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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg The government of Dubai Over 5.1m cases reported worldwide, Scientists at Oxford University China abandons GDP target
says they’ll allow many employees prepares to open a new free have announced that they aim
including over 333,000 deaths. The US makes this year due to the “great
to work from home permanently, trade zone for e-commerce to immunise 10,260 people
but they may not be able to keep named “Dubai Commercity”, up more than 1.5 million of those cases. Brazil across Britain, including older uncertainty” of the pandemic. Also
their big Silicon Valley salaries in which will provide a base has become third worst-hit country, with its people and children, with hikes defence budget to $179bn,
more affordable parts of country for online retailers biggest single-day toll on Thursday: 1,181 their vaccine candidate nearly 3 times that of India

In 8th straight cut, RBI slashes key

Photo: AP/PTI
rate 40 basis pts to new all-time low CRASHES
Moratorium On GDP forecast to
Repo Rate
Cut To Lowest
Rate To
Rate To
All borrowers
can opt for a contract for 1st KARACHI
Extended 3 Mths Current
A Year Ago

Credit bureaus time in 41 years LOCALITY can’t lower TIMES NEWS NETWORK
5 8.8% 8.6% credit score of
Mumbai: The Reserve Bank 7.5 %
Cut to 7.25 % those opting for New Delhi: The Indian econ-
of India (RBI) on Friday
unexpectedly cut key interest 4% 4.4% from 8.4%
a year ago
moratorium omy is expected to contract
for the first time in nearly 41
Current After
rates by 40 basis points (100 (SBI one-year Banks likely to years, while the outlook for
basis points equal a percenta- marginal cost of follow SBI and inflation remains uncertain,
ge point) to a new low of 4%, cut on HDFC lowest SBI lowest
the RBI’s assessment of the
home loan rate rate lending) cut interest
citing an assessment of a Mar 27 economic situation showed
rate on savings Volunteers search for survivors after the Airbus A-320 crash | REPORT, P 14
GDP contraction in the cur- accounts on Friday.
This is the 8th Rate cuts not been fully Weighted average
rent fiscal year, amidst a “do-
successive rate cut, passed on because lending rate on new
“...GDP growth in 2020-21 ➤ A Pakistan International ➤ A video shows the plane ➤ At least 66 people perish,
uble whammy” of loss of pro- is estimated to remain in neg- Airlines plane from Lahore on fire hitting a mobile but it’s not clear if all are
with the repo rate banks have increased rupee loans has fallen
duction as well as demand, ative territory, with some
falling 2.5 percentage gap between lending 114 basis points since with 91 flyers & 8 crew tower before skidding off flyers; 25-30 residents of the
while expecting inflation to pick-up in growth impulses
harden during the first half points from 6.5% in and deposit rates Feb 2019 —by 43 points from H2: 2020-21 onward,” members “loses both rooftops of several area are in hospital. Among
Aug 2018 (called spread) in March 2020 alone said RBI governor Shakti- engines” to technical fault, buildings; 25 houses in two flyers found alive till
kanta Das. crashes into residential area locality damaged, cars Friday night is Bank of
of the current financial year. If the contraction as fore- before landing in Karachi parked on streets burned Punjab chief Zafar Masud
The eight straight reduc-
tion in repo rate — at which Home loan rates set to fall to 15-yr low cast by RBI and also by other
economists is realised, it will
RBI lends to banks — came at
least two weeks ahead of the
scheduled monetary policy
because of the Covid-19 lock-
down can avail of an additio-
approximately Rs 2.34 lakh —
equal to eight equated month-
be the first contraction for
Asia’s third-largest economy
since 1979-80, when GDP
660 new cases in City tax revenue
doubles in 1 mth
review. It’s the second “off-cy-
cle” rate cut by RBI, which ad-
vanced its June monetary po-
New Delhi: The RBI’s anno-
uncement of a cut in interest
nal three-month moratorium
to get their finances in order.
Those borrowers who ha-
ly instalments (EMIs).
A part of this burden co-
uld come down because of the
growth shrank 5.2%. Several
investment banks, brokerag-
es and economists have pre-
Delhi, 4th peak in 4 due to liquor
licy committee meeting to
May 20-22. It also allowed
lenders to extend an ongoing
rates is good news for home
loan borrowers with a secure
income, as interest rates in
ve not availed of a moratori-
um so far but are now facing
income pressure can still de-
reduction in interest rates.
For existing borrowers,
SBI’s interest rates on home
dicted the economic growth
to remain flat or contract in
the range of 1.5% to 6.8%.
days; deaths top 200 sale, VAT on fuel
moratorium on loan repay- this category will come down fer their repayments for loan up to Rs 30 lakh will auto- IMF’s April estimate, howev- DurgeshNandan.Jha
ment by another three mo- by 40 basis points. This is the three months. For a loan of Rs matically come down to 7% er, showed that India and Chi- Nine containment New Delhi: A partial ope-
nths to August 31. lowest level in over 15 years. 30 lakh with a remaining ma- from the existing 7.4%. na will be the only countries ning of the economy and le-
Also, borrowers who are turity of 15 years, the net ad- to display growth, while the New Delhi: Fresh Covid-19 zones added in city vy of special corona fee on li-
‘Further reduction’, P 17 HDFC cuts rate, P 17
facing income uncertainty ditional interest would be rest will contract. P 17 cases in Delhi touched anot-
her new peak on Friday, the N ine new areas — three in
central and six in south-
quor has had a positive im-
pact in Delhi with tax reve-

DAY fourth in as many days, with west districts — were turned nue going up by almost
60 BCCI moves SC PM announces `1,000cr Army chief 660 infections added to the ci-
ty’s virus count, which cros-
into containment zones on
Friday, taking the total num-
double in the first three we-
eks of May compared with
for full 3-yr terms visits Ladakh, sed the 12,000 mark. ber in the city to 86. P 3 last month. While the city go-
5 migrants die aid for Bengal; toll at 86 With this, 2,263 infections vernment had collected Rs
for Sourav, Shah reviews ops have been recorded in the
Wholesale tomato,
323 crore as tax till April 23,
in 2 separate past four days, more than a the revenue in May has cros-

accidents in UP
A rmy chief General M M
Naravane visited Lada-
third of the 6,214 active cases
in the city, indicating a surge onion prices crash sed Rs 600 crore so far. Howe-
ver, this is about 20% of what

F ive migrant workers were

killed in two separate ac-
New Delhi: The BCCI has
moved the Supreme Court
Kolkata/New Delhi/Bhuba-
neswar: PM Narendra Modi
on Friday announced interim
kh on Friday to review the
operational situation along
the border with China, whi-
in infections. The city’s death
toll crossed 200, with 14 fatali-
ties reported in Friday, taking
W holesale prices of toma-
to and onion have cras-
hed in the last few weeks at
was earned in May 2019.
Earlier this month, the
government had levied 70%
cidents in Uttar Pradesh on seeking important changes assistance of Rs 1,000 crore to ch has witnessed troop build- the total to 208. the Azadpur Agricultural special corona fee on the
Friday. Two died after a con- in its constitution that wo- West Bengal and Rs 500 crore to ups after clashes, a day after Epidemiologists predict Produce Auction Committe- MRP of liquor bottles. The
tainer turned turtle on near uld allow president Sourav Odisha after an aerial survey the government said it rema- there may be a further rise in e’s auction yard. P 2 value added tax (VAT) on die-
Bulandshahr, while three Ganguly and secretary Jay of the devastation wrought by ined “deeply committed to cases over the next few days, sel and petrol was also revi-
were killed in Mirzapur. Shah to complete their cyclone Amphan, especially in ensuring India’s security as the epidemic curve of Co- Tamil Nadu (14,753) and Guja- sed to 30%. Earlier, VAT on
three-year terms by duck- south Bengal, where the death and sovereignty”. Gen Nara- vid-19 in Delhi is still rising. rat (13,273). On the brighter si- diesel was 16.75% and 27%
Hotels, eateries ing the three-year cooling-
off period prescribed by the
toll was revised to 86 after ag-
encies were able to reach areas
vane reviewed “forward pos-
ture of Indian troops” and
Delhi has so far recorded
12,319 Covid-19 cases, the fo-
de, 5,897 patients (48%) have
recovered from the disease.
on petrol. This helped shore
up some revenue.
PM Modi expressed solidarity with
to open in K’taka? Justice Lodha panel, appli-
cable to both from July and
inaccessible for two days.
On his first trip outside
West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee
the ground situation. P10 urth highest in the country
after Maharashtra (44,582), ‘Scale up infra’, P 4 `
`100cr from liquor, P 2

K arnataka tourism mini-

ster CT Ravi said Friday
June, respectively.
In the application filed
Delhi since the lockdown
started in March, Modi said Kin unable to retrieve Govt eases rules
there could be “chaos” if hot-
els and restaurants didn’t op-
en coinciding with resumpt-
by treasurer Arun Singh
Dhumal, the BCCI said the-
se changes were approved
the loss of lives, homesteads,
infrastructure and standing
crops were a double whammy
floating bodies in Kol
A mphan left 19 dead in Kol-
to facilitate 6,300+ new cases, nearly
ion of flights Monday. P 11 at the AGM on December 1 for Bengal after being hit kata, 11 of whom were elec-
travel for OCIs
Govt reply on PIL
last year and it was seeking
leave of the SC to imple-
ment them by changing the
hard by the Covid-19 pande-
mic. “However, West Bengal,
under Mamata ji, has tried to
trocuted. These bodies were fo-
und floating for hours on the
waterlogged streets with no K ept in abeyance in view of
the prohibition on inter-
3k from Maha; 140 deaths
on Zoom sought board’s constitution. fight strongly,” the PM said. one—not even family member-
s—able to retrieve them for fe-
national air travel, the home
ministry on Friday restored
‘Criminal offence’, P 18 ‘Twin challenges’, P 18
T he SC sought the Cent-
re’s response to a PIL se-
ar of being electrocuted. P18 the right of multiple-entry,
life-long visa facility to cer-
New Delhi: Indian states re-
ported 6,339 new Covid-19 ca-
5 Worst-Hit States
New Cases on Friday (Total cases)

eking a security audit of Zo- tain categories of Overseas ses on Friday — the fourth pe- of all cases
om video application, fea-
ring it was posing a threat to
data security. P 14
Covid coaches
to be redone
Stimulus package a Citizens of India (OCIs) to fa-
cilitate their travel to the co-
untry, reports Bharti Jain.
ak in daily cases in as many
days and the first time that
more than 6,000 infections we-

Tamil Nadu
2,940 (44,582)

786 (14,753)
from 5 cities —
Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai,
Ahmedabad, Thane

OTHER TOP STORIES for Shramik Spl ‘cruel joke’, says oppn Sources said they shall be
eligible for boarding Vande
Bharat flights and ships fer-
re recorded within 24 hours —
on the back of another explo-
sion of cases in Maharashtra,
Delhi 660 (12,273) 90% of infections in
10 states

China told India Dipak Dash & Neha Shukla Subodh.Ghildiyal 11 DEMANDS INCLUDE:
rying Indians home. P 14 where 2,940 more people tes-
ted positive for the virus, the
Gujarat 363 (13,273)
80% of all deaths
from five
states – Maharashtra,
Rajasthan 267 (6,494)
about HK law New Delhi/Lucknow: Rail-
ways has decided to reconve- New Delhi: Accusing the Mo-
➤ 7,500 for 6 months to
families outside tax bracket Migrants make
highest single-day increase in
any state so far. *Source: State govts
Gujarat, MP, Bengal, Delhi
*Data released by govt

I n a bid to soften criticism,

China briefed key nations,
including India, before brin-
rt around 3,200 sleeper and
general coaches, which were
turned into isolation ones
di government of “failure” in
tackling the Covid-19 pande-
mic and indulging in “mea-
➤ 10kg foodgrains for same
period to needy families up 72% of Bihar’s
India has recorded 1,23,081
corona infections, with near-
ly a third of all active cases ha- 80% cases from 5 May have averted
➤ Reversal of all unilateral
ging a tough national secu-
rity law for Hong Kong,
for Covid-19 patients, for use
in Shramik Special trains.
ningless grand announce-
ments”, the opposition on Fri- policy decisions load since May 3 ving been declared in the past
four days alone, when 22,794 states, says Centre 37k-78k deaths: Govt
➤ Release substantial
which Beijing says is to curb
secessionist sentiments. P 10
There are hardly any ta-
kers for the coaches and the-
re is demand for coaches as
day termed the Rs 20 lakh crore
stimulus package as a “cruel funds to states B ihar’s returning mig-
rant workers have acco-
unted for 72% of the cases
cases were added to the count.
The Covid-19 toll on Friday
was 140, with 63 deaths in Ma-
E ven as India saw yet anot-
her 24-hour peak, the
Centre said the lockdown
T he government on Fri-
day presented various
models that indicated India
Uddhav says next 15 ➤ Spell out if govt has a
railways resume trains with lockdown exit strategy recorded in the past 20 days. harashtra, 29 in Gujarat and helped limit the concentra- may have averted an estima-
days are crucial, P 18
Burglar rapes AC and non-AC coaches.
In a communication on joke on the country” and de- cused the Centre of “unabas-
Also, the number of cases
has doubled in just one we-
14 reported in Delhi. Daily de-
aths have remained above 130
tion of cases to a few states
and cities — 80% reported in
ted 14-29 lakh Covid-19 cases
and 37,000-78,000 deaths by
Jangpura woman Thursday, the Railway Boa-
rd said, “60% of isolation
manded the Centre come out
with a revised stimulus that
hedly” usurping the powers of
states in the name of fighting
ek to 2,166 from 1,000 on May
15. According to the Bihar
for six consecutive days.
The country crossed a po-
five states and 60% from the
cities of Mumbai, Delhi,
going into lockdown. Niti
Aayog member V K Paul,

A burglar barged into a

house in Delhi’s Jang-
pura late on Sunday, and
coaches meant for interven-
tion of Covid-19 cases, may
be utilised for running of
would stimulate demand.
The opposition meeting
convened by Congress chief
the pandemic. The 22 “like-
minded” parties also decided
to form a committee to chalk
Health Society, 1,184 mig-
rants have tested positive
since May 3, of whom 333 re-
sitive milestone when the
number of people who have
recovered from the infection
Chennai, Ahmedabad and
Thane. “The confinement of
Covid-19 to certain areas has
who also heads the national
taskforce on Covid-19 mana-
gement, said the restric-
then assaulted and raped a Shramik Specials.” Sonia Gandhi warned that the out the protest plan for future. turned from Delhi, 293 from crossed 50,000 on Friday. been due to actions taken du- tions had significantly re-
woman when she refused to post-Covid economic crisis co- Maharashtra and 212 came ring the lockdown,” Niti duced the speed at which the
give her ATM PIN. P 5 More spl trains, P 18 uld be catastrophic. It also ac- ‘Oppn negativism’, P 18 backfrom Gujarat. P 11 TN nears 15k mark, P 18 member V K Paul said. P 12 virus was spreading. P 12

Sugar mills in
UP record their
Healthy elderly can fly; Aarogya Army’s worry:
Should masks
19-yr-old bride walks Centre mulls
funding stalled
highest output app not must for air travel: Puri match uniforms? 80km to get married Amrapali flats
E ven as most industries
had to go into lock-
down, UP’s sugar mills
Saurabh.Sinha QUARANTINE PROTOCOL ON LANDING T he armed forces are fa-
cing a confounding ques-
tion: Should explicit orders

Kanpur: Coronavirus may

I n a relief to around 46,000
Amrapali homebuyers,
the Centre on Friday told the
KERALA: 14 days at home facility or hotel
went full throttle to produ- New Delhi: The Centre itera- be issued to ensure their per- have postponed thousands SC that it is considering step-
ce 123 lakh tonnes of sugar ted on Friday that domestic HARYANA: Gurgaon admin GOA: Health minister sonnel wear masks that mat- of weddings in the country, ping in to provide funds to fi-
in this crushing season, flights to all places would re- insists on 14 days at home Vishwajit Rane wants ch their uniforms? Senior but it has failed to deter a 19- nish the stalled housing pro-
recording their highest sume from Monday, despite ASSAM: 7 days institutional, antibody testing of all Army, Navy and IAF officers year-old girl from walking jects. Amid a funds crunch
ever output, which is also resistance from Tamil Nadu 7 days at home air passengers, has haven’t yet been seen in pub- 80km to reach the groom’s with cautious buyers not pa-
a record production by and Maharashtra, and ter- written to ICMR lic wearing ‘stars’ on their place to exchange vows. ying their dues of Rs 3,600
any state, reports Pankaj med as “impractical” calls for UP: 14 days at home masks, similar to the ones Goldy, from Kanpur De-
SC allows ED to attach
Shah. The output is all set quarantining domestic flyers ANDHRA: 14 days at home (Other states will decide worn on their collar tabs, to hat, decided to defy her pa-
the protocol in the next Wearing face masks, they properties of JP Morgan
to increase as 39 of the 119 after they disembark. UTTARAKHAND: 10 days in govt two days) denote their ranks, reports rents when they put off her exchanged vows on Thursday in Amrapali case, P 6
sugar mills are still run- Aviation minister Hardeep Rajat Pandit. The Southern marriage with Virendra Ku-
ning as nearly 10 more da- Singh Puri said the healthy el- from Thursday after DGCA ok- from May 25 except GoAir (Ju- Naval Command in Kochi mar Rathore, 23, from Kan- her and the wedding was so- crore and the NBCC refusing
ys are left in this crushing derly wouldn’t be stopped from ayed a schedule of 8,216 weekly ne 1). Till 5 pm on Friday, over 1 has asked its men to wear co- nauj for a second time after lemnised with the consent of to invest money, the SC had
season. Significantly, the flying and the use of Aarogya domestic flights from Monday, lakh tickets were sold, 60,000 lour-coordinated masks: the extension of lockdown. both sides, maintaining so- earlier asked the Centre to
national production of su- Setu App was preferable, but a third of the original summer by market leader IndiGo alone. White masks with white uni- Her sudden appearance cial distancing. consider using its real estate
gar in this season fell by not mandatory, for air travel. number of 24,643. All airlines forms and navy blue or black took Rathore’s family by stress fund for construction
nearly 62 lakh tonnes. P 10 Airlines opened bookings are taking bookings for travel ‘Anxiety unfounded’, P 14 with other uniforms. P 10 surprise, but they welcomed Survived on water, P 18 of the delayed projects. P 6
TIMES CITY 1 2 3 1 9
Delhi witnesses Covid keeps most at
hottest day of the home, only mosque
season so far with staff members seen at
mercury soaring NEW ACTIVE prayers to mark the last
to 43.8 degrees 43.8°
6,214 Friday of Ramzan | 6
Celsius | 3 300 shanties in Kirti DISCHARGED DEAD
FORECAST Partly cloudy sky with possibility of thunder
Max temp- 42 degrees Celsius, Minimum- 25 Nagar gutted, hundreds 5,897 208
left homeless | 5

Shaheen Bagh opens for trade — after a 5-month ‘lockdown’ Sanjeev Rastogi hope after being closed for had reduced to counter the shops started reopening on clothes. We don’t have any spa-
just two months of the lock- spread of Covid-19, with only fi- odd-even basis after the Delhi ce to store the collection either,
New Delhi: The streets of Sha- down,” said Rohit Sankhayan, ve women remaining under government’s order for Lock- so we will have to dump them,”
heen Bagh bore a deserted look secretary of the Shaheen Bagh the tent in the last few days of down 4.0. “We disinfected all said Wasim Khan, the owner of
on Friday, two days after shops Market Association. its existence. Police removed the shops before opening them. a women's clothing brand.
in the neighbourhood reope- The small group of women all the protestors on March 24 Khan believes that there
ned following a gap of five had come out of their homes after the lockdown was impo- was a “smear campaign” aga-
months. The road, which was shaken by the images of vio- sed. Since then, signs that the A TRADER SAYS inst the neighbourhood, which
once a booming wholesale mar- lence, resulting in a leaderless neighbourhood was once the has made people uncomfortab-
We suffered a loss of
ket, had been shut completely movement against the Citi- centre of protests have been le with shopping in the area.
since December 16, when a zenship Amendment Act wiped off. Barring a huge wall
nearly `30 lakh “But we will continue our
small group of women came (CAA). Hundreds of other wo- mural of the iconic dadis, all because we could work,” he said.
out of their homes and sat on men, including outsiders, had slogans and have been white- not sell any of the Others point out that
the road to Kalindi Kunj to pro- joined in, converting the site washed and banners removed. winter clothes things will get better for the
test against the alleged police into a 24x7 sit-in protest, inspi- However, it still appears that shopowners once border rest-
brutality on the students of Ja- ring similar such ‘baghs’ all time has stood still at the Shahe- rictions between states are lif-
mia Millia Islamia. over the country. Even the Su- en Bagh market. There are very Masks and sanitisers have be- ted. “A lot of our shoppers ca-
“Nearly 200 shops in the preme Court had intervened in few customers, most of the en distributed to every owner me from Noida. Since there is a
market have been shut for the the issue, appointing special shops here still display their and salesmen. But there are no restriction on travel at the mo-
past five months. Even by interlocutors to convince the “winter collection”, having be- buyers,” he said. ment, we have not even seen
conservative estimates, tra- women to open up the road as en unable to sell any of their wa- But shopkeepers have not 10% of the customers when
ders have collectively suffered the vital stretch connected Del- res since the protests forced the lost all hope. “We suffered a loss compared with the period befo-
a loss of over Rs 200 crore. Tra- hi to Noida. shops to shut mid-December. of nearly 30 lakh because we re the protests,” said Danish,
ders in the country have lost The size of the gathering IN DIRE STATE: Traders of the area claim to have collectively suffered a loss of over `200 crore According to Sankhayan, could not sell any of the winter another shop manager.

Techie hangs
self over share
Wholesale price of tomato down Covid pulls the chain:
market losses
to as low as `1/kg at Azadpur Metro loses `10cr/day Photo: Piyal Bhattacharjee ners source vegetables dire-
Noida: A 35-year-old software
engineer, who had allegedly New Delhi: With negligible PRICES Rates in
per kg
Price 2020
ctly from Azadpur, he said.
Gautam Bhatia, a vegeta- May Have To Defer Soft Loan Repayment
run into huge losses because demand from hotels and res- HIT ROCK Tomato 1.2–6 20-32 4–20 ble exporter, said the supply

of the share market tanking taurants and restricted entry of onion to Singapore, Mala-
during the lockdown and had for retail buyers in the mandi Onion 2-9.5 22-30 2–13 ysia, Dubai and Sri Lanka
significant debts to repay, was
found hanging from a ceiling
complex, the wholesale pric-
es of tomato and onion have
➤ Wholesale prices has dropped drastically. “Th-
ere is no demand from these
recorded at Azadpur
fan in his fifth floor flat at a crashed drastically in the last countries. We are only send-
Mandi on May 21
housing society. few weeks at the Azadpur Ag- ing a small quantity to Bang-
Police were alerted around ricultural Produce Auction ➤ Prices vary ladesh by train,” he said.
11am. The techie lived in Gar- Committee’s auction yard. because of variety Azadpur not only caters
denia Gateway in Sector 75. While tomato, which sold and quality to more than 80% of total de-
Police said the techie’s wife at Rs 4- 20 per kilo at Azadpur, ➤ Retail prices mand in Delhi, it also suppli-
was making tea in the kitchen Asia’s biggest vegetable and also vary because es vegetables and fruits to va-
when he locked himself up in fruit auction yard, last year, of the locality rious north Indian states.
a room and hanged himself. was available for up to Rs 6 But “due to restrictions, go-
“His wife told us he would per kilo on Friday, onion was ing to Delhi is difficult du-
remain upset due to excessive selling Rs 2 to 9.5 per kilo. In ring the lockdown. We mana-
financial burden and his May 2019, onion sold at up to ged to source onion directly DELHI METRO’S REVENUE All figures in Rs crore
home loan. He had invest- Rs 13 per kilo in the wholesale from a farmer in Madhya Pr- Passenger Non-Passenger Total 62 DAYS
ments of around Rs 50 lakh in market though the prices adesh. We will continue the DELHI
2016-17 1,784 529 2,313 METRO
the share market where he surged in the following same arrangement even af-
faced huge losses,” said Sector months after inclement weat- mand in Delhi due to a large brought down the retail pri- ter the lockdown”, said Pra- 2017-18 2,616 536 3,152 HAS BEEN
49 station officer Dharmen- her destroyed the crop. number of hotels, restau- ce. “The sale is just about 50- deep Kumar Kasana of Da- 2018-19 3,121 594 3,715
dra Sharma. The retail prices of both rants and eating joints. 60% of the stock. On Thurs- myanti Trading, a wholesa-
The techie’s wife is also the kitchen staple, however, Due to a good crop in Raja- day, we got a supply of about ler based in Greater Noida.
a software engineer. They
have a two-year-old son. Both
remained high with local
shopkeepers pocketing hig-
sthan, Madhya Pradesh and
Maharashtra, the supply of
600 tonnes, while the sale was
around 350-odd tonnes,” oni-
For social distancing,
APMC has restricted the ent-
10cr 600cr 574cr 30 lakh
Approx per day Revenue that couldn’t be Last instalment paid to JICA Approx daily footfall
were working from home dur- her profit margins. onion at Azadpur is high. But on traders’ association secre- ry of retailers by issuing a revenue loss earned during lockdown for the soft loan it provided before lockdown
ing the lockdown, police Both onion and tomato, its export has crashed due to tary Shrikant Mishra said. fixed number of tokens daily,
sources said. otherwise, have a high de- the lockdown, which has also The restaurant and hotel ow- affectimg the sale further.
Sidhartha.Roy around 30 lakh passengers, it during the lockdown, there

`100cr from can be assumed that till has been fixed expenditure on

March 22, when operations staff salaries and the mini-
New Delhi: Apart from ope- came to a standstill, DMRC mum maintenance for kee-
spl liquor fee rating the country’s largest was earning more than Rs 10
and busiest metro rail net- crore per day. By extrapola-
ping the rail system in wor-
king mode. “One also has to ta-
ke into account that we are not
in just 15 days work with a fair bit of efficien- tion, the company has missed
cy, Delhi Metro Rail Corpora- out on more than Rs 600 crore
tion has been a trendsetter of earnings because not only
incurring expenditure on po-
wer and other areas like the
Continued from P1 when it comes to work cultu- has passenger revenue beco- way we did when passenger
re, best construction practi- me zero, but sources said inco- services were on,” he noted.

ources said the excise de- ces and a comfortable and de- me from other sources have Once DMRC resumes ope-


partment earned nearly pendable public transport sy- also dried up with the pande- rations, it will have to follow
Rs 100 crore as special stem. However, another pio- mic affecting every sector, in- the central government’s gui-
corona fee within just 15 neering achievement of cluding those that advertised delines on ensuring social dis-
days. With the Centre allowing DMRC — creating a in Delhi Metro. tancing among passengers,

some relaxations in Lockdown self-sustainable The urban tra- and this is certain to fare col-
4.0, the department was able
to open about 150-odd
liquor vends in the city from
public transport
system — is under
threat after the
3 0 L in system has ma-
de operational
profits from day
lection. Also, non-fare reve-
nue will depend on market
conditions, which for the next
May 4. The new tax was levied a unexpected cessa- PASSENGERS one and despite be- few months doesn’t look pro-
day later. tion of daily opera- USED METRO ing a capital-in- mising. Sources said that tho-
With more liquor vends tion due to the Co- EVERY DAY tensive infrastruc- se who pay fixed amounts to
likely to open from Saturday, of- vid-19 lockdown. BEFORE ture project, has DMRC, such as parking cont-
ficials said the tax collection is With Delhi Met- always paid back ractors, are themselves facing

Apply online through edistrict portal:

expected to improve further. ro closed for the the soft loans ta- financial difficulties, so the
“Apart from the corona fee on li- public since March 22 as a me- ken from Japan International rail company has taken a sym-
quor and enhanced VAT on asure to curb the spread of no- Cooperation Agency on time. pathetic view is not pressu-
fuel, a small amount was also vel coronavirus infection, the In the present financial year, ring anyone for payments.

- istrict de
earned through registration train company has earned no DMRC has already repaid JI- “Senior officials are ta-

http W ed and stamp duty on the sale of

properties,” said an official.
passenger revenue for 62 days CA Rs 573.98 as loan and inter-
and counting. In the financial est components till date. Sour-
king stock of the situation,
which is dynamic, and analy-
Delhi government had opened year 2018-19, DMRC had ear- ces, however, confided that sing the financial condition
sub-registrar offices on May 4. ned Rs 3,121crore through fare DMRC might face problems in of DMRC,” the official said.
With the opening of mar- collection and Rs 594 crore paying the next instalments. “There is, however, no possi-
kets, commercial establish- through non-passenger reve- “DMRC has made pay- bility of a fare hike even tho-
ments and more, officials said nue such as shop rentals, auc- ments since March 2020, but ugh we will be carrying fewer
the city’s economic condition tioning of advertisement future payments will depend passengers.” Though DMRC
was slowly improving. “We had rights, and so on. on the financial position of is silent on the issue, a request
projected a total tax collection Since the metro train net- the company once the opera- for a bailout from the central

of Rs 44,100 crore in 2020-21. But work hasn’t seen a major ex- tion resumes,” confirmed an or state governments may al-
the actual collection will be far pansion in the last one year official. He added that while so be considered if its financi-
less,” said an official. and daily ridership has been DMRC has earned no revenue al health deteriorates.

1. Citizen of India or a subject of Sikkim or of Bhutan or of

Nepal and a resident of Delhi .
18 Years of Age.
66 private liquor shops get govt’s
Atleast Primary Education.
Any man or woman who is p hysicall y fit and mentall y alert.
permission to resume operations rious activities permitted in tion and Delhi Consumer’s
phase 4 of the lockdown earli- Cooperative Wholesale

New Delhi: The excise de- er this week, which paved Store – while 389 are owned
partment on Friday ordered way for opening of all liquor by private players.
opening of 66 private liquor shops except those located in Of these 389, about 150 are
stores that sell foreign and In- shopping malls, the excise located in shopping malls
1. Aadhaar Card . dian-made foreign liquor in department had come up and not allowed to open at le-
the capital. with a separate standard ope- ast in this phase of lockdown,
2. Pan Card. This is in addition to abo- rating procedure for stores which will remain in place
ut 172 shops run by govern- run by private operators. till May 31.
3. Bank Account . ment agencies that were allo- The excise department Officials said that the ope-
wed to open from May 4. made it mandatory for the ow- ning of more shops will con-
4. Police Veri fication. Another 300-odd govern- ners of all private liquor sto- siderably reduce the pressu-
5. NOC from emp loyee; if emp loyed. ment-run liquor stores res to conduct a monthly stock re on a handful of stores that
across the city are also in pro- recording activity between DEMAND IN OVERDRIVE were allowed to operate in the
6. Proof of educ ation , residence and age, cess of starting operations. May 19 and 21, and submit a city in the last phase of lock-
An official said that 66 pri- compliance report. Only those partment official. down. Huge crowds were wit-
vate stores and 300-odd go- stores that submitted the re- Of 863 liquor shops in Del- nessed out the liquor shops
vernment run will have to fol- port and an undertaking that hi, 475 are run by four govern- earlier this month forcing go-
For more information , log on to low the odd-even rule of ope- the shop did not fall in a conta- ment corporations – Delhi vernment to start issuing e-

http://revenue .in/

ning of shops in the markets. inment zone were to be given State Industrial and Infrast- tokens for people to book a ti-
.' the permission to operate. ructure Development Corpo- me slot at a shop to avoid the

r ,
The 172 shops that were given
permission to operate earlier “So far, only 66 stores ration, Delhi Tourism and crowd and the queue. The fa-
can open every day. complied with our order and Transportation Develop- cility of e-tokens will remain
After Delhi government they have been given permis- ment Corporation, Delhi available only at govern-
14 Government of NCT of Delhi issued fresh guidelines on va- sion,” said a senior excise de- State Civil Supplies Corpora- ment-run stores.
Sao& -j

I I: 1' I i 1

6 months a wort h 3599 3 months I wort h 31, 500 12 months I worth 3999 3 months I worth 31,999

plus exclusive offers to let you save up to 360,000 in a year

Lockdown is no ground for rent waiver: HC In grip of heatwave,

city’s max at 43.8°C
Only Relaxation In Payment Schedule Can Be Considered, Court Tells Khan Market Tenant TIMES NEWS NETWORK a few places in Delhi and its ‘force majeure’ clause. bed it as a ‘force majeure’ ding to a dictionary, “the premises, the court observed. neighbouring regions during
The pandemic “has had event. However, the court sa- COURT SAYS term includes both acts of na- However, “some postpo- New Delhi: The capital on Fri- May 23-25. This is due to dry
New Delhi: The Covid-19 largescale implications for id the clause didn’t apply in ture (e.g. floods and hurrica- nement or relaxation in the day witnessed the hottest day of and northwesterly winds pre-
lockdown cannot be a ground human life. Contractual rela- his case as there was no cont- Temporary non-use of nes) and acts of people (e.g. schedule of payment can be the season so far with mercury vailing over northwest In-
for tenants to seek rent waiver tionships and jural relations- ract. Moreover, under TPA, premises due to the riots, strikes and wars)”, the granted owing to the lock- soaring to 43.8 degrees Celsius, dia,” the official added.
by invoking the ‘force majeu- hips between parties are se- “there has to be complete lockdown... cannot court explained. down”, the court added and four notches above normal. With the approach of fresh
re’ — act of God — clause, Del- verely affected due to the destruction of the property, be construed as “Temporary non-use of directed that the use and oc- Palam and Lodhi Road, western disturbance from
hi high court said on Friday. lockdown. The question as to which is permanent in natu- rendering the lease premises due to the lock- cupation charges for March meanwhile, touched a record May 28, the city can expect so-
Rejecting a plea by a Khan whether the lockdown would re, due to the force majeure void under law down... cannot be construed would be paid on or before high temperature of 45.4 deg- me relief, the official told TOI.
Market tenant to waive off entitle tenants to claim wai- event”, it pointed out. as rendering the lease void May 30, 2020 and for April and rees and 44.4 degrees, respec- On Saturday, partly cloudy
rent during the lockdown, ver or exemption from pay- If a tenant wishes to retain under TPA. The tenant can- May, by June 25, 2020. tively, and even witnessed he- sky is expected with possibility
Justice Prathiba M Singh laid ment of rent or suspension of the premises and there is no nant can claim the same”, she not also avoid payment of In 2017, a court ordered atwave conditions. of very light rain or thunders-
down parameters to deal with rent is bound to arise in thou- clause giving any respite in emphasised. In its absence, rent,” the judge said. the eviction of the tenant on The previous highest this howers accompanied with gus-
various issues regarding rent sands of cases across the co- the contract between him and Justice Singh said, the only Only Delhi Rent Control the plea of the landlord season was on Thursday, ty winds. The maximum and
suspension due to the Co- untry”, Justice Singh noted. the landlord, the rent or the concession can be deferred pa- Act will apply in the case and who had given the premises when Safdarjung recorded minimum temperatures will
vid-19 crisis, interpreting In- The tenant had sought monthly charges would be pa- yment of rent. the plea is liable to be rejected on rent in Februrary 1975 42.7 degrees Celsius and Pa- be around 43 and 24 degrees Cel-
dian Contract Act and Trans- waiver on the ground that the yable, the judge observed. The ‘Force majeure” is defi- as while seeking suspension for Rs 300 via a lease deed. Fol- lam crossed 44 degrees. sius, respectively.
fer of Property Act (TPA) — commercial premises remai- “fundamental principle” will ned as “an event or effect that of rent on the basis of a force lowing the Covid-19 lock- A Met official said no sig- At 199, the air quality index
the laws that govern tenancy ned shut on the government’s be that if the contract has any can be neither anticipated majeure event, the tenant do- down, the tenant moved the nificant relief from heat co- on Friday was in the ‘moderate’
and leases and also have the orders, which itself descri- relief clause, “only then the te- nor controlled” and accor- esn’t intend to surrender the waiver application. uld be expected till May 27. “At category. System of Air Quality
Safdarjung station, which is and Weather Forecasting and

In broad daylight: Seller looted of 9 new areas declared red considered base for the city, Research, has forecast a signifi-
the temperature will be bet- cant increase in dust transport,
ween 42 and 44 degrees. Heat- which is expected to influence

zones, total goes up to 86 wave is likely to continue over Delhi’s air quality.

entire stock of mangoes worth `30k TIMES NEWS NETWORK anheri under Dwarka sub di-
vision, Puran Nagar and
Sadh Nagar in Palam Colony
i 7,
" IT
Only 7 months left for

New Delhi: The total num-
TIMES NEWS NETWORK from the locality, saying ber of containment zones were also converted.
there was a loot of mangoes in the city reached 86 on Fri- After the containment or-
X2 0
New Delhi: A viral video has going on that they could par- day after nine new areas ders were issued, the areas
shown the ugly side of Delhi ticipate in. were declared as contain- were sealed and police per-
with the frames catching the The video shot by a bys- ment zones. All three phases sonnel deployed at the entry
nasty episode of a fruit seller tander shows even cars stop- of Bapa Nagar were conver- and exit points to ensure that
in east Delhi being looted of ping and their owners co- ted into containment zones no person comes out of the se- Start Today!
his entire stock of mangoes ming out to pilfer the mango- after more than three Covid- aled area even for essential
worth Rs 30,000 after an initi- es from their broken crates. positive cases were detected purposes. The authorities 2551 ' TIM.E. students into the IIMs alone in CAT 2018
al altercation with rickshaw As the vehicles stalled, the from the areas under the cen- will facilitate doorstep deli- 'Resuhs validated by VSMB and Associates on 26107/2019
pullers. A case was registered robbing spree led to a minor tral district. very of ration and other es-

T.I.M.E. 9 6968Nea-
on Friday, and police have de- traffic congestion on the In South West district, six sential items in the zones.
tained three of the men alle- stretch. Before Chhotu could new areas were declared con- Delhi government has till
ged to be involved in the stop the freeloaders, he had tainment zones. Deep Encla- now de-contained 33 zones 7
K aleSI;Uwa
rn ; In wtc of
15/ Nolda62 : 8178382253
[t l u c a t on Pvt .:tl
shocking incident. been looted of mangoes ve Part- II, DG3 Block and F which have completed the Nanagern
East Delhi / East of Kallash / South Campus / Vasa nt Vihar: 9871384156
Chhotu had set up shop worth Rs 30,000. Block in Vikaspuri were de- mandatory 28 days of solitary Farldabad: 9266620451 Greater Nolda : 9213502221 Gurgaon : Old DLF
on a pavement on the Patpar- CAUGHT ON CAMERA Chhotu initially refused clared three separate conta- period from the date of the last Colony M-39: 9899762215 Old DLF Colony M-21: 8587866775 Sector 56:
ganj road in Shahdara on to approach the cops and file a inment zones. Village Kang- patient was tested positive. 7415324926Ghadabad: 92127376 17Valshall: 9717121456

Thursday morning, hoping The dispute see- crates on the road. Se- complaint. However, a day la-
to make some money by sel- med to have been re- eing the mangoes rol- ter on Friday afternoon, he
ling his 15 crates of mangoes.
The fruit seller told police on
Friday that he and his relati-
solved and the ricks-
haw pullers went
away. However, soon
1 5 ling around, some pe-
destrians, including
allegedly some well-
got the police to record his
statement about Thursday
morning’s episode. The cops
This addendum to the Letter of Offer ("Addendum") in India is for information purposes only and does not constit ute an offer or an invitation or a recommendation
to purchase, to hold, to subscribe or sell either entitlements or securities. All capitalized terms used herein and not defined herein shall have the meaning assigned
to them in the letter of offer dated May 15, 2020 read with addenda dated May 18, 2020 and May 19, 2020 (the "Letter of Offer") filed with the stock exchanges,
ve had an argument with a after, the group CRATES OF off local residents, be- have registered a case and de-
FRUITS namely BSE Limited ("BSE") and National Stock Exchange of India Limited ("NSE" and together with BSE, "Stock Exchanges ")
group of rickshaw pullers, returned with additio- gan picking them up tained three people on the ba- and the Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBr).
who did not like the duo sel- nal youths and toget- OUT and running away. sis of the complaint and are

O Reliance Industries Limited

ling the mangoes from that her they proceeded to They apparently even questioning them to identify
spot on the footpath. fling the mango summoned others four other men.

Our Company was originall y incorporated as 'Mynylon Limited' in the State of Karnataka as a public limited company, under the Companies Act , 1956, pursuant to a
certificate of incorporation dated May 8, 1973 issued by the Registrar of Companies , Karnataka , at Bangalore. Thereafter our Company obtained a certificate of


commencement of business on January 28, 1976. Subsequently, the name of our Company was changed to "Reliance Textile Industries Limited" and a fresh certificate of
incorporation consequent on change of name dated March 11, 1977, was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Karnataka , at Bangalore. The name of our Company was
further changed to "Reliance Industries Limited" and afresh certificate of incorporation consequent on change of name dated June 27, 1985 was issued by the Registrar of
Companies, Maharashtra, at Mumbai. For details of changes in our name and address of our registered office, see 'History and Corporate Structure " on page 121 of the
Letter of Offer.
Registered and Corporate Office: 3" Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222 , Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021
Telephone: +91 (22) 3555 5000; Facsimile : +91 (22) 2204 2268

Contact Persons: Shri K. Sethuraman, Group Company Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer,
and Smt. Savithri Parekh, Joint Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
E-mail:investor.relations@ril .com Webslte: www . - Corporate Identity Number: L1711OMH1973PLC019786

: r

Reliance Industries Limited has provided an additional Tol l Free Number 1800 889 8888 (operational from Monday to Saturday between 9 am and 6 pm) forthe shareholders
to contact for any queries I information / assistance required in connection with its Rights issue of Rights Equity Shares .
The above number is in addition to the Toll Free Numbers 1800 425 8998 11800 345 4001 provided by Company's Registrar and TransferAgent , Kfin Technologies Private
Limited (RTA).
For queries /information/ assistance in relation to Rig hts issue , Whatsapp by typing 'Hi'to: +917977111111

Shareholders may also write to the RTAat ril.rights@kfintech .com and to the Company at:

This Addendum is being issued purs uant to item (4) of Schedule IX of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations , 2018 , as amended (" SEBI ICDR Regulations"). Our Company has filedthe Letterof Offerwith the Stock Exchanges and SEBI.

Eli gible Equity Shareholders are requested to please note the following:
i On May 22, 2020 , our Company announced that KKR will invest T 11,367 core into our subsidiary, Jio Platforms Limited ("JPL"). This investment by KKR values JPL at an
equity value of Z 4.91 lakh crore and an enterprise value of 5.16 lakh crore. This investment will translate into a 2.32% equity stake of KKR into JPLon a fully diluted basis.
The transaction is subject to regulatory and other customary approvals.
According ly, the Letter of Offer (including section tilted "Material Develo pments" on page 245 of the Lett er of Offer) shall stand amended to the extent stated hereinabove.


This Addendum should be read in conjunction with the Lefler of Offer , the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Application Form and the Rights Entitlement Letter. This Addendum
shall be communicated to SEBI and the Stock Exchanges. Further, thisAddendum can be accessed on websites of:
(i) our Company atwww;


(ii) the Registrar/ Registrar's web-based application platform at httpsl/, and
(iii) the Global Co-ordinators and Lead Managers and the Lead Managers.
Investors should only rel y on the information included in this Addendum,the Letter of Offer , theAbridged Letter of Offer , theApplication Form and the Rights Entitlement Letter
while making an investment decision to invest in the Issue,

Parking on roads cause chaos and can lead to accidents Place: Mumbai
Date: May 22, 2020
K. Sethuraman
Group Company Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer
Place: Mumbai
Date: May 22, 2020
Savithri Parekh
Joint Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Never Park on Footpath RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LIMITED is proposing, subject to market conditions and other considerations, a rights issue of its Rights Equity Shares and has in this regard filed a
Letter of Offer dated May 15,2020 with SEBI and the Stock Exchanges. The Letterof Offer is available on the website of SEBI at, the Stock Exchanges , i.e.,
Parking Violations are Punishable under Section 122/177 of MVA BSE Limited at www,, National Stock Exchange of India Limited, Registrar's web-based application platform at
and on the websites of the Global Co-ordinators and Lead Managers, JM Financial Limited and Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Limited at and
http://www.investmenthank.kotak .com, respectively, and on the websites of the Lead Managers , Axis Capital Limited , BNP Paribas , Citigroup Global Markets India Private
Limited, DSP Merrill Lynch Limited, Goldman Sachs (India) Securities Private Limited, HDFC Bank Limited, HSBC Securities and Capital Markets (India) Private Limited ,


ICICI Securities Limited, IDFC Securities Limited, J.P. Morgan India Private Limited, Morgan Stanley India Company Private Limited and SBI Capital Markets Limited at
htt p://www.axiscap . htt p:// , , htt p:// groupg lobalscreen1 . him ,
www.goldmansachs .com , . back, ,
http:/, htt p://www.jpmipl.oom, http://www.morganstanley. com/about-us/ globaloffices/asia-pacifierindia and http:/Iwww.sbicaps. com ,
UPTO RS. 500/- FOR FIRST OFFENCE respectivel y. Investors should note that investment in equity shares involves a degree of risk and are requested to refer to the section titled 'Risk Factors ' on page 23 of the
Letter of Offerfor details of the same .


