Knittel Et Al-2017-Island Arc

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Island Arc 2017; 26: e12160

Research Article
Diverse protolith ages for the Mindoro and Romblon Metamorphics
(Philippines): Evidence from single zircon U–Pb dating
Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106, Taiwan, 2Department of Earth Sciences,
Okayama University, Okayama 700-8530, Japan, 3Tectonics and Geodynamics Group, National Institute of
Geological Sciences, College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines,
Apex Mining Company, Inc., Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines, and 5Clay and Interface Mineralogy, RWTH
Aachen University, 52056, Aachen, Germany

Abstract Within the north-eastern part of the Palawan Continental Terrane, which forms
the south-western part of the Philippine archipelago, several metamorphic complexes are
exposed that are considered to be rifted parts of the Asian margin in South-East China.
The protolith age(s) and correlations of these complexes are contentious. The largest
metamorphic complex of the Palawan Continental Terrane comprises the Mindoro
Metamorphics. The north-eastern part of this metamorphic complex has recently been
found to be composed of protoliths of Late Carboniferous to Late Permian protolith age.
However, meta-sediments exposed at the westernmost tip and close to the southern
boundary of the exposure of the Mindoro Metamorphics contain detrital zircons and with
U–Pb ages, determined by LA–ICP–MS, in the range 22–56 Ma. In addition, zircons as
young as 112 Ma were found in a sample of the Romblon Metamorphics in Tablas. As the
youngest detrital zircons provide an upper age limit for the time of deposition in meta-
sediments, these results suggest that the Mindoro and Romblon Metamorphics comprise
protoliths of variable age: Late Carboniferous to Late Permian in NE Mindoro; Eocene or
later in NW Mindoro; Miocene at the southern margin of the Mindoro metamorphics; and
Cretaceous or later on Tablas. The presence of non-metamorphic sediments of Late Eocene
to Early Oligocene age in Mindoro (Lasala Formation), which are older than the youngest
metasediments, suggests that metamorphism of the young meta-sediments of Mindoro is
the result of the collision of the Palawan Continental terrane with the Philippine Mobile
Belt in Late Miocene. Similarities of the age spectra of zircons from the Eocene to Miocene
metamorphics with the Eocene to Early Miocene Lasala Formation suggest that the
protoliths of the young metamorphics may be equivalents of the Lasala Formation or were
recycled from the Lasala Formation.
Key words: detrital zircon, Mindoro metamorphic rocks, Palawan continental terrane, U-Pb

INTRODUCTION presence of accreted terranes or the presence of

older subduction complexes, the latter typically
At Pacific-type plate boundaries, the occurrences being of high-pressure/low-temperature (high-P/T)
of metamorphic rocks typically suggest either the type. Such high-P/T metamorphics have been
studied particularly well in Japan (e.g. Banno &
*Correspondence: Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan Univer- Nakajima 1991; Aoya et al. 2009; Aoki et al. 2011).
sity, Taipei 106, Taiwan (email: Despite the intense study of the Japanese meta-

Deceased morphic belts for many decades, the application of
Received 26 November 2014; accepted for publication 30 April 2016. new dating techniques has resulted in new
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd doi:10.1111/iar.12160
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insights. For example, dating of detrital zircons Late Paleozoic to Mid Mesozoic sediments are in
from the well-studied Sanbagawa high-P/T meta- tectonic contact (e.g. Karig 1983; Sarewitz &
morphic belt has revealed that this belt appears Karig 1986b; Suzuki et al. 2000; Yumul et al.
to be composed of two belts having different 2009a), hence their presence could not be used to
protoliths and different metamorphic ages (e.g. constrain the age of the metamorphics.
Aoki et al. 2011; Tsutsumi et al. 2009; Wallis et al. On the island of Palawan, the metamorphic
2009; Endo et al. 2009). Likewise, dating of rocks were then interpreted to be of Late
detrital zircons from the Tananao Schist of Cretaceous age based on a fossil found in very
Taiwan, considered to be derived from Late low-grade clastic sediments (Suzuki et al. 2000).
Paleozoic protoliths (e.g. Jahn et al. 1984; Yen This age assignment was subsequently confirmed
1953), shows that these schists have, at least in by Walia et al. (2012) and Suggate et al. (2013), who
part, Late Mesozoic protolith ages (e.g. Yui et al. found detrital zircons as young as ca 80 Ma in
2012 and references therein). these meta-sediments.
A similar case apparently exists in the Philippine On the other hand, Knittel and Daniels (1987),
archipelago, where metamorphic rocks crop out based on the Sr isotopic composition of marble in
over wide areas within the so-called Palawan the Puerto Galera area (Fig. 2), which forms the
Continental Terrane (PCT). This terrane is north-eastern part of the metamorphic complex in
considered to have been a part of the Asian Mindoro, suggest a Carboniferous to Early
margin that drifted from its initial location at the Permian age for the protoliths of the Mindoro
South-East China coast to its present position as a Metamorphics, hence providing solid evidence for
result of the opening of the South China Sea at the initial age assignment. Determination of the
about 32–16 Ma (Taylor & Hayes 1980; Holloway magmatic age of the protolith of the Camarong
1982; Li et al. 2012a). In the Miocene the PCT Gneiss (251 ± 3 Ma, Knittel et al. 2010), a meta-
collided with the Philippine Mobile Belt, a complex quartz diorite thought to be intrusive into the
arc system (e.g. Hamilton 1979; Yumul et al. 2003) Mindoro Metamorphics (e.g. Caagusan 1966),
and now forms the southwestern part of the supports this conclusion. There is thus clear
Philippine archipelago (Fig. 1). evidence that the metamorphics of the PCT
The metamorphic rocks exposed on most islands comprise the protoliths of different ages.
comprising the PCT were initially considered to The metamorphics exposed on the small islands,
form a pre-Permian basement (e.g. Gervasio 1967; such as Tablas, Romblon, and Sibuyan, have
Hashimoto & Sato 1968; Hashimoto & Sato 1973; collectively been referred to as the Romblon
Wolfart et al. 1986) as non-metamorphic sediments Metamorphics. Several authors, including Faure
of Permian to Jurassic age also occur on these et al. (1989) and Yumul et al. (2009a), suggest
islands. Subsequent work has shown that the that these Metamorphics might be correlated to
metamorphic rocks and the non-metamorphic the Mindoro Metamorphics or the Palawan

Fig. 1 (a) Tectonic setting of the Palawan Continental Terrane (PCT), Mindoro and Tablas are shown in gray shading (left). (b) Setting of the
northeastern part of the PCT (modified after Sarewitz & Karig 1986a,b). Dash-dot line indicates the approximate boundary between PCT and PMB.
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Protolith ages of Mindoro Metamorphics 3 of 17

Fig. 2 Geologic maps for Northern Mindoro (left) and Tablas (right) showing sample locations. Map of northwest Mindoro is modified from Canto et al.
(2012) for the area west of the line Abra de Ilog–Mamburao and from MMAJ (1983) for the area east of the line Abra de Ilog–Mamburao. The map of
Tablas is modified from Dimalanta et al. (2009).

