Evaluare La Limba Engleza

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Suleac Elena

Fișa de lucru

Clasa a X-a

1. Pune verbul din paranteză la timpul Past Simple:

a. Mike spoke English very well.
b. I went to school at seven o'clock yesterday.
c. She ate apples yesterday.
d. They watched T.V. last week.
e. We staid in the living room.
f. It played with the ball in the kitchen.
2. Completează spațiile punctate cu prepozițiile potrivite: near, next to, on, in, in
front of, behind, between.
a. The house is between the hospital and the gas station.

b. The cat is in the box.

c. The cat is on the table

d. The cat in front of the dog.

e. The house is next to the tree.
f. The tree is behind the house.
3. Pune adjectivele din paranteză la forma potrivită:

a. Mike is shorter than John.

b. The girl is taller than the boy.

c. She is the best in the classroom.

d. The apple is smaller than the pineapple.

e. The juice is better than the water.

f. The elephant is bigger than the monkey.

4. Completeaă spațiile punctate cu următoarele adverbe: usually, always,


a. I sometimes go to bed early.

b. She usually goes to her grandparents in the weekend.

c. He always plays bascketball with the children in the park.

5. Folosește forma corectă de Present Continuous pentru verbele din paranteză:

a. I watching T.V. now.

b. She talking to her sister at the moment.

c. They cooking dinner for tonight.

d. We doing our homework now.

e. You cleaning your room now.

f. He playing tennis at the moment.

6. Tradu următoarele propoziții din română în engleză:

a. Noi ne uităm la televizor acum.We are watching TV set now.

b. El este în camera lui. He is in his room.

c. Ea citește o carte in acest moment. She is reading a book in this moment.

d. Eu mereu merg la școală la ora 8:00. I always go to school at 8 o’clook.

e. Ei joacă fotball în fiecare zi. They are playing football every day.

7. Tradu următoarele propoziții din engleză în română:

a. She is washing the dishes now.Ea spala acum vasele.

b. We are having breakfast right now. Noi mincam micul dejun acum.

c. I am reading a book for my Romanian class.Eu citesc cartea pentru lectia de


d. They are playing the piano. Noi cintam la pian.

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