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w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / b r a i n r e s

Research Report

Nanomolar concentrations of anabolic–androgenic steroids

amplify excitotoxic neuronal death in mixed
mouse cortical cultures

Rosamaria Orlando a,1 , Alessandra Caruso a,1 , Gemma Molinaro b , Marta Motolese a ,
Francesco Matrisciano a , Giuseppina Togna a , Daniela Melchiorri a ,
Ferdinando Nicoletti a,b , Valeria Bruno a,b,⁎
Department of Human Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
I.N.M. Neuromed, Pozzilli, Italy


Article history: The use of anabolic–androgenic steroids (AASs) in the world of sport has raised a major
Accepted 20 June 2007 concern for the serious, sometimes life-threatening, side effects associated with these
Available online 10 July 2007 drugs. Most of the CNS effects are of psychiatric origin, and whether or not AASs are toxic to
neurons is yet unknown. We compared the effect of testosterone with that of the AASs, 19-
Keywords: nortestosterone (nandrolone), stanozolol, and gestrinone, on excitotoxic neuronal death
Excitotoxicity induced by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) in primary cultures of mouse cortical cells. In the
Androgen most relevant experiments, steroids were applied to the cultures once daily during the
Estrogen 4 days preceding the NMDA pulse. Under these conditions, testosterone amplified
Cortifical culture excitotoxic neuronal death only at very high concentrations (10 μM), whereas it was
Anabolic steroid protective at concentrations of 10 nM and inactive at intermediate concentrations. Low
concentrations of testosterone became neurotoxic in the presence of the aromatase
inhibitors, i.e. anastrozole and aminoglutethimide, suggesting that the intrinsic toxicity of
testosterone was counterbalanced by its aromatization into 17β-estradiol. As opposed to
testosterone, nortestosterone, stanozolol and gestrinone amplified NMDA toxicity at
nanomolar concentrations; their action was insensitive to aromatase inhibitors, but was
abrogated by the androgen receptor antagonist, flutamide. None of the AASs were toxic in
the absence of NMDA. These data suggest that AASs increase neuronal vulnerability to an
excitotoxic insult and may therefore facilitate neuronal death associated with acute or
chronic CNS disorders.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction life-threatening, adverse effects that involve the liver, the

cardiovascular system, the male and female reproductive
The use of anabolic–androgenic steroids (AASs) for gains in systems, and the CNS (Ishak and Zimmerman, 1988; Ferenchick
strength and muscle mass is associated with serious, sometimes et al., 1992; Lukas, 1993; Rockhold, 1993; Trifunovic et al., 1995).

⁎ Corresponding author. Department of Human Physiology and Pharmacology, P.le Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Rome, Italy. Fax: +39 0649912231.
E-mail address: (V. Bruno).
Co-first authors.

0006-8993/$ ­ see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
22 BR A IN RE S EA RCH 1 1 65 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 –29

