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Latin First Conguation Verbs Lesson

1. Standard: NH.IR.1 - I can usually understand short simple messages on familiar

2. Students will be able to translate a short phrase.
3. Students are expected to write, copy charts, and participate.
4. Hook: Write down, or just think of a sentence. Try to make it fairly simple like, I
hit a baseball. Now, I want you to try to replicate that sentence, convey the same
meaning, in as few words as possible. Explain how verbs alone can convey
meaning based on their endings.
5. Plan:
a. Hook
b. Verb Charts
i. Raise your hand if you’ve ever taken a foreign language class
ii. Explain how a verb chart works (1st, 2nd, 3rd person and singular
vs. plural)
c. Teach sum using verb chart
d. Teach basic verb endings for verb chart
i. Have them say endings with me.
ii. Quiz students on endings (i.e. “Alyssa, can you tell me what the
ending is for 1st person singular?”)
e. Using cogito, cogitare as an example, explain the first two prinicple parts,
stem, thematic vowel.
f. Introduce amo and ask different kids to identify the stem and thematic
g. Review
i. Open ended question assessing understanding: “Hold up how well
you understand on a scale from 1 to 5 using your fingers.”
h. Translate cogito ergo sum
6. I’ll check formatively with my questions.
7. Reflect on what we’ve learned by translating a sentence. “With knowledge of just
verbs, you can understand and create simple sentences in Latin.”

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