Aetiology of Supernumerary Teeth: A Literature Review

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Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2013) 14:279–288

DOI 10.1007/s40368-013-0082-z


Aetiology of supernumerary teeth: a literature review

R. P. Anthonappa • N. M. King • A. B. M. Rabie

Received: 10 October 2012 / Accepted: 14 February 2013 / Published online: 26 September 2013
Ó European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry 2013

Abstract Introduction
Background Supernumerary teeth are teeth, or tooth-like
structures that have either erupted or remain unerupted in Supernumerary teeth are teeth, or tooth-like structures that
addition to the 20 primary and 32 permanent teeth. have either erupted or remain unerupted in addition to the 20
Aims This paper attempts to (a) provide an overview of primary and 32 permanent teeth. They represent a unique
the proposed hypotheses and the current understanding of developmental anomaly of pattern and morphogenesis that
the aetiology of supernumerary teeth, and (b) review the occurs in the tooth bearing areas of both dental arches. They
published cases of supernumerary teeth occurring in may be single, multiple, unilateral or bilateral in their dis-
families. tribution, and frequently occur in the premaxilla (Anthon-
Review No studies have been able to distinguish between appa et al. 2008). They cause a range of dental complications
different aetiologies for the different locations of super- from tooth crowding, midline diastema to dentigerous cyst
numerary teeth, while, from a developmental or molecular formation (Garvey et al. 1999; Proff et al. 2006; Sanei-
perspective, the proposed hypotheses may be plausible and Moghaddam et al. 2009). Although several authors, anec-
explains the origin of different types of supernumerary dotally, have proposed either early or delayed removal of
teeth. supernumerary teeth, recent evidence (Omer et al. 2010)
Conclusion The only clearly evident feature, based on the suggests that for unerupted anterior supernumerary teeth
existing published reports, is that it is logical to state that early surgical removal seems to be optimal from 6.1 to
supernumerary teeth have a genetic component in their 7.0 years after which time more complications occur.
aetiology. Although several hypotheses have been proposed, the
aetiology of supernumerary teeth remains unclear. To date,
Keywords Aetiology  Supernumerary teeth  there is neither evidence nor template to indicate the tim-
Hyperdontia  Genes  Heredity ing, or pattern of formation of supernumerary teeth. They
may form in the primary, mixed or permanent dentitions;
this is probably the reason why they are identified sub-
sequent to the occurrence of associated complications. In
recent years, remarkable advancements in the field of
molecular genetics have improved our understanding of the
different mechanisms involved in tooth formation and
development. Therefore, this paper attempts to provide an
R. P. Anthonappa (&)  N. M. King
School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health overview of the current knowledge on the aetiology of
Sciences, The University of Western Australia, supernumerary teeth. It is intended to review the hypoth-
17 Monash Avenue Nedlands, Perth, WA 6009, Australia eses that have been proposed to explain the occurrence of
supernumerary teeth. Furthermore, a review of published
A. B. M. Rabie cases of supernumerary teeth occurring in families will be
Private Practice, Hong Kong, SAR China presented.

