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Dear Reader,

Before we go any further, I need to ask you a potentially life-altering question:

Would you be comfortable using a RARE ADVANTAGE to get rich? 4/6/2005
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If your answer is NO - I suggest you stop reading now. The information I'm about to share has no value
for you. In fact, you're better off not knowing about it.

But if your answer is YES...

...if you are in fact comfortable profiting from a very legal - but very unfair - advantage, then I urge you to
read on... IMMEDIATELY!

You see, what I'm about to tell you could ensure your chance to get very wealthy... very soon. But only if
you're ready to take action now.

Please, let me explain:

My name is Brian Hicks, and I'm the publisher of an investment advisory bulletin called Volume Spike
Alert (VSA) .

Over the last five and a half years, I've developed an amazing stock trading system that allows investors
to buy and sell stocks using INSIDE INFORMATION...


Now, from the beginning, I knew I was on to something special with Volume Spike Alert . Almost
immediately, VSA started generating MASSIVE PROFITS for VSA Members.

But in the last few months, Volume Spike Alert has taken on a LIFE OF ITS OWN... EXCEEDING all

The astounding accuracy of Volume Spike Alert has raised eyebrows on Wall Street...

But Volume Spike Alert's phenomenal track record is something much more...

For savvy investors, the Volume Spike Alert is like REAL INSIDE INFORMATION... a crystal-ball glimpse 4/6/2005
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into future profits coming down the pike at this moment.

And while this recent hot streak is incredible... it's only the beginning!

You see, once a stock trading system gets rolling, it really doesn't matter which way the market goes...
up... down... it makes no difference! If you follow the proven system - you're going to make money!

In fact, if you had invested using Volume Spike Alert during its brief history to date, you'd have

 115% on Palm, Inc.

 120% on Viisage Technology
 133% on Headwaters, Inc.
 671% on LCA Vision

And this list of winners doesn't even include the current hot streak of 34 winning
trades out of 40 picks! An accuracy rate of over 85%!
But don't worry if you missed out on the above profits. It doesn't matter.

You see, the VSA System is just getting warmed up... and the REALLY BIG MONEY is coming down the
pike at this moment.

And in a minute, I'll tell you how the Volume Spike Alert System can be your ticket to WEALTH beyond
your wildest imagination.

But before I do, let me ask you once again:

Are you comfortable using a RARE ADVANTAGE in order to make millions?

Now, I'm not talking about doing anything illegal. But I am talking about the kind of advantage some
people are willing to go to jail for. 4/6/2005
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Take Martha Stewart and her buddy Sam Waksal, CEO of ImClone...

If you watch CNN, you probably saw Waksal being carted off to Federal prison on insider trading
charges. Stewart is probably next...

Think about it: Waksal got 7 YEARS IN PRISON for using inside information to profit in the stock market!
Now, this guy was already loaded... a multimillionaire many times over.

So why would he take that risk?

Well, it's because INSIDE INFORMATION can be a sure-fire ticket to OUTRAGEOUS PROFITS. And for
a savvy insider like Waksal - it's simply irresistible!

Look: corporate insiders who know what a company is going to do before the rest of the world can make
enormous sums of money. Unfortunately, average investors get stuck with equally enormous losses.

That's why true insider trading is not only unfair... it's also against the law!

And that raises the question once again:

Would you be comfortable using an unfair advantage to get rich?

Imagine yourself using legal inside information generated by Volume Spike Alert ... raking in enormous
profits of 50%... 100%... even 500% or MORE...

...while your neighbors and associates get eaten alive by Wall Street sharks and corporate thugs.

Would it bother you? Would you feel guilty? Would you lose sleep?

See what I'm saying? Making money using an unfair advantage isn't as easy as it might seem. And I
won't sugarcoat it for you: VSA will give you a RARE advantage! 4/6/2005
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In fact, Volume Spike Alert is like a mathematical formula : 1+1=2... 2+2=4...

If you follow the system, you know what you are going to get... and with Volume Spike Alert that usually

In fact, in the past year, Volume Spike Alert has hit 34 winning trades out of 40 tries for a winning
percentage of OVER 85%. VSA Members have realized:

 94 % on NT
 32 % on CCUR
 59 % on APT
 34 % on AVAN
 80 % on QQQ

The list of winners goes on and on! An 85% accuracy rate.

