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Basketball is not for the boys but for the men, that was the lesson I got from

movie entitled "Coach Carter". Boys were tended to play and compete with others
through basketball. I understand that in order to prove the masculinity of a man, one of
the ways is you should know how to play basketball, that's how basketball is relevant.
In the movie, even though I am a girl, I was able to opened my mind into the
world of the men who are fond to the game basketball. I recognized how mostly boys
are being addicted to play. Now I knew that simply one game has big relevancy to a
team. In the game you should not only care about what you can do but the ability of
your team. You can win unless your mind, heart and soul are also playing. Those are
the few things I just gained from the movie.
Coach Carter involved different genres like comedy, romance, drama and more.
It is one of the best movies I ever watched. This taught me lessons about what is really
the play of a basketball game. I witnessed the real deal of a basketball. I knew what
are the substances behind the game. I discovered the major things to do before being
able to have the right play of game. I recognized how difficult is the role of the coach or
the backbone of the game. In fact, I became interested of the story as it tells more
about the concept of discipline and teamwork. Also, this is one of the movie which
gives the true essence of life through education. The world should be grateful to have a
movie that portrays the significance of education over play. To be exact, this movie
honored a great man behind every triumph of the team. Coach Carter itself,
demonstrate good roles and characteristics upon the movie. He showed the genuine
affections to his team. He did not only did his job as the coach but also he monitored
his players like his own sons. He truly cared for his players. He taught them that they
still have their own life after basketball. He let them realized the importance of
academics over extra-curricular activities. He enlightened how basketball should be
played and it should only be played by a true man who knows the life not only the
game. He also made his players fill in their minds which one should be prioritize and it
should be their life not only their passion. This does not mean that basketball is not that
important but the thing is in order to play they should know how to balance their time
for education and sports. It should always have an equal time and efforts. On the other
side, teamwork and friendships also observed in the movie. There is a part where the
players helped one of their ex-team mates to join again their team and this speaks a lot
of concern toward each other. It is important how each of us should learn how to value
friendships that can be result to leadership and teamwork. Aside from that, I pointed
out that we should be mature enough to handle commitments. We should be
committed in all things, and we should know where and what to stand, when to give up
and what to prioritize. Coach Carter taught them how to be successful in both
academics and sports as long as they are good and happy on what they decided to do.
In conclusion, we should be like Coach Carter who knows what are things to be
more emphasize rather than following what are the usual. He stand for what he know is
right, and at the end despite of the trials and hardships, he is able to harvest success
for his team only because he led the right path to his followers. We should all take a
look for the entire message of the story. It transcends a life changing lecture that we
may use in our future.

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