280 Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2013) 14:279–288

Proposed hypotheses for the aetiology the various bony processes makes the developing tooth
of supernumerary teeth buds in the pre-maxilla susceptible to division (Saarenmaa
Atavism Few animal studies (Kerley and Kollar 1977) have
demonstrated that trauma can stimulate the proliferating
It is defined as ‘‘the recurrence of ancestral conditions in a epithelial remnants, which are mainly derived from the
species, or the reversion to ancestral type’’ (Osburn 1912). Hertwig’s root sheath, and remain in the inter-septal areas
In other words, it is a sort of long-distance heredity or to differentiate into cells that give rise to supernumerary
phylogenetic reversion to extinct primates. Originally, it teeth. Furthermore, Ranta and Ylipaavalniemi (1981)
was theorised that supernumerary teeth formation was reported two patients with a history of mandibular fracture
nature’s way of restoring teeth that had been lost during the in the premolar region who, years later, developed super-
process of evolution. Nevertheless, this concept is largely numerary teeth adjacent to fracture lines.
rejected because: (1) a second canine in man or lower Although there is some evidence to suggest a cause-and-
mammals cannot be attributed to reversion, since there is effect relationship between jaw fractures and supernumer-
no ancestral condition to which it could revert, (2) a third ary teeth, one cannot rule out the possibility of these
incisor, a third premolar, or a fourth molar can only be findings being a mere coincidence, as there appears to be
attributed to reversion if it covers an extremely long period no quality evidence in the literature to support this concept.
of time; approximately four million years, and this goes Furthermore, mandibular supernumerary premolars fre-
beyond mammalian types, this alone is insufficient to quently occur in patients without a history of jaw fracture;
render valid support to this theory, (3) supernumerary teeth thus, rendering this hypothesis unrealistic.
develop in ectopic positions, are dysmorphic in shape and
usually occur in isolation, and (4) the paleontological Hyperactivity of the dental lamina
record of the evolution of teeth in all mammalian orders
lends no support to atavisms when applied to supernu- Based on embryological studies, Black (1909) proposed an
merary teeth. explanation for the formation of supernumerary teeth
which has been widely accepted by investigators. Briefly
Embryologic aberrations stated, the enamel organ is the most important structure in
tooth formation as it is the first rudiment to appear, and its
Several theories attribute the development of supernumer- presence conditions the formation of dentinal papilla in the
ary teeth to aberrations during embryologic formation connective tissue. This enamel organ arises from the pro-
which include: dichotomy of tooth germs, hyperactivity of liferation of the dental lamina, which is a continuous plate
the dental lamina, and remnants of epithelial cells. of cells derived from the embryonic oral epithelium. Fur-
thermore, the size and form of the papilla and subsequently
Dichotomy that of the tooth depend on the size and form of the enamel
organ. If the proliferation occurs in a regular order and
The word dichotomy means splitting of a whole into two number, the constituents of the dental series will develop in
parts which can be either equal or unequal. Therefore, this an orderly fashion, both in number and location.
concept postulates that a division or split in the developing The chord of cells which arise from the dental lamina,
tooth bud can give rise to supernumerary teeth (Black that subsequently give rise to the enamel organ, are not
1909; Bateson 1982). These divisions may occur sub- always limited to a single proliferation for each tooth of the
sequent to aberrations during embryonic formation (Black normal series, instead accessory rods are often observed.
1909), or trauma (Ranta and Ylipaavalniemi 1981). A However, any proliferation of the epithelial cells from the
complete, equal division of the tooth bud would result in a lamina, if of sufficient size, could penetrate deeply into the
supplemental or duplicate tooth, while an unequal split tissues to give rise to an enamel organ and consequently to
would give rise to one normal tooth and another with rel- a tooth.
atively small dimensions (Osburn 1912). Alternatively, the epithelial cord which precedes the
The bones of the pre-maxilla and in the inter-maxillary enamel organs of the permanent teeth normally disappears.
regions exhibit a wide variation. Most often, the incisive However, it may fail to resorb completely following the
suture terminates at the alveolus adjacent to the canine closure of the follicle, thus allowing the epithelial remnants
(50 %), between the canine and lateral incisor (42 %), or to persist. These remnants are also known as epithelial
between the canine and first premolar (5 %). Furthermore, whorls. If these epithelial whorls or remnants are large
the presence of the numerous foramina and canals in this enough, they are capable of exciting and controlling the
region combined with the complex mechanism of union of development of the dental papilla.

Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2013) 14:279–288 281

Table 1 Published case reports of supernumerary teeth occurring in siblings

References Country Ethnicity Siblings Supernumerary teeth
Total Affected Age Arch Tooth type Number
(gender) (years)