CNS adverse effects of AASs include stroke and psychiatric Choi, 1988). In cultured HT-22 clonal mouse hippocampal cells,
symptoms, such as aggression, mania, psychosis, and suicide high concentrations of testosterone (10 μM) amplify toxicity
attempts (Uzych, 1992; Thiblin et al., 1999; Hall et al., 2005; induced by millimolar concentrations of glutamate (Yang et al.,
Trenton and Currier, 2005). These effects might be related to the 2002), whereas the androgen dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a
AAS-induced decrease in plasma testosterone levels (Daly et al., metabolic precursor of testosterone, is protective (Cardounel
2003). Testosterone and its metabolites, such as dihydrotestos- et al., 1999). However, toxicity by millimolar concentrations of
terone and 17β-estradiol, are known to influence cognition, glutamate in HT-22 cells is not mediated by the stimulation of
anxiety and mood as a result of the activation of androgen glutamate receptors, but depends on the inhibition of cystine
receptors (ARs) and estrogen β receptors (ERβs) (Edinger et al., uptake, which leads to a reduced synthesis of glutathione and
2004; Beer et al., 2006; Edinger and Frye, 2005, 2006, 2007a,b). A accumulation of reactive oxygen species (Tan et al., 1998). In in
particular concern is raised by the suggestion that AASs may be vivo studies, androgenic neurosteroids (e.g. 5α-anstrostan-
reinforcing independently of the awareness that they increase 3α,17β-diol), DHEA, testosterone, and the active testosterone
muscle mass and physical performance, because they are metabolite, dihydrotestosterone, are protective against hippo-
positive in the paradigms of self-administration and conditioned campal damage induced by the excitotoxins, kainic acid and
place preference test in rats and hamsters (DiMeo and Wood, domoic acid (Frye and Reed, 1998; Cardounel et al., 1999; Azcoitia
2006; Ballard and Wood, 2005; Wood, 2004). The reinforcing et al., 2001; Ramsden et al., 2003). At least in one study, however,
effects of AASs are prevented by naltrexone or dopamine neuroprotection was entirely dependent on the availability of
receptor antagonists, suggesting the involvement of opioidergic aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone into 17β-
and dopaminergic mechanisms (Peters and Wood, 2005; Wood, estradiol (Azcoitia et al., 2001). Because most AASs are poor
2004). It is currently unknown whether AASs are toxic to neurons substrates for aromatase, data obtained with testosterone in
and whether their abuse is a risk factor for acute or chronic vitro or in vivo are not predictive of how AASs affect excitotoxic
neurodegenerative disorders, although both neuroprotective and neuronal death.
neurotoxic effects has been described for testosterone. Genetic Here, we have compared the effect of testosterone with that
alterations (i.e. a polyglutamine expansion) of ARs are associated of three synthetic AAS (nortestosterone, stanozolol, and gestri-
with progressive motor neuron disorders in the spinal and bulbar none) on excitotoxic neuronal death using as a model mixed
muscular atrophy (SBMA or Kennedy's disease). Castration cultures of mouse cortical cells challenged with N-methyl-D-
restores function and neurofilament abnormalities of symptom- aspartate (NMDA) (Rose et al., 1992). In the CNS, ARs are mainly
atic males in a transgenic mouse model of SBMA (Chevalier- expressed in the cerebral cortex, mostly by neurons, with only
Larsen et al., 2004), suggesting that androgens can be detrimental small subpopulations of androgen receptor-expressing astro-
to neurons under pathological conditions. Accordingly, testos- cytes (DonCarlos et al., 2006). We report that AAS potently
terone depletion reduces ischemia–perfusion injury in rats amplify excitotoxic neuronal death through the activation of
subjected to middle cerebral artery occlusion (Yang et al., 2002). ARs, and, as opposed to testosterone, their action is insensitive
The few in vitro data available suggest that the influence of to pharmacological inhibition of aromatase.
androgens on neurodegeneration critically depends on the
treatment regimen, the type of insult, and the phenotype of cell
death. A single application of testosterone at supraphysiological
(micromolar) concentrations promotes apoptotic death in SH-
SY5Y neuroblastoma cells by altering the function of type-1
inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-receptor-mediated intracellular
Ca2+ signaling (Estrada et al., 2006). In contrast, cultured
cerebellar granule cells treated with 1 μM testosterone for 48 h
are less vulnerable to apoptotic death induced by oxidative stress
(Ahlbom et al., 2001), as are cultured cerebellar granule cells
prepared from 7-day-old rats treated 4 days before with a single
dose of testosterone propionate (Ahlbom et al., 1999). Testoster-
one, methyltestosterone, and the AAS mibolerone protect
cultured human neurons against apoptosis by serum deprivation
through the activation of ARs (Hammond et al., 2001). Surpris-
ingly, little is known on how androgens affect excitotoxic
neuronal death in spite of the large number of data obtained
with female sex steroids (see Discussion, and references therein). Fig. 1 – Excitotoxic neuronal death induced by increasing
Excitotoxicity refers to a particular mechanism of neuronal concentrations of NMDA combined or not with MK-801 (1 μM)
death triggered by an excessive stimulation of glutamate in mixed cultures of mouse cortical cells. Neuronal death was
receptors (reviewed by Choi, 1994; Rothman and Olney, 1995). assessed by measuring LDH release (A) and incorporation of
This type of death, which may incorporate features of necrosis Trypan blue (B) in the same cultures. Following Trypan blue
and apoptosis, largely contributes to the pathophysiology of staining, dead neurons were counted in 3 random
major acute and chronic neurodegenerative disorders, includ- microscopic fields/well. Values are means ± S.E.M. of 6
ing stroke, brain traumatic injury, status epilepticus, hypogly- determinations from 2 independent experiments. *p < 0.05
cemic coma, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, (Student's t test) vs. the respective values obtained in the
Huntington's disease, and Alzheimer's disease (reviewed by absence of MK-801.
BR A IN RE S E A RCH 1 1 65 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 –2 9 23