Metamorphics, and hence might have similar boundary between the PCT and PMB lies farther
protolith ages, but given the age difference between east of where it was previously drawn, i.e. across
the metamorphics in Palawan and Mindoro their the island of Mindoro (e.g. Karig 1983; Yumul et al.
protolith age remains unknown. 2009a, 2009b). To the north and south of this
The present study was undertaken to confirm collision zone, subduction of the South China Sea
the areal extent of the Late Paleozoic protoliths in remains active along the Manila and Negros
Mindoro and to investigate whether metamorphics Trenches.
exposed on Tablas (Romblon Metamorphics) might Relatively extensive occurrences of metamor-
be correlated with either of the dated meta- phic rocks have been reported from the PCT – on
morphic complexes in terms of protolith ages. Palawan, Mindoro, Lubang, Tablas, Romblon,
Surprisingly, we find that some Mindoro Meta- Sibuyan (e.g. Gervasio 1967; Faure et al. 1989;
morphics are of post-Cretaceous age. In addition, Dimalanta et al. 2009; Payot et al. 2009). Taken
we find evidence that the Romblon Metamorphics, together, these units comprise a relatively
exposed in Tablas, have protoliths that were extensive deformational region which is ascribed
deposited in the Late Cretaceous (or later) and to different collision events that are variably
might be correlated to the metamorphic rocks of given ages between Late Oligocene and Middle
Palawan. Miocene (McCabe et al. 1982; Karig 1983; Rangin
et al. 1985; Queano et al. 2007; Yumul et al.
Mindoro represents the northernmost part of
The Central Philippines are the site of conver- the PCT. Metamorphic rocks on this island form
gence between the PCT, a rifted part of the Asian the mountainous backbone of the island and are
continental margin, and the island arc system of separated from the East Mindoro Basin by the
the Philippine Mobile Belt (PMB; e.g. Yumul et al. East Mindoro Fault (e.g. Karig 1983). In this
2005, 2009a). The PCT comprises the islands of paper the metamorphics are referred to as the
Palawan, Mindoro, the Romblon Island group Mindoro Metamorphics (Caagusan 1966) rather
(including the islands of Tablas, Romblon, and than the Halcon Metamorphics, as suggested in
Sibuyan) and Western Panay (Fig. 1). Recent data the Lexicon of Philippine Stratigraphy (Pena
collected from the Romblon Island Group and 2008), because in the Metal Mining Agency of
Panay Island (Dimalanta et al. 2009; Gabo et al. Japan (MMAJ 1983), where this term derives
2009; Walia et al. 2013) show that the collision from, the term “Halcon Metamorphics” was
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restricted to “higher grade metamorphics”, ex- 1966). Analysis of detrital zircons separated from
cluding “lower grade metamorphics” that MMAJ the sediments of the rivers, which drain the
(1983) correlated with the Jurassic sediments of metamorphic complex, suggests an extended
the Mansalay Formation, a correlation that subse- period of intrusive activity between 270–250 Ma
quent workers did not accept (Sarewitz & Karig (Knittel et al. 2010; Knittel 2011). This suggests
1986c; Concepcion et al. 2012; Canto et al. 2012) that all or at least most metamorphic rocks in
because the Mansalay Formation is not metamor- the northeastern part of the PCT are of late
phosed. The metamorphics comprise mostly Paleozoic age.
chlorite-, quartz mica-, talc-, and graphite-schists In the Romblon Island Group, metamorphic
with minor intercalations of phyllitic rocks have been mapped in the islands of Tablas,
metasediments and marbles (Caagusan 1966; Romblon and Sibuyan. They comprise largely
Faure et al. 1989). Recent mapping revealed that plagioclase-quartz-mica schists with subordinate
blocks of extremely sheared and pervasively chlorite schists, talc-chlorite schists and phyllites
serpentinized harzburgites, isotropic gabbros, and are altogether referred to as the Romblon
dikes and pillow basalts also occur within the Metamorphics (Dimalanta et al. 2009; Yumul et al.
Mindoro Metamorphics (Concepcion et al. 2012). 2009a). Based on compositional and textural
The metamorphics are overlain by the Lasala characteristics, Dimalanta et al. (2009) consider
Formation, a sedimentary sequence consisting the plagioclase–quartz–mica schists to have orig-
largely of interbedded quartz arenite and dark inated from silica-rich sedimentary protoliths,
gray shale (e.g. Sarewitz & Karig 1986b,b; whereas the chlorite and talc–chlorite schists and
Concepcion et al. 2012; Canto et al. 2012). phyllites represent metamorphosed mafic sedi-
However, the contact is rarely observed and might mentary deposits.
be in places a tectonic contact. Based on the K–Ar ages of 12 ± 0.2 Ma obtained for micas
sandstone petrography and geochemistry and the extracted from a quartz-mica schist from Tablas
nature of nanofossils, the Lasala Formation is and from a mica-schist from Romblon (Dimalanta
considered to have formed at a passive or active et al. 2009) are considered to date the youngest
continental margin (Sarewitz & Karig 1986a; metamorphic event, probably related to the
Concepcion et al. 2012). This ambiguity in tectonic collision of the PCT with the PMB. This conclusion
assignment reflects the transition of the SE China is supported by fission track cooling ages in the
margin from an active to a passive margin just range 14–8 Ma from the vicinity of the suture zone
prior to the formation of the South China Sea at in Panay that could be correlated with specific
about 32–16 Ma (Taylor & Hayes 1980, 1983; Li events related to the collision (Walia et al. 2013).
et al. 2012a).
The age of the protoliths of the Mindoro
Metamorphics was initially thought to be late
Paleozoic based on the assumption that they are
overlain by the Jurassic sediments of
the Mansalay Formation that is exposed in south- Samples MIN-35A, MIN-36B, MIN-37A, and
ern Mindoro (e.g. Gervasio 1967; de Guzman MIN-37B come from the southeastern edge of
1975). This relationship was questioned by, for the metamorphic complex of northern Mindoro
example, Karig (1983), who identified a suture (Fig. 2). The samples were taken from outcrops
zone between northeastern Mindoro, where the on the banks of the Ibalo River, a tributary of the
metamorphic complex is exposed and southwest- Magasawang Tubig River (the Bucayao Silonay
ern Mindoro, where the Jurassic Mansalay River on Google terrain map), about 3 km west of
Formation is exposed. Subsequently Knittel and the confluence of the rivers, just north of the
Daniels (1987) found that the Sr-isotopic exposure of the Ogos Ultramafic Complex (MMAJ
composition of marbles in the Puerto Galera area 1983). The latter is commonly associated with the
is compatible with a Carboniferous to Early so-called Mangyan Ophiolite (e.g. Yumul et al.
Permian age of their protoliths, but not with a 2009a; Fig. 4). The Mindoro Metamorphics north
Mesozoic age. In addition, Knittel et al. (2010) of the Ogos Ultramafic Complex (and probably
obtained an U–Pb age of 251 ± 3 Ma (weighted underlying the ultramafics) form a well-bedded
mean of single grain zircon analyses) for the sequence of meta-sediments. Where these are rich
Camarong Gneiss that is thought to be intrusive in carbonate (and frequently also in organic
into the Mindoro metamorphics (e.g. Caagusan material) they are tightly folded, whereas layers
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dominated by quartz show no folding at a Sample MIN-37B comes from the same outcrop
cm-meter scale. as MIN-37A, but from a distinctly folded part of
Sample MIN-36B (13°5′49.3′N, 121°8′44.4′E) is a this exposure. The sample is very rich in carbonate
meta-graywacke with clearly distinguishable (Fig. 3c). Quartz clasts exhibit relatively little
quartz clasts that are not or only moderately deformation. Layering is produced by thin layers
flattened. Besides these, clasts of plagioclase of muscovite associated with opaque carbonaceous
(Fig. 3a) occur. Patchy carbonate occurrences are material. Tourmaline is the most abundant acces-
distributed throughout the rock. Layering is sory mineral, though it is far less abundant than in
produced by thin beds of mica associated with sample MIN-37A.
opaque carbonaceous material (Fig. 3b). Sample MIN-35A (13°5′47.0′N, 121°9′8.0′E) is a
Sample MIN-37A (13°5′46.9′N, 121°8′39.6′E) is recent sediment collected from a small, dry
also a regionally metamorphosed meta-graywacke. tributary creek of the Ibalo River, about 100 m
In contrast to MIN-36B, the quartz and plagioclase away from the sampling points of the above
clasts are enveloped by a fine grained sericite– samples. It serves as a proxy for the sediments
quartz matrix which together with the pressure- of the Ibalo River that could not be sampled (only
shadows gives the rock an “augen-gneiss”-like a coarse grained sample could be obtained which,
texture which is amplified by growth of mica in however, did not contain zircons).
the pressure shadows of the larger clasts (Fig. 3d). Sample MIN-14B comes from the Calavite
Most clasts are distinctly elongate in shape, that is, Peninsula that forms the northwestern tip of the
this sample experienced significantly more strain Mindoro Island (Fig. 2). This peninsula, which is
than MIN-36B though the samples were taken only dominated by the 1521 m high Mount Calavite, is
a few tens of meters apart. Carbonate is virtually largely underlain by the Mindoro Metamorphics.
absent from this sample, whereas tourmaline is a Only along the southwestern coast, a narrow strip of
conspicuous accessory mineral (Fig. 3d). the Lasala Formation is exposed (Faure et al. 1989;