But listen: To go 34-for-40... you MUST know what you're doing. Now, I'm not saying Brian will never get
one wrong. After all, this is the stock market and no one can claim with absolute certainty every stock
they recommend will rise.

But you can rest assured: Brian Hicks knows exactly what he's doing! More importantly, he
KNOWS how to make you money!

When you start getting your trading recommendations from VSA, it will be like the advantage corporate
insiders have used for years to make their fortunes...

...only what you'll be doing is legal!

Yes, you'll be profiting using a technique that detects and exploits possible insider activity. But the way
you'll be obtaining your information is perfectly legal.

You know nothing you're not supposed to know. You're simply following a trend being set by people who 4/6/2005
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most likely have information nobody else has.

While your colleagues and neighbors founder... victims of the scams and schemes of Wall Street... you
are going to be riding high... smiling all the way to the bank!

Are you comfortable with that? Only you can say.

Let me be blunt: Volume Spike Alert is for people with guts and vision... savvy investors who aren't afraid
to take what's rightfully theirs.

It's for people who are willing to stand up and stake their own claim to the riches available at this very
moment... rather than sit by and let corporate thugs walk all over them.

You know, when it comes to investing... you're either on the inside or the outside...

...and I can assure you... the only way to guarantee your opportunity to accumulate substantial wealth is
to be on the INSIDE.

So is Volume Spike Alert right for you? A glimpse in the mirror will give you a hint.

But why not find out for yourself... right now... RISK-FREE!

Here's the situation: I've arranged a RISK-FREE TRIAL for you to test-drive the Volume Spike
Alert System.

This is your chance to try it out... take the profits... and experience firsthand how it feels to make money -
BIG MONEY - using an advantage.

If you're OK with it... welcome aboard!

But if you're uneasy... find yourself feeling guilty... or even losing sleep... you can change your mind at
anytime. No questions asked. And you risk nothing. 4/6/2005
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At least we'll part company knowing you made an informed decision.

By the way, if you're not comfortable KEEPING the profits you accumulate during the VSA Risk-Free
Trial... can always donate the money to a deserving charity.

United Way... UNICEF... I'll leave that bit up to you...

But for now - I urge you to give Volume Spike Alert a risk-free try...

If you need to think about it - that's fine. But please don't take too long...

You see, we have made a decision to put a strict limit on the number of new Memberships we
accept. And, unfortunately, we are almost certainly going to be forced to turn people away.

So, if you believe VSA is right for you, I urge you to act now.

Take the risk-free trial... try out the system... take the profits... and make your final decision later. You
can always change your mind. But once we close enrollment... it may never open again.

In a minute, I'll tell you how to secure your RISK-FREE TRIAL...

I'll also let you in on a specific HOT STOCK that VSA is tracking at this very moment. But first, let me tell
you a little bit about how the Volume Spike Alert System works...


As I said before, insider trading is illegal. But it happens all the time.

And that presents you with a CHOICE. You can either whine about corporate insiders using inside
information to get rich... 4/6/2005
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Or you can find a way to use the inside information yourself... without breaking the law.

That's what my Volume Spike Alert System is all about... following the trail of the insiders - and using it to
profit - without breaking any laws !

Let me tell you more about how the system works.

First of all, my Investment Research Team and I focus on roughly 1,000 lesser known, small-cap, high-
tech and biotechnology companies with the most potential for breakthrough deals and announcements.

These are young companies whose energies are focused on new products... new discoveries.

But also, these are the companies where information leaks are most likely to occur - since they're
typically small companies with relatively loose corporate structures. And because volume is generally
light, any sudden surges are very noticeable.

400% in 3 to 5 Days!
Take Harvard Scientific, for example. I'd been watching this company for some time. Then, one day,
something unusual caught my eye.

There was no earnings report released and none due for several weeks. In fact, there was no
announcement, no news of any kind. Oddly enough, though, the company traded more than 88,000
shares that day.

Big deal, you say. But what was most interesting was that the company typically traded in the 20,000-
share range daily. Suddenly, in one day, volume more than quadrupled.