Brodie (1936) USA – 3 Sib 1 (male) 10 Both Mesiodens, Premolars Multiple

Sib 2 (female) [10 Both Mesiodens Double
Sib 3 (female) \10 Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Molleda Medrano (1956) Spain – 2 Sib 1 (male) – Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Sib 2 (male) – Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Nadal-Valldaura (1961) Spain – 2 Sib 1 (male) 12 Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Sib 2 (male) 11 Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Sedano and Gorlin (1969) USA – 2 Sib 1 (male) – Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Sib 2 (female) – Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Mercuri and O’Neill (1980) USA – 2 Sib 1 (female) 17 Both Premolars Multiple
Sib 2 (female) 15 Both Premolars Multiple
Konttinen et al. (1984) Finland 3 Sib 1 (female) 13 Both Premolars, molars Multiple
Sib 2 (female) 18 Both Premolars, molar Multiple
Sib 3 (female) 22 Maxilla Molar Single
Almeida et al. (1995) Brazil Caucasian 3 Sib 1 (male) 11 Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Sib 2 (female) 9 Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Sib 3 (female) 21 months Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Scanlan and Hodges (1997) UK African 2 Sib 1 (female) 12 Mandible Premolar Single
Sib 2 (male) 13 Both Premolar Multiple
Desai and Shah (1998) India – 2 Sib 1 (male) 25 Both Mesiodens, Premolars, Multiple
Sib 2 (male) 36 Both Paramolars Multiple
Mesiodens, Premolars,
Marya and Kumar (1998) India – 2 Sib 1 (male) 12 Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Sib 2 (male) 8 Maxilla Mesiodens Double
Gallas and Garcı́a (2000) Spain – 2 Sib 1 (female) 13 Maxilla Mesiodens Double
Sib 2 (female) 8 Maxilla Mesiodens Double
Inchingolo et al. (2010) Italy Caucasian 3 Sib 1 (male) 30 Both Molars Multiple
Sib 2 (female) 17 Both Molars Multiple
Sib 3 (female) 13 Maxilla Molars Multiple
Sib sibling

Therefore, supernumerary teeth can arise from one of canine or molar tooth series. This hypothesis is supported
the two sources: (1) supernumerary buds given off from the by a small number of studies that are based on specimens
band of epithelium, or the epithelial cords of the buds that of anthropoid primates (Schwartz 1984).
form normal teeth, and (2) persistent whorls of epithelial
cells that are formed during the disintegration of the epi- Unified aetiology
thelial cords.
This hypothesis was proposed by Brook (1984). Based on a
Progress zone theory multi-factorial model, this hypothesis exhibits a continuous
scale and thresholds, related to the tooth size and number.
Following the works of Osborn (1978), Lumsden (1979), The cumulative effect of both genetic and environmental
and Schwartz (1984), it was proposed that supernumerary factors determines the position on the scale. This polygenic
teeth could result from the progress zones of a proliferating quasi-continuous traits model explains the possibility of
tooth series that continue to produce teeth at the end of that simultaneous occurrence of supernumerary teeth and other
particular series. Therefore, a supernumerary tooth would dental anomalies such as megadontia, oligodontia and
be evident either anterior or posterior to the normal incisor, microdontia. Occasionally, a chromosomal or a single gene

282 Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2013) 14:279–288

Table 2 Published case reports of mesiodens occurring in twins

References Country Ethnicity Zygosity Gender Distribution of
mesiodens between the twins

Gysel (1963) Belgium – Monozygous Female Mirror image discordant

Dizygous Female
Hunstadbråten (1965) Norway – Monozygous Male Mirror image
Schön (1974) Germany – Monozygous Male Concordant
Bucci and Martina (1975) Italy – Monozygous Female Discordant
Cadenat et al. (1977) France – Dizygous Female Discordant
Carton and Rees (1987) UK Caucasian Monozygous Male Mirror image
Choi et al. (1990) China Chinese Monozygous Male Near concordant
Seddon et al. (1997) UK Afro-Caribbean Monozygous Male Near concordant
Sharma (2008) India – Monozygous Male Discordant
Babacan et al. (2010) Turkey – Monozygous Male Concordant
Sumida et al. (2010) Japan – Monozygous Female Concordant

Table 3 Published case reports of other types of supernumerary teeth other than mesiodens occurring in twins
References Country Ethnicity Zygosity Gender Supernumerary teeth Supernumerary teeth
distribution between
the twins

Rubin et al. (1981) USA Black Monozygous Male Supplemental premolars Discordant
Beere et al. (1990) Namibia – Monozygous Male Supplemental primary incisor Mirror image
Jasmin et al. (1993) France Caucasian Monozygous Male Supplemental premolars Mirror image
Langowska-Adamczyk Poland – Monozygous Male Canine, premolars, molars Concordant
and Karmanska (2001)

