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Lesson Plan Week 7 – Class 12


Review of information literacy; Chapter 5 CARWT


The first part of this lesson reviews and builds upon information presented last class period on
information literacy. This is necessary because one of the requirements of the Critical
Response paper is to choose an appropriate supplemental source applying the principles of
information literacy as covered in Unit 3 of ENG 101. Students were presented the guidelines
for this paper and they will have read an annotated the main article needed. The homework
from the previous lesson was to have completed part of the prewriting (Critical Response
Essay Planner). The last part of this section is to look for their own supplemental source and
write it up as a citation on a references page.

This lesson is designed with several principles of UDL in mind. First, the review of Information
Literacy is presented in multiple ways: a PowerPoint (3.1 Activate or supply background
knowledge), verbal instruction from the instructor, and collaborative discussion among peers.
Pear Deck will be used for this portion of the lesson to allow for collaboration and make this
interactive (8.3 Foster Collaboration and Community). There are closed-captioned videos on
D2L covering the same topic that was covered in a presentation in the previous class (1.2
Offer Alternatives for auditory information). This will also meet UDL checkpoint 9.3 Develop
Self-Assessment and Reflection. In addition, the last step (Application) is a bit more difficult.
The lesson is therefore scaffolded and meets UDL checkpoint 8.2 (Vary Demands and
Resources to Optimize Challenge).


● Know the process of information ● How do I apply the skills of information

literacy literacy to evaluate the
● Students will understand what to appropriateness of a source?
consider when looking for an ● Where can I find an appropriate
appropriate supplemental source. source and how do I conduct a search
● Students will choose a supplemental and how do I include it on a
source and submit to instructor for references page?
approval ● What is world view and how does it
● Students create an entry for a influence everyone – including an
references page using information author?
from their supplemental article
● Students should be able to verbalize
what world view is and know what to
look for when considering an author’s
world view

1. Activating Strategy (10 minutes)

 As students enter they will write down the essential questions and the
assignment for Wednesday
 A preview (reflection) of the topic from the previous class and today’s lesson
will then be on the board (Pear Deck)
 Segue into next activity by finding out how comfortable students are with the
topic and then adding to background knowledge by showing a short video on
“Information Literacy”
 Answers will be shared via Pear Deck which keeps them anonymous

2. Build further background knowledge (10 minutes)

● We will watch a 4-minute video (this is closed captioned) on information literacy
being a process and the five simple steps

3. Review of evaluation criteria of information literacy as presented in class but

introduce questions. (20 minutes)
● Slides for with the criteria and questions that students should write in their
● The last 2 slides are reflection and students can add what they might still be
struggling with

4. Real World Application (20 minutes)

● Review the places to look for a supplemental source
● Students search for a supplemental source and justify their reasons why they
chose the source
● Students will create an entry for a References page in APA format and upload
and submit the word document

5. World View (25 minutes)

● The major concept from Chapter 5 will be reviewed in a Prezi.
● To demonstrate world view (or at least demonstrate how everyone has a
different view of the world) a passage from the text book will be read and
students must come up with a single word reaction. These reactions will be put
on the board. Students should then be able to see how every individual views
the same event differently.
● This segues to a handout on the various concepts that form individual world
views and a handout on questions used a helpful criterial in the form of think


● Pear Deck and the Google slides will serve as formative assessments as to how
students are mastering the concept of information literacy. Feedback is built into the
slide show at various points.
● Students will choose a supplementary source and submit for feedback (Formative).
Feedback will be provided either during class or by the next class so that students can
either look for a new source or use the one chosen.
● As part of a summative assessment, students will successfully incorporate the chosen
article into their Critical Response papers. This demonstrates mastery learning as
students receive feedback along the way and have a chance to resubmit for full credit.
If students do not receive a passing grade on the actual paper, they can rewrite and
resubmit for a maximum score of 75% (English Department policy)
● Identifying one’s own personal world view and an author’s world view is one of the
elements to be included in the Critical Response paper. Hence, this is part of the
summative assignment at the end of the unit in Week 8


● Pear Deck (computers are needed – this is in a computer lab so this is not an issue
● Google slide show
● D2L
● On D2L students can access the video in the presentation as well as a more complete
version of the slides used in the Pear Deck activity
● Internet and/or library databases
● 2 handouts on World View (defining concepts and questions to ask when trying to
figure out an author’s world view.

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