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e may have

- to Kalibr. If
Chapter Two
utes a viola-
attempts to
Comparative defence statistics
Top 15 defence budgets 2017' US$bn
1. United States USSbn
2. China
3. Sa udi Arabia 4. Russia'


76.7 61.2 500

5. India 6. Un ited Kingdom 7. France 400


I =
52.5 50.7
9. Germa ny

• I
I '' 1200

• •e
10. South Korea
!!! !!! !!! 1100

46.0 41 .7 35.7

• • •
11. Brazi l 12. Austra li a 13. Ita ly 14. Israel' 15. Iraq Un ited Other Rest
States top 15 of the
countries world

29.4 25.0 22.9 21.6 19.4

• Under NATO defence-spending definition; ~Includes US Foreign Military Assistance
Note: US dollar tota ls are ca lculated using average market exchange rates for 2017, derived using IMF data. The relative posifon of countries will vary not only as a result of actual adjusunents in defence -spending
leve ls, but also due to exchange -rate fluctuations between domestic currencies and the US dollar. The use of average exchange rates red uces these fluctuations, but the effects of such movements can be sign ificant
inarumberofcases. © IISS

20 17 top 15 defence and security budgets as a % of GDP*

e '-- e e • •
Oman Sa udi Afgha nistan Iraq Israel Republic Alge ri a Jordan Kuwait Bahra in Mali Russia Azerba ijan Armenia Iran
Arab ia of Co ngo

12.1% 11.3% 10.3% 10.1 % 6.2% 6.2% 5.7 % 4.9% • ••• • •

4.8% 4.4% 4.3% 4.2% 4.0% 3.9%
• Analysis only includes counuies for which suffic ient comparable data is ava ilable. Notable exceptions inc lude Cuba, Eritrea. Libya, North Korea, Oatar, Syria and the UAE
3.7 %


Planned global defence expenditure by region 2017 1 Planned defence expenditure by country 2017 1
Latin America and
the Caribbea n Sub-Sa haran Africa
_( 1.1 % Other Midd le East
and North Africa, 6.0%~
Sa udi Arabia, 4.9%
Other Eurasia, 0.4%\._ I_._,
Russia, 3.9%,~
United States
Other Asia, 6.0%- 38.2%
Asia and
So uth Korea, 2.3%- ik,,
24.0% India, 3.3%-

t At current prices and exchange rates

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