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1 Day Workshop

Seminar Manual

Conducted by:


1. What you expect, your tend to realize

2. Imagination is more powerful than knowledge
3. Every thought or emotion has a psychomatic reaction.
4. An idea programmed into the subconscious mind will remain
there until replaced by another idea.
5. The less the conscious effort, the more the subconscious mind
will respond.

6. Each suggestion you accept allows easier acceptance of future
7. Your body will produce what you mind believes.
8. You tend to move in the direction of your most dominant



1. Repetition
2. Identification with group or parent
3. Ideas presented by authority figures
4. Intense Emotion
5. Hypnosis

Institute of Mind Control and Development

#503, Sai Homes, 6-1-68/1, Saifabad, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad-500004, A.P. India.Phone: 91-40-66620294,
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What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural stage of consciousness that we drift in and out of quite

regularly .For example, while driving along a highway and then suddenly
discovering that you “lost” several miles without being aware of it. This can also
happen during reading when you may notice that you have “read” a chapter or two
without being mindful of the content.

Hypnosis is basically a technique for focussing consciousness. It allows you to

shift from outer to inner awareness and tap deeper levels of consciousness.

Will I Remain Aware During Hypnosis ?

Yes! This is the most common misconception about hypnosis. As one goes deeper
into hypnosis, a part of you will remain aware. This process I called disassociation
and is becoming more accepted as a definition of hypnosis. On occasion,
particularly if you are quite tired, there may be a brief masking of consciousness
as you drift in and out of a light sleep but your inner mind continues to hear and
record the tape messages.

Can Anyone Be Hypnotized ?

Hypnosis is a skill that everyone can learn with increased practice. Like other
skills such as playing the piano, learning tennis or mastering a foreign language,

some persons are “naturals”; and can become accomplished with little training
while others can increase their abilities with regular practice. Fortunately, most
goals in hypnosis can be accomplished in a light or medium state.

How Does Hypnosis Work ?

All hypnosis is essentially self-hypnosis. “You can either agree to accept

suggestions or you can choose to mentally override them or change them to better
suit your needs. As one becomes more released and less critical or analytical
suggestions are more easily received by the subconscious mind.

Why Should I Bother To Learn Hypnosis ?

Since approximately 80% of most physical and psychological problems are stress
related, one of the greatest benefits of the tape programs will be to teach you how
to reduce tension and stress levels in your body and mind. In addition, as
suggestions are made directly to the subconscious, you can learn to control most
automatic functions such as heart beat, blood pressure, healing, the relaxation
response and many other processes.

Will I Lose Control During Hypnosis ?

On the contrary, as you go deeper into hypnosis, you will have easier access to the
subconscious. Since the subconscious controls such functions as pain
management,bleeding, blood pressure, healing and the immune system, and much more -
- you will actually have more control rather than less.

How Does Hypnosis Compare to Meditation ?

Both hypnosis and meditation involve physical relaxation and a narrowing of

consciousness. With hypnosis, it is task or goal oriented as you are mentally “working”
on something such as weightlessness. In meditation, consciousness is “free-floating” and
it may lead to a greater sense of expanded awareness. Many meditators use hypnosis and
one can slip from one state to the other quit easily.

Safety Rules to Keep in Mind

All human activities in which we engage, whether at work or play, have certain
safety factors which must be observed. Self-hypnosis. being a normal activity, also
naturally has certain safety factors which ought to be observed if you are to
proceed with sure success. There are absolutely no medical contraindications to
self - hypnosis. It cannot be overdone, providing you follow these basic precepts :

1. Always have your suggestions planned in advance. Know exactly what

you are going to say to your subconscious, and
exactly how you are going to say it. Make your practice a planned
procedure. Do not improvise.

2. Do not experiment with yourself. Do not leave things to chance, but

practice according to plan. Do not give yourself
suggestions which distort your perceptions of reality. Do not induce
hallucinations, visual or auditory. Do not tell
yourself that you cannot do something you normally can do. (For
example, do not say : “I cannot open my eyes. I
cannot move.” etc.)

3. Do not use hypnosis to tax your normal strength. It should be used to

increase strength, energy, etc., in emergencies
only. Common sense tells you that self-hypnosis is no substitute for the
observance of normal health rules.

