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Chapter 1.

Linear Panel Models and Heterogeneity

School of Economics and Management - University of Geneva

Christophe Hurlin, Université of Orléans

University of Orléans

February 2018

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The outline of this chapter is the following:
Section 1: Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance
Section 2: Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models
Section 3: Fixed e¤ects estimation methods
Section 4: Random e¤ects estimation methods
Section 5: Speci…cation tests: random or …xed e¤ects?
Subsection 5.1: The Mundlak’s speci…cation
Subsection 5.2: The Hausman’s test
Section 6: Heterogeneous panel data models
Subsection 6.1: Random coe¢ cient models
Subsection 6.2: Other heterogeneous models

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Section 1

Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance


1 De…ne the concept of homogeneous panel data model.

2 De…ne the concept of heterogeneous panel data model.
3 De…ne the concept of individual (unobserved) e¤ects.
4 Introduce the speci…cation tests (Hsiao, 2003).
5 Propose an empirical application for the strike days in OECD.

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Let us consider the following linear model

yit = αit + βit0 xit + εit

8 i = 1, .., n, 8 t = 1, .., T
αit is a scalar that varies across i and t.

βit = ( β1it , β2it , ..., βKit )0 is a K 1 vector of parameters that vary

across i and t,

xit = (x1it , ..., xKit )0 is a K 1 vector of exogenous variables,

εit is an error term.

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Di¤erentrestrictions on the regression coe¢ cients can be tested:

1 the homogeneity of regression slope coe¢ cients
2 the homogeneity of regression intercept coe¢ cients
3 the time stability of parameters (slopes and constants). We will not
consider this issue here (since it is not speci…c to panel data models).

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Fact (Time stability)

We assume that the parameters are constant over time (no structural
break, no regime switching, etc.), but can vary across individuals.

yit = αi + βi0 xit + εit

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Three types of restrictions can be imposed on this model.

1 Regression slope coe¢ cients are identical, and intercepts are not
(model with individual / unobserved e¤ects).

yit = αi + β0 xit + εit

2 Regression intercepts are the same, and slope coe¢ cients are not
yit = α + βi0 xit + εit
3 Both slope and intercept coe¢ cients are the same (homogeneous /
pooled panel).
yit = α + β0 xit + εit

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

De…nition (Heterogeneous panel data model)

An heterogeneous panel data model is a model in which all parameters
(constant and slope coe¢ cients) vary accross individuals.

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

De…nition (Homogeneous panel data model)

An homogeneous panel data model (or pooled model) is a model in
which all parameters (constant and slope coe¢ cients) are common

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

De…nition (individual e¤ects)

In a panel data model, the individual (unobserved) e¤ects are captured
by the constant terms αi .

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

How to choose the appropriate speci…cation of the panel data model?

Economic interpretation: is it plausible to assume the homogeneity

of the parameters across individuals?

Speci…cation tests: testing strategy proposed by Hsiao (2003) for


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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Speci…cation Tests

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Lemma (Normality assumption)

Under the assumption that the εit are independently normally distributed
over i and t with mean zero and variance σ2ε :
i .i .d .
εit N 0, σ2ε

di¤erent Fisher F -tests can be used to test the restrictions on β and α.

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

First step (homogeneous/ pooled assumption)

Let us consider the general model

yit = αi + β0 xit + εit

The hypothesis of common intercept and slope can be viewed as a set of

(K + 1)(n 1) linear restrictions:

H01 : βi = β αi = α 8 i 2 f1, ..., ng

Ha1 : 9 (i, j ) 2 f1, ..., ng2 / βi 6= βj or αi 6= αj

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Consider the model

yit = αi + β0 xit + εit
H01 : βi = β αi = α 8 i 2 f1, ..., ng

Under the alternative H1 , there are nK estimated slope coe¢ cients

for the n vectors βi (K 1) and n estimated constants.

Under H1 , the unrestricted residual sum of squares S1 divided by σ2ε

has a chi-square distribution with nT n (K + 1) degrees of freedom.

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance
De…nition (Homogeneity test)
Under the homogeneous assumption H01 ,

H01 : βi = β αi = α 8 i 2 f1, ..., ng

(K ,1 ) (K ,1 )

the F statistic, denoted F1 ,and de…ned by:

(RSS1,c RSS1 ) / [(n 1) (K + 1)]

F1 =
RSS1 / [nT n (K + 1)]

has a Fischer distribution with (n 1) (K + 1) and nT n (K + 1)

degrees of freedom. RSS1 denotes the residual sum of squares of the
model and RSS1,c the residual sum of squares of the constrained model

yit = α + β0 xit + εit

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Remark 1
Under H1 , the residual sum of squares is equal to the sum of the n residual
sum of squares associated to the n individual regressions:
n n n
RSS1 = ∑ RSS1,i = ∑ bε2it = ∑ Syy ,i 0
Sxy 1
,i Sxx ,i Sxy ,i
i =1 i =1 i =1

1 1
Syy ,i = ∑ (yit y i )2 with x i =
T ∑ xit and y i =
T ∑ yit
t =1 t =1 t =1

Sxx ,i = ∑ (xit x i ) (xit x i )0 Sxy ,i = ∑ (xit x i ) (yit yi)
t =1 t =1

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Remark 2
Under H01 , the model becomes:

yit = α + β0 xit + εit

The least-squares regression of the pooled model yields parameter

β = Sxx1 Sxy
n T n T
Sxx = ∑ ∑ (xit x ) (xit x )0 with x =
nT ∑ ∑ xit
i =1 t =1 i =1 t =1
n T n T
Sxy = ∑ ∑ (xit x ) (yit y) with y =
nT ∑ ∑ yit
i =1 t =1 i =1 t =1

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Under H01 , the overall RSS is de…ned by

SCR1,c = Syy Sxy Sxx1 Sxy

n T
Syy = ∑ ∑ (yit y i )2
i =1 t =1
n T
Sxx ,i = ∑ ∑ (xit x i ) (xit x i )0
i =1 t =1
n T
Sxy ,i = ∑ ∑ (xit x i ) (yit yi)
i =1 t =1

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Second step (individual/unobserved e¤ects)

Let us consider the general model

yit = αi + βi0 xit + εit

The hypothesis of heterogeneous intercepts but homogeneous slopes can

be reformulated as subject to (n 1)K linear restrictions (no restrictions
on αi ).
H02 : βi = β 8 i = 1, ..n

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance
De…nition (Test for common slope parameters)
Under the assumption H02 ,

H02 : βi = β 8 i = 1, ..n

the F statistic, denoted F2 , and de…ned by:

(RSS1,c 0 RSS1 ) / [(n 1) K ]

F2 =
RSS1 / [nT n (K + 1)]

has a Fischer distribution with (n 1) K et nT n (K + 1) degrees of

freedom under H02 . RSS1 denotes the residual sum of squares of the model
and RSS1,c 0 the residual sum of squares of the constrained model (model
with individual e¤ects):

yit = αi + β0 xit + εit

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Under H02 , the residual sum of squares is:

!0 ! 1 !
n n n n
RSS1,c 0 = ∑ Syy ,i ∑ Sxy ,i ∑ Sxx ,i ∑ Sxy ,i
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1

1 1
Syy ,i = ∑ (yit y i )2 with x i =
T ∑ xit yi =
T ∑ yit
t =1 t =1 t =1
Sxx ,i = ∑ (xit x i ) (xit x i )0
t =1
Sxy ,i = ∑ (xit x i ) (yit yi)
t =1

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Third step: homogeneous constants

If H02 is not rejected, one can also apply a conditional test for
homogeneous intercepts (n 1 linear restrictions).

H03 : αi = α 8 i = 1, .., n given βi = β

Under the null, the model is homogeneous (pooled) and the restricted
residual sum of squares is SCR1,c .

Under the alternative, the model is yit = αi + β0 xit + εit , and there is
nT K n degrees of freedom

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

De…nition (Test for homogeneous constant terms)

Under the assumption H03 ,

H03 : αi = α 8 i = 1, .., n given βi = β

the F statistic, denoted F3 , and de…ned by:

(RSS1,c RSS1,c 0 ) / (n 1)
F3 = (1)
RSS1,c 0 / [n (T 1) K ]

has a Fischer distribution with n 1 and n (T 1) K degrees of

freedom under H02 . RSS1,c 0 denotes the residual sum of squares of the
model with individual e¤ects and SCR1,c the residual sum of squares of
the pooled model previously de…ned.