Follow us on:
E-mail to CP, Delhi at : cp.snshrivastava@de lhipolice I Write to CP, Delhi at PO Box No. 171 GPO , New Delhi All offers and sales in the United States of the Rights Entitlements and the Rights Equity Shares have been, or will be,made solely by our Company. The Global Co-ordinators
and Lead Managers and the Lead Managers are not making, and will not make , and will not participate or otherwise be involved in any offers or sales of the Rights
FOR IMMEDIATE POLICE HELP CALL 112 TO SHARE INFORMATION CALL 1090 Entitlements , the Rights Equity Shares or any other securitywith respect to this Issue in the United States.
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2020

CISCE exam dates out No final goodbyes: Alone in death and beyond
T he Council for the Indian School
Certification Examinations (CISCE) will
be conducting the pending Board exams
With Family In Self-Isolation, Body Of 62-Year-Old From Assam Lies Unclaimed In Mortuary For 10 Days
for ICSE (Class X) and ISC (Class XII) from cancer he had been battling for In fact, the family alleged that support of Dibyojit Dutta, gene- to Nigambodh Ghat for the fune-
July 1 to 14. For ISC students, eight exams two years. While here, the Covid The sexagenarian had they only learnt about his death ral secretary, Assam Association ral rites. However, the problems
were pending, while six were left for ICSE New Delhi: While alive, he suffe- lockdown was announced and he a few days after the event. in Delhi. Seeing how nobody was hadn’t quite ended. At the crema-
students due to the lockdown to control the red. After death, the body of the was left stranded at a relative’s
come to Delhi from Assam With no one at the hospital to willing to assist the family, Dutta torium, Dutta found a lengthy
Covid-19 pandemic. Students will have to 62-year-old from Assam languis- house in the city. A month into for better medical identify the body, Ranjit’s rema- volunteered to carry out the queue of mourners waiting with
wear masks and carry hand sanitisers. TNN hed in a hospital mortuary for his stay, he developed symptoms attention for the cancer he ins lay in a mortuary freezer for identification and visited the the bodies of Covid-19 victims
over 10 days while his family re- that seemed to indicate corona- over 10 days. Officials of Assam mortuary with Ranjit’s photo he they had brought to be cremated
had been battling for 2 yrs
Man dies in car fire mained in quarantine. Eventual-
ly, it was not the family that iden-
virus infection. When his condi-
tioned worsened, he was taken to
House, office of the state’s resi-
dent commissioner in Delhi, in-
had downloaded from Facebook.
He also asked for assistance from
at the CNG facility there, as man-
dated under central government

T he driver of a van was charred to death

on Thursday after the vehicle caught fire
on Mangolpuri flyover. Ram Kishan allegedly
tified his body and took it for the
final rites, but a stranger with a
Lok Nayak Hospital on April 28.
He tested positive for Covid-19 as
breathed his last on May 7. Du-
ring their quarantine period, the
tervened and tried to persuade an
uninfected member of the family
SPUNER (Special Police Unit for
North Eastern Region), a unit of
norms for Covid victims.
Dutta had to wait with the
Facebook photograph to help in did members of his family. members of his family reported to reach the hospital and identify Delhi Police. corpse for a long time — a body
got stuck due to his seat belt and suffered the identification. With his family and relatives having a tough time getting in to- the sexagenarian’s body and so Dutta identified the body of takes at least an hour to be redu-
severe burn injuries. It was found that the Ranjit (name changed) had in home isolation, Ranjit’s con- uch with the Covid nodal officer facilitate his cremation. But ulti- Ranjit from the many that had pi- ced to ashes by the gas flames —
van had a CNG cylinder fitted behind the come to Delhi from Assam for dition worsened into severe pne- and so did not get any updates mately, this couldn’t be done. led up in the hospital mortuary before there finally was peace for
driver’s seat, which could have been the better medical attention for the umonia at the hospital and he about the state of Ranjit’s health. The officials then sought the and made arrangement to take it the unfortunate Assamese.
cause of the fire. Two fire engines were

As number of cases soars, city

called, after which Ram Kishan was pulled
out with about 90% burns on his body. TNN
HC asks govts HC refuses to
3 held for killing ragpicker direct govt to
T hree vagabonds were arrested for
allegedly killing a ragpicker who was
abusing them and throwing sand on their
to keep tab on also sees jump in recovery rate disclose actual
food in north Delhi’s Sabzi Mandi, police
said on Friday. The accused were rising cases AlokKNMishra
Covid count
identified as Aslam Khan (47), Tejbhan
(40) and Ramesh (28). On Thursday, while

patrolling, cops saw the body of Momin, New Delhi: The rate of reco- Revised discharge policy for Covid-19 Severe cases New Delhi: Delhi high court
who had injury marks on his head. PTI New Delhi: The Centre and the AAP government very from the novel coronavi- ➤ Discharge only after clinical on Friday refused to entertain
must keep a tab on the number of Covid-19 cases in rus infection in the capital Very mild/mild/pre- recovery a plea seeking to scrap the de-
the capital and be ready with hospitals and labs, has improved in the past one symptomatic cases ath audit committee (DAC)
7 more cops test +ve Delhi high court has said. month — from 28.2% on April ➤ Discharge after
➤ The patient tested negative once
by RT-PCR after the resolution of and direct the AAP govern-
10 days of onset of symptoms
S even staff posted at the Wireless Control
Room of Delhi Police’s West district have
tested Covid-positive following which the
While declining to direct the two governments
to rope in more private hospitals in the fight aga-
inst the novel coronavirus and disposing of the pe-
27 to 47.9% on May 22.
A month ago, while around
100 people were recovering eve-
and no fever for 3 days
➤ Over a week ago, the
ment to come out with actual
figures of Covid-19 cases and
the death count.
Moderate cases discharge guidelines were stricter.
district control room was shut on Thursday tition, a bench of Justices Hima Kohli and Subra- ry day, the count has now jum- ➤ Discharge after 10 days of The revised guidelines have also A bench of Chief Justice D
➤ If the fever is
night, police said. A staff posted at the monium Prasad observed that both the govern- ped to 300-400 people. Till Fri- symptoms onset if fever is pushed the recovery percentage N Patel and justice Prateek Ja-
resolved within 3
wireless control room tested positive four ments must have their hand on the pulse and keep day, 5,897 people out of a total of days and oxygen absent without antipyretics, lan, who heard the matter thro-
days ago, following which samples of other a tab on the number of cases, which has spiked in 12,319 positive Covid-19 cases saturation is maintained breathlessness resolved & no ugh videoconferencing, dispo-
staff were taken for testing. PTI Delhi in the past 48 hours. have recovered in Delhi. The without support oxygen is required sed of the petition but allowed
The plea had called for allowing rate is likely to cross 50% soon, the petitioner to approach the
Curbs to stay for courts more pathological laboratories in
the city for testing Covid-19 su- 2 k an official said.
The government gives the
➤ Discharge only after resolution
of clinical symptoms and if
the patient is able to maintain
➤ At the time of dis-
charge, patient
advised to isolate
court again at an “appropriate
time”. It was hearing a PIL filed

R estrictions on the functioning of Delhi

high court and district courts will
remain in place till May 31 due to the novel
spects. It cited recent press reports
to point out there were over 10,000 COVID BEDS
corona patients in Delhi alone, but AT LNJP, 500
credit to effective healthcare
services provided to fight no-
vel coronavirus. “I am so pro-
oxygen saturation for three
consecutive days
at home and self-
monitor health for 7 days
by All India Lawyers’ Union
that sought direction to Delhi
government to publish the data
coronavirus pandemic and only urgent not enough hospitals to provide AT RAJIV ud of our team of doctors and relating to confirmed cases of
matters will be heard. Earlier the medical facilities. It argued that in GANDHI nurses who have provided 1,500
How the no. of cases and recovery rate have grown 47.9% Covid-19 and deaths through a
restrictions were in place till May 23. PTI the present circumstances, private HOSPITAL the best possible treatment to Recoveries 12,319 daily bulletin.
1,200 (22 May)
hospitals should also be designa- our Covid patients. Delhi 28.2% The PIL said the govern-
900 Recoveries
Give cover to Sr citizens: HC ted Covid duty.
Appearing for Delhi government, additional
will soon have more recove-
red patients than the number 600
(27 Apr) Cumulative cases
ment claimed to have constitu-
ted DAC on April 20 and the fi-
D elhi high court said the AAP government
and the municipal corporations are
obligated to provide protected environment to
standing counsel Anuj Aggarwal informed the co-
urt that as per the revised guidelines, those pati-
ents with mild/pre-symptomatic cases, could go
of active cases,” chief mini-
ster Arvind Kejriwal tweeted
on Thursday evening.
877 Recoveries
gures are being released by the
committee after collecting the
data, but the huge discrepancy
27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
senior citizens and other residents living near into self-isolation if they have adequate facilities Many experts believe the Apr May May between the actual informa-
buildings occupied by health workers and at home and only if serious signs or symptoms fact that Delhi has a young po- tion provided by the various
directed the authorities to carry out emerge, should they be taken to a hospital. pulation has also been a key alth issues recovering from ries as India had a large youth symptoms onset and no fever hospitals and the figures being
sanitisation and fumigation in such areas. PTI Aggarwal further told the high court that as of factor behind fast recovery. Covid-19. Kusum Kanojia, a 55- population. “Around 70% of for three days. Even moderate released by Delhi government
now, Lok Nayak Hospital with 2,000 beds and Rajiv The Covid-19 cases star- year-old woman from east Del- Covid-positive persons in the cases can be discharged if fe- has not been explained
Gandhi Super-speciality Hospital with 500 beds, ted rising steadily in March hi who is diabetic and hyper- capital are young. Most of the- ver goes in three days and It said that Delhi govern-
G: :a were designated for the novel coronavirus treat- after many Indians arrived tensive along with renal issu- se people have very mild to oxygen saturation can be ma- ment can’t conceal from citi-
ment. Besides them, nine private hospitals have al- from abroad. A religious gat- es, was under acute respirato- mild symptoms, thus the rate intained without support. In zens the actual figures of the
so been treating patients suffering from Covid-19. hering also turned out to be a ry distress when she was bro- of recovery is fast,” he said. both cases, no RT-PCR test is spread of the virus and the de-
MAJ NARESH CHANDRA MISHRA This does not include those who are in self-isola- super spreader. On April 1, ught to RML Hospital. She An official said the revi- required; the patients are just ath toll. “The citizens have a
i 13 JAN 1956 to 04 MAY 2020
tion in terms of the guidelines dated May 10 issued only six persons out of the to- was put on ventilator for more sed discharge policy issued advised to isolate themselves right to know the correct facts
by the Union health ministry. tal 1,637 positive cases were than a week and then kept in on May 11by the Union health at home and self-monitor the- and take their own decisions
Mal Naresh Chandra Mishra (Retdl an ex offr of Delhi government told the high court current- discharged. Along with the the Covid ward for more than ministry had also led to a rise ir health for seven days. on the issues. The figures of
'SATV R PALTAN'left for h s heavenly abode on 04 May
2020. His contribution to the Unit and the Regt were
ly, two hospitals, LNJP and Rajiv Gandhi nationwide lockdown since one and a half months. Now in the rate. Earlier patients A doctor at Rajiv Gandhi new cases and death toll are
immense . He will be missed and fondl y remembered by Super-speciality, have about 2,500 beds, which March end, the low rate of re- she is back home. were discharged after two Super Speciality Hospital sa- being given by responsible me-
hs family, friends and comrades. In ths moment of will bring the existing strength of beds in all the covery created a sense of pa- Dr Harish Gupta, an elec- consecutive negative test re- id since the revised guideli- dical officers of the respective
sorrow , we share the grief of the bereaved family. designated hospitals to about 3,150. Similarly, the- nic among many people. ted member of Delhi Medical sults on RT-PCR, but now ve- nes had been implemented, hospitals. There is no relevan-
We pray to '4.xka Mata ' to bless the cerart ec soul and to re are 13 government pathological labs and 15 pri- Now, besides the higher ra- Council, said the rate of reco- ry mild, mild and pre-sympto- no discharged person had re- ce of DAC and the said com-
grant stru 'g :b and for..itLdc to i s `iril,, :c bci ' this 0,5 vate labs that are permitted to test Covid-19 cases, te, the city is also witnessing very in the country was bet- matic admitted patients can ported re-occurrence of any mittee is liable to be scrap-
In grief the government said. many people with serious he- ter than many western count- be sent home after 10 days of Covid symptom. ped,” the petition argued.
Commandin g Officer & all SEVENORS

1 Ggn to take
call on cabs,
Need to scale up health
infra to avoid crisis: Docs
15.08.1932 - 23.05.2019 23.5.197O-288.2(114  Continued from P1 (30%) are admitted in hospitals –1,348 in govern-
Gurgaon: The Haryana go- ment hospitals and 487 in private ones. A total of
Dearest Girish , wishing

Missing you and your vernment has given the green doctor at a private hospital designated 196 patients have severe symptoms and compli-
smiling face. you a very Happy 50th light to private taxis, autos, e- for Covid-19 treatment said the city ur- cations associated with Covid-19 due to which
; Life has become dull birthday. You came to us
` 1t
rickshaws and maxi-cabs to gently requires more isolation beds for they either require ICU support or ventilators.
without you. Yours own as God's great gift. We ply in non-containment zones the rush of new cases. “If the number of cases continues to go up,
Jagdish Malhotra were blessed with between 7am and 7pm. The “In India, the fatality rate is much lower com- more hospitals will have to be designated for Co-
(Husband) receiving from you unbounded love and
happiness with most memorable and Gurgaon administration, ho- pared to other countries affected by the pandem- vid-19 treatment. Also, like in Mumbai, some
MR. PRITAM AHUJA wever, is expected to take a call ic. But we cannot be complacent. The health in- standardisation of money charged for treatment
cherishable times which make us feel you 19th Death Anniversary
are with us every moment of our lives. With We thought of you today but
on allowing public transport frastructure dedicated for the care of persons de- in private facilities is needed,” a doctor said.
IC-18266P (DOC -30.06.1963) lots of love Mehta family. that is nothing new.
in the next 4-5 days. veloping complications on contract- Maharashtra, which is worst affect-
We thought about you yesterday The resumption of services ing Covid-19 has to be scaled up ed by the Covid-19 epidemic with
0 2 0%
MAJ PP PARUTI (RETD) comes with a few riders. Accor- further to prevent a crisis situation. over 44,000 cases and 1517 deaths, on
and days before that too.
(17.10.1932 TO
_ 20.05 _
2020) We think of you in silence , ding to the government’s direc- We need to arrange for more isola- Thursday issued a revised notifica-
1 We often speak your name. tives, only three persons will be tion beds, oxygen support system tion to cap treatment charges for Co-
ASC fraternity prays to HAVILDAR GOKARAN SINGH All we have memories and OF PATIENTS HAVE
your picture in a frame. allowed in private cabs, and ventilators,” the doctor said. vid-19 and nearly 200 non-Covid pro-
the Almighty to grant Your memory is a keepsake autos and e-rickshaws, inclu- He added that already they were SEVERE SYMPTOMS cedures in private hospitals.
peace to the departed from which we will never part. ding the driver. Maxi-cabs, facing a shortage of beds due to THAT REQUIRE As per the order, the capped
soul & fortitude to the On 01May 2020 at Uri Sec- God has you in his arms , MONITORING
which form a crucial mode of which many suspected as well as rates will apply to 80% of hospital
bereaved family to bear tor, Jammu & Kashmir we have you in our hearts. transport for office-goers in ci- positive patients cannot be admit- beds, while the management can
this irreparable loss. Havildar Gokaran Singh And you shall stay there forever.
POLY " ' ^- W P ' " f -E
ties like Gurgaon, will be allo- ted. Delhi has 14 hospitals designat- charge their own prices for the re-
Lt Col CK Paruti(Retd) (Son) Mob 8800894153. was deployed as a
09896600007 wed to fill only 50% of their se- ed for Covid-19 treatment. maining 20%. The price capping will stay in ef-
House No. 1574 Arun Vihar Sector 37, Noida. Post Commander in a
DGST and all Members of ASC Association. ats. Both passengers and dri- Of these, Lok Nayak and Rajiv Gandhi Su- fect till August 31. Under the ceiling, no hospital
Forward Defended Locality along the Line of vers need to have the Aarogya per Specialty are state-run, Lady Hardinge can charge a Covid-19 patient more than Rs 9,000
Control. The brave soldier, undeterred by In Loving Memory of
Setu app in their phones. Medical College, Ram Manohar Lohia (RML), per day for an ICU bed with ventilator, Rs 7,500
heavy, unprovoked enemy initiated Cease
Fire Violation continued performing tasks As part of precautionary me- Safdarjung and AIIMS (Delhi and Jhajjar) are for an ICU bed without ventilator and Rs 4,000
assigned to him with indomitable valour and asures, drivers will have to ensu- run by the Centre. Eight others are private hos- for isolation in a routine ward.
attained martyrdom in the highest traditions re their vehicles are sanitised re- pitals. Among these are Max Smart, Apollo, Sir “Nearly 20% of Covid-19 patients have se-
AGE gularly, hand sanitisers are avai- Ganga Ram Kolmet and Sir Ganga Ram City, vere symptoms which require medical mon-
of the Indian Army and the KUMAON
Regiment. We salute the ultimate sacrifice lable with them and they wear Maa Durga Charitable Trust, Batra, Fortis itoring. For this, a majority of patients re-
made by the hero who has presented an masks all the time. Social distan- Shalimar Bagh and Cygnus hospital. quire admission, especially those with pre-
example for all in uniform to emulate. cing will have to be maintained As per government’s data, Delhi has 6,214 ac- existing illnesses and complications like
CO & All Ranks of 21 KUMAON in all auto and taxi stands. tive cases of Covid-19 at present. Of these, 1,835 breathing difficulty,” a doctor said.

Shri Dinesh Kumar Mehra

The silent joy of remembering a loved one.
The moments you shared together.
Third Death Anniversary
Your memories are still
fresh as ever and we miss
TIMES TRIBUTES Doc tests positive
Little moments that make life beautiful .
Share them. With Friends. Relatives. Neighbours.
Colleagues. With all those whose lives the departed Soul has
touched. Because while life goes on, when you
Naik Shankar Singh
Merha was deployed
in a Forward Defended
you every moment. You
continue to be our source
of inspiration and strength.
Your principles and values Publications
at Palika Kendra
share memories , they stay on forever.
Locality along the Line will guide us for our lives. TIMES NEWS NETWORK consultation. Around 100 pa-
Total ""' TOID Capital + NBT (Delhi+NCR) 1295 tients visit the dispensary
of Control in Uri Sector, Missed by
Publkatlona Outlay nwro Jammu & Kashmir on 01 May 2020, amidst Saurabh Mehra (Son) TOID Full Run ## + NBT (Delhi+NCR) 1360 New Delhi: New Delhi Muni- every day, the official added.
The Times of India Delhi/ NCR 5 ,600 ° cipal Council’s dispensary at The district administra-
70 1+NBT (Delhi/NCR ) 8,800
relentless enemy fire, Naik Shankar Singh THE TIMES OF INDIA (Delhi+NCR) 780
TOI+ET (Delhi/NCR ) 6 ,600
Merha with unmatched courage and Palika Kendra was closed on tion has begun contact tra-
rwm m 10 Iine perseverance continued firing effectively at To place an OOlaary THE TIMES OF INDIA (Delhi) Full Run## 900 Friday after a senior doctor cing and another doctor has
the enemy causing irreparable damage on his announcement er NAVBHARAT TIMES (Delhi+NCR) 595 tested positive for Covid-19. been appointed to check the
posts. During the intense exchange of fire, Remembrance ad pl. Call An NDMC official said records of patients who have
Naik Shankar attained martyrdom in the S THE ECONOMIC TIMES (Delhi+NCR) 715
that the doctor came to work visited the doctor recently.
highest traditions of the Indian Army and the SANDHYA TIMES (Delhi) 100 till Thursday and examined Meanwhile the dispensary
For any information call KUMAON Regiment. We salute the ultimate Vinod: patients. “However, the allo- was sealed immediately after
Swarup:9873886880 sacrifice made by the hero who has presented Placement on specified obit pages only. This rate benefit is extended up till
pathic doctor complained of the report and the building
the size of 320 sq. cm only. ## Full run includes Delhi City * NCR (Including
Vinod:9958992088 an example for all in uniform to emulate.
CO & All Ranks of 21 KUMAON Gurgaon + Noida) + Chandigarh + Western U.P. + Uttarakhand T01 Capital fever and other symptoms, was sanitised. “It will likely to
(Delhi & NCR) Includes T01 Gurgaon &T01 Noida, and was tested on Thursday. remain close till Monday and

As soon as the results came on will open for general public on

To pay tributes, log on to

Friday, she was asked to qua- Tuesday,” said the official.
1 It I
rantine at home along with After the positive report
1 1 1 her family,” the official said. of the doctor, district admi-
There are at least 20 staff nistration started contact
I I I I members work in the dis- tracing exercise and appoin-
Published for the Proprietors, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd., by Rajeev Yadav at Times House, 7,Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi -110002 and printed by him at Times Of India Press, 13, Site IV, Industrial Area, Sahibabad (UP), Dainik Jagran Press, Plot NO. C2/2-1,
Selaqui Industrial Area, Dehradun(UTTARAKHAND) and Dainik Jagran Press , Biharman Nagla, Pilibhit Bypass Road, Bareilly (UP) and Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd. Plot No. 7-8, Sector M-11, Transport Hub, Industrial Model Township, Manesar, Haryana-122051. Regd . I I I I pensary, including four doc- ted another doctor to check
Office,: Dr. Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Mumbai-400001. Editor (Delhi Market) : Diwakar Asthana – responsible for selection of news under PRB Act, @ All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of Publisher is prohibited
RNI NO : 508/57
Air Charge : Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chennai, Nagpur & via Rs.5.00, Leh Rs.2.00,. Price in Nepal : NEP Rs.15.00 tors providing ayurvedic, al- records of patients who visi-
Made in New Delhi I lopathic and homeopathic ted the doctor in recent past.
Volume 71 No. 123.

76-yr-old accused of minor’s rape gets bail due to Covid risk Burglar sneaks into
rape accused’s release, the
court observed that the accu-
sed has to safeguard himself
ught bail relying on high co-
urt directions on de-conges-
tion of jails, the prosecutor
mainder of natural life), and
fine, or with death.
The prosecutor, therefore,
the court as she wasn’t in the
city and unwell too.
The health factor was
house in Jangpura,
Considering the high
New Delhi: A 76-year-old man
suffering from multiple ail-
ments but facing charges of a
minor’s rape that can attract a
given his medical condition.
“Considering the Co-
vid-19 pandemic and the di-
rections of high court regar-
court directions on
de-congestion of jails,
referred to the same arguing
the man was facing heinous
charges under Section 6 (ag-
gravated penetrative sexual
stressed on the high court’s di-
rections on de-congestion of
jails while dealing with an ac-
cused convicted under Pocso
highlighted in the court or-
der as a “sufficient” ground
to entitle the man a 45-day in-
terim bail relief. “He should
rapes, assaults woman
the accused is granted
maximum punishment of de- ding de-congestion of jails interim bail for 45 days assault) of Protection of Act and said the applicant not threaten, intimidate or TIMES NEWS NETWORK The cops were informed about
ath penalty has been granted for ensuring social distan- Children against Sexual Of- wasn’t eligible for the reprieve. influence the witnesses in the crime and an FIR was registe-
interim bail as he is a “high risk cing, the accused/applicant fences (Pocso) Act and Sec- The investigating officer any manner and should not New Delhi: The southeast dis- red for rape, criminal trespass and
patient” in time of Covid-19. is granted interim bail for 45 stones besides other ail- tion 376 (punishment for ra- of the case informed the co- leave India without seeking trict police have arrested a 23-ye- assault against the accused. Four
Though the matter was days,” said additional dis- ments. He was also declared a pe) of IPC. Section 6 of the urt that the survivor’s mot- prior permission of the co- ar-old on charges of raping a wo- teams were formed to go after the
called “exceptional” by the trict judge Nikhil Chopra. “high-risk patient” during cur- Pocso Act attracts rigorous her had opposed the bail plea, urt,” directed the court. man in Jangpura on Sunday. culprit. However, since the survi-
prosecutor, who opposed the The septuagenarian was rent times given his prolonged imprisonment for not less but could not appear — a The man was asked to sur- Police said that the rape took vor couldn't give a description of
bail plea saying high court stated to be suffering from chro- medical suffering and old age. than 20 years, but may extend mandatory aspect of bail he- render in jail after the expiry place in the intervening hours her assailant since he had masked
directions didn’t allow for a nic kidney complications, renal Though his counsel so- to imprisonment for life (re- arings in rape cases — before of 45 days, starting May 21. between Sunday and Monday. his face, police started going thro-
The accused, arrested on Fri- ugh the footage from the CCTV ca-

300 shanties gutted, Testing times ahead for fire

day, has been identified as Sonu, meras installed in the area.
who had police record of thefts. The accused was captured by
In her complaint, the wo- one of the cameras and an elec-
man claimed to have been stan- tronic route map of the roads he

dept as summer heat rises ding on her balcony and wat- took was created. Police infor-

hundreds homeless
ching some video on her pho- mers were deployed to identify
ne, when the interloper ente- him by through features like his
TIMES NEWS NETWORK red her house. She alleged that built, walk and some other phy-
WHY SLUM FIRES PRECAUTIONS he caught hold of her and as- sical traits. Sonu was eventually
Sanjay Sekhri New Delhi:Delhi Fire Service HAPPEN SUGGESTED BY FIREMEN ked her to hand over the valu- identified as the culprit.
Pankhuri.Yadav (DFS) will be on its toes for the ables she had in the house. After his arrest, he was pre-
➤ Houses are ➤ Use metal or non- next few months to prevent lar- According to the complaint, sented before a magistrate and
made of plastic inflammable material to
ge-scale damage owing to bla- sheets and construct walls Sonu asked the woman for her interrogated before being sent
New Delhi: Around 300 shan- zes in slums. On average, the wooden planks ATM card and its PIN and beat into judicial custody at Tihar
ties in a slum in Kirti Nagar of department deals with 150 ➤ Secure power and gas her when she refused to share the- Jail. Sonu’s antecedents were ve-
west Delhi were gutted on slum fires every year caused ➤ Open power connections so there are se details. Angered by her resis- rified and his criminal record
Thursday night displacing due to the summer heat. lines and excessive no leakages tance, the accused allegedly over- confirmed. He will be asked to gi-
hundreds of people amid the Fire officials said they use of electrical ➤ Replace housing material powered her and sexually assaul- ve his consent for a test identifi-
coronavirus pandemic and would be requesting JJ colo- cooling equipment every year as it dries up ted her. He also tried to strangle cation parade. Police are also in-
lockdown. The fire broke out ny residents and Delhi Ur- ➤ Structures constructed after summer her during the act, the woman vestigating if Sonu was a party in
around 11pm. Fire tenders had ban Shelter Improvement too close to each other ➤ Don’t keep inflammable material told police in her statement. He other similar crimes. As of now,
a tough time reaching the spot Board to be more careful sin- fled the house when the woman they have established only that
➤ Proximity to garbage ➤ Keep buckets of sand
owing to the narrow lanes. ce most slums cannot be re- managed to raise an alarm. he was involved in thefts earlier.
and plastic or water near every slum
The slum residents TOI HELPING HAND: Members of a gurdwara distribute food to the affected built due to the migration of
waste that colony to douse small
spoke to said they would be sle-
eping on the rubble at night as
they had nowhere else to go.
my wallet, which I left inside in a
hurry to save my family. All that
see what had happened. I saw the
blaze spreading towards my
labourers. They would be vi-
siting a few slums to educate
residents about the measu-
tend to catch
fire because of
flames immediately
➤ Form a fire and emergency
14-day home isolation for all
Mohommad Naaz, who lived
alone, said he was asleep when
money has now been reduced to
ashes. There is no place I can go.
area. Had it reached my place,
thousands more people would
res that could be taken to pre-
vent fire in summer after the
exposure to sunlight volunteer team within the colony
intercity passengers in Ggn
the fire started. He woke up af- Some people came here with fo- have been homeless. At that mo- lockdown period gets over. rations need to run to stop worse if it’s a windy day. Gurgaon: Fliers landing at IGI airport May 25 onward will have
ter inhaling the smoke that od, but I’m not sure they’ll come ment, me and my friends decided In the past 15 days, DFS has the fire from spreading. DFS The average response ti- to go into a mandatory 14-day home quarantine, the Gurgaon ad-
had entered his shanty. to help every day. We had been li- to break portions of our houses received 15 calls of fires in JJ chief Atul Garg said, “We me for the fire department is ministration said on Friday.
“At first, I thought it was a ving here since the past 20 years. to stop the run of the fire. Thank- colonies. Most fires reported will be advising people aga- less than five minutes in It asked all intercity passengers, whether they are arriving by
short circuit. But when I rus- We don’t know how the fire be- fully, our plan was a success.” in the months of May and Ju- inst running appliances for a most cases, but blazes in flights, trains or buses, to apply for a movement pass to enter the
hed out I was shocked to see gan. When the firemen started Delhi Fire Service said they ne occur due to short circuit long duration. Also, flam- slums have a tendency of city at least two days before their arrival date. The passes will be
flames all around me. People dousing the blaze, a few gas cy- pressed 30 fire tenders into ser- in power units that were inac- mable material should not be spreading rapidly. Because issued online on the Saral Haryana portal. Deputy commissioner
started screaming and spil- linders exploded.” vice. The cooling operation to- tive during winter. In such co- kept on the roofs.” of this, the chances of fatali- Amit Khatri told TOI, “We advise all travellers entering Gurgaon
ling out of their homes. It was When the fire started ok four hours. “We got a call at lonies, people use locally-ma- The peak hours — betwe- ties are higher, officials said. and coming via flights, trains or buses to apply for a movement
difficult to find a safe spot be- spreading rapidly, a group of 11.30pm about the fire in a JJ de room coolers and pedestal en 10am and noon — are “Most people don’t keep pass on under the category of scheduled
cause the fire was spreading six youths broke portions of a cluster at Kirti Nagar. A team fans that do not have proper considered crucial as the safety equipment, such as a flight/train at least 48 hours in advance.” TNN
rapidly,” Naaz added. few shanties to break the cha- rushed to the location. Later, electrical wiring. number of calls suddenly bucket of water, which
Men, women and children, in and avert a worse tragedy. more firefighters and fire engi- Moreover, the dry weat- surges during this time can prove crucial in contai-
everyone was seen trying to ex- Rohit, one of the youths who nes from other stations were her can cause fires to spread due to the daytime heat. Fire- ning the blaze immediately. r :r r r I ii
tract as many things as possible carried out this task, said, “I live called as the blaze was huge,” to neighbouring houses. As a men said most fires were fo- Dry walls also aid in the fire
from their houses. Kanhaiya nearby. When I heard people said an officer. The cause of the result, rescue operations ta- und to have originated from spreading within minutes,” Government of Andhra Pradesh
Paswan said, “I had Rs 10,000 in screaming for help, I rushed to fire was yet to ascertained. ke more time as parallel ope- garbage dumps. It gets a fire official said. Government Printing Press ,
Mutyalampadu , Vijayawada
Expression of Interest (E01) for Renting of Office

HC orders inspection of night shelter Space for APEDB Delhi desk at New Delhi.
Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board (APEDB) is a govo r - , r- hod ,
established in 2016 bythe Government of Andhra Pradesh with the objective rt
In reference to advertisement dated 16 Apr 2020, the last date for

near AIIMS after 22 test +ve for Covid submission of online applications and conduct of OAT for admission
to Army College of Nursing (ACN), Jalandhar Cantt and Army Institute
of Nursing (AIN),Guwahati is extended as under:-
promoting sustainable economic growth through investments , trade an d
partnership currently operations out of Vijayawada , Andhra Pradesh.
Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board (APEDB ) is looking for ;;ell found positive on Covid testing – duct a local inspection and make video furnished and ready to move infrastructure for its Delhi Desk office at New Del-
were all occupying the night shelter of the entire operation without any de- Last date for submission of application (without late fee) : 11 Jun 2020 Expression of Interest is hereby invited f r o m the i n t e r e s t e d
New Delhi: Alarmed over 22 Covid-po- which falls within the AIIMS lay. Malik, who has been regularly Last date for submission of application with late fee : 21 Jun 2020 Firms/Agencies/Individuals offering furnished office space with an area around
sitive cases being found in a night premises, we are at loss to understand visiting the night shelter at AIIMS, had Conduct of OAT 18 Jul 2020 2500 Sq.Ft with a seating capacity of 6-8 and a conference room up to 10 wi-h n
shelter run by Delhi Urban Shelter as to why they were not taken to the AI- informed the court that there is no po- 2km radius from Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place , New Delhi. - -e
For details/admission criteria , please visit respective college Expression of Interest (EOI) can be submitted on or before 29,05.2020 up -c
Improvement Board (DUSIB) just out- IMS Covid facility, and why they have table drinking water facility and she
side AIIMS, Delhi high court on been shifted to far off hospitals,” a has been purchasing drinking water website: www.acn or 4 .00 P.M. The detailed EOI , Terms of Reference (TOR) can be seen and
Friday ordered an immediate inspec- bench of justices Vipin Sanghi and for the inmates. However, DUSIB downloaded from our website (www .apedb .gov .in).
contested the claims and said enough Sd/-C E O
tion of the facility. Rajnish Bhatnagar observed asking
The court said the report of the in- AAP government, DUSIB and AIIMS facilities are being provided for the RO .no: 1 2' CLADVT tr2020-2 r.Dt22-05-2020 APEDB
spection must be placed before the chi- to answer by May 27. inmates of the shelter.
ef secretary, who will then take correc- The directions came after DUSIB, Malik had also alleged that the toi- - r =-z fin RT A 31rafqa fif3m NIN 1 l 4 h t " I #r
tive measures on the manner in which in a status report, disclosed that let facility at the night shelter is inade- vofaofaofiof ior47i3TR-YaTt3i7t -7/O3i2O-27 aT is TMG(TRo170 awr
the night shelter at AIIMS is being ma- the patients who have tested positive quate and highly filthy. Though, the to- 3rraz -(ra-s *N f:Fv wzr4 tlq Ord aver RA *,i 444 sr<fl wu) 4+1 wN 4i
for Covid-19 were shifted to Lok ilets are cleaned twice a day, due to lack 31 za'tWR f-F4 faf*x a9 tt :- 02.06 .20 20 al 18 ss a as faMifra
naged by DUSIB.
The court also demanded an expla- Nayak Hospital and Rajiv Gandhi Su- of water, they get soiled very fast, and fwr -mmf t i Fmw ZT RA Fr9f1$ t www .ovvnLora . 1 www.etender.uo .ni c _in
nation why the 22 patients were sent to per Speciality Hospital, both run by there is also choking of the sewer line, vt e9Fr 31f9 O i "fkit aYFt 8ft 'fW9T ttq tll# l W : 1800 .1 50.3002 Walk-in-interviews for project positions are scheduled to be held on
far off hospitals for treatment instead Delhi government. she had told court which was hearing a ( *fa ), 1800-1ao-8752 ( mow )" a furor aTRTwaT ( 3iv-i0VTotoamoafo 15th June, 2020 at 09:30 AM in the office of Microbiology, ICAR-
of AIIMS where they were receiving The court also allowed a volunteer PIL on the plight of around a 100 outsta-
>t1Ci) i u r i Tq fig ii fit ww4 W,T i 4155/ A0ft0/ Indian Agricultural Research Institute,New Delhi-1I.The details may
non-Covid treatment. involved in helping the inmates of the tion patients and their attendants li-
^ p
/*0/ T0 0/201 9-20 fk9*-22.05.2020 be downloaded from http://iari
“Since, the 22 people — who were night shelter, Rachna Malik, to con- ving in the night shelter at AIIMS.
11WN5W Corrigendum No. 04
Rajeev Gandhi Bhawan Dushera Ground , Kota iw " 1Ili
1-L 4 Tender Notice (Tender ID.: 2020 _AAI_48597_1)
Date of closing of E-Tende r No. M-1-OT-AMC-E IMWB- MB-19 has been
email: nnkota@ama iLcom, websites : er
g Ph.: 0744{01903 N O T IC E INVITING E-TENDER Airports Authority of India invites item rate tenders through the
extended up to 02.06.2020 at 15:00 hrs and shall be opened on same day after
No -NNK/Nlrman/2020/6654-60 Date: 21.5.2020 e-NIT No . 19 iNEEPCO/AGTCCPPIC&P/2020-21 Dated 12.05.2020 e-tendering CPP-portal by Asstt. General Manager (Engg - Elect)-II- 15:00 hrs .
e-NIT No. 24/ NEEPCO/AGTCCPPIC& P/ 2020 - 21 Dated 21 .05.2020 j
Notice Inviting E-Tender No. 4/2020.21 IMU, Airports Authority of India , Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan , Safdar ung Except this all terms and conditions of the above tenders shall remain unchanged.
NLEPCO , AG IGGPP invites 2 separate e-lender for (1) Supply of L Airport , New Delhi-110003 on behalf of Chairman , AA I from Specialized
South/Nort h Municipal Corporation Kota invites On-line operated Duel Drive Forklift Truck of 3 -on capacity (2) Operatior :ei agencies for the work of" Upgradation of Indoor Air Quality for safe 1169120
Maintenance of the DM Plant . Chlorination System & Chemical DI- = r
unconditional bids under Single Stage two envelope from System The detailed specifications of w hich has been u plo aded i i https:' +
operation of Central Air-Conditioning System during Spread of SERVING CUSTOMERS
qualified parties for disposal of wet waste generated by var- COVID -19 at Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan , Safdarjung Airport , Delhi" for
etenders For other details please visit
an estimated cost of 72 ,20,73 ,425/- (Two Crore Twenty Lakh Seventy
ious surveyed/enlisted establishments. The details and DGM (EM), C&P Three Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Five Only) ( xcluding GST), r
document pertaining to RFP document can be obtained with a period of comp letion: 01 (one) Month. Last date and time of
through e-procurement portal t
h p://eR
i submission of bid document is 01 .06 .2020 upto 1800 Hrs. Fordetailed
information log on to CPP e-Procurement Portal:
htt p:// s ppp. raj .ni c. i n. eprocure/app or www.aai .aero . Further clarifications / corrigendum , 'Ell 55?&44-1"M
Superintendent Engineer if any, will be notified throug h CPP e-procurement portal . N-0712020-21
North Municipal Corporation,
Kota l ! (a it slr *t A aq f 111 d i)
Descri ption
Tende r
Due Date
Due Date

c f f ,w q ii, 3f ft *qM-462011 Transportation of Bagasse / Coal from/

202113 to M/s.Bannari Amman Sugars Limited,
Off ;t 2770874 , 2770915 , 2775227 Principal Chief Materials Manager, Nort hern Railway , New Deihl- 110001, for and 000701 Sathyamangalam for the Special Sugar
08.06.2020 NIL
on behalf of the President of India , Invites e-tenders through e-procurement Season 20192020
E-mail : lohsevamp (
ONLINE AUNOTICE No. 1,2 ,3,4 system for supply of the following items:-
192023 Supply of standard fire clay refactory
Pff,M WfffEF 02/S V'S,2020 fF : 21.05.2020 25.03.2020 01.06 .2070
S. Tender No. Brief Description
l I
Qty. Closing
002815 bricks of size 230x 115x75mm as per IS 6
Terms & condition , Qty., Tender Fee , EMD are available in Tender document at
S.C.O. No.09, Ist & lInd Floor, Sector-16, Panchkula-134109 Microsoft Power BIwrw#u Rm M w04 01 15185030A SUPPLY, INSTALLATION , TESTING R 5 SET 15-06-20 .
our websites: w ww.tenders in & www . .
(Haryana ) (India) 3-PHASE , DIESEL ALTERNATOR SET DIPR/1879/Tende ri2020
Ph.:- 0172-2570121, 2570123, 2570124, 2584125, 2585125, , r1 4rF ?t rr i1+-F "1 TJ T \li rr It ll m\ ci11 I :%7 02 09202219 BRAKE CYLINDER 300 MM 317 NOS 22-0 6-20
Fax No.:-0172-2570122.
e-mait- suoolies@tirv Website:- dsndharvana . T T I f 1f
-T 7ZR T7,7 ??T F

1 1 f2 0 2 0Z t ZT Wr 04
O t fF
t4h7F :iI1q rT
TT 311- a
2900 NOS 22-06-20
Website for Online Auction:- httns :/ / 04 09202288 FLAP DOOR ARRANGEMENT FOR 605 NOS 22-06-20
-Aqr r I f4f lf r 12 2020 T 04 a4 BOXNHL WAGON INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
E-AUCTION of 160 NOS. HARYANA GOVERNEMNT VEHICELS ON 05 09202536 SPRING PLANK FOR CASNUB 22 HS BOGIE 424 NOS 22-06-20 The Executive Engineer HPPW D Division Bhoranj Distt.
f 1Tf?T 3TZm- T-Tt3Tf , Affi l"l t Tq?T Zdf t * I f Ta
Hamirpur H.P. on behalf of Governor of H .P invites the item rate
7q7 T!7 7 ?TT 77T1R7r https: //mptenders .gov .in 3TT 1T bids , in electronic tendering system from the eligible class for the
(4 Nos.Online Auction(s) scheduled to be held as per dotal given below) 07 09202218 BRAKE CYLINDER 355 MM 665 NOS 30-06-20 works as detailed in the table.
www .mpe-district .gov .in TF k4t IT 7i
! ft 1
160 Nos. Haryana Government Vehicles of the various models will he NOTE -1. Vendors mayvisitthe IREPS website i. e . www for details . Sr. No.:- 1 Name of Work :- Construction of link road including one
T .T r. mYT.1q/97396(2020 c (A3Ttilq) No. Bridge from Ladrour Hatwar road at village Samlah to Dasmal
sold/disposed off on "as is where is basis" & "as is what it is basis " 2. No Manual offerwill be entertained.
via Tohu and Govt. Primary School Tohu Km. 0/0 to 1/510 (Under
pertaining to different Departments/Boards/Corporations/Federations etc. Tender Notice No.02 12020 -2021 Dated : 21.05.2020 116112020
Nabard RIDF-XXV). (SH:- C/O ROFD 5/7 mtr. Wide road , R/wa l ,
through 4 Nos. Online Auction(s) hosted on Haryana Government NIC Postal B/wall , soling, wearing, tarring, drain , parapets, logo sign board and
( as per detail given below:- km. Stone etc.). Estimated Cost (Rs .):- 1,86,86 ,224/- Earnest

Money :- 2, 18. 200/- Starting Date for downloading Bid:- 01-06-

Sr. Date of Onine Stan of Onine Close of Online No, of Vehicles 2020 Deadline for Submission of Bid :- 10-06-2020
No, Auction Auction Auction included in
Sr. No.:- 2 Name of Work :- Construction of link road from Iikker
Online Auction
Kharian to Dimmi upto Jhamber Km. 0/0 to 21090 (Under Nabard
1. 16.06.2020 12:00:00 Noon 03:00:00 P.M. 40 RIDE-XXV) (SW - Removal of formation deficiency, R/wall , C. D.,
2. 17 ,06 ,2020 12:0000 Noon 03:00 00 P.M. 40 E-Tender Notice E-TENDER NOTICE GSB, G-II, G-III and tarring, V shape drain , Parapets and sign
board). Estimated Cost (Rs.):- 1 , 08, 10,069/- Earnest Money:-
3. 18.06.2020 12:00:00 Noon 03:00:00 P.M. 40 E-Tenders are invited from firms/contractors registered with UPLC E-Tender are invited from firms/contractors registered with UPLC 1,40,600/- Starting Date for downloading Bid:- 01-06-2020
4, 19,06,2020 12:00:00 Noon 03:00:00 P.M. 40 Lucknow for the following jobs against which bids can be uploaded and Deadline for Submission of Bid :- 10-06-2020
Lucknow for the following jobs against which bids can be uploaded
Total No, of Vehicles same shall be opened/ downloaded as per schedule mentioned . The Sr. No.:- 3 Name of Work:- Construct ion of approaches of Bridge
details and conditions of all tenders are available on Noida and same shall be opened/downloaded as per schedule mentioned over Seer/Jabothi Khad near Jahu Bazzar (SH:- CIO both side
1. Detail of the vehicles alongwith Terms & Conditions of Online E-Auction approaches). Estimated Cost (Rs.):- 60 , 30,345'- Earnest
authority 's official website & The details and conditions of all tenders are available on NOIDA
can be obtain/downloaded from ( OR from the Money :- 93,000 Starting Date for downloading Bid:- 01-06-2020
Department's Website: httn:// ham:// . Please ensure to see these websites for any Authority's official website: & Deadline for Submission of Bid :- 10-06-2020
changes, amendments & corrigendum etc. Please ensure to see these websites for any Sr. No.:- 4 Name of Work :- C/O link road Khural to Kot Masanda
2. To participate in the Online Auction , interested bidders are required to Km. 0/0 to 0/500 (SH:-C/O G.S B grade-I , WBMG-II and tarring).
a) 10/GM ( K ) / S M ( W C - X ) / E T / 1 9 - 20 M A I N T E N A N C E & changes/amendments & corrigendum etc.
deposit Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. Five Thousand only) for 4 Wheeler & 3 Wheeler & Estimated Cost (Rs.):- 8, 10,229/- Earnest Money:- 16,300/-
Rs, 2,000/- (Rs, Two Thousand only) for Two Wheeler per vehicle as Security DEVELOPMENT OF NOIDA GREATER NOIDA EXPRESSWAY Starting Date for downloading Bid:- 01-06-2020 Deadline for
(HOT IN PLANT RECYCLING & SMA WORK ON MAIN S.No. Job No. Name of work Submission of Bid :- 10-06-2020
Money (Refundable) & Rs. 1,000/- (Rs, One Thousand only) as e-Service
(Non-Refundable) per Auction , CARRIAGE WAY FROM KM 0 TO 20 OF EXPRESSWAY) Selection of Consultant for Financial The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders from
011FC/Consultant/ the department website www
NOIDARs. 6800.51 Lakh 2019/20 sustainability, revenue enhancement and
FOR ANY ASSISTANCE OR HELP The above tender can be uploaded by date 16-06-2020 process improvement for NOl DA Executive Engineer,
Bhoranj Division ,
Contact Details: - Helpdesk of M/s NBC Portal:- https://eauction upto 5.00 PM. Pre-Qualification shall be opened/ downloaded on
0172-2700275 (Help Desk), E-Mail- Which can be uploaded by Date 08/06/2020 upto 5.00 PM. HPPWD , Bhoranj. Pin Code 176045
date 17-06-2020 at 11.00AM Telephone No. 01972-266099
(General Manager) Pre-qualification shall be opened/downloaded on Date 09.06 .2020
Sd/- at 11. 00 AM.
e-mail: eepwd-bhoranj-hp@gov .in
Additional Director (Admin), Noida Manager (System) On behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh

For Director General , Supplies & Disposals, Haryana Till I=4 " 1.1 . . HIM SUCHANA AVAM JAN SAMPARK
AdvI .n o.0 5 6 7 ;2 2 0 5 2C2 :
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2020

One-way paths to WFH-life balance, Emotional silence marks

how the office you knew is changing adieu to the holy month Mohammad.Ibrar
Photos: Anindya Chattopadhyay

Social Distancing & Remote Working Become The Guiding Principles

New Delhi: On the last Fri- identification of associates day of Ramzan, called Ju-

Gurgaon: The office you re-

varied needs across the orga-
mu'atul Vida or Alvida Jum-
mah, Muslims congregate in
turn to will be very different FLIPKART ➤ Medical isolation rooms to nisation,” said a spokesper- mosques in large numbers to
from how you saw it last. be allocated son for Coca-Cola India. bid farewell to the holy
➤ Easy lane system on the premises to Randstand India, a recruit-
Companies that have be- month. This year, the occa-
gun to power up their work
ensure people move in a single file RBS ment consultant, has found sion was markedly different.
spaces as corporate India ➤ Monitoring movement within the ➤ Thermal imaging to identify that professionals who live Due to the Covid lockdown,
prepares to slowly go back to office to ensure social distancing staff who may be running a high alone are finding it the hardest there were only mosque staff
work are making significant ➤ Corridors and walkways made unidirectional temperature to cope with the new way of life. members at prayers, with the
changes in keeping with the ➤ Packaged food served at the workstation “During our conversation faithful mostly at home. At
one term that has stolen a DELOITTE with organisations, we realised old Delhi’s Jama Masjid, Syed
march over all others in 2020 ➤ Only need-based visits to office, ➤ Staggered access to cafeteria that many of them have Ahmed Bukhari, the Shahi
— social distancing. staggered shifts, splitting teams TELEPERFORMANCE brought on board therapists Imam, prayed for the country
So, the quiet banter with a ➤ Regular webinars for general and psychiatrists to help single and an end to the pandemic.
colleague while poring over ➤ Multiple ‘Social Distancing Champions’ to employees or those staying Normally, the 17th century
wellbeing, four physical fitness be assigned who will monitor the movement of
Excel sheets on the monitor sessions like yoga, zumba every day alone with any kind of nega- Jama Masjid would have been
will no longer be possible as colleagues within the campus tive thoughts that they were ex- filled to capacity on Alvida Jum-
workstations get spaced out ➤ Special sessions for children ➤ Shifts to be evenly spaced out periencing,” said Sanjay Shet- mah, but on Friday, there were
(two will occupy space for of employees so that there is never a crowd ty, head, strategic account man- just around 30 — all mosque
four). And your office social, ➤ Covid-19 reporting hotline entering or leaving the premises agement, Randstand India. employees — to offer the special
the cafeteria, is likely be a ➤ Special attention to those living At Deloitte, employees prayers, each standing at a dis-
much quieter place as the idea COCA-COLA have the option of regular tance from the other instead of
alone and pregnant women
of sending packaged meals di- ➤ Medical concerns to be webinars for general well-be- shoulder-to-shoulder as usual.
rectly to your work station or KPMG addressed through Employee ing, four physical fitness ses- The Shahi Imam’s sermon
cubicle is an idea many com- ➤ Only alternate seats to be occupied Assistance Program sions such as yoga and zumba reverberated in the empty
panies are warming to. ➤ Desks assigned based on a ➤ HR to check on teams daily every day, special sessions for mosque. “We should say good-
Chance encounters with children of employees and a bye to Ramzan with much lo-
carefully designed plan ➤ One-on-one connect with HR to identify indi-
co-workers you may find in- confidential counselling ve and pray for our country
➤ Floor markings in common areas vidual needs and provide a support network helpline. “Our HR team
teresting will be fewer — uni- and the world, especially for
directional walkways being keeps a regular check on em- everyone who is troubled,”
incorporated into layouts Employees of a multina- employees in India, has em- “While we had introduced ployees who are living alone, said Bukhari. He broke down
means your paths are unlike- tional financial company in braced this practice. laser guns to measure tem- as well as on pregnant wom- at several points when delive- (Top) Jama Masjid wears a deserted look; at Matia Mahal, a hub of
ly to cross. In any case, many Gurgaon recently received “Our ability to adopt perature, we are also explor- en. Help extended to the lat- ring his sermon, and was par- business during Ramzan, some shops open but trade fails to pick up
companies are planning to emails saying some of them work-from-home is providing ing thermal imaging to effi- ter group includes connect- ticularly emotional when he
keep a majority of their staff might be working from home the anchor during the crisis, ciently and effectively identi- ing them with hospitals that said, “This is the first Ram- munity member to maintain easing of the lockdown
in work-from-home mode. till the end of this year, even if and until the day comes fy staff who may be running a are fully equipped for the zan when the mosques the social distancing, there was norms, it will probably take
Consulting firm KPMG the lockdown is lifted long be- where the company can safely high temperature. We plan to needs of the hour,” said SV world across remained emp- hardly any shopping or activi- over a month before we can
doesn’t plan on having more fore. “We have been told the reopen at full capacity, we will have this facility available at Nathan, partner and chief ty. We couldn't welcome Ram- ty in the markets where Ram- open our restaurants and re-
than 33% staff in its offices to whole technology team be leveraging a phased ap- our entry or access points,” talent officer, Deloitte India. zan in a proper manner and zan is usually a busy time. “We sume our business activities.”
begin with. “Till May 24, our might have to work remotely proach to keep our employees Maneesh Menda, head, HR, Most companies have also now the holy month is ending have been making our famous However, it was not only the
employees will continue to for the rest of the year. The protected wherever possible,” RBS India. ensured Covid-19 treatment in a similar way too.” paneer jalebis for three days eateries that were closed. Many
work from home. Thereafter, leadership has implied said Aditya Arora, CEO, Tele- Following these discom- is covered under the medi- A day earlier, Mufti Mukar- now, there are very few custo- shop owners had opted not to
resumption will be in a they’re expecting to operate performance India. fiting norms with machine- claim policies for their em- ram, Imam of Fatehpuri Ma- mers,” said Mohammad Na- open their stores. There were
phased manner with only with only 25% staff in office Within the office prem- like precision or working ployees. Industry watchers, sjid, had said in a video state- ved of the popular Kallan only a few who had reopened.
33% of staff desks being oc- in 2020,” said a Gurgaon- ises, changes are being envi- from home at the expense of a however, predict that even ment, “Pray on Jumu’atul Vida Sweet Shop in Matia Mahal. Umer sat patiently at his wo-
cupied in office at any given based employee of the firm, sioned to ensure social dis- work-life balance could exact with social distancing, cor- in the same way as you have do- Several restaurants in the men’s dress shop. “I have hardly
point in time,” Arjun Vaidya- requesting anonymity. tancing. Other than unidi- a toll on employees. Some porate districts like Cyber ing every Friday for two area were all shut, with such got any customers for three da-
nathan, chief operating offi- Others are similarly rectional walkways, like at have already begun to ad- City and Golf Course Road months. You need not come to establishments not permitted ys. People are not keen on ven-
cer, KPMG, India. thinking on their feet, even Flipkart, this includes alter- dress that. “We have come up will not see their usual hus- the mosque to pray on Eid also.” yet to offer sit-in dining, only turing out as they are scared
Similarly, the regional of- BPO firms, for whom work- nate seating, floor markings with a work-from-home tle-and-bustle at least till the While Firoz Ahmed takeaways. Mohammad As- about the virus and of the possi-
fices of Royal Bank of Scot- ing from home is a paradigm in common areas and encou- schedule to create a balance end of summer as work from Bakht, chancellor of Maulana lam of the well-loved Aslam’s bility of big crowds despite the
land will operate with 10% of shift. Miami-based Teleper- raging employees to bring between work, fun and well- home remains a key compo- Azad National Urdu Universi- Chicken Eatery was contemp- fact that the whole city is more
their workforce in office. formance, which has 70,000 their own food. being, with daily checks and nent in business continuity. ty, Hyderabad, requested com- lative and said, “Despite the or less open now,” Umer said.

Railway ticket counters open again Amrapali case: Centre may Rajesh Mehta
...SC allows
ED to attach
TIMES NEWS NETWORK and another at the Railway

New Delhi: Queues were

back at ticket counters of
Board — will function only
in the first half of the day.
Like station platforms
step in to provide funds... properties of
Delhi’s railway stations on
Friday with thousands co-
ming on the first day to secu-
and trains, the premises of
all counters were also saniti-
sed before operations resu- pali group, told the court that the finance ministry
has set in motion the process of financing Amrapali
JP Morgan
re reservation for trains med, said an official. The co- New Delhi: In what could come as a relief to aro- projects and pleaded the court to direct SBI Capital AmitAnand.Choudhary
scheduled to run from June 1. unters will also be periodi- und 46,000 Amrapali homebuyers, the Centre on to relax general parameters laid down by it and rele-
The counter services cally disinfected, he added. Friday told the Supreme Court that it is conside- ase the funds by end of June. He also informed the
are being restored in a pha- However, the station co- ring stepping in to provide funds to complete the court that UCO Bank has agreed to deal with unsold New Delhi: In a setback to
sed manner, the railway mi- unters are not the only place housing projects which could not be comp- units and proposed to fund those properties Mauritius-based firm JP Mor-
nistry has announced. At where people can buy tickets. leted as funds were allegedly diverted by through a consortium of banks. gan, the Supreme Court on Fri-
the moment, 20 ticketing
counters are available in
Delhi, each catering to QUEUING UP TO GO HOME
“Besides counters at sta-
tions, people can book or can-
cel tickets at post offices, Yat-
the Group and its directors.
After a bench of Justices Arun Mishra
and U U Lalit said the Centre should provide
4 6 The court, however, refrained from
passing order to the Centre and SBI Capi-
tal after the ASG assured the bench that he
day allowed the Enforcement
Directorate to attach its proper-
ties after the agency informed
hundreds of people, a rail- ri Ticket Suvidha Kendra li- funds for completion of Amrapali’s housing THOUSAND will seek instructions from the ministry the court that it detected Rs 187
way official said. While this is largely to book Out of the 20 counters in censees and through autho- projects which have been taken over by PEOPLE and inform the court next week on the de- crore as proceeds of crime in
“Social distancing is tickets, cancellations and Delhi, 18 are functioning in rised agents of IRCTC,” the NBCC, additional solicitor general Vikrama- INVESTED IN cision to be taken on the proposal. the firm’s financial transac-
maintained, and Railway all other procedures ticke- two shifts — from 8am to ministry has said. The zonal jit Banerjee told the court that the issue is alre- HOMES The estimated cost for construction of tions with the Amrapali group.
Protection Force and other ting counters would nor- 2pm and 2pm to 8pm, with railways have been instruc- ady under the consideration of the finance all housing projects is Rs 8,500 crore and Additional Solicitor Gene-
railway personnel are in mally carry out are also be- the staff changing after eve- ted to decide and notify ope- ministry and he will seek instructions on how amount recoverable from homebuyers ral Sanjay Jain told a bench of
place to ensure gaps are ing offered,” said a Nort- ry six hours. Two other co- ning of reservation counters much money could be given for the stalled projects. and buyers of commercial areas is Rs 3,700 crore, Justices Arun Mishra and U U
kept as people queue up. hern Railway official. unters — one at Parliament as per local conditions. Facing a fund crunch with cautious buyers not 43% of the cost. Though SC-appointed forensic Lalit that the agency, in its preli-
paying their dues of Rs 3,600 crore and NBCC refu- auditors submitted that around Rs 11,000 crore is minary investigation, had fo-
sing to invest money, the SC had earlier asked the the recoverable amount which is enough to bear und violation of rules and regu-
CIN: U45203MP2004SGCO16758 Centre to consider using its real estate stress the cost of the construction, the fund is not avai- lations in investments made by
M.P. ROAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. fund, managed by SBI Capital, for construction of lable as the process of auctioning the Group’s as- the firm in the real estate group.
(M.P. State Highway Authority) the stalled projects. sets is on. Also, those who benefited from diver-
(Govt, of M.P. Undertaking) Senior advocate R Venkataramani, who was ap- sion of homebuyers’ money are not returning the The forensic audit
45-A , Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011 pointed as receiver to manage the affairs of Amra- funds despite court orders. report had revealed
1&: 0755-2527290/ 2765205 , Fax: 0755-2572643 , Website :
NCB No /MPRDC/Procu/ MPDRIISP/AIS/..../2020 Date : ....... 2020
that the firm had
Invitation of National Competitive Bidding for Procurement of Cashless Insurance
Services in Five Districts of Madhya Pradesh SYSTEM (PRS) COUNTERS FOR RAILWAY PASSENGERS `140 crore to two
1. India (hereinafter called "Borrower ") has received financing from Asian Development Bank for Madhya Pradesh District
companies whose
Roads II Sector Project (Loan no.3437-IND). Part of this financing will be used for payments for the "Cashless Insurance Northern Railway has opened Reservation Counters at all major directors at that time
Serv ices in five districts of M.P, Bidding is open to Bidders from eligible source countries of the ADB, stations/cities for the passengers w.e.f 22.05.2020. The Division-wise were peons of the
2. M.P.Road Development Corporation Limited (the "Employer "), a fully owned Company of Government of Madhya Pradesh list of operational PRS Counters is as under:- Amrapali group
registered under Companies Act , 1956, invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Procurement of Cashless Insurance
Services by appointment of insurer to provide the Cashless Insurance Services in five Districts of Madhya Pradesh , namely, PRS The apex court had orde-
Bhopal , Ind ore , Rew a , Satna and Chhindwara. The beneficiaries of the insurance scheme shall be the road accident victims in red ED probe against J P Mor-
Bhopal , Indore , Rewa , Satna and Chhindwara districts in the state of Madhya Pradesh , India and who have not been covered Meerut Cantt ., Deoband, Sonipat , Rohtak , Kurukshetra, Jind , Delhi Sarai Rohilla, gan after holding that the Rs
by the National Health Protection Scheme/ Ayushman Bharat Scheme or any other Government sponsored/Operated Health Ballabhgarh, Faridabad , Muradnagar, Modinagar, Meerut City, Muzzaffar Nagar, Panipat , 85 crore investment by the
Insurance Scheme in Madhya Pradesh. Karnal , Bahadurgarh, Delhi Cantt ., Gurgaon, Palam, Palwal , Jhajj ar, Greater Noida , Hazrat firm in Amrapali group thro-
Bid Security: Nil. Nizamuddin, Anand Vihar Terminal, Sahibabad , Nangloi, New Ghaziabad , Khatauli , Maur , ugh FDI and taking away Rs
Duration Of Services: 3 (Three) Years from date of Commencement. 140 crore by selling its shares
Mini Secreteriat Rohtah, Shakurbasti, Narwana , Central Admin Tribunal, Dwarka Court , Noli,
3. National Competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB's Single-Stage: Two- Envelope bidding procedure to shell companies at inflated
and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries. Saket Court, UPSC, Shamli , Jakhal, Mansa , Samli , Gohana , Kaithal, Pataudi Road, value was a ploy to divert ho-
4. Only eligible bidders meeting the qualification requirements specified in para 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of Section 3 (Evaluation and Shahbad Markanda & Tohana me-buyers’ money overseas.
Qualification Criteria) of the bidding document may participate in the bidding process. The court had accepted the
5. To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Document, Bidders should contact the office of: PRS Locations over Delhi Area (20) findings of the SC-appointed
Managing Director forensic auditors who conclu-
IRCA, Delhi Main , Delhi Sahadra , Ghazibad , Noida , Nizamuddian, Okhla , Tuglakabad ,
M.P. Road Development Corporation Ltd. ded that the investment made
Lajpat Nagar , All India Medical Science , Sarojani Nagar , Kirti Nagar , Sakurbasti , Rohini , by J P Morgan was in viola-
45 A - Arera Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,
IndiaPin : 462 011 Subzi Mandi, Adarsh Nagar, Karkardoma , Parliament , Railway Board & Press Club of India tion of Foreign Exchange Ma-
Telephone : +91-755-2527 244/210/290/2765205 nagement Act (FEMA) and
Facsimile : +91-755-2572643 Companies Act in connivance
Email: mdmnr d c @ or nroc u-m n r d c @mn.aov in PRS Locations over Ambala Division (11) with the Amrapali group.
6.To purchase the bidding documents bidders shall: Ambala , Chandigarh, Jagadhri , Kalka, Saharanpur , Patiala , Bathinda , Rajpura , Sirhind, Jain told the court that preli-
Write to address above requesting the Bidding documents for Cashless Insurance Services in five districts of M.P. Abohar & Una Himachal minary investigation against
the firm has been conducted
Pay a non-refundable fee of INR 50,000% (Rupees fifty thousand only) or USD 850 (US Dollars Eight Hundred Fifty only) in
the form of demand draft in favor of Managing Director Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Limited payable at PRS Locations over Firozpur Division (14) and pleaded the bench to allow
any Scheduled Bank in Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh , India . If the Bidding Document is desired by courier/post , an additional sum the agency to attach its proper-
of INR 1 ,000/- for the dispatch of the Bidding Document anywhere in India or USD 100 for overseas delivery. The employer Jalandhar City, Ludhiana, Amritsar , Jammu Tawi, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra , Firozpur, ties as per Section 5 of the Pre-
shall promptly dispatch the Document by Courier/Post , but under no circumstances will it be held responsible for late delivery Jalandhar Cantt ., Phagwara , Pathankot, Pathankot Cantt , Udhampur , BEAS , Faridkot & Kathua vention of Money Laundering
or loss of documents so mailed. The Document shall be available for sale during office hours (1ST 1030 1ST 1730 Act. Allowing his plea, the court
hrs.) from 20th May 2020 to 20th July 2020. PRS Locations over Moradabad Division r permitted the agency to proce-
The Document is also available on our website case, the bidder submits the downloaded document , ed against the firm as per law.
it should be accompanied with a Demand Draft of INR 50 , 000/- (Rupees fifty, thousand only) or USD 850 (US Dollars Eight Amroha , Moradabad , Chandausi , Balamu , Dehradun , Hardoi , Shahjehanpur, Haridwar , The forensic audit report
Hundred Fifty only) in favor of Managing Director , Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Limited payable at any Rishikesh , IIT Roorkee , Laksar , Jwalapur, Sitapur City, Anjhi Shahabad, Bareilly, Najibabad, had revealed that the firm had
Scheduled Bank in Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh , India. In case of any discrepancy between the documents downloaded by Nagina , Dharamnagar, Kotdwara & Rampur sold its shares worth of Rs 140
the prospective bidder and the Bidding Documents (hard copy) issued by MPRDC, the latter shall prevail. crore to two companies—Rud-
7. Deliver your Bid: PRS Locations over Lucknow Division (26) raksh and Neelkanth— whose
To the address above, directors at that time were pe-
Lucknow, Varanasi, Rae Bareli, Pratapgagh, Lalganj, Faizabad, Akbarpur, Manak Nagar, ons of the Amrapali group.
On or before the deadline 21st July 2020 ,1230 hrs (1ST).
Prayaga, Jaunpur, Barabanki , Alam Nagar, Phaphamau, Ayodhya, Unnao, Janghai, Amethi, J P Morgan had refuted alle-
Together with a Bid Security as per Clause 19 of ITB and Bid Data Sheet of the Bidding Document.
Sultanpur, Daryabad , Rudauli , Dalmau , Lalganj, Phulpur, Bhadohi , Gauriganj & Jais gations of violation of any law
Technical Bids will be opened on 21st July 2020, at/aft er 1230 hrs (IST) in the presence of bidders' representatives who in investing in Amrapali Group
choose to att end , whereas the Financial Bids shall remain sealed and unopened and shall be placed locked. The Financial Bids Note: All precautions like wearing masks/face covers , Social Distancing norms will and later selling its stake. But
of only Technically Responsive and Qualified Bidders shall be opened after Technical Bid Evaluation , whereas, the Financial Bids
of those Bidders whose Technical Bids are not responsive and qualified shall be returned unopened after the contract is have to be adhered while waiting to book tickets at the Reservation Counters the bench had rejected its plea
awarded . and held that FEMA rules prohi-

bited transactions route adop-
In the event of the specified deadline for submission of Bid being declared a Government Holiday, the next official working day ted by the company to invest in
would be deemed as the last day for the Physical submission of bids. Helpline Amrapali. “We are in agreement
8. A Pre-bid meeting will be held at the Office of Managing Director , M.P.Road Development Corporation Ltd., 45-A , Arera Hills, No.182 Your Convenience - Our Concern with the findings of the forensic
Bho all M.P on 15th June 2020 at 1130 hrs. Pre-bid queries to be submitted by 11th June 2020 at 1130 hrs. Visit us at : nr.indianrailways auditors,” it had said.
i Managing Director Pleas JoIn as an 1 1 1155/2020 SERVING CUSTOMERS WITH A SMILE

DOUBTS Online snags make Cook at AIIMS hostel dies of
Covid, resident doctors protest
TO US for more taxing time DurgeshNandan.Jha

New Delhi: A 54-year-old

The resident doctors at the
hospital observed peace and lit
candles on Friday evening in
memory of the deceased, a resi-
The resident doctors de-
manded resignation of the
hostel superintendent and
the senior warden over the is-
To make your life easy during the coronavirus
lockdown, TOI invites its readers to send their
Property Tax Payments Complicated: Users man working in the mess of an
AIIMS hostel has become the
dent of Orissa. “He used to stay
at the RP Centre hostel, which
sue. “We also demand testing
of all mess workers and
queries at taxpayer,” added the general ID and password. latest casualty of Covid-19. is located within the hospital residents by diligent contact
secretary of Mall Road Radha Krishan, south He was on the job, cooking campus,” doctors said. tracing to ensure such inci-
We will seek answers from the police and relevant New Delhi: With South and Apartments RWA. corporation joint assessor & food for the resident doctors, All contacts of the decea- dence are not repeated,” the
authorities. We request you to keep your questions brief. North Delhi Municipal Cor- Many south Delhi resi- collector, said, “Till date, peo- when the mess worker (name sed, including doctors who at- RDA said, adding further
You may also email your queries to porations making it manda- dents raised similar apprehen- ple had been accessing their withheld) complained about tended to him and his collea- that compensation should be
tory for property owners to sions. Sanjeev Nayyar, a char- property tax details through breathing difficulty. “Within gues in the mess, may require provided to the grieving
submit fresh details and ma- tered accountant in S-Block multiple ways, including re- minutes, his condition dete- to observe home quarantine, family because the mess wor-
Answers by Delhi Police spokesperson additional
commissioner Mandeep Singh Randhawa
ke only online payment on Greater Kailash-I, said that he ference ID, UPIC, name, pro- riorated and the man went in- they added. ker was serving the doctors
their new portals, taxpayers tried generating OTP twice af- perty address, etc. We don’t to acute respiratory distress. According to AIIMS Resi- during the pandemic. Some of
are having a tough time, espe- ter filling in his personal deta- want the system to be confu- We put him on ventilator dent Doctors’ Association the hospital doctors are also
Q I am a psychiatrist with a residence-cum-
L CKDOWN clinic at Sector 18 of Rohini. My RWA has banned
cially at a time when no sup- ils, but the code didn’t come for sing. Now, once your mobile support immediately and ad- (RDA), they have written to demanding that the state
? FAQS port is available and camps number is verified, you can ministered necessary medi- the administration in the past should step-in to provide
the entry of my patients into the society and I am aren’t being organised by the log in and access all details cations but despite all efforts for regular screening and due compensation.
unable to treat them. Since I come under essential services, can the civic bodies. EX-P&I DIRECTOR SAYS through the UPIC ID. The sy- the he could not be saved,” a other safety measures like AIIMS did not comment
RWA do this? –Dr Bhupender Singh Arora People whom TOI spoke stem will soon be made error- doctor said. provision of thermal scanner, on the demands. Sources said
Please give details on our helpline 23469526 or call 112. to found the system compli-
We will soon organise free.” He added that on The deceased had all sanitiser and masks etc for the deceased was working un-
cated. It took time to generate camps and chances Thursday 500 people submit- symptoms of Covid-19, there- the mess workers. “These de- der a private vendor hired to
Q I don’t live in a containment zone but the police are still not new Unique Property Identi- are that the deadline ted their tax successfully. fore his swab samples were mands have fallen on deaf run the hostel mess.
allowing groceries to be delivered at homes. They are forcing the fication Code (UPIC) IDs, ac- of June 30 will be The corporations said pe- sent for testing. It was confir- ears and hence the fatal outco- Earlier, more than 30 securi-
delivery boys to keep the items at the gate of the colony. What cess old records and receipts extended till Sept ople could contact the zonal med that he was Covid-19 posi- me,” the RDA has alleged, in a ty guards working at AIIMS
should I do? –Anonymous and pay tax. Residents said offices and assistance would tive, sources said. letter to the institute director. had tested positive for Covid-19.
Please give details on our COVID helpline 23469526 or call 112. the June 30 deadline was ab- be provided to them. There

i7 i:
surd considering that many an hour. “By the time the are also plans to launch a hel-
Q Our neighbour is an orthopaedician. For the past few days, he hitches needed to be fixed. session had expired. SDMC
should stop experimenting
pline. However, when 82-ye-
ars-old Brig (Retd) SC Gupta,
Former municipal press
IA. TO RUN i i
has been practising from home and his patients are visiting him
from other areas. Is this allowed? Our fear is that some patients and information director De- and make the system robust. a resident of GK-I, called the
may be asymptomatic right now and later test positive –Kuldeep ep Mathur said that resi- My client tried to pay tax via zonal office on Thursday
Clinics are allowed to open. dents in his apartments were cheque, but the civic body refu- morning, he was told that the Ministry of Railways has decided that train services on Indian
Q I stay in Malviya frustrated with the new sed to accept it,” he added. site was not working and it Railways shall be partially restored w.e.f.1st June 2020.
Nagar. We have two regime. “No one succeeded in A north corporation would take a couple of days to
parks with open gyms in
Q I own a bookstore at a local market
for school and college textbooks. Am paying the tax. The most irri- official said they were upda- start functioning. “The also The following trains will originate /terminate on
the area. Since I cannot I allowed to open my store tating problem is the new ting the system and would so- refused to accept the tax by Northern Railway system: -
access my regular daily now? Is there any site summarily invalidating on visit residential areas to cheque,” he added.
gym, am I allowed to go the old reference and receipt help residents pay their tax. Asked about such pro-
restriction on timings?
and exercise in the open –GK Singh
numbers. North corporation A senior south corporation blems, an official said they Train No. & Train Name Stations Between
was supposed to make the official clarified that their would soon organise camps
gyms? –Aman K Yes, you are allowed 01071/72 Kamayani Express Lokmanya Tilak (T) - Varanasi - Lokmanya Tilak (T)
No, not yet. list of the revised UPIC, but entire purpose was to help and chances were that the de-
during the prescribed 01093/94 Mahanagari Express Mumbai (CST) - Varanasi - Mumbai (CST)
they passed the onus of residents access their adline of June 30 would be ex-
timings till 7pm. creating the new ID on the information through one tended till September. 02156/55 Bhopal Express H. Nizamuddin - Habibganj - H. Nizamuddin
02230/29 Lucknow Mail New Delhi - Lucknow - New Delhi
Metro FOB connects 2 stations at Badli 02392/91 Shramjeevi Express New Delhi - Rajgir - New Delhi

New Delhi: A foot over bridge (FOB) constructed by the Delhi Metro Rail Corpo- 02394/93 Sampoorn Kranti Exp. New Delhi - Rajendra Nagar (T) - New Delhi
ration to connect the Samaypur Badli metro station with the nearby Badli rail- 02418/17 Prayagraj Express New Delhi - Prayagraj - New Delhi
way station and Samaypur village has now been opened for public movement. 02420/19 Gomti Express New Delhi - Lucknow - New Delhi
i - U 45201 UP 1997 SGC 008642
The FOB connects the concourse of the Samaypur Badli metro station on Yel-
low Line with platforms 1and 2 of Badli railway station. The FOB then connects 02407/08 Karmabhoomi Superfast New Jalpaiguri - Amritsar Jn. - New Jalpaiguri
both the metro station and the railway station with the nearby Samaypur village.
f T
02357/58 Durgiana Express Kolkata -Amritsar Jn. - Kolkata
“The FOB will be of immense help for the residents of Yadav Nagar and Shiv Vi-
aR , 02452/51 Shram Shakti Express New Delhi - Kanpur Central - New Delhi
* zf f
har, who had to cross railway tracks to reach the metro station,” said Anuj Dayal, 8o AO j f m 3T f 4Tii ft +m f'
c io i fiR f flrafT >i < AY ai Tam -0 f a
executive director (corporate communications), DMRC. TNN f ifvT -4 T -f
i ;MION ti aft i4 -9, f= f r -4 tl rof kl f kg. f4;T WJ aTTfii 02463/64 Rajasthan S. Kranti Delhi Sarai Rohilla - Jodhpur Jn. - Delhi Sarai Rohilla
mimpt https ://etender.up.nic .in Yd A7ra 3;1 4qmqe www 02533/34 Pushpak Express Lucknow Jn. - C . Shivaji Maharaj (T) - Lucknow Jn.
MISSION DIRECTOR , NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION, J&K ve 3gaT T # i ir3 f gI gIcrr 34fT zW 'nr 1r 1 TTT' T Z" 3Tf w AVM aia i1 02560/59 Shivganga Express New Delhi - Manduadih - New Delhi
Jammu Office : Regional Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Nagrota, Jammu - 181221 5'ti 02618/17 Mangla Express H. Nizamuddin - Ernakulam Jn. - H . Nizamuddin
Fax: 0191-2674114; Telephone: 2674244; e-mail: mdnhmjk@ gmall,com
fear )ft. f4fdzr AdTYr
fir a9 wrrrc 04009/10 Champaran Satyagrah Ex. Bapudham Motihari-Anand Vihar (T)-Bapudham Motihari
Kashmir Office : Block W, Ground Floor, Old Secretariat, Srinagar Pin: 190001 Tbafa r ART (moo 'am G.S.T.
Fax: 0194.2470486; 2477309; Telephone: 2477337; a-mail: mdnhmjkd gmall,com r 02629/30 Karnataka Sampark Kranti Yesvantpur - H. Nizamuddin - Yesvantpur
NHM Help Line for Jammu Division : 18001800104 ; Kashmir Division : 18001800102 W" aTffif i
100 g * c / cFr ftifur wr4 (G+5) 02715/16 Sachkhand Express Hazur Sahib Nanded-Amritsar Jn.-Hazur Sahib Nanded
Notice Inviting Proposal(s) from ICMR approved Labs for
undertaking RT-PCR Testing, alongwith Reporting as per ICMR 1. 187 r
- WiF N?4 12.05.20 342.67 02724/23 Telangana Express New Delhi - Hyderabad Decan - New Delhi
Testing Protocols of Samples from J&K for COVID-19 2. 188 i ui 4 12.05 .20 337.45 02801/02 Purushottam Express Puri - New Delhi - Puri
In view of heavy in-flow of returnees to J&K , including students , labourers , etc. , and in ref- 3. 108 qfm c aFcft 4 16.05 .20 353 .34 02904/03 Golden Temple Mail Am ritsar Jn. - Mumbai Central - Amritsar Jn.
erence to the Standard Operating Procure (SOP) for regulating the movement of migrant 4. 109 wTq ftwq m 4 16.05.20 353.34 02916/15 Ashram Express Delhi Jn. -Ahmedabad Jn. - Delhi Jn.
workers , stranded students and others , as approved by the Competent Authority, propos-
al(s) are hereby invited from ICMR approved labs for undertaking RT-PCR testing, and 5. 44 Pm W4-q z 4 14.05.20 399.57 02926/25 Paschim Express Am ritsar Jn. - Bandra Terminus -Amritsar Jn.
reporting, of samples from J&K for COVID-19, in time-bound manner , strictly on following
6. 45 Uzi wo YaT 4 13.05 .20 389 .43
terms & conditions: 02963/64 Mewar Express H. Nizamuddin - Udaipur - H. Nizamuddin
a) Concerned Medical/ Para-Medical Staff at the designated COVID-19 facility(ies) shall 7. 14 jf r u m" qw 4 14.05 .20 326.96
collect the samples and pack the same , duly labeled , in transport container(s) having 8. 15 4 14.05.20 334 .96
05484/83 Sikkim Mahananda Exp. Delhi Jn. - Alipur Duar Jn. - Delhi Jn.
requisite temperature as per the protocol; -
b) Empanelled Lab(s) shall have to arrange for transportation of samples from the con- 9. 89 w w ff W79M 4 13.05.20 407.95 02805/06 A.P. Express Visakhapatnam - New Delhi - Visakhapatnam
cerned Healt h Institutions/ other Collection Centres to its respective Testing Site(s) at 10. 115 4 15 .05 .20 374.06 02182/81 Express H. Nizamuddin - Jabalpur - H. Nizamuddin
own cost and risk;
c) Samples, and patient details , will be provided by the State (Divisional) Surveillance 11. 33 P;H auTg i WNUF 4 13.05 .20 368.20
02217/18 Mahamana Express Varanasi - New Delhi - Varanasi
Officer(s), Jammu/ Kashmir; 12. 37 gfifuT Tgm 4 14.05 .20 356.77
d) Empanelled Lab(s) should take all precautions required for handling and transporta- A 09167/68 Sabarmati Express Ahmedabad Jn. - Varanasi Jn. - Ahmedabad Jn.
13. 65 TP i ) 12.05.20 367.50
tion of samples collected and make sure that the samples should reach to Testing Site 02553/54 Vaishali Express Saharsa Jn. - New Delhi - Saharsa Jn.
within 10-14 hours from collecting the sa mples ; 14 . 53 rfm a" 1 I Y 4 13 .05 .20 361 .66
e) Empanelled Lab(s) is required to provide a tool to reg ister/ track the samples;
150 pi t-q i4Rf / 4 5T fk d°i (G+8) 02381/82 Poorva Express Howrah Jn. - New Delhi - Howrah Jn.
f) Designated carrier of the Empaneled Lab(s) will collect packed samples from the
concerned Location(s), or any other location specified by the State (Divisional) 15. 186 vnvff f"r4r4 4 12.05 .20 521.66 02303/04 Poorva Express Howrah Jn. - New Delhi - Howrah Jn.
Surveillance Officer(s), Jammu/ Kashmir , and issue receipt of the same before trans-
porting the same to the Testing Site; 16. 189 f ii wrj r 41c +f7ci 4 13.05 .20 525.42 02557/58 Sapt Kranti Express Muzaffarpur Jn. - Anand Vihar (T) - Muzaffarpur Jn.
g) Empanelled Lab(s) shall ensure testing and reporting of samples strictly as per ICMR e4 16.05.20 517.67 05273/74 Satyagrah Express Raxaul Jn. - Anand Vihar (T) - Raxaul Jn .
17. 106 afku cu
h) Reporting TAT would be between 24 to 36 Hours post receipt of samples at Testing 18. 107 fi
i af3ur 4 16.05.20 511.17 02219/20 Suhaildev Express Ghazipur City - Anand Vihar (T) - Ghazipur City
Site and reports will be shared with the respective State (Divisional) Surveillance
Officer(s), Jammu/ Kashmir . In view of sensitivity of the matter and exigency of 19. 105 jf m c -biZi'.iii4 16.05.20 516.08 02233/34 Express Ghazipur - Anand Vihar (T) - Ghazipur
reports , no payment shall be made for the samples reported after TAT; 20. 47 i afer 4 14.05.20 530.71 04673/74 Shaheed Express Jaynagar - Amritsar Jn. - Jaynagar
i) Empanelled Lab(s) will have to share test results with Govt.of J&K/ other Competent
Authority(ies)/ State (Divisional) Surveillance Officer(s), Jammul Kashmir , on daily 21. 48 f v 4
c 14.05.20 548.22 04649/50 Saryu Yamuna Express Jaynagar - Amritsar Jn . - Jaynagar
basis , through e-Mail(s); 22. 49 Pmr
i u +r3 4 14.05 .20 549.94 05955/56 Brahmputra Mail Dibru ga rh - Delhi Jn. - Dibrugarh
j) Empanelled Lab(s) will assign District-wise coordinators for smooth coordination with
concerned Chief Medical Officer(s), Epidemiologists , Microbiologists and IDSP; 23. 80 'virt u f i 4
_ 15.05.20 632.24
02283/84 Duronto Express Ernakulam Jn. - H. Nizamuddin - Emakulam Jn.
k) In case the Health & Medical Education Deptt., J&K augment the in-house testing 24. 91 c -F ,4 16.05.20 615.74
capabilities , job assigned to Empanelled Lab(s) may be suspended. If the need aris- 02285/86 Duronto Ex press Secunderabad Jn. - H. Nizamuddin - Secunderabad Jn.
es, Health & Medical Education Deptt./ NHM , J&K may consider to reduce/ increase 25. 11 r
- -Tff 4 13.05 .20 498.35
the total tests to be assigned to Empaneled Lab(s). In such case , rates and other 26. 12 z4 14.05.20 503.39
02091/92 Jan Shatabdi Express Dehradun - Kathgodam - Dehradun
Pm c
terms & conditions shall be re-negotiated and all such modifications shall be agreed 02053/54 Jan Shatabdi Express Haridwar Jn. - Amritsar Jn. - Haridwar Jn.
in writing; 27. 13 gfmt wq r ai'w 4 14.05.20 498.25
I) Empanelled Lab(s) will submit weekly Invoice(s) to respective State (Divisional) 28. 84 W9 4t 4 12 .05 .20 517 .29 02055/56 Jan Shatabdi Express New Delhi - Dehradun - New Delhi
Surveillance Officer(s), Jammu/ Kashmir , who will forward the bills, alongwith verified
reports of all the samples reported within TAT , to the State Healt h Society, NHM , J&K 29. 86 fri
c T > 4 12.05 .20 538.12 02057/58 Jan Shatabdi Express New Delhi - Una Himachal - New Delhi
for release of payment in favour of the Lab , on weekly basis; 30. 88 c t WTff #M7 4 13.05 .20 476.25 02065/66 Jan Shatabdi Express Ajmer - Delhi Sarai Rohilla -Ajmer
m) Cost of the proposed testing services will be met out from the funds provided under
31. 95 r-I z 4 13.05.20 512.08
"COVID- 19 Emergency Response and Healt h System Strengthening Preparedness 02059/60 Jan Shatabdi Express Kota Jn. - H. Nizamuddin - Kota Jn.
Package" ; 32. 96 zra'0cft 4 13.05.20 552.45
n) In order to ensure time bound reporting of all the samples , all such proposal(s) which 02565/66 Bihar Sampark Kranti Darbhanga Jn. - New Delhi - Darbhanga Jn.
are within the price range of 15% from the L-1, be accorded an opportunity to match 33. 106 j f ru o
c aI IT 4 15.05 .20 487.80
02917/18 Gujarat Sampark Kranti Ahmedabad Jn. - H. Nizamuddin -Ahmedabad Jn.
rate(s) with L-1, and in case any such proposer(s) is willing to match its rate(s) with 34. 31 fi
c ii Wrr 4 12.05.20 533.97
L-1, suitable opportunity will be provided to such proposer(s). 02779/80 Goa Express Vasco-da-Gama - H. Nizamuddin - Vasco-da-Gama
o) NMH, J&K reserves the right to split the total samples among the empanelled ICMR 200 Tw it ; / wT f rf'i f (G+11)
approved laboratories for undertaking testing and reporting. While sending/ allocating
the samples , preference may be g iven to a lab with large capacity that can be allo- 35. 175 ftti 4aft T 4 09.05 .20 653.57
cated for J&K; and
Train No. & Train Name Stations Between (Stoppage on NR)
36. 178 Pm _T 11.05 .20 653 .16
p) By submitting the proposal(s), concerned Labs agrees that NHM, J&K is not assuring 02555/56 Gorakhdham Express Gorakhpur-Hisar-Gorakhpur(via Barabanki,Lucknow, New Delhi)
any Minimum Order Quantity (MOO) and may discontinue the services , if required as 37. 179 gfcumo
c aag 4 11.05 .20 651.07
per the circumstances , without assigning any reasons therefor. Such discontinuation , 38. 180 Pm Fw-l VaT 4 11.05.20 637.04 09037/38 Avadh Express Bandra Terminus-Gorakhpur-Bandra Terminus (via Luc know City)
if required , shall not hamper release of any pending payments towards tests already 09039/40 Avadh Express Bandra Ter minus- Muzaffarpur -Bandra Terminus (via Lucknow City)
39. 181 gfc i o
c 3Ti+TZr 4 11.05.20 644.93
reported by the concerned Lab(s). 1
q) Current engagement shall remain valid till 30th June 2020 , unless terminated earlier . 40. 56 g(
; Wff 4ea 4 09.05 .20 663.83 09165/66 Sabarmati Express Ahmedabad - Darbhanga Jn. - Ahmedabad (via Lucknow)
If required , NHM , J&K may consider to extend the validity of the engagement beyond z 4 09 .05 .20
41. 57 Pm wm-q 739 .95 01016/15 Kushinagar Express Gorakhpur- Lokmanya Tilak (T ) - Gorakhpur (via Barabanki Jn.)
30th June 2020. Further , depending on the market conditions , and in the broader
interest of public healthcare , NHM J&K may request for downward revision of rate(s) 42. 65 i wvr TZ 4 12.05 .20 743.26
01061/62 Darbhanga Express Lokmanya Tilak (T)-Darbhanga - Lokmanya Tilak (T) (via Varanasi Jn.)
per test. All such changes shall be effective only after mutually agreed in writing, 43. 85 ufm !
c e T u 4 12.05.20 718.96
r) NHM, J&K reserves the right to cancel the notice without giving any reasons thereof 02792/91 Express Danapur - Secunderabad Jn. - Danapur (via Varanasi Jn.)
and not bound to accept the proposals received. 44. 45 i 4 06.05.20 685.64
09045/46 Tapti Ganga Express Surat - Chhapra - Surat (via Varanasi Jn.)
Detailed Proposal(s), with following format, shall reach to the undersigned on
if z tffz7 ftafar wr4 i (02 s )(G +8)
e-mail ID: from three (3) days from the date of this notice: Note : Reservation/ Booking in the above trains may be done
S, No. Part iculars Response from Proposer 45. 190 3f'c i W ifff T;rW;m 4 15.05 .20 1054.00
1. Name of ICMR Approved Lab 46. 191 -!Fff 4 t 4
through any PRS counter , IRCTC , Authorised Rail Travel
- 15.05.20 1062.18
2. Authorised representative & Name, Email and Phone No
47. 125 Cii a wRft 4 Agents and Common Service Centres etc.
3. Address 118.05.20 983.11

4. ICMR Approved 1D/ Reference No., if any 48. 127 c t c f3wff 9R 4 18 .05 .20 1025.27 Note :- For Time Table, frequency & stoppages of the above trains, passengers are requested to
contact Railway Enquiry No.139 or visit Indian Railways website www .enquiry .indianrail l
5. Address of Lab where Testing and Report ing will be made 49. 43 c1T" =1 14 13.05 .20 1138.43
with respect to Samples from J&K
50. 46 Pm 4 14.05 .20 1123.12 Integrated Helpline No. 139 and Security Helpline No. 182

wTq TSaft TQ
6. Total Daily Testing Capacity of the Lab for COVID-19
TR;m aw4 15 .05.20
7. Daily capacity engaged for testing of COVID-19 work orders 51. Wff 1061.82
from other States/UTs us on
52. 17 Pm wTq _ z4 15.05.20 1082 .86 i iti
8. Daily capacity offered to be reserved for testing of COVID-19
samples from J&K 53. 113 -iT4-i
v 3^ira 4 15.05.20 1181.79
Plans to enhance testing capacity. If yes, details thereof
9. 54. 114 ci
i 7rzT 4 15.05.20 1136.79
10. Rates offered , inclusive of transportation cost , taxes/ other
55. 29 c t Fro Tr-TV to 4 12.05.20 1134.99 SERVING CUSTOMERS WITH A SMILE
charges , for testing & reporting of samples from J&K - Rate
per sample tested & reported
56. 30 `R wq-q z4 12 .05.20 1111.17
Proposal shall be submitted on the letter-head of ICMR approved laboratory and propos- 57. 34 si
i 4 13.05 .20 1120.36
al shall be duly signed by the authorised representative(s) of the lab. Proposal shall be
password protected. On the date of proposal opening, Proposal Evaluation Committee will 58. 54 s i Fro icaURF If 13.05 .20 1120.35
write an email to the authorised signatory of the laboratory, who have submitted the pro-
posal, for sharing of password of the proposal. Accordingl y, proposals shall be opened by
the Committee and rates quoted by the agencies will be documented and results shall be 4
published on the website 1. 192 rem mvi 21.05.20 7173.37
Sd/- 3rrar#M w4
Mission Director 4t . . 3TOarvT
National Health Mission , J&K
No: SHS/NHM/J&K/COVID-19/ Dated: fkfff45 23 .052020 -TUa o (qf3. A.)
Tft0 -40 : 9454402717
RO No. DIPK-NB-356/20
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2020

Govt. of Bihar
Migrants sprayed
with disinfectants,
SDMC blames the
Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities
error on machine
of State of Bihar in view of Pandemic Emergency Situation prevailing due to TIMES NEWS NETWORK

Novel Corona Virus (COVID- 19) outbreak for the year 2020-2022.
New Delhi: In an incident reminiscent of mig-
Notice Inviting Tender Ref No. : -BMSIC/DRUGS/20-05

rant workers being sprayed with chemical disin-
(Only through E- Tender on website: -www.eproc fectants in UP’s Bareily, a group of migrants in
Bihar Medical Services and Infrastructure Corporation Limited (BMSICL) invites E-Bids from
Delhi, waiting for a ride home, faced almost a si-
the interested parties for "Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare milar situation as they queued up at the scree-
facilities of State of Bihar in view of Pandemic Emergency Situation prevailing due to Novel ning centre in Lajpat Nagar on Friday evening.
Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak for the year 2020-2022", vide Notice Inviting Tender No.-
As the incident sparked outrage, the South
Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) blamed

BMSIC/DRUGS/20-05. Detailed tender document containing eli gibility criteria, selection
mechanism , otherterms and conditions are available onthe the high pressure of jetting machine for the lap-
se. As Hemu Kalani Senior Secondary School in
Tender Schedule Lajpat Nagar-3, where the screening is going on

for those registered to take Shramik Specials, is
Tender Reference No. BMSIC/DRUGS/20-05.
located inside a residential colony, locals deman-
Date and time for downloading of bid document Upto 13" June 2020 till 1500 Hrs.
ded a disinfection drive of the compound, gro-
Date of Pre-Bid Meeting 30" May 2020 at 14:30 Hrs. in Conference hall BMSICL, und and the road, said a spokesperson.