Fig. 3 Microphotos of the samples studied. (a) Sample MIN-36B. Plagioclase and quartz aggregate clasts set in a matrix composed of quartz grains and
carbonate. (b) Sample MIN-36B. Graphite-muscovite layers in matrix composed of quartz clasts. (c) Sample MIN-37B. Quartz clasts set in a matrix of
medium-grained carbonate. (d) Sample MIN-37A. Elongated quartz clasts (white) and tourmaline (brownish green) set in a fine grained matrix composed
of quartz and sericite. Growth of mica in pressure shadows produces the “augen-gneiss” structure. (e) Sample MIN-14. Penetrative schistosity cut by
crenulation cleavage; clastic components, largely quartz, are rotated into the planes of schistosity but show no deformation.
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Concepcion et al. 2012). These sediments are contaminated parts of the samples. The samples
considered to have been overthrusted by the were then crushed and small aliquots were taken
Mindoro Metamorphics in this area (Faure et al. for chemical analysis. Zircon separation was done
1989; Concepcion et al. 2012). The sample was using a shaking table (except for sample ERCD-
collected at Calangignan Point, the mouth of the 04-41, which was too small for panning) followed
Binuangan River at the northwestern tip of Mindoro by magnetic separation, heavy-liquid separation,
(13°28′13.0′N, 120°18′50.5′E). The locality is under- and handpicking. All equipment was carefully
lain by very fine-grained greenish phyllite, which, cleaned after each sample processing to avoid
however, did not yield any zircons. Therefore, its cross-contamination.
protolith age remains unknown. Sample MIN-14B is The zircons were analyzed in 2009 and 2010 at
a float and thus, its relationship to the phyllite is not the Department of Geosciences of the National
clear. Nevertheless, the sample is derived from the Taiwan University using an Agilent 7500s
catchment area of the Binuangan River, which is quadrupole inductively-coupled plasma mass
completely underlain by the Mindoro Metamorphics spectrometer (ICP–MS) equipped with a New
as shown in all available maps. The sample is a Wave UP213 laser ablation (LA) system. The laser
quartz–sericite schist with abundant carbonaceous beam had a diameter of slightly less than 30 μm.
material that, on the microscopic scale, is traversed The system was calibrated using the GJ-1 zircon,
by crenulation cleavage and exhibits well developed whereas standard zircon 91500 and Australian
micro-folding (Fig. 3e). Large clasts, that show little Mud Tank Carbonatite zircon (MT) were used to
deformation, indicate that the rock originally was a control the quality of the data in 2009 (MIN-14B).
clastic sediment, perhaps a muddy sandstone. The In 2010 (ERCD-04-41, MIN-36B, MIN-37A, MIN-
rock closely resembles the graphite schist 37B) the MT standard was replaced by a zircon
described by Caagusan (1966). from Plešovice (Sláma et al. 2008). Average
Sample MIN-14A, a river sand, was collected at values obtained with this instrument were 1067.7
the same locality to obtain further insight into the ± 4.2 Ma (207Pb–206Pb age, 2σ error), n = 100 for
zircon inventory of the Calavite Peninsula. 91500 (recommended value 1065 Ma; Wiedenbeck
et al. 1995), 728.9 ± 4.6 Ma (206Pb–238U age), n = 44
for Mud Tank zircon (recommended value 732 ± 5
Ma; Black & Gulson 1978) and 337.3 ± 1.6
The Tablas sample ERCD-04-41 comes from the Ma (206Pb–238U age), n = 76 for Plešovice (recom-
northern outcrop of the Romblon Metamorphics on mended value 337.1 ± 0.4 Ma; Sláma et al. 2008).
Tablas (there are two major outcrops of metamor- Additional details of the analytical procedures are
phics on Tablas). It was collected near San Agustin, given in Chiu et al. (2009). All U–Th–Pb isotope
northeastern Tablas (Fig. 2; 12°34′15.6′N, 122°7′ ratios were calculated using the GLITTER 4.0
37.2′E). It is a well-recrystallized impure quartzite (GEMOC) software, and common lead was
or mica-schist containing small amounts of both corrected using the common lead correction func-
biotite and muscovite. The latter is, at least in part, tion proposed by Andersen (2002). For zircons
post-kinematic. Elongate polycrystalline quartz younger than 1 Ga, 206Pb/238U-ages are considered
aggregates probably represent former clasts. due to the smaller statistical error compared to
Where grain boundaries are not coated by mica Pb–206Pb ages which is due to the slow growth of
flakes, the quartz grains are intergrown along Pb in young zircons, whereas 207Pb–206Pb ages,
sutured boundaries. The presence of some which are independent of the quality of the
K-feldspar is suspected, but could not be confirmed determination of the U/Pb ratio, were preferred
by microscopic study, whereas some plagioclase for zircons older than 1 Ga. As we found only very
could be positively identified. The most common few zircons for the period 0.8 to 1.6 Ga, a clear-cut
accessory minerals are tourmaline and zircon. division exists between data sets for which ages were
calculated in different ways. Analyses for which the
SAMPLE PROCESSING AND ANALYTICAL 2σ error is >5 % of the age were rejected, except for
PROCEDURES very young samples, which sometimes have 2σ
errors of up to 6 %. We consider zircons as
As a first step, rock samples were carefully rinsed concordant, if the error ellipse falls on the
and cleaned with a brush under running water. concordia. We also accepted analyses plotting off
Then all exterior parts of the samples were the concordia, if the degree of discordance (calculated
removed in order to discard altered, leached or as {1 – (206Pb–238U age)/(207Pb–206Pb age)}*100 [%])
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Protolith ages of Mindoro Metamorphics 7 of 17