cultures preserve the physiological interplay between neurons

2. Results and astrocytes, and are widely used for the assessment of
excitotoxic neuronal death (Rose et al., 1992). Cultures were
We used mixed cultures of mouse cortical cells, in which challenged with NMDA for 10 min and excitotoxic neuronal
neurons were grown over a monolayer of astrocytes. These death was assessed 20–24 h later by combining Trypan blue

Fig. 2 – Modulation of NMDA toxicity by testosterone (A), nortestosterone (B), stanozolol (C), gestrinone (D), 17β-estradiol (E),
and progesterone (E) applied to the cultures once a day during the 4 days preceding a 10-min pulse with 60 μM NMDA. The
amount of neuronal death induced by 60 μM NMDA (from 39% to 51%) was set as 100% in all these experiments. Values are
expressed as percent of NMDA toxicity and represent the means ± S.E.M. of 6–12 determinations from 2 to 3 independent
experiments. *p < 0.05 one-way ANOVA + Fisher's PLSD) vs. NMDA alone. None of the steroids was toxic when applied for 4 days
at concentrations of 1 or 10 μM in cultures that were not exposed to NMDA (not shown).
24 BR A IN RE S EA RCH 1 1 65 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 –29

staining and LDH release. NMDA produced neuronal death in a

concentration-dependent fashion, with an apparent EC50
value of about 50–60 μM, and a maximal effect (85 ± 5% of
death) at concentrations N100 μM (Figs. 1A, B). As expected,
NMDA toxicity was abrogated by co-incubating the cultures
with the NMDA receptor antagonist, (SR, 10S)-(+)-5-methyl-
10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine hydro-
gen maleate (MK-801, 1 μM) (Figs. 1A, B). Using this paradigm
of “fast toxicity” (Rose et al., 1992), we examined the effect of a
4-day pretreatment with testosterone, 17β-estradiol, proges-
terone, and three AASs (stanozolol, nortestosterone, and
gestrinone). Cultures were challenged with a concentration
of NMDA that approximates the EC50 value (60 μM), and allows
to estimate both increases and reductions of excitotoxic death
reliably. Pretreatment with testosterone slightly reduced
NMDA toxicity at concentrations of 10 nM, was ineffective at
100 nM to 1 μM, but amplified toxicity at 10 μM (Fig. 2A). In
contrast, all three AASs enhanced NMDA toxicity at low
concentrations, with gestrinone behaving differently than
nortestosterone and stanozolol. Both nortestosterone and
stanozolol amplified excitotoxicity at concentrations N1 nM
(Figs. 2B, C). We could not determine the EC50 value of
nortestosterone because the enhancement of NMDA toxicity
did not reach plateau at the maximal concentration tested
(10 μM) (Fig. 2B). Stanozolol enhanced NMDA toxicity with an
apparent EC50 value of 10 nM and a maximal effect (50%
increase in NMDA toxicity) at 1–10 μM (Fig. 2C). Gestrinone was
already effective in enhancing NMDA toxicity at concentra-
tions as low as 0.1 nM. The action of gestrinone peaked at
100 nM (80% increase in NMDA toxicity) and then declined at
higher concentrations (Fig. 2D). None of the androgens we
have tested were toxic by themselves (i.e. in the absence of
NMDA) (not shown). A 4-day pretreatment with low concen-
trations (10 nM) of 17β-estradiol was substantially neuropro-
tective against NMDA toxicity. Neuroprotection was also
observed, albeit to a lesser extent, with 1 μM 17β-estradiol
(Fig. 2E). Progesterone was protective at all concentrations
tested, with a greater effect at 1 μM than at 10 or 100 nM
(Fig. 2E).
Because aromatase is expressed in neurons (reviewed by
Martini and Malcangi, 1991; Naftolin, 1994), a potential toxicity
of low concentrations of testosterone could have been
counterbalanced by the formation of 17β-estradiol during
the 4 days of incubation in culture. To examine this possibility,
testosterone was combined with the selective aromatase
inhibitor, anastrozole (25 nM) (Plourde et al., 1994; Geisler
et al., 1996), or with aminoglutethimide (10 μM), a drug that
inhibits multiple steps of steroid hormone biosynthesis,
including aromatization of testosterone into 17β-estradiol
(Cocconi, 1994). When combined with anastrozole or amino-
glutethimide, testosterone was no longer neuroprotective at
10 nM, and became neurotoxic at 1 μM (Figs. 3A, B). Fig. 3 – Modulation of NMDA toxicity by a 4-day pretreatment
Amplification of NMDA toxicity by 10 μM testosterone was with testosterone applied alone or combined with 25 nM
abrogated by the AR antagonist, flutamide (10 μM), which anastrozole (A), 10 μM aminoglutethimide (B) or 10 μM
instead did not affect neuroprotection by 10 nM testosterone flutamide (C). Toxicity was induced by 60 μM NMDA, and data
(Fig. 3C). Amplification of NMDA toxicity by nortestosterone, are expressed as indicated in Fig. 2. Values are means± S.E.M.
stanozolol, or gestrinone was prevented by flutamide, but was of 6 determinations from 2 independent experiments. p < 0.05
insensitive to anastrozole or aminoglutethimide (Figs. 4A–F). (one-way ANOVA + Fisher's PLSD) vs. NMDA alone (*) or vs.
Finally, we examined the effect of testosterone and the the corresponding values obtained in the absence of
three AASs applied in combination with NMDA during the anastrozole, aminoglutethimide or flutamide (#).
BR A IN RE S E A RCH 1 1 65 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 –2 9 25

