La Sagrera Lineal Park

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La Sagrera Lineal Park

Aldayjover, RCR and West 8

Barcelona is a city with a strong mix
of the historical and the
contemporary. Barcelona is the
second largest city in Spain and the
capital of Catalonia.

If you mention Barcelona and

architecture in the same sentence,
thoughts often drift to Gaudi, La
Sagrada Familia and Parc Güell. The
city is filled with interesting and
expressive projects that also deserve
a closer look. From Domenech I
Montaner’s Hospital Santa Creu,
which is on the UNESCO list of World
cultural heritage to apartment

The city has been the host of series

of international events like World
Exhibitions and large sports events,
perhaps most recently the 1992
Olympic Games. Each of these events
drew in the worlds attention, and
played parts in shaping the cityscape
of Barcelona.
Cerda’s plan for the Eixample from 1860. The previously walled up city and nearby villages are Jaussely’s revision from 1907 , with new diogonals, monumental structures and a focus on
highlighted. (Montaner, 1997 p.29) creating garden cities. (Montaner, 1997 , p. 178)
Barcelona: A Physical Description
The phsical space over which the urban structure of
Barcelona extends has been characterized by the position
of its natural limits. To the east and West, the channels of
the Besos and the Llobregat, ancient rivers which for
centuries would define the natural Access routes into the
city; to the South, the sea and the coastal strip, the ‘’sea
line’’; rier to the development of the upper reaches of
the city.

Within the line of the sea, the mountain and the two
lateral river courses there unfolds the plain, an extended
area punctuated by a series of excrescences: the
hummock scattered at the foot of Collserola, and the two
hills next to the sea: Montjuic, an outcrop isolated in the
littoral, and the ancient Mons Taber, a crest swallowed up
by the fabric of the earliest urban structure. This plain
opens out as a large, slightly angled, central flatland,
furrowed by a number of streams which funnel together,
and whose centermost area would finally form a network
of parallel lines, destined over the years to give rise to a
perpendicular reading of the city: a logic based on the
sea/mountain axis, manifested in the subsequent layout
of many of the main civic roadways. This logic would find
itself continually interrupted by the natural barriers of the
coast and the Sierra, and therefore necessarily combined
with a transverse movement of expansion, a horizontal
parameter oriented towards the great river basins, in
accordance with various vertical and horizontal
movements of structuration and dilatation respectively,
over an extended endogenous period, limited to a
seemingly invariable geographical framework.
a. Situation of Barcelona within the geographical entity of Catalonia, and
flatland structures 1.Massifs, 2.Montjuic, 3.Quaternary plain, 4.Delta plain 5.
Degree of erosion. b. The old town and the ring of urban settlements around
it. Lluis Casassas& Pau Villa, Barcelona i la seva rodalia al llarg del temps, Ed.
Aedos, Barcelona, 1974. c. The Barcelona plain: morphological and structural
analysis of the main rings. 1. Urban fabric, growing radiallt around
topographic outcrops 2. Ancient settlements 3. Cerda Plan. The Eixample 4.
New development areas (1960s-1970s)
La Sagrera Linear Park, is a complete
requalification of an old railway line into an
energising new multi-functional green axis.The
main concepts of the proposed green
infrastructure are re-naturalization and
connectivity, which would be achieved by ‘spaces
of opportunity’ and green urban corridors. The
first involves the identifivation and action upon a
variety of spaces in order to re-naturalize them.
The latter, as identified in landscape ecology
theory, are to be continuous stretches of greenery
reconnecting patches of formerly isolated
landscapes. One of such the sea, the park will
generate numerous ecological habitats,
strengthening Barcelona’s ecosystem services.
Welcome Garden

St. Martin Agora

Orchards and Sport Agora

A new green diagonal axis extends into the very heart of XXI century Barcelona. It is a
natural path for pedestrians and bicycles as protagonists of a new era of a greener and
more habitable metropolis, which is in direct contact with its natural surroundings. The St. Andreu Mosaique
initiative is a key to improve biodiversity and a stronger urban ecological role of the
Section Through Welcome Garden

El Camí Comtal will finally connect the Sea and the Mountains, Nature and City in Barcelona. It strengthens the
landscape experience for those approaching the sea from the coastal range through the city. It offers a unique
opportunity to unimpeded travel from the wildest Catalan Pyrenees to the heart of its capital city. This green track
enters the city through the Besós natural valley finding continuity in the new Cami Comtal park or La Sagrera linear
park. A generous shaded way for pedestrians, bicycles and skaters who will discover the different environments
through Sant Andreu and Sant Marti neighbourhoods, El Clot park, historical gardens of Ciutadella to finally end up at
the sea.
Section Through St. Marti Agora

El Parc del Camí Comtal gives a breath to the bustling city of Cerdá, introducing a new green SLOW cross as a counterpoint
to today’s urban frenzy and activity represented by the other Diagonal. It is also a milestone track where landscapes,
architecture, history and the installation of water fountains enrich its tour and make a memorial to the old Rec Comtal
infrastructure that was carrying once the natural water resource to the city.
Section Through St. Andreu Mosaique
The visitor who arrives to the new Parc del Cami Comtal either by train from elsewhere in Europe, by bike from the mountains, or
on foot or by public transport from the city, will experience the benefits of a green welcome carpet to the city replacing the old iron
scar where the new La Sagrera linear park reflects the identity of its historical neighborhoods, allowing at the same time, an
optimum green connection between landscape and city.
La Sagrera Linear Park is a complete requalification of an old railway line into an energising new multi-functional green axis. It blends Section Through Cami Comtal Fountain
layers of underground rail infrastructure and motorways with a large park on the surface. The park is planned to comprise varied
landscapes accommodating transport nodes and cultural and sports facilities. In addition, it will connect districts historically
separated by the presence of the railway. Here landscape acts as a medium for the articulation of infrastructure, city and
architecture. Through such a reconfiguration of a majör industrial artey, a gesture is made towards a greener Barcelona. La Sagrera
Linear Park is to become the largest park in the city, running for almost 4 kilometers and with an area of more than 40 hectares.
View of St. Andreu Mosaique View of Cami Comtal

View of St. Marti Agora View of Orchards Agora

• Green Wedge Urbanism History,Theory and Contemporary Practice by Fabiano Lemes De Oliveira 2017
• Barcelona Modern Architecture Guide by Ricardo Devesa,Manuel Gausa,Maurici Pla 2013
• Thesis Project: Barcelona Youth Hostel by Malene Hoyer Pedersen 2016
• The Role of Public Housing in Barcelona by Raül P. Avilla Royo 2016

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