4. Unless you are a physician, do not presume to know how to treat physical
or mental illness with hypnosis. Self-hypnosis
for therapy (Without professional assistance) is in the same category as
self-medication, and runs the same risks. Use your
knowledge of self-hypnosis to improve yourself; that is to enhance your
natural and normal qualities and abilities.

If you keep these safeguards in mind, you can enjoy self-hypnosis to the full and
you will be able to utilize the powers of your subconscious mind to help you in a
multitude of positive ways to project yourself into reality, rather than as an escape
from reality. More will be mentioned n this regard later.


The wake up : “I will aweken from hypnosis by counting to five. when I reach the
number five, I will become fully alert and wide awake. One….beginging to
awaken from hypnosis.

Two….becoming aware of my surroundings….feeling satisfied, safe, and


Three….looking forward to positive results from this Hypnosis sections.

Four……Feeling absoulety wonderful.

Five…..Five……Five….now wide awake and fully alert


“The brain will always send out a message to act upon any suggestions,
unless conflicting suggestions inhibit it.” Charles Tebbetts

A self-hypnosis suggestion must be:

SIMPLE & EASY TO REMEMBER: Suggestions need to be easy to remember --- no

long, complicated sentences. If you have to think too much, it will pull you back
into the conscious mind. For self-hypnosis use one sentence, or a maximum of 3
short, easy sentences, i.e. “I am calm. I am relaxed. I am in control.”

All hypnotic suggestions must be (whether self-hypnosis, used on a

hypnosis tape, or by a hypnotist):

SPECIFIC without being inflexible or boxing you in.: Instead of “make more money”
how much money would you like to make in what period of time: “My income
streadlily rises to $ 40,000 by the end of the year.” Adding “this or something
better” is good.

POSITIVE: Remember that what you focus upon increases so it is very important
to focus on what you want: not “I can’t ...... I will not ...... I never ....” Eliminate
negative references such as “I have less difficulty going to sleep”. Instead say “I
quickly and easily fall into a deep, sound sleep anytime that I wish.”

PRESENT TENSE: “I am ....... I do ........ I become .....”

BELIEVABLE: If you hear a little voice inside not believing your suggestion, you
must change it or it will backfire. You can do this with qualifying phrases that
make it more believable such as “more and more”, “every day I am closer to.” If
you cannot accept “I am slim and shapely” use “I am becoming more and more
thin and shapely every day (present progressive tense).” This is also called
grading the suggestion.


Samples using a TRIGGER POINT:

Every time I _____________, I remember / feel / do _______________.

Every time I get behind a wheel / get in an interview / test, I remember I am calm,
I am relaxed, I am in control.
Every time, I see someone smoking, I feel sorry for them because I know that
smoking kills. I am very proud to be a non-smoker.
Whenever I ___________, I ___________.
Whenever __________ happens, ______________ results.
Whenever I sit at the typewriter, my mind is calm, relaxed and ideas come to me
Whenever I get up to speak, I am calm, relaxed, prepared, and have something
worthwhile tgo say.


Because I want _________, I __________.

Because I want a good tip, I provide prompt, effective service.
Because I want a raise, I do whatever it takes to merit a significant increase.

Because I want to look good at my cousin’s wedding next month, I walk 15
minutes a day before work, and I feel great.

Focusing on SOLUTION:

I know there is a way of / to ___________. I now direct the power of my

subconscious mind to direct me to it.
I know there is a way to resolve this conflict in a way that is fair for everyone
involved. I ask to be guided to a fair solution now.
Whatever I need to ________ is coming to me now.

Whatever I need to get this paperwork done on time in an efficient, organized

way is coming to me now.

Focusing on IMPROVEMENT:

Every day in every way I get better at ___________ .

Every day in every way I get better at seeing and accepting people exactly as
they are without judgement.
Every day in every way I become more __________ .
Every day in every way I become more discerning at what is right for me.

The I AM: And Moses said unto God, who shall I say that sent me? : “And God
said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM.”
I am _________ .
I am a powerful money magnet. Customers and opportunities flow to me.
I am wiser with each experience. Every challenge makes me better.


Just as I succeeded at ________, I now succeed at __________ .

Just as I succeeded at graduating from college, I now succeed at graduating
from graduate school.
Just as I learned and succeeded at my last job, I now learn and succeed at this
one as well.

Focusing on ACTION:

Every (day) at (time), I (action).