anomaly can exert a major effect which explains the pedigree of 5 sibships over three generations in which all
occurrence of supernumerary teeth in the presence of other 14 females were affected, while the remaining three males
dental anomalies. were unaffected. Furthermore, Cadenat et al. (1977) pos-
tulated that a recessive gene on an autosome and a gene on
Heredity the inhibiting X chromosome were responsible for the
formation of supernumerary teeth. Nevertheless, several
The literature holds a wealth of reports to support the authors (Sedano and Gorlin 1969; Batra et al. 2005; Wang
concept of familial predisposition to supernumerary teeth et al. 2007) favoured an autosomal dominant mode of
with an increased number of supernumerary teeth evident inheritance with a lack of penetrance in some generations.
in the relatives of those affected. Recently, based on a Several case reports have reported on the occurrence of
questionnaire study, Kawashima et al. (2006) reported that supernumerary teeth in siblings which are shown in
if either of the parents exhibited a supernumerary tooth, Table 1. Comprehensive lists of supernumerary teeth
then the child had a 5.9 times higher risk of developing a reported in twins are presented in Tables 2 and 3; while
supernumerary tooth compared to parents who did not have published reports on familial occurrence of supernumerary
a supernumerary tooth. Supernumerary teeth occur more teeth are given in Table 4. These reports clearly support the
commonly in males than females hence the possibility of a notion that a genetic component is essential for the
sex-linked inheritance as proposed by Bruning et al. development of supernumerary teeth.
(1957). Subsequently, compiling the data for the Japanese
population, Niswander and Sujaku (1963) hypothesised
that an autosomal recessive gene with less penetrance in Syndromes associated with supernumerary teeth
females may lead to the formation of a supernumerary
tooth. The bilateral occurrence of supernumerary teeth indicates
Finn (1967) proposed a female-limited X-linked auto- that mutant genes may be responsible for the formation of
somal dominant mode of transmission in his report of a supernumerary teeth (Messer 1972). Furthermore, the

Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2013) 14:279–288 283

Table 4 Published case reports of supernumerary teeth occurring in families

References Country Ethnicity Family members Supernumerary teeth
Affected Mode of inheritance Arch Type Number

Hammond-Williams (1934) UK – Grandfather – Maxilla Mesiodens Double

Granddaughter Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Mason and Rule (1995) UK – Mother – Maxilla Mesiodens Single
– Son – Maxilla Mesiodens Double
Father Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Son Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Babu et al. (1998) India – Mother – Mandible – Multiple
Daughter Both Mesiodens, incisors Multiple
Sharma (2003) India – Father – Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Daughter Maxilla Mesiodens Single
Cassia et al. (2004) Lebanon – Cousins – Mandible Incisor Single
Male Mandible Incisor Single
Female Mandible Incisor Single
Female Mandible Incisor Single
Batra et al. (2005) India – Father Autosomal dominant Both Premolars Multiple
Son Both Incisors, Premolars Multiple
Daughter Both Mesiodens, premolars Multiple
Orhan et al. (2006) Turkey Caucasian Mother – Both Premolars Multiple
Caucasian Son Mandible Premolars Multiple
Mother Both Premolars Multiple
Son Both Mesiodens, premolars Multiple
Wang et al. (2007) China Chinese Mother Autosomal dominant Both Premolars Multiple
Daughter Both Premolars, Distomolar Multiple
Krishnan et al. (2009) India Asian Father – Mandible Premolar Single
Daughter Mandible Premolars Double
Son Both Premolars Multiple
Acevedo et al. (2010) UK – Cousins – Mandible Premolar Single
Female Mandible Mesiodens Single

occurrence of supernumerary teeth in patients with syn- transient vestigial dental buds develop. Although some of
dromes such as cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD), Gardner’s these buds develop into the bud stage, they generally
syndrome, and conditions such as cleft lip and palate fur- regress and disappear by apoptosis, or in some instances
ther emphasises the role of mutant genes in the develop- merge with the crown of the first molar (Peterkova et al.
ment of supernumerary teeth. The syndromes associated 2002, 2005, 2009; Prochazka et al. 2010; Viriot et al. 2002;
with supernumerary teeth and their associated genetic loci Witter et al. 2005). Tooth development is regulated by
are displayed in Table 5. major signalling pathways which also occur in the vestigial
tooth buds, the modulation of which can rescue the vesti-
gial tooth rudiments and lead to the formation of super-
Molecular mechanisms of supernumerary tooth numerary teeth (Tummers and Thesleff 2009).
development Several mutant mouse strains which reportedly exhibit
supernumerary diastema teeth are presented in Table 6.
Most often, supernumerary teeth in mice occur in the The features of supernumerary teeth reported in these
diastema area mesial to the first molars and represent the mutant strains and the corresponding human orthologs for
rescued vestigial rudiments. During the early phase of tooth the mutant genes are also given (Table 6). Recently, Ahn
development, the diastema is the site where several et al. (2010) reported that Sostdc1 serves as an inhibitor of