was less than 15 % (note that this value can be very

large for young zircons, even if they plot on the
concordia, hence we adopt the location of the
analysis on the concordia plot as our prime
criterion). The weighted mean U–Pb ages were
calculated and concordia plots were produced using
Isoplot v. 3.0 (Ludwig 2003).
All zircons were imaged by cathodoluminescence
(CL) at Academia Sinica, Taipei (samples MIN-
14B) and the Department of Geosciences of the
National Taiwan University (samples MIN-14A,
MIN-35A, MIN-36B, MIN-37A, MIN-37B, and
ERCD-04-41). At Academia Sinica a thermal
emission, low-vacuum type scanning electron
microscope (JEOL W-LVSEM: JSM-6360LV),
equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spec- Fig. 4 Concordia diagram for zircons younger than 100 Ma
trometer and a cathodoluminescence (CL) image
detector (Gatan mini-CL) was used. At the
National Taiwan University, a Quanta 200F were dated at 250–259 Ma (Fig. 6). All Phanerozoic
scanning electron microscope equipped with a zircons analyzed have Th/U = 0.5–1.9, typical for
MiniCL was used in low vacuum mode. On the magmatic zircons. The oldest grains gave ages of
basis of the CL pictures and examination under 1.62 Ga, 1.87 Ga, 2.17 Ga, and 2.54 Ga, respectively
reflected light, care was taken to avoid inclusions (Fig. 7). Except for the slightly discordant 2.17 Ga
during analysis. grain, the Precambrian zircons fall on the
Concordia. The Th/U ratio of the 1.87 Ga grain
(MIN36B-09) is rather low (Th/U = 0.20) but still
in the range of magmatic zircons and this is
supported by slight oscillatory zoning visible in
CL. The other Precambrian zircons have
Only 19 zircons could be separated from sample Th/U = 0.6–0.8. No grains were found in the age
MIN-36B for U–Pb dating (Tables 1, S1; supple- range between 0.37 and 1.62 Ga.
mentary data), two grains plot slightly off the For sample MIN-37A, 40 zircons could be
Concordia and have discordance of 28–29 % and analyzed (Tables 1, S1; supplementary data).
are thus excluded from the plots. The youngest Three grains were excluded from further consid-
zircon (MIN36B-10), which provides an upper limit eration, as they plot off the Concordia; the oldest
for the protolith age, was dated at 92 ± 4 Ma (2σ grain also plots off the Concordia, but its degree of
error) (Fig. 4). This zircon is bright in CL and discordance is only 10%, hence it is considered in
exhibits distinct oscillatory zoning (Fig. 5), the the plots. The youngest grain (MIN37A-5) was
latter feature is typical for magmatic zircons. It dated at 58 ± 2 Ma (Fig. 4). It is rather dark in CL
has the highest Th/U ratio of all zircons of this and shows broad zoning with a very dark rim
sample (Th/U = 1.86). A number of grains (n = 4) (Fig. 5), but was, however, too small to be analyzed
cluster in the range 108–114 Ma and three grains separately. Unfortunately, only one grain of this

Table 1 U–Pb isotope data for zircons younger than 100 Ma of metasediments MIN-36B, MIN-37A, and MIN-37B from the
southeastern margin of the Mindoro Metamorphic complex

Analysis U Th Corrected isotopic ratios Corrected ages (Ma)

(ppm) (ppm) Pb/235U 1σ 206
Pb/238U 1σ 207
Pb/206Pb 1σ 206
Pb/238U 1σ
MIN36B-10 127 236 0.10738 0.00585 0.01432 0.00033 388 78 92 2
MIN37A-05 469 390 0.05797 0.00222 0.00896 0.00019 46 46 58 1
MIN37A-30 315 229 0.09975 0.00331 0.01359 0.00028 339 37 87 2
MIN37B-15 304 221 0.02385 0.00200 0.00365 0.00009 69 123 23.5 0.6
MIN37B-18 243 122 0.11401 0.00414 0.01360 0.00030 633 46 87 2
MIN37B-31 272 317 0.02335 0.00921 0.00339 0.00013 194 502 21.8 0.9

