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Section One:

The facets model explains how and why consumers react to advertisements, as advertisers who made
them usually have a goal in mind for how they want consumers to respond when they pitch their ideas.
Thus, the model focuses on the various aspects of a consumer’s response to the brand message in order
to determine what strategies will engage their attention. It is divided in six major groups:

The Perception Facet (See/ Hear)

Refers to how it catches the customers attention and reels them in. It involves :

Exposure: the message being presented in front of the person. It is important for avoiding mistakes as
trying to communicate with a busy person who is in office all day through tv won’t work. For example,
Office supplies company emailing busy office workers to catch their attention.

Selective Attention: Even with people being exposed to mass amount of advertisements, they remember
only a handful of them and disregard/ignore the others due to selective attention. It happens because of
interest or due to its creative design. For example, browsing through facebook and stopping at a new
Samsung tv announcement advertisement because I am personally interested in purchasing one.

Awareness: After watching the advertisement, the person will get to know information about the brands
logo, products or services and thus have a general idea about the brand. For example, Pizza hut
advertising on newspaper to make people aware that one of the top pizza franchise is now opening up
right here in Dhaka.

Recognition: Refers to a person identifying the brand after seeing the logo/symbol. Example –Identifying
the fast-food place McDonalds after seeing their signature brand logo.

The Affective or Emotional Facet (Feel)

Creates emotional responses as they are powerful in the way they can push past disinterest.
Furthermore, it attracts audience by creating positive responses or may also use emotions to create
negative feelings towards a problem the brand can solve. Includes:

Wants: What an individual desire which is triggered by the emotional response. Wants varies from
culture to culture and person to person. For example, Impulse buying chewing gum/mints in front of
cash register because of the flashy packaging.

Feelings: Advertise using emotional appeals like love, joy or comfort etc. Example – Always using
emotions in their advertisement by showcasing what people think doing something “like a girl” means.

Liking: Involves liking towards the brand and/or liking towards the advertisement. As the person might
like the advertisement but may dislike the brand. Therefore, companies try to convince customers
through their advertisements as there is a high chance that if someone likes the advertise then it will
lead to them liking the brand. EG – British airlines communicating with Indian audience through their
advertisement trying to change their minds as most foreign passenger thought the airlines neglected

Resonate: Refers to the personal attachment that customers have towards a brand. This attachment
may be caused by the persons experience with the brand or due to being repeatedly exposed to it. EG –
I am attached to iPhone even though I cannot afford it, however I love the brand starting from logo to
the different products.

The Cognitive Facet (Understand)

Involves advertisers showing materials that will make the consumer stop and think. Involves customer
making rational decisions that are not based on emotions. It involves :

Needs: Refers to something which must be fulfilled. For example, ORSaline showing in their advertise
that the product is something that everyone needs to cure their stomach problems.

Cognitive learning: learning regarding a brand through facts, figures and logic. For example, Huawei
launching 5n mobile showcasing all their key specifications in the newspaper advertisement to help
customers decide.

Differentiation: Here advertisers focus on how they are different from their competition in the market.
For Example, Tesla showing how their electric cars are more ecofriendly and are thus better for the
environment compared to other companies still using oil fueled engines.

Recall: Remembering the message shown in the advertisement. It is more in depth as it requires the
person to remember specific messages. For example, when you see Norton logo, we instantly identify
the product to be an antivirus by remembering the chicken advertisement

The Association Facet: Connect

Main focus is that the brand wants to connect with the customer by using -

Symbolism: firms provides symbols to communicate their benefits to the customers, the benefits are not
direct, but it is personal. Its portraits the product benefits in an abstract way. For example, Ikea is a
symbol of creativity.

Transformation: Which refers to the transformation caused by the brand turning a product into a
greater version (example, Gucci bag compared to a brandless same quality product). IT creates a
personal connection in a way that when we hear Harley Davidson we always connect the image of rough
and tattooed people in our mind. Thus, branding transforms a product by creating multiple associations
which is known as knowledge structures or network of association (example, cannon asked customers
what they see through their lenses and then communicated their response through an advertisement.)
The Persuasion Facet (Believe)

Here, brands try to persuade customer to believe in their message, through

Motivation: refers to identifying the reason behind customers buying their product and choosing their
brand, and then using it in their ads. For example, fair and lovely showing their customers motivation of
getting whiter.

