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Good and bad planets for Aquarius Ascendant

/Kumbha Lagna

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Saturn had its moolatrikona in Aquarius. For any Ascendant
3,6 and 11th lords are malefic. Will see in detail.
Good planets :
Venus: Venus is " raja yoga" karaka for Kumbha Lagna. Venus rules 4th house a
Kendra and 9th house a Kona /angler house. Venus gives most auspicious results.
Mercury: mercury gives benefic results. As it rules 5th House, a fortune house. Though
mercury rules the 8th house, it gives benefic results. In the 8th house, we can see both
good and bad events.
Saturn: as Lagna lord, Saturn gives good results. Saturn had its moolatrikona in 1st
house. So Saturn gives maximum results from 1st, though it also rules the 12th house.
Bad or negative planets :
Jupiter: as the lord of 2nd and 11th houses, Jupiter gives negative results. Jupiter can
become maraka because of its lordship on 2nd house.
Mars: Saturn and Mars are enemies. Here Mars also rules 3rd house a bad one. Mars
surely gives bad results. It also rules the 10th house. But Mars gives 3rd house results
mostly, as its moolatrikona in the 3rd house.
Moon: moon rules the 6th house, so moon gives bad results.
Sun: Sun can give both good and bad results. It can become maraka for Kumbha
Lagna, as it rules the 7th house.
Rahu and Ketu give results as per the placement.

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