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Defining a supply chain is simple enough. It is a term that describes the planning, sourcing,
manufacturing, distribution, and delivery of products or services from the point of origin to
consumption. However, the details are numerous, highly varied, and difficult for humans to manage in
an efficient and profitable manner. […] A supply chain network is comprised of many components, or
supply chain nodes, that are connected via flow paths. Inventory and products — as well as information
— travel along these flow paths to the various supply chain nodes, with the ultimate goal of ensuring
that customers’ needs are met (in the most profitable way possible).

Gaurav, R., Bhatia, P., & Durbh, M. (2015). Supply Chain For Dummies, 76.

Tenga en cuenta el siguiente vocabulario para el desarrollo de las actividades.


The list of keywords for this evidence is as follows:

Nouns and noun phrases

network of entities
to send an invoice
purchase order
sales order
retail shop(store)
to store in a warehouse
to include
to issue
to link
to offer
to purchase
to require
to ship

Verbs and word-combinations with verbs

to assemble
to confuse (with)
to convert
to deliver
to encompass
to handle

Adjectives and adverbs

Una los actores de la cadena de suministro (1- 5) con las actividades que realizan (a- e).

1. Supplier
2. Producers A
3. Warehouses E
4. Distribution centers D
5. Retailers B

A. convert the materials into products

B. bring the product to the ultimate user
C. supply raw material
D. store material or products
E. deliver to the retailers

Match the verbs with their definitions or synonyms.

Une los verbos con sus definiciones o sinónimos
Diligencie la información en la tabla teniendo en cuenta la lectura sobre la cadena de suministro
de la compañía Amazon.

According to the article, why is Amazon a with its passionate commitment to

Master of Supply Chain? implementing drones in the future, the use of
What types of fulfillment services does classifies products into outgoing orders,
Amazon have? packages them and ships them to your

What is the key to supply chain excellence in Xes Innovation is the key to supply chain
Amazon? excellence
create a mutually beneficial situation for
Amazon and its supplier. Amazon doesn't
need to take up space in its own distribution
What is Vendor Flex by Amazon? Explain. centers with bulky items like diapers and
tissue paper, and P&G can supply Amazon
without the cost of road freight - products only
move from one area of the P&G warehouse

a master of supply chain innovation, as with

his passionate commitment to deploying
What is going to be Amazon in a few years? drones in the future, the use of robots and
advanced automation in its distribution
centers, and the company's excursion to Uber-
Logistics Services of style

Haciendo uso del material de formación desarrolle los siguientes ejercicios para afianzar su
conocimiento en este tema gramatical.
a) Escriba la oración afirmativa teniendo en cuenta el verbo y el auxiliar going to.

1. Our customer are going to (purchase) the new product from our stores.

2. The provider is going to (ship) the product to the distribution centres.

3. Suppliers are going to (deliver) raw materials to produce the new artefact in our company.

4. The distributors are going to (implement) new transportation modes to deliver the products
to different places.

b) Escriba una oración afirmativa o negativa a partir de la imagen que allí se presenta y el
going to

1. Our Retailer are going to sell new products of clothes

2. The consumer is going to return the electrodomesticbecause is very expersive

3. The supplier is going to send a gitt for the Factory of foods

4. The warehouse will not open today because we are quarantined by the pandemic.

C) Teniendo en cuenta su proyecto formativo y enfocándose en su producto o servicio que

comercializa describa la cadena de suministro en un párrafo de 10 (renglones) renglones
haciendo uso del tiempo verbal Going To.

Para escribir este párrafo tenga en cuenta las materias primas que se van a necesitar
para crearlo y cómo esas materias primas se van a unir para formar el producto final. De
igual forma, investigue que tipo de transporte se va a usar para que ese producto llegue a
los consumidores.?

Virbac going to focuses on veterinary pharmacy products for the care of domestic pets, pigs
and livestock.

Our branches at national and international level, imports arrive at the cedi with our respective
original boxes with the logo that identifies us and characteristics such as: Lot, expiration date,
its corresponding packaging, taking the imported product as a reference.

when the import arrives at the cedi, the reception is made, verifying what is related in the
invoice, such as, product description, lot, quantity, expiration date.

We proceed to storage and finally verify the collection of what customers require, the shipment
is made, the means of transport used is, by land, by air. offering a good service, guaranteeing
quality products to the preference of our clients, keeping 99% of our inventories updated with
our implemented system.

When it is drug products, we have a supplier called Cartones America they are the ones that
make us boxes with our logos, we handle boxes A large, boxes B small to repackage small
quantities requested.

When they are organic products, we have a supplier called sumipor, they are the ones that
manufacture the 20-liter and 40-liter refrigerators to deliver the vaccines requested to our

We are working and striving to be a leading veterinary pharmacy company.


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