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OPINION Treatment of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-
associated vasculitis
Eric N. Rich a,b and Kevin K. Brown a,b

Purpose of review
The primary idiopathic small-vessel vasculitis syndromes include granulomatosis with polyangiitis, Churg–
Strauss syndrome, and microscopic polyangiitis. These disorders are commonly referred to as antineutrophil
cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides and prominently affect the pulmonary vasculature.
Although significant progress has been made in the management of these disorders, they continue to carry
substantial morbidity and mortality as a result of both the underlying vasculitis as well as complications of
its immunosuppressive therapy. This review will focus on the recent advances in the management and
longitudinal monitoring of ANCA-associated vasculitis.
Recent findings
Cyclophosphamide and glucocorticoids are standard therapy, but carry measureable risk of treatment-
related toxicity. The search for alternative therapies that are less toxic but similarly efficacious is continuing.
Recent investigations suggest rituximab may be a well tolerated alternative to cyclophosphamide for the
induction of remission, treatment of disease relapse, and as maintenance therapy.
The ANCA-associated vasculitides are a group of disorders that commonly affect the pulmonary vasculature
and represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the pulmonary clinician. Recent findings have
expanded our ability to diagnose and treat these disorders with a focus on limiting treatment-related
toxicity while inducing and maintaining remission.
antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, Churg–Strauss syndrome, granulomatosis with polyangiitis,
microscopic polyangiitis, rituximab, vasculitis

INTRODUCTION The primary idiopathic small-vessel vasculitis

The pulmonary vasculitides represent a group of syndromes prominently affect the pulmonary vas-
rare disorders that specifically target the vascula- culature and are often referred to as antineutrophil
ture of the lung, and are characterized by inflam- cytoplasmic antibody-associated (ANCA) vasculiti-
matory cell infiltration and destruction of the des (AAV). This group of disorders includes granu-
small-sized and medium-sized blood vessels with lomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA, formerly known
resultant tissue damage. These diseases can be as Wegener’s granulomatosis [4]), Churg–Strauss
divided into primary (idiopathic and immune- syndrome (CSS), and microscopic polyangiitis
complex associated) or secondary disorders (Table (MPA). A number of recent investigations have
1). Primary pulmonary vasculitis is thought to be evaluated therapeutic alternatives to standard cyclo-
autoimmune-mediated, and can be classified based phosphamide therapy for the induction and
on the size of involved vessels (small, medium, or
large), whereas secondary vasculitis results from a a
Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine, University of Colorado
myriad of causes including infection, malignancy, School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado and bDepartment of Medicine,
drug reactions, or connective tissue disease. The National Jewish Health, Denver, Colorado, USA
diagnosis of vasculitis remains a challenge, even to Correspondence to Kevin K. Brown, MD, National Jewish Health, 1400
the most experienced physician, given the signifi- Jackson Street, Denver, CO 80206, USA. Tel: +1 303 398 1621; fax: +1
cant overlap with other multisystem disorders that 303 270 2240; e-mail:
have similar radiographic, clinical, and laboratory Curr Opin Pulm Med 2012, 18:447–454
features. DOI:10.1097/MCP.0b013e32835701d6

1070-5287 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Interstitial lung disease