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Fig. 5 Cathodoluminescence photos of zircons in the age range 22-92 Ma. Circles indicate the spots analyzed, where the pit is not visible (picture
taken before analysis); errors given are 1σ errors.

young age was found; the next youngest grain has Five grains are of Paleoproterozoic age, three of
an age of 87 ± 4 Ma, is bright in CL and shows these are highly discordant (discordance 10–42 %)
zoning (Fig. 5). A significant cluster exists for the but together with the fourth grain, which is
period 126–140 Ma (n = 7; Fig. 6); these zircons concordant and has an age of 1870 ± 36 Ma, they
have Th/U ratios in the limited range of 0.5 to 1.3. line up on a discordia with an upper intercept of
No other significant cluster was observed for the 1877 ± 32 Ma and a lower intercept of 287 ± 100
other zircons younger than 1 Ga. However, given Ma (mean square weighted deviation
the relatively small number of grains analyzed, (MSWD) = 0,40), Hence we assume that all four
this may be the result of the small number of grains have an age of about 1.87 Ga and include
analyzed grains. Besides Phanerozoic zircons, the them in the plots.
sample contains four grains in the range 727–841 Sample MIN-35A, a river sediment, yielded 45
Ma and 13 grains in the range 1.3–2.8 Ga. Of these, datable zircons (Table S4; supplementary data).
five grains cluster in the range 1.81–1.86 Ga Two analyses were discarded as they plot off the
(Fig. 7) and have relatively low Th/U of 0.2–0.6. Concordia and have high degrees of discordance.
The oldest grain (MIN37A-02, 2.82 Ga) is also The youngest grain has an age of 30 ± 4 Ma
concordant and is characterized by very low Th/U (MIN35A-27), close to the 22 Ma and 24 Ma ages
of 0.09, whereas all 2.03–2.65 Ga zircons exhibit of the youngest zircons in sample MIN-37B. 29
variable degrees of discordance and have more grains are younger than 1 Ga, 14 grains are older
variable Th/U of 0.2 to 1.2. than 1 Ga with seven grains in the range 1.83–1.88
In all, 37 grains were analyzed for sample Ga. Most (n = 18) grains younger than 1 Ga fall
MIN-37B; four analyses were rejected due to high into the range 108 to 311 Ma.
discordancy. This sample yielded the most surpris- Of the zircons separated from sample MIN-14B,
ing results obtained in this study as two zircons 51 grains were analyzed (Tables 2, S2; supplemen-
were dated at 21.8 ± 1.8 and 23.5 ± 1.2 Ma, tary data). Eight analyses had to be discarded, as
respectively (MIN37B -31, MIN37B-15; the data did not plot on the Concordia. In general,
Tables 1, S1, supplementary data; Figs 4,5a), the cores of the grains were analyzed; in three
implying that the meta-sediments are younger cases, cores and rims were analyzed separately. Six
than the non-metamorphic Late Eocene to Early grains have ages of less than 100 Ma (41–97 Ma;
Oligocene Lasala Formation (ca 30–40 Ma; Figs 4, 6). These young grains are short prismatic
Concepcion et al. 2012; Canto et al. 2012). crystals (length/width ~2, Fig. 5). The youngest
Both grains plot well on the Concordia hence, in crystal (41 ± 4 Ma) exhibits a dark core and
all likelihood, these dates represent the true age of perhaps some sector zoning in the CL picture
the grains. A third grain was dated at 87 ± 4 Ma, (Fig. 5). The second youngest grain (56 ± 2 Ma)
comparable to the youngest grains of samples shows distinct oscillatory zoning typical for
MIN-36B and MIN-37A. The 33 older grains igneous zircons (Fig. 5). The next youngest zircon
exhibit a cluster of seven grains dated at 101 to (62 ± 4 Ma) is bright and essentially featureless.
126 Ma (Fig. 6) and another cluster exists for the Thirty-two grains yielded ages in the age range
period from 249 Ma to 272 Ma (9 grains). 100–800 Ma (Fig. 6) and 11 grains yielded
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Fig. 6 Probability plot and histogram for analyses younger than 400 Ma.
Light gray bands indicate significant episodes of zircon production at
Fig. 7 Histograms and probability density plots for all zircons studied
110–130 Ma and 250–270 Ma. Data for Palawan and Panay comes from
(supplementary data). Data for Palawan and Panay comes from Walia
Walia et al. (2012, 2013), data for Lasala sediments is unpublished data of
et al. (2012, 2013). Gray bars indicate significant periods of zircon
the authors (available upon request).
production at 650–850 Ma and 1.85–1.9 Ga.

Paleoproterozoic (dated at 1.7–2.2 Ga) or even except for the 102–113 Ma period, which is repre-
Neoarchean ages (dated at 2.5–2.7 Ga; Fig. 7). sented by eight grains and the period 251–265 Ma,
Altogether, the data exhibit very little clustering which is represented by four grains (Fig. 6).
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Table 2 U–Pb isotope data for zircons younger than 100 Ma from black schist sample MIN-14B from NW Mindoro (z04 and
z05 refer to different blocks, on which the zircons were mounted)

Corrected isotopic ratios Corrected ages (Ma)

U Th
207 235 206 238 207 206 206
Analysis (ppm) (ppm) Pb/ U 1σ Pb/ U 1σ Pb/ Pb 1σ Pb/238U 1σ
MIN14-16 (z04) 291 201 0.05622 0.00403 0.00869 0.00021 44 112 56 1
MIN14-18 (z04) 263 136 0.09314 0.00365 0.01370 0.00031 162 51 88 2
MI14B-43 (z05) 1163 2569 0.11501 0.00302 0.01360 0.00029 651 26 87 2
MI14B-47 (z05) 113 192 0.11235 0.00820 0.01513 0.00038 365 112 97 2
MI14B-49 (z05) 166 166 0.04232 0.00782 0.00645 0.00024 80 294 41 2
MI14B-51 (z05) 58 47 0.07412 0.01511 0.00960 0.00033 452 366 62 2