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Application: Strikes in OECD

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Example (strikes in OECD countries)

Let us consider a simple panel regression model for the total number of
strike days in OECD countries. We consider a balanced panel data set for
17 countries (n = 17) and annual data form 1951 to 1985 (T = 35).
General idea: evaluate the link between strikes and some macroeconomic
factors (in‡ation, unemployment, etc..).

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

We consider the following model

sit = αi + βi uit + γi pit + εit

sit the number of strike days for 1,000 workers for the country i at
time t.
uit the unemployment rate
pit the in‡ation rate

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Recall that, we have:

yit = αi + β0 xit + εit

H01 : βi = β αi = α 8 i 2 f1, ..., ng

The test statistic satis…es

F1 F (48, 544)
H 01

(n 1) (K + 1) = (17 1) (2 + 1) = 48
nT n (K + 1) = 595 17 (2 + 1) = 544

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

For the second test:

H02 : βi = β 8 i = 1, ..n
the F statistic, denoted F2 , has the following distribution

F2 F (32, 544)
H 01

(n 1) K = (17 1) 2 = 32
nT n (K + 1) = 595 17 (2 + 1) = 544

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

For the third test:

H03 : αi = α 8 i = 1, .., n given βi = β

the F statistic, denoted F3 , satis…es:

F3 F (16, 576)
H 01

(n 1) = 17 1 = 16
n (T 1) K = 17 (35 1) 2 = 576

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Should we use these speci…cation tests?

These heterogeneity / homogeneity tests of the parameters are valid

under speci…c assumptions (normality of residuals).

More generally, the assumption of heterogeneity / homogeneity of the

parameters (slope coe¢ cients and constants) has to be evaluated
through an economic reasoning.

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

It is reasonnable to assume that the slope parameters of the production
function are the same accros countries? what does it imply? Should I
impose a common mean for the TFP for France and Germany? The
answer is probably no.

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1. Speci…cation tests and analysis of covariance

Key Concepts Section 1

1 Heterogeneous panel data model

2 Homogeneous panel data model
3 Individual (unobserved) e¤ects
4 Speci…cation tests (Hsiao, 2003)

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Section 2

Linear Unobserved E¤ects Panel Data Models

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models


1 De…ne the concept of linear unobserved e¤ects panel data model.

2 De…ne the concept of individual e¤ect.
3 Write the linear model in a vectorial form.
4 De…ne the notion of …xed e¤ects.
5 De…ne the notion of random e¤ects.

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

De…nition (linear unobserved e¤ects panel data model)

A linear unobserved (individual) e¤ects panel data model is de…ned as:

yit = αi + β0 xit + εit

where αi is a scalar, β = ( β1 , β2 , ..., βK )0 denotes a K 1 vector of

parameters, xit = (x1it , ..., xKit )0 is a K 1 vector of exogenous variables,
and εit is an error term, assumed to be i.i.d., with 8 i = 1, .., n,
8 t = 1, .., T
E (εit ) = 0 E ε2it = σ2ε

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

De…nition (individual e¤ects)

There are many names for the scalars αi , i = 1, ..., n: (1) unobserved
e¤ects, (2) individual e¤ects, (3) unobserved components, and (4)
latent variables (for random e¤ects models).

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

De…nition (error terms)

The errors εit are called the idiosyncratic errors or idiosyncratic
disturbances. They change accross t as well as accross i.

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Vectorial form (1)

Let us denote
0 1 0 1
yi ,1 x1,i ,1 x2,i ,1 ... xK ,i ,1
B yi ,2 C B x1,i ,2 x2,i ,2 ... xK ,i ,2 C
yi = B @ ... A
C Xi = B@ ...
(T ,1 ) (T ,K ) ... ... ...
yit x1,it x2,it ... xK ,it

Let us denote e a unit vector and εi the vector of errors:

0 1 0 1 0 1
1 εi ,1 β1
B 1 C B εi ,2 C B β C
e =B C
@ ... A εi = B @ ... A
C β =B 2
@ ...
(T ,1 ) (T ,1 ) (K ,1 )
1 εit βK

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

De…nition (vectorial form)

For any individual 8 i = 1, ..., n, the linear unobserved e¤ects panel
data model can be de…ned as follows:

yi = eαi + Xi β + εi

E ( εi ) = 0
E εi εi0 = σ2ε IT
E εi εj0 = 0 if i 6= j
(T ,T )

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Example (production function)

Let us consider the case of a Cobb Douglas production function in log, as
de…ned previously, for the case T = 3 and K = 2. We have:

yit = αi + βk kit + βn nit + εit 8 i, 8 t 2 f1, 2, 3g

or in a vectorial form for a country i as:

yi = e αi + Xi β + εi
(3,1 ) (3,1 )(1,1 ) (3,2 )(2,1 ) (3,1 )

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
yi ,1 1 ki ,1 ni ,1 εi ,1
@ yi ,2 A = @ 1 A αi + @ ki ,2 ni ,2 A βk
+ @ εi ,2 A
yi ,3 1 ki ,3 ni ,3 εi ,3

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models
Vectorial form (2)
It is also possible to stackle all these vectors/matrices as follows

Y =e eeα+Xβ+ε
10 0 1 0 1
y1 X1 ε1
B y2 C B X2 C B ε2 C
Y =B C
@ ... A X =B C
@ ... A ε =B C
@ ... A
(Tn,1 ) (Tn,K ) (Tn,1 )
yn Xn εn
where 0T is the null vector (T , 1) .
0 1 0 1
e 0T ... 0T α1
B 0T e ... 0T C B α2 C
e = In e = B
e @ ... ...
C α =B
e C
(Tn,n ) ... 0T A (n,1 ) @ ... A
0T 0T ... e αn

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Example (production function)

Consider the case of the production function with T = 3 and n = 2

Y =eα+Xβ+ε
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
y1,1 1 0 k11 n11 ε11
B y1,2 C B 1 0 C B k12 n12 C B C
B C B C B C B ε12 C
B y1,3 C B C B k13 n13 C B C
B C B 1 0 C α1 B C βk B ε1,3 C
B C=B C +B C +B C
B y2,1 C B 0 1 C α2 B k21 n21 C βn B ε2,1 C
B C @ A B C B C
@ y2,2 A 0 1 @ k22 n22 A @ ε2,2 A
y2,3 0 1 k,3 n23 ε2,3

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Especially in methodological papers, but also in applications, one often

sees a discussion about whether the individual e¤ects αi have to be treated
as a random e¤ect or a …xed e¤ect.

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

De…nition (Traditional approach)

In the traditional approach to panel data models, αi is called a “random
e¤ect” when it is treated as a random variable and a “…xed e¤ect” when
it is treated as a parameter to be estimated for each cross section
observation i.

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

For Wooldridge (2010), these discussions about whether the αi should
be treated as random variables or as parameters to be estimated are
wrongheaded for microeconomic panels.

With a large number of random draws from the cross section, it

almost always makes sense to treat the unobserved e¤ects, αi ,
as random draws from the population, along with yit and xit .

This approach is certainly appropriate from an omitted variables or

neglected heterogeneity perspective.

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Fact (Mundlak’s approach)

As suggested by Mundlak (1978), the key issue involving αi is whether or
not it is uncorrelated with the observed explanatory variables xit .

Mundlak Y. (1978), ”On the Pooling of Time Series and Cross Section
Data”, Econometrica, 46, 69-85

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

De…nition (a "modern" approach)

In a modern approach, “random e¤ect” is synonymous with zero
correlation between the observed explanatory variables and the
unobserved (random) e¤ect αi :

cov (xit , αi ) = 0, 8t, 8i

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Actually, a stronger conditional mean independence assumption,

E ( αi j xi 1 , ..., xiT ) = 0

is needed to fully justify statistical inference.

In applied papers, when αi is referred to an “individual random

e¤ect,” then αi is probably being assumed to be uncorrelated with the
xit .

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

De…nition (Fixed e¤ects)

In microeconometric applications, the term “…xed e¤ect” does not
usually mean that αi is being treated as nonrandom; rather, it means that
one is allowing for arbitrary correlation between the unobserved e¤ect αi
and the observed explanatory variables xit .

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Wooldridge (2010) avoids referring to αi as a random e¤ect or a …xed
e¤ect. Instead, he refers to αi as unobserved e¤ect, unobserved
heterogeneity, and so on.

Nevertheless, later we will label two di¤erent estimation methods as

random e¤ects estimation and …xed e¤ects estimation methods.

