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Business model is the story that explains how an enterprise works. Peter
Drucker, a management consultant who described it as the answer to the
questions: who is your customer, what does the customer value, and how
do you deliver at an appropriate cost? therefore, in spite of having a
successful idea one need a pitch perfect business model to make one’s
business robust.
Business model along with strategy and tactics make it more powerful than
it is in isolated manner. Strategy and tactics together act as a catalyst. They
are inter related but are not the same. If these are taken synonymously it
will lead to poor decision making.
It is easier to generate ideas, but to make it a successful business is not that
easy. This presentation is an attempt to make the business model more
effective in the process of idea evaluation by using the following innovative
steps order wise:
1.Market for talents
2.kano model
3.Consensus mapping
4.Cost Utility analysis
5.Portfolio analysis
6.FASSC analysis (most effective)
7.Value analysis
This presentation also aims in showing the ways how to expand one’s
business in a sustainable manner and the significance of sustainable
competitive advantage.


V.M.SARADHA e8me079@sairamtap.edu.in 2nd year MECH-B
S.RAJESH e8me019@sairamtap.edu.in 2nd year MECH-B

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