Only seven grains could be analyzed for sediment included in the data set (see below). A number of
sample MIN-14A; for four of them, ages were grains were big enough to allow separate analyses
obtained for both core and rim (Table S5; supple- of the core and rim, but CL images suggested that
mentary data). One grain had Neoarchean core and this was useful only for five grains (Fig. 8). In
rim ages of 2.80 and 2.65 Ga, respectively. The three cases, core and rim had identical ages, in one
analyses may define a discordia with an upper case, the core was about twice as old as the rim
intercept of about 2.95 Ga. Two grains have (but the rim analysis is highly discordant) and in
Paleoproterozoic ages of 1.77 Ga and 1.70 Ga; the the oldest grain, the rim was about 200 my
latter has a rim age of 0.78 Ga. Other grains have younger than the 2.6 Ga core (Fig. 8). In one
ages of 625 ± 24 Ma, 249 ± 10 Ma (rim 230 ± 10 Ma), grain, areas with different CL brightness were
150 ± 6 Ma (rim 145 ± 6 Ma), and 112 ± 8 Ma. analyzed separately but gave the same age
(1.86–1.88 Ga; Fig. 8).
Thirty-one grains have ages between 103 and
758 Ma (Fig. 6) and 19 grains were dated at 1.73
Fifty-two zircon crystals could be separated from to 2.67 Ga. Significant clustering is observed for
the small (fist-sized) sample ERCD-04-41 from the periods 112 to 125 Ma (5 grains), 152–164 Ma
Tablas (Table S3). On these, 57 spots were (4 grains), 1.86–1.88 Ga (6 grains), and 2.41–2.46
analyzed. Two analyses were excluded from Ga (4 grains) (Fig. 7). All 112–125 Ma zircons
further discussion as they plot off the Concordia exhibit distinct oscillatory zoning (except grain 7),
and have discordance > 15 %. Two other grains, typical for magmatic zircons, and have Th/U ratios
which are likewise discordant, together with two of 0.66–1.52. The 1.8–1.9 Ga zircons are typically
concordant grains, form a discordia and thus relatively featureless in CL and are characterized

Fig. 8 Cathodoluminescence pictures of zircons from sample ERCD-04-41, on which two spots were analyzed.
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by Th/U ratios of 0.43–0.81. Two of the 2.41–2.46 north of the Ogos Ultramafic Complex. In the
Ga grains, together with the two other, concor- other two samples collected from this vicinity,
dant grains, define a discordia with an upper MIN-37A and MIN-36B, the youngest zircons
intercept upper intercept age of 2.43 ± 0.03 Ga analyzed were dated at 92 Ma and 58 Ma,
and a poorly defined lower intercept at 130 ± 280 respectively. Since samples MIN-36B, MIN-37A,
Ma (MSWD = 0.36). and MIN-37B were collected from an essentially
continuous outcrop along the Ibalo River, we would
not expect to find different deposition ages for
these samples; hence we suggest that the whole
sequence was deposited after 22 Ma and ascribe
the lack of correlation among the young zircons
Dating the deposition of meta-sediments is a ages in the three samples (Fig. 6) to the paucity of
notoriously difficult problem because metamor- these young zircons.
phism and deformation may completely destroy In view of this unexpected result, it appears
all fossil evidence, in particular, where such necessary to investigate whether the young ages
sediments are largely devoid of fossils. Dating measured might be explained in other ways. In
detrital zircons contained in such meta sediments addition, the paucity of young zircons likewise
may be the best method to obtain an upper age requires some explanation, as in an arc setting a
limit for such rocks. continuous and abundant production of zircons
In sediments, zircons are clastic components, i.e. could be expected as shown by the study of the
they went through a cycle of initial formation, Sanbagawa Metamorphic Belt (e.g. Aoki et al.
erosion, transport and deposition. Hence, their 2007; Tsutsumi et al. 2012; Knittel et al. 2014).
formation ages predate the time of deposition of Our sample processing procedures virtually
the sediment and thus, the analysis of detrital exclude significant contamination. Among 173
zircons provides only a maximum age for the zircons from river sediments, which were separat-
deposition of the sediment (in rare cases, where ed by the same procedures using the same
the zircons are fall-out from volcanic ash-clouds, equipment (except for the crusher), we did not
the zircons date the sediment). In meta sediments, find any zircon younger than 81 Ma. In addition,
zircon growth may occur under certain circum- we find that the zircons in a river sediment (MIN-
stances, depending on the metamorphic grade and 35A), taken downstream of the sampling points of
the availability and composition of fluids (e.g. MIN-36 and MIN-37, exhibits an age spectrum
Rubatto & Gebauer 2000). In the case of ERCD- comparable to that of the metamorphics (Figs 6,7).
04-41, for two of the youngest grains, we could As for the scarcity of young zircons, we note that
analyze both the cores and the rims (Fig. 8) which Knittel et al. (2010) and Knittel (2011), in recent
yielded identical ages, thus excluding the possibil- sediments in north-eastern Mindoro, did not find
ity that our age data is related to a post- any detrital zircons younger than 81 Ma (173
depositional event. zircons analyzed) despite the proximity of expo-
Analyses of detrital zircons collected from rivers sures of the Lasala Formation which, based on
draining the Mindoro Metamorphics to the north- paleontological evidence, was deposited at about
eastern coast of Mindoro cluster in the range 240– 30–40 Ma (Canto et al. 2012; Concepcion et al.
270 Ma (134 out of the 173 grains analyzed = 83 %) 2012). In addition, analyses of 228 zircons extract-
(Figs 6,7; data as supplementary data in Knittel ed from samples of the Lasala Formation yielded
et al. 2010; Knittel 2011). These zircons are all of only four grains younger than 80 Ma (Fig. 6) i.e.
magmatic origin and represent the intrusions in there is a gap of 40–50 Ma between the 80 Ma
Late Permian time. The schists and limestones zircons (except the four grains mentioned) and the