This terminology is so ingrained that it is pointless to try to change it


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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Fixed or random e¤ects?

The economic interpretation of the individual e¤ects generally allows

to show that they are probably correlated to the explanatory

But, in case of doubt, it is possible to use a speci…cation test

(Hausman’s test, 1978)

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Example (Production function)

Let us consider the simple example of the Cobb Douglass production
yit = βi kit + γi nit + αi + vit
In this case, αi corresponds to the unobserved e¤ect on TFP due to
scountry speci…c omitted factor (climate, institutions, organization, etc..).
In this case, we might expect that the the level of factors are positivily
correlated with this component of TFP: the more a country is productive,
the more it invests in capital for instance.

cov (αi , kit ) > 0 cov (αi , nit ) > 0

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Example (Patents and R&D)

Hausman, Hall, and Griliches (1984) estimate (nonlinear) distributed lag
models to study the relationship between patents awarded to a …rm and
current and past levels of R&D spending. A linear version of their model is:

patentsit = θ t + zit γ + δ0 RDit + δ1 RDit 1 + .. + δ5 RDit 5 + αi + vit

where RDit is spending on R&D for …rm i at time t and zit contains other
explanatory variables. αi is a …rm heterogeneity term that may in‡uence
patentsit and that may be correlated with current, past, and future R&D
cov (αi , RDit k ) 6= 0 8k

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

De…nition (Hausman’s test)

The Hausman test (1978), is a test of the null hypothesis

cov (xit , αi ) = 0, 8 (it )

and is generally presented as a speci…cation test (…xed or random) for

the unobserved e¤ects.

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2. Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data models

Key Concepts Section 2

1 Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data model.

2 Vectorial form of the linear panel data model
3 Individual e¤ects.
4 Unobserved e¤ects
5 Random e¤ects.
6 Fixed e¤ects.

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Section 3

Fixed E¤ects Estimation Methods

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3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods


1 Specify the linear regression model with …xed e¤ects.

2 Introduce the LSDV (within) estimator.
3 De…ne the within transformation.
4 Estimate the slope parameters.
5 Estimate the …xed e¤ects.

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3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Let us denote
0 1 0 1
yi ,1 x1,i ,1 x2,i ,1 ... xK ,i ,1
B yi ,2 C B x1,i ,2 x2,i ,2 ... xK ,i ,2 C
yi = B @ ... A
C Xi = B@ ...
(T ,1 ) (T ,K ) ... ... ...
yit x1,it x2,it ... xK ,it

Let us denote e a unit vector and εi the vector of errors:

0 1 0 1 0 1
1 εi ,1 β1
B 1 C B εi ,2 C B β C
e =B C
@ ... A εi = B @ ... A
C β =B 2
@ ...
(T ,1 ) (T ,1 ) (K ,1 )
1 εit βK

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 63 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

We consider the …xed e¤ects model:

yi = eαi + Xi β + εi 8 i = 1, .., n

where αi is assumed to be a constant term or a random variable

satisfying E ( αi j xi 1 , ..., xiT ) = 0.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 64 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Assumptions (H1) The errors terms εit are i.i.d. 8 (it ) with:
E (εit ) = 0

σ2ε t=s
E (εit εi ,s ) = , or E (εi εi0 ) = σ2ε IT where It denotes
0 8t 6 = s
the identity matrix (T , T ) .

E (εit εj ,s ) = 0, 8j 6= i, 8 (t, s ) , or E εi εj0 = 0 where 0 denotes the

null matrix (T , T ) .

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 65 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Under assumptions H1 , the ordinary-least-squares (OLS) estimator of β is
the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE).

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 66 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (LSDV estimator)

In this context, the OLS estimator bβ is called the least-squares
dummy-variable (LSDV) or Fixed E¤ect (FE) estimator, because the
observed values of the variable for the coe¢ cient αi takes the form of
dummy variables.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 67 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

The OLS estimators of αi and β and are obtained by minimizing

n o n
αi , b
b βLSDV = arg min ∑ εi0 εi
fαi ,βgni=1 i =1
= ∑ (yi eαi Xi β)0 (yi eαi Xi β)
i =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 68 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

FOC1 (with respect to αi ) gives:

αi = y i b
βLSDV x i

1 1
xi =
T ∑ xit yi =
T ∑ yit
t =1 t =1

Given the second FOC (with respect to β) and the previous result, we can
derive the formula for b

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 69 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (LSDV estimator)

Under assumption H1 , the …xed e¤ect estimator or LSDV estimator of β
is de…ned by:
! 1
n T
βLSDV = ∑ ∑ (xit x i ) (xit xi ) 0

i =1 t =1
n T
∑ ∑ (xit x i ) (yit yi)
i =1 t =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 70 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods


1 The computational procedure for estimating the slope parameters in

this model does not require that the dummy variables for the
individual (and/or time) e¤ects actually be included in the matrix of
explanatory variables.
2 We only need (1) the empirical means of time-series observations
separately for each cross-sectional unit, (2) transform the
observed variables by subtracting out these means, and (3) then apply
the least squares method to the transformed data.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 71 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

The foregoing procedure is equivalent to premultiplying the i th equation

yi = eαi + Xi β + εi

by a T T idempotent (covariance) transformation matrix (within

1 0
Q = IT ee
to “sweep out” the individual e¤ect αi so that individual observations are
measured as deviations from individual means (over time).

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 72 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

0 1 1 1 1 1
1 T T ... T T
B 1
1 1
... 1 1 C
1 0 B C
Q = IT ee = B
B .... .... ... ... ... C
(T ,T ) T B 1 1 1 1 C
@ T T ... 1 T T A
1 1 1 1
T T ... T 1 T

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 73 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Qyi and QXi correspond to the observations are measured as deviations

from individual means :
1 0
Qyi = IT ee yi
1 0
= yi e e yi
0 1 0 1
yi ,1 ! 1
B yi ,2 C 1 T B 1 C
= B
@ ... A
T ∑ yit B C
@ ... A
t =1
yit 1
= yi yie

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 74 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

1 0
QXi = Xi ee Xi
0 T 1
x1,i ,1 x2,i ,1 ... xK ,i ,1
B x1,i ,2 x2,i ,2 ... xK ,i ,2 C
= B
@ ...
... ... ...
x1,it x2,it ... xK ,it
0 1
1 BB 1 C
@ ∑Tt=1 x1,it ∑Tt=1 x2,it ... ∑Tt=1 xK ,it
T ... A

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 75 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Finally, when the transformation Q is applied to a vector of constant (or a

time invariant variable), it lead to a null vector.

1 0
Qe = IT ee e
1 0
= e ee e
= e e=0

since 0 1
e 0e = 1 .. 1 @ .. A = T

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 76 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

So, we have:
yi = eαi + Xi β + εi

() Qyi = Qeαi + QXi β + Qεi

() Qyi = QXi β + Qεi

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 77 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (Within - LSDV estimator)

Under assumption H1 , the …xed e¤ect estimator or LSDV estimator or
Within estimator of parameter β is de…ned by:
! 1 !
n n
βLSDV = ∑ Xi0 QXi ∑ Xi0 Qyi
i =1 i =1

1 0
Q = IT ee

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 78 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Fact (Time-invariant regressors)

If the explanatory variables contain some time-invariant variables zi , their
coe¢ cients cannot be estimated by LSDV, because the covariance
transformation eliminates zi .

1 0 1 0
Qzi = IT ee zi = zi ee zi = zi z i e = 0T

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 79 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Let us consider a simple panel regression model for the total number of
strike days in OECD countries. We have a balanced panel data set for 17
countries (n = 17) and annual data form 1951 to 1985 (T = 35). General
idea: evaluate the link between strikes and some macroeconomic factors
(in‡ation, unemployment etc..)

