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Lesson 5 Identifying Values in Signages

What I Need to Know

Dear Learner,
Great morning to you!
How are you today?

It’s time to acquire another essential life lessons that will help you develop your role
in the community.This is a moment to contribute to your society.

In this lesson, you will delight to learn about the importance of obedience and how it
can help you and the people around you. Thus; at the end of this lesson, you are expected
a. define signage;
b. name and describe the different signages;
c. analyse the values shown in the signages by completing the concept map.

What I Know

Assessment of your knowledge about the topic has relevance in your succeeding
learning activities. Analyze what each statement refers to. Choose your answer from the box
and write yoiur answer on the space before the number. Read up and get started!

School signs road signs

Fire safety signs signages

__________1. It is a design that uses signs or symbols to convey a message.

__________2. A signage that directs the schoolchildren
__________3. The symbols that guide the drivers and the people in the highways and streets
__________4. They are the symbols that ensure the safety of the people in case of fire incidents.

What’s In
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Can you still remember your previous lesson? Surely, you will do a great job in this task.

a. Read and analyze what is stated below. Fill out the letter boxes to form the word.

1. –

2. –

b. Cross out the words that do not belong to the group.

Advertisement Dictionary Picture

Film Poster Letter

What’s New

You certainly have fun with the different visual media you explored in your previous lessons.
In the next activity, you will enjoy another visual medium. Read this excerpt from the poem “ Signs
in School” and answer the questions that follow.

Signs in School

Everyday when I’m in school

I see around the signs big and small
“Keep off the grass”, “Wait for your turn”
“Entrance” “Exit” “Up” and “Down”
Principal’s Office” “To the Playground”
“Library” “Silence!” “Lost and Found”
Is Itsigns I read from day-to-day
As I go my merry way.
1. Comprehension Questions:

2. Discussion:
c. What are the values shown in the visual materials used in our activities? What will you do to these

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What’s More

Activity 4: Identify and color the imagery used in the following lines. Then, determine and write on the blank
whether it is.

1. 2.


3. 4.

Activity 5: Read carefully the lines and underline the

What I Have
Activity 6: Complete the sentences by filling out the blanks.

In this lesson, I have learned that a signage is ______________________________________.

This ___________________ . Signages has various types. They are _________________, ___________, and
_____________________. The values I learned from the visual materials used are ____________________,
_______________________, and ______________________.

What I Can Do

Activity 7: Complete the

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Value Focus: The value I learned in this visual material is _______________________________. I will
practice this value by _________________________________.


A. Read each sentence below and identify what is being described. Choose and write the letter of
the correct answer in the blank.

________ 1. It is the element of poetry that uses picture and sound words.
a. auditory word b. imagery c. sense of sight

________ 2. Picture words are also called as _________________

a. visual words b. auditory words c. sense of hearing

_______ 3. The other word for sound words is ___________________

a. visual languages b. auditory words c. picture words

_______ 4. The message or messages conveyed in the visual materials used in learning
activities is also knowsn as
a. attitude b. value c. device

_______ 5. What will you do to the value or values you learned from the visual materials?
a. Ignore them
b. Forget them
c. Practice them

Additional Activities

CRITERIA 10 – if all 8 – if two 6 – if only one

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indicators are indicators are present indicator is met
1. Has beginning,
middle and end

2. Has two stanzas;

each stanza has
three to four lines

3. Language used has

visual and auditory

Cut out a picture of your favorite animal and paste it on a long bond paper. Below the
picture, write a short poem about it using visual and auditory imagery for a creative
composition. Follow this rubric.

Answer Key
1. b
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. c

1-2. picture words; sound words
3. picture words
4. sound words
5. sound words
6. picture words
7. sound words
8. picture words
9-10. obedience; industry

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Picture Words Sound Words
Icy blue The rythm of its surge
Sparks brightly Sweet chirping birds

Eusebio, Maria Fe, Zotomayor, Perla, and Mendoza, Rebecca. Essential English 6: Worktext in
Language and Reading. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2017.
Lintao, Rachelle,De Prado, John Andrew, Padin, Ma. Angelica, and Sioson,
Ivory. Illuminate 6: English for the Mind and Heart. Manila:Rex Book Store, 2019.

Carranza, Efren. “The Farmer and His Carabao.” Poem Hunter. May 17, 2020.

Naces, Romeo. “Carabao Egret.” Poetry Soup. May 17, 2020.
Orwell, George. “Sight”

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