284 Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2013) 14:279–288

Table 5 Syndromes associated with supernumerary teeth and their genetic locus
References Syndrome OMIM Gene Locus

Lee et al. (1997), Mundlos et al. (1997) Cleidocranial dysplasia 119600 Runt related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) 6p21
Groden et al. (1991) Gardner’s 175100 Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) 5q21-22
Ferrante et al. (2001) Oro-facio-digital type I 311200 Orofacialdigital syndrome 1(OFD1) Xp22.3-p22.2
Burdon et al. (2003) Nance-Horan 302350 Nance Horan syndrome (NHS) Xp22-13
Momeni et al. (2000) Trichorhinophalangeal 190350 Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome 1 (TRPS1) 8q24.12
Kitao et al. (1999) Rothmund–Thomson 268400 RecQ protein-like 4 (RECQL4) 8q24.3
Melamed et al. (1994) Ehlers-Danlos Type III 130020 Collage type III (COL3A1) 2q32.2
Cahuana et al. (2004) Ellis–Van Creveld 225500 Ellis–Van Creveld (EVC) 4p16.2
Regattieri and Parker (1973) Fabry disease 301500 Alpha-galactosidase A (GLA) Xq22.1
Himelhoch et al. (1987) Incontinentia pigmenti 308300 Inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide Xq28
gene enhancer in B cells, kinase of,
gamma (IKBKG/NEMO)
OMIM = Online Mendelian Inheritance in ManÒ, NCBI database

Lrp5-and Lrp6-dependent Wnt signalling, thus repressing Sostdc1 is essential to define the identity of the dental
the survival of the diastema or incisor vestigial tooth lamina as it is expressed in the elongating successional
rudiments. Therefore, inactivation of Sostdc1 elevates the dental lamina at the interface between the lamina and the
Wnt signalling and increases the proliferation and devel- primary tooth, as well as the buccal side of the dental
opment of vestigial tooth buds resulting in supernumerary lamina (Jarvinen et al. 2009). Furthermore, Wnt signalling
tooth formation. Furthermore, it has also been demon- which regulates the fate of dental epithelial stem cells that
strated that Lrp4 can also inhibit canonical Wnt signalling are responsible for the formation of successional dental
by binding to Sostdc1 and resulting in functional loss of lamina is essential if supernumerary teeth are to develop
Lrp4 which may subsequently lead to elevated Wnt sig- (Handrigan et al. 2010).
nalling. In addition, Apc loss-of-function or b-catenin gain- Current knowledge in the molecular mechanisms
of-function mice and Sp6 (Epiprofin) deficient mice can responsible for tooth development indicates that different
develop rudimentary supernumerary teeth which arise pathways encompassing several genes and transcription
directly from the primary tooth germs or dental lamina. factors are essential for the development of supernumerary
Although mice have a highly reduced primary dentition, teeth.
with one incisor and three molars separated by a diastema,
which is toothless, mouse models are frequently used to
study the molecular mechanisms involved in tooth devel- Discussion
opment. Mice teeth are not replaced hence mouse models
may not be wholly appropriate for studying supernumerary The proposed hypotheses and the recent molecular research,
tooth formation (Huysseune and Thesleff 2004). Never- using various animal models to obtain new insights into the
theless, mouse models have increased our understanding of development of supernumerary teeth, have to date been
the complex molecular mechanisms involved in tooth unable to identify the aetiology of supernumerary teeth. No
development. Animals that replace their teeth throughout studies have been able to distinguish between different
life such as, reptiles, lizards, fish, and snakes, as well as aetiologies for the different locations of supernumerary
mammals such as ferrets (Berkovitz and Moore 1975; teeth, while, from a developmental or molecular perspective,
Fraser et al. 2004, 2006a, b; Jarvinen et al. 2009; Handri- the proposed hypotheses may be plausible and explain the
gan and Richman 2010; Handrigan et al. 2010) are cur- origin of different types of supernumerary teeth. The only
rently used to analyse successional tooth formation. clearly evident feature, based on the existing published
Information obtained from these alternative models reports, is that it is logical to state that supernumerary teeth
indicates that successional teeth are initiated from the have a genetic component in their aetiology.
epithelium of the dental lamina that develops from the To date, no clear genotype–phenotype correlation has
lingual side of the primary tooth enamel organ, subse- been established in patients with syndromes that are known
quently elongates and buds into the jaw mesenchyme to to be associated with supernumerary teeth (Otto et al.
form the successional tooth. Therefore, maintenance or 2002). For example, individuals with CCD who have
reactivation of a competent dental lamina is essential for identical mutations on the RUNX2 gene exhibit wide var-
the development of supernumerary teeth. In this regard, iation in the number of supernumerary teeth. Furthermore,

Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2013) 14:279–288 285

Table 6 The reported mouse

References Mouse mutants Human orthologs
mutants associated with
supernumerary teeth and their Ohazama et al. (2009) Gas1 Growth arrest specific 1
corresponding human orthologs
Seppala et al. (2007) Gas1; Shh Growth arrest specific 1; sonic
Zhang et al. (2003) Tg737orpk hypomorph Intra-flagellar transport 88
Ohazama et al. (2009)
Ohazama et al. (2009) Wnt1 Wingless-type MMTV integration
site family, member 1
Klein et al. (2006) Spry2 Sprouty 2
Peterkova et al. (2009)
Klein et al. (2006) Spry4 Sprouty 4
Yanagita et al. (2006) Ectodin (Sostdc1, USAG1, Sclerostin domain containing 1
Murashima-Suginami et al. (2008) Wise)
Ohazama et al. (2008)
Munne et al. (2009)
Ohazama et al. (2008) Lrp4 (Megf7) Low density lipoprotein
hypomorph receptor-related protein 4
Zhang et al. (2009) Osr2 Odd-skipped related 2
Nakamura et al. (2008) Epiprofin Sp6 transcription factor
Kuraguchi et al. (2006) K14-Cre; Apc Adenomatous polyposis coli
Wang et al. (2009) K14-Cre; Apc
Jarvinen et al. (2006) K14-Cre; b-catenin Catenin, beta interacting protein 1
Liu et al. (2008) K14-Cre; Ctnnb1 Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1
Zhou et al. (1995) K14-Lef1
Kaufman et al. (1995) Pax6Sey Paired box 6
Mustonen et al. (2003) K14-Eda Ectodysplasin A
Kangas et al. (2004)
Tucker et al. (2004) K14-Edar Ectodysplasin A-receptor
Gruneberg (1966) Tabby –
Sofaer (1969)
Peterkova et al. (2005) Eda Ectodysplasin A
Danforth (1958) Di –

the asymmetrical occurrence in the maxilla and mandible be associated with supernumerary tooth formation. The
implies that the number and position of supernumerary human orthologs of these mouse mutant genes could form
teeth may not solely be governed by RUNX2 mutation. the basis for the selection of candidate genes that neces-
Therefore, non-genetic factors, such as epigenetic factors, sitate evaluation in humans.
modifier genes, copy number variations, as well as envi- The availability of families and individuals with non-
ronmental factors, may also be involved in the formation of syndromic forms of supernumerary teeth is a valuable
supernumerary teeth in CCD (Suda et al. 2007, 2010; Ryoo resource for the identification of genes and mutations that
et al. 2010). lead to the development of this condition. Although, a
In an attempt to obtain greater knowledge about the genome wide scan (GWA) would ascertain the potential
aetiology of supernumerary teeth, innovative multifaceted genes responsible for the formation of supernumerary
approaches involving both animal and human genetic teeth, it is difficult to recruit a sizeable sample to obtain
studies are essential. Although recent research has valid results. Furthermore, the cost implications associated
enhanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms with this approach would render its use non-affordable.
involved in tooth morphogenesis and differentiation, rela- Therefore, a logical approach would be to ascertain the role
tively little is clear about tooth initiation, genes that control of human orthologs of mouse mutant genes using a case–
the development of successional teeth, and mechanisms control association study in humans.
fundamental for supernumerary tooth formation. Never- Recently, with the implementation of stringent guide-
theless, several mouse mutant genes have been identified to lines for the use of radiographs in children (Isaacson et al.

286 Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2013) 14:279–288

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