Fig. 4 – Modulation of NMDA toxicity by a 4-day pretreatment with nortestosterone (A, B), stanozolol (C, D) or gestrinone (E, F)
applied alone or combined with 25 nM anastrozole (A, C, E) aminoglutethimide (B, D, F) or flutamide (B, D, F). Toxicity was
induced by 60 μM NMDA, and data are expressed as indicated in Fig. 2. Values are means ± S.E.M. of 6 determinations from 2
independent experiments. p < 0.05 (one-way ANOVA + Fisher's PLSD) vs. NMDA alone (*) or vs. the corresponding values
obtained in the absence of aminoglutethimide or flutamide (#).
26 BR A IN RE S EA RCH 1 1 65 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 –29

excitotoxic pulse, and then washed out 20 h prior to the

assessment of neuronal death. Using this particular protocol
of drug treatment, testosterone did not affect NMDA toxicity
(Fig. 5A), whereas nortestosterone amplified excitotoxic death
at concentrations N100 nM, and its action was prevented by
flutamide (Fig. 5B). Stanozolol amplified NMDA toxicity only at
10 μM, whereas gestrinone was toxic at 10 and 100 nM and
inactive at 10 μM (Fig. 5C). When combined with NMDA, 17β-
estradiol was protective at 10 nM but not at higher concentra-
tions, whereas progesterone was protective at all concentra-
tions tested (Fig. 5C).
In all experiments, we found neither incorporation of
Trypan blue nor apparent changes in morphology in the
astrocyte monolayer of the cultures when using NMDA alone,
AASs alone or NMDA in combination with AASs (not shown).

