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Artificial cloning in animals - artificial twinnin

Artificial twinning - young embryo, ball of totipotent cells, is split to create 'articulate
identical twins', using the same principle of natural twinning.
Uses include rapidly increasing herd size of farmed animals with favourable

1. Cow with desirable characteristics treated with hormones to cause superovualtion.

2. Ova is either fertilised naturally or artificially (artificial insemination and extraction
or ova is extracted and fertilised in vitro).
3. Fertilised egg left to divide at least once to form an embryo in vitro.
4. Before day 6, the individual cells from embryo are separated and each put into a
different Petri dish to allow each cell to divide and develop.
5. Embryos are implanted to surrogate cows, where they continue to develop and
eventually genetically identical cows are born.

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