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Daniela Pistol

Task 1

a) The person named Anabela Teixeira

▪ Query: db.movies.find({"person-name" : "Teixeira, Anabela" }).pretty()

b) The birthplace of Steven Spielberg

▪ Query: db.movies.find({"person-name" : "Spielberg, Steven" }, {
"info.birthnotes" : 1}).pretty()

c) The number of people born in Lisbon

▪ Query: db.movies.find({"info.birthnotes" : { $regex : ".*Lisbon.*" } }).count()

d) The people taller than 170 cm.

▪ Query1:
db.movies.find().forEach( function (el) {
let height;
//save the value for info.height
let str = el["info"]["height"]+'';
//if the height it's not defined we don't modify the element
if(str !='undefined'){
//if it's defined, then we verify if it's in ft, inch or in cm
//we split by the ' to verify if it's in ft
//and if it's in both ft and inch than we will have in splitted[0] the value
//of ' and in splitted[1] the rest of the string
if("'") == 1){
splitted = str.split("'");
//if it's in incgh, we verify if we have a division at inch, like 1/2
if(splitted[1].search("/") != -1){
//we convert the value from ' in cm
height = 30.48*parseInt(splitted[0]);
//making a split after what remains after ' to separate the int
//from the division part for instance,
//if we have "4' 12 1/2" we split in 4 and 12 1/2
//delete the empty elements if exists
inch = splitted[1].split(" ").filter(n => n);
let id = inch[1] + '';
//transforming from division in int
i = parseInt(inch[0])+eval(inch[1]);
//convert in cm the value of '
Daniela Pistol

height = height + i * 2.54;

//keep to numbers after the ,
height = height.toFixed(2);
} else {
height = 30.48*parseInt(splitted[0]);
inch = splitted[1].replace(/\s/g, '');
if(str.length > 2){
height = height + parseInt(inch)*2.54;
height = height.toFixed(2);
} else{
height = parseInt(str);
el["info"]["height"] = height + " cm";;

▪ Query2: db.movies.find(function() { return > "170 cm"},

{"person-name":1, _id:0, "info.height":1}).pretty()

e) The names of people whose information contains “Opera”

▪ Query:
function(doc) {

for(elem in doc){
if (elem == "info"){
for(child in doc[elem]){
let s = doc[elem][child]+'';
if(s.includes("Opera") ){
break; //if a field contains 2 “opera” to print it only once.
Daniela Pistol

f) For each movie person whose birth place is known, the latitude, longitude
and population of that city (if that information exists in the city document)
▪ Query:
$unwind: "$info.birthnotes"
{ $project : { birthplace : { $split: ["$info.birthnotes", ", "] }, _id:0 , "person-

{ $project:
{ city : { $arrayElemAt : [ "$birthplace", 0 ]}, "person-name":1 }
from: "cities",
localField: "city",
foreignField: "name",
as: "infocity"

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