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ie Andrés Segovia Classic Album FOR GUITAR 12 PrRER #2Ver DIL ID + PNAKL 12 Vol. 12. CONTENTS Preludio § $$ Manuel Me Ponce Preludio t- F. Moreno Torrala 6 Estudios ( 3 Daily: Scudiesy ————____________ A. Segovia 8 Estudio. sin) fu $$. Srpovia 1g Danza pomposa ————_____—- Alexandre ‘Uansman 16 Fantasia-Sonata). £$@@#@$A A Joan Manen 18 12. 1 PEN i ti Ml 4 IL Ga EF i 6 3 OV fy Hef) Avi. 8 BR Ag 8g a, $$$jmpm$p$$ap$j Ag [46 0 DXB ||] — vb Fi a Ady 16 ae F # NALS 0 yifede 1B A Andrés Segovia Preludio Adapted to the guitar by Andrés Segovia Trés moderé mais sans lenteur Cejitia andatuza en PE Manuel M, Ponce (1882~1948) £ °, 144 aos Capodiafer apf tem 2, ¥ ; ee aes et < 92 40 oth 14g un poco rubato Bie tempo e8 trangutlio ee | A partie de la ceyitla DB Sher = By Prine of 8. Sth’ Se, Mans Wenn Gey @ fempo > 7 7 Pr ht + Wor oF y 7 Lr? T molto rail. rail. A Andrés Segovia Preludio F. Moreno Torroba Fingered by Andrés Segovia (189r~—) Estudios Etudes journaliers~ Daily Studies Andrés Segovia Pare lina de Manuel Ponce I (Oracion) Andante J =66 m n min 4 mig ; ot d ‘acelerando eediando ~~ con calma cy-v Se on cediando a media voce Pit lento 5 aD oe as temo EPL ET pp misterioso well wl I A Oe (Remembranza) p alla <1 4 a8 om? eb St a arr > fi — B 2 m3 mi Berry Ry eR Pi P i re a gf oo info he © 9 “Pion 5 . I, 4 °, | | 4 TEP TERT TERT 7 Pp subito on Bi» Su I (Divertimento) A Viadimie Bobri Guitarra 1 en Re Guitarra Uf A José Rubio Estudio sin luz Andrés Segovia Pa sf eT pl ear a 2S fe: oF Un poco pit lento legato CWV..., Cl of 1 9) ‘ aul poaticello = - - « «© « @ pet aad tee ay! dere tery ter Wer ry see a t iri tee, Goes cor ee egero e con grasia wails wore mf 3? _— itenute rapes lene OS B00 % a = ss — 7 - t= | oe rk tise 3 3077 ~ f — — 3 @- ~ ‘oN ; ee a & = 3 = —_==_ rifen. ip PF ieee Fy opin & Andrés Segovia Danza Pomposa Alexandre Tansman Andante pomposo cy cv CIV 4 : cr cn Se ee or eee ge a © = De. al Fine Performance right reserved Por » para Andrés Segovia , Fantasia~Sonata Fingered by Andrés Segovia Joan Manén,op.A =22 183. Largo (4-40) ee cnt FR Allegro (J-120) o_o nai evn 3 OVI can 2 Se rt tp Pe FF ® Ss ans TEP EF? sw Ort wee TF oP tantando molt, me sempre te (expo ei o— © ara ——— rs orese. ——— : E bh z ss pe? 3 Pree a cw 6am %ov om OVI ig i om. Pies vlna pF per oe Tt 4 2429 so © v ZPeTEoe wt. cantando GM. f * “rasgueado . alempod, P wa 353) a Bi Arm {2 5 J EME eee 3 a) 4 8 ‘ 2 é > Tambora_Tambora perdendoss Adagio cantabile, quusi in modo di un recitativo, ma in tempo asi), mollo espressive | Qa eng SY crese. Anni? Giv Sie h = at . y = a riper RE RF aye - ‘erese, molto franquillo 4 Armi2 14 2, 4 = z § pati sitet ff = Arntz, animando all allegro pce es ©.11 ‘ 0.0. = sempre f ed animato | ert? rt WAY 9 TRok MIRE FOIL gee yy ae a2 ite Rk? LPR TORTS wrest re REDE sa DEnEet est IAM ical ae ost vecnvaga otras eecneala PPL ORES WHEW ENE Mane cte—tacmare, mes PU Mecratec tamer FeORTAS RoE Gant to gee mma on vous ve Wenee ce nay an Pakovnkay Mrs eo samgen Tt eecrEn bee en eemee h: ven ense eve Renae ney tet TR OE nk ed at Sse ees 2 ee aaa FREAD een aca e Hata oiecnam TERR Oren SUE eeatereea OPES Rhema. cmgumsn come PS SETA PRE Geet FIO EE Creme cg see ne mes PE SATS aaa: HARES 0H ST yp Cree Colca ca Bhat Wheat TS EE, Tar eAT Tat 77 7 RAST W783 UME RES m1 TR 2 MT Oi wrnana ee anicicnaccare inate numeee Aguas A aamouRe wens aa mate ro e yeRe eee ae EF NRC ARS Let m nin Sloane Cae I ROME RN Tea eemma, Aner Rice st eee ae cee 77 WMT ARBURBO BIT ype ot 7. ener, BLT aamia bate” PAE ROM MMI EEO tice Com Me, Cn PE een tet ree ee Teale OmLEOMIRA TO ange | re Esa daprnensagess vais ai eases "a Th ees EE SS EEE nenery gwen, BEA antiitah te 8 49 -50Re a LAR Ob xX CHICO 2m mea ney 12) fol S RIE PFS ow » oc pecs rcames 6 Pe Ce nme SEF asd Shai al 2.7 pm wR Gaara tanger 1 LET ects we Pb aemadeatham ny ma ETE Ugte ace gre cose amy ows baba ved otis RATER DPD DPI Sarason sn RSaNe we eur 12 i wh u me eS esiat G Sst oe

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