LAP - Introduction To Sociology

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LAP Assignment

Programme: BBA-2017
Introduction to Sociology

MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 Duration: 7 days

Instructions to students:

 This is a Take Home examination.

 Answer any five of the eight questions. Each question carries 20 marks. Each answer
must comprise a minimum of 800 words and should not exceed 1200 words. If you
quote or reproduce an idea from your reading material, you are expected to cite the
reference. Failure to cite constitutes plagiarism.
 Students undertaking the examination are requested to adhere to the University norms
related to examinations.
 This question paper comprises of two (2) printed page.
 Kindly adhere to the UGC Norms for plagiarism.

Q1. Use two examples from your social context to explain in detail what C Wright Mills calls
public issues. Give two examples from your personal context to elaborate on what Mills calls
private troubles.

Q2. Sylvia Walby has outlined six structures of patriarchy. Out of the six explain the four
structures namely, household production, culture, sexuality and violence by using detailed
examples from your own family or extended family contexts or your present life in and around
O. P. Jindal Global University.

Q3. Discuss the difference between culture and subculture. Explain in detail the difference
between your culture and O. P Jindal Global University’s subculture. Use at least three
examples to illustrate this difference.

Q4. How does cultural relativism differ from ethnocentrism? Give two examples each for the
contrasting attitudes towards culture. Your examples must serve as detailed explanations and
come from personal experiences or observations.

Q5. Use an example each to explain in detail caste stratification, class stratification and gender
stratification from your social context.

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Q6. The gender order is a patterned system of ideological and material practices, performed by
individuals in a society, through which power relations between women and men are made,
and remade, as meaningful. It is through the gender order of a society that masculinities and
femininities are formed. Explain Raewyn Collins’ gender order with reference to the various
student spaces at your university, be it hostels, playgrounds, sports fields, classrooms or student
hangouts like pubs in Sonipat. In other words, how is this gender order reproduced in these

Q7. Discuss Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus and various forms of capital? On the basis
of your personal experiences in classroom learning at JGU, explain how have habitus and
cultural capital enabled or constrained your learning. You may reflect on both your class and
gender habitus.

Q 8. Discuss Erik Olin Wright’s Class Analysis? Explain his theory of contradictory class
location and illustrate this theory by applying it to the various classes of workers at O P Jindal
Global University.


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