02N and chek storage location. In your case system not determining
the storage location. So please chek in which storage location material is
available MMBE and then put the storage location manual. and do the PGI.

also chek Storage location determination (T-Code OVL3 )



Mar 12

Re: Storage location not defined for delivery item (vl02n)

11:37 // krishna kumar

Hi Dipti

check once again your configurations settings

1)Define Rules for Picking Location Determination

what is the rule assigned to delivery doc type(MALA/RETA/MARE)

2)Define Storage Conditions

have you assigned ccorrect storage condition in Plant data/storage1 in Material

master record for your material

3)Assign Picking Locations

Shipping pointplantstorage condition

check these three settings



Mar 12

Re: Storage location not defined for delivery item (vl02n)

08:19 // vikas Jaiswal


Check your config parameter Shipping pointplantstorage location and map the
storage location location with storage condition.

Maintain the storage location for the material in material master in MRP 2 and
General Plant Data/ Storage

Hope It will help ful for you.

Mar 12

Re: Storage location not defined for delivery item (vl02n)

09:42 // Sarvesh DeSai

Hi Dipti,

In VL02N go to picking tab. Each line item is displayed with plant. Check
whether storage location is determined automatically or not. If you have authorization
maintain the storage location using input help. Then do the PGI. It should solve your


Sarvesh Desai

SAP SD consultant

Mar 12

Re: Storage location not defined for delivery item (vl02n)


Dear dipty
Have you enter store location at the time of PGI, please check stock for that material
by MMBE and enter the store location in which stock is laying


Mar 12 02
Re: Storage location not defined for delivery item (vl02n)
11:22 // Lakshmipathi Ganesan

Please search the forum before posting such repeated question.

G. Lakshmipathi

Re: [sap-log-sd] Storage Location is not

Defined for Delivery Item 000010
Posted by jdalal
on Oct 7 at 11:35 PM

While creating sales order, click on line item and go to shipping tab. There
you need to enter the storage location. Then probably will be solve.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Amol Kumbhar
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 5:49 AM
Subject: Storage Location is not Defined for Delivery Item 000010

Hi Gurus,

While Posting Goods Issue I have following issue:

The storage location is not defined for delivery item 000010

I have done all the required settings for Storage location in Material Master but it still gives the error.

I would like to know from where the storage location came from?

Please guide.

Shipping Conditions and Storage Location Determination

Can we configure Shipping conditions at line item level?

Shipping conditions is one of the criteria to determine shipping points. Shipping

points is determined for each order item in sales order. The system automatically
proposes the shipping point at item level.

You can change shipping point manually in the order.

Shipping point determination-shipping conditions from (Img of S.doc type or

customer master record of sold-to party) +loading group of Material master+
delivering plant of customer material infor record.

In r/3 shipping conditions are assigned to Sales document type. If it is not assigned it
is proposed from master record of sold-to-party.

In your case,you have to define all shipping conditions and assign Shipping points for
each shipping conditions.You will have as many shipping points for as shipping

Customizing :
Shipping point determination-IMG-Logistic execution-shipping-basic shipping
function. *-- Vrajesh

How system determines storage location in sd?

- If storage location for picking is not specified in the order item, the system
determines the storage location when it creates the outbound delivery and copies it
into the delivery item. Otherwise, the storage location entered in the order item is used
in the outbound delivery.
- The system determines the picking location based on a rule defined in the delivery
type. The following rules are shipped in the standard system:
- MALA: The picking location is determined based on the shipping point, the
delivering plant, and the storage condition for the material as defined in the material
- RETA and MARE: These rules are mainly used in trade scenarios.
- You can also use the customer exit in SAP enhancement V02V0002 to implement
storage location determination.
- The picking location search is activated for each delivery item category.

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