Every day after lunch, I walk around the block and I feel great.
Every evening before bed, I read an inspirational book for 15 minutes, and I
notice steady improvements in my life.
First thing each morning, I remember the things for which I am grateful, and that
attitude of gratitude helps me all day long.
I do whatever it takes to ____________ .
I do whatever it takes to set up an accounting system that is simple,
understandable, and makes filing taxes easy.
I do whatever it takes to get this book in the book stores within 9 months.
I do whatever it takes to get anything done on time.


I know that _________ and I _________.

I know there is well paying job waiting for me and I am working again within
_______ months.
I know that there is someone (a company) looking for someone exactly like me
just as I am looking for him/her (just such a company).
I know that there is something that I can do to improve this situation. I find out
what that is and do it.
I expect ______ to happen and it does.
I expect the best to happen and it does.
I predict that I am __________ by __________ .
I predict that the information in this book will help you for years to come.

Focusing on a QUESTION:

How can I __________ ?

How can I complete this project on time while maintaining excellence?
If _______ could work, how would it work?
If it were possible to rent a house now towards purchase, how would I go about
raising the money for it?
Where is/are ________ ?

Focusing on Releasing blocks and REPROGRAMMING:

I release any belief, perception or judgement that ________ (negative
statement). I release any need to believe that _________ (negative statement). I
hereby accept on every level of my being that ________ (positive statements).

Regardless of my past experience of/with ________ (negative), my new

experience is ________ (positive).

My time with / of experiencing _________ (negative) is over. I now choose to

experience (or experience more frequently) _________ (positive).

I am finished with / complete / done with believing that _________ (negative

judgement/ belief/ fear). I now choose to believe that _________ (positive

If you are not aware of any blocks, you can say “ I release any blocks, known or
unknown, to (goal), I release any need to hold onto such blocks. I now declare
that I am free to (goal).”

Best Over-all Suggestion:

To start, Emile Coue’s suggestion below is excellent. While using it, imagine all
the ways that getting better means to you, form pictures in your mind of actually
being better.

Every day in every way I am getting better and better


Enforcing a Reducing Diet

Obesity is a very common problem. The suggestions for obesity must be
formulated according to what the individual problem happens to be. In most
cases, the problem is simply that the person eats too much. The suggestion,
therefore,should be :

“I get more satisfaction from less food every day” .

As you can see, the key words, which must always be positive suggestions, are
“more satisfaction”. Sometimes the suggestion “more filling satisfaction” has a
better effect.

If the problem happens to be eating between meals nibbling, snacking, etc. - the
suggestion should be :

“I eat only at mealtimes - sparingly and properly.”

The underlined words are the keywords. “Only at mealtimes” means “not between
meals”, the words “not between meals” should not be used because they cover the
negative concept. “Properly” means “the right foods” and “sparingly” means “not
too much”. Note the emphasis on positive suggestions.

A person who eats compulsively, often without being hungry, may possibly be
using food as a palliative for tension and anxiety. Suggestions to cope with this
problem should stress calmness, serenity, tranquility, peace of mind, etc. Often
compulsive enters have serious emotional problems requiring psychotherapy.In
such cases, hypnosis is not likely to be effective until the emotional conflicts have
been resolved through psychotherapy by a qualified practitioner.

A common difficulty in treating obesity through hypnosis is that the over eating is
sometimes merely a symptom - an attempt to satisfy through food a more basic
need, such as the sexual appetite.

Psychologists tell us that women who are frigid, for example, will not often
respond to hypnosis for controlling their weight until the basic problem has been
taken care of. So there is much more to hypnotic enforcement of a reducing diet
than simply hypnotic suggestion.

Here are a few other suggestions that may be administered self-hypnotically :

“I am losing weight steadily every day - I am becoming slim and shapely. The
excess weight is rolling off me - just melting away and disappearing. I have a
stronger feeling every day that I am now in complete control of my eating habits. I
picture myself the way I am going to be - slim, trim and SHAPELY. I am
developing a greater liking every day for the foods recommended on my diet -
those that will make me slim and shapely.”

Within the framework of the Self-Hypnosis System, here are some excellent tried-
and-tested suggestions:

“I am becoming more self-assured and more self-confident everyday. I am

becoming increasingly aware of my abilities and my potentialities.

I am developing a good image of myself - I see myself as a very worthy and very
capable person.

Through these exercises, I am learning to tap the power of my subconscious. My

self-esteem is growing steadily every day. I am becoming more confident in
myself in my abilities. I am beginning to feel the surges of inner power. When I
leave the house in the morning, I do so with a feeling that I can lick the world.