4" Floor, BSBCCL , Hospital Road, Shastri Nagar “Accordingly, as per the protocol, the disin-
Last date and time of submission of online bids 14" June 2020 by 18:00 Hrs. fectant spray-

Last date and time for submission of original bid 161" June 2020 till 14:00 Hrs. ing was being
documents with EMD and Tender Fees done in the SDMC MAYOR SAYS
Date, Time and Place of opening of Technical 161" June 2020 (at 15:00 Hrs.) on the website of evening in It is likely that due to
Bid www.eproc in the office of BMSICL and around
the school.
the pressure, our
Date and time of opening of Financial Bids To be announced later on www.bmsicl.govinand
But due to the worker may have lost
pressure of control of the pipe. I,
Validity of Tender 180 Days
} Cost of the tender document Rs. 10000/- (Ten Thousand only) Non-refundable.
the machine, too, have faced a
the worker co- similar problem
Bid Processing Fee Rs 1180/-(One thousand one hundred eighty onl y) uld not mana-
Non- refundable.
Today,when your safety is of the f w-m * f www. vt*+a# 44
ge it for some
GM (Procurement)
utmost concern and stepping out of PR-01463 ( Ni Ni 2020-21 BMSICL
the corporation claimed in a statement. The staff
have been asked to be more careful, the spoke-
home is not an option,we also advise sperson said. “The official present at the site apo-
logised to public,” he added.
you to stay at home and stay safe. SDMC mayor Sunita Kangra said she
had ordered an investigation. “But it is more
Meanwhile, we are always there to likely that due to the pressure, our worker may
have lost control. I was helping with disinfection
ensure that the search for your dream Govt. of Bihar in my ward and I, too, faced problem in control-
ling the pipe. My eyes were itching for half an ho-
home doesn't slow down.We are fully IT TTI r- 711
ur,” she added.

prepared with all the options and +BM51CL The agencies use a diluted mixture of sodi-
um hypochlorite bleaching agent for disinfec-
rr: r r. rr tion. Sodium hypochlorite is the main ingredi-
information that you need to choose
TENDER NOTICE ent in laundry bleach. WHO has clearly prohibi-
the right property,while staying safe Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs/Medical Devices/Consumables for
ted spraying of alcohol, chlorine or such disin-
fecting agents on clothes and bodies. “Spraying
inside your present home. different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar in view of Pandemic Emergency Situation such a substance can be harmful to clothes or
prevailing due to Novel Corona Virus (COVID- 19) outbreak for the year 2020-2022. mucous membrane, eyes and mouth,” its adviso-
ry reads. The bleaching agent can cause irrita-
Together,we will get through this. Notice Inviting Tender Ref No.: -BMSIC/ MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/20-0 1 tion and inflammation.
(Only through E- Tender on website : -www.eproc.bihar Spraying disinfectant on the streets, as prac-
Happy and safe searching! Bihar Medical Services and Infrastructure Corporation Limited (BMSICL) invites E-Bids from the tised in some countries, does not eliminate the
interested parties for "Tender for rate contract and supp ly of Drugs/Medical new coronavirus and even poses a health risk,

Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar in view of Pandemic WHO has warned recently.
Emergency Situation prevailing due to Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak for the year

LIFE BADLO 2020-2022", vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/20-01.
Detailed tender document containing elig ibility criteria, selection mechanism, other terms and Don’t use open gyms
conditionsare available on the
Tender Schedule in parks, advise corpns
New Delhi: A day after deciding to open their
Date and time for downloading of bid 29`" May 2020 from 10:00 Hrs. to 22`^ June 2020 till
parks for restricted hours, the south and north
document 1500 Hrs.
Delhi municipal corporations have advised re-
Date of Pre -Bid Meeting 5'" June 2020 at 14:30 Hrs. in Conference hall
sidents not to touch open gym equipment and
BMSICL, 4' ^ Floor, BSBCCL , Hospital Road, Shastri Naga
Rated swings for children to contain the novel coro-
Download magicbricksapp now 4.3 eErRw Last date and time of submission of online bids 23nd June 2020 by 18:00 Hrs.
COW a* nWp Last date and time for submission of original 25 ° June 2020 till 14:00 Hrs .
navirus infection.
While the north corporation opened aro-
bid documents with EMD and Tender Fees und 6,000 parks on Friday, the other two civic
Date, Time and Place of opening of Technical 251b June 2020 (at 15:00 Hrs.) on the website of bodies will throw them open from Saturday.
Bid www.eproc. in the office of BMSICL. However, most corporation parks are located
Date and time of opening of Financial Bids To be announced later on www .bmsicl and in residential areas and it will be difficult to

www.eproc.bihar keep a watch with a few guards. Taking note of
Validity of Tender 180 Day s it, East Delhi Municipal Corporation will keep
- aFV q
U N I V E R S I T Y Cost of the tender document Rs. 10000/- (Ten Thousand only) Non-refundable. 300 of its 2,200 parks closed.
'ri ME:S OF Bid Processing Fee Rs 1180/-(One thousand one hundred eighty only) “Most of these 200 parks are located in

THE TIMIES OF LI1DIA T Non-refundable. congested areas while some have open gyms. If
f3 c t zi fc www.prdbihar vet W3 opened, it will be difficult to ensure that people
GM (Procurement)


don’t touch them at all,” said spokesperson
PR-01464 ( Ni Ni 2020-21 BMSICL
Arun Kumar.
A south corporation official said a circular

would be posted at the gates of around 6,800
parks requesting people to come only for jog-

- i t ging and walking from 7am to 7pm. TNN

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3TTtT 1 Ac7FFTf m1 c5 T cbc e 11 1 . 0612-2294204 , 2294205 , IPtcb 3II c ii oif
c cbT 1k1.U f R RI T ci 1Z-011-23792009 , 011-23014326 , 011-23013884 3T zi f
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fc P 31Tt1 1 A I F1 1 4IT7i ITT ;f 3 3 I 0612-2294600 . 31rti3a f 4j1 ijr1 l i T u ism I5 T
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1 a I u ri. .. https://covidl9 bihar

3Tru 1 T r 16r33T rr uRfkr YI' Clr C1)r i f i



Amid heightened tensions with Maldives tells

OIC it won’t Colour of masks presents
China, Army chief visits Ladakh back move
against India
military with tough poser taken to ensure a proper

Trip Follows Govt’s Assertion On Security & Sovereignty Sachin.Parashar
New Delhi: The armed
forces, amid guarding the
dress code in the absence of
explicit orders. Many IAF of-
ficers in Air Headquarters But talks with China, through frontiers, maintaining op- in New Delhi, for instance,
Gen Naravane reviewed military and diplomatic chan- New Delhi: India’s strategi- erational readiness and are donning blue masks to
New Delhi: Army chief Gen- ‘the forward posture of nels, are also under way to de- cally located neighbour in the helping civil administra- match their uniforms. In the
eral M M Naravane visited La- fuse tensions. With regular Indian Ocean, Maldives, has tions combat the coronavi- Western Air Command,
dakh on Friday to review the Indian troops’ and the brigadier-level meetings at come to its rescue before an in- rus pandemic, are facing a which also has its headquar-
operational situation along ground situation with border meeting points (BPMs) creasingly hostile Organisa- confounding new question: ters in the Capital, person-
the unresolved border with Northern Command chief and hotline talks between lo- tion of Islamic Cooperation Should explicit orders be is- nel are wearing white masks
China, which has witnessed cal commanders, there is the (OIC). Male told the OIC in an sued to ensure their person- with blue borders.
rival troop build-ups after vio-
Lt General Y K Joshi and possibility the situation will address this week that sin- nel wear masks that match Army officers are gener-
lent clashes. His visit came a 14 Corps commander de-escalate in the coming gling out India for Islamopho- their uniforms? ally wearing white or black
No formal order has been
day after the government as- Lt Gen Harinder Singh, days,” said a source. bia would not just be factually Senior officers of the Ar- issued yet as masks are not masks, while some have
serted it remained “deeply sources said Both India and China have incorrect but also detrimental my, Navy and IAF, fortunate- part of the traditional uniform been spotted wearing cam-
committed to ensuring India’s pumped in additional troops, to religious harmony in South ly, have not yet been seen in ouflage or ‘disruptive pat-
security and sovereignty”. built fortifications and Asia. Male further declared public wearing ‘stars’ on Corps and fire services per- tern’ masks. “No explicit or-
Gen Naravane reviewed The Army, despite being continue to maintain their pitched tents at a few stretch- that it would not support any their masks, akin to the ones sonnel have to don khaki ders have been issued yet be-
“the forward posture of Indi- contacted several times by “firm stance against yielding es along the LAC in eastern action by the OIC which sin- worn on their collar tabs, to masks to match their khaki cause masks are not part of
an troops” and the ground sit- TOI, refused to say anything any ground” to the People’s Ladakh, which include the gled out India. denote their ranks like some uniforms. Moreover, in the traditional uniform. But
uation with Northern Com- about Gen Naravane’s half-a- Liberation Army (PLA) in the northern bank of Pangong For New Delhi, the state- of their police counterparts keeping with Kerala gov- yes, with wearing of masks
mand chief Lt General Y K day-long visit. But sources said confrontations along the Line Tso, Demchok and Galwan ment coming out of the OIC are doing. The director-gen- ernment directives, per- likely to become permanent
Joshi and the Leh-based 14 the forward-deployed Indian of Actual Control (LAC). Valley areas, after the violent member-state is very reassur- eral of police in a state, for sonnel found without for the foreseeable future,
Corps commander Lt Gen troops, with major reinforce- “The Northern Command clashes between the rival sol- ing at a time when the organi- instance, made quite a masks will be fined Rs 200 some orders might be need-
Harinder Singh, among other ments from other areas for “a is on a high alert due to repeat- diers on May 5-6. sation, which describes itself splash recently by wearing a for the first time, and Rs ed in the days ahead,” a se-
top officers, said sources. second line of defence”, will ed provocations by the PLA. Full report on as the collective voice of the mask with ‘three stars’. 2,000 for repeat defaults. nior officer said.
Muslim world, has stepped up The Southern Naval “There was this problem In the past, the armed
attacks on India over not just Command (SNC) in Kochi of personnel wearing all forces have faced flak for

In run-up to HK law, China sought India help

developments in J&K but also seems to have stolen a kinds of masks with differ- the propensity of a few gen-
alleged discrimination march in the spit and polish ent colours and weird pat- erals, admirals and air mar-
against Muslims. environs of the armed terns. The need was felt to en- shals to flaunt their rank
Reuters The Maldives’s permanent forces by sternly directing sure uniformity in uniforms and status even while play-
TNN & AGENCIES tus to J&K under Article 370. Hong Kong. We hope that your representative in New York, its personnel to wear col- and for personnel to wear ing golf or driving personal
China on Friday intro- government will understand Thilmeeza Hussain, said our-coordinated masks. comfortable cotton masks cars. Pictures of a lieuten-
New Delhi: China briefed duced a national security law and support China’s relevant while her country stood firm- White masks with white instead of nylon or synthetic ant general going to im-
key nations, including India, in Hong Kong that could be practices,” it said. ly against Islamophobia, xe- uniforms and navy blue or ones in the hot muggy weath- merse the ashes of a parent
before bringing in a tough na- the end of the much touted The demarche said since nophobia or any form of vio- black masks with other cer- er,” a source said. in a VIP boat adorned with
tional security law for Hong “One country, Two systems” the return of Hong Kong to lence to promote political or emonial uniforms, the “in- But officers here three stars and a fluttering
Kong, which Beijing says is policy followed since the is- China 23 years ago, “the Hong any other agenda, it also be- ternal instructions” issued stressed that it was not a flag, in particular, had at-
aimed at curbing secessionist land reverted to Chinese rule Kong SAR has not acted out its lieved targeting a specific by a unit there said. pan-Navy order, even tracted critical attention a
sentiments, sources said. The in 1997. “Your country main- constitutional duty for nation- country would be like side- The Defence Security though some care is being few years ago.
explanation was done to soft- tains close economic and al security in line with Chi- stepping the real issue.
en the inevitable criticism. trade cooperation as well as na’s Constitution and the Ba- “In this light, let me state

123 lakh tonnes: Record sugar

Agency reports said Beij- people-to-people exchanges sic Law”. Hong Kong has be- that singling out India, the
ing had in its diplomatic mis- A pan-democratic legislator is with Hong Kong” the de- come a “notable source of largest democracy in the
sive reminded countries, in- taken away by security men as he marche said. “Hong Kong’s risk” to China’s national secu- world and a multicultural so-
cluding India, that “uphold- prosperity and long-term sta- rity, it said. “The legislation ciety and home to over 200 mil-
ing national security” in
Hong Kong Special Adminis-
trative Region (HKSAR) is
protests against new security
laws at a legislative council
meeting in Hong Kong on Friday
bility is in line with the com-
mon interests of the whole in-
ternational community, in-
for upholding national securi-
ty in the Hong Kong SAR is
purely China's internal affair.
lion Muslims, alleging Isla-
mophobia would be factually
incorrect. It would be detri-
output in UP amid lockdown
“purely China’s internal af- In August 2019, India had cluding your country, as well No foreign country may inter- mental to religious harmony the last season. UP’s previ- UP accounts for 47% of the
fair and no foreign country briefed other nations’ envoys as protection of your coun- fere in this matter,” it said. in the South Asian region,” ous record was registered in total national output so far.
may interfere in this matter”. after withdrawing special sta- try’s legitimate interests in Full report on Hussain said, adding that Is- Lucknow: While most in- the 2017-18 season with an According to Indian
lam had existed in India for dustries faced a Corona-in- output of 120.45 lakh tonnes Sugar Mills Association,
centuries and that it was the duced lockdown, UP’s sugar of sugar. The output is all set about 40% of the factories
second-largest religion in In- mills went full throttle to to increase further as 39 of in central UP are still oper-
i i Haryana Medical Services Corporation Limited dia, accounting for 14.2% of produce 123 lakh tonnes of the total 119 sugar mills are ating, while in west UP
Bays no 59 -62, Sector -2 , Panchkula , Haryana
the country’s population. sugar in this crushing sea- still running as nearly 10 about 70% of the factories
General Public is hereby i n f o r m e d t h a t Website: Ph. No: 0172- 2575578
The top diplomat, who is al- son, recording their highest more days are left in this are still running. Principal
one person Namely : Deepak , S/o: Public Notice so the Maldives’s ambassador ever output, which is also a crushing season. In con- secretary, cane develop-
K a r t a r Singh , Rio: H.No .9 , Chandpur ,
Haryana Medical Services Corporation Limited has recently procured to the US, further said “isolat- record production by any trast, only 16 mills were op- ment, Sanjay Bhoosreddy
K a l a n , D e l h i has been m i s s i n g /
following item on the rates and certification mentioned below:- ed statements by motivated state in a season. In UP, the erating after the third week said that despite the lock-
k i d n a p p e d since 16.05 .2020 from the
area of PS. Kanjhawala , Delhi. In this people and disinformation sugarcane crushing season of May last year. down, the state government
S. Name of Approved Rate per Certification
r e g a rd a case v i d e FIR/DD No . 174/ 20 , No Item Unit , Inclusive of campaigns” on social media is from October to May. Significantly, while UP ensured that the mills kept
U/s 365 IPC , dated 16 .05.2020 has GST , FOR H a r y a n a should not be construed as Records available with jacked up its production de- operating to crush canes
been registered at P.S. Kanjhawala , representative of the feelings the sugar department till spite the lockdown, the na- brought in by farmers.
Deepak 1. I n f r a Red Rs. 2875/- USFDA A pproved/
Delhi. The description of the missing; Thermal (3 Years replacement European CE/CE of 1.3 billion people. May 21 show that the output tional production of sugar In the current crushing
kidnapped person is as under: A g e : 43 years , Height: Scanner warranty) “Therefore, the Maldives so far is at least six lakh in this season fell by nearly season, the state govern-
5'6" , Face : R o u n d , Built: S t r o n g , C o m p l e x i o n : HMSCL is in the process of purchasing 2000 nos. approx. of cannot support any action tonnes more than 117 lakh 62 lakh tonnes - from 326 ment paid farmers nearly
Wheatish , Hair: Black , Wearing : Yellow colour T-shirt , within the OIC that singles out tonnes of sugar produced in lakh tonnes in the previous Rs 19,000 crore, which is
Infra Red Thermal Scanners on the certifications and condi-
green colour lower and blue colour slipper in feet. or targets India,” she added. the corresponding period of season to 264 lakh tonnes. 56% of the total dues.
Sincere efforts have been made by local police to trace tion mentioned above. Interested parties who are willing to
out the person but no clue has come to light so far, A n y supply Infra Red Thermal Scanners from ready stock and

person having any information or clue about this person capacity to supply within 4 days of issue of supply order with
kindly inform to the f o l l o w i n g .
Website : http//
cert ifications mentioned above , are requested to quote their
TIMES inter .' r
lowest rate which should belower or equal to the above mentioned
E-mail Id - cic@cbi rates. Preference will be given to firm quoting lowest net rates
Ph.: 011-24368638, 24368641 SHO including all taxes, FOR Haryana. The successful part y will be
Fax No . 011-24368639 P.S. Kanjhawala , Delhi required to submit performance bank guarantee (d5/ of value
DP;139 ;`RD!2020 Ph.: 011-25951486, 8750870324 of supply order. For delay in supplies, penalty C 2.5% per week
will be applicable. HMSCL reserves the right to cancel the order
anytime in case of no/late delivery. IIRG M requirement of
a consultant for food
The interested parties are requested to send their proposal on
manufacturing unit at

HA )Rs
email id :- eoui Dmentdem 0 0(if Pmail .com along with all dehradun contact:- 9908307999

relevant documents before 09:OOAM on 29.05.2020 along with

2 samples of offered model for demonstration to Haryana
Medical Services Corporation Limited, Bays No 59
APPEAL FOR IDENTIFICATI O N Sector-2 Panchkula before above mentioned date and time.
General public is hereby informed HMSCL reserves the right to revise or cancel the proposal HOME
that an unidentified deadbody of anytime.
male Age : 35-40 years, Height : -sd-
I, Kriti Tyagi W / o Mr. Harsh
5'4" , Comp lexion : Sallow , Ro no 80997 General Manager (Equipment) G u l a t i . R/ o A-801 , B a i r w a
For Managing Director , HMSCL Panchkula Bharti Classic Appartments,
wearing black colour T-shrit and Plot-24 , Sec-12, Dwarka-110078
green colour pant , was found dead have changed my name to Kriti
Tvaci Gulati.
on 19.05.2020 in train accident at
Elect. Pole No. 15/28-30, Down I, Dipanshu Gabbi S/o Mr.
V a r i n d e r K u m a r Ri o 283/352 ,
Railway Line, Near N a n g l o i Vishnu Garden , New Delhi- BUY NOW
Railway Station , Delhi. In this regard a DD No. 01-A
1 10018 declare that D i p a n s h u
25 0FF
Gabbi and Dipanshu are one &
dated 19.05.2020 u/s 174 Cr.P.C. has been lodged at the same person vide affidavit
P.S. Sarai Rohilla Railway Station , Delhi. The ROADS & BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT did 20th May 20.

deadbody has been preserved for identification for 72

hours in the mortuary of Subzi Mandi, Delhi.
SECOND GUJARAT STATE I Tampha D e v i spouse of IC Buy with coupon code 'LAUNCH'
33145L ( L a t e ) L t . Col

Any person having any information or clue about the HIGHWAY PROJECT Thounaojam Janakee Singh ,
resident of Soibam Leikai . A.P.

ONLINE BID (TENDER) NOTICE 0 2 4 0 3 6 7 / 76187

Road , O p p o s i t e M o d e r n
deceased may kindly inform to the undersigned on the College . Porompat , Imphal East q +91 9 9 00 52851
following address or telephone nos.
NOTICE . I OF 2020-2021
P I N 795005 . M a n i p u r h a v e
c h a n g e d my n a m e f r o m
SHO - P.S. Sarai Rohilta Railway Station, Delhi Tampha Devi to Thounaojam
DP/4389/RLY/20 Tel. No. : 011-23693611, 23691106 Online Bids are invited on behalf of the Governor of Gujarat by the Executive
Tampha Devi vide a f f i d a v i t
Engineer , State Road Project Division , Vadodara for the works mentioned dated 05.05.2020 before the Oath
Book your [ E N NE I
below from the interested bidders under World Bank Assisted Second Commissioner ( J u d i c i a l )
Manipur at Imphal.
Gujarat State Highway Project (GSHP- II).

Name of work Bid Document Bid Security
Fee Amount Book your Newspaper Ads DATA CENTRE
General Public is hereby informed that
Design, Supply, Installation, Integration,
Commission, Operations and Maintenance
Rs 18,000/- Rs 27.20
Tenders a Public in just 3 easy steps
an unidentified dead body of a male r.
of the IT/1CT ITS works of Gandhinagar notice ads log an to
undertake AMC / REPAI
Namely Shyam Lal S/o Unknown , R/o > R
(Ch-0)-Kob a-lndira Bridge road Km of NON IT items of

Bareilly, U.P., Age: About 50 years,

3+000 to 14+500 (SH-71/SH-43) from your
Height : 57", Complexion: Wheatish , Data Centres like, BMS, FAS,
Face: Round beared face , Built: Thin , Under Safe Corridor Demonstration Desktop or Mobile
Access, PAC, Chiller, CAC, HVAC,
Program (SCDP) of Second Gujarat
Wearing : Blue coloured t-shirt & dark
;' CCTV, UPS, DG and Security.
blue-red coloured lower, was found on '! State Highway Project (GSHP-II
I .' . I I I M I
12.04.2020 in illness condition on SCDP-ITS-2)

footpath outside H. No. 5945 , Gali No.1,

Block No.4, Dev Nagar, Karol Bagh,
ShyamLal Additional details like date of pre-bid meeting, last Date of uploadine Bid Call: 8377062846
documents etc. are available on e-procurement web site. I www
Delhi. He was admitted in RML Hospital for treatment. Where All Bid Documents, DD towards the cost of bid documents, Bid Security and
Readers a
make appropriate
mmended t
enq.ica and
during treatment doctors declared him dead on 16.04.2020. Other Documents etc. should be submitted duly scanned with Bid documents seek appropriate adv ice befo re
Bonding money . invm ng a
The dead body has been preserved in RML mortuary for 72 online only at e-tendering portal of without which expenses , acting on medical

hours. In this regard a DD No. 59A dated 16.04.2020 has

a endat ions or entering into
Bid will not be opened. any commitment in relat ion to any

To advertise Property Ad please call TOI Executives on

advottisement published in this
been lodged at P.S. Prasad Nagar , Delhi.
The competent authority reserves the right , to reject all or any bid without publication . The Timex of India
Group doesn 't vouch for any
If any one having any clue about deceased male may kindly assigning any reasons thereof. claims made by the Advertises of

inform the undersigned and contact on following numbers. products and services the Printer ,
Publisher, Editor , and Owners of
SHO The Time, Of India Group
publication shall not be held
P.S. Prasad Nagar , Delhi liable for any coinequrn inthc
s uch d a is
DP/103/CD/2020 Ph.No.: 011-25725652, 25751048 It t s c e vd b y tlw Ads d ti.ess
Returnees account for Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd

72% of Bihar’s Covid

( A Govt . of Bihar Undertaking )
West Boring Canal Road , RajapurPul , Patna , Bihar - 800 001
4 k RC
te l - 0612 -2506109, Fax No.0612-2506132, Website : http ://
Corrigendum - 2
cases in last 20 days The o n l i n e tenders for the
works invited vide this office
N. I . T. No . P W D / B W D /
Extension Of Bid Submission Date
Loan No. and Title : 2861-IND; Bihar Urban Development Investment
National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC), New Delhi is seeking
applications from eligible candidates for the following positions;
Senior Consultant - Community Processes/Comprehensive Primary
Sheezan Nezami T . A / N IT / 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 / 7 9 3 - 8 5 2 Program - Tranche-1
TNN Healthcare
dated 30/04/2020 published This is with reference to the NIT No. - BUIDCo/PMU(ADB Project) Yo-227/20 -11dated
Consultant -Healthcare Technology
Patna: Bihar’s migrant workers, vide R. O. No. 0197/2020- - 13.04.2020 advertisement PR.001116(Ni.Ni.) 2020-21 for the balance work of
who have returned to the state amid 2021(Classified) dated Consultant - Public Health Administration (Legal)
BS/WS/01 in 4 groups (Package 1to 4) Improvement of Water Supply in Bhagalpur
the Covid lockdown, have accounted 01/05/2020 and Corrigendum The Terms of Reference (TOR) and other details of the positions are
NIT No . 9 5 3 - 1 0 1 2 dated Municipal Corporation. The bid submission date has been extended from 27 1" May' available on the websites www.nhsrcindia .org, www .mohfw and
for an alarming 72% of the cases re-
corded in the past 20 days. 06/05/2020 published vide RO 2020 to 03'° June ' 2020upto 03:00 PM (Wed nesday)&TechnicaI Bid will be opened on www.devnetjobsindia .org. Applications must reach by 12" June 2020 via
The number of patients with nov- N o . 0 3 1 1/ 2 0 2 0 - the same day at 03:30 PM. For more details like bid queries reply, Addendum & email in prescribed format only (as mentioned in TOR). Please ensure to
el coronavirus symptoms has dou- 2021 (Classified) dated Corri gendum please visit our website :- and www
mention post applied for in the application form , without which the
bled to 2,166 in just one week. The fig- 06/05/ 2020 in other Publication application will not be accepted.
Shimla . The work appearing at S/d- Principal Administrative Officer, NHSRC
ure was 1,000 on May 15. Additional Program Director
According to information shared Sr. No.1 and 3 are hereby
postponed due to technical Ps. No . C0 1125 (Ni N 1 2 020 21 ADB Proj e ct , BUIDCo .
on Friday by the Bihar Health Socie-
ty, so far 1,184 migrants have tested reasons . Now the start ing date vR G- AVU
_a!i ray I r rl
positive for the virus since May 3. for downloading of bids is F.- . 2 8 5526"

Bihar reported its first three cor- 0 4 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 0 i n s t e a d of EPBX

onavirus cases on March 22. Thereaf- 19/05/2020 and deadline for Gh F\T R LCO C\ CIL FORRESE .ARCII IN AURV EDICS CIEVC ES ;
Migrants board a train at Danapur 1 ,r A USH A
ter, the state reported a steady in- s u b m i s s i o n of b i d s i s . I i Ln f aSB1n,1a L .- ,E : n i h n r r p a t M 1,A r u 3 i JI
railway station in Patna on Friday . i,.- .1a k- Cvc U .e a .
1 9 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 0 i n s t e a d of New DOI
crease in the numbers which tou-
Office of Superintending Engineer
ched 400 on April 29. On May 3, the
state reported 517 coronavirus cases.
with lesser cases in category ‘B’ and
those with minimum or no cases in
02/06/2020 . All other Terms &
conditions shall be remained 1at Circle PWD Almora WALK-IN-INTERVIEW
However, the number shot up by category ‘C’. unchanged . The bidders are
advised to note other details of NATIONAI. COMPETITIVE BIDDING (E-Tendering) (Advertisement No. 02/2020)
1,649 between May 3 and May 22 with The state has 2,344 beds in three
the returning migrant workers test-
ing positive for the virus. So far, 333
dedicated hospitals for the treatment
of coronavirus cases. Apart from
tenders from the department
website www .hptenders .gov. in
Short Term E-TENDER NOTICE It is proposed to conduct a walk-in-interview
migrant workers from Delhi, 293 these, there are 7,769 beds in care cen- Executive Engineer
The Superintending Engineer, 1" Circle , Public Works Department, Almora invites
tender through E-Tendering (Two Bid System) on behalf of Honourable Governor of through video conferencing on 03.06.2020 at
HPPWD Division Bhawarna Utt arakhand for following works, All other information will be available from dated
AYUSH Auditorium as per captioned address
from Maharashtra and 212 from Guj- tres and health centres dedicated to
arat have tested positive. Covid patients. An official said the Pin-176083, 26/05/2020 & onwards on website
With large number of migrants
testing positive for Covid-19, the state
state has capacity to accommodate
15,000 patients as of now. “If the need
e-mail: eepwd-bhaw-
Name of work Cost of
Time of
Contractor 's
Category of
for engagement of Senior Research Fellow
health department has now classi-
fied the regions from where they are
arises, quarantine centres will also
be used for the purpose. Since most
on behalf of Governor of H.P 1 Renewal work by SDBC In district Rs
in lakh)
7.00 60 12
for tendering
Category "A"
(Pharmacology) on contract basis. For
coming back into three categories.
Delhi, Gujarat and Maharsahtra
positive cases are asymptomatic,
they do not need to be admitted in
Atmore under Annual Maintenance
2020-21 (1) Aknora-Sharpathak
5000.00 +
18°x . GST
Lakh Days Months & Abov e
( Road works) eligibility Criteria, monthly remuneration and
other terms and conditions please log on to
JAN SAMPARK Motor Road in Km. 1 to 15 (Length
have been kept in category ‘A’, others hospitals,” the official added. 15.00 Km.) (2) L.R. Saha Motor
Ad.t No useorz s2rzo Road in Km. 1 to 3 (Length 2,530 Km.)

Councils website

(3) Almora.Bageshwar Motor Road in
Km. I to 6 district Almora. Length 5.30
NORTHERN RAILWAY Km. (Length 5.30 Km.)


The Sr. Divisional Engineer-IV, Northern Railway, Delhi Division for and on behalf of
2 Renewal work by SDBC In district
Almora under Annual Maintenance
5000. 00 +
Category "A"
& Above Assistant Director (Coordination)
202041 ( 1) Suwakhan-DhorarrChal 18% GST (Roadworks)

reopen? K’taka President of India invites E-Tenderonprescn bed form for the following work.
Invitation of tender through E-Tendering (E-Procurement Systems)
nichina Motor Road in Km. 1 to 12.
14 and 15 (Length 14.00 Km.)
davp 17216/11/0001/2021
(2) Aartola.lageshwar-Naini Motor

govt in a fix 1 Name of Work

with its
Providing/Laying of 1200mm dia DI carrier Pipes lines through
1500mm dia and 1700 mm dia MS casing pipesforwater suppl y
under Rly. Track at K.M.4/0-1 on JHI-PNP Section. (For
Road in Km. 1 to 3 (Length 3.00 Km.)
Renewal work by SDBC in district Rs 3-85 60 12 Category "B"
Almora under Annual Maintenance 5000 .00 + Lath Days Months & Above
BV.Shivashankar Municipal council , Jind) 2020-21( 1) Bageshwar-Girechina- 18%GST ( Roadworks) 2 Approx cost of the work Rs. 1,43 ,45 ,682.71
Som eshwar Dwarah at-Vi man deshwar-
- Software Technology Parks of India
Eira-Ranikhet Motor Road (Binta-
(An Autonomous Society under Ministry of Electronics
3 Earnest money Rs. 2 ,21 ,700.00 Someshwar Gireehina Section) in Km.
35 to 44 (Length . 10 Km.) (2) Koshi-
rr & Information Technology , Govt . of India)
Bengaluru: The Karnata-
4 Date and Time of submission Bidding State date Up to 15.00 hrs. on Ddaghat-(odchina.8agwalpokhar.Binta
ka government is in a dilem- of tender and opening of tender. 02.06.2020 opening of e-Tender at 15:00 Motor Road Km. 38 (Length 0.65 Km.) NOTIFICATION
ma over responding to the hrs. on 16.06.2020. 4 Renewal work by SDBC In district Rs 4.12 60 12 Category "A" This is with reference to the earlier notification uploaded on STPI web
demand of hotels and res- Bageshwar under Annual Maintenance 5000.00 + Lakh Days Months & Above portal w .r.t. the Employment Notice no. 2(2)/l/STPI - HQ/2019-20 dated
5 Website part iculars published e-tender, Above tender available on IREPS 2020-21 ( 1) Chandra Singh Sabi 184:GST (Road works)
taurants to restart full oper- 12.02.2020 for the post Member Technical Staff E-IV (Scientist 'E'),
notice location etc. comp lete details of site i.e. www Motor Road (Bageshwar-Kapkot Motor
tender can be seen and web site where
Member Technical Staff E-III (Scientist ' D') & Member Technical Staff E-II
ations, as the Centre is yet to Road ) in Km. 11 to 21 (Length. 11 Km.)
(Scientist ' C') and 2(3)/l/STPI-HC/2019-20 dated 15 .02.2020 for the post
the tender form can be downloaded (2) Kapkot-Pindari-Glac! er Motor Road
provide guidance on the is- in Km- 1 to 4 (Length. 4 Km.) Member Technical Staff E-1 (Scientist'B').
No. 128-W /260/Tender Notice/03/20-21/ W - IV Date: 22.05.2020 1162/2020 2. Management has decided to dispense with submission of duly signed-
sue. The industry has
in application keeping in view of lockdown amid COVID-19 Epidemic.
threatened to halt food take-
However , each applicant would retain duly signed -in application alongwith
aways if the establishments
him/her and submit the same at the time of appearing for physical
are not given approval to MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS personal interv iew or at the time of joining the post (if selected ) alongwith
originals documents for verification if interview would held virt ual. The
open their doors.
The issue has gained ur- DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS 15 , i 'ii i Tff+f (fc ft), TdT 80000 1 completed online application of the candidate shall be screened based on
filled-in application content and documents uploaded while applying
gency as domestic flights Advt. No. 15-02/2019-Restg. 31ld 4 RT online application.
are set to resume on May 25.
“There could be a chaotic Dated: 20th May, 2020 f4TgT'NW04/2020* 3T
1fz) TF 221 (t T T
a 31 4f f R
t) i I 1 fr ?
#T A l
fda % t it
icII F$T * 3 T TT W q
09.03.2020113 If ic1 f lPT -2K - q-
( t
3#Tm! f;T
3. Due to some administrative reason the recruitment process for the post
of Member Technical Staff E-I (Scientist ' B')/ E-II (Scientist 'C' ) is kept on
situation if hotels don’t open Ministry of Communications , Department of 3Tr TM fafTf fca fafir 11f T 71rF-4 7: fdt d i f (i f T fray t:- hold on the direction of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
till further order. -sd-
by Monday (May 25) because
several people arriving in Telecommunications , Government of India, New sfi. 3TTkT TI fiwffta Nzatfto t: lilffTa (Chief Administrative Officer)
#. #irtftT gi fafg fafk faffIT STPI
the city, especially those on a Delhi invites applications from Indian Nationals for 1. ( ii j) 1tfafi4 f<tEF 12.03.2020 ft 05. 05.2020 fk9i-,F 03 .06.2020
business trip, may not have a
place to stay and eat,” said
the two posts of Members in the Telecom Disputes 28.03.2020 a1 aw a1
tourism minister CT Ravi, Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT). 2. Tftag 1z4 -*1faflq f fW 03.04.2020 fRf9i- 12.05.2020 f k4fW 08.06.2020
a1 a1 a1
adding that he has discussed
the issue with chief minis- TDSAT is mandated to adjudicate disputes arising 3. 3 3T f %Tt41137fif q fafI
T f W 13.04.2020 f F 22.05.2020 15.06.2020
in the telecom sector of the nature specified in
o f
ter BS Yediyurappa. a1 a1 a1 31T
1 5 *Lafl-0 1 /20 15-16 i 37;9* 3tT-T
Industry representa-
tives are expected to meet
Section 14 of the TRAI Act , 1997 and also exercise *z: fim fafer 1
1 -i f Tiii t wt 3Tmt faftT1 1TOrq 11.00 1* afz ur?e3T 1T 37Frcal wamT f ** 3Ttm ft (T farm3n T) wir4 t 3T

CM Yediyurappa on Sunday jurisdiction , powers and authority conferred on the TM1r4-kfcT43T 11 frig T*T 1 ,nai itT 11 u5r if OET-2015 5 l 1t 5i 25 .09 .2016 T1
2. fwF fcfn1 1'3'raR fir 7 i t 3ffF13TiTf1fafn1 1Td-gq 11.00 zM 3Tr 1 si A 12w, t xfiT-fi
with their concerns. Appellate Tribunal under the Information App lication Form w4 * zw;rw t+TT 1 3TuA fkgr-F
08.06.2020 a1 fiff,4a
t 3T
4 # ti
T 3TT115
%9F, c
ucci Adc , *A , 31, 71rufd , Ad
m-A, TeTzF 1 FT , 04em, zim ft gl- , -A, ,
Full report on
Technology Act , 2000 and Airport Economic tt I
c I WlirSiYTrY
°A a 3T2ffTT firm .iW T T T: I -4/37 A LTli-4/48 c it
Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008. 3. W#Efff fdW I q I #4'q 14
z www .bpsc tTt T<Wff t 1
ii Tt1TT4 34 311 %Tt4 ec f Yf 31T4+T
t 31 Tl ZT1i t T-Ti i .i f m%-zrT 511 T 9 I iL 3TzMf t I:1

Ban on PoP use


Qualification for the post and other 4. 3T% 41 3TT 1c1I 3iTk T of T WTr%T 1TA * at1l z VT A T faT:Ia fawgi air a qft t Anil 1 'c5 MW qZ '31 IIQI`C q T ti z.TA&i 08 TR d CC
( T) 'd5 W,7Tf-T341k 9, '
d5 /3T Ii13> '
dc i iTV
details are available on htto ://
in idols stayed or http://www.persmin or
5. T: -4 f4RtW 09.03 .2020 11111if
T r T I
ii 3Tu gq, i iT wi
t 'Z
e MW #ftTa T ;71k1T t $d 3T-4 YTc TT ci dZ ft 7FU # , 370i fiu W4d7 q5l ,
Slgd, ff2TT %%;;i q 13TT
, A44101 1,J

STI4 di ST9 3n 1 39i Uf$G hp://

for one year hftp://www ZdU- q 3 ira TK ft im 9I 3nue ftw i c qc
* Sri 1S r f T dt113h T-t TTd;z 34 i5 W Ft
3-f5 POt
davp 06201/11/0003/2021
ft #wq;Fi
New Delhi: The Centre on I31i #i T m 3TREWTiI 2iTdra 4
l211 .