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 80 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

We consider the following model

sit = αi + βi uit + γi pit + εit

sit the number of strike days for 1000 workers for the country i at
time t.
uit the unemployement rate
pit the in‡ation rate

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3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 82 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 83 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

The LSDV estimator b β is unbiased and consistent when either n, or T , or
both tend to in…nity.
bβLSDV ! β
nT !∞

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 84 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

The estimator for the unobserved e¤ects b
αi , although unbiased, is
consistent only when T ! ∞.
αi ! αi
T !∞

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 85 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

The asymptotic variance–covariance matrix of the LSDV estimator b
β is
given by:
! 1
V b β = σ2ε ∑ Xi0 QXi
i =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 86 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix

! 1
b b
V βLSDV = b2ε
σ ∑ Xi0 QXi
i =1

n T
n i∑ ∑
b2ε =
σ bε2it
nT K =1 t =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 87 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

n T
nT K n i =1 t∑

b2ε =
σ bε2it
= 0.146958e 09
595 2 17
= 505.1093

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 88 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Be careful with a simple OLS

n T
b2ε =
nT K ∑ ∑ bε2it
i =1 t =1
= 0.146958e 09
595 2
= 497.8165

as it does not take into

account the correct number of
constant terms.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 89 / 258

3. Fixed e¤ects estimation methods

Key Concepts Section 3

1 Linear unobserved e¤ects panel data model.

2 Fixed e¤ects and assumptions H1 .
3 LSDV or within estimator.
4 Within transformation
5 Properties of the LSDV estimator.
6 Asymptotic variance-covariance of the LSDV estimator.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 90 / 258

Section 4

Random E¤ects Estimation Methods

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 91 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods


1 Specify the error-component model.

2 De…ne the Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimator.
3 De…ne the between and pooled estimators.
4 Write the GLS estimator as a weigthed average of the LSDV and
between estimators.
5 Study the properties of the GLS estimator..
6 De…ne the feasible GLS estimator.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 92 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (error-component model)

The random speci…cation of unobserved e¤ects corresponds to a particular
case of variance-component or error-component model, in which the
error is assumed to consist of three components

yit = β0 xit + εit 8 (it )

εit = αi + λt + vit

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 93 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

εit = αi + λt + vit

αi : individual (random) e¤ect

λt : time (random) e¤ect

vit : idiosyncratic error term

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 94 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods
Assumptions (H2) The errors terms εit = αi + λt + vit are i.i.d. 8 (it )
E (αi ) = E (λt ) = E (vit ) = 0

E (αi λt ) = E (λt vit ) = E (αi vit ) = 0

σ2α i =j
E ( αi αj ) =
0 8i 6 = j

σ2λ t=s
E ( λt λs ) =
0 8t 6 = s

σ2v t = s, i = j
E (vit vj ,s ) =
0 8t 6= s, 8i 6= j
E (αi xit0 ) = E (λt xit0 ) = E (vit xit0 ) = 0

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 95 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

As suggested by Wooldridge (2001), the "…xed e¤ect" speci…cation can be
viewed as a case in which αi is a random parameter with

cov αi , xit0 6= 0

whereas the "random e¤ect model" correspond to the situation in which

cov αi , xit0 = 0

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 96 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (error-component model)

Under H2, the variance of yit conditional on xit is equal to:

σ2y jx = σ2ε = σ2α + σ2λ + σ2v

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 97 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (centered individual e¤ects)

If the individual e¤ects αi are supposed to have a non zero mean, with

E ( αi ) = µ

then we can de…ned individual e¤ects αi = µ + αi with zero mean. The

error-component model is then de…ned as:

yit = µ + β0 xit + εit

εit = αi + λt + vit

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 98 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Random coe¢ cient model

In the sequel, for simplicity we do not introduce any time e¤ects and
consider a simple random e¤ect model with

εit = αi + vit

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 99 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Vectorial form
The vectorial expression of the individual e¤ects model is then de…ned as:

yi = ei
X γ + εi
(T ,1 ) (T ,K +1 )(K +1,1 ) (T ,1 )

εi = e αi + vi
(T ,1 ) (T ,1 )(1,1 ) (T ,1 )

ei = (e : Xi ) and γ0 = µ : β0

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 100 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (variance-covariance matrix of errors)

Under assumptions H2 , the variance-covariance matrix of εi is equal to:

V = E εi εi0 = E (αi e + vi ) (αi e + vi )0 = σ2α ee 0 + σ2v IT

Its inverse is:

1 σ2α
V 1
= IT ee 0
σ2v σ2v + T σ2α

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 101 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

The presence of αi produces a correlation among errors of the same
cross-sectional unit (autocorrelation) as

V = E εi εi0 = σ2α ee 0 + σ2v IT

0 1
σ2α + σ2v σ2α ... σ2α
B σ2α + σ2v ... σ2α C
V =B B
(T ,T ) @ ... σ2α A
σ2α + σ2v

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 102 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

If we consider the nT 1 vector of errors ε = (ε10 , ..., εn0 ) , we have

V (ε) = E εε0 = V In
0 1
V 0 ... 0
(T ,T ) (T ,T ) (T ,T )
B V ... 0 C
B (T ,T ) (T ,T ) C
V (ε) = BB
(nT ,nT ) B ... 0 C
@ (T ,T ) A
(T ,T )

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 103 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Within transformation
Regardless of whether the αi are treated as …xed or as random, the
individual-speci…c e¤ects for a given sample can be swept out by the
idempotent (covariance) transformation matrix Q

Qyi = Qeµ + QXi β + Qeαi + Qvi

Since Qe = IT T 1 ee 0 e = 0, we have

Qyi = QXi β + Qvi

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 104 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Under assumptions H2 , when αi are treated as random, the LSDV
estimator is unbiased and consistent either n, or T , or both tend to
in…nity. However, whereas the LSDV is the BLUE under the assumption
that αi are …xed constants, it is not the BLUE when αi are assumed
random. The BLUE in the latter case is the Generalized-Least-Squares
(GLS) estimator.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 105 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods


Assumptions LSDV GLS

H2 + E ( αi j xi 1 , .., xiK ) = 0 Unbiased BLUE
H2 + E ( αi j xi 1 , .., xiK ) 6= 0 BLUE Biased

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 106 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Let us consider the model

ei γ + εi
yi = X 8 i = 1, .., n
ei = (e : Xi ) and γ0 = µ : β0 .
where εi = αi e + vi , X

We assume that the variance covariance matrix V = E (εi εi0 ) is


C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 107 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (GLS estimator)

If the variance covariance matrix V is known, the GLS estimator of the
γ vector, denoted γb GLS , is de…ned by:
! 1 !
n n
b GLS =
γ ∑ ei0 V
X 1e
Xi ∑ ei0 V
X 1
i =1 i =1

Under assumptions H2 , this estimaor is BLUE.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 108 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (inverse of the variance-covariance matrix)

Following Maddala (1971), we can write V 1 as:

1 1 1 0
V = Q+ψ ee
σ2v T

where Q = (IT ee 0 /T ) and where the parameter ψ is de…ned by:

σ2v + T σ2α

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 109 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

1 1 0
V 1
V = Q+ψ ee σ2α ee 0 + σ2v IT
σ2v T
1 σ2α 0 0 σ2
= σ2α Qee 0 + σ2v Q + ψ ee ee + ψ v ee 0
σ2v T T
1 σ 2
= σ2v Q + ψσ2α ee 0 + ψ v ee 0 as e 0 e = T
σ2v T
1 1
= σ2v Q + ee 0 ψ T σ2α + σ2v
σ2v T
1 0 1 T σ2α + σ2v
= IT ee + ee 0 ψ
T T σ2v

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 110 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Proof (ct’d)

1 0 1 T σ2α + σ2v
V 1
V = IT ee + ee 0 ψ
T T σ2v

σ2v + T σ2α
we have
1 0 1
V 1
V = IT ee + ee 0 = IT

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 111 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Given this de…nition of V 1,we have:

! 1 !
n n
1 0 e 1
γ = ∑ ei0
X Q + ψ ee Xi
T ∑ ei0
X Q + ψ ee 0 yi
i =1 i =1
! 1 !
n n n n
1 1
= ∑ Xei0 Q Xei + ψ T ∑ Xei0 ee 0 Xei ∑ Xei0 Qyi + ψ T ∑ Xei0 ee 0 yi
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1

ei = (e Xi ) and γ0 = µ β0
with X

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 112 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

It is possible to show that

0 n 0
1 1
ψnT ψT ∑ x i
µ B i =1 C
b = @ n n n 0
βGLS ψT ∑ x i ∑ Xi0 QXi + ψT ∑ x i x i
i =1 i =1 i =1
0 1
ψnT y
@ n n A
∑ Xi0 Qyi + ψT ∑ x i y i
i =1 i =1

Using the formula of the partitioned inverse, we can derive b

βGLS .