Why? We did some digging. We found out that the company had been sitting on several patents pending
for a topical and noninvasive drug delivery system to treat impotence. And approval was scheduled to
arrive any day now. 4/6/2005
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The spike in volume told us two things were highly likely: First, a decision had been made, and second,
approval was imminent. As word leaked out, people close to the situation snapped up shares.

To VSA Members, this volume spike was as good as insider information.

Even better. It was perfectly legal!

You can probably guess what happened next. Three days later, Harvard Scientific was officially handed
its long-coveted patent. Once that became public knowledge, shares soared from $.33 to $1.75 in 48
hours. In one week, six million shares traded hands.

Volume Spike Alert Members who got in early could have made 400% in three to five days.

Harvard Scientific is a perfect example of how you can profit following insider trends with the Volume
Spike Indicator.

Sometimes you'll be rewarded with 400% gains in a matter of hours - like the gains Harvard Scientific
produced. Other times you'll make 100% in a few weeks... or 1,000% in a month, as you will see in a

Please understand: There's more to picking a winner than just volume. And I'll explain the other factors in
a minute. But first, let me give you another example.

100% in Less Than 30 Days!

Zi Corporation is a small-cap language translation company. For years, their stock traded in the $1 to $3
range. Volume was generally low - a few thousand shares a day.

But on June 23, 1999, our tracking system alerted us that volume had spiked from 9,000 one day to
171,600 the next.

We did a quick check. No news to speak of. No earnings reported. No announcements. 4/6/2005
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Over the next nine trading sessions, more than 633,000 shares traded hands. That's more than triple the
volume of the previous nine sessions.

But why? Again, we dug deeper - and discovered the company had been actively courting the Ministry of
Education in China... trying to put their language translation products in over 975,000 schools.

But that's not all. We also found out that Zi was working with
several Chinese government agencies... trying to embed their
language translation chips in everything from television sets
to cellular phones.

This was clearly a case of someone on the inside knowing

something was about to happen.

It was classic "insider" activity. 5,000 shares here, 12,000

shares there. Small blocks bought over several days... in an
attempt to keep the stock price low... and not draw too much

Sure enough, on July 8, 1999, Zi announced that a deal had been struck with China Huaya Development
Corporation to embed the company's translation chips in educational products destined for schools
nationwide. Over the next five days, 8 million shares traded.

Then came another volume spike. On July 15, 1999, 2,690,000 shares traded in a single day. This was
my signal to get on board. Obviously, more news was coming. More deals would be announced. Insiders
had been merely warming up with the earlier buys.

I sent out a Volume Spike Alert telling Members to buy Zi Corporation at under $5.25 a share. In the
days that followed, three more announcements were made.

The company announced licensing agreements with two of China's largest electronics manufacturing
companies - the Konka Group and Xiamen Overseas Electronics Company - to embed Zi Corporation's 4/6/2005
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products in cell phones and other handheld electronic devices.

As a result, Zi Corp. shares soared to over $10 in less than a month!

Volume Spike Alert Members saw an easy 100%!

As I said before, this kind of insider trading happens all the time. It's not supposed to. But information
leaks out. Confidential memos get seen. Printers read pre-press reports. A friend helps a friend. A needy
in-law gets a hot tip...

Next thing you know, there's unexplained volume activity surrounding a once quiet stock. But as I said,
there's more to it than watching volume. Let me show you how it works...

How to Spot Insider Activity - and GRAB AMAZING PROFITS for YOURSELF!
At the first sign of unusual volume activity, we look to see if there's any current news on the company -
earnings, announcements, coverage, upgrades, downgrades, etc.

If nothing appears to be going on, that's when we know something big is up. One of the first things we do
is check out the company's transaction log. If it's made up of a lot of small in-and-out trades, it usually
means day traders are driving the stock. We stay clear...

But if we see a handful of 5,000 to 10,000 block trades, it usually means some big hitters are trying to
buy "quietly." That's a sign something's stirring. So we look deeper into the company to find out what's
happening behind the scenes.

Does the company have a new product? Any patents pending? Is it up for any special licensing
agreements or FDA approvals? Has it been in any long-term negotiations concerning major deals? A
"yes" to any of these kinds of questions - combined with any unexplained volume spikes - usually means
something's about to break.

