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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Human Resource Management
Second Semester A.Y. 2019-2020

Orlanda, Tricia Ann A.
AB Legal Management 1-1

Ms. Cecilia Alexandria A. Godoy
In companies still recruiting and hiring, managers who try to fill open positions
are largely left to figure out what skills and attributes are needed for a particular  job.
Clerical work / position refers to a variety of office and organizational roles and
responsibilities, in simple terms, to the general duty of the clerical person is
administrative tasks, such as filing paperwork, answering phones and copying
documentation. It is not an easy and simple task, since the responsibility is always to
connect and engage with various individuals as well as to present yourself towards

What does a clerical worker do on a day-to-day basis? The clerical staff is

usually responsible for answering phones, maintaining filing systems, assisting with
scheduling, handling deliveries, and doing data entry, among other tasks. Because of
the variety of tasks involved in clerical work, you should be well-organized and detail-
oriented if you choose this profession.

In addition, the clerical staff is responsible for maintaining their office functioning
smoothly. A common clerical officer carries many roles and performs a range of roles,
ranging from general office duties to customer service. This versatile career requires
strong organizational skills and attention to detail. If you love organizing everything and
everyone around you, you will love clerical work. If that sounds like you, here’s
everything you need to know about clerical duties and responsibilities. (Levinson, 2018)
Another important aspect of clerical work is customer service. A clerical worker is
usually the person answering phones and receiving people at the door of an office. You
serve as the first point of contact for customers, clients and investors. Being in a
customer-facing role, you must have strong customer service skills to thrive as a clerical

Throughout this circumstance, Mr. Dela Cruz was specifically only positioned and
put in the Clerical position of the ABC Company, mainly because of the strong
recommendation of the Mayor although he did not passed hiring stage for the reason
the he does not carry out the important and required skills, This employment could
possibly only cause problems and issues to the company.
However, Due to the recommendation of the Mayor, the HR Manager gave Mr.
Dela Cruz a position, but instead of the Clerical position in the production department he
is assigned as machine operator, Mr. Dela Cruz did accept the position. But stated he
should be in the Clerical Position as per the advice of the Mayor.


In order to identify the leading candidate suitable for the Clerical position, skills
and credentials shall be checked, analyzed and set. It consists of an assessment
carried out by the HR department, in which the candidates are evaluated on their
employment history and their ability to communicate and work with people inside or
outside the company and lastly, their educational background.

Furthermore, the candidates who carried out the first interview with the HR
department are taken to the last part of the initial interview which are to be conducted by
the President or CEO of the Company. The candidates are questioned as to why they
choose to be in the business and why they are qualified to the position. Lastly, the
board of directors or the higher authority of the company shall decide which one of  the
applicants should fill the position (Clerical position). The company will present its offer to
the new clerical person / position and address the rules and regulations in the business
and guarantee the safety and health of the employee. The new employee shall ensure
the company that his or her performance will be satisfactory.

Mr. Dela Cruz who is highly recommended by the Mayor, who also happens to
be the owner of the ABC Corporation, was employed as a Clerical Officer. Mr. Dela
Cruz lacks on the key skills which is the communication skills. In order to be productive,
he will attend lectures, conventions, workshops and group discussion and practice
himself on how to be a good communicator and by that, he can be promoted as Clerical

Key Skills Good and clear communication, reading

comprehension, critical thinking, and
problem solving

Physical Appearance Good posture, attitude and well-pleasant

presenting herself/himself to the people

Educational Background High school diploma, or equivalent


Scrutinization and assessment of the method and technique used by the

company to recruit a clerical person / position; the ABC Company shall assess the
capacity of its employees and whether it is successful. However, the approach used
also has the benefit for ABC Company to pick and employ a Clerical worker from a pool
of individuals applying for a single job regardless of qualifications.

In the case of Mr Dela Cruz, It is just right that he starts small in the company

before aiming for a higher position and do not depend on a recommendation. It is better
to see yourself grow in an organization.  After all, training and development approaches
that can be applied to newly hired workers, such as workshops, conferences, meetings
and focus group discussions which means that there is always an open opportunity for
growth that is provided by the company.

Levinson, C. (December 2, 2018). Retrieved Date: March 30, 2020, from Career Trends
– Clerical Duties and Responsibilities:
clerical- duties-responsibilities.html

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