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Republic of the Philippines v. Katrina S.

Tabora doubt should be resolved in favor of the existence and continuation of the marriage and
Civil Law Cases May 8, 2019 3 Minutes against its dissolution and nullity. xxx
GR 218630 January 11, 2018 (2) The root cause of the psychological incapacity must be: (a) medically or clinically
identified, (b) alleged in the complaint, (c) sufficiently proven by experts and (d) clearly
TIJAM, J.: (First Division) explained in the decision. xxx
(3) The incapacity must be proven to be existing at “the time of the celebration” of the
Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of the Decision CA which affirmed the marriage. xxx
Decision rendered by the RTC granting the petition for declaration of nullity of marriage on (4) Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically or clinically permanent or incurable.
the ground of Article 36 of the Family Code and declaring the marriage of Katrina S. Tabora- xxx
Tionglico and Lawrence C. Tionglico void ab initio. (5) Such illness must be grave enough to bring about the disability of the party to assume
Facts: the essential obligations of marriage. xxx
(6) The essential marital obligations must be those embraced by Articles 68 up to 71 of the
Katrina and Lawrence got married on July 22, 2000 as a result of the previous’ unplanned Family Code as regards the husband and wife as well as Articles 220, 221 and 225 of the
pregnancy. However, bickering and quarrels marred their marriage. They moved at the same Code in regard to parents and their children. xxx
home of Lawrence’s parents until the birth of their child, Lanz Rafael Tabora Tionglico (7) Interpretations given by the National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic
(Lanz), on December 30, 2000. Lawrence was distant and did not help in rearing their child, Church in the Philippines, while not controlling or decisive, should be given great respect by
saying he knew nothing about children and how to run a family. Lawrence spent almost our courts. xxx
every night out for late dinners, parties and drinking sprees. Katrina noticed that Lawrence (8) The trial court must order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal and the Solicitor General to
was alarmingly dependent on his mother and suffered from a very high degree of appear as counsel for the state. No decision shall be handed down unless the Solicitor
immaturity. Lawrence would repeatedly taunt Katrina to fight with him and they lost all General issues a certification, which will be quoted in the decision, briefly stating therein
intimacy between them as he insisted to have a maid sleep in their bedroom every night to his reasons for his agreement or opposition, as the case may be, to the petition.
see to the needs of Lanz.
Dr. Arellano’s findings that Lawrence is psychologically incapacitated were based solely on
Katrina consulted with a psychiatrist, Dr. Juan Arellano (Dr. Arellano), who confirmed her Katrina’s statements. It bears to stress that Lawrence, despite notice, did not participate in
beliefs on Lawrence’s psychological incapacity. Dr. Arellano, based on the narrations of the proceedings below, nor was he interviewed by Dr. Arellano despite being invited to do
Katrina, diagnosed Lawrence with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The CA affirmed the so.
ruling of the RTC that the marriage was void ab initio.
In Nicolas S. Matudan v. Republic of the Philippines and Marilyn B. Matudan, the Court
Issue: WON the totality of evidence presented by Katrina supports the findings of both the said:
RTC and the CA that Lawrence is psychologically incapacitated to perform his essential
marital obligations, meriting the dissolution of his marriage with Katrina. “The psychologist, using meager information coming from a directly interested party, could
not have secured a complete personality profile and could not have conclusively formed an
Ruling: objective opinion or diagnosis of Angelito’s psychological condition. To make conclusions
and generalizations on a spouse’s psychological condition based on the information fed by
No. only one side, as in the case at bar, is, to the Court’s mind, not different from admitting
Psychological incapacity must be characterized by (a) gravity (b) juridical antecedence and hearsay evidence as proof of the truthfulness of the content of such evidence. Apart from
(c) incurability. the psychiatrist, Katrina did not present other witnesses to substantiate her allegations on
The case of Republic of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals (335 Phil. 665 [1997] and 268 Lawrence’s psychological incapacity. Her testimony, therefore, is considered self-serving
SCRA 198) has set out the guidelines for declaration of nullity of marriage on the basis of and had no serious evidentiary value.
psychological incapacity cases:

(1) The burden of proof to show the nullity of the marriage belongs to the plaintiff. Any

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