3. Discussion

We found that pretreatment with testosterone amplified

NMDA toxicity, but only at supraphysiological concentrations
(10 μM). Low concentrations of testosterone (10 nM), which
were otherwise neuroprotective, became neurotoxic in the
presence of the aromatase inhibitors, anastrozole or amino-
glutethimide. This indicates that testosterone is intrinsically
detrimental to cortical neurons challenged with NMDA, but
toxicity is counterbalanced by aromatization of testosterone
into 17β-estradiol. Estrogens have an established protective
activity in a variety in vitro and in vivo models of neuronal
death (reviewed by Inestrosa et al., 1998; Wise, 2002; McCul-
lough and Hurn, 2003; Marin et al., 2005; Hoffman et al., 2006;
Morale et al., 2006; Suzuki et al., 2006), and 17β-estradiol
attenuated excitotoxicity in our cultures. It is likely that the
low amounts of endogenous 17β-estradiol synthesized after
the addition of 10 nM testosterone were sufficient to afford
neuroprotection and counterbalanced the intrinsic toxicity of
testosterone. However, this putative endogenous neuropro-
tection was overwhelmed by increasing concentrations of
testosterone, which was in fact neurotoxic at 10 μM. Whether
this was due to saturation of aromatase activity or to
additional mechanisms that depend on the relative concen-
trations of 17β-estradiol and testosterone is unknown. Our
data are in agreement with the evidence that aromatase is
protective against hippocampal neuronal damage associated
with epilepsy (Zhou et al., 2007), and genetic deletion or
pharmacological inhibition of the enzyme amplify neuronal
death induced by the excitotoxins, kainic acid and domoic acid
(Azcoitia et al., 2001).
A 4-day pretreatment with nortestosterone, stanozolol and
gestrinone amplified excitotoxic death at low concentrations
(<1 μM), and their action was insensitive to anastrozole or
aminoglutethimide. This is consistent with the evidence that
nortestosterone is weakly aromatized (Dintinger et al., 1989),
Fig. 5 – Modulation of excitotoxic neuronal death by whereas stanozolol and gestrinone are not substrates for
testosterone (A), nortestosterone (B), and stanozolol, gestrinone, aromatase. Thus, the intrinsic toxicity of AASs was unopposed
17β-estradiol, and progesterone (C) applied during the 10-min by estrogen formation in our cultures. Nortestosterone
pulse (co-) with 60 μM NMDA. Values are means±S.E.M. of 6 amplified NMDA toxicity at lower concentrations than stano-
determinations from 2 independent experiments. p <0.05 zolol, which is consistent with its greater affinity at androgen
(one-way ANOVA+Fisher's PLSD) vs. NMDA alone (*) or vs. the receptors (Roselli, 1998). Although nortestosterone can be
respective values with nortestosterone alone (#). converted into the active androgen dihydronortestosterone by
BR A IN RE S E A RCH 1 1 65 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 –2 9 27