That's when profits are close at hand. 4/6/2005
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And that's when Volume Spike Alert Members can expect an instantaneous fax or email alerting them to
the opportunity ahead!

"6 for 1"

And if you think doubling and quadrupling your money is fun, imagine making over 6 times your original
investment following the same sure-fire insider signals...

That's exactly what happened with LCA Vision, a chain of laser vision correction clinics that came out of
nowhere a few months back.

LCA Vision is a company that was on my radar screen for the

better part of two years.

Look closely at the chart to the right. As you can see, there
was very little price movement in the stock from September
1998 through January 1999.

Yet along the way there were some interesting volume spikes
that caught our eye - some in late October/early November,
more in late November/early December, and a substantial
spike in early January.

Our research revealed that these spikes clearly occurred in

advance of some major news - news that was very positive indeed. Laser vision correction was
becoming a hot industry, and LCA Vision was quickly establishing itself as one of the leading players.
Profits were steadily rising, and the number of laser vision correction procedures was growing at a
phenomenal rate of 100% per year.

$5,000 would have turned into $40,000 - a 671% increase!

We first recommended buying LCA Vision in late 1998... and kept recommending it through January 4/6/2005
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1999 once our research confirmed that the volume surges were very likely insider activity.

Within seven months, LCA Vision soared from a low of $1.06 to over $14 per share on the strength of
what many insiders no doubt knew: that the company was about to turn a profit for the first time since its
inception, and that its procedure rate was growing by leaps and bounds.

Our $1.75 stock grew to $13.50 before we issued a sell recommendation just a couple dollars short of
the high.

Volume Spike Alert Members who followed our earliest recommendation could have turned $5,000 into
$60,000 in a little over seven months...

...a remarkable 671% gain!

Now, the trades I've just told you about are incredible. But they were generated in what I like to refer to
as the "learning curve."

Over the last year or two, the Volume Spike Alert System has hit a new level of accuracy that has raised
eyebrows on Wall Street. In fact, our offices were even visited by the FBI. Of course, they found VSA to
be a legal, law abiding money-making machine!

But, as I told you before, although the VSA System is legal... it really isn't fair! We are generating profits
for our Members at a staggering pace.

In fact, in the past year, Volume Spike Alert has picked 34 winners out of 40 tries! A
winning percentage of OVER 85%! VSA subscribers could have nailed down:
 80 % on QQQ
 94 % on NT
 32 % on CCUR
 39 % on AVAN
 59 % on APT 4/6/2005
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The list goes on and on! But don't worry if you missed out on these trades... because VSA is just getting
warmed up. The past couple of years were really just a proving ground for the Volume Spike Indicator

...and the biggest profits are coming down the pike at this moment.

So you can see for yourself the enormous profit potential, let me tell you about a company that VSA is
focusing on at this moment...


This stock could nail the BIGGEST PROFITS EVER for Volume Spike Alert ... get ready!

I've had my eye on this company for a while... but when I saw the volume spike back in the middle of
November 2003, I knew something was up.

The stock experienced a volume spike about as big as you'll ever see...

SEVEN TIMES more than its average volume... and guess what? There was NO NEWS!

Research checked out - and I issued a buy on December 8, 2003, at $0.69.

Well, you can imagine what happened. The stock took off... and only one day later blew through $1.00!

And here's the good news: This stock isn't done yet! Only this time, YOU CAN STILL GET IN!

As I write this, the stock is still trading around $1.00, and my short-term target is $3.60!

Get in now and could be looking at a 46% GAIN in 2 weeks! That's currently what VSA traders are
sitting on now. And, if the stock goes higher, you could even DOUBLE YOUR MONEY... or MORE! In 4/6/2005
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fact, the sky is the limit for this company. There is really no telling where this stock could end up.

I'm not promising another 671% gain like we saw on LCA - but you never know!

Please remember, in the past year, the Volume Spike Alert System has nailed 34 winning trades out of
40 tries... a winning percentage of over 85%!

And this stock gives you an IMMEDIATE opportunity to grab the kind of profits VSA Members have been
realizing day after day...


