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Which WOK is Best?

Respond to the question above in less than 500 words/ 1 side of A4 for the 26​th​ of November.

Here is a rough outline:

1. Introduction
2. Arguments in favour of your idea
3. Counter arguments
4. Conclusions

1) Provide examples to support your arguments.

2) Choose different examples to highlight counter arguments.

Criteria E D C B A

Use of Knowledge
One​ KQ is Two​ KQs are One​ KQs is Two​ KQs are
No KQs are
presented presented developed developed
What is the quality raised (implicitly
through the out through the out through the out throughout the
of the inquiry into or explicitly)
text text text text

Arguments​ are
clear​, supported
Use of examples to Arguments are
Arguments are Arguments​ are by ​real-life
support arguments offered but are
Assertions are offered but are supported by examples​ and are
unclear​ and/ or
offered but not unclear​ and/ or examples​; effectively
Are the main points not supported
supported not supported counterclaims evaluated​;
in the essay by ​effective
by ​examples​. are ​explored​; counterclaims
justified? examples​.
are extensively

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