5α-reductase, this process had little relevance in our cultures by the activation of ARs. It has been recently shown that
if we take into account that nanomolar concentrations of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone activate the mitogen-
nortestosterone were more toxic than equimolar concentra- activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in cultured hippo-
tions of testosterone plus aminoglutethimide (compare campal cells, which is related to their neuroprotective effects
Figs. 3A and 4A) although dihydronortestosterone has a against β-amyloid toxicity and depends on the presence of
lower affinity than dihydrotestosterone for androgen recep- ARs (Nguyen et al., 2005). Moreover, in C6 cells and in primary
tors (Sundaram et al., 1995). Gestrinone amplified excitotoxic cortical astrocytes, dihydrotestosterone increases the phos-
death at extremely low concentrations (0.1 nM) but its action phorylation of both ERK and Akt, key effectors of the
declined at concentrations N100 nM. We have selected this neuroprotection-associated MAPK and phosphoinositide-3-
drug because it is structurally related to tetrahydrogestrinone kinase pathways, an effect blocked by flutamide; however,
(THG), a highly potent AAS which is having a great impact in when a membrane-impermeable androgen is used, a suppres-
the world of sport (Labrie et al., 2005). Gestrinone is an sion of ERK and Akt phosphorylation is observed, suggesting
anabolic androgen that behaves as a partial agonist of that the activation of membrane-associated androgen recep-
progesterone receptors, is endowed with antiestrogenic activ- tors may be detrimental to cells (Gatson et al., 2006; Gatson
ity, and is clinically useful in the treatment of endometriosis and Singh, 2007).
(Rose et al., 1988; Peters, 1992). The lack of toxicity by high Although in vivo data are still lacking, our evidence that
concentrations of gestrinone might be ascribed to its proges- AASs enhance excitotoxic death with nanomolar potency
terone-like activity, as suggested by the evidence that raises a serious concern for the use of these drugs for func-
progesterone itself was neuroprotective in our cultures. tional enhancement or just for cosmesis, particularly because
A difference between the three AASs and testosterone abusers may have micromolar concentrations of AASs in their
could also be observed when steroids when co-applied with brain (see Yang et al., 2005). Excitotoxic mechanisms can
NMDA during the excitotoxic pulse. Under these conditions, be triggered by a series of vascular, metabolic and toxic
testosterone did not affect NMDA toxicity whereas nortestos- insults, as well as by an underlying neurodegenerative
terone, stanozolol and gestrinone retained their toxic activity, disorder. Under these conditions, the abuse of AASs that are
albeit with a lower potency. This suggests that even a single not aromatizable into estrogens might accelerate the rate of
exposure to AASs may amplify excitotoxic death under neuronal death.
pathological conditions.
Taken together, our data offer the first evidence that AASs
are toxic to neurons that are challenged with an excitotoxic 4. Experimental procedures
insult. In principle, toxicity could result from a classic genomic
mechanism mediated by androgen receptors or, alternatively, 4.1. Materials
by a neurosteroid-like mechanism, which is independent of
androgen receptors. AASs may directly interact with GABAA Gestrinone was purchased from Cayman Chemical Company
receptors by enhancing or reducing chloride currents depend- (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Anastrozole was kindly provided by Prof.
ing on the brain region and the subunit composition of the Adriana Maggi of the University of Milan. All other hormones
channel (Jorge-Rivera et al., 2000; Yang et al., 2005; Jones et al., and chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Milan,
2006). A direct inhibition of GABAA receptors might enhance Italy). All hormones were dissolved in DMSO at the initial
excitotoxicity by inducing membrane depolarization, thereby concentration of 10 mM. The final concentration of DMSO
relieving the Mg2+ blockade of the NMDA channel (Mayer et al., applied to the cultures was 0.1%.
1984; Mayer and Westbrook, 1987). Androgens could also act
on NMDA receptors, either directly on the NR2B subunit, 4.2. Mixed cortical cultures
which contains a steroid modulatory domain (Jang et al., 2004),
or indirectly on the sigma-1 receptor, which modulates NMDA Mixed cortical cell cultures containing both neurons and
receptor complex (Yamamoto et al., 1995) and for which astrocytes were prepared from fetal mice at 14–16 days of
testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone show high affinity gestation, as described previously (Rose et al., 1992). Briefly,
(Debonnel et al., 1996; Monnet and Maurice, 2006). However, it dissociated cortical cells were plated in 15-mm multiwell
is unlikely that such mechanisms contribute to the enhance- vessels (Falcon Primaria, Lincoln Park, NJ, USA) on a layer of
ment of NMDA toxicity in cultures exposed to AASs for the confluent astrocytes (7–14 days in vitro), using a plating
following reasons: (i) AASs amplified neuronal death at medium of MEM-Eagle's salts (supplied glutamine-free, and
nanomolar concentrations, whereas the neurosteroid-like lacking progesterone or other hormones) supplemented with
action of these drugs at the GABAA receptor require micro- 5% heat-inactivated horse serum, 5% fetal bovine serum,
molar concentrations (Yang et al., 2005; Jones et al., 2006); glutamine (2 mM), and glucose (final concentration 21 mM).
(ii) the neuroprotective/neurotoxic effect of testosterone on Cultures were kept at 37 °C in a 5% CO2 humidified atmo-
NMDA-induced neuronal degeneration required a 4-day sphere. After 3–5 days in vitro, non-neuronal cells division was
pretreatment, whereas a single application of AASs during halted by 1–3 days of exposure to 10 μM cytosine arabinoside,
the NMDA pulse amplified excitotoxicity; and (iii) the action of and cultures were shifted to a maintenance medium identical
AASs was prevented by pharmacological blockade of ARs with to the plating medium but lacking fetal serum. Subsequent
flutamide. partial medium replacement was carried out twice a week.
It cannot be excluded that androgens may affect neuronal Only mature cultures (13–14 days in vitro) were used for the
viability by acting through nongenomic mechanisms mediated experiments.
28 BR A IN RE S EA RCH 1 1 65 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 –29

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