“When something needs to be done, I do it promptly and decisively.

In order to improve a person’s ability as a salesman, it is necessary to analyze his
faults and eliminate them one by one. One should then analyze the subject’s good
points as well, and formulate suggestions to enhance them. Here are a number of
suggestions appropriate to a salesman’s needs :

“I am making twenty percent more cold calls per day all this week.”

Of course, the following week, if the suggestion of twenty percent more calls did
well, you can try thirty percent for the following week,etc.

“In selling, I am developing more enthusiasm every day. When demonstrating my

product, I do it with showmanship and enthusiasm. I am becoming more
enthusiastic about my product (or service) every day. I am able to make my
presentations exciting and enthusiastic.”

“When a customer rejects my services, I become stimulated and motivated to go

right on to the next prospect.”

This latter suggestion is very helpful in avoiding the doldrums that many salesmen
feel when a customer slams the door in their faces.

“Although I am already good at closing sales, I suddenly find myself even more
skillful in this area.”
This is an example of enhancement of ability.

Enuresis (Bedwetting)
For enuresis, an adaptation of the technique for nailbiting may be used. The
suggestion can be :

“When I am sleeping, and my bladder begins to fill up, it will seem uncomfortably
full, causing me to awaken.” Once awake, of course, the subject will simply go to
the bathroom to urinate.

Not only does the same technique as for nailbiting apply, but also the same
problems and precautions. In addition, bedwetting in children often denotes some
conflict between the child and his parents, or between him and other siblings. In
such situations, the hypnotic techniques will work better if combined with psycho-

Stage Fright
Stage fright is an aspect of lack of confidence or of self-consciousness.
Suggestions should be somewhat as follows :

“In public speaking, I feel fully self-assured and self-confident. When I am

speaking, my mind works clearly and sharply. In front of an audience, I feel
completely master of the situation - I have the audience in the palm of my hand. I
can speak on my feet- extemporaneously - and the thoughts flow freely through
my mind. I am always calm and composed - before both large audiences and
small. Success in public speaking gives me a feeling of exhilaration - I anticipate
such good feelings.”

Please note that in all the above suggestions there is a studious avoidance of such
phrases as “I am not nervous my mind does not block - I do not freeze up - my
knees do not shake - my mouth does not become dry I do not forget the speech.”
etc. In self-hypnosis, I repeat, only positive suggestions should be used.

Tics are nervous twitches of the face or body. Suggestions should be as follows :

“I am always relaxed and calm. As my nerves relax, all unnecessary movements

subside and disappear. I am realized, calm and composed at all times. There is a
steady increase of my feeling of tranquility and peace of mind. Relaxation of the
mind promotes relaxation of the body and all its parts.”

Resistance to Fatigue
“I am developing more energy and vitality everyday. Through self-hypnosis and
relaxation, my stamina and resistance are increasing relaxation of mind and body
promotes and inceases physical and mental stamina. Even at the end of the day, I
am still fresh, energetic and full of vitality.”

Some people are naturally introverted and introspective. When this fault exists to
an extreme, it can make a person very unhappy. While it is unlikely that an
introvert can become a complete extrovert, it is quit possible to take some of the
rough edges off the fault. Here are suggestions for this purpose;

“I am becoming more outgoing every day. I am becoming interested in other

people and in events outside of myself. My attention is focussed externally - I am
deriving pleasure and excitement from dealing with others. People are becoming
more important to me every day. Dealing with people and their problems is adding
enthusiasm and zest to my life. I tend to forget myself in my interest and concern
for others.”

Increasing Work Output

“My work output is steadily increasing. Since I am able to resist fatigue easily, I
consequently can produce more every day. I have a seemingly endless supply of
pep and energy, with the result that I can work harder and longer every day.

I can produce more now, with less expenditure of energy,then every before. My
supply of physical and mental resources is seemingly limitless and so is my work

Improvement in Sports
In order to make meaningful suggestions for improvement in Sports, one must first
analyze his faults and formulate suggestions to cope with them. For example, if, in
such sports as bowling, target shooting and other sports in which is involved the
problem of hitting a certain target, or making contact with a certain spot, as in
bowling, a “fixation” suggestion is helpful, such as :

“As I pull the trigger (or, release the ball) my mind is fixed and focussed on the
target I want to hit.”

