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Who We Are:

Afghans for Peace (AFP) is an alliance of Afghans from various ethnic, religious, socio-
economic, cultural, and political backgrounds with a united vision for a democratic, all inclusive,
just and peaceful Afghanistan. In order to actualize this vision, we demand an end to U.S. and
NATO military operations within Afghanistan. AFP consists of students, professionals,
community leaders, and socio-politically aware activists.

AFP Purpose/Mission Statement:

The heart of our philosophy is to demand that Afghan people be allowed their right to self
determination. We do not believe that a military response to Afghanistan’s problems is a
solution. As a superior alternative, we seek to engage in partnerships leading to the sustainable
development that empowers the people, and improves the education and health of Afghan

AFP recognizes that on-going US as well as other nations’ foreign policies have had disastrous
effects on the people of Afghanistan and as a result seeks to impact these policies in order to
create peace and stability for the people of Afghanistan.


• an end to the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan by US, NATO and other foreign
military forces, as well as a complete stop on all civilian casualties caused by military
• expulsion of all foreign hostile groups, such as Al-Qaeda.
• an end to Taliban atrocities on the Afghan people.
• a civilian based peace initiative that is sustainable and inclusive of all the people of
• an end to the foreign exploitation of natural resources in Afghanistan.
• an end to the exploitation of international aid money to Afghanistan meant for helping the
Afghan people and rebuilding of Afghanistan.
• an end to the racial profiling, unlawful detainment, deportation, and imprisonment of
Afghans, Muslims, people from the Middle East and South Asia, etc.
• an end to prisons such as Guantanamo, Bagram, and other secret-torture based prisons.
We need proper treatment and reparations for the victims of these unjust prison systems.

AFP’s strategy is to mobilize the international Afghan community to take a firm stance against
the war and occupation in Afghanistan. We plan to support and build bridges across pro-peace
communities in the international Afghan community including within Afghanistan. We plan to
empower Afghan youth worldwide by giving them a platform to express their voice.

Our goal is to spread awareness in the global Afghan community, encourage open dialogue, and
discuss peaceful alternatives to war. Currently we have local chapters in Los Angeles, San
Diego, the Bay Area, Mazar-e-Sharif and Toronto. We are also collaborating on projects with
other peace movements inside Afghanistan such as Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers.
We seek to create a united global Afghan voice in order to advocate for peace through
community outreach, rallies, conferences, and other grassroots movements. We hope to engage
in partnerships that meet the interests of all Afghans and lead to the sustainable development of

We view all ethnic and/or religious groups within the borders of Afghanistan, such as Pashtuns,
Tajiks, Hazaras, Shias, Uzbeks, Turkmen, Baluchis, and Nuristanis, Pashai, Pamiris, Kurds,
Aimaks, Gujjar, Tatars, Kyrgyz, Siekhs, Hindus, Brahui, and other groups as equally important
and an integral part of the fabric that makes our people a diverse community. In order for any
long term peaceful solution to work, all these groups MUST be included in the peace process.

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