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Limnol. Oceanogr., 24(3), 1979, 593595

0 1979, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.

A comment on the calculation of atom percent enrichment

for stable isotopes1

We would like to call attention to sev- The correct expression for atom % 13C
eral errors in the note by Slawyk et al. is:
(1977). In particular, two of the equations
they used to derive carbon uptake and atom % 13C = [ 12C1F13C] loo c2>
turnover rates based on changes in 13C
abundances in particulate material are in- where 13C and 12C are calculated from the
correct. mass signal intensities at 44 and 45 after
Equation 1 of Slawyk et al. (1977), appropriate corrections (e.g. 170, as
which they used to calculate atom % ex- above).
cess 13C (a,), is reproduced below: The atom % excess 13C reflects [13C]C02
incorporation into the particulate matter
R enriched sample during an experiment and is defined as:
- 1 x 100
a1 = R unenriched sample
atom % excess 13C
“where R is the ratio of mass signal in- = atom % 13C (enriched)
tensities 45 to 44 (R = 45/44).” This equa-
tion was adapted from the formula for - atom % 13C (unenriched)
613C in %0 (i.e. per mil): = 13C x 100 13C x 100
12~ + 13~ enriched - 12~ + 13~ unenriched
pc = - 1 1,000 (1) (3)
13CP2C standard I
where “unenriched” and “enriched” re-
which is routinely used to express differ- fer to the carbon isotope abundances of
ences in natural abundances of 13C and particulate matter before the addition of
12C (e.g. Craig 1953; Smith and Epstein [13C]C02 and at the end of the incubation
1971). As written, Eq. 1 of Slawyk et al. period. However, in practice a time-zero
cannot be used to calculate either P3C or atom % value is often used instead of an
atom % excess 13C. If the omitted brack- unenriched atom % value, as discussed
ets are replaced, then their value of “al” below.
approximates 613C/10. It is only an ap- Equation 2 of Slawyk et al. (1977),
proximation because of improper substi- which they used to calculate carbon turn-
tution of mass signal intensities of 45 and over rates (VJ, is also reproduced below:
44 for the abundances of 13C and 12C in
the 613C expression. There is a correction da,ldt
for the abundance of 170 in the CO, sam- [13c]co,
ple which must be applied for precise
calculation of 13C and lzC abundances
[‘3C]CO, +[W]CO,x loo - a1
(Craig 1957). Th is minor correction is im- where a, is obtained from their Eq. 1.
portant for P3C calculation, but should This equation is also incorrect because a,
not greatly affect calculations of atom %. appears in the denominator.
We note it because in a technique paper Carbon turnover rates (units = h-l) are
it should not be ignored. calculated from the rate of increase of 13C
atom % excess over time. Typically, this
1 Supported by NSF grant OCE 76-82084 to is obtained from a “time zero” and a final
T.R.F. value after some incubation time, t:
594 Comment

d(atom % excess 13C) = the above is not true, exponential equa-

dt tions must be used to compensate for a
declining atom % 13C in the ZCO, pool
(atom % excess 13C at time = t)
[ - (atom % excess 13C at time = 0)
1. (4) during incubation (see Sheppard 1962).
With appropriate substitutions and cor-
rections, the above equations also apply
The time-zero correction is necessary be- to the use of other stable isotopes such as
cause of chemical adsorption and ex- 15N:
change of CO, between particulate mat- 15N

