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We know that there are 6 facets of models :

 Perception
 Emotional
 Cognition
 Association
 Persuasion
 Behaviour

1. The perception facet (See/Hear)- The perception facet involves consumers to pay attention or to
see what the choose to see. For example here’s an ad

People know this brand, when people look at this image, they either look at the chocolate or read the
bottom line. They choose what they want to see.

2. The emotional facet (feel) – This facet involve consumers to have an emotional attachment with
the ad or they feel something ( strong attraction or liking) towards a product.
The above picture is an example of an emotional facet ad. When people look at it they will definitely feel
sad and realize a dark side of the climate change. People will feel and strongly understand what the ad is
talking about.

3. The cognitive facet ( understand) – The cognitive facet involves comsumers to understand or
leran something from an ad through information or image. Here’s an example

When people look at this ad, they will learn and understand the statement “ You couldn’t until you did”.
This line is trying to tell people that people won’t achieve something until they go for it. It can be like a
piece of information, advice or learning.
4. The association facet (connect) – The association facet involves connection or communication
through symbolism. For example

This a coca cola brand campange where they installed vending machines with the symbol “hug me”.
When people see this, they will immediately feel happy and excited to try it out. They can get their coke
cans after connecting with the vending machine through hugging it.

5. The persuasion facet (believe) – The persuasion facet involves consumers to buy or be
interested in a product by influence or persuasion. For example , this is my personal experience.
I fond of this Spanish band name CNCO which consists of 5 band members. They marched with
the popular brand forever 21 and made funky sweatshirts and jackets.

This band influenced me to order one of their jackets because I am a fan of them. This is an example of
the persuasion facet.
6. The behavior facet ( act) – This facet involves consumer to take an action ( buy, use, try, prevent,
contact ). For example

This is an ad of a photo editing software and they allow us to use it for free for a month. This trial
opportunity will make some people use this app. This is an example how this ad is making people do
something ( use the app).


I am a student of marketing and this is my major. The “MKT340” course which is advertising is one of the
courses that I had to study in order to complete my major. I have done a few marketing courses before
but this course was one the most interesting and exciting ones. Well, I found the other courses
interesting as well but the mkt340 course involved studying advertisements which kind of attracted me.

I took the mkt340 course not because it was mandatory for me but also because I like these major
courses which involve a lot of marketing theories. Another good reason is these courses do not involve
math. I am pretty bad at math so I usually prefer studying courses which are just theories. Before I chose
this course I guessed it was all about watching advertisements, learning how to create advertisements
and how they actually work for marketing. And I was right, when I started my classes I was kind of
excited to realize that the course was exactly how I expected it to be.
My course instructor was Mr.Fauzul Azim, who happened to be my faculty last semester as well. I’ve
enjoyed his classes last semester and the best part about it was he made me solve a lot of case studies
and I had to present it too. Students might hate giving presentations but I like it because with more
presentations I learn how to be confident and fluent. I am usually have social anxiety and I get nervous
easily but thank to my Fauzul sir for giving me at least more than 5 opportunities to speak in front of a
lot faces. I thought this semester he will make the students do a lot of activities as well but there wasn’t
much hassle this time. Instead, we had a great time watching different advertisements almost every

Only watching the advertisements was not our job though, Fauzul sir taught us each topic and tried to
relate an advertisement as an example, which was more interesting for me to study those topics
because the examples made me relate and understand very easily. He usually made us watch the
popular advertisements as examples and asked us questions to check if we understood how the topics
relate. Participating was an exciting part and even if I didn’t know the answer some other student was
always there to answer it and that was fun.

The reason why I chose marketing as my major is because my father has his own business and he
wants me to work and take over in the near future. I chose both my major and minor according to my
future goal. Advertisement is one the important roles of a company, and I always wanted ideas to
promote our company in the future. I knew the concept of marketing, but didn’t really know how it
works or what it takes to make a successful advertisement. Even though this course wasn’t complete
due to unavoidable issues but whatever I have learnt until the midterm was new and helpful for me. I
have understood some basic concepts and ideas of advertising and some new hard topics which I never
knew existed.

It would have been better if the semester didn’t end so early; I guess there were many more topics I
could learn from this course. But whatever I have learnt until now was good enough to understand
advertising. The beginning and the basic topics will definitely help me in the future when I study further
topics and also when I’ll be working for my own company. In conclusion this course was the only
interesting course that I had this semester because every other course involved a little math. Thanks to
my faculty for being friendly and understanding how students like to enjoy the class. Surprisingly this
marketing course was not boring at all and it actually helped me gain some knowledge through
entertainment and a little fun.

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