Task 3

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Task 4

In Stranger Things, they use the main codes and conventions which is used in many sci-
fi/horror films. Stranger Things use the horror genre codes and conventions of camera
techniques, sounds, editing techniques and settings. For example, in the beginning of season
3 episode 2, they use an establishing shot of an abandoned building which pans slowly down
in an eerie way to reveal a character covered in blood running away after creating a jump
scare, the sound effects at the start of the scene are very minimal and this creates an eerie,
uneasy feeling in the audience which suggests something bad is going to happen. The
camera slowly starts to zoom in before a jump cut changes to a more zoomed in shot of the
character stumbling which added with the sound of a loud scream causes tension and
makes the audience react suddenly and with curiosity. The setting is a dark abandoned
building which is commonly seen in horror/thriller films or TV series. These have all been
collectively used together in a way which suits the theme they are going for.

They also use sci-fi codes and conventions such as science-based themes, aliens etc as main
characters in the plot, narrative, setting, themes. For science-based themes in Stranger Thigs
they have a plot line of scientists that have been experimenting and it has gone wrong and
an alien type monster from the ‘upside down’ escapes, leaving the six main teenagers to
save the earth along with the help of friends and family. They uncover secrets in their town
including a secret base under their mall. For example, in Stranger Things season 3 episode 8
at 42:53 minutes, they are fighting to try to close the portal to the other side again, while
the other characters are trying to fight the alien. It is an intense battle between the two
different locations and it shows that there is a lot going on which creates suspense by
editing the two scenes together. The themes in sci-fi films are usually very futuristic looking
as the technology is very ahead of the time set within Stranger Things. Stranger Things was
directed and created by the Duffer Brothers who started as an independent company and
now works with 21 Laps Entertainment which is a big Hollywood Production company.

Stranger Things has a linear narrative structure with open endings, for each episode there is
a cliff-hanger. The characters and the 80s theme are all very true to the theme. Here are
some pictures of the mise-en-scene in Stranger Things:

The costumes in Stranger Things are very true to the year it was set in, the main thing I
notice about the outfits are that there is no real branding, if there is they are being paid to
promote it such as the Coca Cola that we see in Stranger Things 3 which then in turn was
advertised through Coca Cola. The clothing suits the idea of the 80s and the main thing that
the 80s reminds many people of are the neon colours, high ponytails and sometimes crazy
outfits. With Stranger Things being released the 80s style has come back into fashion.


The props used are very unlike what we have now as we are transferred back into the 80s
with phones on the wall and old cameras that need the film changed and developed. These
little details might not seem like a lot however if an iPhone had appeared within this
timeline then things would be thrown into question and nobody would know when it was
set as it would have 80s clothing, hair and make-up but with 2020 technology. These little
details not only add to the feeling of the tv series but it also adds to the suspense as there
are no mobiles to ring when someone goes missing – only eerie walkie-talkies which the kids
all have to communicate with. The bikes were a big thing in the 80s as kids would go biking
together in the neighbourhood and cycle to their friends house a block away, by adding this
detail they can also refer back to 80s classics such as E.T with the bike rides.

Hair and make-up:

The hair and make-up are a key factor as well for identifying the time period in which a tv
series/film is set as you can see above, they use iconic 80s hairstyles on the mother and
daughter with the mother (top right) wearing neon eyeshadow and dark red lipstick,
jewellery by the pool sipping a can of Coca Cola. This is an important detail to keep with as
by using a specific type of look as there are now with crazy eyeliner and eyeshadow it could
throw the whole show into confusion.


Locations are very important for Stranger Things as it is

set in Hawkins, Indiana in the programme it is actually filmed in Atlanta, Georgia. They have
to be careful with where they film as they have to use housing like the type in the 80s and
they can’t have any modern looking houses in the background or any iconic buildings which
would be easily recognised as for example if a small/large company was seen in the
background that wasn’t there in the 80s it could throw the programme off as it would mean
that they weren’t being true to the time. The Starcourt Mall in Stranger Things is the same
location in which they filmed the Back to the Future scene in the car park, this is a hidden
throwback to the 80s classic.

Lighting is very important when thinking about a horror/sci-fi film. Colours represent
different things within films. (top left) By using the blue and red contrast they can give a clue
to the audience about the danger that lies ahead for the character after they’ve passed into
the red light, red shows the danger whereas the blue shows the calm environment that they
are leaving behind. The amount of light is also very important as a darker atmosphere in a
film creates an eerie, unknowing space that the audience adventures into with the
characters not knowing what lies ahead. Mise-en-scene is very important in storytelling.

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