ter and the aqueous inorganic carbon atom % 15N = 100

15N + 14N
pool (X0,) in the samples, as well as
enriched particulate contamination in the 100
= (7)
isotope stock solutions. One or more bot- 2R + 1
tles are filtered within minutes after iso- where 15N and 14N are the number of 15N
tope addition. The use of time-zero bot- and 14N atoms in N, gas generated from
tle(s) eliminates the necessity for the the particulate sample, and R is the ratio
unenriched sample referred to in Eq. 3 of peak heights 28 and 29, (m/e 28):(m/e
above. The “unenriched” atom % 13C is 29), after correction for the residual spec-
a constant which appears twice on the trum and reagent blanks at those peaks.
right side of Eq. 4 and is canceled out Equation 7 assumes equilibrium be-
during subtraction. Hence, atom % 13C tween 14N2, 14N 15N, and 15N2, which can
values can be substituted for atom % ex- be checked in a mass spectrometer with
cess 13C values in calculating carbon highly enriched samples. Once it has
turnover rates: been established that equilibrium is ob-
d(atom % excess 13C) tained by the sample preparation meth-
dt ods, it is only necessary to measure two
= d(atom % 13C) of the three peaks. Since in most ocean-
ographic and limnological applications,
dt enrichments are low (<lo-15%), the m/e
(atom % 13C at time = t)
= [ - (atom % 13C at time = 0)
1. (5)
30 peak is frequently too small to be mea-
sured accurately. (For equations at higher
enrichments and discussion of equilibri-
um, see Fiedler and Proksch 1975.) Once
The complete expression for the turn- atom % 15N is obtained, Eq. 5 and 6 ap-
over rate of particulate C is: ply, with substitutions for atom % and
d(atom % 13C) [‘3c]co, + [12c]co, appropriate 15N substrate (e.g. [15N]NH3,
dt lOO[ ‘3c]co, P5NlN0,, etc.). There is essentially no
isotopic discrimination between 15N and
(6) 14N during assimilation of inorganic nitro-
where the expression on the right is gen (Peters et al. 1978).
an inverted atom % l”C value for the Since the equations of Slawyk et al.
ZCO, pool. This compensates for the fact (1977) for both atom % excess 13C and
that d(atom % 13C)/dt reflects only particulate carbon turnover rate are in-
[13C]C02 uptake whereas the turnover correct, we are at a loss to explain how
rate reflects uptake of [12C]C02 as well. they produced reasonable comparative
Isotopic discrimination against the heavi- data between [13C]C02 and [14C]C02 up-
er 13C during photosynthesis is l-3% (Pe- take experiments. Although the values
ters et al. 1978), and this small correction are reasonable, we believe that the turn-
can be applied to Eq. 6 by multiplying over rate data given in their table 2 are
by 1.02. Note that our Eq. 6 holds only probably erroneous.
where the XCO, pool turnover time is Finally, we would like to comment on
long compared to the incubation time. If the natural abundance of 13C of 1.28 atom
Comment 595

% found by Slawyk et al. (1977) for batch Richard J. Volk

cultures of Fragilaria pinnata. This atom Department of soi1 Science
% abundance would correspond to a 613C North Carolina State University
much higher than any previously report- Raleigh 27607
ed value for natural material. In fact or-
ganic matter is generally depleted in 13C References
compared to the bicarbonate standard CRAIG, H. 1953. The geochemistry of stable carbon
which is about 1.1 atom % (e.g. Craig isotopes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 3: 53-92.
1953). If correct, their value could only -. 1957. Isotopic standards for carbon and
result from prior exposure of the algae to oxygen and correction factors for mass spectro-
metric analysis of carbon dioxide. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 12: 133-149.
FIEDLER, R., AND G. PROKSCH. 1975. The deter-
mination of nitrogen-15 by emission and mass
Thomas R. Fisher, Jr. spectrometry in biochemical analysis: A re-
University of Maryland view. Anal. Chim. Acta 78: l-62.
Center for Environmental and PETERS,K. E.,R. E. SWEENEY, AND I. R. KAPLAN.
1978. Correlation of carbon and nitrogen stable
Estuarine Studies isotope ratios in sedimentary organic matter.
Horn Point Environmental Limnol. Oceanogr. 23: 598-604.
Laboratories SHEPPARD, C. W. 1962. Basic principles of the
Box 775 tracer method. Wiley.
Cambridge 21613 SLAWYK, G., Y. COLLOS, AND J. C. AUCLAIR.
1977. The use of the i3C and i5N isotopes for
Evelvn B. Haines the simultaneous measurement of carbon and
nitrogen turnover rates in marine phytoplank-
University of Georgia ton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22: 925-932.
Marine Institute SMITH, B. N., AND S. EPSTEIN. 1971. Two cate-
Sapelo Island 31327 gories of i3C/‘*C ratios for higher plants. Plant
Physiol. 47: 380-384.

Limnol. Oceanogr., 24(3), 1979, 595-597

@ 1979, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.

Reply to comment by Fisher et al.

As far as eq. 1 in Slawyk et al. (1977) Equation 2 is still not strictly correct be-
is concerned, we agree with the comment cause the ratio (m/e 45):(mle 44 + m/e 45)
of Fisher et al. (1979). If R = (m/e has to be used instead of R. However, in
45):(m/e 44), then the correct equation for our case, this does not significantly
calculating atom % excess 13C (a,) has to change uptake results since m/e 45 is al-
be written as follows: ways ~4% of m/e 44. This way of calcu-
lating leads to overestimates of uptake
R enriched R unenriched 1 values of about 5% on the average, de-
a’ = R enriched
L sample + 1
- R unenriched
sample + Ll
x 100. pending on the 13C enrichment (Table 1).
This is well within the experimental error
currently admitted for the 14C method
(Steemann Nielsen 1975) and the one
Equation 1 in Slawyk et al. (1977) should found for the 13C method in the field (un-
have read: publ. data).
a, = [R enriched sample - R unenriched sample] Regarding the 13C abundance value in
x 100
Fragilaria pinnata, we analyzed this se-
ries of replicates in order to determine
where R = (m/e45):(m/e44). what a significant enrichment is, instead

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