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 113 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (GLS estimator)

If the variance covariance matrix V is known, the GLS estimator of β is:
! 1
n n
βGLS =
T ∑ Xi0 QXi + ψ ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0

i =1 i =1
n n
T ∑ Xi0 Qyi + ψ ∑ (x i x ) (y i y)
i =1 i =1

with ψ=σ2v σ2v + T σ2α

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 114 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

The GLS estimator can be expressed as a weigthed average of the LSDV

(OLS) estimator and the between estimator:
! 1
n n
βGLS =
T ∑ Xi0 QXi + ψ ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0

i =1 i =1
n n
T ∑ Xi0 Qyi + ψ ∑ (x i x ) (y i y)
i =1 i =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 115 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (between group estimator)

The between-group estimator or between estimator b
βBE corresponds to
the OLS estimator obtained in the model:

y i = c + β 0 x i + εi 8 i = 1, .., n
! 1 !
n n
βBE = ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0
∑ (x i x ) (y i y)
i =1 i =1

The estimator b βBE is called the between-group estimator because it

ignores variation within the group

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 116 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (pooled estimator)

The pooled estimator b
βpooled corresponds to the OLS estimator obtained
in the pooled model:

yit = α + β0 xit + εit 8 i = 1, .., n 8 t = 1, .., T

! 1
T n
βpooled = ∑ ∑ (xit x ) (x i x) 0
t =1 i =1
T n
∑ ∑ (xit x ) (yit y)
t =1 i =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 117 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Under assumptions H2 , the GLS estimator b
βGLS is a weighted average of
the between-group b
βBE and the within-group (LSDV) estimators b βLSDV .

βGLS = ∆ b
βBE + (IK ∆) b

where ∆ denotes a weigth matrix de…ned by:

! 1
n n
∆ = ψT ∑ Xi0 QXi + ψT ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0

i =1 i =1
∑ (x i x ) (x i x )0
i =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 118 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

GLS estimator properties

1 If ψ ! 0, the GLS estimator converges to LSDV estimator.

βGLS !b
ψ !0

2 If ψ ! 1, then GLS converges to the OLS pooled estimator.

βGLS !b
ψ !1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 119 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods
Proof: case 1
βGLS = ∆ b
βBE + (IK ∆) b

! 1
n n
∆ = ψT ∑ Xi0 QXi + ψT ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0

i =1 i =1
∑ (x i x ) (x i x )0
i =1

Consider the case ψ = 0 then

∆=0 b
βGLS = b

So, if ψ ! 0, the GLS estimator converges to LSDV estimator.

βGLS !b
ψ !0

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 120 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods
Proof: case 2
βGLS = ∆ b
βBE + (IK ∆) b
Consider the case ψ = 1 we have
! 1 !
n n n
∆=T ∑ Xi0 QXi + T ∑ (x i x ) (x i x )0 ∑ (x i x ) (x i x )0
i =1 i =1 i =1

! 1 !
n n
βBE = ∑ (x i x ) (x i x )0 ∑ (x i x ) (y i y)
i =1 i =1
! 1 !
n T n T
βLSDV = ∑ ∑ (xit x i ) (xit xi ) 0
∑ ∑ (xit x i ) (yit yi)
i =1 t =1 i =1 t =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 121 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Proof: case 2

βGLS = ∆ b
βBE + (IK ∆) b
! 1 !
n n n
= T ∑ Xi0 QXi + T ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0
∑ (x i x ) (y i y)
i =1 i =1 i =1
! 1 !
n T n T
+ ∑ ∑ (xit x i ) (xit xi ) 0
∑ ∑ (xit x i ) (yit yi)
i =1 t =1 i =1 t =1
! 1
n n n T
T ∑ Xi0 QXi +T ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0
∑ ∑ (xit x i ) (yit
i =1 i =1 i =1 t =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 122 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods
Proof: case 2
So, if ψ = 1 we have
! 1
n T
βGLS = ∑ ∑ (xit x ) (xit x) 0

i =1 t =1
n T
∑ ∑ (xit x ) (yit y)
i =1 t =1

= b

So, if ψ ! 1, the GLS estimator converges to the OLS pooled estimator.

βGLS !b
ψ !1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 123 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

GLS estimator properties

The parameter ψ = σ2v σ2v + T σ2α measures the weight given to the
between-group variation.

In the LSDV (or …xed-e¤ects model) procedure, this source of

variation is completely ignored (ψ = 0).

The OLS procedure (pooled model) corresponds to ψ = 1. The

between-group and within-group variations are just added up.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 124 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

The procedure of treating αi as random coe¢ cients provides an
intermediate solution between treating them all as di¤erent (…xed
e¤ects, LSDV) and treating them all as equal (pooled model).

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

GLS estimator properties

Given the de…nition of ψ, we have:

lim ψ = lim =0
T !∞ T !∞ σ2v + T σ2α

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Theorem (GLS and LSDV)

When T tends to in…nity, the GLS estimator converges to the LSDV
βGLS ! b βLSDV
T !∞

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

βGLS ! b
T !∞

When T ! ∞, we have an in…nite number of observations for each i.

Therefore, we can consider each αi as a random variable which has

been drawn once and forever

For each i we assume that they are just like …xed parameters.

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (Transformation matrix)

Computation of the GLS estimator can be simpli…ed by introducing a
transformation matrix P such that

P = IT 1 ψ1/2 (1/T ) ee 0

We have
1 1 0
V = PP
Premultiplying the model by the transformation matrix P, we obtain the
GLS estimator by applying the least-squares method to the transformed
model (Theil (1971, Chapter 6)).

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Transformation matrix
The GLS estimator is equivalent to
1 Transforming the data by subtracting a fraction 1 ψ1/2 of
individual means y i and x i from their corresponding yit and xit
2 Regressing yit 1 ψ1/2 y i on a constant and xit 1 ψ1/2 x i
using simple OLS.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 132 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (Asymptotic variance covariance matrix)

Under assumptions H2, the asymptotic variance covariance matrix of
the GLS estimator is given by:
! 1
n n
V b
βGLS = σ2v ∑ Xi0 QXi + ψT ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0

i =1 i =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 133 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

! 1
n n
V b
βGLS = σ2v ∑ Xi0 QXi + ψT ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0

i =1 i =1

! 1
V b
βLSDV = σ2ε ∑ Xi0 QXi
i =1

As ψ > 0, the di¤erence between the covariance matrices of b

βLSDV and
βGLS is a positive semide…nite matrix. For K = 1, we have:

V b
βGLS V b

=> the LSDV is not BLUE

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

De…nition (feasible GLS)

If the variance components σ2ε and σ2α are unknown, we can use a two-step
GLS estimation procedure, called as feasible GLS.

1 In the …rst step, we estimate the variance components using some

consistent estimators.
2 In the second step, we substitute their estimated values into
! 1 !
n n
b GLS =
γ ∑ Xei0 Vb 1e
Xi ∑ Xei0 Vb 1
i =1 i =1

or its equivalent form.

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Two-step GLS estimator

De…ne y i = αi + β0 x i + εi and (yit y i ) = (xit x i ) + (vit v i ), we can
use the within and between-group residuals to estimate σ2ε and σ2α by
n T 0 2
∑ ∑ (yit yi) b
βLSDV (xit xi )
i =1 t =1
b2v =
n (T 1) K
n 0 2
∑ yi b
βLSDV x i
i =1
b2α =
σ b2v
n K 1

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Then, we have an estimate of ψ and V 1

b2v + T σ
σ b2α

b 1 1 b 1 0
V = Q+ψ ee
σ T

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

When the sample size is large (in the sense of either n ! ∞,or T ! ∞),
the two-step GLS estimator will have the same asymptotic e¢ ciency as the
GLS procedure with known variance components.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 138 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Even for moderate sample size (for T 3, n (K + 1) 9; for T 2,
n (K + 1) 10), the two-step procedure is still more e¢ cient than the
LSDV estimator in the sense that the di¤erence between the covariance
matrices of the covariance estimator and the two-step estimator is
nonnegative de…nite.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 139 / 258

4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Let us consider a simple panel regression model for the total number of
strikes days in OECD countries. We have a balanced panel data set for 17
countries (n = 17) and annual data form 1951 to 1985 (T = 35).

sit = αi + βuit + γpit + εit

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Figure: Random e¤ects method

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Here we have
b2v = 0.25514e 06 = 255, 140
b2α = 55, 401
σ 255, 140
ψ = = 0.1163
σ b2α
+ Tσ 255, 140 + 35 55, 401

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4. Random e¤ects estimation methods

Key Concepts Section 4

1 Error-component model.
2 GLS, Between and pooled estimators.
3 Write the GLS estimator as a weighted average.
4 Feasible GLS estimator.
5 Properties of the GLS estimator.
6 Asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of the GLS estimator.