If, as in bowling and golf, it is important to ignore distractions, use this suggestion

“When I prepare to swing (or, step up to bowl) my mind is fully absorbed and
completely engrossed in what I am doing.” The words “absorbed” and
“engrossed” aptly express the feeling of complete oblivion to external distractions.

In most sports, trouble results from inner doubts at the moment when the person
needs confidence most; this is particularly true when a person needs confidence
most; this is particularly true when a person does well while practicing but falls
apart in a contest or tournament.For this purpose, self-confidence must be built up
with suggestions like this :

“I am becoming more self-confidence and sure my ability at (golf, bowling, etc.)

every day. When I step up to throw the ball (or putt,etc.), I am perfectly certain
that I will make the strike (or hit the target, or fall on the green, etc.).”

Increasing Creativity and Developing Dormant Talents

“Through self-hypnosis I am able to tap the powers of my subconscious. Because

the subconscious is the storehouse of inner abilities and talents, I am increasingly
able to bring these talents to the surface.

I am able to create periods of inspiration at will (for writing, for painting, etc.) My
creative forces are asserting themselves. When i sit down to write (or type), the
words flow freely and easily from my pen (or typewriter). Any dormant abilities
that I may have are steadily emerging from the subconscious so that I can use
them at will.”

Improving Memory
“My memory is improving steadily every day. My memory for (names, faces,
events, etc) is steadily improving. The speech that I am about to study will
become committed to memory in record time. The material I am about to study
will become fully assimilated in my storehouse of memories. When I am studying,
my mind works clearly and sharply and i retain everything I learn.”

Improving the Learning Process

In any learning process, there are three main facets or phases: Impression,
retention and recall. One must first decide in which aspect of learning he is
faulty,and the suggestions to correct each fault accordingly.

Let us take impression first. Impression refers to the degree of registration on

one’s mind of the material one learns. If, while studying, one is influenced by the
distractions in the environment, impression or registration is faulty. The
suggestion to use is:

“When I am studying, I am fully absorbed and completely engrossed in the

material .”

If the retention span of the material learned is too short, one needs merely to
increase this retention span with a simple suggestion:

“My retention span is steadily increasing.”

For facilitation of the recall ability, here are some excellent suggestions,”

“During examinations, whatever I have learned flows freely and easily through my
mind. Whatever I have learned is always at my back and call - always at my
fingertips. During examinations, I am always calm, at case and composed (if a
person is normally nervous and tends to block material)”.

Sexual Problems

By far the most prevalent problems are impotence or premature ejaculation in men
and frigidity in women. Nymphomania is really a type of frigidity : because the
woman is never satisfied, she tends to get into the pattern of constantly searching
for more and more experiences with the unconscious wish that eventually she will
find a partner who can satisfy her. She fails to realize that the deficiency is in
herself. The treatment of frigidity and impotence is highly specialized. It cannot be
expected that simple autosuggestion or self-hypnosis will be of much, if any, help.
Naturally I cannot go into detail regarding these techniques. Some generalities will
have to suffice.
Frigidity may be due to an overstrict upbringing, with the young girl conditioned
to think of sex as “dirty” or it may be due to an early sexual experience which was
traumatic. It can also result from an unsatisfactory marital relationship. Some
frigid women have never experienced a sexual orgasm, while some have for a time
and later lost the ability. In the latter situation, the condition is quite easily
correctable with certain specialized methods know to some hypnotherapists.
Often, the condition may be resolved in as little as three or four sessions through a
technique utilizing age regression. Where a woman has never experienced an
orgasm, the prognosis is not as good, but the possibility of a cure still exists.
In make impotence, the main trouble is fear - fear of being unable to perform.
Impotence is much more difficult to treat successfully than frigidity.
In general, and within the context of qualified psychotherapeutic treatment,
suggestions for impotence should stress enjoyment and pleasure rather than
performance. For example;
“I am getting more pleasure and enjoyment from making love every time.”
For frigidity, suggestions should be couched somewhat as follows:

“During intercourse, I am completely relaxed and unihibited.

It is necessary to reiterate, however, that treatment of frigidity and impotence
should be conducted by qualified psychotherapists or under their supervision;
hypnosis or self-hypnosis alone cannot be expected to produce satisfactory results.