maintenance of disease remission (no evidence of

KEY POINTS disease activity) with a goal of limiting therapy-
 The primary idiopathic small-vessel vasculitis syndromes related toxicity. This review will focus on the recent
commonly present with respiratory manifestations and advances in the field.
must be differentiated from clinical entities with similar
manifestations including infections, drug reactions, and
 In ANCA-associated vasculitis, the choice of initial
treatment should be guided by disease severity, with The AAV often present with respiratory manifes-
the risk of therapy-associated complications being tations including upper airway involvement, cavi-
balanced by the risk for further organ damage. tary or nodular lung disease, and diffuse alveolar
hemorrhage (DAH). The presence of one or more of
 Rituximab appears to be a well tolerated alternative to
cyclophosphamide for the induction of remission and these respiratory manifestations combined with
treatment of disease relapse. abnormalities in other organs such as neurologic
signs or symptoms, cutaneous changes (e.g., palpa-
 Despite recent advances, infection, active vasculitis, ble purpura), and renal disease [e.g., rapidly pro-
malignancy, and cardiovascular complications continue
gressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN)] should prompt
to cause substantial morbidity and mortality.
the consideration of a vasculitis (Table 2).
The 1990 American College of Rheumatology
(ACR) and the 1994 Chapel Hill Consensus Confer-
ence classification systems have been used to define
the primary vasculitides in both clinical practice and
research [1]. However, both systems have significant
limitations, and a coordinated international effort
Table 1. Causes of pulmonary vasculitis between the European League Against Rheumatism
Primary vasculitis Small-vessel vasculitis/ANCA-associated
(EULAR) and ACR is currently underway to develop
a single classification system, termed Diagnosis and
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) &
Classification of Vasculitis (DCVAS) [8 ,9]. The goal
Churg–Strauss syndrome (CSS)
of this effort is to create criteria that distinguish
Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA)
primary vasculitis from similar but distinct clinical
Idiopathic pauci-immune pulmonary entities.
capillaritis (IPIPC)
Medium-vessel vasculitis
Large-vessel vasculitis VASCULITIS
Takayasu arteritis Since Fauci et al. [10] published their seminal
Giant cell arteritis paper in the early 1980s, standard therapy for
AAV involves immunosuppression with cortico-
Immune-complex- Goodpasture’s syndrome steroids and cyclophosphamide. However, although
mediated vasculitis Behçhet’s disease cyclophosphamide is highly effective in achieving
IgA nephropathy
disease remission, it has significant potential for
toxicity and adverse effects. The goal of initial
Essential cryoglobulinemia
therapy is to induce disease remission, balancing
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
the risk of ongoing organ damage with the risk of
Secondary vasculitis Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
therapy-related complications. In order to help
Systemic lupus erythematosus quantify these risks, the European Vasculitis Study
Rheumatoid arthritis Group (EUVAS) has categorized disease severity into
Dermatomyositis/polymyositis five groups which assist in guiding initial therapy:
Inflammatory bowel disease limited, early generalized, active generalized, severe,
Drug-induced and refractory (Table 3).
Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis
Induction therapy
With limited disease, patients with AAV have dis-
Data from [1–3]. ease activity localized to the upper airway, have

448 Volume 18  Number 5  September 2012

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Treatment of ANCA-associated vasculitis Rich and Brown

Table 2. Manifestations of ANCA-associated vasculitis


Constitutional 50–90% 50–90% >90%, commonly manifests

symptoms weeks to months prior to
Upper airway 70–90%; destructive and Nondestructive sinusitis in 50–80% Sinus disease in 5–30%
ulcerative lesions common
Pulmonary Abnormal imaging (mixed Asthma nearly universal, often steroid Cough and dyspnea common.
opacities, commonly nodular dependent. Ground glass with or 30% with DAH
with or without cavitary) in without consolidation in 90% by
>80%. DAH in 5–10%. HRCT
Endobronchial and
tracheobronchial disease in
Renal 40% of patients will have GN 25–60% RPGN nearly universal
at presentation. 80–90% will
develop GN during disease
Gastrointestinal Rare 30–60% of patients with colitis, pain, 30–50% of patients.
hemorrhage, perforation and Hemorrhage, ischemia,
contributes significantly to perforation, aneurysms
Cardiac Reports of coronary vasculitis 30–50% of patients with conduction 10–20%
and pericarditis (5–15%) abnormalities, coronary vasculitis,
heart failure. Disproportionately
contributes to mortality
Neurologic Peripheral abnormalities Mononeuritis multiplex 50–70%. Mononeuritis multiplex 15–58%
(10–30%) more common Central involvement less common
than central abnormalities
ANCA c-ANCA/PR3 positivity in the ANCA positive in 40–70% of patients, 45–80% ANCA positive,
appropriate clinical setting is most commonly p-ANCA/MPO most commonly p-ANCA/MPO
highly specific and sensitive positive. ANCA-positive patients have
for the diagnosis of active more frequent renal involvement,
systemic GPA (sensitivity whereas ANCA-negative patients may
85–90%, specificity 90–95%) have more significant eosinophilia,
pulmonary, and cardiac disease
Data from Refs [3,5,6 ,7]. CSS, Churg–Strauss syndrome; DAH, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage; GN, glomerulonephritis; GPA, granulomatosis with polyangiitis;
HRCT, high-resolution computed tomography; MPA, microscopic polyangiitis; MPO, antimyeloperoxidase antibody; PR3, antiproteinase 3 antibody; RPGN,
rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.