f-MM-d mrtq TI4I1faTc1 olqlHM qi

Friday stayed its decision to unroj-qd
q-T WK
ban the use of plaster of paris
(PoP) in making idols for one ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute q 1; zn T4 TTZT 3rR T 1 ci115 7141311 1+T u AzimTr i
m 1iT R i dSTl ITT f ]fR.i 3i1
cT fd% h
c i 3q T
year, arguing that the ban at IVRI-PashuV!gyan incubator
this juncture would affect the 5 T91 RtTd k1113fii1T ThI I t WK mcu r14WA mtdq qx
livelihoods of lakhs of arti-
Phone: 9968328092, 9412360917 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT f" sfli &311 * TftT;c 9t *4 7 *I
sans. The Central Pollution 2. 3TMffZl1 TM 3n iciii f 1 1U Mal' *i T 11 TIA
E-Procurement Notice
Control Board (CPCB) had 3# U 1 1 T}5 R1 30diZf #1 3Tf i -,M t 3MM 4 3;:t
last week issued guidelines Programme : hftpnllwww.lyri-nic-in/Rabi/Defauft2jL =x INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) "
The Executive Eng ineer HPPWD Ghumarwin Distt Bilaspur H.P on behalf of
Wftq R:i 3Tz mi;m f T dZi f u 3i101
banning the use of PoP in
making idols to avoid pollut- Invitation for applications from Innovators Governor of H .P invites the online bids on item rate bids , in electronic tendering 3. Sl1 31 11q5r/ kTi 31 1 R 'd5gbCTv11T rd IT Ott
system , of from the eligible class of contractor reg stered with HPPWD for the works
ing water bodies by their im- & Startups in Animal Science Sector as detailed in table.
c i MrZ-n A 'di 3TTM qi qe t W1;T T -4
mersion. However, environ- Sr. No.:- 1 Name of Work :- C/o link road Kuthera to Harlog via Dugli Tasli Km 0/0 to YW ftt U' TTUM 7 tc -flTff c c diF RM tdFT Z T 9 ?%U
IVRI - Pashu Vigyan Incubator , Izatnagar an Agri Business Incubator supported
ment minister Prakash Java- 8'0 (Sh:- C/o 4.00 mtr span RCC Slab culvert at RD 5/500.) Estimated Cost:- 31T4T1, fr
5 c 4T ZT2Tfr-m %AT ti mum -4 Rr w 1 RI
dekar, announced a year’s
and funded b y Rashtri ya Krishi Vikas Yojna-Remunerative Approaches for 9587721- Start ing date for downloading Bid :- 30-05-2020 Earnest Money:-
4. 395 f Wq 1 '
d5 3T Ad9iT a c q tu Tr Fur
stay on the decision. TNN Agriculture and Allied sector Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR), Ministry of 16100/- Deadline for submission of Bid :- 16-06-2020
Agriculture and Farmers ' Welfare , Govt. of India invites app lications for its two Sr. No .:- 2 Name of Work :- C/o link road Dholag to Chiknar Balhi Mareta Silh gt&TT-20 15 z1 cfcl i
r ;r c i 3T 1f
c1i rc iAT -afcu tC F
Full report on
programmes from Start-ups , Entrepreneurs , Smart Farmers and Students,
Durghat Nain near Salwer in Km 0/0 to 3/0 (Sh: '- Prov and laying M/T work in Km 010
to 1/0.) Estimated Cost:- 678931/- Starting date for downloading Bid :- 30-05- 35 ATFifd a f
T 34cT̀TT gRuTm 0% i 4 i 3gZfci Ru ys1Cri
2020 Earnest Money :- 13600/- Deadline for submission of Bid:- 16-06-2020
1 . Start -ups , Entrepreneurs , Smart Farmers and Students having an innovative #'&TT- 101 / 1/t .3TTT .(37 )/LM-4/20 15-16 3" 5 5i11 f PTi
Sr. No.:- 3 Name of Work:- C'o Kanungo off ice cum Residence Building
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in animal science and allied sector can apply Ghandalwin ( SH:- C/o Building portion including WS & SI etc. Estimated Cost:- fk-Tia5: TamT. i 21 TT , 2020 (3Q 79fim)
for Seed Stage Funding Programme "SAMRIDDHI-2020". After successful 8,03 ,666/- Start ing date for downloading Bid :- 30-05-2020 Earnest Money:-
completion of the two month workshop, selected start-ups will be eligible for 16100/- Deadline for submission of Bid :-16-06-2020

grant in aid of upto Rs. 25 Lakhs as per the RKVY-RAFTAAR guidelines. Sr. No.:- 4 Name of Work :- C/o one Nos. Type -III Quarter at Hatwar Sub Division
Section Bharari-ll ( SH:- C/o Building portion including WS & SI and septic tank. THE PANDAVAPURASAHAKARI
2. Start-ups , Entrepreneurs, Smart Farmers and Students having an innovative
idea in animal science and allied sector can apply for Agripreneurship
Estimated Cost :- 14.60 , 581/- Starting date for downloading Bid :- 30-05-2020
Earnest Money :- 29300/- Deadline for submission of Bid :- 16-06-2020 SAKKARE KARKHANE LIMITED
Sr. No.:- 5 Name of Work :-C/o Polytechnic College Building at Kalol (SH:- C/o work
Orientation Programme "NAVODAYA-2020". A stipend of Rs. 10,000/- shop block including WS & SI and Site development Estimated Cost:-
Pandavapura R.S. 571 435, Mandya District,
per month will be granted to the selected interns for 2 Months residential 2, 18,69 ,580/- Starting date for downloading Bid:- 30-05-2020 Earnest Monsy:- Karnataka State
workshop. After successful completion of internship, selected start-ups 2,51,200/- Deadline for submission of Bid:-16-06.2020
No.PSSK/ Lease/2019-20/CALL-2 Date 22.05.2020
will be eligible to apply for grant-in-aid up to Rs. 5 Lakhs for converting Sr. No .:- 6 Name of Work :- C/o Bridge over Nallah connected Auhar playground to
Auhar Rishikesh road (SH: C/o 900mm dia HPC c/o protection work to Bridge and Short Term Re-tender Notif Ication
their idea into prototype/product . clo 60mtr U-shape drain alw CC pavement.) Estimated Cost :- 7627991- Starting
date for downloading Bid :- 30-05-2020 Earnest Money :- 15,300'- Deadline for
Reg istrations for the above programmes are currentl y open- The registration submission of Bid:- 16-06-2020
Sub: Short term re-tendering of the Pandavapura
shall close on 06th June 2020 for "SAMRIDDHI-2020" and 30th June 2020 for The bidder are advised to note other detail of tenders from the department website Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Limited , Pandavapura
"NAVODAYA-2020". For application Forms & other details visit: www.ivri www. hpte nde rs. gov.l n
Mandya on LROT (Lease- Rehabilitate-Operate-
RabiDefault2.asox Executive Engineer
Name of the contact person: Dr. R.P. Singh , PI- CEO, RKVY-RAFTAAR-Agri
Ghumarwin Divn., Transfer ) basis.
HP-PWD ,Ghumarwin
Business Incubation (R-ABI) Scheme ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research On behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh. Ref:E-tender No. PSSK/ Lease / 2019 -20 dated:
Institute Izatnagar-243122 , Bareilly, (U.P.). Advt.noc5e2r21 05202 0

RAILWAY With reference to the above subject re-tendering of

Tender Notice No.RE1UMB/EUAdvt ./203 OPEN E-TENDER NOTICE Dated : 18.05 .2020
leasing P S S K N on LROT ( L e a s e - R e h a b i l i t a t e -
ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, NAGPUR Chief Project Director , Railway Electrification, Ambala Canlt For & on behalf of the President of India invites OPEN Operate-Transfer) basis through e-procurement as
Address: Plot no.2 , Sector -20 , MIHAN , Nagpur - 441108 , Website: www.aiimsnagpur E-TENDER on web site www.ireps for the following works Tenderer may submit their ori ginallrevised offer up to per KTPP Act is notified and the schedule dates are
No. AIIMS-NGP /Admin/Rect/Deputation /03/2020 Dated: 20 .05 .2020 prescribed closing time & date No tender will be accepted manually.
given below.
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the following group "A" posts on deputation A pp. Cost Earnest Cost of tender Completion Date
Tender No. & TenderTitle 1 Pre bid meeting 28.05.2020 at 11 am
basis in AIIMS Nagpur: (T ) Money (T ) document (T ) Period ( Month ) of closing

Sr. Name of the Post Pay Scale No. of RE-UMB -EL-QR - 220-0065972 42.11 T T 9 15.06.2020 2 Submission of filled 02.06.2020 upto
No. vacancies Scopeof Work :-Work of Electrical Lakh 84 ,300.00 3 ,000.00 months at 15.00 hrs. in tender 05.00 p.m.
1. Financial Advisor Level-13 (z 123100 - 215900) 01 Wring of PORTA Cabin for S & T Structures at 12 No Station and 01 No L-Xng in Noli-T apri Section of Northern Railway 3 Opening of Technical Bid 04.06.2020.
2. Superintendent Engineer Level- 13 (z 123100 - 215900) 01 Tender documents are available on Railway ,vebsde i e w w w .ireps and the same can be downloaded
4 Opening o Financial Bid 05.06.2020.
from there. Earnest Money deposit (EMD) andTender document cost (TDC) in respect of e-tendering will only be accepted
3. Executive Engineer (Electrical) Level-11 (z 67700 -208700) 01 Details are given in http :// ,
through net banking and payment gateway only. Details of bank account number and technical details have beer
4. Assistant Controller of Examination Level-11 (z 67700 - 208700) 01 provided for in the software (IREPS) to which prospective registered tenderers will have access at thetime of tendering e-tender no. PSSK/Lease/2019-20/CALL-2 dated:
5. Accounts Officer Level -10 z 56100 - 177500 ) 01 Note : Technical and Financial Eligibility and all otherterms & conditions , maybe seen in Tenderdocument and do,, rloaced 22.05.2020.
Grand Total 05 from Railwaywebsite i e www .ireps . Dy.Chief Electrical Engineer, Sd/- Sd/-
Rl y. Electrification , Moradabad
The Format of application, eligibility criteria and other details are available on the No. PR/. 362f2020
Deputy Commissioner, Manag ing Director
application comp lete in all respect should reach AIIMS Nagpur Mihan campus within 45 days from the date of Ft .0. A d v (For & on behalf of the President of India)
publication of advertisement in Employment News. Director , AIIMS , Nagpur "Serving Customers Mandya Dist . & Special officer
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2020

HC asks CBI to probe arrest of AP

doc who flagged PPE ‘shortage’
80% of Covid cases are in 5 states
Centre Claims CONCENTRATED SPREAD ‘Lockdown prevented
Lockdown CURRENT ACTIVE CASES (as of 21st May)
Vijayawada: The Andhra Pradesh high court
on Friday ordered a CBI inquiry into the arrest
of senior anesthetist Dr Kolaventi Sudhakar,
are concentrated in a few states and cities/districts

Helped Limit Around 80% of cases are

in 5 states | Maharashtra,
Bihar and Karnataka
Over 60% of cases are
37,000-78,000 deaths’
who was suspended by the state for voicing con-
‘Never set a date
cern over alleged shortage of masks and PPE
kits in Narsipatnam area hospital in Visakha-
Virus Spread and Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Delhi in 5 cities | Mumbai, Delhi,
Chennai, Ahmedabad & Thane New Delhi: Seeking to un- for zero cases’
patnam. He was posted at the hospital. The HC Over 90% of cases are in Over 70% of cases are in derline the benefits of the
also ordered the CBI to register cases against all
police officials connected with the arrest and sub- New Delhi: On a day India
10 states | Maharashtra,
Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Delhi,
10 cities | Mumbai, Delhi,
Chennai, Ahmedabad,
lockdown that have been qu-
estioned in some quarters, R esponding to the
controversy over a graph
presented by him during an
mit an interim report within eight weeks. Dr Sudhakar during his arrest in Vizag on May 16 saw yet another 24-hour peak Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Thane, Pune, Indore, Kolkata, the Centre on Friday presen-
Sudhakar was arrested by Visakhapatnam in Covid-19 cases, the govern- Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Hyderabad and Aurangabad ted various models that indi- earlier presentation regarding
police on May 16 on allegations of misbehaviour, ny deviations from the report submitted earlier ment said the lockdown has cated India may have averted projection of growth rate of
obstructing the duties of police and abusing the by the chief secretary, the DGP, and the medical helped limit the concentra- Covid-19 deaths are concentrated in a few an estimated 14-29 lakh Co- coronavirus infections, Niti
chief minister and the prime minister.. Later, he certificate given by the Visakhapatnam go- tion of cases to a few states states and cities/districts vid-19 cases and 37,000-78,000 Aayog member and chairman of
was shifted to a mental health facility stating that vernment hospital’s doctor. The district judge and cities — 80% reported in deaths due to the infection. the empowered committee on
Over 80% of deaths are Andhra Pradesh Covid-19 Dr V K Paul has made it
he is mentally unstable. “When coronavirus hit in his report mentioned there were six injuries five states and 60% from the ci- and Karnataka
Presenting the analysis of
China I had warned that it will kill many people. on the doctor’s body. The affidavit filed by the ties of Mumbai, Delhi, Chen- in 5 states | Maharashtra, the first two phases of lock- clear the graph shown about a
No one listened to me. We had to wear a mask for 15 nai, Ahmedabad and Thane. Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Nearly 60% in 5 cities | down, Niti Aayog member month ago did not say any-
chief secretary and DGP mentioned only one.
West Bengal and Delhi Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, where that cases will become
days,” Sudhakar told media while he was being The judge also attached photos with his report. Analysing active cases as (health) Dr V K Paul, said
bundled into an autorickshaw by police. He had The court also observed that videos submitted on May 21, Niti Aayog mem- Around 95% in 10 states Delhi and Kolkata restrictions had significant- “zero” by a particular date.
also attacked CM Jagan Mohan Reddy. by the officials seemed to be edited excerpts and ber Dr V K Paul said Maha- | Maharashtra, Gujarat, Around 70% in 10 cities | ly reduced the speed at which Dr Paul said he never made
Police they had found Sudhakar allegedly in not raw footage. The magistrate did not feel Dr rashtra, Tamil Nadu, Guja- Madhya Pradesh, West Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, the virus was spreading. any such claim and apologised
an inebriated condition on a main road in the Sudhakar was mentally unstable whereas the of- rat, Delhi and Madhya Pra- Bengal, Delhi, Rajasthan, Delhi, Kolkata, Indore, Thane, “On April 3, we had 22.6% for any misunderstanding that
city. His hands were tied and he was dumped in- ficials stated that he was shifted to a mental hospi- desh accounted for most of Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Jaipur, Chennai and Surat new cases per day, the behavio- might have arisen. TNN
to a vehicle before being taken to a police sta- tal as he was not in a sound mental condition. the incidence and if over ur of the virus was exponenti-
tion. The anesthetist was half-naked when he Amicus curie P Veera Reddy said the issue ne- 90% cases were considered, al. But after April 4, there was tential drugs, vaccines and tre-
was arrested. The action had invited the wrath
of the Indian Medical Association (IMA).
eded to be investigated by an independent agency
as there were many unanswered questions, follo-
these came from 10 states.
“The confinement of Co-
It will be a long haul, early a clear slowing down and it
has now settled at 5.5%,” he sa-
atment besides stepping up re-
search, Dr Paul said.
Earlier, the HC had directed that Sudhakar vid-19 to certain areas has be- id. The lockdown was impo-
be produced before a magistrate and his state-
ment recorded. The HC, after examining the Vi-
wing which the court ordered a CBI inquiry. The
bench said the case registered against Dr Sudha-
kar by cops should also be transferred to the CBI.
en due to actions taken during
the lockdown. It enabled us to
reporting will be key: Govt sed on March 25, and Paul said
it took a time lag for its effects
Sharing the projections of
a no-lockdown scenario, Pra-
veen Shrivastava, secretary,
sakhapatnam district judge’s report, found ma- Full report on be more prepared for the futu- to show up in terms of a decli- ministry of statistics, plan-
re,” Dr Paul said. Similarly, The actual ning rate of infection. ning and programme imple-
over 80% of deaths were re- Besides slowing the spread
New Delhi: Warning that trajectory of the mentation, cited models inclu-

Now, book ported from five states — Ma-

harashtra, Gujarat, Madhya
the fight against Covid-19
was going to be a “long haul”, disease will not
of the disease, the lockdown al-
lowed the government to line
ding ones prepared by Boston
Consulting Group, Public He-
COVID-19 HAS BECOME AN INFODEMIC OF FAKE NEWS ON Pradesh, Bengal and Delhi the government stressed on depend on the virus, up resources in terms of he- alth Foundation of India, inde-
SOCIAL MEDIA. TOI HELPS YOU ZAP THE TRENDING LIES special AC and around 95% in 10 states,
the government said, indica-
the need for early reporting
of cases for better clinical
it is on us to decide alth infrastructure and medi-
cal workers, increased medi-
pendent economists and rese-
archers as well as by the mini-
depending on how
Exercise won’t weaken your immune system trains a month ting much of the outbreak is
confined to limited areas.
management and to reduce
deaths from the infectious much we resist it
cal supplies and gain experien-
ce in containment measures. It
stry itself in partnership with
Indian Statistical Institute.

R WAs have reluctantly restored your freedoms, but

some social media posts are still trying to keep you in advance
“This is no small achieve-
ment. It also gives us the con-
disease. “The fight is going
to be a long haul and its pro-
by following good
health practices
also shortened the wait for po- Full report on

locked down. There’s one that claims exercise weakens

the immune system and can make you susceptible to the TIMES NEWS NETWORK
fidence to open up other are-
as. Despite being such a large
gress in India will depend
not just on the behaviour of DR V K JOHN SUMMARY OF VARIOUS ESTIMATES
coronavirus. “Did you know that every time you perform nation, due to lockdown, the the virus but also contain- NITI AAYOG MEMBER Cases averted Deaths averted
New Delhi: The railways on outbreak has remained con- ment measures at the go- Estimate 1
an exhausting workout, you are temporarily suppressing (BCG) 36-70 L 1.2-2.1 L
your immune system? As little as one hard workout can Friday revised norms for boo- fined to limited areas,” Dr vernment, community and cing and testing would be
king of tickets in 15 pairs of Paul said. He added that a individual level,” Niti Aay- key to keep Covid-19 cases Estimate 2 78,000
open you up to attacks by viruses and other diseases,” it (PHFI)
special AC trains, allowing lockdown could not last fore- og’s Dr V K Paul said. and deaths under control
says. However, fact-checkers say the claim is based on the “open- Estimate 3
passengers to book tickets for ver and an opening up needed “The actual disease tra- in the coming days as the
window theory” that was popular in the 1980s and 1990s. Studies in- one month in advance. It also adoption of safe practices. (Two independent 23 L 68,000
jectory will not depend on lockdown is relaxed. Economist)
volving marathoners and ultra-marathoners showed that they were said that passengers with On Friday, the health mi- the virus, it is on us to decide “We have been able to ke-
more likely to fall sick soon after a hard training session. But it has no RAC tickets will be allowed to nistry reported a total of depending on how much we ep cases and mortalities at Estimate 4
relation to your morning walk or jog in the park, unless you run 42km (Experts including 15.9 L 51,000
board these trains. 1,18,447 confirmed cases. Of resist it by following good reasonable rates so far — so Scientists)
every morning. In fact, moderate daily exercise boosts immunity. The changes will come to this, 66,330 were under active health practices,” he added. the key is to sustain the mo-
Estimate 5 20 L
effect for tickets booked from medical supervision. In the Dr Paul also stressed mentum we have gained as 54,000
Should you wear a mask while you run? May 24 (Sunday) and for jour- last 24 hours, 6,088 cases were that early detection of ca- the lockdown measures are
(Range 14 – 29 lakh) (Range 37,000 – 78,000)

T hat’s a question runners face because it’s

hard to breathe through a mask, especially
in summer. The sensible thing is to wear a
neys scheduled from May 31.
Currently, the advance re-
servation period for these
added till Friday morning. ses, effective contact tra- gradually eased,” he said.

As per WHO advisory, seven

special trains being run to
mask when it is not possible to maintain a
6-foot gap from others, and take it off when connect Delhi with 15 big citi-
es is only seven days.
Even those on non-Covid
you have adequate space for yourself.
“RAC waiting list tickets
duty now eligible for HCQ
states, UTs should stay shut
will be issued in these trains
as per existing instructions
NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION applicable. However, wait-lis- Sushmi.Dey vid-19 patients and asymp-
ted passengers will not be allo-
ASSAM tomatic healthcare work- PTI
wed to board these trains,” sa- ers working in non-Covid Pradeep.Thakur high, that may indicate that
No. NHf; l 18013 ?3 ?20 19-PR OC-NH la1+ ECF-123372!P-103 id a statement from the rail- New Delhi: Inan important hospitals or non-Covid ar- the state is only testing the
Date: 22-05-2020 way ministry. It also clarified decision, the health minis- eas of such hospitals or sickest patients and is not cas-
that there shall be no Tatkal try on Friday revised its ad- blocks, are now eligible for New Delhi: At least seven sta- ting a wide enough net to know
EXTENSION NOTICE booking for these trains. visory on use of hydroxy- prophylactic use of HCQ. tes and Union Territories — how much of the virus is spre-
This has reference to the e-tender No: NHMI 1 8 0131312 019-PR0C- The ministry said the first chloroquine (HCQ) as a The advisory said cau- Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, ading within its communiti-
NHM/ECF-123372/P-77 Da- F 13-03-2020 for entering into rate contract chart will be prepared at least prophylactic for Covid-19 tion must be exercised in Telangana, Chandigarh, Ta- es,” the Johns Hopkins study
for supply ESSENTIAL CONSUMABLES & LINENS to health facilities four hours before scheduled de- infection, expanding the case of people with cardio mil Nadu and Bihar — would said. A low positivity rate may
under Depart ment of Health & Family Welfare Govt. of Assam. parture and second chart will drug’s use for asymptomat- rhythm disorders and hy- remain under lockdown with be suggestive of sufficient tes-
Details as below: be prepared at least two hours ic healthcare and frontline persensitivity to the drug. an increase in confirmed co- ting capacity and a strategy
Events Extended date before the scheduled departure. workers deployed in Covid The decision came af- ronavirus cases in the last two that is using the tests effective-
“Current booking shall be and non-Covid areas. ter the National Task weeks if a WHO advisory that ly by checking an adequate sec-
Start Date & Time for online Time: 2.00 pm & Date: 26105?2020
permitted in between first and As per the fresh adviso- Force for Covid-19 consti- says restrictions should not Migrant workers arrive along with tion of its population, it added.
submission of Bid and Offline second charts,” the ministry ry, issued after ICMR con- tuted by the ICMR re- be lifted if the positive rate is There may be some aber-
their bicycles at Jodhpur railway
Submission on Hard Copies said. Booking of tickets can be ducted tests on the use of viewed the use of HCQ for more than 5% is followed. station to board a special train rations, though. For instance,
End Date & Time for online Time: 2.00 pm & Date: 210612020 done from computerised PRS the medicine, all asympto- prophylaxis of SARS- A similar study by Johns for Jharkhand on Friday West Bengal, which has a low
submission of Bid and Offline counters including post offi- matic healthcare workers CoV-2 infection for “high- Hopkins University, based on positivity rate of 2%, has the
Submission on Hard Copies
ces, Yatri Ticket Suvidha involved in containment, risk population” based on the advisory issued on May 12, The WHO advisory, howe- highest case fatality rate
Kendra licencees and through such as Asha workers, mu- the emerging evidence on found only 50% of US states ver, needs to be seen in con- among all states at 9%. This
Date & Time for opening of Time: 4.00 pm & Date: 210612020
on-line booking including aut- nicipal employees and po- its safety and efficacy. qualifying for lifting of lock- text of contamination zones indicates that it may not be
Technical Bid horised agents of IRCTC. lice, those treating Co- Full report on down. In India, 21% of the 34 as entire states may not be af- testing enough or testing only
A L L OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER affected states and UTs fall in fected by the pandemic with the sickest patients. A TOI
REFERRED TO ABOVE SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED. this category as they have the virus limited to hotspots analysis showed that West
over 5% positive cases per 100 and largely urban areas. But Bengal had carried out 71% of
Mission Director,NHM, Assam tests since May 7. Maharash- despite a zoning approach to its total tests of 1.11lakh so far
tra (18%), Gujarat (9%), Delhi easing restrictions, the WHO in the last fortnight alone. Te-
(7%), Telangana (7%), Chan- bar provides an indicator of langana, which has reported
TIMES inter :' digarh (6%), Tamil Nadu (5%)
and Bihar (5%) continue to ha-
which states need to do more
to reduce rates of infection.
a high positivity rate, has no
data available on tests con-
E-Tender are invited from firms/contractors registered with UPLC
ve high positivity rates. “If positivity rate is too ducted before May 17.
Lucknow for the following jobs against which bids can be uploaded
NORTH DELHI and same shall be opened/downloaded as per schedule mentioned .

SPACE avail able for The details and conditions of all tenders are available on NOIDA
3200 sqft LGF
Road best l o c a t i o n.
Professionals / Commercial
a c t i v i t y . 750 sq. ft . on Main
Authority 's official website : www. &
http://etender Please ensure to see these websites for any
K’taka farmers to get 102 staffers
both residence
and Road in Sec-8 / Sec-24 . Rohini.
x9999414156 , 9312238987 changes/amendments & corrigendum etc. DATE
c ' r 1 ' nn. ?VVNL- MT/MM/
interest-free loans of Guj hospital
C a l l W h a t s a p p 9818935905. 116(s); & 1 1 /(s)/ 19-2 0 invited vide this
DLF SOUTH DELHI (A) 1 06/GM (K)ISM-(WC-7)/ETI2020.21, Name of Work -
Brokers welcome.

NEED Collaborations in Cate NEW Friends Colony 3 BHK

D/o Phase-II (Repairing of Damaged drain in B-Block ,
Phase-11) Noida,
office letter no. 8419/PVVNL-MT/MM/T-1
dated 19.02 for work of providing
skilled/Unskilled Man-Power for Ope-
Bengaluru: A farmer taking a new crop
loan of up to Rs 3 lakh from any cooperative +ve, 1 for every
MUST SELL Plot Sun- ration and Maintenance of 33/11 KV Sub bank in Karnataka won’t be charged inter-
city 250 Sq. yds. (n,1.47K,
276 Sq. yds. East Facing
(# 1.57K. Sunil Kumar Verma
gory B & C Areas. 200y to 500y.
One floor to three Floors. Also
Provision for Contract Basis.
Modern Flat, 2200 ft , 3rd floor
with white goods for Personal / 2
Cost - Z 72.32 Lacs
07/GM(K)/SM-(WC -7)/ET/2020-21 , Name of Work -
Stations and LT/HT lines under EDC-
Baghpat & Shamli is hereby extended
est. However, the government is yet to de-
cide whether to extend the benefit to all
6 patients
from dated 20.05-2020 to 10.06.2020.
9810081245 Puneet Bhogra : 9810417610 MNC / Co. Guest House. Cont: Mlo Road (Repairing and Painting of Footpath , K.C. dra n Remark :- www-etender .up.nlc in For farmers or only small and marginal ones.
MQ81' SELL Plot Sush-
Owner : 9910165655, 989940630;3 and Central verge in Phase-II and Sector-83 ) Noida , detailed information please log on The decision was taken at a review
anllok- l, 300 Sq . yds. A FULLY F u r n i s h e d AC Room
Cost - Z 137.37 Lacs www .pvvnl ora & E-Tendering website
meeting chaired by chief minister BS Yedi- Ahmedabad: In an alarming
v w w .etander .un. ni" in till the date of
1.48K . DLF Phase -IV . 270 with TV .Grnd F i r , Independent
submission of bids " Help line Number yurappa, which was attended by coopera- development, the number of
Sq. yds . House ii4.50Cr. Sunil E n t r a n c e in N-110 , Greater Which can be uploaded by date 08 .06.2020 upto 5.00 Pi14. For Information of Theft of Electri-
Kumar Verma 9810081245 tion department officials. The government Covid-positive staffers at Gu-
Kailash -1 , No Car Parking. Col Pre-qualification shall be opened/downloaded on date 09 .06.2020 city: "1800-1803002 (Meerut), &
will come out with the guidelines some- jarat Cancer Research Institu-
SALE Shop cum s h o w r oo m Soni - 9818883993 . 9351298 508
at 11.00AM. 9412207451". Superintending Engin-
best local Market DLF 1 Arun General Manager , NOIDA eer For Managing Director "Save time next week. “About 24.5 lakh farmers te (GCRI) on the Civil Hospital
Marg Shopping Mall 1550 sqft SOUTH City-1 for rent dupl. WEST D E LH I Electricity for Nation " RO 4148 will benefit from the extended scheme,” campus here has climbed to
G Fl. Full chk acceptable. ex flr 500Sq .yd SBhk with A / c or. 22 .05.2020
home t h e a t e r . power b a c k u p
said a senior department official. 102, clearly the highest among
C a l l W h a t s a p p 9818935905 . AVAILABLE for F a c t o r y /
Park & East facing Also 3000 According to the senior official, the de- hospitals in the state. Against
Brokers welcome. offi ce/warehouse/ hotel/hos-
sgftbsmt . Owner 9910327133. pital rent , Del/\ CR , Goa , Ma- cision was taken to encourage pandemic- 600-odd Covid patients treated
nali etc . VPR Goyal & Co Pvt
hit farmers to take up agricultural activ- at the hospital, this calculates
Ltd. 9711555020,9711555021
ities in the upcoming Kharif season. to a ratio of one positive staf-