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Section 5

Speci…cation tests: Fixed or Random e¤ects?

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 144 / 258

5. Speci…cations tests


1 De…ne the Mundlak’s speci…cation.

2 Discuss the independence assumption between random e¤ects and
explanatory variables.
3 Show that the GLS estimator may be not consistent when T is
4 Show that the GLS is always consistent when T tends to in…nity.
5 Introduce the Hausman’s lemma.
6 De…ne the Hausman’s speci…cation test.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 145 / 258

5. Speci…cations tests

Fact (large T sample)

Whether to treat the e¤ects as …xed or random makes no di¤erence when
T is large, because both the LSDV estimator and the generalized
least-squares estimator become the same estimator:

βGLS ! b
T !∞

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 146 / 258

5. Speci…cations tests

Fixed or random e¤ects

When T is …nite and n is large, whether to treat the e¤ects as …xed

or random is not an easy question to answer.

It can make a surprising amount of di¤erence in the estimates of the


C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 147 / 258

5. Speci…cations tests

Example (Hausman, 1978)

Hausman (1978) estimates a wage equation using a sample of 629 high
school graduates followed over six years by the Michigan income dynamics
study. The explanatory variables include a piecewise-linear representation
of age, the presence of unemployment or poor health in the previous year,
and dummy variables for self-employment, living in the South, or living in
a rural area.

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5. Speci…cations tests

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5. Speci…cations tests

In the random-e¤ects framework, there are two fundamental assumptions.

1 One is that the unobserved individual e¤ects αi are random draws
from a common population.
2 The explanatory variables are strictly exogenous: it implies that all
the components of the error terms are orthogonal to the

E ( εit j xi 1 , .., xiK ) = E ( αi j xi 1 , .., xiK ) = E ( vit j xi 1 , .., xiK ) = 0

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5. Speci…cations tests

What happens when this condition is violated?

E ( αi j xi 1 , .., xiK ) 6= 0 or E αi xit0 6= 0

1 The Mundlak’s speci…cation (1978)

2 The Hausman’s speci…cation test

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Subsection 5.1

The Mundlak’s Speci…cation

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Mundlak’s speci…cation

Mundlak (1978) criticized the random-e¤ects formulation on the

grounds that it neglects the correlation that may exist between the
e¤ects αi and the explanatory variables xit .

There are reasons to believe that in many circumstances αi and xit

are indeed correlated.

Mundlak Y. (1978), ”On the Pooling of Time Series and Cross Section
Data”, Econometrica, 46, 69-85.

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Mundlak’s speci…cation

The properties of various estimators we have discussed thus far

depend on the existence and extent of the relations between the X ’s
and the e¤ects αi .

Therefore, we have to consider the joint distribution of these

variables. However, αi are unobservable.

Mundlak (1978) suggests to approximate E (αi xit ) by a linear


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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

De…nition (Mundlak’s speci…cation)

Let us assume that the individual e¤ects satisfy:

αi = x i0 a + αi
|{z} |{z}
component proportional to x component orthogonal to x

with a 2 RK , x i = T 1 ∑Tt=1 xit the K 1 vector of individual means of

the explanatory variables and

E αi xit0 = 0

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

De…nition (Mundlak’s speci…cation)

With the Mundlak’s speci…cation, the unobserved e¤ects model becomes:

yit = µ + β0 xit + x i0 a + εit

εit = αi + vit

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Assumption H3: The error term εit = αi + vit are i.i.d. 8 (it ) with:
E (αi ) = E (vit ) = 0

E (αi vit ) = 0

σ2α i =j
E αi αj =
0 8i 6 = j

σ2v t = s, i = j
E (vit vj ,s ) =
0 8t 6= s, 8i 6= j
E (vit xit0 ) = E (αi xit0 ) = 0

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Mundlak’s speci…cation
The model can be rewritten as follows:

yi = ei
X γ + εi 8 i = 1, .., n
(T ,1 ) (T ,K +1 )(K +1,1 ) (T ,1 )

εi = αi e + vi
ei = ex i0 : e : Xi
γ0 = a0 : µ : β0

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Mundlak’s speci…cation
The variance-covariance matrix of the error term is de…ned as:
E εi εj0 = E (αi e + vi ) αj e + vj
σ2α ee 0 + σ2v IT = V i =j
0 i 6= j

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

GLS estimator
Utilizing the expression for the inverse of a partitioned matrix, we obtain
the GLS estimator of µ, β, and a as:

bGLS = y
µ x 0b

βGLS = ∆ b
b βBE + (IK ∆) b
aGLS = b
b βBE b

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Between estimator
The between estimator b
βBE corresponds to the OLS estimator obtained
in the model:

y i = c + ( β + a ) 0 x i + εi = c + θ 0 x i + εi 8 i = 1, .., n
! 1 !
n n
θ BE = ∑ (x i x ) (x i x )0 ∑ (x i x ) (y i y)
i =1 i =1

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

GLS estimator properties

Under H3, the GLS estimator b
βGLS is consistent (cf. section 4):

βGLS ! β
nT !∞

Besides, we have
βGLS ! b
T !∞

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Question: What is the consequence to neglect the dependence between

αi and xit and to wrongly consider the following model?

yit = µ + β0 xit + εit

εit = αi + vit
αi = x i0 a + αi

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Let us assume that the DGP corresponds to the Mundlak’s model

αi = x i0 a + αi

and we apply GLS to the initial model:

yit = µ + β0 xit + εit

εit = αi + vit

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

In general, we have:

βGLS = ∆ b
βBE + (IK ∆) b

It is easy to show that:

βBE ! β+a
n !∞
βLSDV !β
n !∞

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Let us assume that

∆ !∆
n !∞

! 1
n n
∆ = ψT ∑ Xi0 QXi + ψT ∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0

i =1 i =1
∑ (x i x ) (x i x) 0

i =1

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

When T is …xed and n tends to in…nity, the GLS is not consistent if there
is a correlation between individual e¤ects and the expanatory variables:

plim b
βGLS = ∆ plim b
βBE + IK ∆ plim b
n !∞ n !∞ n !∞

= ∆ ( β + a) + IK ∆ β (2)

= β + ∆a

∆ = plim ∆.
n !∞

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

Theorem (GLS bias)

If αi = x i0 a + αi with a 6= 0,the GLS is not consistent when T is …xed
and n tends to in…nity:
βGLS ! β + ∆a
n !∞

As usual, the GLS is consistent with T :

βGLS ! β
T !∞

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5.1. Mundlak’s speci…cation

E ( αi j xi 1 , .., xiK ) = 0 E ( αi j xi 1 , .., xiK ) 6= 0
T …xed, n ! ∞ Consistent — Consistent Not Consistent
T ! ∞ and n ! ∞ Consistent BLUE Consistent Consistent

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Subsection 5.2

The Hausman’s Speci…cation Test

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

Hausman (1978) proposes a general speci…cation test, that can be

applied in the speci…c context of linear panel models to the issue of
speci…cation of individual e¤ects (…xed or random).

Hausman J.A., (1978) ”Speci…cation Tests in Econometrics”, Econometrica,

46, 1251-1271

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

General idea of the Hausman’s lemma

Let us consider a general model

y = f (x; β) + ε

and particular hypothesis H0 on the parameters, error terms, etc.

Let us consider two estimators of the K -vector β, denoted b

β1 and b
β2 ,
both consistent under H0 and asymptotically normally distributed.

Under H0 , the estimator b

β1 reachs the asymptotic Cramer–Rao

Under H1 , the estimator b

β2 is biased and not consistent.

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

General idea of the Hausman’s lemma

By examing the distance between b
β1 and b
β2 , it is possible to conclude
about H0 :
1 If the distance is small, H0 can not be rejected.
2 If the distance is large, H0 can be rejected.

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

Distance measure
This distance is naturally de…ned as follows:
0 1
H= b
β2 b
β1 V b
β2 b
β1 b
β2 b

However, the issue is to compute the variance-covariance

matrix V bβ2 b β1 of the di¤erence between both estimators.

Generaly we know V b
β2 and V b
β1 , but not V b
β2 b
β1 .

