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Coca-Cola, commonly known as Coca in many Spanish-speaking
countries (Coke), is a soda and refreshing drink, sold worldwide, in
stores, restaurants, and vending machines in more than two hundred
countries or territories. It is a product of The Coca-Cola Company, of
American origin.

The company produces a concentrate that it then sells to several

licensed bottling companies, which mix the concentrate with filtered
water and sweeteners to later sell and distribute the beverage in cans
and plastic or glass bottles in stores.

There are also variants, manufactured by the same company, such as

Coca-Cola Light y and Coca Cola Zero.

It is the world's most purchased brand, and its biggest competitor is

Pepsi, also an American drink. Among other things, in addition to the
predominant red color on its labels, it is also recognized thanks to its
stylized bottle, presented in 1915,2 whose design continues to be
exclusive to the product, in almost all the forms in which it is offered.


The coca cola drink is a soft drink of brown or black color due to the
candy of its composition, originally sold in pharmacies. frequently this
has caffeine, two of the original ingredients and where the name
comes are leaves of coca and columa accumulates seeds, both
containing psychostimulant alkaloids, some of the most known
collections. The Coca Cola is a Tangible product.

It is one of the global brands that provides a unique meaning,

managing to maintain similar perceptions through different markets and
cultures. It is the most recognized brand of soft drinks worldwide, it is
an innovative company since it is always bringing new products to the
market, for example: Coca Cola Zero. It is the same as a normal-
tasting Coca Cola except that it is made without calories, that is one of
the main differences of the product since many people look for soft
drinks without much sugar and / or calories.

To mix the secret ingredient, according to the list, you need: 22.4
centiliters of alcohol, 20 drops of orange oil, 30 drops of lemon oil, 10
of nutmeg oil, 5 of coriander oil, 10 of oil of neroli, 10 of the bitter
orange blossoms, and 10 of cinnamon oil. The rest of the drink is made
with 8.4 centiliters of citric acid, 7 centiliters of water, 2.8 of caffeine,
2.8 of vanilla, half a liter of lime juice, 4.2 of caramel to give color and a
amount of sugar that cannot be deciphered in the photo. And, finally,
three glasses of cocaine fluid extract (which the company flatly denies).

Specialized tasters have gathered to try this recipe and the conclusion
of all of them has been that it is the REAL recipe OF THE MYTH
Coca-Cola has become the leader among the different soft drinks, as a
result of an advertising strategy that has privileged the behaviors of the
various social sectors, interests, and ways of relating to people, etc.,
generating a beneficial result for starting from a seductive strategy: the
public has been tempted to prefer Coca-Cola before any other drink,
because the mental association has come to influence it, subliminally.
Coca Cola is sold more as a brand than as a product, it is sold as a
worldview of life. The ethical world of Coca Cola is that of happy,
young people, who are not troubled by nonsense and who really are as
they are and who in some way are untied from social subjectivation
and define themselves and not as they would define it. society. Coca
Cola is the guarantor of that ethical world, it generates identification, a
way of being. Buying the product you can adopt that lifestyle. But
without misleading, the advertising suggests that the product brings
you closer to that ideal lifestyle.
The potential consumer of Coca Cola, according to the company, is all
the public that wants to have a good time: alone or accompanied,
relaxed or fun, but always serene, fresh. However, it should be noted
that the population that is most consistently targeted is adolescents
and young adults in an age range between 15 and 28 years.
This means that Coca Cola conducts market studies where the
consumer is studied to manage a reach in its different audiences, such
as knowing its characteristics, needs, tastes, among others.
To reach this strategic position, Coca-Cola also studied the
environment, considering factors over which there is little or no control,
which are macro-factors such as political, social, economic,
technological, legal and environmental, meso- factors that are trends,
ideas of behaviors and expressions, micro-factors such as individual
information resources, time, energy, money and space. All this
maintaining a balance and adaptation in the operations of the product
with the aim of maximizing the results that they have established.

Lindley Corporation is diversified and has the following product lines:

Carbonated Beverages
Coca Cola has a primary target market of between 13 and 24 years of
age, we could even say that it is around 10 to 39 years old. It is known
that this drink is identified by its consumers as the drink to share at all
times. In addition, we could dare to say that its clients are the general
public because it presents a great variety in the presentation of the
product, since it is aimed at both personal and family consumption.
Coca Cola Zero: like Inca Kola Zero, aimed at consumers between 25
and 23 years of age who are oriented to look and feel better, those
who seek to maintain their silhouette.
Of course, the one with the highest demand is Coca Cola.

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