(which are of Carboniferous to Early Permian age) actual deposition age (Fig. 6).
are older as they form the host rock of the The paucity of young zircons may be explained
intrusions. by the geological history of the area. Prior to the
Given these results, the samples investigated in opening of the South China Sea between 32–16 Ma
this study yielded surprisingly young ages. The (perhaps even earlier; see review in Li et al. 2012a
youngest ages (two grains dated at 22 and 24 Ma, and references therein), the PCT was part of the
MIN-37-B) were obtained for zircons separated continental margin of south-eastern China. This
from a meta-sediment exposed along the southern area was the site of abundant rhyolite volcanism
border of the Mindoro Metamorphic Complex, that came to an end at about 80–75 Ma (e.g. Chen
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et al. 2008; Zhou et al. 2006) with some minor Sample MIN-14B, collected at the north-western
activity extending to about 67 Ma. Upon formation edge of the outcrop of the Mindoro Metamorphics
of the South China Sea, the PCT drifted south, likewise contains surprisingly young zircons. The
seemingly without developing an active margin occurrence of a grain dated at 41 ± 4 Ma implies
(see reconstructions in Hall 2002; Queano et al. that the protolith of this schist was deposited not
2007). Only upon approaching the Philippine earlier than the Late Eocene and could have formed
Mobile Belt, an active arc system, the PCT came contemporaneously with the Lasala Formation. The
into reach of active volcanism and hence an area question, whether or not the protolith of sample
with active production of new zircons. Various, not MIN-14B is as young as the metamorphics at the
well constrained estimates exist for the timing of south-eastern margin of the Mindoro Metamorphic
that approach (ca 22–8 Ma) but recently, Walia Complex cannot be answered at present, as our
et al. (2013), using multiple radiometric dating estimate for the maximum deposition time depends
methods, developed a scenario for the collision of on the presence and analysis (!) of accidental zircons
the leading edge of the PCT with the PMB and, as discussed above, the period from ca 80 to
between 14 and 8 Ma. Hence the period between about 15 Ma has been a period of very low zircon
about 75 Ma and about 14 Ma was a period of low production.
zircon production in the PCT. This also explains Though sample MIN-14B is only a float we
the scarcity of zircons younger than 80 Ma in the believe that it is of local origin as discussed above.
Lasala Formation, which, based on paleontological Evidence for the origin of the metamorphics on the
evidence, was deposited in the Late Eocene to Calavite Peninsular different from those in north-
Early Oligocene (ca 40–30 Ma). eastern Mindoro (i.e. between Abra de Ilog and
A potential source of the zircons dated between Puerto Galera) comes also from the analysis of
80 and 40 Ma is the so-called Pagbahan Granodi- zircons from a sample of recent sediments (MIN-
orite described by MMAJ (1983) that yielded K–Ar 14A) taken at the sample locality. Though we could
ages of 30–40 Ma (MMAJ, 1983). However, we did analyze only seven grains, these exhibit an age
not find any zircons of corresponding age in the distribution that is completely different from the
recent sediments of the Pagbahan and Amnay age distribution observed in the sediments from
Rivers, which should drain exposures of the the northeastern coast, i.e. four out of the seven
Pagbahan Granodiorite, which casts some doubts grains have ages of 1.7–2.8 Ga, whereas such ages
on the reliability of these K–Ar ages and the are found for only two out of 173 detrital zircons
nature of the Pagbahan Granodiorite in general. from the northeastern coast analyzed to date
Considering the sheared nature of most samples (Figs 6,7; Knittel et al. 2010; Knittel 2011). In
(Fig. 3), another potential explanation for the addition, ages of 240–270 Ma, which account for
presence of the young zircons in the 134 out of the 173 grain analyzed from the
metasediments is their derivation from younger northeastern coast (83 %) are represented by only
sediments in a shear zone, as the samples were a single grain in sample MIN-14A. This would
collected near the boundaries with other rock units suggest that the Mindoro Metamorphics exposed
(Fig. 2). However, the homogeneity of the outcrops east of the Mamburao River may differ significant-
along the Ibalo River does not support the idea ly in age, origin and composition from those that
that the sequence contains various slivers that are exposed in the northeastern part between
were juxtaposed in a fault zone. Abra de Ilog Harbour and Puerto Galera.
Thus, the presence of 22–24 Ma zircons in the In the Tablas sample, the youngest zircons have
metamorphics exposed north of the Ogos Ultra- ages of 112 Ma to 125 Ma with a single grain
mafic Complex, in our view, suggests that their having an age of 103 Ma. Since the 103 ± 4 Ma age
protoliths were deposited later than the non- was obtained from the core of a grain with a rim
metamorphic Late Eocene to Early Oligocene dated at 112 ±4 Ma, we cannot rule out that this is
Lasala Formation (ca 30–40 Ma; Canto et al. a spurious result that might be the result of lead
2012; Concepcion et al. 2012), hence they are loss of the core. Assuming a maximum deposition
unrelated to the metamorphics in north-eastern age of around 110 Ma for the protolith of this
Mindoro, which have protoliths of Late Carbon- meta-sandstone, the protolith was deposited in the
iferous to Late Permian age. The metamorphic late Cretaceous. Clearly, deposition also might
and tectonic overprints are likely related to the have occurred much later, if there was no supply of
late Miocene collision between PCT and PMB at younger zircons in the period between the actual
14–8 Ma. time of deposition and the 103–125 Ma age
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Protolith ages of Mindoro Metamorphics 13 of 17