normal renal function (creatinine <1.4 mg/dl), and an alternative to cyclophosphamide. A new EUVAS
do not have constitutional symptoms. Treatment sponsored randomized clinical trial comparing
recommendations are generally limited to expert mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) to cyclophospha-
opinion, given the paucity of randomized studies, mide for remission induction (MYCYC) is currently
and suggest topical or systemic corticosteroids, enrolling patients.
azathioprine, or methotrexate. Patients with active generalized disease have
Patients with early generalized disease have clinically active vasculitis with constitutional symp-
clinically active vasculitis with constitutional symp- toms and threatened organ function (e.g., renal
toms, but lack a specific threat to organ function. dysfunction, abnormal serum creatinine <5.7 mg/
Recommended therapy for these patients has dl). Standard treatment with corticosteroids and
traditionally been corticosteroids and cyclophos- cyclophosphamide to induce remission is indicated
phamide. However, the Nonrenal Alternative with as the first-line therapy. Since the widespread use of
Methotrexate (NORAM) trial compared methotrex- cyclophosphamide for AAV began in the 1980s,
ate with cyclophosphamide for remission induction concerns have been raised about cumulative drug-
and found that methotrexate was better tolerated, related toxicity, leading investigators to search for
but had a longer time to remission (5 vs. 3 months) alternative remission induction therapies with a
and higher relapse rate (74 vs. 42%) [11]. On the lower risk of treatment-related complications. The
basis of this study, methotrexate can be considered Daily Oral Versus Pulse Cyclophosphamide for

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Interstitial lung disease

Table 3. Treatment of ANCA-associated vasculitis

Organ function Updated five

Disease severity threatened? factor score Clinical features and renal function Therapeutic options

Limited No 0 Limited to upper airway abnormalities Corticosteroids or methotrexate or

Serum creatinine <1.4 mg/dl azathioprine
Early generalized No 0–1 Constitutional symptoms, mild respiratory Cyclophosphamide þ corticosteroids
and systemic symptoms or methotrexate þ corticosteroids
Serum creatinine <1.4 mg/dl
Active generalized Yes 1–2 Constitutional symptoms, limiting respiratory Cyclophosphamide plus corticosteroids
symptoms, parenchymal pulmonary or rituximab plus corticosteroids
disease, subglottic stenosis,
gastrointestinal or cardiac involvement.
Serum creatinine <5.7 mg/dl
Severe Yes 2 Organ dysfunction with immediate threat Plasmapheresis þ corticosteroids þ
of death including alveolar rituximab or cyclophosphamide
hemorrhage and cardiac failure.
Serum creatinine >5.7 mg/dl
Refractory Yes N/A Any creatinine Rituximab or investigational therapies
Maintenance of No N/A N/A Azathioprine or methotrexate with or
remission without corticosteroids (low-dose)
If induced with rituximab, no additional
therapy or azathioprine or scheduled
rituximab infusions (trials ongoing)

Data from [10–13,14 ,15].