Volume Spike Alert Members are on their way to massive wealth... some are already there! And while
the Volume Spike Alert System has been a winner right from the start - it's just now starting to hit full

You see, over the last couple of years, we've worked out all the bugs... fine-tuned the system... and
created a virtual PROFIT-MAKING MACHINE!

As I said before, our accuracy rate for the last few months is OVER 85%, with 34 winners out of 40 tries!

I think you'll agree: This is the perfect time for you to get on board!

But remember: You must be comfortable using a little-known advantage to profit.

You see, when your profits start rolling in - and you bet they will - you may find yourself feeling a bit

At the office water cooler... at the block party... in the locker room...

...wherever you go... you'll hear about your neighbors and associates getting eaten alive by "Wall Street
insiders" and "cutthroat sharks"... 4/6/2005
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And deep inside... you'll know the truth. YOU ARE ONE of the SHARKS...

Are you comfortable with that? If not, don't sign up... let someone else take your spot.

Yes, you'll miss out on some tremendous profits. But you'll sleep better.

Now, I have a feeling that VSA is for you. The fact that you're even reading this right now tells me that
you UNDERSTAND how the real world works.

You understand that in the world of stock trading - it's SURVIVAL of the FITTEST...

...and you do what you must to ENSURE your financial security and prosperity... and that of your family.
So and I urge you to take the next step... by giving VSA a RISK-FREE try today!

This is your chance to experience firsthand what it feels like to make money using an unfair advantage...
and then decide if it's right for you.

PLUS: By giving Volume Spike Alert a risk-free try today, you'll receive all the benefits and privileges that
VSA Membership offers, including:

 FREE Hot Stock White Paper detailing our latest Volume Spike Alert HOT STOCK PICK. With this
juicy alert in hand, you'll guarantee your opportunity to start locking in massive profits
 FREE Investment Research Team: We do all the work for you. From monitoring stock volume on a
daily basis to checking out possible insider activity. Membership in VSA is like having your own
personal Investment Research Team to do all the legwork you need to rake in big profits.
 FREE Volume Spike Alerts : When we spot an opportunity to make big profits, you'll be the first to
know. You'll receive a fax or email telling you what's happening, what to buy, and at what price. And
when it's time to sell, we'll let you know immediately. All you have to do is follow the system, and
haul your profits to the bank. It's that simple!

More importantly, you'll get a chance to experience what it feels like to make money using an unfair 4/6/2005
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If it feels right for you - and I think it will - then welcome aboard!

But if it doesn't, you can always change your mind. And here's my promise to you:

100% IRONCLAD GUARANTEE: If at any time during the first 30 days - for any reason - you are
unhappy with your Volume Spike Alert Membership... just say the word!

I'll send you a check to cover every penny of your subscription expense...

NO QUESTIONS ASKED! And after the first 30 days, if you're not happy, I'll REFUND EVERY PENNY
of the unused portion of your Membership... again - no questions asked!

As you may know, many investment services like this one - services that zero in on fast moving and
highly profitable investments - cost a few thousand dollars in annual subscription fees.

In fact, Volume Spike Alert has a current Membership Rate of $2,500.00 per year.

But, if you agree to give Volume Spike Alert a try today...'ll pay only $1,499.00! That's a savings of over 40%!

And if it will make you more comfortable... can give Volume Spike Alert a Risk-Free Trial for only $499 for 3 months!

What's most important is that you understand you're not taking any risk at all when you accept this offer.
If you are dissatisfied for any reason with Volume Spike Alert within the first 30 days, I will send you a full
refund. Anytime after that, we'll issue a refund on all your unused time.

I think you'll agree: That's as fair as it gets! 4/6/2005
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So please, join the VSA now.

But please hurry! As I mentioned before, the companies we trade tend to be small-cap stocks. That
means it doesn't take a lot of volume to drive the prices very high, very quickly.

In order to preserve profits for VSA Members, we MUST LIMIT NEW MEMBER ENROLLMENT to a
handful of spots.


Once we close down enrollment, that's it. We may not open it up again. And while a Member may retire
here and there, chances are that open spots will be passed down within families.

So, if you think VSA could be right for you... I urge you to take action now and secure your Volume Spike
Alert Membership spot with a 100% RISK-FREE TRIAL!