markers, in particular in view of the paucity of formed during a period of quartz diorite intrusion
young zircons in the other investigated samples as (Camarong Gneiss) into the old schist sequence in
already discussed. Besides, the small number of the north-eastern part of the Mindoro Metamor-
zircons that could be separated from the small phic Complex (Knittel et al. 2010). As mentioned
sample may bias the picture. before, about 83 % of 173 zircons from four
sediment samples from the northern coast fall into
the age range 240–270 Ma. Zircons of that age are
also abundant in the Jurassic Saboncogon Forma-
If we try to understand the origin of the protoliths tion on Panay (Walia et al. 2013) and attest to the
of the young metamorphics, it is useful to widespread distribution of zircons of that mag-
summarize the general age patterns of the zircons matic episode, which is only sparsely represented
from these rocks. in SE China (Li et al. 2006, 2012b).
All samples, except ERCD-04-41 from Tablas Another common feature of all metamorphic
contain one or more grains dated at 80–92 Ma. rocks with young protolith ages is the presence of
These zircons are probably derived from rhyolites detrital zircons clustering around 1.8 Ga and
erupted in SE China at that time (e.g. Chen et al. 2.4–2.5 Ga (Fig. 7). Such ages are observed in
2008; Zhou et al. 2006) and also found in Mindoro many populations of detrital zircons from SE Asia
(Knittel 2011). This episode is also represented in including Japan (e.g. Tsutsumi et al. 2003) and
the sediment record of north-eastern Mindoro (8 Borneo (van Hattum et al. 2006) and represent two
out of 173 zircons have ages of 81–92 Ma; Knittel major episodes of crustal growth in the SE China
2011; Knittel et al. 2010). Craton (e.g. Xu et al. 2007; Yu et al. 2010).
All samples of the Mindoro Metamorphics The presence of these zircons implies that the
investigated in this study contain abundant zircons protoliths of the young Mindoro Metamorphics and
in the range 100 to 130 Ma though in individual the Romblon Metamorphics in Tablas were depos-
samples the clusters occur at slightly different ited in close proximity to the Asian continental
times (108–114 Ma, n = 4 in sample MIN-36B; margin of southeastern China in agreement with
102–113 Ma, n = 8 in sample MIN-14B; 101–126 the accepted tectonic model of the region. Alterna-
Ma, n = 7 and 112–132 Ma, n = 9 in sample MIN- tively, these zircons were ultimately derived from
37B and the Tablas sample, respectively). A cluster such sources but were recycled. As already
about 10 to 20 my older (126–140 Ma; n = 7) was discussed, such zircons are not found in river
found in MIN 37A. Based on the record in detrital sediments draining the northeastern part of the
zircons from the Pagbahan River, where a Mindoro Metamorphic Complex between Abra de
continuous spectrum of ages covering the period Ilog and Puerto Galera. This suggests that in this
109 to 137 Ma is observed, samples MIN-14B, and area, the young metamorphics are either not
MIN-37B then may contain a record of the late exposed or not present and that these old meta-
part of this period, whereas MIN-36–36B and morphic rocks are derived from different sources.
MIN-37A contain a record of the early part of this If we compare these patterns with our unpub-
period. Hence, all young metamorphic rocks lished data for the Lasala Formation, we note a
investigated here contain relatively abundant surprising similarity (Figs 6,7). In our sample
zircons in the age range of 100–140 Ma (Fig. 6), comprising 228 analyses, we find clusters at 112–
though the whole period is not represented in any 143 Ma (11 %), 254–267 Ma (5 %), a broad cluster at
single sample. Most of these grains have Th/U 740–850 Ma and a major cluster at 1.83–1.89 Ga
ratios >1, in particular those younger than about (20 %, Figs 6,7). Hence, the protoliths of the young
125 Ma. The period ranging from about 80 to 130 metamorphics may be derived from the Lasala
Ma is a major period of magmatic activity in sediments or from re-deposition of Lasala sediments.
coastal South-East China (e.g. Li & Li 2007; Zhou Published data for detrital zircons exists for
et al. 2006). Our preliminary work suggests that northwestern Panay (Walia et al. 2013) and for
granites that occur in the Puerto Galera area Palawan (Walia et al. 2012; Suggate et al. 2013).
(Caagusan 1966; Knittel & Daniels 1987) could The Saboncogon sandstone of Panay, deposited in
represent this activity in Mindoro and could be the Middle to Late Jurassic time, is not a metamorphic
source of these zircons. rock and contains for obvious reasons no zircons
Most samples also contain zircons in the range younger than 150–160 Ma. However, it also lacks
250–270 Ma, though in the Tablas sample, they do zircons in the age range around 400 Ma and
not form a significant cluster. These zircons were 700–900 Ma (Fig. 7), which are present in all our
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samples, though generally only a few (often We thus tentatively suggest that metamorphism
discordant) grains occur. The period around 1.86 of the younger protoliths is related to this collision
Ga is represented in the Panay sandstone, but event as previously suggested by Yumul et al.
zircons of this age are ubiquitous all over South- (2009a), who relate deformation in the PCT largely
East and East Asia as mentioned above. to the collision event, whereas the metamorphics
The zircon age spectra of the metamorphic rocks east of Abra de Ilog Harbor might be
from Palawan (Walia et al. 2012; Suggate et al. 2013) polymetamorphic rocks as already suggested by
exhibit a great similarity to the young metamor- Faure et al. (1989), who recognized pre-Miocene
phics of Mindoro as all major and minor clusters are deformation in these rocks.
also found in the Palawan samples (Figs 6,7). The The observation of Paleoproterozoic zircons in
greatest similarity exists between the Palawan all our samples of young metamorphics suggests
samples and our Tablas sample in that neither that these rocks probably are derived / recycled
contains post-Cretaceous zircons and both have no from the Lasala sediments which contain zircons of
significant peak at around 250–260 Ma. Both have that age (data available upon request to Knittel or
major peaks at about 115 Ma and about 170 Ma and Walia).
a minor peak at about 800 Ma. Hence it appears that Our findings suggest furthermore that it is
these metamorphics can be correlated. worthy to have a fresh look at the subdivision of
the metamorphic rocks in northern Mindoro
proposed by MMAJ (1983), to subdivide the
Mindoro Metamorphics into two units based on
the metamorphic grade of the rocks. While the
The results of this study in no way invalidate the suggested correlation with the Jurassic Mansalay
conclusions of our previous studies concerning Formation in all likelihood is wrong, it can be
the Carboniferous to Permian age of the Mindoro speculated that the lower grade metamorphics
Metamorphics in North-East Mindoro (Knittel & correspond to some extent to the younger meta-
Daniels 1987; Knittel et al. 2010), because the Sr morphics found in this study. Clearly, more
isotopic composition of the marble gives a direct, detailed work, in particular with a more extensive
though imprecise clue to the age of the marble regional coverage, is required to understand the
and because the U–Pb age of the quartz diorite pre-collision history of the PCT.
provides the actual emplacement age of the
intrusive rocks. We consider the Late Carbonif-
erous metamorphics to be a Late Carboniferous CONCLUSIONS
accretionary wedge (Canto et al. 2012;
Concepcion et al. 2012) located at the Asian The metamorphic rocks exposed in Mindoro and
margin in South-East China. In the Permian, this Tablas (and several other small islands including
wedge became the site of an active magmatic arc Romblon and Sibuyan) are derived from
that was intruded by arc magmas (Li et al. 2006, protoliths that are not uniform in protolith age.
2012b) which in Mindoro are represented by the While a good case can be made that the schists
Camarong Gneiss (Knittel et al. 2010). The and marbles in the northeastern part of Mindoro
accretionary wedge corresponding to this (between Abra de Ilog Harbour and Puerto
magmatic arc then could be the Permian to Galera) are of Carboniferous to Early Permian
Jurassic sediments observed in northern Palawan age (Knittel & Daniels 1987) and were intruded
(Hashimoto & Sato 1973; Zamoras & Matsuoka, by the protoliths of the Camarong Gneiss in the
2004) and northwestern Panay (Zamoras et al. Late Permian (250–270 Ma) time (Knittel et al.
2008; Walia et al. 2013). Subsequently, the area 2010), younger protoliths are identified in north-
shared the evolution known for the South-East western and central Mindoro and in Tablas. While
China margin, that is Cretaceous magmatism the Tablas quartzite has a maximum age of ca 112
(Knittel 2011). The Lasala Formation was depos- Ma and might be correlated to the Palawan
ited at a passive margin, as subduction below metamorphics, a maximum age of 41 Ma is
South-East China stopped sometime in the Late suggested for a black schist from northwestern
Cretaceous. After a stage of rifting and drifting Mindoro. Protolith ages of <22–24 Ma are
(formation of the South China Sea) the PCT suggested for metamorphics in central Mindoro.
collided with the PMB in Miocene, probably The young metamorphics might be derived from
around 14–8 Ma (e.g. Walia et al. 2013). (recycled) Lasala Sediments.
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Protolith ages of Mindoro Metamorphics 15 of 17

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