Renal Vasculitis (CYCLOPS) trial significantly In patients with RPGN and DAH, plasma
changed how clinicians dose cyclophosphamide exchange therapy (PLEX) should be considered.
in AAV [16]. Patients were randomized to pulse Randomized controlled trials to support PLEX as
intravenous cyclophosphamide with prednisolone standard therapy are limited, while only case series
&& &&
or daily oral cyclophosphamide with prednisolone, in DAH exist [18 ,19 ]. The most encouraging data
and no difference was found in the proportion of comes from the Methylprednisolone or Plasma
patients that achieved remission or the time to Exchange for Severe Renal Vasculitis, study which
remission. Of particular importance is that the pulse randomized 137 patients with a new diagnosis of
cyclophosphamide group received a lower total AAV and a serum creatinine greater than 5.8 mg/dl
cumulative cyclophosphamide dose and had less to seven rounds of PLEX or 3000 mg of methylpred-
leukopenia. However, long-term follow-up (median nisolone (all patients received oral cyclophospha-
4.3 years) of these patients revealed significantly mide and prednisolone). Significantly, more of the
higher rates of relapse in the pulse regimen group PLEX-treated patients were dialysis independent at 3
(hazard ratio ¼ 0.5; P ¼ 0.029), with no associated months (49 vs. 69%) and 12 months (19 vs. 43%)
difference in mortality or long-term morbidity [20]. The current ongoing Plasma Exchange and
between the two groups [17 ]. Glucocorticoid Dosing in the Treatment of ANCA-
Patients with severe disease have clinically associated Vasculitis trial should provide further
active vasculitis with severe organ dysfunction, guidance with regard to the role for PLEX in patients
frequently manifested as advanced renal disease with alveolar hemorrhage and renal disease. This
(creatinine >5.7 mg/dl). Additional manifesta- randomized controlled trial is enrolling patients
tions of severe organ dysfunction may include with severe, new, or relapsing AAV to determine
DAH, cardiac involvement with life-threatening whether PLEX is effective in reducing death and
arrhythmias, or gastrointestinal hemorrhage. These end-stage renal disease. The role for PLEX in less
patients require aggressive therapy to induce severe disease is even less clear. Recently, Szpirt et al.
remission because of the significant threat to organ [21 ] have shown intriguing evidence for improved
function and the high risk of death without renal survival in patients with GPA and less severe
therapy. Aggressive therapy is recommended with renal dysfunction (creatinine >2.85 mg/dl), but
high-dose corticosteroids and intravenous cyclo- further studies are required to define the role for
phosphamide or rituximab. PLEX in less severe disease.

450 Volume 18  Number 5  September 2012

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Treatment of ANCA-associated vasculitis Rich and Brown

Alternative therapies Maintenance therapy

Recent clinical trials in AAV have focused on the Maintenance of disease remission involves contin-
alternatives to cyclophosphamide in patients with ued immunosuppression but with a transition to
severe, refractory, or relapsing disease. The most therapies with a lower risk of treatment-related
promising agent is rituximab, a monoclonal anti- toxicity. Controversies exist in the timing of the
CD20 antibody that selectively depletes B-lympho- transition, the choice of agent, and the duration
cytes. of maintenance therapy.
Two randomized controlled trials provide the Traditionally, patients were treated with cyclo-
most definitive data to date for the use of rituxi- phosphamide and glucocorticoids for 12 months
mab as an alternative to cyclophosphamide for prior to transitioning to azathioprine or metho-
remission induction. The Rituximab versus trexate [23]. This changed significantly after the
Cyclophosphamide for ANCA-associated Vasculitis publication of the Cyclophosphamide versus
(RAVE) trial was a randomized controlled nonin- Azathioprine for Remission in Generalized Vasculi-
feriority study in newly diagnosed or relapsing tis (CYCAZAREM) trial [24]. This trial showed that a
severe AAV [12]. Patients with GPA or MPA and transition of cyclophosphamide to azathioprine
positive PR3-ANCA or MPO-ANCA were random- soon after a clinical remission has been induced
ized to rituximab or cyclophosphamide. Glucocor- (between 3 and 6 months) was associated with no
ticoids were tapered off over 5 months in both difference in the rate of relapse or loss of renal
groups. The cyclophosphamide group was transi- function when compared to the longer duration
tioned to azathioprine maintenance therapy, of cyclophosphamide. The International MMF
whereas the rituximab group was transitioned Protocol to Reduce Outbreaks of Vasculitides
to placebo. The primary endpoint was disease (IMPROVE) provided additional evidence for the
remission without the use of glucocorticoids at safety of early (within 6 months) transition to
6 months. This endpoint was achieved in 64% maintenance therapy after remission induction
of the rituximab group and 53% of the cyclo- [15]. A total of 156 patients were followed for a
phosphamide group, confirming the noninferior- median of 39 months after randomization to
ity of rituximab. Importantly, in the subgroup either MMF or azathioprine for the maintenance
of patients with relapsing disease, rituximab of disease remission. Relapses were more common
appeared superior to cyclophosphamide (67 vs. in the MMF group, with an unadjusted hazard
42%, P ¼ 0.01). These results led to FDA approval ratio of 1.69 (1.06–2.7; P ¼ 0.03). There were no
for the use of rituximab in remission induction significant differences in serious adverse events
for severe GPA and MPA. The frequency of relapse or Vasculitis Damage Index between the two
was similar between the two groups at 6 and groups. Therefore, current evidence supports the
18 months, even in the absence of maintenance initiation of azathioprine maintenance therapy
immunosuppression in the rituximab group. soon after clinical disease remission has been
A second trial, Rituximab versus Cyclopho- obtained.
sphamide in ANCA-Associated Renal Vasculitis The optimal glucocorticoid dosing and tapering
(RITUXVAS), randomized 44 patients with newly regimen is unknown and differing protocols have
diagnosed GPA or MPA with clinically apparent been used in treatment trials. The 2009 EULAR
renal involvement to rituximab (375 mg/m2 i.v. guidelines recommend treatment with high-dose
weekly four times) versus pulsed cyclophosphamide (1 mg/kg/day) glucocorticoids for the first month
for 3–6 months followed by maintenance azathio- of induction therapy followed by a gradual taper
prine [13]. It is important to note that the rituximab [25]. In 2007, the British Society of Rheumatology
group was given pulse cyclophosphamide with the (BSR) reported an alternative weekly tapering regi-
first and third rituximab infusion. All patients were men, which has been employed in some recent
given maintenance low-dose glucocorticoids. There randomized controlled trials including IMPROVE.
was no difference in the rate of sustained remission No definitive studies have compared the monthly
at 12 months (rituximab 42% and control 36%) versus weekly reduction methods, but the IMPROVE
or mortality. trial results, along with a retrospective review of
Rituximab can be recommended as a suitable both regimens in a Japanese cohort of AAV patients,
alternative to cyclophosphamide for induction suggest similar rates of relapse with a possible
therapy with the potential advantage of less risk reduction in infectious complications and hyper-
of treatment-related toxicity, and may be superior glycemia in the weekly reduction method [26 ].
to cyclophosphamide in the treatment of relapsing Additional information comes from a recent meta-
&& &&
disease [14 ,22 ]. analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials in AAV