SOUTH City-1, Plot 500 yds
The interest-free loan package is esti- fer for every six patients!
2 side open park in back.
Near Signature tower great
IN SUSHANT LOK 1, B BLOCK , Book your mated to be Rs 15,000 crore. TNN Hospital sources said that
GURGAON . APPROX 800 SQ 102 staffers testing positive for
c o n n e c tiv i t y
contact 9990005189
from NH-8.
YDS. BASEMENT GROUND GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Covid-19 is a serious issue for
FULLY FURNISHED & t CENTRAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT Payments for vehicle the 500-bed facility that recei-
ves 50-60 cancer patients daily
NEWLY built 200
services valid till June 30 during the lockdown.
To put the figure in per-
House sec -122 Noida. 3 floor,
KITCHEN , DINING HALL, New Delhi: Payments made by applicants spective, Civil Hospital — the
lift. modular kitchens. prkg
6 car, 7BR ensuite . srvnt room WOODEN DECK , LAWN , EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (Eoll for obtaining documents or availing ser- biggest Covid-19 care centre in
attach baths. N9871186726 ITALIAN MARBLE , WOODEN vices under the Central Motor Vehicle Ru- Gujarat with 1,200 beds — has
1.The Central Water commission through Government of India intends to receive financing from World Bank
NAINITAL BACKUP, CONFE EN CEI 9312633518 in the form of a loan toward the cost of Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project Phase II and Phase III,
les such as a new or renewed driving li-
cence, learner’s licence, international dri-
about 60 staffers and SVP Ho-
spital about 10 staffers who
BANQUET HALL , GYM , FIRE and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments for Consulting Services .
ving permit, and to undertake any test tested positive for Covid so far.
PLOTS in Nainital Best FIGHTING EQUIPME N T. 2. The Consulting Services ("the services ") include Engineering and Management Consultancy Services to
Location , all basic facilities, 120 Panchi be provided to the Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) in Central Water Commission (CWC), headed
won’t lapse till June 30. Similarly, pay-
ments made for obtaining or renewing tou-
Sources said GCRI staffers
who had tested positive are: 11
sqyds. Plots o n l y @ 3 Lac s I ^ r i
Boo king. 1045 Balance 24 EMI #
by a Project Director, having overall responsibility for project oversight and implementation. rist permits will be treated as valid till Ju- faculty members, 25 resident
5 Ic
85868 7070
6 PlotsinNainital. com
9871504897 3. Consultants will be selected in accordance with the Quality and cost Based selection (QCBS method set
out in the Regulations for IPF Borrowers. The consultant/ bidders can download the Expression of Interest
ne-end, reports Dipak Dash.
The road transport ministry has made
doctors, 27 staff nurses, 21medi-
cal helpers, seven medical tech-
' -
Readers are recommended to make appropriate
enqu res and seek appropriate advice before
(Eol) comprising 'Short Listing Criteria' and 'Terms of Reference from the e-procurement platform these relaxations considering that many nicians, six from stores and
es sending money, incurring any expenses , acting on I
Rabin (httus ://ei) eprocure/app) from May 22,2020, 1000hrs(IST) onwards. The Bidders need to who had paid for such services or docu- labs, and five other staffers.
medical recommendations or entering into any submit the Eol along with all relevant documents online through e procurement platform ments could not avail them due to the out- GCRI started Covid treat-
commit ment in relation to any advertisement
(hftas :// Last date/time for receipt of bid through e-procurement is on break of the Covid-19 pandemic. Though ment in April last week and
published in this pubication . The Times Of India
Group doesn't vouch for any claims made by the July 20 ,2020 upto 1500 hrs(IST). Late and offline bids shall not be accepted.The 'Short Listing Criteria ' and the amounts paid in many cases are not ever since, 450 Covid-19 pati-
Advertisers of products and serv ices. The Printer,
Publisher, Editor , and Owners of The Times Of India 'Terms of Reference ' are also available in the DRIP website httn://www . that high, the relaxations will bring relief ents have been treated and got
Group publications shall not be held liable for any to a large section of people, sources said. discharged, whereas 150-odd
co nse q ue nces , in the event such claims are not 11MFS Lt f Project Director, DRIP Phase-I1 and Phase-III
Full report on are currently under treatment.
honoured by the Advertisers.
davp 45102/11/0001/2021
Group of experts
proposes 7-point Biomed waste disposal a huge challenge now U’khand shunts
health secy, 20
alternative plan to TIMES NEWS NETWORK ways to collect, transport and
dispose of such waste and
tion control boards/com-
mittees to maintain records
sions under the BMW Man-
agement Rules, 2016. In case
others have given this re-
sponsibility to teams taking other officials
New Delhi: India has clear asked state pollution control of Covid-19 treatment of large volume of Covid-19 infection control measures.
beat Covid crisis rules to deal with biomedi-
cal waste but the Covid-19
boards to adhere to it while
monitoring the entire proc-
wards, quarantine centres,
quarantines homes and en-
waste in remote areas, the
guidelines permit “use of
The UP government has
set up district-level commit- Dehradun: The Uttarakhand
New Delhi: A group of intellec- pandemic has presented a ess. The guidelines had spe- sure proper collection and deep burial pits for disposal tees, headed by an addition- government late on Thursday
tuals have come together to propose unique challenge where the cific dos and don’ts for hand- disposal of biomedical of yellow category waste”. al chief medical officer, to transferred 16 IAS officers, in-
a 7-point plan of action— “Mission country has to deal with an ing Covid-19 related waste — waste as per our guide- The guidelines recom- undertake infection control cluding health secretary Nit-
Jai Hind”— to respond to the pre- unestimated amount of categorised yellow for highly lines,” CPCB member secre- mend providing personal measures and monitor dis- ish Jha, besides five PCS offi-
sent economic, health and humani- such waste exclusively from infectious waste — at health- tary Prashant Gargava said. protective equipment to all posal of biomedical waste. cers. The list also includes the
tarian crisis in the wake of the coro- dedicated Covid hospitals, care facilities, quarantine He added that the board workers engaged in dispos- The teams, including repre- names of officers, who hit
navirus outbreak. They have pro- quarantine centres and camps/homes, home care fa- has launched a mobile app ing of such waste and man- sentatives from the UP pol- controversy recently in issu-
Municipal workers cremate
posed an alternative approach, list- home quarantine facilities. cilities, sample collection — COVID19BMW — and date civic bodies to make pro- lution control board, are al- ing a pass to independent UP
body of a Covid patient in
ing some urgent steps that the The task has become all the centres, laboratories, isola- asked all biomedical waste visions of segregation of so expected to check waste MLA Amanmani Tripathi to
Maharashtra’s Karad on Friday
Centre and state governments must more difficult as many tion wards and Common Bio- generators to register on waste using colour-coded disposal in non-Covid pri- travel across districts during
take to rebuild lives and livelihood. states lack strict monitor- medical Waste Treatment gaged trained manpower this and submit data related bins, bags and containers. vate hospitals. the ongoing lockdown.
The plan calls for measures, in- ing mechanisms. Facilities (CBWTF). for its collection from quar- to the Covid-linked waste. It advised agencies to Many states have de- The charge of secretary
cluding help to migrants go back The Central Pollution TOI found that many antine homes/centres and “This data is cross-checked treat faeces from Covid-19 ployed private agencies for health was withdrawn from
home within 10 days; universal and Control Board (CPCB) had is- states had assigned the job home care facilities. with states and CBWTFs on patients, who are unable to the job and asked the pollu- Jha and given to Amit Singh
free healthcare for all Covid pa- sued a detailed guidelines in of collection and disposal of But who is responsible for a daily basis,” Gargava said. use toilets and if excreta is tion control boards to moni- Negi, who is also secretary
tients; universal access to expanded April on handing Covid-link- biomedical waste to private monitoring all these activ- According to the CPCB collected in diapers, as bio- tor it on a daily basis. finance. Similarly, the charge
ration for six months. It also calls ed biomedical waste and agencies and deployed dedi- ities to ensure that the guide- guidelines, in places with no medical waste. (With inputs from of commissioner transport
for enhanced job guarantee, com- launched a dedicated mobile cated vehicles for waste lines are strictly followed to CBWTF, existing captive fa- Acouple of states have set Bengaluru, Chennai, Nag- was taken from Shailesh Ba-
pensation for loss of job and a three- app last week to track its col- transportation till the handle the high risk waste? cilities of any hospital may up dedicated mechanisms to pur, Chandigarh, Kolkata, gauli and given to Deependra
month interest waiver for farmers, lection and disposal. CBWTFs. Civic bodies in “It is the responsibility be identified for disposal of monitor collection and dis- Patna, Bhubaneswar, Jai- Kumar Chaudhary.
small business and home loans. It specified scientific many cities have also en- of the respective state pollu- Covid-19 waste as per provi- posal of Covid-19 waste while pur, Lucknow and Kochi) Full report on
In a statement, they claim that
the “stimulus package” announced U.P.R .V.U.N, L. E-Tender Notice: depositing Tender Cost through? site fees for participation in thei Opening Extended date of ten-:fees for participation in the e-:poration , Ashok Marg, Lucknow:36/MMC/EPD/CTPS/HTPS/20
by the central government “virtual- E-Tenders are invited for the; RTGS (in the HTPS Account) &:: e-Tendering. The bidder must; der are as below:- Extended tendering. The bidder must by depositing requisite fees for 20 , Name of Supply: Procure-
ly ignores the urgent need for eco- followings supply/works items: Eamest Money through RTGS:also be registered with their Due date of submission of a-;also be registered with their !participation in the e-tendering. ment of HCL for WTP , DTPS,
nomic support to ordinary citizens in two parts. Part- I shall con-:(in the HTPS Account)/BG up Digital Signature Certificate:: Bid (Technical & Financial) at:D igital Signature Certificate The bidder must also be regis-;HIPS , Kasimpur Estimated
whose lives and livelihoods have tain Tender Cost/Earnest money; to dated: 04.06.2020 up to (DSC) in the e-bidding system, : e-procurement website http://;(DSC) in the e-bidding system , tered with their Digital Signature; cost: Rs. 1,44,000.00, Earnest
been shattered by the lockdown”. and other necessary docu- 1 14:00 Hrs. Extended due date of after that the bidder can par tic- : etender is 01.06, 2020; after that the bidder can pa rtic- i Certificate (DSC) in the e-bid-;money: Rs. 3000.00, Tender cost:
It has been endorsed by promi- ments as per pre-qualifying; submission of hard copy of all ipat e in bid submission activity. upto 14.00 Hrs. , due date oflipate in bid submission activity. ding system, after that the bid- :: Rs. 118-00, Date of Starting of
nent economists, including Profes- conditions and Part -11 will con-;the requisite documents in the'Superintending Engineer, Ope-;submission of hard copy of all 14. E-Tender Notice No. ET-:der can participate in bid sub- E-bid submission: 22.04.2020,
sors Pranab Bardhan, Deepak Nay- tain price bid as per bill of office of undersigned maximum; ration & Maintenance Circle-IV , the requisite documents w i t h :: 33/BMD- 1/DTPS/O&MC- II/19-;mission activity. Superintending Extended Last Date of submis-
yar, Jean Dreze, Abhijit Sen and quantity. Tender specification: on dated: 06.06-2020- Tender ; Hdj. "D"T.P.S., Kasimpur - 8. E-:tender cost & earnest money in 20 , "Overhauling of APH , Seal; Engineer , Electricity Civil Main- : sion of E-bid: 08-06.2020 , Tender
Jayati Ghosh among others. TNN may be downloaded from the opening Extended date , Part- A: Tender No. ET-07/O&MC-IV/D/;the office of undersigned: 01 .06.?trough , repairing of SCAPH tenance Circle , Kasimpur 17, shall be opened on Extended
website (http:// 06.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs, Note: TPS/EMD-11/C/TPS/2020-21 ,;2020 u p to 16:00 hrs. Part-I of'system etc. of Unit # 9, of 2x250:: Short Term E-Tender No. 03/;date: 09-06.2020 (Part - 1), 10.06-
and other specification details; The details for submission of Name of work: of "Cleaning of the Tender shall be opened on:MW , HTPS" for a period of one :ECMC/ECMD- I/HTPS/2020- : 2020 (Part-II) E-Tender ID -2020
can be seen on Nigam website; bids will be available on e-pro-;cable racks , cable Gallery & :date 02.06.2020 at 16:00 hrs year' under BMD-I 'D' TPS , 21 , Name of work: Monitoring RVUNL 457410_1 Eligibility Con-
Govt allows 10kg The contac-' curementwebsite: http://etender. ; site offices pert aining to EMD-Il and Part-II of the Tender shall H a r d u a g a n j Thermal Power of Environment Parameters at ditions:Only manufacturers heir
tors have to submit the hard w.e.f. 18:00 Hrs. dated:- :: of 'C' T, P.S., Unit No: 7, Kasim- be opened on date 03.06,2020; Station " Estimated Cost R s .? H a r d u a g a n j Thermal Power authorized dealers/Experienced
copy before the schedule date/ :: 21 .02.2020. (2) The bidders !pur' as per scope of work", for at 16:00 Hrs." Note: The details ; 20 ,23,000.00 , Earnest Money ; Plant , Kasimpur Aligarh . Uttar; Supplier can participate in this
free foodgrain to time in the concern office in .are ' required to be registered; the period of one year. Estimated: for submission of bids are; Rs. 40,500.00 , Cost of Tender ; Pradesh. Estimated cost As. tender. 25. Tender No. & Name
sealed envelope containing ; with U.P. Electronics Corporation , '; cost Rs, 2,98,940.00 (Rupees; available on the e-procurementidocument Rs. 2,000.00+360.00;10.41 Lac, Earnest money Rs. of Division: ET-41/MMC/EPD/
‘needy’ families details of the tender mentioned; Ashok Marg, Lucknow by depo-?Two Lac Ninety Eight Thou sand; website: 2,360.00 Extended :21 ,000.00, Tender cost Rs. CTPS /HTPS/2020, Name of
on the envelope. Tender Notice; siting requisite fees for partici- Nine Hundred Forty Onl y), Ear-:(2) The bidders are required to :: date of tender are as below:- 1000.00+180.00 GST (Present Supp ly: Procurement of Distance
Harduaganj Thermal Powerpation in the e-Tendering. The; nest Money Rs. 5,979.00 (Rupees: be registered with U.P. Electro- ;Due date of Submission of e- Rate is 18/ °)=Rs, 1180.00 , Numerical Relay for Harduaganj-
not under PDS Station Superintending Engineer ,; bidder must also be registered; Five Thousand Nine Hundred nics Corporation , Ashok Marg , ?Bid (Technical & Financial) at:Last date and time for submis-;
Operation & Maintenance Circe-;with their Digital Signature; Seventy Nine Only), Tender? Lucknow by depositing requi-e-procurement website http://sion of a-bid (http://etender.up. Etch 220KV feeder , HTPS , IV , Hdj. -D-T. P. S., Kasimpur. 1. Certificate (DSC) in the e bid- ;cost Rs- 300.00+54.00(GST)= site fees for participation in t h e : e t e n d e r . u p . n i c . i n : 19.6.2020 upto 14.00 H rs., : Kasimpur Estimated cost: Rs.
Tender No. ET-08/O&MC-IV/;ding system , after that the bid-;354.00 (Rupees Three Hundred e-Tendering. The bidder must upto 14:00 Hrs., Due date of iOpening date/time (Part-1) 20-06. : 1 , 39,500.00, Earnest money:
EMD- I/Hdj. 'C'T.P .S./2020-21 .1 der can participate in bid sub-; Fifty Four only) Opening date also be registered with t h e i r ! depositing Tender Cost through 2020 at 16.00 Hrs. or later , : Rs. 2800.00, Tender
R . 28 T e cost: Rs.s
New Delhi: The Centre on Friday
allowed states to provide 10 kg free "Shifting, transportation & corn-;mission activity. 4. Tender No, of tender are as below:- Due ; Digital Signature Cert ificate RTGS (in the HTPS account) &' Time of Completion 12 Month , 11 8.00, Date of Sta rt ing of E-
foodgrain to “needy” persons and missioning of 132KV/6.6KV , 20'ET-58/O&MC-IV/EMD-I/Hdj. 'C':date of submission of e-Bid (Tech- : (DSC) in the e-bidding system , Earnest Money through RTGS 18. E-Tender No. 04/ECMC/; subm ission:
on : 20t. 5 . 0 0,
MVA M/S CGLMake TransformerT.P.S./2019-20 "Removal , shif-:nical & Financial) at e-procure-;after that the bidder can partic-?(in the HTPS account)/B.G::ECMD-I/HTPS/2020 -21 , Name : D a a of
Date sf submissio n f E
2 kg black gram (chana) per fam-
ily for May and June, who don’t from its foundation at Panki ting, laying etc of different sizeiment website http://etender.up -?ipate in bid submission activity - '08- 06.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs. ,:of work: Cleaning of main drain; L 1 bender ho l
TPS, Panki to Harduaganj TPS , of Power & Control cables" ,:nic. in: 23.06.2020 upto 14 ,00; Superintending Engineer, ECCC, Due date of submission of hard l in new colony, at Harduaganj ' opened on date: 19.06.2020 (Part-
Kasimpur , Aligarh after disman-: HTPS , Kas i m p ur ," for the peri- : Hrs. , Due date of depositing ; Kasimpur. 11 . E.T. No. 01/1copy of all the requisite docu-;Thermal Power Station , Kas i m-' I) 20, 06.2020 (Part -II ) E-Tender ID:
have any ration card and also
don’t fall in the migrant or strand-
tling & shifting of 132KV/6.9KV , sod of one year" Estimated CostiTender Cost through RTGS (in:E000ECCD-l / 1X660MW/HTPS/ :ments in the office of under-spur Aligarh . Uttar Pradesh , :2020 RVUN L -470135_1 Eligibi-
ed migrant workers category.
10 MVA (10T) Transformer, which; Rs. 1,54,500.00 Earnest Money::the HTPS Account) & Earnest!2020-21 , Name of work "Hiring; signed: 10.06.2020, Tender Ope-;Estimated cost As. 14.72 Lac , lity Conditions: Only manufactur-
The food ministry issued fresh
got damaged" as per scope of Rs. 3, 100.00 Cost of tender 'Money through RTGS (in theiCompute rs & Laser printers 3ining Date: Part-I 10.06.2020 at Earnest money Rs. 29 ,000.00, ers/their authorized dealers can
work , for the period of one: document: Rs. 200.00+Rs.36.00 HTPS Account)/BG up to in 1 in all offices of 1x660 MW:16:00 Hrs. Note: The details for ; Tender cost As. 1470.00+266.00 ::participate in this tender. 26.
clarifications after Union minister
Ram Vilas Paswan held a mara- month" Estimated Cost Rs. (GST)=Rs. 236.00 Opening date; dated: 23.06.2020 up to 14:00 : Harduaganj TPP Extn -11 Kasim-;submission of bids are avail- GST (Present Rate is 18%)= !Tender No. & Name of Division:
thon meeting with ministers and 7,00,000.00 Earnest Money: Rs. of tender are as below:- Now'Hrs. Due date of submission of pur , Aligarh" , Estimated Cost able w.e.f. 23.03,2020 at 17:00 Rs. 1736.00 , Date and time for; ET-42/MMC/EPD/CTPS/HTPS/
secretaries from states. Till now, 14,000.00 Cost of tender docu-: Extended due date of Submis-: Hard Copy of all the requisite ; Rs. 10,08,283.00 (G.S.T. Extra); Hrs, in the bid document uploaded !submission of a-bid httpJ/etender.;2020, Name of Supply: Procure-
free grain and chana was made ment: As. 700.00+Rs. 126-00 sion of e-Bid (Technical & Finan-:documents in the office of under-:Earnest Money Rs. 20170.00, :on the e-procurement 29,6.2020 upto 14.00 ment of LT cables & Aerial bun-
available to only migrant workers (GST)=Rs. 826.00 Opening date cial) at e-procurement website signed maximum on dated:; Tender Cost Rs.1010-00+182-00: (2) The Hrs., Opening date/time (Part-ached Cables for colony area
who don’t have ration cards. of tender areas below:- Due date :http://etender.up.nic. in: 04 .06 ,:25. 06 , 2020 , Tender opening (18% GST) As, 1192 .00 Lasflbidders are required to be reg - I ) 30.6,2020 at 16.00 Hrs. or:HT/LT line and sub-stations of
“We have made it clear that free of Submission of a-Bid (Technical: 2020 up to 14:00 Hrs. , Due date:date 25.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs .: date and time for submission oflistered with U, P . Electronics Cor-:later. Time of Completion 12:HTPS Kasimpur Estimated cost:
food grain and chana under Atma & Financial) at e-procurement: of depositing Tender Cost: Note: The details for submission!e-bid 23.06.2020 up to 02.00:poration , Ashok Marg, Lucknow: Month. 19. E-Tender No. 05/:As.19,48,950.00, Eamestmoney:
Nirbhar Bharat package will be ex- website through RTGS (in the HTPS of bids will be available on e-pro-:Hrs, E-bid opening date/time by depositing requisite fees for;ECMC/ECMD-I/HTPS/2020-: As. 40,000.00, Tender cost: Rs.
tended to migrants, stranded mi- dated: 25.06.2020 up to 14:00: Account) & Earnest Money curementwebsite: httpJ/etender. E(Part -I) 24.06.2020 at 04-001 participation in the e-tendering. 21 , Name of work: M&R of civil 2242,00 , Date of Starting of E-
grants and needy persons who don’t Hrs. , Due date of depositing; through RTGS (in the HTPS w.e.f.18:00 Hrs. dated:-:Hrs of later. Time of completion ; The bidder must also be regis- :works of non residential b u i l d - : b i d submission: 20 .052020 , Last
have ration cards under NFSA or is- Tender Cost through RTGS (in'Account)/BG up to Extended ; 23.05.2020 , (2) The bidders 01 Year. Superintending Engineer, tered with their Digital Signature:ings of new colony, at Hard ua-I Date of submission of E-bid:
sued by state government,” Paswan the HTPS Account) & Earnest: dated: 04.06.2020 up to 14:00:are required to be registered i Operation & Maintenance Circe-:Cert ificate (DSC) in the e-bid- :ganj Thermal Power Station ,:18.06.2020 , Tender shall beope-
tweeted attaching the official order. Money through RTGS (in the; Hrs. due date of submission of with U.P. Electronics Corporation, ::11, 'D' TPS , Kasimpur. 12, E-;ding system , after that the bid- Kasimpur Aligarh. Uttar Pradesh. ned on date: 19-06.2020 (Part-
He said states will be respon- HTPS Account)/BG up to dated:; hard copy of all the requisite; Ashok Marg, Lucknow by deposi-:Tender Notice No. ET-02/O&MC-;der can participate in bid sub-;Estimated cost As. 16.76 Lac , : 1), 20.06.2020 (Part-11) E-Tender
sible for identifying beneficiaries 25.06-2020 up to 14:00 Hrs.: documents in the office of under- ' ting requisite fees for participa-i1I 'D' TPS/BMD-I 'D' TPS/20-21 mission activity . 15. E-Tender ;Earnest money Rs. 33,000-00 ,:ID-: 2020_ R V U N L _ 470136_ 1
and they need to send the list of due date of submission of hard; signed maximum on Extended tion in the e-Tendering. The "Routine & Breakdown mainte-Notice No . ET-34/13M D-1/DTPS/ :Tender cost As, 1680 , 00+302 .00 Eligibi lity Conditions: Onl y manu-
beneficiaries by June 15. Paswan copy of all the requisite docu- '.dated: 06.06.2020. Tender open-;bidder must also be registered ! nance of FO/LDO Pumps , HFO O&MC-Il/19-20 , "On line set-;GST (Present Rate is 18%)=Rs. facturers/their authorized deal -
ments in the office of under-;ing Extended date , Part-A ::: with their Digital Signature :: Heater , its pipeline & valves of ting of floating pressure of 1 982.00 , Date and time for sub- ers can participate in this ten-
said, “Our aim is to see that none
signed maximum on dated:: 06.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note:: Cert ificate (DSC) in the a-bid- :Unit # 8 & 9, 2x250MW , HTPS ,:safety valves by Trevi test : mission of e-bid httpJ/etender, : der. 27. Tender No. & Name of
27.06.2020. Tender opening date,; The details for submission of:ding system, after that the bid-;A ligarh" for a period of one yea r' method of boiler No. 9 & 8 after : up- 29.6.2020 upto 14-00;Division: ET-43/MMC/EPD/CTPS/
is left hungry.”
Part-A: 27.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs.; bids will be available on e-pro-;der can participate in bid sub-:under BMD-l 'D'TPS, Harduaganj ; overhauling work" for a period; Hrs., Opening date/time (Part -;HTPS/2020 , Name of Supply:
U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Note: The details for submis-?curement website: http://etender mission activity. 9. E-Tender No.EThermal Power Station" Estima-?of one year" under BMD-1 'D' TPS ,: I) 30.6.2020 at 16.00 Hrs . or later . Supply, Installation and com-
Nigam Ltd . Obra Thermal sion of bids will be available on w.e.f. 18:00 Hrs. dated:- ET- 60/O&MC-IV/D/TPS/EMD-IV:ted Cost Rs. 8,15 ,000.00 , Ear- ?Harduaganj Thermal Power Time of Completion 12 Month . missioning of IRIG-B Hub in
Power Station Obra-Sone- e-procurement website: http://;21.02.2020. (2) The bidders C/TPS/2019-20, Name of work: :nest Money As. 16,300.00 Cost ; Station" Estimated Cost Rs. 20. E-Tender No, 06/ECMC/ : GPS synchronization at 220/
bhadra-231219. Notice Invit- etender.up.nic.inw.e.f.18:00 Hrs.;are required to be registeredi of "Shifting of Motors/Rotors/ :ofTender document Rs. 800-00+ 1 3, 49,000.00, Earnest Money :ECMD-I/HTPS/2020-21 , Name :: 132KV substation of HTPS
ing e-Bid . Tender No. MMC- dated:-21.05.2020. (2) The bid-;with U.P. Electronics Corporation ,? Stators & replacement of bear-:144.00 (GST)=Rs. 944.00 Open-? Rs. 7 ,000.00 , Cost of Tender ::of work: Removal and disposal
I/CPD-IV/FFS/2020-21. Online ders are required to be registered; Ashok Marg, Lucknow by deposi- ings of various motors & Lay-;ing date of tender are as below:-;document As. 500 ,00 +90 , 00' of malwa inside the backlane Estimated cost: As, 1,99, 500.00 ,
e-Bids are invited for Install- with U.P. Electronics Corpora- 's ting requisite fees for participa- ing, Dressing, Tagging, making ; Due date of Submission of e-;(GST)=Rs.590.00 Extended date ' gallery of residential and non Earnest money: As. 4,000.00 ,
ation of Fire Protection System tion , Ashok Marg, Lucknow byltion in the e-Tendering, T h e?en d Termination , making strai-;Bid (Technical & Financial) at:of tender are as below:- Due residential buildings of new Tender cost: As. 236.00 , Date
S ta oingf E-bid submission:
on Turnkey basis at Obra "B" depositing requisite fees for; bidder must also be registered ight through joint & removal of e-procurement website http://; date of Submission of e-Bid;colony, at Harduaganj Thermal of Start
Thermal Power Station , Obra, participation in the e-Tender-;with their Digital Signature old cable, of Unit No.-7 "C" 25.06.2020 (Technical & Financial) at e- :: Power Station , Kasimpur Aligarh. : 20.05.2020 , Last Date of s
ate o subb
Sonebhadra (U.P.). Last date ing. The bidder must also be; Certificate (DSC) in the e-bid- :T .P.S, H.T.P.S., Kasimpur' asiupto 14:00 Hrs. , Due date of :procure ment website http:// Uttar Pradesh , Estimated cost miss n of E- bid: 18.0 6.2020,
of online e-bid submission is registered with their Digital ding system , after that the bid- ::per scope of work", for thepe ri- ; depositing Tender Cost through; etender 08.06.2020; Rs. 06.57 Lac , Earnest money Tender s be ope ned on date:
Signature Certificate (DSC) in'der can part icipate in bid sub-'od of one year, Estimated cost; RTGS (in the HTPS account) &'upto 14:00 Hrs. , Due date of?R s. 13,000.00 , Tender cost Rs. 1e h0 ( Part-1),
25/06/2020 (18:00 Hrs) and
Tech no-commercial bid will be the e-bidding system , after that; mission activity. Superintending 'Rs. 04 ,56,487.00, Rs. 9, 130.00.: Earnest Money through RTGS depositing Tender Cost through 650.00+1 18.00 GST (Present (Part-11) E-Tender ID: 2020_
opened on 27/06/2020 at 16:30 the bidder can participate in bid; Engineer, ECCC, Kasimpur. 5. Tender cost As. 500.00+90.00 (in the HTPS account)/B.G: RTGS (in the HTPS account) &:Rate is 18%)=Rs. 768.00, Date, RVUNL _470137_ 1 Eligibility
Hrs or later. The E-M.D. and submission activity, 2 , Tender : E-Tender No. 06/ECCC/ECCD-: (GST)=590.00, Extended date : 25,06.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs, , Earnest Money through RTGS and time for submission of e-bid : Conditions: Only manufacturers/
Tender cost for e-bid submis- No , ET-09/O&MC-IV/EMD-VHdj . III/HTPS/2019-20 , Name of work of Opening of tender are as Due date of submission of hard '(in the HTPS account)/B.G: 29.6.2020 their authorized dealers/Experien-
sion is Rs. 45,00,000/- (Rs. 'C'T .P.S./2020-21. "Electrical! "Fire Fighting system installa-:below:- Due date of submission: copy of all the requisite docu-:08.06.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs. ,i upto 14.00 Hrs. , Openingdate/time :ced Suppliers can participate in
Forty Five Lakhs only) and Maintenance Works in 220/:tion work around multistory of a-Bid (Technical & Financial) ments in the office of under- :Due date of submission of hard i(Part -I) 30.6.2020 at 16.00 H rs,:this tender, 28. Tender No. &
Rs. 5900/- (Rs. Five Thou- 132KV Switchyards ," as per; towers and officer 's club in New'at e-procurement website http:H :signed: 27.06.2020 up to 14:00 copy of all the requisite docu- or later. Time of Completion 12 Name of Division: ET-44/MMC/
sand Nine Hundred only) scope of work , for the period of !Colony Harduaganj Thermal :etender- up-nic-in: 03-06-2020 : Hrs., Tender Opening Date::ments in the office of under-;Month. 21. E-Tender No. 07/;EPD/CTPS/HTPS/2020 , Name
respectively. Detailed specifi- one yea r" Estimated Cost As.: Power Station , Kasimpur (Ali- upto 14.00 Hrs ., Due date of: Part -I 27.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs .isigned: 10.06.2020 , Tender O p e -;E C M C / E C M D -I/ H T P S / 2 0 2 0 -: of Supply: Procurement of 11KV
cation and terms & condition 7 , 43, 833.00 Earnest Money: garh)" , Estimated Cost Rs,:depositing Tender Cost through; : Note: The details for submis-:ning Date: Part-I 10.06.2020 at'.21 , Name of work: Roof treat-:Triple Pole Manually Operated
are as per tender document As. 14 ,900.00 Cost of tender; 41 ,73,777.00, Earnest Money Rs. RTGS (in the HTPS Account) & :sion of bids are available w.e.f . 16:00 Hrs. Note: The details for ment in residential buildings of Switch JP MO Switch) for
available on the e-tender web- document: As. 700.00+Rs.:84,000.00, Tender Cost Rs, : Earnest Money through RTGS : 21,05 .2020 at 17:00 Hrs. in the :submission of bids are avail- new colony, at Harduaganj 11 KV line in colony area , HTPS
site. Bid shall be accepted 126.00 (GST)=Rs. 826.00 Ope-;4200.00+756.00 (18% GST) Rs.: (in the HTPS Account)/BG up bid document uploaded on the : able w.e.f. 23.03.2020 at 17:00 Thermal Power Station, Kasimpur;& 220 KV isolator jaw spares
online only on e-tender website ning date of tender are as'4956.00. Extended Last d ate to dated: 03.06.2020 upto :e-procurement website: http:/ /;Hrs . in the bid document; Aligarh. Uttar Pradesh . Estimated' for 220 KV Switchyard of HTPS
https :// In- below:- Due date of Submission: and time for submission of e-:14:00 Hrs. Due date of (2) The bid-:uploaded on the e-procurement !cost As. 26.79 Lac , Earnest : Estimated cost: As. 1,08,000.00,
formation related to extension of a-Bid (Technical & Financial); bid (httpJ/ .Esion of Hard Copy of all theiders are required to be regis-;website: http://etender.up. nic. in .:money As. 53,000.00 , Tender : Earnest money: As. 2,000.00,
in due dates and corrigendum at e-procurement website htt p://;2020 upto 02.00 Hrs., Extended; requisite documents in theitered with U.P. Electronics Cor- (2) The bidders are required toicost As. 3000.00+540.00 GST Tender cost: Rs. 118.00 , Date
if any shall be uploaded only 25.06.2020 :e-bid Opening date/time (Part - ' office of undersigned maximum :poration , Ashok Marg, Lucknow ';be registered with U.P. Electro- (Present Rate is 18%)=Rs.:of Start ing of E-bid submission:
on the above website. Bidders up to 14:00 Hrs. , Due date of: l) 16.06.2020 at 04.00 Hrs. orl on dated: 05.06.2020. Tenderiby depositing requisite fees for:nics Corporation , Ashok Marg,:3540.00 , Date and time for sub-:20.05.2020 , Last Date of sub-
are advised to visit the website depositing Tender Cost through later , Time of completion 06 opening date 05.06 .2020 ati participation in the e-tendering. Lucknow by depositing requi-;mission of e-bid http://etender .; mission of E-bid: 18.06.2020 ,
on regular basis in order to RTGS (in the HTPS Account) & : Months. 6, E-Tender No. 10 16:00 Hrs. Note: The details forThe bidder must also be regis- site fees for participation in the :up. 29.6.2020 upto 14.00: Tender shat be opened on date:
keep themselves updated. Earnest Money through R T G S 1E 0 0 0 / E C C D - I I I / 1X 6 6 0 M W / submission of bids will be avail-itered with their Digital Sign a- e-tendering. The bidder must: Hrs., Opening date/time (Part 19,06, 2020 (Part- 1), 20.06.2020
Short Term E-Tender Notice. (in the HTPS Account)/BG up HTPS/2019-20 , Name of work; able on e-procurement website: ture Certificate (DSC) in the a-;also be registered with their 1) 30.6.2020 at 16.00 Hrs. or;(part -11) E-Tender ID: 2020
Tender No. TO-353/SE(MMC- to dated: 25.06.2020 up to "Construction of RCC Road ,! w.e.f -;bidding system, after that the Digital Signature Certificate later- Time of Completion 12' RVUNL _470139_ 1 Eligibility
ll)/ CPD-III/BTPS /2020- 2 1 . 14:00 Hrs. due date of submis-;drain , CISF Boundary Wall , in :18:00 Hrs. dated 03.03.2020: bidder can participate in bid sub-:(DSC) in the e-bidding system ,iMonth , Superintending Engineer ,; Conditions: Only manufacturers/
Online e-Bids are invited for sion of hard copy of all the req-;new colony, Harduaganj Thermal; (ID No, 2020_RVUNL _441581_ 1) mission activity . 13. E-Tender after that the bidder can part ic- :MMC , Harduaganj 'D' TPS , ::their authorized dealers/Experien-
the Supp ly of high pressure uisite documents in the office; Power Station Colony, Kasimpur(2) The bidders are required to Notice No. ET-03/O&MC -11 'D' ipate in bid submission activi ty .iKasimpur (Aligarh) 22 . E-Tendera ced Suppliers can part icipate in
seamless steel empty H2 gas of undersigned maximum on (Aligarh)", Estimated Cost Rs, :: be registered with U.P. Elect ro-:TPSBMD-'D' TPS/20-21, "Over-; 16. E-Tender Notice No. ET-35/ :: No.: ET-31/MMC/EPD/DTPS/: this tender. 29. Tender No. &
cylinder along with 5 year test dated: 27.06.2020. Tender open-;4 ,29,88,502.25 , Earnest Money nics Corporation , Ashok Marg ,; hauling work of coal pipe of B M D -I/DTPS/O&MC- 11/19-20 ,:2020 , Name of Supply: Supp ly I Name of Division: ET-149/MMC/
certificate. E-tender has been ing date, Part -A: 27 .06.2020 at As. 8,68 , 000.00 , Tender Cost As, Lucknow by depositing r e q u i - ; U n i t # 9 'D' , TPS" for a period;"G. D. Test of ESP during over- :of MOT Level Transmitter for; EPD/GYPS/HTPS/2019 Name
published on 20.05.2020 UP 16:00 Hrs. Note: The details for :: 15000.00+2700.00 (18% GST):site fees for participation in the ; of one year" under BMD-I 'D' hauling of Unit#9 & 8 , 2x250MW , ':Overhauling of Unit No . 8 of: of Suppl y: Procurement , of Fork
Govt. e-tender portal http:// submission of bids will be avail Rs. 17700.00. Extended Lastie-Tendering. The bidder must:TPS, Harduaganj Thermal Power HTPS , Kasimpur' for a period :DTPS , Kasimpur , Estimated cost: ; Lift & H ydraulic Mobile crane date of able on e-procurement website:; date and time for submission of also be registered with their; Station " Estimated Cost Rs. of one year" under BMD -l 'D' iRs.2 ,31,400,00 , Earnest money:: 12XW(2P) for E&MCD-I 1x660
e-bid submission on 11.06.2020 w.e.f.'e-bid on date 15.06.2020 up to Digita l Signature Certificate ; 3,82 ,000.00, Earnest Money TPS, Harduaganj Thermal Power Rs. 4000.00 , Tender cost: As.
at 18:00 Hrs. & Technical Bid 18:00 Hrs. dated:- 21.05.2020.102.00 Hrs., Extended E-bid open-;(DSC) in the e-bidding system,; Rs. 7,650.00 Cost of Tender; Station" Estimated Cost Rs-;500.00+90.00 (GST). e-Bid : MW HTPS , Estimated cost: As.
(Part-1) will be opened on (2) The bidders are required to ing date/time (Part- 1) 16.06.2020; after that the bidder can part ic- ;document As, 400.00+72.00i8 , 14 ,000.00 , Earnest Money ; online submission extended : 18,75 000.00, Earnest money:
13.06.2020 at 18:00 Hrs. or be registered with U. P. Electro- at 04.00 Hrs. or later , Time of ipate in bid submission activity. 1 (GST)=Rs. 472.00 Opening date Rs. 16,300.00 Cost of Tender; End Date: 08.06,2020 Tender :: Rs. As. 338000.00,
.00, Tender
d r cost: Rs-
,00 , Dateof St arting
later. Estimated Cost of supply n i cs Cor p orat i on , Ashok Marg,; completion 09 month. Superin- ;' Superintending Engineer, O&MC-iof tender are as below:- Duedate;document As. 800.00+144.00 :: shall be opened on extended 212 5.00,
will be approximately Rs. Lucknow by depositing requi-; tending Engineer , Coal Handling; III , HTPS , Kasimpur: 10. Tender:of Submission of a-Bid (Tech ni-; (GST)=Rs. 944.00 Extended date ?date: 10.06,2020 (Part-1) & 12.06. 1bid submissio n: 2 . 52020 , Lastt
24,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty site fees for participation in the; Circle, Kasimpur (Aligarh): 7 . No. & Name of Division: ST-11/:cal & Financial) at e-procure-;tender are as below:- Due date 2020 (Part-11) Eligibility Conditions: e: Dat bidt of suo submi ssion
0 of EE-bid :
Four Lakhs) Only. The E.M.D. e-Tendering. The bidder must;d Ten er No. ET-03/CHC/CHD O&MC-III/C&IMD-VDTPS/HTPS/ 'ment website http://etender. up. 'of Submission of a-Bid (Techni-;Only reputed Manufacturers/their 1 . 020 Te nder shall be
and Tender cost for e-bid sub- also be registered with their ? 'CTTPS/HTPS/2019-20 , "Day to?OH#8&9 & C&IMD-I , Name of :nic .in: 25.06.2020 upto 14:00 cal & Financial) at e-procure-iAuthorized Dealer can partici-? 8 on date: da 19-06 .20 20 (Part-
mission is Rs. 48 ,000/- Only Digital Signature Cert ificate; day and routine maintenance! work: "Overhauling of Electrical Hrs, , Due date of depositingiment website http://etender .:pate in this tender. 23. E - )I 20 .06.2020 (Part ) E-Ten der
and Rs . 1180/- only respec- (DSC) in the e-bidding system ,; of Bull-Dozers". Estimated Cost'and Pneumatic actuators, SADC'Tender Cost through RTGS (in:up, 08.06.2020 upto 14:00:Tender No .: ET-33/MMC/EPD/ ID: 2019_ RVUNL _412600_ 1
tively. Total Quantity of supply after that the bidder can panic- : Rs- 5.52 Lacs, Earnest Moneylsystem , SWAS System , Flame the HTPS account) & Earnest '; Hrs., Due date of depositing; DTPS/2020, Name of Supp l y: Eligibility Conditions: Onl y
tender specification and other ipate in bid submission activity.; Rs- 11040.00 , Cost of tender: Scanners , I gniters , Solenoid : Money through RTGS (in the:Tender Cost through RTGS (in :Supply of LT Motor Terminal: manufacturers/their authorized
terms & condition is as per ten- 3, Tender No. ET-57/O&MC-IV/: document Rs.600.00+Rs, 108.O0ivalves , Hot air gate, Pneumatic! HTPSaccount)/B.G. : 25.06 .2020ithe HTPS account) & Earnest : Plates & Cooling fans etc for dealers can participate in this
der document available on the EMD-I/Hdj. 'C'T.P.S./2019-20. (GST)=Rs. 708.00. Extended; damper/Power cylinder , Hydra; up to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of Money through RTGS (in the O&M of DTPS , Kasimpur. Estima-;tender . Note:- For further details
e-tender portal. It may please "Cleaning works of various: Last date of E-bid submission: steps, temperature & pressure; submission of hard copy of all HTPS account)B.G: 08.06.2020:tedco st: Rs.7 ,17,889.00, Eamest: please log on our web site i.e.
be noted that this is online bid Outdoor & Indoor equipment of 16.06.2020 up to 13:00 Hrs., : measurement system, Analyzers; the requisite documents in theiup to 14:00 Hrs., Due date of:money: As. 14000.00, Tender: Tenders
and shall be accepted online 'B' & 'C' TPS , Kasimpur ", for; Extended Date of Hard Copy (SOx, NO x, Dust , 02), Mill dis-: officeofundersigned : 27.06.2020 submission of hard copy of all cost: Rs. 500.00+90.00 (GST). are advised to send their hard
only on website http://etender. the period of one year" Estima-:Submission date 17 ,06.2020: charge valves , Seal air valves : up to 14:00 Hrs. , Tender Opening; the requisite documents in these-Bid online submission extend- :copy directl y to t h e conce rn ed Information related ted Cost As. 2,41 ,798.00 Ear-:up to 13:00 Hrs. and Date Of o f bowl mills , Vibration Monitor- Date: Part-I 27.06.2020 atiof fice ofundersigned: 10.062020, :edEndDate: 08.06.2020 Tender :tender ingauthority ofthe Circles/
to extension in due dates and nest Money: As. 4,850.00 Cost; opening Part-I 18.06.2020 aging System (VMS), ERV , C&1:16:00 Hrs. Note: The details forTender Opening Date: Part- I shall be opened on extended : Division. Who reserve the right
corrigendum if any shall be of tender document: Rs.:16:00 Hrs. Note:-The details forfie l d equipment of Coal Mill: submission of bids are avail-:10.06.2020 at 16:00 Hrs. Note: :date: 10.06.2020 (Part- 1) &:to reject any or all the tenders
uploaded only on the above 300.00+Rs. 54.00 (GST)=Rs. :submission of bids will be avail-:reject system, C&I field equip-;able w.e.f. 21.05.2020 at 17:00 :The details for submission of:12.06.2020 (Part-11) Eligibilit y without assigning any reason
website. Bidders are advised to 354.00 Opening date of tender : able on e-procurement website::ment of Ash Handling system,:Hrs . in the bid document uploa- ;bids are available w.e.f. 23.03.:Conditions: Only reputed Manu-:thereof. Superintending Engineer
visit the website on regular are as below:- Now Extended! http:// etender . w.e.f , MAX -DCS etc of unit-8&9 , :dedonthee-procurement web-;2020 at 17:00 Hrs. in the bid ifacturers/their Authorized Dealer/ (H.Q.) ( H a r d u a g a n j Thermal
basis in order to keep them- due date of Submission of e-:dated :- 20.05,2020 at 10:00 Hrs, : DTPS, HTPS, Kasimpur, Aligarh" ,; site: http ://etender.up.nic. in . (2) :document uploaded on the e- :experienced suppliers can par-;Power Station Kasimpur (Algarh)
selves update. (Superinten- Bid (Technical & Financial) at:(2) The bidders are required to Estimated cost: As. 21,06,919.00, : The bidders are required to beiprocurement website: http:// ticipateinthistender.Superinten- "Save Electricity Enhance Natio-
ding Engineer , MMC-I). Save e-procurement website http:// be registered with U.P. Electro-; Earnest Money: Rs. 42,000.00 ; registered with U.P. Electronics etender.up.nic-in. (2) The bid-;ding Engineer, MMC, HTPS , nal Productivity" "F 22/34+f?0
Electricity for Nation , RO 123 etender-up 04-06.2020 :nics Corporation , Ashok Marg, only. TenderCost: Rs- 2, 100.00+ ; Corporation , Ashok Marg, Luck - ::ders are required to be regis-;Kasimpur (Aligarh) 24- Tender;a#'g o ( - 0 ) / F / -1(19)/20
dt 22.05.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs ., Due date of: Lucknow by depositing requi-:Rs . 380.00 (G.S.T .) Rs , 2 , 480.00.: now by depositing requisiteitered with U. P. Electronics Cor-: No , & Name of Division: ET -:f 20.05.2020


Pak airliner carrying 99 crashes Oxford vaccine

trial in phase II
UK PM plans to end reliance
into Karachi houses, 2 survive London: Clinical trials to test
Oxford University’s new vac-
cine for Covid-19 have moved
on Chinese imports: Report
to the second phase of the stu- ritish PM Boris Johnson
dy in which it will now be asse- LOW RISK OF SPREADING
has instructed civil serv-
Pilot Told Air Traffic Controllers He Had Lost Both Engines: Report AP
ssed in 10,260 people in the UK,
including elderly and child- FROM SURFACES: CDC
ants to make plans to end
UK’s reliance on China for vi-
Omer Farooq Khan TNN hitting a mobile tower before ren, reports Naomi Canton. tal medical supplies and other The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
skidding off the rooftops of se- Andrew Pollard, head of strategic imports in light of updated its guide on how the coronavirus spreads
Islamabad: Several people veral houses. Other footage Oxford Vaccine Group, said the outbreak, The Times new-
were killed and, miraculously, from TV stations showed a sce- on Friday “the clinical studies spaper reported on Friday. ➤ The CDC website now ➤ Though studies have
two passengers survived, in- ne of devastation in the resi- were progressing very well.” The plans, which have be- emphasises the virus “spreads shown that the virus
cluding a top banker, when a dential area, with plumes of Phase I, involved just over en code named ‘Project De- easily between people” but can last on surfaces
Pakistan International Airli- smoke rising from the crash si- 1,000 adults aged 18–55, being fend’, include identifying Bri- “does not spread easily like metal, plastic
nes aircraft with 99 people on te. A number of vehicles par- inoculated, following promi- tain’s main economic vulnera- in other ways”, like from and paper for several
board, including crew, crashed ked in narrow streets were also sing results on six monkeys. contaminated surfaces or days, the virus usually
on Friday into a crowded resi- burnt. Emergency workers we- Phase II involves expanding
dential area near the airport in re facing difficulties due to the the age range of volunteers by Stranded can stay between people and animals degrades within hours
of being outside a host.
the port city of Karachi.
At least 60 people were kil-
crowds in the narrow streets.
PM Imran Khan said he
testing the vaccine on people
aged 56 and older as well as
on in UK till July 31 ➤ The agency So it’s safe to receive
says the risk of packages or pick up
led, according to Dawn, but it
was as yet unclear whether the
dead were all passengers or if
Volunteers look for survivors in the rubble of buildings in Karachi
was “shocked and saddened”,
tweeting, “I am in touch with
the airline’s chief executive..”
children of 5 to 12 years.
The announcement came
as scientists at China’s Ca-
T he UK government on Friday
announced extension of all
expiring or expired visas of fore-
transmission from
surfaces is very low and
the newspaper but
one should regularly
may only be possible if a wash one’s hands with
the toll included those on the dia talk, Sindh information mi- lost contact with the aircraft, The Airbus A320 has 180 se- nSino Biologic who are de- ign nationals unable to return to person touches a surface with soap and disinfect
ground. “Forty-one dead are nister Nasir Hussain Shah said flown by Captain Sajjad Gul, a ats but due to the Covid-19 pan- veloping a similar vaccine their home countries due to the the virus and then touches frequently touched
confirmed...,” PIA CEO Air three passengers had survived. minute before it was to land. demic flights are operating wi- reported promising results pandemic, until July 31. The ext- their mouth, nose or eyes surfaces at home
Marshal Arshad Malik said. Flight PK-8303, an Airbus PIA’s CEO Malik said the pilot th reduced capacity. Pakistan from their first-step testi- ension will apply to anyone who-
One of the two confirmed A320 flying from Lahore to Ka- in his last message had said has a troubled aviation safety ng, seeing hoped-for immu- se leave to remain in the UK exp- ➤ But CDC maintains that person-to-person
survivors is Zafar Masud, CEO rachi, crashed in the city’s Mo- there was a technical fault record. A number of crashes ne reactions and no serious ired after January 24, said home transmission — through respiratory droplets
of Pakistan’s Bank of Punjab, del Colony in Malir area as it with the aircraft. “The pilot have occurred in the past deca- side effects in 108 people. secretary Priti Patel. UK will intr- expelled while coughing, sneezing and talking — is
who had a fractured hip and was about to land at Jinnah In- was told that both runways we- de and Friday’s incident is the Both the CanSino and Oxford oduce a 14-day quarantine for the most common way the infection is spreading.
collar bone but no burns. The ternational Airport. In his last re ready for him to land. Howe- second plane crash for the Pa- vaccines are made in a same travellers arriving from abroad The risk is highest in crowded and enclosed spaces
other survivor is named Zuba- conversation with the control ver, the pilot decided to do a go- kistani carrier in less than fo- way: They use a harmless vi- from June 8, Patel said. PTI like offices, religious sites and movie theatres
ir. It was unclear at the time of tower, the pilot can be heard sa- around. Why did he do that… ur years. In 2016, a PIA plane rus to carry genes for the “spi-
going to press if there were mo- ying: “We have lost (both) engi- that we will find out,” he said burst into flames while flying ke” protein that coats the vi- bilities to potentially hostile reported. The efforts are being tect Britain’s technological ba-
re than two survivors among nes”, civil aviation authority A video aired on TV chan- from Chitral hill station to Isla- rus into the body, priming the foreign governments as part of led by foreign secretary Domi- se, with the government revi-
the passengers. During a me- sources said, adding, they had nels showed the plane, on fire, mabad, killing 47 on board. immune system to react if the a broader new approach to na- nic Raab. Johnson told lawma- ew expected to include PPE and
real infection comes along. tional security, the newspaper kers he would take steps to pro- drugs, the report said. REUTERS

Poll shows Biden in the China boosts spending, takes FBremote

for permanent

lead, Trump lashes out up HK law at party congress F

acebook said on Thursday th-
at it would allow many emplo-
yees to work from home perman-
Chidanand.Rajghatta and watching what has hap- Getty Images
ently. But there’s a catch: They

C Growth forecast pened to this once beautiful cre- hina’s top leaders on Fri- may not be able to keep their big
ation!” the president tweeted, day made a show of str- Silicon Valley salaries in more aff-
Washington: A Fox News poll
showing Democratic conten-
referring opinion polls in other
channels showing him leading, skipped, but
ength to confront defia-
nce in Hong Kong and the eco-
ordable parts of the country. CEO
Mark Zuckerberg said during a
der Joe Biden leading against
President Trump by 8 points
and to the late Fox executive
Roger Ailes who had his back.
nomic damage wrought by the
coronavirus outbreak. defence budget staff meeting that was livestre-
amed on his Facebook page that
heading into the November
election ignited fury in the no-
He went on to identify several
anchors who are mildly critical
On Hong Kong, the leader-
ship struck a hard line at the sees a 6.6% rise within a decade as many as half
of the company’s over 48,000 em-
ANGEL SHIELD: A school in Taiyuan, China, has asked students to

toriously tetchy incumbent ag- of him as “real garbage”. annual meeting of China’s leg- hina’s defence spending ployees would work from home.
ainst his favourite TV channel . Trump’s jarring obsession islature, unveiling a plan to im- FRONTLINE: President Xi arrives this year will rise at the “Coming out of this period, I exp- wear colourful wings on their backs, with the message, ‘Because I
At a time the for ratings ca- pose sweeping new security at the National People’s Congress slowest rate in three dec- ect that remote work is going to love you, let’s keep one-metre distance.’ The wings were designed
US is passing me even as the laws that would place the terri- ades but will still increase by be a growing trend as well.” NYT and created by students and their parents from recycled materials
through an un- pandemic is set tory more firmly under Beij- lished legislative processes and 6.6% from 2019, as the country
indicated Ardern was headed
health crisis
to become a key
electoral issue
ing’s thumb and crack down on
anti-government protests.
ignore the will of the people of
Hong Kong would be a death
grapples with what it sees as
growing security threats and a Lancet study: HCQ PM’s popularity for a huge victory in Septem-
and economic in the election. The party’s plan seeks to knell for the high degree of au- wilting economy. The figure, may harm patients makes NZ oppn ber. Ardern took bold steps
when the virus arrived in New
distress, Trump The Fox News prevent and punish secession, tonomy Beijing promised.” set at 1.268 trillion yuan ($178.16
rethink candidate Zealand, closing the border
shot off nearly a dozen tweets
and retweets on the poll, accus-
poll that agitated Trump shows
Biden leading against the presi-
subversion and foreign infil-
tration that it has blamed for
“Xi Jinping has torn away
the pretense of ‘one country,
billion) — nearly three times
that of India — in the budget re- U S President Trump on Friday
continued to roil the country
and putting the country under
ing Fox News, a channel that is
for the most part cravenly de-
dent 48-40 with 11% undecided.
Although there are five
fuelling unrest in the city. The
legislation would also allow the
two systems’,” pro-democracy
leader Lee Cheuk-yan said.
leased on Friday, is closely wa-
tched as a barometer of how ag-
with his controversial behaviour,
including canvassing for the anti-
N ew Zealand PM Jacinda
Ardern has proved so pop-
ular during the
a strict lockdown. Her steps
have been successful, with
only two new infections repor-
voted to him, of “doing noth- months to go for the election mainland’s feared security ag- Hong Kong’s leader Carrie gressively the country will beef malarial drug hydroxichloroquin-
pandemic that it ted over the past six days.
ing to help Republicans, and and such polls based on small encies to set up their operat- Lam, however, said the law up its military. Despite Co- ine and disdainfully abjuring ma-
has prompted a
me get re-elected”. Amid grow- samples are known to be unre- ions publicly in Hong Kong for “will not affect legitimate vid-19 outbreak, the armed sks, reports Chidanand
Rajghatta. Medical journal Lan-
change of lea- Malaysia PM in home
ing politicisation of the coro- liable (as was seen in 2016), such the first time, instead of operat- rights enjoyed by residents”. forces of China and the US ha-
cet published a study that backed
dership in the quarantine: Malaysia PM
navirus pandemic and its fal- adverse numbers irks Trump. ing on a limited scale in secrecy. On the economy, premier Li ve remained active in the dis-
opposition party Muhyiddin Yassin will be home
lout, he also demanded Fox Particularly galling for him The bill, among the most Keqiang promised higher sp- puted South China Sea and aro- earlier reports that seriously ill
just 4 months quarantined for 14 days after
News to fire their “fake poll- was the fact that the poll controversial items on the age- ending to revive economy. Beij- und Chinese-claimed Taiwan. Covid patients treated with
from a general election. Todd an officer who attended a me-
ster”, complaining that he had showed Biden leading by 17 nda of the National People’s ing will give local governments Amid coronavirus, China’s hydroxychloroquine and chlo-
Muller on Friday deposed eting with him this week tested
never had a good Fox poll. points among voters 65 and ol- Congress in years, drew strong $280 billion to spend on meet- economy shrank 6.8% in the fi- roquine were more likely to die or
Simon Bridges as leader of the positive for Covid-19, the PM’s
“Why doesn’t @FoxNews der, who are most affected by rebukes. US secretary of state ing goals like creating 9 million rst quarter of 2020 compared develop dangerous heart arrhy-
National Party following two office said in a statement. Mu-
put up the CNBC POLL or the the pandemic. Trump had won Mike Pompeo condemned the new jobs, Li said. This is a frac- with a year earlier. The coun- thmias. But Trump claimed that
opinion polls for the party that hyiddin has tested negative.
(believe it or not!) @CNN Poll? this demographic by 7% in 2016. move, saying “the decision to tion of the stimulus packages try omitted a 2020 growth tar- he had finished taking a course of
Hope Roger A is looking down Full report on bypass Hong Kong’s well-estab- by US or Japan. AGENCIES get for the first time. REUTERS the medication and he was fine.