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

Lemma (Hausman, 1978)

Based on a sample of n observations, consider two estimates b β1 and b
that are both consistent and asymptotically normally distributed, with b
p b
attaining the asymptotic Cramer–Rao bound so that n β β is
asymptotically normally distributed with variance–covariance matrix V1 .
Suppose n b β2 β is asymptotically normally distributed, with mean
zero and variance–covariance matrix V2 . Let q b=b
β2 b β1 . Then the
p b p
limiting distributions [under the null] of n β1 β and nb q have zero
E( b b0 ) = 0K
β1 q

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

From this lemma, it follows that

V b
β2 b
β1 = V b
β2 V b

Thus, Hausman suggests using the test statistic

0 1
H= b
β2 b
β1 V b
β2 V b
β1 b
β2 b

or equivalently
b0 (V (q
H=q b)) b

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

Under the null hypothesis, the test statistic H has an asymptotic

chi-square distribution with K degrees of freedom.
H ! χ2 (K )
n !∞

Under the alternative, it has a noncentral chi-square distribution with

noncentrality parameter q b)) 1 q
e0 (V (q e, where qe is de…ned as follows:

e = plim
q b
β2 b
H 1 /n !∞

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

Speci…cation test for …xed versus random e¤ects

Let us apply the Hausman’s test to discriminate between …xed e¤ects

methods and random e¤ects methods.

We assume that αi are random variable and the key assumption

tested is here de…ned as:

H0 : E ( αi j Xi ) = 0

H1 : E ( αi j Xi ) 6= 0

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

De…nition (Hausman’s speci…cation test)

The Hausman speci…cation test is a test of the null of no dependence
between the (random) individual e¤ects and the explanatory variables.

H0 : E ( αi j Xi ) = 0

H1 : E ( αi j Xi ) 6= 0

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

Speci…cation test for …xed versus random e¤ects

The Hausman’s test can also be interpreted as a speci…cation test between
"…xed e¤ect methods" and "random e¤ect methods".
1 If the null is rejected, the correlation between individual e¤ects and
the explicative variables induces a bias in the GLS estimates. So, a
standard LSDV approach (…xed e¤ects method) has to be
2 If the null is not rejected, we can use a GLS estimator (random e¤ect
method) and specify the individual e¤ects as random variables
(random e¤ects model).

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 180 / 258

5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

Hausman’s speci…cation test

How to implement this test? Let us consider the standard model with
random e¤ects (µ = 0):

yi = Xi β + eαi + vi

1 Under H0 (and assumptions A2 ) we know that b βLSDV and b

βGLS are
consistent and asymptotically normally distributed.
2 Under H0 , b
βGLS is BLUE and attains asymptotic Cramer–Rao bound.

3 Under H1 , b
βGLS is not consistent.

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

According to the Hausman’s lemma, we have (for K = 1):

cov b
βGLS , b
βGLS = 0 () cov b
βLSDV , b
βGLS =V b


V b
βGLS =V b
βLSDV + V b
βGLS 2cov b
βLSDV , b

We have:

V b
βGLS =V b

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

De…nition (Hausman’s speci…cation test)

The Hausman speci…cation test statistic of individual e¤ect can be de…ned
as follows:
0 1
H= b
βGLS V b
βGLS b

Under H0 : E ( αi j Xi ) = 0, we have:
H ! χ2 (K )
nT !∞

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 183 / 258

5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

0 1
H= b
βGLS V b
βGLS b

Let us assume that K = 1, then under the null H0 : E ( αi j Xi ) = 0

V b
βGLS >0

since b
βGLS is the BLUE.

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test


1 When n is …xed and T tends to in…nity, b βGLS and b

βMCG become
identical. However, it was shown by Ahn and Moon (2001) that the
numerator and denominator of H approach zero at the same speed.
Therefore the ratio remains chi-square distributed. However, in this
situation the …xed-e¤ects and random-e¤ects models become
indistinguishable for all practical purposes.
2 The more typical case in practice is that n is large relative to T , so
that di¤erences between the two estimators or two approaches are
important problems.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 185 / 258

5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

Let us consider a simple panel regression model for the total number of
strikes days in OECD countries. We have a balanced panel data set for 17
countries (n = 17) and annual data form 1951 to 1985 (T = 35).

sit = αi + βi uit + γi pit + εit

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5.2. Hausman’s speci…cation test

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5. Speci…cations tests

Key Concepts Section 5

1 Mundlak’s speci…cation.
2 Dependence between random e¤ects and explanatory variables.
3 The GLS estimator may be not consistent (…xed T , n tends to
4 The GLS is always consistent when T tends to in…nity.
5 Hausman’s lemma.
6 Hausman’s speci…cation test for …xed or random e¤ects models.

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Section 6

Heterogeneous Panel Data Models

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6. Heterogeneous panel data models


1 De…ne the heterogeneous panel data model.

2 Introduce the random coe¢ cient model.
3 Introduce the Swamy’s model.
4 De…ne the GLS estimator

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6. Heterogeneous panel data models

There are cases in which there are changing economic structures or

di¤erent socioeconomic and demographic background factors that imply
that the slope parameters β may be varying over time and/or may be
di¤erent for di¤erent crosssectional units.

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6. Heterogeneous panel data models

Heterogeneous panel data model

The most general form of an heterogeneous and time-varying coe¢ cient
model is:
yit = ∑ βkit xkit + vit i = 1, .., n and t = 1, .., T
k =1

In contrast to previous sections, we no longer treat the intercept di¤erently

than other explanatory variables and let x1it = 1.

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6. Heterogeneous panel data models

Assumption H4: We assume that parameters do not vary with time.

Then, we have:
βkit = βki
yit = ∑ βki xkit + vit i = 1, .., n and t = 1, .., T
k =1

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6. Heterogeneous panel data models

Panel or not panel?

This model is equivalent to postulating a separate regression for each
cross-sectional unit

yit = βi0 xit + vit i = 1, .., n

where βi = ( β1i , β2i , ..., βKi )0 is a K 1 vector of parameters, and

xit = (x1it , ..., xKit )0 is a K 1 vector of exogenous variables.

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6. Heterogeneous panel data models

Panel or not panel?

yit = βi0 xit + vit i = 1, .., n

But some "links" between the individuals may require a panel regression
model :

The error terms vit are cross-correlated among cross-units.

The slope parameters βi are considered as random variable with a

common probability distribution or at least common moments

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 195 / 258

6. Heterogeneous panel data models

De…nition (heterogeneous slope parameters)

The vectors of slope parameters βi are assumed to satisfy

βi = β + ζi
(K ,1 ) (K ,1 ) (K ,1 )

for i = 1, .., n, where β is a K 1 vector of constants, and ζ i denotes a

K 1 vector of constant or random variables.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 196 / 258

6. Heterogeneous panel data models

The heterogeneous coe¢ cient model becomes

yit = ∑ ( βk + ξ ki ) xkit + vit i = 1, .., n and t = 1, .., T
k =1

β = ( β1 , β2 , ..., βK )0 denotes the common mean coe¢ cient K 1


ξ i = (ξ 1i , ξ 2i , ..., ξ Ki )0 is the vector of individual deviation from the

common mean.

The errors terms may be cross-correlated or not, i.e.

cov (vjit , vit ) 6= 0 or cov (vjit , vit ) = 0.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 197 / 258

6. Heterogeneous panel data models

For this type of model we are interested in

1 Estimating the mean coe¢ cient vector β,
2 Predicting each individual component βi ,
3 Estimating the dispersion of the individual-parameter vectors βi ,

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 198 / 258

6. Heterogeneous panel data models

Heterogeneous panel models with …xed or random coe¢ cients

1 If individual observations are heterogeneous, then ξ i can be treated as
…xed constants.
2 If conditional on xkit , individual units can be viewed as random draws
from a common population, then ξ i are generally treated as random
variables having for instance, zero means and constant variances and
E (ζ i ) = 0 and V (ζ i ) = ∆

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 199 / 258

6. Heterogeneous panel data models

De…nition (Fixed-coe¢ cient model)

When βi are treated as …xed constants, we can stack the nT
observations in the form of the Zellner (1962) seemingly unrelated
regression (SURE) model
0 1 0 10 1 0 1
y1 X1 0 0 β1 v1
@ . A = @ 0 .. .. A @ . A + @ . A
yn 0 .. Xn βn vn

where yi and vi are T 1 vectors (yit , ..., yiT ) and (vit , ..., viT ), and Xi is
the T K matrix of the time-series observations of the i th individual’s
explanatory variables with the t th row equal to xit .

