Assignment (Classroom Management)

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Assignment (Classroom Management)

Name: John Christaph D. Bitanga . Date accomplished: May 05, 2020 . Score: ______

1. As a teacher, what would be your best way to implement classroom management considering the
college students of our school? Support our answer. (10 points)
Considering the college students of our school, the classroom should have an ideal behavior.
There are certain rules in the classroom and it must be clear to the students. As a teacher, I should
reprimand all the rules for all circumstances. However, if by any chance that a student would disobey,
consequences should be applied individually and not the entire class. Presentations are keys to
promote initiative to students. Students have their own personalities but college students need to have
a growth mindset that will help them later on in being a professional.

It is a main task for a teacher to help their students succeed. Compliments and non-verbal actions not
only help maintain and improve their over-all behavioral performance but also their academic

2. How would you demonstrate with-it-ness? (10 points)

Being aware of what is happening to the class. A simple but detailed scan of the room should be
done while addressing potential disruptions would ensure adherence to rules and procedures. Walking
around and listening to ensure. Observing students after adhering the rules then correcting them.
Proactively addressing potential inflammatory situations before the situation escalates and disrupts the
lessons. Putting technology to rest when not needed as not to provide temptation for misbehavior.

3. As a student, how would you like to be disciplined by your teachers for your misbehaviors inside the
classroom? (10 points)

Addressed individually and privately. There is nothing more downgrading for the student’s
innovation to learn by making their mistakes publicly open. However, small mistakes, like using
technology inside the classroom, are not that of an issue to be disciplined publicly, bigger mistakes such
as cheating should be consented individually. Personal talks not only is appropriate but also gives the
student the feeling of him behaving in a more inappropriate manner.

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