To Learn More On Oracle Fusion HCM Security, Work Structures, Person and Employment Model in Fusion HCM

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In this article, I am going to share the key functionality differences

between the E-Business Suite Application and Fusion Application.

To learn more on Oracle Fusion HCM Security, Work

Structures, Person and Employment Model in Fusion HCM,  

Few Terminologies in Fusion that are key for understanding these


A Legal Employer is an entity that employs the workers. A legal

employer or LE as it is popularly known as is captured at the work
relationship level. And all the employment terms and assignments within
that relationship will automatically get assigned to that legal employer.

A Work Relationship is a relationship between person and the legal

employer. It exists at the person level and it provides the context in
which the person's assignments exist. It must have at  least one
assignment. It could be that of an employee or a contingent worker or

Employment Term - Employment term refers to label for a group of

assignments. The employment terms set the terms and conditions to
govern one or more assignments. All assignments that belong to an
employment term automatically inherit anything that you have defined at
the employment term level. 

Assignments are a set of information that defines the person's role

within that legal employer. It could have information about the person's
location, position, job, grade, and many other information at assignment

Fusion E Business Suite

Enterprise Business Group or Instance
Legislative Data Group Business Group
Payroll Statutory Unit Tax Group
Legal employer Reporting organization
Tax Reporting Unit GRE ( Government Reporting Entity)
Action and Action Reasons 
In E-Business Suite, various action reason were captured on some key
screens like Termination & Salary Screens like Termination Reasons,
Salary Change Reason. In Fusion Application, 
it categorize the action and action reasons to a Work Structure as well
as Employee Records. For Example, it could be termination, transfer of
locations or new hire. In Fusion, various 
actions can trigger various different workflows. For example, an action
history is created when a person gets hired, then promoted, then the
location is changed, and termination occurs.

Reference Data Set (SET ID) 

This concept is new to Fusion Applications, and it is delivered with
Fusion applications. In E-Business Suite world the reference data set
concept did not exist.
A set ID is a partitioning data reference, which are known as sets. These
sets can either be common, which means that they spread across all the
business units, or they could be specific to a single business unit.
The various set enabled objects in Fusion applications are the
departments, locations, jobs, and grades.

Organizations in Fusion are Date Effective whereas in E-Biz, the
organization has enable and disable flag.

In fusion, the legislative data group (LDG) is equivalent of a
Business Group as country specific data partion within an

 In Fusion applications, all the classifications are not available to be

associated to the organizations. However, in E-Business Suite,
you could create an organization and associate
various classifications along with that organization.

 In fusion HR Organizations are called 'Departments' which are HR

classified Organizations in EBS Organization Structures

Organization Hierarchy
In Fusion, the org hierarchy is known as Tree.
In Fusion Applications, we have four different hierarchy structures,
department trees, which are, again, if you remember, departments
are the HR organizations.

So such kind of hierarchies can only consist of departments. So

the parent have to be departments as well as the child
organizations also have to be departments.

The organization trees are different in the sense that they could

have any organization for the top node and the child node, as well.
And it can be combination of various organizations. Position trees,
as the name suggests, it is for various positions. And we can
create multiple versions of each tree to create reporting
relationships among different positions. Then there is a different 
tree available for geographies, which is known as the geography

Except the geography tree, we can create multiple trees for each
of the tree type. And each tree type can have multiple versions.
However, again, only one version can be active at one time. And
you can only have one top-level node in all of these hierarchies
Person Employment Model
In E-Business Suite supports two-tier person model which is Employee
and Assignment.
We can have a one-to-many many relationship, an employee can have
many assignments for each person record. However, only one
assignment can be primary at a given time. 

In Fusion Applications, there is an extended support for two-tier as well

as three-tired models.
The two-tier model is Employee and then Assignment.

In three-tier model, we have an additional tier, which is Employment

Term that is associated to an employee.        
Global Transfer
In E-Business Suite, a global transfer would mean movement of a
person from one business group to another. In such a scenario the
person record gets end-dated in the source business group, and a new
person record is created in the business group where the person has to
be transferred. If the person returns back to the initial business group, a
new person record has to be created or the person needs to be rehired.

In Fusion Applications, in case of global transfers, it means movement of

the person from one legal employer to another legal employer, which
means the person-level information does not change. The source
employment terms and assignments are terminated, and their default
status is set to 'Inactive payroll eligible'. 

In Fusion, there is also support for global temporary transfers. And in

case of global temporary transfers, upon end-dating the transfer, the
employment term and assignments are automatically activated on return
of the person.
Person Numbers
In E-Business Suite, employee number is a number that is available at
person level and it is unique within a business group. It can either be set
to be generated manually or automatically. 

We also have another numbering for assignments, which is known as

assignment number. It is available at assignment level and it typically
means the same as employee number, and with a suffix of -N, where N
represents a number. It could be -1, -2, depending on how many
assignments the person has had.

In case of rehires as well, the assignment number would undergo

a change,

In Fusion Applications, there are two different numbers that are

available. A person number is a number that can be unique within an
enterprise. It can either be generated manually or automatically. We also
have something called worker number, which is to uniquely identify an
employee or contingent worker work relationships. This is optional for
setup, and may or may not be used. Now this allocation within a legal
employer can either be automatic or a manual sequence. There is also
availability of assignment number for assignment-level information. And
it behaves the same way as E-Business Suite having a suffix of -N for
any rehires or secondary assignments.

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