Bad Habits

The examples provided by the smoking habit, the nail-biting habit and bedwetting
should be followed in the breaking of any other habit.Wherever appropriate, the
factor of “awareness” should be utilized. At times, it may be helpful to substitute
an innocuous habit for a bad habit, But I have usually found that it is just as easy
to break the bad habit completely without going to the bother of establishing
another less harmful habit in its place.

General Principles for formulation of Suggestions

For formulation of suggestions for self-hypnosis, the following principle should be
considered the suggestion should encompass the “desired result” - it should not
mention the undesirable difficulty. For example:
Let us say a student, when in the examining room, becomes nervous, tense, upset
and the material he has learned becomes blocked in his mind. Underline the words
which describe the difficulty he is having;
Nervous, tense, upset,blocked, List these words on a piece of paper and then, next
to each word, write down the antonym to it :
Word or phrase Antonym
Nervous Calm
Tense Relaxed
Upset Composed, Tranquil; Seren
Blocked Flows freely.
Now, form a sentence with the antonyms. Example;
“When I am taking an examination, I am always calm, relaxed and composed, and
whatever I have learned flows freely through my mind.

What can be simpler ? All problems can be handled in a similar way.

I wish to remind the reader that this refers only to suggestions that the subject
gives himself while he is under self-hypnosis. During hetero - hypnosis, it is not so
important to give suggestions which contain only positive statements; negative
phrases may be thrown in providing that the gist of the entire sentence is a positive


1. Close your eyes.

2. Think of or verbalize a negative thought sequence which troubles you. For

example ‘I’ m going to have a panic attack.

3. Then stay STOP!

Picture this word, bright and colorful, occupying your complete imaginary visual
field. You may, if you wish, accompany this with some appropriate sound or
music within your imagination.

4. Take a few, slow, deep breaths and allow general muscle relaxation- especially
around the shoulders and neck regions. (You will find when you’re anxious and
stressed that the muscles around your shoulders and neck become quite taut and
This reaction in itself will send signals to your brain about an impending perceived
danger, causing an inappropriate arousal response. Therefore, we need to prevent
or substantially reduce this initial response to achieve our objectives.)

5. Open your eyes and think about something else. You may wish to think about
the person you would realistically like to be under those circumstances, for
example the more confident you!

6. Now, say to your self something positive about that particular situation. For
example: ‘Come what may, I am copying, like I’ve always done in the past. I will
learn from this experience.’

7. Repeat the above procedure several times.


Sit down, close your eyes and remember a time when you felt really confident.
Picture in your mind what you see, hear what you heard and feel what you felt.
Now enhance those images. Make the pictures brighter and bolder, the colours
richer, the sounds louder and the feelings stronger.

When you can feel a burst of that confidence quite strongly, carry out a specific
action like squeezing your thumb and your middle finger together. That will link
in your mind the feeling of confidence with the finger squeeze.

Go through that routine ten times in a row to reinforce that link between your
fingers and the feeling of confidence. Eventually it will mean that you will only
have to squeeze your fingers together and you will begin to easily remember that

Now think about the event you want to be confident for. Imagine the event going
as smoothly and as perfectly as you can while all the time squeezing your thumb
and finger together re-triggering that confident feeling.

You will notice a difference in your confidence this time. Every time you do this
you send a very strong message to your unconscious mind that you want to be
more confidence at that particular time in the future. I have known some people to
wipe out a life long fear of public speaking with this one simple exercise.


Here is one simple technique that you can use regularly.

Close your eyes and think of something really good, either something that has
happened or that you would like to happen. Now make the colors brighter, the

image bigger, bring it closer and turn the sound up louder. Notice what this does to
your feelings. Doing this often will condition your unconscious mind to give you
more of those good feelings, because you always get more of what you focus on in

For most people enhancing the size and colors of mental pictures does the same to
the intensity of their feelings. Now try it the other way around with something
mildly unpleasant. Close your eyes, think of something you don’t like, drain the
color out, make it small and move it off into the distance.

It is interesting that by changing the images we see in our imagination we can

literally change how we feel.

You can also play with auditory feedback. Notice the type of voice that you use to
criticize yourself with when you make a mistake. Notice what it says, but
particularly, its tone and location. Notice if it is at the front, back or to either side
of your head.

Now move the location, imagine how that voice would sound talking to you from
Shoulder, then from your elbow, then hear it talking from your wrist and
eventually the tip of your thumb. You can also change the tone of it so it sounds
like Mickey Mouse. Notice how that changes your feelings. Just because there’s a
voice inside your head doesn’t mean you listen to it.