Influence: uses celebrity or opinion leaders, as a lot of us are heavily influenced by them. For example,
wearing Nike because Kobe Brien wears it.

Involvement: Can be two kinds, high involvement products (example, laptops) where people invest a lot
of time in making decision compared to low involvement products (example, salt)

Conviction: when a customer believes the logic and facts showed by the brand, that state of mind is
known as conviction. For example, cigarette packs presenting facts about cancer.

Loyalty: refers to brand loyalty which prevents customers from switching brands helping the firm
achieve repeated purchase. For example, apple users only using apple products.

The Behavior Facet (Act)

Focus on what actions consumers are taking after watching the advertisement. Behavioral action
includes -

Trying: the product, which encourages the customer to use their brand. For example, Netflix providing
1month free trial.

Buying: encouraging customers to purchase the product after seeing the ad.

Contact: Where the firm want the customer to contact/inbox them to know further information and
have a conversation. For example, facebook post wants you to inbox for price.

Advocate: where the brand wants you to share your positive experience with the people around you.
For example, telling your friends about a great video game you purchased.

Prevent: tells the customer to not use a product. For example, don’t do drugs.
Section Two : (ESSAY)

From childhood I always dreamt of working for huge companies like Sony or Unilever, however I was
always afraid that I might not be suited or was never excited about working in an office cabin. Mainly
because movies or even advertisements for energy drinks always show office workers to be miserable
and they feel like they are trapped. Therefore I was filled with joy when my O-level’s accounting teacher
Tawsif sir recommended marketing to me saying that it’s an easy way to get a job at huge companies
and how its different from other departments as it encourages you to break out of our restricted
mindset. Therefore, when I was first faced with the choice on which career path I would choose before
my college, I already knew what I had to do. Even though I thought a lot of times that I may have made
the wrong decision after finding out that marketing involved more then just the advertisements which
the company shows, Still I was excited to finally get to do the course involving the part of marketing I
was most interested and passionate about, which is advertising.

As much as I was delighted to finally get a course which focuses on my favorite and one of the most
important tool of marketing which is advertisement. However, I was skeptical about this course being a
learning experience, one of the main reasons being that Bangladesh always use old versions of books for
their courses. Even though advertisement has a rich history worth investigating as we got to know from
this course, for example how Marlboro transformed how companies use to advertise products, but
knowing the past is not enough to compete with companies trying to transform marketing again into
something even more greatly effective. However, all those doubts went away when I started my
MKT340 classes and got to know how to analyze advertisements in such great depts which now makes
me look at commercials in a completely new way. Furthermore, we analyze a variety of advertisements
which were old, new, successful or complete disaster thus giving us a complete view as it now allows us
to dissect not only the message that the advertisers were trying to convey but also their effectiveness in
doing so.

Some of the topics covered in our course includes the basic factors of marketing, we learned that the
key objectives are persuade, inform and remind. I found out that advertisement is most effective when
it is purposeful, delivers the message that company tries to convey, consumers responding to ad as
hoped and finally if it motivates customers to take action. The differences between production
orientation, product orientation, market orientation and the fact that more them one orientation can be
used at once.Also the difference between consumers and customer as well as the different pricing
methods used (example, good-better-best approach).We understood the problems faced with the most
commonly used SWOT analysis, and how TOWS Matrix helps to get passed those drawbacks. And
furthermore we understood the different techniques used by companies to position the products in the
minds of the customers.

Finally this course reinforced my decision on choosing this major, one of the main reason for it being so
fun as I had a lot of pleasure seeing the advertisements which our professor handpicked during class and
had a fun time working on projects which made me express my creative side which I was not able to do
in many/most of my other classes. This course gave me confidant that even though advertisement can
be really complicated due to abstract symbols and messages however there are courses available like
this one which can not only help me understand them but give me the ability to create such
advertisements as well thus giving me hope that I am one step closer to my dream of working for big
companies in future.

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