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What has this pandemic taught me?

Serbia was one of the very first countries to declare a state

of emergency due to COVID - 19 worldwide pandemic. We got
several rules that we had to follow, like social distancing, no
gatherings, medical protection that everyone has to wear and no
one was allowed to be on streets between 5 pm and 5 am.
The main change in my routine was that in the first few
weeks of quarantine I changed my daytime for nighttime. I would
stay up all night like I was on a summer break. Thank God that
this new habit didn't last for that long time.
But aside from watching TV series and playing games, since this
is my last year of high school and graduation awaits me I used
some of my free time to study Maths for exams, which will be
held on faculties that I'll apply for.
Corona has brought a wave of negative things, but it also gave us
some important life lessons. Whatever it is, I think that there is
something positive in every situation, even in a worldwide virus
outbreak that is happening right now. Families got the
opportunity to spend more time together. Like in my case, in
normal conditions I don't have much time to spend with my
parents because of their busy schedules.
This pandemic taught me that my actions have reactions
that may affect other people and that I should take care of
myself, but also think about others.

Marija Milicevic IV - 10

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