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Assistant Directing ‘The Rocky Horror Show’

By Lanndis De Lallo
March 18, 2020

It had been my ambition to assist direct a musical production at Hart House Theatre since
the very first year of my undergraduate degree. I applied for many assistant positions at Hart
House Theatre from Production, to Props, to Stage Management. Finally in my graduating year,
Jennifer Walls accepted my admission to be her Assistant Director for her second directorial
project with Hart House in as many years, ​The Rocky Horror Show​. My connections to this
production are boundless. I had performed in a shadow cast of ​Rocky Horror​ with the UC Follies
years before which was an experience that left me inspired to dive deeper into this odd and
thrilling show. I had performed many times on the Hart House stage, and I had worked
personally with many of its talented production casts and crews, so I was eager for the
opportunity to challenge myself in this new role. Finally, Jennifer Walls had blown me away
with her production of ​Heathers: The Musical​ the year before - which I had had the pleasure of
Assistant Stage Managing - and needless to say I was encouraged that she was as excited to work
with me again as I was to work with her!

My role in ​Rocky​ was a deliciously unique one, unlike anything I had done in my
theatrical experience. Not only was I responsible for learning blocking and choreography for
actors in absentia and teaching it to them upon their return, but as Opening Night drew closer,
and rehearsals turned to run-throughs, Jeni declared, “Lanndis, you’re my call out girl!” Of
course we were all familiar with the hysterically crude heckles from the audience for which
Rocky​ is known, but the cast had yet to run the entire show with consistent call outs so they may
be prepared for their audience’s inevitable participation. It was in these final weeks where my
personal sense of joy came to life during rehearsals. I was already invested in this show and now
I was acting and reacting with the cast, giving the performance my own stamp of raunchy fun!
My favourite part of this process was to hear feedback from the actors themselves, letting me
know that they appreciated my confidence and consistency during the runs, and that some of my
ad-libs made them laugh! On opening night, I was ready to give it my all from the house, and as I
shouted louder than any other audience member, I looked over to see Jeni snorting from her seat.
This was the moment when I felt truly fulfilled in this role. I felt honoured, and emboldened by
Jeni to be wildly obnoxious and goofy, giving her the chance to sit and simply enjoy her
creation. Make no mistake - Jeni certainly shouted out some heckles of her own, but I was glad
to keep the house alive during every performance I went to see.

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