Counting sheep isn’t the easiest way to get to sleep as anyone who has laid in bed
for hours trying to get to sleep will tell you.

Six point plan to control stress:

Get up half an hour earlier than usual and make sure you stick to it every day -
even Sundays.

Go to bed only when you feel sleepy. This will soon tend to happen at a regular

Bed is for sleeping - or making love. Don’t get in the habit of using it to lounge on
while reading, eating or watching TV.

If you are still awake 40 minutes after going to bed, get up and do something
boring like the ironing. When your unconscious mind associate being awake at
night with tedious tasks, it will become motivated to induce sleep.
Do not take naps or rest with your eyes closed during the day. That will only
disrupt your natural sleep cycle.

Sort out your worries during the day. Putting it off triggers your unconscious mind
at bedtime. One of the common reasons for insomnia is worrying. Using the plan
on Controlling Stress can also help you to stop worrying.

Behind every concern about what you don’t want is something you do want. For
example, not wanting an overdraft means you do want money in the bank. Focus
on what you desire. Work out how to get it, step by step. Taking one step each day
means it will be easier to sleep, knowing you are on your way to your goal. If you
wake up in the middle of the night worrying, believe it or not your mind is trying
to help you, it’s alerting your attention to something, only not at a particularly
good time.


This plan for success in sport can be used by both amateurs and professionals :

WATCH a number of good performances by your personal sports hero.

RELAX and close your eyes.

PICTURE your hero performing in the way you admire most. Build up the image
as richly as you can add details including sounds and feelings.

IMAGINE asking your hero for help. Walk up behind your hero and step inside
his or her body, putting it on almost like a suit. See with their eyes, hear with their
ears, feel what they feel.

EXPLORE what it is like to be in your hero’s world. Discover answers to

questions which have been puzzling you.

STEP back out of your hero, thanking him or her for their help. Return to waking
consciousness, bringing with you what you have learned.


Six point plan to control stress :

Breathe out deeply three times. If you feel yourself getting stressed, breathe out,
all the way to the bottom of your lungs, then let go. The in breath happens
automatically as your diaphragm pulls in more air. As you breathe all the way
down, you move your breathing from short, shallow breathing at the top of your
lungs which is associated with stress to deep long natural breaths from your
diaphragm which sends a powerful signal to your body to calm down.

Be polite to yourself. A major cause of stress is internal dialogue - the way we talk
to ourselves when we are thinking things through. Remember what sort of voice
you used in your imagination last time you were stressed. And change the tone of
the voice. It it was harsh, makes it friendly, if it was high pitched, make it low, if it
was fast slow it down.

Change it in as many ways you want until it is more polite. You ay still have to
think things through, but you don’t have to be rude to yourself!
Make one positive change to your environment every day. Research has shown
that the more people express themselves in their surroundings, the more relaxed
they become - so

every day do something, no matter how small to make your environment nicer. It
could be by picking a bunch of flowers for the kitchen or bringing a postcard in to
work, it doesn’t matter, just every day do something to make your environment
nicer for you.

Exercise every day. Stress has a large physical component - and one of the very
best ways to relax is to use up that physical energy and preparation. Just twenty
minutes in the gym of even a brisk walk for 15 minutes in the fresh air will help
your body relax. It’s so

simply it’s easy to forget, but exercise really is one of the best ways to get your
mind and body balanced.

Reframe your situation. Our reactions are caused by how we interpret the world -
nothing it itself is stressful only the way we see it. If you see a person, a situation
or an event as threatening, your body will register stress. So whenever something
stares, you see it in your mind’s eye. Then drain out the color, make the picture
black and white - then imagine it shrinking, spinning away from you and
disappearing. Any time you feel threatened do that again and then create a picture,
in big, bold color, of you dealing brilliantly with the situation.

Twice a day take a power nap. Your body has a natural tendency to relax every 90
minutes. You’ll recognize these times by a sweet soft feeling in your muscles,
your eyes want to close and it’s difficult to concentrate. It doesn’t matter if you
ignore most of these times, but it is very good for you

to hitch a ride on them twice a day for five minutes or so. You wake up feeling
refreshed and relaxed and you perform better. What’s more, while you rested, your
body’s immune and healing system used the time to optimize your health. So
twice a day when you’re feeling a bit drowsy, take a power nap for just five
minutes or so and you’ll feel great and stay healthy.











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