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Interstitial lung disease

that included a predefined glucocorticoid treat- activity is generally necessary. And just as the
ment plan published by Walsh et al. [27 ]. This clinical features of the initial presentation overlap
data showed that compared to patients with a with other conditions, the differential of a disease
target glucocorticoid dose of zero, there was a lower relapse always includes infection and drug toxicity
disease relapse rate when patients continued as well as unrelated conditions.
receiving some dose of glucocorticoid during the In a retrospective evaluation of 535 patients
trial period; only 14% of patients on glucocorti- with 1804 patient-years, the most significant risk
coids suffered a relapse compared with 43% in the factors for AAV relapse include positive ANCA/PR3
zero glucocorticoid group. In fact, the glucocorti- antibodies and cardiovascular involvement. Inter-
coid treatment plan was the most significant var- estingly, patients with a creatinine level greater
iable explaining the proportion of patients than 200 mmol/l at the time of diagnosis have a
suffering a relapse. On the basis of these data, a lower risk of relapse [31 ]. Controversy exists
longer duration of glucocorticoid therapy may regarding the utility of serial measurements of
decrease the risk of relapse. ANCA in patients with AAV to predict disease
Although the data is limited, if cyclophospha- relapse. A recent meta-analysis evaluating this ques-
mide induction therapy is initiated, a weekly gluco- tion suggests that a rise in ANCA during clinical
corticoid reduction method is recommended with remission is at best moderately predictive of relapse.
consideration given to a longer duration of low-dose A rise in ANCA during remission has a positive
therapy. When rituximab is used for induction likelihood ratio of 2.84 and negative likelihood
therapy, glucocorticoid use as directed by the RAVE ratio of 0.49 for subsequent relapse of disease.
trial, pulse methylprednisolone for 1–3 doses, fol- Persistently positive ANCA during remission has a
lowed by prednisone 1 mg/kg/day for 2–4 weeks, positive likelihood ratio of 1.97 and negative like-
and subsequent taper every 2 weeks with discon- lihood ratio of 0.73 for subsequent relapse of disease
tinuation of glucocorticoids by 5 months can [32 ]. Therefore, serial ANCA measurements pro-
be recommended. vide limited guidance for predicting relapse and
To date, no randomized trial has been pub- careful integration of this information with the
lished for the use of rituximab as maintenance clinical history, physical examination, and labora-
therapy or re-induction therapy in disease relapse. tory studies required as part of therapeutic decision-
However, several studies suggest that maintenance making.
therapy with rituximab may decrease the risk of
relapse [28,29]. The French Vasculitis Study Group
conducted a retrospective review of 28 patients PROGNOSIS AND COMPLICATIONS
who received a median of four rituximab main- Since the wide adoption of aggressive immunosup-
tenance infusions. In this group of patients, ritux- pressive therapy, the mortality rate for patients with
imab was well tolerated and only two patients AAV has improved significantly over the past
experienced relapses shortly before a planned infu- 20 years. Therapy not only improves survival, but
sion [30 ]. The optimal dosing regimen and also appears to have a positive effect on health-
duration for rituximab as maintenance therapy is related quality of life [33 ]. However, compared
unclear, but the ongoing Maintenance of Remis- with age-matched and sex-matched controls in
sion using Rituximab in Systemic ANCA-associated the general population, there is still an elevated
Vasculitis trial should provide additional guid- mortality ratio of 2.6 [34 ]. Morbidity and
ance. This randomized trial compares main- mortality is related not only to active vasculitis,
tenance rituximab to azathioprine. The primary but also to complications related to immunosup-
outcome is the number of major relapses over pressive therapy.
28 months (18 months treatment and 10 months Flossman and colleagues [34 ] reported the
follow-up). clinical outcomes for 535 patients from 4 random-
ized clinical trials. During the first year, infection
was the main cause of death (48%) followed by
Longitudinal monitoring active vasculitis (19%). In subsequent years, the
Longitudinal follow-up of patients with AAV cause of death shifts to cardiovascular disease
requires ongoing, routine evaluation for disease (26%), malignancy (22%), and infection (20%).
relapse and complications of medication therapy. Mortality from cardiac involvement in CSS is well
Although the clinical manifestations of the relapse documented, occurring in 10–50% of patients and
may mimic the initial presentation of the AAV, new accounting for a disproportionate number of deaths.
organ involvement as part of the relapse is common More recently, cardiovascular mortality has also
and a systematic survey of potential sites of disease been appreciated as a significant contributor to