Please hurry. I'd hate to see you miss out!


Brian Hicks

Publisher, Volume Spike Alert

P.S. Are you comfortable using an ADVANTAGE to get rich? The Volume Spike Alert System is
perfectly legal. But it really isn't fair! Would you be comfortable pulling in profits of 80%... 110%... 250%...
or MORE... even as your neighbors and associates get eaten alive by insider SHARKS? A quick look in
the mirror will give you a hint... but why not find our for sure! Join Volume Spike Alert with a Risk-Free
Trial today! But this is a limited offer, so please act now!

P.P.S. With a recent track record of 34 winning trades out of 40 tries and a winning percentage of OVER
85% ... Volume Spike Alert is creating quite a buzz in the investment world. But because of the delicate 4/6/2005
Page 19 of 23

nature of the system, we MUST put a strict limit on the number of NEW Memberships we accept... first
come, first served. No exceptions! I urge you to lock in your VSA Membership now with a Risk-Free Trial.
Once you're on board, you can always change your mind... but when we close our doors, they may never
open again. Please hurry... see the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON below.

--------------------------------- -------------------------------


April 8, 2003 April 10, 2003

#2003-27A #2003-28A

Dear VSA Trader: APT at $2.10!

APT experiencing volume spikes. Sell ½ APT position (APT:AMEX)

Research checks out. Company 46% PROFIT in 2 days!

Let other half run.
clothing to protect against SARS.
Brian Hicks
APT between $1.45 and $1.55
(APT:AMEX) -------------------------------

A move to $2 isn't impossible. VOLUME SPIKE ALERT!

Sincerely, April 15, 2003 4/6/2005
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Brian Hicks #2003-29A

--------------------------------- Urgent Alert: Time to get out!

Sell other ½ APT position above $2.10

Another 45% PROFIT in just 5 trading



Brian Hicks



Over the last few months, the Volume Spike Alert System has taken on a life of its own,
exceeding all profit expectations! In fact, the VSA System recently picked 34 winning stocks out
of 40 tries with a WINNING PERCENTAGE of OVER 85%!

To view our portfolio, click here!

Don't miss out on MASSIVE PROFITS!

Please ensure your chance to get in on massive profits by joining VolumeSpike Alert with a RISK-
FREE TRIAL Today! But please hurry! 4/6/2005
Page 21 of 23

Take a look at what our MEMBERS say about the Volume Spike
"Looks like DFIB is a real shocker! Got in at $3.50, enjoying the ride and loading up again for more!


"Thanks a million... Got in at $3.55 for 2,000 shares. Just watching it go and enjoying a winner... Thanks


"I bought APT for $1.60 on April 8 and sold it on April 16 for $2.50. Thank you!"


"Bought two bundles for an average of $1.105. 6,000 shares at $1.74 andstill going up! I am going on


"17% in two days on FNSR. I'm happy!"


"Nice trade, Brian. Bought 10,000 APT on 4/9 at$1.63. Sold 4/10 at $2.06. Not bad for 24 hours.

--R.D. 4/6/2005
Page 22 of 23

"Excellent call on AKLM... Out of 14 trades, 11 are winners. I'm new to VSA, but looking at around 18%
return to date this year. Very happy so far."


"Bought in at $3.67. Will ride the wave up until you give the sell order. Great call, it's nice to finally
subscribe to something and feel I'm gettingmy money's worth."


"My portfolio is up 50% year to date. Keep up the good work."


"Brian, great call today! Thanks for staying in touch with your subscribers. I bought SUNW at $4.20 and
felt tempted to sell since I gained 18% in just two weeks. I'm waiting to hear from you before making my
next move. Yourrecord speaks for itself."


"Based on your alerts, I got into FNSR at $1.21. I subsequently sold at $1.74. I then got back in at $1.51
and recently sold at $1.93... I'm quite happy with the profits I've already made. Keep up the great work."


"Brian, I'm a new member and my first trade was FNSR at $1.15. Thanks for the regular updates on the
stock picks, to me this is very important to know what you are thinking on a regular basis. It's great to
have a stockthat's going up. Looking forward to a long and profitable relationship. Thanks."

--R.S. 4/6/2005
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