Some states’ anxiety unfounded: Puri

 Continued from P 1
Govt relaxes rules to facilitate
travel of some OCI categories
FLYING AGAIN Air travel bookings ANI

omestic passengers are OCI cardholders (not legally
pre-cleared. Some of the WEEKLY DOMESTIC FLIGHTS minors) but whose parents are
anxiety which is being
shown would have been there
at any time. Now we have been
IndiGo 3,632
open, not too many New Delhi: The home minis-
try on Friday restored the
right of multiple-entry, life-
Indian citizens living in India.
Sources said the above cat-
egories of overseas citizens
under lockdown for 57 days
and are opening after three
days. Between March 25 and
June 1, what’s going to

Original summer
takers on Day One
long visa facility to certain
categories of Overseas Citi-
zens of India (OCI) to facili-
tate their travel to the country.
shall immediately be eligible
for boarding special ‘Vande
Bharat’ flights and ships fer-
rying stranded Indians home
831 Restarting at 1/3rd
change? We are going ahead from Monday The right was kept in abey- from across the world.
with this. And if some states 2,108 Mumbai: Day One of open- ance in view of the prohib- The government had on
Air India
feel anxiety (about allowing 703 ing of domestic air travel ition on international air trav- May 5 ordered that the right of
domestic flights) and quaran- 1,830 TOTAL bookings from May 25 saw a el due to Covid-19 lockdown. A woman waits to board a Vande multiple-entry, life-long visa fa-
tine people for some days, that AirAsia India tepid response from passen- OCI categories that will cility for visiting India for any
610 flight from Toronto on Friday
is not practical. We would face gers, and tickets for most now be able to travel to India purpose granted to persons re-
the same issue even if we were Vistara
1,616 24,643 routes were available include minor children born family; couples where one gistered as OCI shall continue
to start on June 1,” Puri said. 539 throughout the day at rea- to Indian nationals abroad spouse is an OCI card-holder to be kept in abeyance till pro-
The places opposing do- sonable fares. The fares are and holding OCI cards; OCI and the other is an Indian na- hibition on international air tr-
Alliance Air 928 8,216
mestic air travel from Mon- capped and so there won’t be cardholders who wish to come tional and they have a perma- avel of passengers from/to In-
309 Preparations under way at
day are “accepting trains and any exorbitantly high rates to India on account of family nent residence in India; and dia is lifted by the government.
Chennai airport as domestic
the number of people coming Rest 565 for the next three months till emergencies like death in university students who are Full report on
flights resume from May 25
by air is very small. I person- 189 August 24. But it is the sec-
ally don’t see any problem Source: DGCA ond air fare norm put out by in favour. One could also buy
(with everyone coming on
board for domestic flights
In a day of drama, Air India informs HC
the government that works
as an indicator of sales.
an 8.40am AirAsia flight for
Rs 7,400, which is a fare just No feast after SC seeks govt’s reply on
from Monday),” he added. According to the new above the mid-range since it
middle-row seats won’t be kept vacant boy’s death,
“There’s tremendous pent-
up demand, as is visible from
rules, airlines have to sell
40% seats at a fare that is low-
includes taxes. The Mumbai-
Delhi flights that crossed the
kin ostracised
plea for Zoom app audit
the number of bookings made
in a few hours. We are not send-
ing passengers from abroad.
I n a day of drama in a virtual proceeding, Bombay high court first
directed Air India to keep middle-row seats vacant as DGCA had
instructed in its March 23 “social distancing” circular, and later in
er than the mid-point of the
fare band. For instance, on
the Mumbai-Delhi route,
Rs 10,000 mark were those
that departed between 6.30
am onwards in the morning. Bhopal: A family in MP’s
TIMES NEWS NETWORK countries relating to securi-
ty and privacy issues arising
Even those coming from abro- the evening, the airline informed HC that the ministry has fare is capped between Rs “Had the demand been Bundelkhand has been ostra- New Delhi: The Supreme from the use of Zoom app.
ad are doing so after taking all withdrawn that requirement through a fresh circularon Friday, 3,500 and Rs 10,000 and the high, most morning depar- cised by the community pan- Court on Friday sought the She sought a ban on use of
precautions, and then states reports Swati Deshpande. On May 22, DGCA announced mid-point is Rs 6,700 (the tures would have sold out and chayat after not being able to Centre’s response to a PIL se- Zoom by the government till
have all quarantine facilities recommencement of domestic operations from May 25 with fresh fares do not include taxes late evening departures wou- perform the Terahvin (13th eking a comprehensive techn- a security audit cleared the
for them. Here we are bringing guidelines. DGCA said its March 23 social distancing guidelines and fees such as passenger ld have touched the Rs 10,000 day ritual) feast after the ical and security audit of app and rules were framed.
in (domestic) passengers who “stand superseded”. When domestic flights restart, middle seats development fee and GST). mark. If the fares haven’t death of their 15-year-old son Zoom video application, ap- “Zoom app practises data
are making declarations when won’t be left vacant. An HC bench modified its order and granted On Friday evening, al- crossed the mid-point band, it due to the lockdown. The fam- prehending that the increase hoarding and cyber hoarding
they do a web check-in. They liberty to the petitioner, Air India pilot Deven Kanani (51), to amend most 24 hours after bookings means less than 40% tickets ily is not even allowed to fetch in use of this app for video which includes mass storage
have to tick boxes about things his petition and challenge the new circular. The petition said social for May flights were open have been sold on that partic- water from the village well in conferencing and webinars of personal data of its users...
like not coming from a contain- distancing is the only preventive norm and the circular requiring a (prior to that tickets for trav- ular flight,” said a travel this scorching summer. was posing a serious threat to Further, there have been con-
ment zone or not having tested vacant middle seat was binding on the airline. The Air India el from June 1 were only agent. Travel portals, though, Village sources said that a privacy and data security. cerns about ‘zoombombing’
Covid-positive in the last two counsel argued it was operating non-scheduled flights and theirs available), the cheapest said they had received “an 500-strong Patel community A bench headed by CJI S where an unauthorised per-
months. Only if they fulfil was an operation to repatriate lakhs of Indians in a Vande Bharat Mumbai-Delhi ticket for overwhelming response on panchayat in Khajwa village of A Bobde asked the Union son or stranger joins a Zoom
these conditions are they given Mission, hence it was not binding. travel on May 25 was priced at nearly all metro routes”. Chhatarpur district decided to government to file its re- meeting/chat session and
boarding cards,” Puri said. Rs 6,300 (taxes included) for a Dhruv Shringi of yatra- ostracise Brijgopal Prasad Pa- sponse to the PIL filed by causes disorder by saying of-
About restricting the very and people with health issues. ly, the use of the Aarogya Setu 5.30am Air India flight. Since .com said: “Bookings today tel’s family till it organizes homemaker and part-time fensive things and even pho-
elderly from flying, the minis- Initially, only those who need App is also preferable, not passengers have to reach air- are trending at 40% of pre-Co- ‘mrityu bhoj’. Brijgopal,52, private tutor Harsh Chugh, to bombing by sharing por-
ter said: “This is an advisory to travel will travel. If you are mandatory, for travel. A port at least two hours before vid levels. With the capping of has complained to police. His who appears to have devoted nographic and/or hate imag-
applicable not just to the elder- aged and healthy and need to healthy elderly person will not departure an early morning air fares, we hope bookings to son, Neeraj, had drowned in a considerable time to cull out es,” Chugh alleged.
ly but also to pregnant women travel, you can travel. Similar- be stopped from travelling”. flight would have now fallen increase further.” pond on March 9. TNN data about incidents in other Full report on

No One Ever Dies

Don’t fear death, for there is more to life than death, writes V S KRISHNAN
Caught In A Web
It is said that the universe is Nature de-
unreal and everything is God’s stroys what it
lila, play. Then why does it creates; this is its

ri Narayana Guru, the Ker- happen at all? Why does God simple r ule.
ala-born saint-reformer, was want to be entertained? Prakr iti is in
You’re Special walking through the streets,
when he heard a wailing
— Vinithra, 25 years,Chennai constant flux,
hence our body,
A businessman remained cheerful
sound from a house nearby. ■ God doesn’t do lila, play, for his en- mind, intellect
even though he suffered one Apparently, a death had occurred tertainment; we create our own lilas and ego also ex-
catastrophe after another. First, his there and relatives were crying bitter- and then blame God for them. God perience constant change.There is no
son was in a serious accident, then ly over the demise of their dear one. has a lot on his plate. He may not lila in that. People act according to
his daughter married a man of He moved on, feeling sympathy for have the time for playing different their vasanas, desires, and samskaras
questionable character, and finally them. After some days, when he hap- lilas with billions of people with and this results in raga dvesha,
the lease to his store building was pened to pass through the same street, divergent views and contrasting attachments and maliciousness.
not renewed. But he was not he remembered the house where he emotions. When things don’t work out the way
had heard sobbing sounds earlier. We are caught in the web of our we want them to, we blame it on
perturbed. He told his friends that But now no perceptible change own desires, hence maya. But the uni-
his difficulties were signs of God’s was visible there after the death we create our myri- ASK SURAKSHIT verse doesn’t work
confidence in him.When asked to that seemed to have brought pro- ad little lilas. If according to our
explain his positive attitude, he found sorrow. The initial shock things don’t turn out to be the way needs or desires; it has its own
said that while he was in the of death seemed to have subsid- we had imagined, we blame God and laws.We can’t force our desires on the
Armed Forces, the sergeant always ed and all normal activities His lila for our misery. cosmos.
chose him for dangerous missions. went on as usual. ‘How soon Just like a spider who spins its We have to understand that lila is
and how smoothly we come to own web and later destroys it, we can actually ensconced in our chitta, con-
At first he complained, but a buddy
terms with death,’ wondered Sri also destroy the web of desires that sciousness. We should develop a
said to him, “He picks you because

Narayana Guru. engulfs us. Why not? Aren’t we the spiritual practice to be able to see it
he trusts you. He wouldn’t stake What is death all about? Does ones who created it in the first place? and realise our real svarupa that is sat-
the lives of the whole outfit on a knowledge of death help us lead a bet- To break the illusion we have to go chit-ananda. ■
coward.”This statement opened the ter life? There were many studies on deeper within, because the lila maybe Send your questions to
eyes of the young man, and he the subject of death. It was young Na- external, but as its directors, we have with subject
realised that God operates the chiketa, son of Saint Vajasravas, who to find out what’s going on within. line: Ask Surakshit and state your age
went right into the abode of Dharma-
same way with His children. He
raja, the God of Death, to get to the started thinking what to do about it. known as Ramana Maharshi, the jiv-
said, “From that moment on, I bottom of the mystery surrounding The fear made him introspect. ‘What anmukta — liberated even while alive.
have viewed my hardships as a sort death. After having met Dharmaraja is death? What is it that is dying?’ This death experience is engraved at
of pat on the back from God.” Are
you being buffeted by severe trials?
and receiving advice from him, Na- He then dramatised the scene of
chiketa returned with the knowledge death. He pretended to be a corpse to
the entrance of Dakshinamurthy
Temple near Sri Ramanashramam in
Why Do We Fast During
If so, my heart goes out to you. But
I want you to know that
that death happens only to the body make the experience as real as possible.
and not to the Atman, Self, which lives He held his breath and kept his mouth
on. “Atman is neither born nor does closed, pressing the lips tightly togeth-
It’s a great wonder that even if we
hear about death, witness the death of
The Holy Month ?
congratulations are in order. God
it die. It did not er so that no sound our near and dear ones, in the corner MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN God has given him the freedom to
can trust you with adversity.You
are someone special.
— East West Series
spring from any-
thing and nothing
could come out. He
said to himself:‘This
sprang from it. The atman, which is body is dead. It will be carried to the
unborn and eternal, is not slain even crematorium, burnt and reduced to
when the body is destroyed,” said ashes. But with death of the body am
of our hearts, most of us still think
that our time of death will never
come. Even a person in advanced age
would be planning for a future ahead.
Even if he falls sick, he would like to
F asting is an exercise in self-dis-
cipline. During the month of
Ramzan, the believer abstains
from food and drink in the daytime
of his own free will. It is only after
choose the path that he wants to
tread. Notwithstanding this divine
gift of freedom of will, it is still the
desire of the Almighty that man
should, by his own choice, tread the
Yama Dharmaraja. Na jayate mriyate va I dead? Is the body ‘I’? This body is be taken to the best hospital. Is he not sunset that he satisfies his hunger path of obedience.
vipascit, Kathopanishad, 2:18. Once the silent and inert, but I feel the full force ignorant? and quenches his thirst. In this way, It is, therefore, to condition him
atman is realised, there is no death and of my personality and even the sound “No,” said Ramana Maharshi. It he builds up his self-control. By to follow the path of restraint that
no birth, either. of ‘I’ within myself, as apart from the is not due to ignorance that he thinks practising restraint for one month in the rule of fasting has been laid
Venkataraman, a youth from Ma- body. So, ‘I’ am a spirit, a thing tran- he would live on. Deep within, he has a year, he is able to lead a life of down. Not just an annual ritual, fast-
durai, once pondered over the ques- scending the body.The material body the knowledge that he is the deathless self-discipline in all matters for the ing is a form of training undergone
tion,‘What is death all about?’ It came dies but the spirit transcending it can- Self. He knows that the spirit within, rest of the year. every ninth month of the Muslim
while he was sitting alone in a room not be touched by death. That means the Self that shines as ‘I am’, would Apart from man, there are innu- year.
on the first floor of his uncle’s house, I am the deathless spirit, the inde- never die. He is unconsciously aware merable other things in the universe, It is not just a matter of tempo-
Hand Sanitiser when suddenly a violent fear of death structible conscious entity.’ that the experience of ‘I am’, which is all of which — having no free will rarily enduring hunger and thirst, it
Recently, a call out was made for overwhelmed him. He felt he was go- The experience brought Self-re- not related to the body, is everlasting of their own — adhere strictly to is a lesson in the permanent practice
ing to die for no particular reason. He alisation to him and he came to be and eternal. ■ God’s law. Man, however, is not in of patience and tolerance through-
hand sanitiser at my son’s
the same category as these things, for out one’s life. ■
gymnastics club, where he competes
at the national level. As all the
shops in the neighbourhood were
closed due to lockdown, sanitisers
were nowhere to be found.Then I
remembered that I had two bottles
A Month Of Revelation Blessing In Disguise
in a box in my car. I use them for
my food sampling job. At first, I
didn’t want to part with them. I
then realised that I was being
DEVDUTT PATTANAIK writes of the tradition of observing certain practices
during Ramzan that is regarded as the period of sacred revelations
T hese really
are unprece-
dented times.
We are all seeing the
effects of the Cov-

selfish, wanting to keep them for uslims say that Islam and the Gospel in id-19 pandemic

our family. A voice within said: began when the world the New Testa- sweeping across the
‘God will provide! We already was created by Allah, ment is not a rev- world, caused by a
have one bottle. Do we really need and Allah instructed all elation but a col- newly discovered
his angels to bow to Adam. All angels lection of four coronavirus. Isn’t it
the two extra when people out did so, except Iblis and he was cast out; hagiographies on astonishing how
there have none?’ Although a little he became the leader of shaitans, de- the life of Jesus, something so small,
reluctant at first, I gave them away. mons, who exist to prove that humans put down a cen- only visible under a microscope, has grace alone. He, who is seated with-
— brindlegirl, are incapable of obeying Allah. Iblis tur y after his brought the entire world to its in every living being and every par-
slipped into paradise in the mouth of crucifixion. But in the Islamic world- knees? Tragically, thousands have ticle of this universe, governs

a serpent and tricked Adam and Hawa view, these are revelations. lost their lives and thousands more everything according to an immac-
Thank You to eat of the forbidden fruit. In the 17th century, Umaru Pul- have been displaced. Businesses have ulate law. Nothing happens by
I decided to order takeout to do my Unlike the Christian lore, Allah lavar — Omar, the poet — composed closed, production has stopped, and chance or indiscriminately. We hear
little part to support local forgave this transgression, but Adam the Cira Puranam, a hagiography on stock markets are shaky. People’s these words and even nod our head
restaurants. I ordered through a and Hawa had to leave paradise as the life of Prophet Muhammad in livelihoods are in jeopardy and in agreement, nevertheless, when we
food delivery website. now their body, having consumed the Tamil, and described the four revela- many feel anxious and worried, look around, it seems that we are
Unfortunately, no driver showed up forbidden fruit, was producing excre- IN THE 17TH CENTURY, UMARU tions as the ‘four Vedas’ of Islam, with fearful about how they will make facing challenges that are without
ment that had no place in paradise. the Quran being the only pure and ends meet. Our once rampant inde- parallel. Suffering and misery of one
at the restaurant to make the Thus in Islam, there is no concept of PULLAVAR COMPOSED non-corrupted one. pendence and carefree lifestyle are kind or the other surrounds us and
delivery. I called the restaurant and Original Sin. Children are not born These four revelations took place now a taboo. Large gatherings are is befalling people in increasing
offered to pay for the food and have in sin. Children are born pure. Sex is THE CIRA PURANAM, A in the ninth month of the Islamic cal- out, and social distancing is in. The numbers throughout the world.
the owner take the food for his own not something to be ashamed of. HAGIOGRAPHY ON THE LIFE OF endar, which we know as Ramzan. emotional strain is visible on peo- How can we move through these
family. I explained that I didn’t When Adam and Hawa fell on ‘Ramzan’ is a Persian word. ‘Rama- ple’s faces and the dark cloud of de- unsettling times and maintain our
need the food but had ordered it to earth, the angel Jibril taught them PROPHET MUHAMMAD IN dan’ is an Arabic word. As petrodollars pression looms large on the horizon. equilibrium?
support his restaurant. He was how to cultivate the land, set up have raised the power and status of My heart goes out to you all, es- Firstly, we must be strong. We
home and become intimate with each TAMIL, AND DESCRIBED THE Arabs in the 21st century, for the first pecially those grappling with per- must boldly face life’s challenges by
having none of that. He insisted on
other. So within marriage, pleasure is FOUR REVELATIONS AS THE time after the early years of Islam, we sonal loss. I hope all of you are fol- believing in the words of the scrip-
bringing the food to me after the good; it does not invoke guilt. During see a gradual sidelining of Persian ide- lowing the guidelines imposed by tures that God is ever benevolent
restaurant closed. And he did just the Crusades, when Catholics fought ‘FOUR VEDAS’ OF ISLAM as and Persian vocabulary in the Is- the government and are adopting and ever merciful. He is the supreme
that and more.When I looked Muslims over Jerusalem, the Muslim lamic world. Words aside, the Islamic best practices to break the spread of protector. But His divine ways are
through my order, there was comfort with pleasure and sex led Islam says that Adam was the first calendar is lunar and so is shorter than the virus.Together, we will triumph. beyond our material comprehen-
something extra. It was sticky rice Christian puritanical warrior-monks nabi, prophet. And the world has the solar calendar, which is why In the meantime, stay at home, stay sion. Therefore, what seems to us as
with sliced mango around it, like a to conclude that Muslims were Dev- many prophets, nearly 1,24,000 as per Ramzan fasting is observed on differ- safe and don’t become complacent. a tough time is actually His grace in
il worshippers. It was a convenient some sources, and amongst them ent dates every year, sometimes in There is still a long road ahead. disguise. In time, we all will come to
flower.There was a note on the top
propaganda and the beginnings of there are a few rasul, messengers, the summer and sometimes in winter, so As I sit wondering what to write, see the unique opportunity that has
of the box that said, “Thank you Islamophobia. most prominent being Musa, we really don’t know in which season I am reminded of a deeply profound arisen — urging us to revise, reflect
so much for your support.’ Puritanical Christians dif- Moses, to whom the Tawrat, Allah spoke to his messengers. saying I first heard in my childhood or rediscover our faith in God. Our
— Tina St John, ferentiated between the un- Torah, was revealed; Dawud, In India, many non-Hindus look — the Lord moves in mysterious ways. running has stopped and our oppor-
mar r ied Jesus and the David to whom the Zabur, forward to Ramzan as a time when Perhaps now, more than ever, our tunity to go within has started. If we
THIS WEEK much-married Muhammad
as proof of Islamic hedonism.
Psalms, was revealed; Isa, Je-
sus, to whom the Injil, Gospel
they can feast on the evening Iftar
meal. It is also a very good way
faith in the words of God, His Saints
and our scriptures is being put to the
do, not only will our planet be reju-
venated, but we will rejuvenate our
Even today the west mocks was revealed and Muham- of bonding with non-Muslim ultimate test. How we all fare is in own true spiritual selves.
May 24: Eid-ul-Fitr
the idea that the Islamic par-
RAMZAN mad, the final prophet, to neighbours. If fasting makes us our own hands. May you all become brighter,
May 26: Vinayaka Chaturthi
adise, Jannat, is a place of pleasure, whom the Quran was revealed. think of God, feasting reminds us of My father, Jagadguru Shri Kri- shining lights amid these times of
May 28: Skanda Sashti, where young boys and girls serve We know that Psalms in the He- fellow human beings and the spirit of palu Ji Maharaj, always told us that darkness.
Agni Nakshatram ends food, in a garden full of flowers and brew Bible is not a revelation but a brotherhood that creates unity and God is causelessly merciful. Behind HH Dr Vishakha Tripathi
May 30: Masik Durgashtami fountains. collection of poems in praise of God, harmony. ■ His every word and in His every ac- President, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat
Dhumavati Jayanti tion there is nothing but grace and
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2020

A thought for today

We do not pass through the same door twice
Or return to the door through which we did not pass
A Package Without Content
Government’s package doesn’t deliver on fiscal relief, job and wage protection

Another Push
Abhishek Singhvi and Jaiveer Shergill for the next three months (beginning
April) to informal sector workers, aggre-
gating $43 billion (Rs 3.5 lakh crore).
Closer home, Japan adopted the ‘cash
But RBI’s arrows are having diminishing impact delivery’ model offering $930 to every
citizen. The Canadian government, by
its Canada Emergency Student Benefit

eserve Bank of India governor Shaktikanta Das yesterday
(CESB), provided $1,250 per month to
indicated that national output may shrink this financial year, college going students, in addition and
he Indian government, in an

which would make it the first such instance in four decades. attempt to paint a rosy picture not in derogation to any other benefits
His estimate came in the backdrop of an off-cycle meeting of the on a cactus canvas, has lauded they may be eligible for.
central bank’s monetary policy committee that lowered policy itself for achieving a lower It is difficult to imagine reasons
rate by 0.40 percentage points to 4%. Alongside, the committee said “doubling rate” and a lower preventing direct deposit of Rs 65,000
that RBI will be expansive in injecting liquidity for as long as it’s death rate in comparison to other crore (as suggested by ex-RBI governor
countries like the US, UK, Germany, Raghuram Rajan), amounting to merely
necessary to revive economic growth. The main message is that 0.325% of GDP, in the hands of the
France and Spain. Good as it always is to
the macroeconomic impact of the Covid-19 outbreak is more find a silver lining among dark pandemic migrant labour force. Or what hindered
severe than RBI initially anticipated. clouds, the administration must ‘take the launching of a ‘wage protection
To stabilise the situation, RBI will extend a moratorium on the good with the bad’ and adopt ‘best package’ for the MSME sector and a
payment of instalments of term loans practices’ of other countries qua efficacy ‘salary protection’ package for the middle
by another three months to end-August. and reach of its fiscal vaccine. Not and lower middle classes who have faced
practising global best practices and not the cold blast of unemployment? Or wai-
There are also other measures such as ver of interest on student loans totalling
adopting them in practice is a bad form
deferment of payment of interest on of preaching without practice. Rs 75,000 crore from public sector banks?
working capital loans for the same

Chad Crowe
The PM’s fiscal package, “instalmen- Fiscal prudence is not cast in stone.
duration. A noteworthy measure talised” by the FM, fails the core twin Nor is it an ostrich in the sand doctrine,
announced by RBI is one that aims to tests of ‘proportionality and protection’, oblivious of the storm surrounding it. If
ease the burden of states. Withdrawal in terms of intent and content, when printing money or increasing FRBM
subjected to any global yardstick. Simple payment moratorium, which neither limits to 6% is not done even during the
rules of a consolidated sinking fund provides them with extra income nor worst calamity to hit modern India, one
nitty gritty analysis of the arithmetic
maintained by states have been eased yields the unpleasant verdict that the frees them from the vicious cycle of The need of the hour was not to wonders when it can be?
to help them service their debt. This is direct Covid-related fiscal injection, at interest loaded loan repayments. confuse, confound or cover the India, the birthplace of Buddha,
the third time in less than two months that RBI has stepped in. the highest, does not exceed 1% of GDP. In comparison, realising the impor- should have emulated his dictum of recei-
A measure of the support is the Rs 9.42 trillion (4.6% of GDP) of Given the magnitude of the disaster tance of immediate surgery rather than reeling common man in a maze ving wisdom, irrespective of its source. It
liquidity augmenting measures introduced since February. faced by humanity this depicts the same a band-aid approach, UK’s young FM Rishi of financial jugglery, verbiage, had to have an eclectic approach of
tragic imbalance as between a quail and Sunak announced a ‘wage protection adopting as many best practices available
Despite RBI’s willingness to pull out all the stops, the economic
an elephant, or between a mountain and package’ whereby the government
jargon or jumla, but to show the globally as it could, subject to its capacity.
situation is grim. It’s partly because efficacy of monetary measures a molehill. The need of the hour was not treasury will bear 80% of most categories real colour of money while It cannot ride the shining steed of “super-
requires lending institutions to shed their reticence. The plethora of to confuse, confound or cover the reeling of workers’/ employees’ salary, totalling providing the economically power Indian nationalism” on the one
measures have pushed average lending and deposit rates down but cre- common man in a maze of financial up to £2,500 per employee per month, hand and behave like a mouse when it
dit growth is muted. The logjam can be broken only by fiscal measures. jugglery, verbiage, jargon or jumla, but provided that the employer retains the wounded public a sense of comes to large heartedness for its depri-
The government’s recent stimulus package had some fiscal measures to show the real colour of money (and staff. Similarly, the US has launched a instant justice ved and afflicted sections on the other.
that too in his pocket), while providing ‘paycheck protection program’, which Milton’s phrase “all is not lost”
but RBI’s off-cycle meeting suggests these are inadequate. Finance gives the option to employers to avail the approach do. India has failed its must inspire the government to revisit,
the economically wounded public a sense
minister Nirmala Sitharaman said she has an open mind on additional of instant justice, a true healing touch non-returnable loans, provided that 75% devastated segments on both. restructure and relaunch the financial
measures. Unleash them, to revive private consumption. without the speed breakers of illusion of the loan amount is used for salary Rather than keeping its most package, to not stand on form or ego and
and delayed delivery. payments or rehiring the staff, failing vulnerable sections in the waiting lounge to make direct benefit transfers, demand
Some international comparisons which the loan has to be returned within of uncertainty, the government should generation, kickstarting consumption

Covid Ke Side Effects illustrate the humongous inadequacy of

the Indian package in the global context.
For example, India has announced a
Rs 3 lakh crore Credit Guarantee Fund
2 years with a meagre 1% interest cost.
Further, under the US Cares Act,
passenger airline companies will receive
$25 billion direct aid to enable the
have directly transferred Rs 7,500 into
Jan Dhan accounts and thrown a lifebuoy
in the form of monthly allowances to the
youth, fast drowning at the deep end of
and job loss protection its telling
buzzwords and bylines, before every-
thing is indeed lost.
Abhishek Singhvi is an MP and senior
Honey I shrunk the band, baaja, baraat to provide collateral free loan to 45 lakh airline industry to continue to disburse the pool of unemployment. Brazil, by national spokesperson, Congress. Jaiveer
MSMEs (covering only 8% of the salaries and benefits to employees. The contrast, launched an ‘emergency salary’ Shergill is an advocate and national spokes-

ovid-19 has decisively shrunk the big fat Indian shaadi. Many existing 6 crore MSMEs) with a 12 month figures do not matter; the intent and programme disbursing $120 per month person, Congress. Views are personal
couples have postponed their weddings, or limited the event
to a few loved ones. Even celebrity events are now muted
affairs. ‘Bhallaladeva’ Rana Daggubati and Miheeka Bajaj recently
had a rather simple ‘roka’ without crowds. It is refreshing to see a
Stress caused by Covid-19 makes us doubly vulnerable:
couple affirm their commitment to each other simply. Could it make
weddings somehow sweeter and purer?
Our wedding industrial complex has grown
What the average person can do about it
in recent decades. What used to be a homemade
Deepak Chopra, Rudolph E Tanzi, diabetes, autoimmune illness, sleep, exercise and proper diet.
production has been handed over to different Michelle Williams, Ryan Castle, obesity, and heart disease. All of We don’t fully understand
professional departments – the decor, the food, William C Bushell, Kimberly these chronic illnesses are how the immune response,
the primping, the pictures and videos. The event Brouwer and Paul J Mills associated with measurable low linked to stress and inflamma-
has bloated, in its attempt to become the ‘one grade inflammation in the body. tion, can turn lethal. As a response
he Covid-19 pandemic The chronic low-grade to cuts, wounds, invading patho-

perfect day’. Maybe it became more fun for the
has brought with it a inflammation that develops gens, and other threats, prior to
guests and more expensive for the hosts. It also
second pandemic, not of with advanced age has become antibody formation, the body
acquired a vaguely inauthentic feel – there are disease but of stress. We known as “inflammaging”. Most first responds with inflammation
sangeets and lehengas in south Indian weddings, there are bridal all feel stress as added pressure. people with chronic illness as a normal yet crucial healing
showers and bachelor parties. And without being a killjoy, it’s worth This pressure registers psycholo- unknowingly have low grade function. But it has long been
wondering how much extra happiness these spectacular shows gically as worry and anxiety, inflammation. Recent research known that inflammation is
brought to the bride and groom, and whether the blowout shaadi while the body responds with points to a second finding: These paradoxical. Acute inflamma-
stress hormones. The overall same disorders are often accom- tion can overreact, harming or
was the best way for their parents to express love.
stress response is designed to be a panied by persistent low grade that take years or even decades to they regulate well-known stress even killing the patient. (Instan-
Many of those who wanted to reform Indian society also short-term reaction. When stress anxiety and depression. develop before symptoms appear hormones such as ACTH and ces of strokes and heart attacks
expressed it through stripped down weddings, cutting out the persists, however, it enters into the In a crisis like the current pan- that can be treated by a physician. cortisol. Three major systems among young Covid-19 patients
rituals. But now, minimalism has been forced upon couples and mix of threats posed by Covid-19. demic, anxiety and depression Against this background, are involved: the immune might be linked to micro-cytoki-
families in this pandemic and lockdown. How the shaadi rears So what can the average also begin to affect healthy people which pertains to countless system, central nervous system ne storms in the brain and heart.)
back after Covid is over will have much to say about the social and person do to reduce the threat? due to stress. It has become incre- people in modern society, there is and endocrine hormone system. The threat from low-grade
We advocate meditation, asingly evident that low level increased danger when acute ill- In the face of these connec- chronic inflammation was not
economic change that this crisis has wrought.
yoga, and deep regular breathing inflammation and chronic stress ness strikes. In addition to the tions, we are coming forward to discovered until recently but
(Pranayama), which are practices lie at the heart of many disorders elderly and chronically ill, Co- suggest that complementary seems to be widespread. It is
unaccompanied by swelling,

Heart Of Darkness
available to anyone. They can be vid-19 is causing acute respiratory practices – deep breathing, yoga
easily done at home, with the in- illness and stroke sometimes lea- and meditation – can play an burning and redness of the skin
tention of returning to a relaxed, ding to death in seemingly other- important role during this that marks acute inflammation
balanced state. Paying attention
We advocate wise healthy younger people. The pandemic. These practices have and therefore goes undetected
meditation, yoga, and transition from SARS-CoV-2 been confirmed by hundreds of by the patient or physician.
Help for millions of migrant workers has to stress is always advisable, but
doubly so during this crisis. deep regular breathing infection to being diagnosed with scientific studies to bring down Preventing and addressing
been mangled in a bureaucratic maze There is a specific connection
(Pranayama), which are
Covid-19 is typically accompanied over-activity of the autonomic chronic low-grade inflammation
and its significant adverse conse-
that we’d like to explain. by a so-called “cytokine storm”. nervous system, calm the mind
Manoj Joshi First, a little background. practices available to Cytokines are proteins that are from anxiety, reduce the stress quences are urgent issues, even
Although Covid-19 is very easily major drivers of inflammation, response, regularise heartbeat, more urgent during a pandemic.
The Covid pandemic has revealed India’s heart of darkness,
anyone. They can be and their rapid increase, or and lower blood pressure. There seems to be every reason to
transmitted from person to per-
but it has also shown us its soul. It’s residing in heroes like Jyoti son, the risk of being hospitalised easily done at home, “storm” is one of the body’s Together, all of these diverse make the public aware how deep
Kumari, Anirudh Jhare and Mohammed Yakoob and scores of or dying primarily affects with the intention of immune responses to acute threat. benefits are associated with breathing, meditation, yoga and
other unnamed people who set aside their own travail to give people who are already at risk In addition, studies have reducing the invisible presence other healthy lifestyle practices
succour to fellow migrants hard scrabbling their way home. because of old age, infirmity, or
returning to a relaxed, connected pro-inflammatory of chronic low-grade inflamma- can help during this crisis and
Jyoti cycled 1,200 km from Delhi to Darbhanga, with her chronic diseases such as cancer, balanced state cytokines to the stress response; tion, especially if added to good long afterwards.
injured father as the pillion. Instead of heading home to Nagpur, Anirudh
pushed disabled Gayoor Ahmed’s tricycle for five days to his home in UP.
Pushed off a truck ferrying migrants, Yakoob refused to abandon the dying
dilbert Sacredspace
Amrit Kumar. No help was at hand as Yakoob cradled Amrit till his end.
Darkness is what is not easily visible. It is the casualness with which the Good Health
country was shut down in a couple of hours, putting millions of people through
an ordeal that will be remembered for generations. Whether it delayed Covid,
The Sanskrit word for health,
remains a matter of debate. swasthya, means being stabilised
The initial government fumble in handling Covid is understandable. This in the Self. When the mind is free
is a ‘novel’ or new virus, and its effects not clearly known. But by March 25, of fear, free of guilt, free of anger
there had been enough time to think of options and consequences. Perhaps our
allegedly grounded leaders and their allegedly experienced bureaucrats have and hatred, it has the power
no inkling of the role of tens of millions of migrant workers in the economy to heal the body of any
of their continent-sized country. Canute-like on March 29, the Union home ailment – there is a huge
secretary ordered the migrants to stop. Businesses were asked to pay them full
salary and landlords ordered not to demand rent.
power in consciousness.
That was in the make-believe world of North Block. In the real world, it was Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
each man for himself. For small businesses it was sink or swim. For millions of
workers it was about food and rent, here and now. Beyond the fatwa there was little

Anatomy Of The Divine Spiritual Fire

else. So the migrants decided to vote with their feet: Better to starve and die at
home than in some distant shanty, uncared and unmourned.
So just a step beyond darkness is the emptiness you can find
altcentre in the bureaucratic soul whose directive to help migrants
arrived as late as May 15 and who earlier had no compunction Jayant B Dave oxygen. They keep the mind in elevated of chosen deity, tranquillity of mind in a the greenhouse effect. The products of
charging destitute people rail fare with a “corona tax”, to reach home. ‘Empathy’ subtle state and keep the spiritual fire meditative state or flash of intuition emana- spiritual fire are innocuous and dissemina-

and ‘compassion’ are not in the common vocabulary of our languages. They do not piritual fire refers to the flame of burning. If satsanga is not continuously ting from reflection on wisdom teaching te perennial peace and unalloyed bliss.
quite translate to daya and sahanubhooti, that are more about charity than self- knowledge in the heart, the kept up, the fire of spirituality goes out. Adi provides a proverbial spark. Once the fire is Scriptures refer to spiritual fire as fire of
realisation. But even charity, with notable exceptions, has been absent. Jnanamaya Pradeep says the Bhag- Shankara in Bhajagovindam Stotra says lit, flammable materials and oxygen are knowledge or a well-lit lamp. The Gita
Those who have lost everything and are still trying desperately to reach a wad Gita’s Dhyana verse. This is your that satsanga leads successively to non- required to keep the fire burning. conveys that just as blazing fire reduces fuel
place far away called home have been lathi charged, blocked at borders, cheated, essential and innermost Self, that is of the attachment, freedom from delusion, A strong spiritual impulse has to be to ashes, fire of knowledge turns all present
sent to camps and generally treated as subhumans. In a recent interview Naushad nature of peace and bliss. The phrase abidance in Self and finally, liberation generated for fire to proceed. For realised and accumulated actions to ashes. This
Forbes, the former CII president, suggests that had government accepted a spiritual fire is also common in Christianity while living. Whenever there is and evolved souls there is a steady means that all accumulated deep rooted
proposal to guarantee loans to companies by banks to fund wages during the and is deemed to cleanse, illumine and excessive influence of satsanga flow of brahmakara vrittis, samskara, impressions and vasanas, subtle
lockdown and also transferred money directly into their Jan Dhan accounts on uplift one’s being. While evolved souls keep and svadhyaya, spiritual fire divine thoughts, with extinc- desires, are burnt so that they do not germi-
a periodic basis, the workers would have been reassured. this fire burning, in ignorant persons, this becomes more voluminous tion of vishayakara vrittis, nate again and a seeker becomes free from
Now the government has come up with an allegedly vast stimulus, but it’s divine flame fades under the influence of and energetic. We normally worldly thoughts. This state is transmigration circle of birth and death.
mainly for the long run when, as Keynes said, we’ll be dead. Schemes have been maya/ avidya and gets extinguished. experience this spurt in tantamount to auto-ignition Equally important, the realised soul,
announced for migrants, though how they’ll work is a mystery. There has been Just as physical fire requires certain spiritual fire in the company temperature where no ignition knower of the Atman, passes beyond sor-
some black humour as well – the labour reforms of UP and MP. Given their ho- ingredients to keep the flame going, of spiritually evolved souls, spark is required. In fact, they row in this very birth – Tarati sokam at-
peless physical and human infrastructure, do they seriously think they will at- spiritual fire requires three ingredients to during a sadhana camp or abide in divine nature forever mavit iti, says the Chhandogya Upanishad.
tract Cisco or Apple by stiffing their already benighted workforce? initiate and sustain it. Noble thoughts concentrated spiritual practice in seclu- and spiritual fire is alive forever and there is Shvetashwatara Upanishad regards
Orders have borne no relation to reality or logic. Restart industry, but go to crossing the mind, latent spiritual sion like anushthan. no need for any ignition to take place. spiritual flame as identifying oneself with
jail if anyone gets infected. Fifty people can attend a wedding, but only 20 a impressions embedded deep in chitta, One has to transcend physical and The products of physical fire are oxide nitya nija svarupa, own essential nature,
funeral. Go through stringent social distancing till you reach your seat in the subconscious, and wisdom in buddhi, the psychological consciousness to cosmic, gases of various elements and remnant whereby enlightened soul attains realisa-
aircraft and then be jam-packed for the flight. But if you’re looking for a intellect – due to discretion and dispassion divine consciousness at least for a moment, inorganic ash. Gases such as carbon tion of oneness with Brahmn, Paramatma.
true blue bureaucratic maze, look no further than the shambolic evacuation of – serve as flammable materials. to enable ignition to occur. Joy derived from dioxide have many undesirable effects like Spiritual fire can be taken as both the means
migrants by rail – which is only halfway done. Satsanga and svadhyaya serve as rendering selfless service, devout worship causing global warming as they promote and end, the goal of divine life.
Room For Banks
To Cut Rates?

The moratorium gives us time to These are uncertain times. The extended The rate cuts, moratorium extension, The 40bps rate cut is positive, we Conversion of interest on working capital
evaluate each loan account and moratorium gives us time to review the deferment of interest on working have to see how transmission loans for the moratorium period into term
assess if there is need for restructuring. The demand and supply situation. Restructuring can capital facilities and the relaxation in asset takes place. There is a need to correct loans will give a breather to borrowers. The time
uncertainty associated with the wait, as we have to see how the cash classification will provide the the risk-aversion in the system. period for repayment of that could have
pandemic, normalisation of flows come back into the system. requisite balm to the economy. There is a lot of liquidity in the been longer. Increase in group
economic activity and relaxations Given the growth in deposits, there The support shown to Exim Bank system. But because banks are exposure limits will help big companies
make it imperative that policy is room to reduce rates & Sidbi will help boost sentiment risk-averse, the funds are going tide over hurdles in raising funds
response is calibrated and swift RAJKIRAN RAI | MD & CEO, ZARIN DARUWALA | back to the central bank PADMAJA CHUNDURU |

After 41 yrs, RBI sees GDP shrinking Amazon to hire Pay $716m to
3 Chinese cos:
Inflation Outlook Remains Uncertain, May Ease In Second Half: Central Bank 50,000 more for UK court to
Anil Ambani 2020-21onward,” said Das. well for the rural economy.

New Delhi: The Indian econo-

my is expected to contract for the
first time in nearly
delivery, supply
GDP growth (%) estimates for India (FY21)

Icra Nomura*
If the contraction as fore-
cast by the RBI and also by
other economists is realised, it
will be the first contraction for
The RBI governor also
highlighted the precarious
condition of the global econo-
my, saying that by all counts,
Naomi Canton

41 years, while the

outlook for infla-
tion remains un-
Asia’s third-largest economy
since 1979-80, when GDP
growth shrank 5.2%. Several
the macroeconomic and finan-
cial conditions are austere. The
global economy is inexorably
Move Due To Spike In E-Orders London: Business tycoon and
former billionaire Anil Amba-
ni was on Friday ordered by a
certain, Reserve * For 2020 Care Ratings: -1.5 to -1.6% investment banks, brokerages headed into recession, he said. Digbijay.Mishra down. What is happening is a UK court to pay three Chinese
Bank of India’s and economists have predicted Das said MPC assessed that lot of workforce from shop- banks $716 million (Rs 5,439
(RBI’s) assessment of the econo- IMF’s GDP growth (%) projections the economic growth to remain the inflation outlook is highly ping malls, retail outlets, ho- crore). The commercial court
mic situation showed on Friday. COUNTRY & PROJECTIONS (Published in April) flat or contract in the range of uncertain. “The supply shock Bengaluru: Amid the gloom of tels and restaurants are being of the High Court in London
RBI governor Shaktikanta 2020 2021 1.5% to 6.8%. IMF’s April esti- to food prices in April may job cuts due to the impact of the supplied for these roles. They gave a summary judgment
Dassaid, “It is in the growth out- mate, however, showed that In- show persistence over the next Covid-19 pandemic on busines- might not be ideal for the role, against Ambani,
look that the MPC (monetary po- US -5.9 4.7 dia and China will be the only few months, depending upon ses, Amazon India is looking to but that’s the best option for chairman of Reli-
licy committee) judged the risks China 1.2 9.2 countries to display growth, the state of lockdown and the ti- hire 50,000 seasonal, or tempo- now,” the source said. ance ADA Group,
to be gravest. The combined im- while the rest will contract. me taken to restore supply cha- rary, roles for its fulfilment cent- after his defence
pact of demand compression India 1.9 7.4 Das said domestic econo- ins after relaxation.” res and delivery network. These SURGE IN DEMAND was struck down
and supply disruption will de- Russia -5.5 3.5 mic activity has been impacted “Much will depend on sha- include for part-time flexible 50-60% of planned hiring will because he failed
press economic activity in the severely by the lockdown. The pe of the recovery after Covid. work, to meet rising consumer add capacity to fleet size, rest to make a conditional payment
first half of the year. Assuming Brazil -5.3 2.9 top six industrialised states, Accordingly, MPC is of the vi- demand for home deliveries. of $100 million (Rs 759 crore) to
will meet drop in manpower who
economic activity gets restored South Africa -5.8 4 that account for about 60% of ew that headline inflation may The announcement comes migrated in lockdown the court by March 20 this year.
in a phased manner, especially the industrial output, are large- remain firm in first half of after the government allowed A spokesperson for Amba-
in second half of this year, and World -3 5.8 ly in red or orange zones. High 2020-21, but should ease in the online sale of both essential and This will include ni said, “The matter pertains
taking into consideration favou- frequency indicators point to a second half, aided also by favo- non-essentials in all zones — Amazon Flex, which to an alleged personal guaran-
lets people deliver
rable base effects, it is expected vity in second half of 2020-21.” out of social distancing/lock- collapse in demand beginning urable base effects. By Q3 and red, orange and green — earlier tee for a corporate loan avai-
on a part-time basis
that the combination of fiscal, “Nonetheless, downside downs. Given all these uncerta- in March 2020 across both ur- Q4 of FY20-21, it is expected to this week. Amazon did not sha- led by Reliance Communica-
monetary and administrative risks to this assessment are inties, GDP growth in 2020-21 is ban and rural segments, he sa- fall below target. Thus, the re the breakup of how many of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos had tions (RCom) in 2012 for global
measures being currently un- significant and contingent estimated to remain in negati- id, adding that the robust farm MPC’s forward guidance on in- the 50,000 are additions to its ex- announced 10 lakh new jobs by refinancing. It is emphasised
dertaken would create condi- upon the containment of the ve territory, with some pick-up sector and predictions of healt- flation is directional rather isting capacity and how many 2025 in India that it is not a personal loan of
tions for a gradual revival in acti- pandemic and quick phasing in growth impulses from H2: hy monsoon rains augured than in terms of levels.” were being hired to replace the An Amazon executive tweeted Mr Ambani.”
supply chain executives who ha- that the highest demand spike ICBC (Industrial and Com-

Banks lead MORE BREATHING SPACE FOR BANKS, BUSINESSES Das indicates ve returned to their hometowns
in the lockdown. An executive
briefed on the matter said that
is in robotic vacuum cleaners
and dishwashers
mercial Bank of China) made
their claim based on an alle-
ged guarantee that was never
Measure | RBI’s Rs 15,000cr Movement of repo & reverse I | Businesses do not have to
sensex slide, 90-day refinance facility for Sidbi
rolled over for additional 90 days
10 9
repo since last high (in %)
immediately worry about
Reverse Repo bank dues
possibility of 50-60% of these hirings would
be new additions, while the rest
The seasonal roles are typi-
cally anywhere from a mini-
signed by Ambani and he has
consistently denied having
would be to fill the gap caused by mum of three months to about authorised anyone to execute
bonds up Impact | Gives more time to
disburse funds as loan pickup

M | Interest payment on working
capital during deferment period
further rate people who are yet to rejoin.
Amazon, through contracts,
a year. Responding to TOI’s que-
ry, an Amazon India spokesper-
any guarantee on his behalf,
the spokesperson said.
has been delayed because of
after RBI cut an extended lockdown
allowed to be capitalised
I | Borrower can repay over 6 reduction employs over 1 lakh people
across delivery networks and
supply chain jobs in India,
son said it has made changes in
its operations for people to join
back, but “some of them (associ-
The amount ordered to be
paid based on the alleged gua-
rantee will, in any case, redu-
M | Period of pre- as well as 3.35 months until March ’21 instead
TIMES NEWS NETWORK post-shipment credit extended
July 30, ’08 May 22, ’20  From P 1 which on average pay Rs 20,000- ates) have not been able to ce substantially upon the im-
of a one-shot payment
to 15 months from 1 year 25,000 per month. A large num- return to work for various minent resolution of RCom’s
M | Time period for remittance M | NBFCs that have adopted

Mumbai:The RBI’s assessment t is in the growth outlook ber of seasonal staff for delive- reasons, given the situation debt in accordance with the
of the economy that painted a I | Exporters whose orders got of payments by importers stricter Indian Accounting that the monetary policy ries are usually hired by online with the pandemic”. Insolvency & Bankruptcy Co-
grim picture of almost no postponed because of Covid-19 doubled to 1 year Standards (IndAS) can go for committee judged the risk retail companies during the fes- “The duration of contracts de, 2016, the spokesperson sa-
growth this fiscal, credit freeze, can still fulfil them I | Will help importers whose board-approved norms for to be the gravest... If the infla- tive sales around Diwali. for these seasonal roles varies, id, adding that as far as the
vanishing demand and chance M | Line of credit of Rs 15,000cr operating cycles expected to get recognising defaults tion trajectory evolves as ex- “It will be staggered hiring. depending on the nature of the judgment of the UK court is
of price rise made investors jit- for Exim Bank longer because of pandemic pected, more space will open There was a drop of 30-40% in role and the need of the busi- concerned, the question of
tery. The resultant selling pulled
I | NBFCs will have flexibility up to address the risks to supply chain positions due to ness at a given point in time,” any enforcement in India does
the sensex down by 260 points to I | Will give the institution more M | Interest on working capital in granting loan relief to their growth,” RBI governor Shak- the migration during the lock- the spokesperson added. not arise in the near future.
30,673, with financials leading headroom to fund exporters deferred up to Aug 31 borrowers tikanta Das said, indicating to
the slide. The rising tension bet- the possibility of further re-

Jio sells 2% stake IBM’s global

Not repo linked, but HDFC
ween the US and China, which duction in rates.
comprises issues related to the With the government keen
Asian giant’s handling of the on lenders passing on the be-
layoffs hit
coronavirus crisis and also tra-
des between the two, made glo-
bal investors cautious, which
also impacted trading in India, cuts rate on competition
nefit of lower rates to borro-
wers, banks are set to pare de-
posit rates too as they seek to
keep their margins intact.
to KKR for $1.5bn India too
market players said. Reeba Zachariah & an investment in Jio. Sources Shilpa Phadnis & Avik Das TNN
In the bond market, gilts gai-  From P 1 ‘By all counts, the Madhav Chanchani TNN said even Abu Dhabi’s Mubada-
ned marginally despite the RBI’s YOU READ IT HERE FIRST FINDING A BOTTOM macroeconomic and la is in talks to acquire a stake in Bengaluru: Within 50 days of

S financial conditions
rate cut decision as the central BI’s interest rates on ho- Mumbai/Bengaluru: Conti- the Indian company. An e-mai- his taking charge, IBM CEO
RBI may extend
and state governments’ huge me loan between Rs 30 HDFC’s best home loan nuing with its string of share led query to Jio and Mubadala Arvind Krishna has under-
borrowings weighed on senti- lakh and Rs 75 lakh will rate since last high (in %) are austere. The sales in Jio Platforms to global elicited no response till the time taken a major layoff exercise
global economy is
ment. The yield on the new 10-ye-
ar closed marginally softer at
come down to 7.25% from
7.65%, and above Rs 75 lakh to moratorium on 12 11.75
inexorably headed
investors, Reliance Industries
(RIL) on Friday agreed to sell
of going to the press.
Jio, which plans to list on the
globally. This in-
cludes, sources

bank loans by
5.74% from 5.77% on Thursday, 7.35% from 7.75%. For women 11 2.32% in the telecom-cum-digi- stock exchanges in a few years, said, a few hund-
into recession….GDP
market data showed. borrowers, the rates would be tal services company to US pri- offers global investors an attrac- red jobs in India,
10 growth in 2020-21 is
further lowered by 5bps.
Since October 2019, when 90 more days 9
estimated to remain
vate equity fund KKR for Rs
11,367 crore ($1.5 billion).
tive opportunity in the Indian
market where rapid digitisation
where IBM has
about a third of its
DEBT BURDEN home loan rates were linked in negative territory’ is expected to take place post-Co- global strength of 350,000.
to the repo rate, interest has 8
JOINING JIO vid, said RIL. Jio is KKR’s lar- Many of those impacted are
In the stock market, soon af- been cut by 1.4 percentage po- Mumbai: With the Covid-19 The monetary policy com- gest investment in Asia to date said to be mid-level executives
ter the 40bps cut in repo, the sen- ints. The EMI on a Rs 30 lakh lockdown being extended into 7 mittee voted with a 5-1 majori- Shareholding in Jio after it and comes more than three we- including project managers
sex jumped to an intraday high loan is now down to Rs 19,959 mid-M ay, ofthe moratorium on Aug 1, ’08 Mar 9, ’20 ty to reduce the policy rate by raised `78,562cr from 5 deals eks after it announced plans to and above, some of who have
The Times India on May 3, 2020
of 31,108, but it soon lost ground, from Rs 22,855 in October 2019 bank loans is likely to be further 40 basis points from 4.4% to purchase Shapoorji Pallonji’s fi- spent over a decade in the com-
KKR 2.32 General Atlantic
entered negative territory and —a reduction of Rs 2,896. home loan — to an external and so the bank had increased 4.0%. Consequently, the 1.34 ve solar energy units in India pany. “I was asked to resign as
then remained below the previo- Housing finance compa- benchmark rate (EBR). Most the risk premium by 20bps. Marginal Standing Facility Vista 2.32 Silver Lake for Rs 1,554 crore. Interestingly, there aren’t enough projects. I
us close through the rest of the nies and those banks that ha- of the banks chose repo rate Many banks argued that (MSF) rate and the Bank Rate 1.15 KKR also has an investment in was given three months’ basic
session. Foreign funds net sold ve not linked their home loan as their EBR. the repo rate cut does not lo- stand reduced to 4.25% from 9.99 Jio’s telecom infrastructure ri- salary as severance,” said an af-
stocks worth Rs 1,354 crore and rates to the repo rate may not On May 8, some of the wer their cost of funds, but le- 4.65%. The reverse repo rate val Bharti Infratel. fected employee, who spoke on
(in %) 82.88
domestic institutions too were pass on the reduction in their banks like SBI increased the ads to lowering of lending ra- stands reduced to 3.35% from The relationship between condition of anonymity.
net sellers at Rs 344 crore, BSE home loans. However, driven spread on home loan rates for tes for existing borrowers. 3.75%. The central bank has RIL chairman Mukesh Am- IBM said in a statement,
data showed. by competition, HDFC has al- new borrowers by 20bps by in- Therefore, banks may resort cut the repo rate by a total of bani and KKR’s co-founder “IBM’s work in a highly compe-
According to Siddhartha ready brought down its rates creasing the margin over and to raising spreads. A senior 115 bps since the lockdown be- Facebook RIL Henry Karvis goes back seve- titive marketplace requires
Khemka, head (retail rese- to 7.50%. To improve the above the benchmark rate of banker said that the lowering gan in late March. ral years, as the two had dis- flexibility to constantly remix
arch), Motilal Oswal Financial transmission of rates, the 7.05% pegged against the repo of the rates matching the pre- “By all counts, the macroe- With this deal, KKR beco- cussed potential collabora- high-value skills, and our work-
Services, though the RBI’s rate RBI had forced banks to link rate. SBI did it, saying that due sent round of reduction in the conomic and financial condi- mes the fifth American inves- tion for shale gas assets in the force decisions are made in the
cut decisions and some others their interest rates on priori- to the pandemic, the credit repo rate would be circum- tions are austere. The global tor in Jio, which so far has rai- US in 2010. RIL has also back- long-term interests of our busi-
were positive moves, there was ty sector loans — including risk of borrowers had gone up vented by banks. economy is inexorably hea- sed Rs 78,562 crore ($10.3 bil- ed KKR India’s debt fund. ness.” IBM is seen to be wor-
a fear in the market that the ded into recession…. Given all lion) from external parties. Jio’s equity valuation of king towards a sharper align-

Loan rejig will happen

burden on the banks may furt- these uncertainties, GDP Bloomberg had reported Rs 4.91lakh crore remains un- ment with its priorities — clo-
her increase. “Further, the RBI growth in 2020-21 is estimated that Saudi Arabia’s Public In- changed with KKR’s propo- ud and AI — even as it naviga-
failed to announce any relief to remain in negative territo- vestment Fund too is exploring sed investment. tes the impact of the pandemic.
on restructuring of loans to ry,” said Das, while announ-

Covid has hit income of

address the risk of rising asset cing the interest rate cut over
quality issues,” Khemka said.