452 Volume 18  Number 5  September 2012

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Treatment of ANCA-associated vasculitis Rich and Brown

the 5-year mortality in GPA and MPA. A retrospec- REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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field have mainly focused on the alternative thera- The authors comprehensively review the current data for the use of rituximab in
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risk of treatment-related adverse effects. In the short The authors provide a very important update on their initial study, suggesting pulse
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note higher relapse rates with pulse dosing.
while over the long term, infection, malignancy, 18. Casian A, Jayne D. Plasma exchange in the treatment of Wegener’s granu-
and cardiovascular complications account for the && lomatosis, microscopic polyangiitis, Churg–Strauss syndrome and renal
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majority of deaths. Ongoing studies will inform our The authors review the current available data for the use of plasma exchange in
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19. Casian A, Jayne D. Management of alveolar hemorrhage in lung vasculitides.
disease monitoring. && Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2011; 32:335–345.
This very useful review discusses the management of severe AAV pulmonary
manifestations, including the role for PLEX.
20. Jayne DRW, Gaskin G, Rasmussen N, et al. Randomized trial of plasma
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None. vere renal vasculitis. J Am Soc Nephrol 2007; 18:2180–2188.
21. Szpirt WM, Heaf JG, Petersen J. Plasma exchange for induction and cyclos-
& porine A for maintenance of remission in Wegener’s granulomatosis – a clinical
Conflicts of interest randomized controlled trial. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2011; 26:206–213.
Previous studies have not evaluated the role for PLEX in less severe AAV. The
There are no conflicts of interest. authors of this study suggest a potential role in such patients.

