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Assessment: Individual coursework 100%

Assignment Case Study: Shenzhen Filtroil: Finding Balance

(ECCH Reference:UVA-OB-0983)

You are an independent management consultant. You have been hired by the company’s
owners, Leahman and Randolph, to analyse the current situation at Shenzhen Filtroil to
assist them with the decision they need to take with respect to the future direction of their
company. Write a report which covers the four points below to aid their decision-making.

1. In the external environment in which Shenzhen Filtroil operates, identify and

critically analyze the key factors for the management of people and organisations
using appropriate MPO concepts. What are the key implications for people and
organisations in this sector? Include a PEST and SWOT analyses as appendices.
(20 marks)

2. Critically analyze the organizational structure and organizational culture of

Shenzhen Filtroil using appropriate MPO concepts (e.g., Goffee & Jones model of
Organisational Culture). What are the key implications of your analysis for the
successful future management of Shenzhen Filtroil and its employees?
(30 marks)

3. Bearing in mind national culture differences, critically analyze leadership and

management styles and capabilities as well as the employee team in Shenzhen
Filtroil (again using appropriate MPO concepts). What are the key implications of
your analysis for the successful future management of Shenzhen Filtroil and its
employees? (30 marks)

4. Drawing from your analysis above (and again referring to appropriate MPO
concepts): a) advise which of the four options for the future outlined in the case
Leahman and Randolph should select; b) explain why you have made this choice;
and c) given your choice, make specific recommendations for the successful future
management of Shenzhen Filtroil and its employee team. Include a detailed
implementation plan as an appendix. (20 marks)

Your report should be set within the relevant time period and use only Shenzhen Filtroil
information from the case study (i.e., do not include external company research and
analysis). You should select and apply appropriate MPO concepts supporting your choice
with appropriate and specific case evidence. Further reading and application of relevant
academic MPO and other literature will be rewarded.

The report should be a maximum 4000 words excluding the executive summary, reference
list, and appendices. An electronic version must be posted to the Turnitin dropbox on
StudySpace to enable a plagiarism and word count check.
Marking Criteria for assignment reports

• Clarity of presentation, structure and style

• Selection, application and referencing of MPO concepts relevant to the case study
• Use of specific case study evidence to support choice of MPO concepts
• Critical appraisal and analysis; internal consistency
• Clarity and justification of conclusions and specific recommendations
• Realistic detailed implementation plan
• Adherence to the word limit and reference to a minimum of ten academic

The assignment marking will follow the Postgraduate Credit Framework Grade Criteria in
awarding a mark and grade.

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