Bharat Bond
only after lockdown ends
TIMES NEWS NETWORK sales without worrying about SBI chairman Rajnish Kumar
a video broadcast.

FM asks PSBs
ETF series 2 Mumbai: Restructuring of lo-
ans may happen only after the
lockdown ends as it is only
repayments, banks can start as-
sessing the prospects for each
borrower and the RBI gets time
to formulate a restructuring
said. “Right now, the moratori-
um will take care of the situa-
tion around the cash flow dis-
ruptions. I would not be obses-
to implement 60% households: Survey
eyes `14k cr then that banks will get an
idea of the cash flows of vario-
scheme that will not result in
future bad loans. Sectors like
sed with one-time restructu-
ring at this particular point
relief package TIMES NEWS NETWORK
Mumbai: To raise up to Rs us borrowers. Meanwhile, the aviation, hospitality and tou- when we have time till August New Delhi: Finance minister New Delhi: Covid-19 has hit
14,000 crore for the govern- Reserve Bank of India (RBI) rism-related businesses are se- 31,” he said. Nirmala Sitharaman on Fri- the income of around 60% ho- Allocation of Impact on different income
ment, Edelweiss Mutual Fund granted a host of regulatory en as most stressed on account While the RBI has allowed day held a review meeting useholds across India, sho- Monthly Income groups (in % points)
is set to launch the second tran- relaxations to banks to help of the lockdown. banks to extend the moratori- with CEOs of wed a survey. The study, con- Before Covid-19
che of the Bharat Bond ex- them tide over the crisis. Lenders say that a negati- um, it is not clear how they will public sector ducted by Nielsen across 12 ci- Low Mid High
During Covid-19 Income Income Income
change-traded fund (ETF) in The RBI increased a bank’s ve GDP growth would get respond to NBFCs. According banks (PSBs) and ties, also discovered that
July. The fund house will group exposure limit to 30% translated into non-perfor- to Crisil director Krishnan Sita- asked them to eight of every 10 respondents 20%
launch two new series under from 25% of its capital base, raman, liquidity challenges for implement the had one or more mid- and big- 16% -3 -3 -3
the ETF with two different ma- thereby enabling it to lend mo- ASSESSING NBFCs, housing finance com- ‘Aatmanirbhar’ ticket items, such as domestic
turities, in April 2025 and in re to large business houses, in- panies and microfinance insti- relief package to revive the travel or a durables purchase, Savings (Cash at 25%
April 2031, a release said. cluding public sector enterpri- CASH FLOWS tutions may get accentuated if Covid-hit economy. planned in the March-June bank or hand) 27% No Impact 1 3
The first tranche of the ses. The central bank also said ming assets as incomes of in- banks don’t extend moratori- The meeting via video- period. However, only 28% of
bond ETF was launched in De- that lenders will get more time dividuals and businesses get um to them. The finance compa- conferencing took place in the them wanted to go ahead with Loan/CC 19%
cember 2019 through which it to resolve defaults as the 180- hit. The lowering of interest nies will have to provide an ex- backdrop of the Rs 21-lakh- their plans once the restric- payments 18% -2 -1 No Impact

had raised Rs 12,400 crore. The day moratorium period will rates would ease the burden. tended moratorium to their crore stimulus package anno- tions are relaxed, the rest ha-
base issue size of the second not be part of the 210-day dead- “The entire effort of the go- borrowers, which could lead to uncement and the RBI coming ve either put their plans on Monthly HH 36%
tranche is Rs 3,000 crore, with a line for resolving defaults. If vernment and the RBI is to revi- a mismatch in cash flows. out with fresh measures, in- hold or cancelled them. Expenses 39% 5 3 No Impact

green shoe option of Rs 11,000 bad loans are not resolved in ve growth in the economy and, “Further, it is not expected that cluding interest rate cuts. The pandemic claimed Low income: Up to 50,000 | Medium Income: 50,001-1 lakh | High Income:
crore. The ETF will track Nifty seven months, banks need to at the same time, recognise the they will get any moratorium The FM emphasised on the other victims too. For instan- Above 1 lakh | CC: Credit card | HH: Household Source: Nielsen
Bharat Bond target maturity make additional provisions difficulties that industries are on their capital market debt re- quick disbursal of additional ce, India’s fast-moving consu-
indices, the fund house said. out of their profits. facing. All the measures around payments. The recent announ- loans to MSMEs, to simplify mer goods sales clocked a 34% drop. Modern trade consis- shoppers reduced focus on sta-
Through bond ETFs, the Lenders across the board reduction in repo rate, morato- cements made on the guarantee process, formats and docu- decline in April over the same ting of departmental stores ples, when they moved into the
Centre sells government bonds said that the RBI measures give rium and increase in the limit and partial guarantee schemes mentation, Indian Bank MD & period last year, with traditio- and cash & carry stores, ho- lockdown period but continued
to the fund, which in turn sells all parties a breather. Busines- on group exposures will be help- will alleviate the concerns so- CEO Padmaja Chunduru said nal trade channels, including wever, continued to grow. to shop for convenience items
units to investors. TNN ses can focus on production and ful in revival of the economy,” mewhat,” he said. after the meeting. AGENCIES kiranas, leading the sharp In foods, modern trade such as noodles and frozen food.



ICC focuses on umpires,

senior officials’ health in TWENTY20 WORLD CUP ‘Charge of criminal offence should
SOP for resumption
not disqualify BCCI members’
SET TO BE POSTPONED XFrom P1 cricket. Any provision which has a

New Delhi: The International Cricket direct or an indirect effect of re-
Council (ICC) has laid strong emphasis on
umpires and match officials in its guide- It Could Make Way The Indian board wouldn’t mind a possible
IPL final on Diwali evening (November 15),
he draft constitution, pre-
pared by the committee of
stricting persons with rich and var-
ied experience, whereby they have
acquired and strengthened organis-
lines for the resumption of cricket, keeping the same day that the final of the T20 World administrators and ap-
in mind the threats posed by the Covid-19
pandemic. ICC’s medical committee has list-
For IPL To Be Held In Cup would’ve been played. However, they will
first wait for ICC’s decision on this year’s T20
proved by the SC, had stipu-
lated a mandatory three-year cool-
ing capacity, finance generating ca-
pacity and administrative skills will
ed the match officials, support staff and in-
dividuals above the age of 60 at the ground
Oct-Nov Window World Cup. “Please remember that the deci-
sion on T20 World Cup is not BCCI’s to make.
ing period for anyone who had
served two terms in state cricket GANGULY
be to the detriment of the game of
cricket,” the BCCI said.
as specific risks. “Cricket is officiated by We have nothing to do with it. It has to be the associations or BCCI. Taking this It added that as an autonomous
umpires on the field of play and their health ICC’s decision,” said BCCI treasurer Arun clause into account, Ganguly and body with self-governance rights, it
and well-being needs to be taken into full Thakur, underlining that the narrative being Shah would have to stay away from Cricket Council or any such interna- could not be precluded from effect-
consideration as they spend the greatest Mumbai: Two days after the Indian Premier drawn by certain sections of the fraternity cricket management for three years tional body. It also proposed to do ing changes in its constitution keep-
amount of time in close proximity to play- League’s (IPL) former chief operating officer — that BCCI may be pushing for the postpone- starting from July and June this away with the CoA-prepared consti- ing in mind the demands of the time
ers,” the guidelines read. “Participants, in (COO) Sundar Raman came out with a white ment — is a false one. year, respectively. Both were elected tution which disqualified any person and requested the SC to do away
particular umpires, match referees and sup- paper, pointing out that world cricket cannot Meanwhile, the question remains as to unopposed in October last year. charged with a criminal offence from with the clause mandating it to seek
port staff may be considered vulnerable in- afford the cancellation of the T20 league and when will the T20 World Cup be held, if not becoming a member of BCCI. the apex court’s approval every time
dividuals that are at higher risk of severe ill- any such move would result in a massive fi- between October and November this year? BCCI APPEAL IN SC The BCCI proposed that a person it effected a change in its constitu-
ness. This includes older individuals (ap- nancial loss for the cricketing world, it turns Here are the possibilities. should be disallowed from becoming tion with the vote of three-fourths
prox. 60+) and people of any age with under- out the fate of this year’s T20 World Cup in A) Australia will want it from February- The board’s AGM approved that a member only if s/he has been con- members of the general body.
lying medical conditions such as cardiac, Australia is sealed. March next year, soon after India’s tour. How- the cooling-off period would apply victed in a criminal case and sen- “Neither preparation of draft
kidney, diabetes, obesity, weak innate im- The 2020 edition of the T20 World Cup, sched- ever, BCCI is keen to host the IPL this year, to the president and the secretary tenced to three or more years in constitution by the CoA nor a direc-
munity, etc,” it added. uled to be played between mid-October and mid- followed by England’s tour of India in February- only if they had served two “con- prison. The board said these changes tion for its adoption (by the SC) can
Therefore, it has been suggested that November, is being postponed. An official call March, followed by the 2021 edition of the IPL. secutive terms at BCCI”, thus eras- were necessary for the smooth ad- either preclude, restrict or hinder
players will not be sharing anything they on this will be taken next week when the mem- Such a proposal won’t find favour with BCCI. ing their stints in state cricket as- ministration of cricket and to effec- the right of the general body to
touch with the umpires during play. “Play- ber boards of the International Cricket Council B) The BCCI is scheduled to host the 2021 sociations. While Ganguly was an tively utilise the administrative tal- amend the constitution in exercise
ers and umpires should maintain social dis- (ICC) get on a teleconference to discuss the im- edition of the T20 World Cup. Will the Indian office-bearer of the Cricket Asso- ent available in the three-tier district- of its amending powers conferred
tancing on the field of play and that includes mediate future of the tournament. board agree to a swap with Australia, allow ciation of Bengal, Shah had stints state-national cricket management. under the constitution itself and
no handing over of player items (cap, towels, The postponement of the 2020 edition would them to host the 2021 edition and host the India at the Gujarat Cricket Association. “The draft (constitution) was pre- passed in a duly convened meeting
sunglasses, jumpers). Umpires may also be make way for BCCI to perceive the idea of hosting edition in 2022? Unlikely, because India will Proposing another major change pared by persons who did not have of the general body. It is submitted
encouraged to use gloves when handling the the 13th edition of the IPL more constructively. already be ‘obliging’ Australia with the tour in its constitution, the BCCI said dis- ground-level experience of function- that in exercise of the said power of
ball,” the ICC document stated. TOI can confirm that the Indian cricket board Down Under this year — a big money spinner qualification on other grounds ing of this three-tier structure in amendment, which is indisputably
Other important points — that relies on its T20 property to generate 3/4th for Cricket Australia which is on the verge of should be applicable only to member- which the transition of cricket ad- conferred upon the general body, the
14-day isolation training camps before travel. of its entire revenue and 2/3rd of cricket’s global bankruptcy — unless, of course, politics of ship in the BCCI and its apex council ministrators is stage-wise, which is BCCI has amended some provisions
 Consider appointing a Chief Medical Officer revenue — is not averse to the idea. cricket takes over. “After all, this is election and not extend to the International in the larger interest of the game of of its constitution,” it said.
and/or Biosafety Official who will be responsible In fact, sources say BCCI is keen to utilise season in ICC,” sources said.
for implementing government regulations. the window available, subject to appropriate C) The BCCI will host the 2021 edition
Crammed BWF
Manu bats for online
 Have adequate Covid-19-specific healthcare directives from the central government. “The while Australia host the 2022 edition — a year
facilities ready at venue and in close proximity. final word has to come from them (the govern- when there’s no ICC tournament scheduled.
ment). If the necessary permissions are there
and a window is available, why not? But let’s
“Now, that’s a decision that’ll most likely suit
everyone. Revenue-wise, it doesn’t make any
calendar slammed
not jump the gun, let’s cross that bridge when
we get there,” add sources.
difference to BCCI, so let’s see where that
goes”, they added.
by shuttlers
shooting championship father said, “Most elite shooters have
‘IPL a money grab, T20 WC
should take precedence’ Shivpal keen to resume training H y d e r a b a d : A f t e r f ive
months of forced suspension,
New Delhi: Ace shooter Manu
Bhaker is spending the lockdown
the electronic target system installed.
It is linked with a laptop and scores
are uploaded real time online. There
should be steady Internet and laptop
Melbourne: The IPL is just a “money international badminton is all days at her village
grab” and cannot be allowed to take Worst Phase Of My Life, Says Oly-Bound Javelin Thrower set to resume with the Hy- home in Goria, shouldn’t malfunction.”
A legitimate and natural question
precedence over this year’s T20 World derabad Open on August 11. Jhajjar. Manu’s
Cup, feels former Australia skipper Allan Biswajyoti.Brahma hard on fitness to stay on track Badminton World Federation father Ramk- is: What if someone is cheating?
Border. There is speculation that the 13th for achieving my dream. But the (BWF) released a revamped ishen Bhaker “In the tournaments that I’ve
IPL, which was suspended indefinitely due last two months ensured that all calendar on Friday. recently got an taken part, there was monitoring
to the Covid-19 pandemic, might be con- New Delhi: When he clinched the hard work has gone down The calendar came for a lot electronic tar- happening. Actually, camera should
ducted in October-November if the T20 an Olympic berth in javelin in the drain. If I have to tell you the of criticism from players as get system in- be installed at the makeshift range,”
World Cup in Australia is postponed. Potchefstroom, South Africa in truth, I will say, zindagi ka sabse well as Pullela Gopichand, stalled at the Manu suggested.
March, Shivpal Singh was con- kharab time kaat rahe hain (I am chief coach of Indian badmin- makeshift shoot- Her father added: “Online shoot-
‘No commitment on SA tour’: The BCCI fident he had it in him to be- going through the worst phase ton. “The schedule is too ing range in their ing championship is the future. It
has not made “any commitment” to tour come India’s first-ever Olym- of my life).” crammed — 22 tournaments in village home. The old machine was can be organized even better if an
South Africa in August and there have only pic medalist in track and field. The 24-year-old, who comes five months. When the world is an archaic manual machine prone to app is developed. Now one person
been discussions about such a possibility, That he had secured the Olym- from a family of javelin throw- going through a crisis, to ex- frequent breakdowns and was caus- has to keep on recording on one’s
Board treasurer Arun Dhumal said on pic berth without “putting ers, struggles to contain his pect people to travel across the ing her “immense irritation”. mobile phone, while the shooter is
Friday, denying Cricket South Africa’s much pressure” on his body, disappointment whenever he world and play 22 tournaments Delighted by the reboot in her shooting. At present, the major neg-
claims of a confirmation. was an indicator that he was looks back at his journey in week after week is expecting training, the teenaged star has start- ative points are computer failure or
on course to achieve his dream. Shivpal Singh the last few days. “The worst too much,” Gopichand said. ed preparing for the Tokyo Olympics Internet getting disconnected while
‘On scale of 10, chance of India But just two months later, Shiv- part is that there’s no training. PV Sindhu said talk of re- with renewed vigour and optimism. the competition is on.”
touring Australia is 9’: There is a 9 out of pal is not sure anymore. the confines of the SAI cam- I was so fit, but I had nothing sumption was good news but “Practice is going on in full swing. Shooting has a realistic chance
10 chance that India will make the trip pus in Patiala. “I have gained to do but to eat when I was in players would have to wait and The new electronic target system is of opening up its outdoor training
Down Under for a four-Test series later this LOCKDOWN DIARIES five kilos,” Shivpal told TOI quarantine. And after that watch. “It is good that the season used at ISSF-supervised competi- facilities sooner than other disci-
year, Cricket Australia chief executive ruefully. “When I last checked there’s hardly any fitness is going to start. But we don’t tions. There is not even one percent plines, as it is a non-contact sport
Kevin Roberts said trying to downplay the Shivpal had a throw of a few days back, I was 94 kilos. training. We do some physical know what happens as several of laxity on my part,” Manu told TOI with shooters in possession of their
uncertainty triggered by the Covid-19 85.47m in the ACNW League When I came here, I was 89.” activities, but that’s far from tournaments were cancelled at in an exclusive interaction from Go- equipment at all times. However,
pandemic. Meeting in Potchefstroom, an When he was called back enough. Such things push you the last minute. I hope we can get ria. “There should be some competi- Manu wants no risk.
ef fort which would have from the Potchefstroom event in back. I sincerely hope that the a vaccine soon and be free from tion, though,” she added quickly. “Durghatna se der bhali (Better a
Osaka becomes highest-earning fetched a bronze at the 2016 mid-march in the wake of the restriction on training is lifted this virus,” she said. Manu vouched for online shooting delay in opening of the outdoor train-
female athlete: Japan's Naomi Osaka Rio Olympics. Keshorn Wal- Covid-19 pandemic and put on and I am allowed to go back on Top star Saina Nehwal said championships to help Olympic- ing facilities than any kind of unto-
has surpassed Serena Williams as the cott of Trinidad Tobago had quarantine for 14 days, he had the ground. I will work hard on Twitter: “5 months non stop bound elite shooters of the country ward incident),” she said. “When we
world's highest-paid female athlete, finished third in Rio with thought that the enforced break to regain my fitness.” travel...biggest question is get “much-needed competition”. go to the range, we come in contact
raking in $37.4 million in prize money and 85.38m behind Kenya’s Julius was just a blip. Never did he He added: “We are staying what are the international “An online shooting champion- with miscellaneous things. There is
endorsements over the last year, accord- Yego (88.24m) and Thomas think that he won’t see his spear together in a mess here. We guidelines of travelling during ship will definitely help the Olym- a register that needs to be signed.
ing to a business magazine. The 22-year- Rohler of Germany (90.30m) for the next two months. ”When have been taking food togeth- this #coronavirus pandem- pic-bound elite shooters. I had par- That comes in contact with several
old twice Grand Slam champion’s total is The euphoria of Olympic I came from South Africa, I was er. All the athletes are staying ic?? didn’t even come ticipated in two competitions before people. There are two-three wash-
the most ever earned by a female athlete qualification has already died thinking of the Federation Cups inside for last two months and out with any plan till October.” the lockdown. It will give us compe- rooms at the range. Let’s say 50 shoot-
in a 12-month period. She earned $1.4 down and Shivpal is now left and the Diamond Leagues. I had no outsiders are coming in. So P Kashyap was critical too. tition and valuable practice,” the ers are given entry, they’ll use the
million more than Serena who had topped pondering what could have so much confidence that I was what would is the problem if “22 events in five months. Ok. 18-year-old said. washrooms. So, till the time the
the list for the last four years. AGENCIES been as he desperately waits even thinking of winning an we go to the ground together Firstly, practice hasn’t begun Elaborating on how the online threat of virus is not over, it is better
for resumption of training in Olympic medal. I had worked for some training?” yet...five months non stop travel?” championship can be held, Manu’s to practice at home.”

9-yr-old saw father 786 new cases, TN nears 15k-mark Opposition parties
floating in water, no playing politics  Continued from P 1
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu’s
chief secretary on Friday

one dared help him W of negativism: BJP ith its highest addi-
tion in Covid-19 cases
in a single day so far,
Maharshtra’s total caseload
held a meeting with senior of-
ficials on ways to handle the
flood of cases expected when
the Covid-19 epidemic peaks
stood at 44,582, more than in the state.  Continued from P 1
‘Bengal has to fight three times higher than the With 786 fresh cases on Fri-
Uddhav: Maha govt,
twin challenges of
A Centre cooperating
second worst-hit state, Tamil day, the state’s tally is close to fter a marathon meet-
Kolkata: Nine-year-old Arpi- Nadu, where 14,753 cases 15,000 and the toll reached 98, ing, the parties issued
ta Gayen says she will never corona & cyclone’ have been reported. with four more deaths. Chen- an 11-point charter of to tackle Covid-19
be able to forget the night she This is the sixth day in a nai recorded 569 cases as top demands to the Centre,
 Continued from P 1
saw her father, visibly dead,
floating in the water near
row that Maharashtra has
added over 2,000 cases. Maha-
health, finance, revenue and
diasaster management offi-
prominent being payment of
a monthly amount of Rs M aharashtra had good
levels of cooperation
their home, but no one from
her family — mother and un-
cles standing at a distance,
S taying home and social
distancing are the
safeguards against corona,
rashtra health minister Ra-
jesh Tope admitted that cases
were increasing and said the
Security personnel conduct a flag march in Lucknow, asking people to
stay at home on the last Friday of Ramzan
cials brainstormed on in-
creasing hospital beds, care
centres, and quarantine facil-
7,500 for six months to fam-
ilies outside the income tax
bracket, distribution of 10kg
with the Centre in fighting the
Covid-19 pandemic and this
was needed as states and the
holding her hand tightly and whereas moving out from focus was on reducing treatment rates,” Tope said. ery 10 lakh population, Maha- ities in the city. The epidemic of foodgrains for a similar central government together
crying for help — stepping homes and reaching safer deaths. “We have issued or- He said numbers were ris- rashtra has 332 cases and 11 was yet to peak in Delhi as period to needy families and had to combat
forward to pull him out. places are advisable in case of ders to make available 80% of ing as a large number of cases deaths. Most of these deaths well, which saw its highest “reversal of all unilateral the disease,
“I don’t know if I will ever a cyclone. Bengal has to fight the beds in private and charit- were coming in from densely- were of people with other co- single-day addition to the Co- policy decisions, particular- chief minister
be able to make my daughter the two challenges together,” able hospitals for Covid-19 pa- populated areas in the state, morbidities, but we want to vid-19 count at 660. ly the annulment of labour Uddhav
understand why none of us PM Modi said in an tients and have also capped especially Mumbai. “For ev- reduce that too,” Tope said. Full report on laws”. Thackeray told
could go near her father’s eight-minute video message The gathering also asked a meeting of
body,” said Aparna Gayen, from Basirhat in North the Centre to release sub- opposition
the widow of Pintu Gayen,
who was electrocuted while
wading through a water-
24-Parganas district.
Expressing solidarity with
Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee,,
During 12-hr journey, bride Railways to run more stantial funds to the states,
urgently restore “parlia-
mentary functioning and
parties on Friday. Thackeray,
who participated in a meeting
called by Congress chief Sonia
logged road near his home in
Behala on Wednesday.
Pintu, 37, was among the
he said, “The Centre was in
constant touch with the state
government and the two jointly
survived only on water Shramik Special trains oversight” and to spell out if
it had an exit strategy from
the lockdown.
Gandhi, said the next 15 days
would be crucial in deciding
the course of the disease. He
19 casualties caused by cy- worked hard.” He announced  Continued from P 1 anyone,” Goldy told TOI.  Continued from P 1 just need to add the middle The high-powered delib- explained steps taken to
clone Amphan in Kolkata, 11 ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh to the She started before dawn berth which was taken out erations included Rahul counter the spread of the

of whom were electrocuted, families of the deceased and Rs ur marriage was fixed on Wednesday and reached round Rs 2 lakh was in the case of sleeper coach- Gandhi, chief ministers pandemic and the measures
and whose bodies were found 50,000 to the injured from the for May 4, which got her groom’s house late in the spent to remodel each es,” said an official. Uddhav Thackeray, Hemant that have been found
floating on the city’s water- PM’s Relief Fund. postponed due to the evening. “After covering a coach for Covid-care, Some of the other aspects Soren, Mamata Banerjee effective, Shiv Sena
logged streets. Pintu last Full report on lockdown. We were expect- distance of 80km, I reached officials said. The railways which need to be redone in and regional satraps like sources said. TNN
spoke to Aparna at 9pm on ing relief after Lockdown Virendra’s house and got had converted 5,321 coaches, these coaches include taking Sharad Pawar, DMK presi-
Wednesday when he left his night. No one was allowed to 3.0, which was to end on May married on Thursday at the though the plan was to have out curtains and restoration dent MK Stalin, Tejashwi onavirus crisis.
office in with three of his col- pull him out. The CESC staff 17. But unfortunately, it was village temple with the con- 20,000 such Covid isolation of toilets. To accommodate Yadav of RJD, NC’s Omar Union minister Prakash
leagues. He was leading the came after repeated com- extended till the end of the sent of our family mem- coaches. The health minis- Covid-infected persons each Abdullah and CPM general Javadekar said several non-
group, walking through the plaints. After disconnecting month. When our parents bers,” she said. try provided funds to rail- coach had bathroom and oth- secretary Sitaram Yechury. BJP governed states were
waterlogged road, when he live wires from three fallen decided to defer our mar- With a small bag contain- ways for conversion of er facilities. The national Meanwhile, BJP on Fri- not giving permission to ply
fell down in the water and be- electric poles, we could final- riage again, I decided to not ing clothes and belongings, coaches. Officials said it transporter has also an- day accused opposition par- trains to evacuate migrant
gan screaming for help. But ly bring him out. He was long let the pandemic come in the Goldy walked for 12 hours won’t take long to reconvert nounced to run more Shra- ties of doing “politics of neg- labourers, who were being
no one dared to pull him out. dead by then,” Aparna said. way of our wedding. I left my with no food. “I survived on- the coaches to be used for mik Special trains. ativism” at a time when the forced to march on foot.
“He was lying there till mid- Full report on house without informing ly on water,” she added. passenger movement. “We Full report on country was battling the cor- Full report on

This Eid will be reminiscent of 1

Half Girlfriend
The best of locked-down creativity

my bachpan ki Eid: Anjum Fakih

2 Mere Rashke Qamar Badshaaho COUNTDOWN:
3 Chalti Hai Kya 9 Se12 Judwaa 2 BEST OF 2017
4 Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya
5 The Humma Song OK Jaanu
6 Main Tera Boyfriend Raabta 7 Galti Se Mistake Jagga Jasoos
8 Maine Tujhko Dekha Golmaal Again
amzan might have started on April 24 for all of us,

R but for Anjum Fakih, it began almost two weeks

early. The actress, who started keeping rozas from
April 9, tells us, “You can call it a sign of prosperity, but I
Phir Bhi Tumko Chahunga
Half Girlfriend
Jab Harry Met Sejal Ajay Devgn and Ileana
had gained a few kilos before the lockdown (laughs). And D’Cruz in Baadshaho
13 Tamma Tamma Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya
because of the nature of my work, I was a little con- Mere Rashke Qamar
14 Oonchi Hai Building Judwaa 2
cerned about it. So I started fasting from Shab-e- 2017 was definitely the year of Tanishk
15 Nachdi Phira Secret Superstar
Barat. I am not only using this time to grow spir- Bagchi. Four out of the top five songs on
16 Ullu Ka Pattha Jagga Jasoos
itually, but to also take care of my health.” our charts belonged to him. Two were
Keeping up with the healthy way of life, An- 17 Ghoomar Padmaavat recreations, The Humma Song and Mere
jum had a special iftar this time. “Earlier we used 18 Radio Tubelight Rashke Qamar, one was inspired by a
19 Ding Dang Munna Michael folkish tune in Badrinath Ki Dulhania, and
to devour a lot of delicious, but oily food items the top song, the No.1 was an original,
during iftar. I remember, the dastarkhwan used to 20 Mercy Mercy
Baarish from Half Girlfriend. Tanishk later
be filled with delicacies. Now, we have all grown to be he went on to take the No.1 position next
health-conscious and my mom has learnt to cook some year in 2018 as well with Dilbar.
Konkani dishes with a healthy twist. So we had healthy Source: Radio Mirchi
iftar this time.”

The lockdown hasn’t shaken her spirits. In fact, the
actress plans to celebrate the festival like she used to PANDEMIC AFFIRMATION
every year, with her family. “I have mostly lived away
from my family. But for the last two years, they have
TOP ANGREZI May the love in our hearts never have to be rationed.
been staying with me in Mumbai. So for me, this Eid Let enforced isolation lead to deeper connection.
will be reminiscent of my bachpan wali Eid,” says DripReport’s Skechers has May we all work as one, whatever might face us.
Song Title Artiste / Band become a phenomenal hit
the Kundali Bhagya actress.
that is confounding the mu- In this fight to survive, we'll stay strong and courageous.
1 Yummy Justin Bieber sic Industry.After winning — John Mark Green
followers with Indian remix-
Lexed (Siren Beat)
es of popular rap songs,
OF DELICIOUS, BUT OILY FOOD 4 End Of Time Alan Walker, K-391,Ahirx Skechers,
DripReport released this ode
to light-up sneakers that is
ITEMS DURING IFTAR. BUT 5 Your Body On My Body Natania, Parth Parekh, Mikey McCleary DripReport out-streaming many con-
ventional singles.
Anjum Fakih says she is missing her Kundali
NOW, WE’VE ALL GROWN TO These are Top 5 international songs. Source:

Bhagya co-actors during the lockdown BE HEALTH-CONSCIOUS

Level: Easy
■ Connect adjacent dots with vertical or
horizontal lines, creating a single loop
(Fig A).
■ Crossovers or branches are not allowed
(As shown by dotted lines in Fig B).
■ Numbers in the puzzle indicate the num- Not allowed
(Fig B)
(Fig A)

should surround
SUDOKU CHALLENGE it, while empty
Level: Medium cells may be sur-
HOW TO PLAY rounded by any
number of lines.
Fill in the grid ■ You can’t draw
so that every lines around ze-
horizontal row, roes.
every vertical ■ Each puzzle has
column and just one unique
every 3x3 box solution.
contains the How to begin: Ex-
digits 1-9, ample (Fig A) - Be-
without H O W T O P L AY Note: A digit cannot ap-
pear more than once in gin with the zero
repeating the next to 3. Since no
numbers in the The numbers in the coloured squares refer any particular digit com-
to the sums of the digits that you must fill bination. For instance in lines can be drawn
same row, around zero, mark
column or into the empty spaces directly below or to the example, we cannot
have the combination of crosses around it,
box.You can’t the right of the coloured square containing as shown. Now there is a cross in one space around 3. So we know the three
change the 8+4+8 for 20.
the number. For instance, in the given ex- lines of 3 can only be drawn in the remaining three spaces. Next, these lines
digits already ample, the 2 boxes below 12 must contain can only be extended in one direction each. Continue, using the same logic.
given in the 2 digits that add upto 12, whereas for 20, 12 Hints: Keep eliminating possibilities by marking crosses in spaces between
grid. Every dots where a line isn’t possible, i.e., if you have already completed required
puzzle has the 3 boxes placed horizontally next to it
Example lines or where a line
one solution. must add upto 20. No zeroes are used here,
only the digits one through nine. extension may create a branch or cause a deadend (Fig B)






Rearrange the FYEOR HOW TO

letters in the PLAY
four word EFNOT Now arrange the
jumbles, one Trust one who has
letters in the cir- ___ ____ it - Vir-
letter to each cles to form the
square/circle, AZZHHU gil (4,7)
answer to the rid-
to make four dle or to fill in the
ordinary missing word as
words ENRUGG indicated MINDBENDER
Each pair of definitions is for two words, where the second word is the first
word with a letter deleted (example: brand & band). The length of the first
SPELLATHON word in each pair is provided, along with the position of the deleted letter to
obtain the second word.
Today’s Ratings: 1) something absurd or ridiculous (5 letters) & (delete 4th letter) money paid
18-average 20-good 22-outstanding for transportation
2) a type of fruit (6 letters) & (delete 1st letter) a place for shooting practice
L How many words of four or more letters can 3) a dead body (6 letters) & (delete 3rd letter) a thicket of small trees or
you make from the letters shown in today’s shrubs
M I puzzle? In making a word, a letter can be used 4) to chew loudly (5 letters) & (delete 3rd letter) a great amount or quantity
I as many times as it appears in the puzzle. Each
word must contain the central letter. There
E T should be at least one seven letter word. Plu-
S rals, foreign words and proper names are not
allowed. British English Dictionary is used as SOLUTIONS TO GAMES/PUZZLES

ARIES March 20 - April 18 This is the right for you. However, some roadblocks keep Tricky time for Librans as you need to take plans for the future will be made, but as Venus
time to pursue contacts and try to get coming in between. However, today is good utmost care of your health. Research ori- retrogrades, don’t execute them till June end.
what you want out of them. If you don’t ask, for initiating public relations activity and get- ented assignments shall keep you busy. AQUARIUS January 20 - February 18 Do-

you won’t get. The financial position ting in touch with people that matter. Though your mind will be very creative and mestic matters look good, you will become
starts improving and you will be sought for LEO July 22 - August 21 The work you do aggressive, success is not guaranteed. more commanding and authoritative in your
your opinions. now gets highlighted and recognised across SCORPIO October 23 - November 20 Small professional approach, taking decisions from
FORTUNE Anup,..rn V K a pl
TAURUS April 19 - May 19 Good exposure a broad spectrum. You will make some travel may be necessary. It may be lockdown, home. Unpopular decisions may have to be
and limelight seem probable, even if it may amendments in your work style and office. but you need a slight change in your sur- taken by you. Health of mother may cause
be on a digital platform during the lockdown. Contacts from abroad will influence your pro- roundings now. Secret meeting between some concern, though it will be manageable. MINDBENDER
For dpx ,ir, rti anupamvkap Love interests are cooking up and you may fessional interests. lovers is also possible, but there may be dan- PISCES February 19 - March 19 Contact SCRAMBLE
or srns on 9822042295.
1) farce & fare, 2) orange & range, 3) corpse & copse, 4) munch & much
meet someone interesting on the internet. VIRGO August 22 - September 21 Corre- gers associated. with influential people or policy makers may has gone through it - Virgil
BIRTHDAY TODAY GEMINI May 20 - June 20 Expenses mount, spondence and communication keep you SAGITTARIUS November 21-December 20 put you on centre stage. Communication will SPELLATHON
Answer: Trust one who

Y ou tend to become self-righteous at times. Pay

attention to what others think about a situation.
Tip: Your lucky colours are orange and white. Your
you have no control of what’s happening on
the financial front. Health of your father needs
occupied. Injuries to your neck and thighs
are possible. Money matters may get some-
Health needs care today as Moon joins Venus
and Mercury in your sixth house. Fitness or
be your main focus and you shall be quite
busy on mails or correspondence. Occult
Mail order
slime, slit, smile, smite, stile, tile, time
list, mile, mist, mite, silt, simile, site, slim,
zah, grunge
Words: Foyer, often, huz-

lucky gems are turquoise and opal attention now. Be careful for your bones, if what complicated and wrong financial hygiene related matters will occupy your matters may interest you as many planets ELITISM, emit, isle, islet, item, lime, limit,
You share your birthday with: Samir Kochhar you are exercising at home. decisions taken now can have impact in mind. Health of your spouse may to suffer. including the Moon move in the eighth house.
CANCER June 21 - July 21 It is a time of the long run. CAPRICORN December 21 - January 19 You need to be careful of misunderstanding
gain for you, as many openings look good LIBRA September 22 - October 22 This is a time for affairs to build up. Exotic with women now.
India takes the
@jayashree.nand @not.saba ay22


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My cooking It was tough working on KGF

in lockdown Chapter 2, but I enjoyed the
has a lot of process, says Sanjay Dutt
jugaad: Richa
After four decades in Hindi cinema, the
actor is set to make his debut down south
Prathamesh Bandekar

he lockdown has made people the pressure, as he is the new en-

get closer to the kitchen fires, trant in the sequel, Sanjay shares,
and Richa Chadha is no ex- efore the lockdown, San- “I never feel pressure from my
ception. The actress, too, is busy hon-
ing her culinary skills, but with a twist.
While many Bollywood celebs have
B jay Dutt was busy with
several projects, including
his debut in the Kannada film in-
audience. As a creative person, I
put pressure on myself to do my
best, so that I continue to grow
been sharing images of the sumptu- dustry, KGF Chapter 2, in which as an actor. I’m excited to make
ous meals they’ve whipped up, Richa, he plays the antagonist. At 60, San- my debut in the South Indian
on the other hand, has no filter. She jay is eager to try something new. film industry.”
has been putting up hilarious pictures Talking about this experience, Bollywood actors such as Alia
of her misadventures in the kitchen. Sanjay says, “As an actor who has Bhatt, Ajay Devgn, Kangana Ra-
She says, “I’m not one of those peo- been in the business for four naut and Shraddha Kapoor, too,
ple who believe that cooking is thera- decades, I feel a lot has changed. are expanding their boundaries
peutic (laughs). I don’t like cooking, There is professionalism and cor- by working in films made in dif-
but I manage to make good food. poratisation that wasn’t there ear- ferent languages. Sanjay says,
Maybe because I like to eat good food, lier in the industry. Work avenues “Language or boundaries are
somehow what I cook turns out to be have opened with the entry of dig- never a barrier for an artiste.
nice. However, the process ital platforms. It’s a great time to There is so much to explore,
is not fun and I don’t enjoy be an actor.” and the more you learn, the
cooking.For me,it’s all very KGF Chapter 1, headlined by more you grow. I have always
experimental.” Yash, was well-received by peo- loved Hindi cinema, but as
Speaking about her ex- ple. When asked whether he feels an actor, there is more than
periments in the kitchen, just one platform. Why
she says, “Pakaana kuch should one restrict one-
aur tha, lekin kuch aur hi Richa Chadha says that self to one genre or lan-
ban gaya – it happens to me her cooking involves a lot I HAVE ALWAYS guage? We have such
every day! I have no expec- of jugaad, and it’s very LOVED HINDI beautiful content coming
tations from my dishes be-
cause I have no reference
CINEMA, BUT AS from our regional lan-
guages and different
point. For me, it’s just about lot of jugaad. Having said that, AN ACTOR, THERE platforms. I am happy
making something for lunch during the lockdown, every- IS MORE THAN JUST that I am acting in a film
and dinner that is edible. one is doing that because baa- made in another lan-
Once I was trying to make an har sabzi khareedne roz kaun ONE PLATFORM. guage. It was a little tough, SANJAY DUTT
aloo dish, but when it didn’t jayega? Also, everything that WHY SHOULD ONE but I enjoyed the process. In
taste nice, I added grated co- you want is not available. fact, the challenge made it all
conut, rai (mustard seeds) and Everyone’s making food out
RESTRICT ONESELF the more exciting. I felt like a
curry leaves in it. It turned of whatever is easily available TO ONE GENRE OR kid learning something new
into an awesome dosa ka in the kitchen.” LANGUAGE? on the sets of the film.”
masala. So, my cooking has a



1 s_ Wei

LADY GAGA and ARIANA GRANDE have dropped
their new collaboration track, Rain On Me, which
will be featured on Gaga’s upcoming studio album,
Chromatic. Ahead of the song’s release, Gaga SUPER M/4RCHE
tweeted, “Love u @ArianaGrande let’s do this.
Nothing can stop us, we know that now.” To this, POTATO
Ariana replied, “I love u so much more. nothing ' I[E.

could stop us before either, we just had to realize

it! i’m so excited. thank u. i’m ready #rainonme.”

z120-- X129; X360;

Sana: As a child, I remember standing


outside SRK’s house on Eid & asking X800

MRP-12500 MRP - 7313 MRP-14 0 6

2209 420

the watchman, ‘Shah Rukh hai kya?’
@sanakhaan21 autographed photo and give it


X489 X499

MRP - 7498


to me,” Sana laughs as she re-

he has always been a members the story.

S Shah Rukh Khan fan,

and when we ask Sana
Khaan about her fondest Eid
The actress says that cele-
brations this year will be with-
out visitors. “It is definitely go- MRP-? 1350 M R P -7 5 6 5 MRP-155 0 M R P -74 8 5

2530 449

memories from childhood, the ing to be different as I’ll have no

actress takes no time in sharing visitors. I’m going to be home,
an SRK anecdote with us. “I re- since in my society we aren’t al-
member we’d wake up in the lowed to go outside. I’ll call up
morning, get dressed and visit some friends and family, as I’m
all our relatives, even if we did- definitely going to miss them

n’t like them. My best friend on Eid. Every year during

M R P -? 1 50 M R P -2 3 9 0 MRP - 23600 M R P- ?4 0 9 9
Nazia and I would first go to Ramzan, people go out and meet OUR PRICE OUR PRICE


2110 X320
my relatives’ homes and then friends, but I am not that kind
visit her relatives for Eidi. of a person. Not just this year,
I’m a huge SRK fan, so af- but I avoid going for iftar par-
ter collecting money, we’d ties and get-togethers since it
catch a train to Bandra, take breaks my routine of praying,”
a rickshaw and stand outside she says. Sana adds that she has-
Mannat (SRK’s house). I still re- n’t shopped for Eid. “I got two MRP - ?1075

member that one time, I asked outfits before the lockdown for OUR PRICE

MRP - 71200
his watchman, ‘Shah Rukh hai something and luckily, I have

kya?’ The watchman had auto- one I didn’t wear,” she says.
graphed photos of SRK, so I re- While people have plans for
member telling my friend (an Eid at home this year, Sana has
Aamir Khan fan) to also get an post-Eid plans. She says, “Since
our helpers are not com-
ing, I am the one doing
jhadu-pocha. I am no good
NOT JUST THIS in the kitchen. My mom OUR STORES
YEAR, BUT I AVOID can’t do much of it be-
cause of her health issues
GOING FOR IFTAR but this house work is 9 Q 9
crazy. Abhi toh upar upar


se kar rahi hoon but after
GET-TOGETHERS Eid, I’m going to do prop-
SANA KHAAN SINCE IT BREAKS er cleaning with some
MY ROUTINE soap, disinfectant, lemon
and lavender.”
OF PRAYING 11151:211 W

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