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Interstitial lung disease

22. Guerry MJ, Brogan P, Bruce IN, et al. Recommendations for the use of 31. Walsh M, Flossmann O, Berden A, et al. Risk factors for relapse of antineu-
&& rituximab in antineutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis. Rheu- & trophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis. Arthritis Rheum 2012;
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In this recent review, Guerry and colleagues discuss evidence-based recommen- This recent evaluation of 535 patients treated with modern therapy for AAV
dations for the use of rituximab in AAV. provides insight into important risk factors for relapse and suggests renal insuffi-
23. Pagnoux C, Mahr A, Hamidou MA, et al. Azathioprine or methotrexate main- ciency at the time of diagnosis is associated with a reduced risk of relapse.
tenance for ANCA-associated vasculitis. N Engl J Med 2008; 359:2790–2803. 32. Tomasson G, Grayson PC, Mahr AD, et al. Value of ANCA measurements
24. Jayne D, Rasmussen N, Andrassy K, et al. A randomized trial of maintenance & during remission to predict a relapse of ANCA-associated vasculitis – a meta-
therapy for vasculitis associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibo- analysis. Rheumatology 2012; 51:100–109.
dies. N Engl J Med 2003; 349:36–44. Tomasson et al. performed a meta-analysis to evaluate the value of repeated ANCA
25. Mukhtyar C, Guillevin L, Cid MC, et al. EULAR recommendations for the measurements in AAV and suggest that a rise in or persistence of ANCA during
management of primary small and medium vessel vasculitis. Ann Rheum Dis remission is only modestly predictive of risk for relapse. This continues to be a
2009; 68:310–317. controversial area that requires further study.
26. Matsumoto Y, Sada K-E, Otsuka F, et al. Evaluation of weekly-reduction 33. Suka M, Hayashi T, Kobayashi S, et al. Improvement in health-related quality of
& regimen of glucocorticoids in combination with cyclophosphamide for anti- & life in MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis patients treated with cyclophospha-
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patients. Rheumatol Int 2011. [Epub ahead of print] JMAAV study. Mod Rheumatol 2012. [Epub ahead of print]
This study in a Japanese cohort of patients with AAV provides supporting evidence The authors evaluated an important outcome in AAV, health-related quality of life, in
for the weekly reduction regimen of glucocorticoids that is being employed in more a Japanese cohort and report that therapy leads to a recovery of the HRQOL.
recent clinical trials of AAV. 34. Flossmann O, Berden A, de Groot K, et al. Long-term patient survival in
27. Walsh M, Merkel PA, Mahr A, Jayne D. Effects of duration of glucocorticoid && ANCA-associated vasculitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70:488–494.
& therapy on relapse rate in antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated This analysis of 535 patients from 4 EUVAS trials provides important insight into
vasculitis: a meta-analysis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2010; 62:1166– the major causes of death in AAV treated with conventional therapy as well as
1173. suggests negative prognostic factors for survival.
This meta-analysis tests the impact of glucocorticoids on the rate of relapse in a 35. Suppiah R, Judge A, Batra R, et al. A model to predict cardiovascular events in
number of recent treatment trials. & patients with newly diagnosed Wegener’s granulomatosis and microscopic
28. Rhee EP, Laliberte KA, Niles JL. Rituximab as maintenance therapy for polyangiitis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2011; 63:588–596.
antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis. Clin J Am Soc Cardiovascular mortality is well described in CSV. The authors of this study
Nephrol 2010; 5:1394–1400. propose a model that predicts cardiovascular events in MPA and GPA, given
29. Jones RB, Ferraro AJ, Chaudhry AN, et al. A multicenter survey of rituximab the high prevalence of cardiovascular mortality in this population as well.
therapy for refractory antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vascu- 36. Tomasson G, Monach PA, Merkel PA. Thromboembolic disease in vasculitis.
litis. Arthritis Rheum 2009; 60:2156–2168. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2009; 21:41–46.
30. Roubaud-Baudron C, Pagnoux C, Méaux-Ruault N, et al. Rituximab main- 37. Heijl C, Harper L, Flossmann O, et al. Incidence of malignancy in patients
& tenance therapy for granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic poly- && treated for antineutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis: follow-up
angiitis. J Rheumatol 2012; 39:125–130. data from European Vasculitis Study Group clinical trials. Ann Rheum Dis
The authors performed a retrospective study of 28 patients who received rituximab 2011; 70:1415–1421.
maintenance therapy in their center. This provides very useful data regarding the Cyclophosphamide has been associated with long-term morbidity and mortality
safety and effectiveness of rituximab as a maintenance therapy and provides a from malignancy. This study suggests that modern dosing regimens may lead to
basis for current randomized clinical trials. more acceptable long-term risk for malignancy than previously reported.

454 Volume 18  Number 5  September 2012

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