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 200 / 258

6. Heterogeneous panel data models

Heterogeneous panel models with …xed coe¢ cients

1 If the covariances between di¤erent cross-sectional units are not zero,
e.g. E (vi vj 0 ) 6= 0, the GLS estimator of β10 , ..., βn0 is more e¢ cient
than the single-equation estimator of i for each cross-sectional unit.
Panel data is useful.
2 If Xi are identical for all i or E (vi vi 0 ) = σ2i IT and E (vi vj 0 ) = 0 for
i 6= j, the GLS estimator for β10 , ..., βn0 is the same as applying least
squares separately to the time-series observations of each
cross-sectional unit. Panel data is useless.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 201 / 258

6. Heterogeneous panel data models

De…nition (random coe¢ cient model)

Alternatively, each regression coe¢ cient can be viewed as a random
variable with a common probability distribution:
i .i .d .
βi Common Distribution

or at least common moments:

E ( βi ) = β V ( βi ) = ∆ 8i = 1, ..., n

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 202 / 258

6. Heterogeneous panel data models

Random coe¢ cient model

1 The random-coe¢ cient speci…cation reduces the number of

parameters to be estimated substantially, while still allowing the
coe¢ cients to di¤er from unit to unit and/or from time to time.
2 Depending on the type of assumption about the parameter variation,
it can be further classi…ed into one of two categories: stationary and
nonstationary random-coe¢ cient models.
3 For more details, see Hurwicz (1950), Klein (1953), Theil and Mennes
(1959), or Zellner (1966).

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 203 / 258

Subsection 6.1

Random Coe¢ cient Models

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 204 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

De…nition (random coe¢ cient model)

The vectors of slope parameters βi are randomly distributed with a
common mean E ( βi ) = β, and

yit = ∑ ( βk + ξ ki ) xkit + vit i = 1, .., n
k =1

with β = ( β1 , β2 , ..., βK )0 and ξ i = (ξ 1i , ξ 2i , ..., ξ Ki ). Let us denote

βki = βk + ξ ki

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 205 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model


1 The vector xi = (x1i ..xKi ) includes a constant term. The parameter

βki associated to this constant term corresponds to an individual
(random) e¤ect.
2 An alternative notation is:
yit = α + ∑ ( βk + ξ ki ) xkit + αi + vit
k =2

E ( αi ) = 0

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 206 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Consider the set of assumptions used in the seminal paper of Swamy


Swamy P.A. (1970), ”E¢ cient Inference in a Random Coe¢ cient Regression
Model”, Econometrica, 38, 311-323

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 207 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Assumption H5 (Swamy’s model): Let us assume that

E (ξ i ) = 0, E (vi ) = 0

∆ i =j
E ξ i ξ j0 =
0 8i 6 = j

E xit ξ j0 = 0, E ξ i vj0 = 0, 8 (i, j )

σ2i IT t = s, i = j
E (vi vj 0 ) =
0 8t 6= s, 8i 6= j

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 208 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Remark: we assume that the error term vi is heteroskedastic:

E vi vi0 = σ2i IT

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6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

De…nition (moments of slopes parameters)

The two …rst moments of the vector of random parameters βi = β + ξ i
are de…ned by, 8 i = 1, ..n :

E ( βi ) = β
(K ,1 ) (K ,1 )

V ( βi ) = E ξ i ξ i0 = ∆
(K ,K ) (K ,K )

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 210 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Homegeneous moments
The variance covariance matrix ∆ of the random parameters
βi = ( β1i , β2i , .., βKi )0 is assumed to be common to all cross section units:
0 2 1
σβ σ β1 ,β2 ... σ β1 ,βK
B σ 1 2 ... σ β2 ,βK C
B β ,β σ β2 C
∆ = E ( βi β ) ( βi β ) 0 = B 2 1 C
(K ,K ) @ ... ... ... ... A
σ βK ,β1 σ βK ,β2 ... σβ2

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 211 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Vectorial form
For each cross section unit, we have:

yi = Xi β + Xi ξ i + vi

βi = β + ξ i
where the vector Xi include a constant term (i.e. the average of random
individual e¤ects, α).

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 212 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

De…nition (random coe¢ cient model)

The random coe¢ cient model can be rewriten as follows :

yi = Xi β + εi

εi = Xi ξ i + vi = Xi ( βi β) + vi

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 213 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Covariance matrix
For a given cross unit, the covariance matrix for the composite disturbance
term εi = Xi ξ i + vi is de…ned by:

Φi = E εi εi0
= E (Xi ξ i + vi ) (Xi ξ i + vi )0
= Xi E ξ i ξ i0 Xi0 + E vi vi0
= Xi ∆Xi0 + σ2i IT

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 214 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

For a given cross unit, the covariance matrix for the composite disturbance
term εi = Xi ξ i + vi is de…ned by:

Φi = Xi ∆Xi0 + σ2i IT

Stacking all nT observations, the covariance matrix for the composite

disturbance term is block-diagonal and heteroskedastic.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 215 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

1 Under Swamy’s assumption, the simple regression of y on X will yield
an unbiased and consistent estimator of β if (1/nT )X 0 X converges
to a nonzero constant matrix.
2 But the estimator is ine¢ cient, and the usual least-squares formula
for computing the variance–covariance matrix of the estimator is
incorrect, often leading to misleading statistical inferences.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 216 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

De…nition (GLS estimator)

The best linear unbiased estimator of β is the GLS estimator
! 1 !
n n
βGLS = ∑ Xi0 Φi 1
Xi ∑ Xi0 Φi 1
i =1 i =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 217 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

De…nition (GLS estimator)

The GLS estimator b βGLS is a matrix-weighted average of the least-squares
estimator βi for each cross-sectional unit, with the weights inversely
proportional to their covariance matrices:
βGLS = ∑ ωi bβi
i =1
! 1
n 1 h i 1

1 1
ωi = ∆ + σ2i Xi0 Xi ∆ + σ2i Xi0 Xi
i =1

b 1
βi = Xi0 Xi Xi0 yi

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 218 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

The covariance matrix for the GLS estimator is:

! 1
V b β = ∑ Xi Φ Xi
0 1
i =1
! 1
n 1

= ∆ + σ2i Xi0 Xi
i =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 219 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Feasible GLS estimator

Swamy proposes to use the OLS estimators b βi = (Xi0 Xi ) Xi0 yi and their
residuals vbi = yi Xi b
βi to obtain unbiased estimators of σ2i and ∆

1 1
b2i =
σ yi0 IT Xi Xi0 Xi Xi0 yi
T K ∑ vbit
t =1

yit = βi0 xit + vit

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 220 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Feasible GLS estimator

For the ∆ matrix, we have:
! !0 !
1 1 n b 1 n b
1 i∑ n i∑ n i∑
∆ = b
βi βi b
βi βi
(K ,K ) n =1 =1 =1
1 n 2
n i∑
bi Xi0 Xi

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 221 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

De…nition (estimator for ∆)

b is not necessarily nonnegative de…nite.
However, the previous estimator ∆
In this situation, Swamy (1970) has suggested replacing this estimator by:
! !0 !
1 1 n b 1 n b
1 i∑ n i∑ n i∑
b =
∆ b
βi βi b
βi βi
(K ,K ) n =1 =1 =1

This estimator, although not unbiased, is nonnegative de…nite and is

consistent when T tends to in…nity.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 222 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

1 Swamy proved that substituting σ b for σ2 and ∆ yields an
b2i and ∆ i
asymptotically normal and e¢ cient estimator of β.
2 The speed of convergence of the GLS estimator is n1/2 .

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 223 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Summary: how to estimate a random coe¢ cient model?

1 Run the n individual regressions yit = βi0 xit + vit .

2 Compute σ b as follows
b2i and the Swamy’s estimator ∆
! !0 !
1 1 n b 1 n b
1 i∑ n i∑ n i∑
b =
∆ b
βi βi b
βi βi
(K ,K ) n =1 =1 =1

b2i =
T K ∑ vbit
t =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 224 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

3. Compute the GLS estimate of the mean of the parameters βi

! 1 !
n n
βGLS = ∑ Xi0 Φb i 1
Xi ∑ Xi0 Φb i 1
i =1 i =1

Φ b i0 + σ
b i = Xi ∆X b2i IT

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 225 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Example (Swamy, 1970)

Swamy (1970) used this model to reestimate the Grunfeld investment
function with the annual data of 11 U.S. corporations. His GLS estimates
of the common-mean coe¢ cients of the …rms’beginning-of-year value of
outstanding shares and capital stock are 0.0843 and 0.1961, with
asymptotic standard errors 0.014 and 0.0412, respectively. The estimated
dispersion measure of these coe¢ cients is

b= 0.0011 0.0002


C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 226 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Predicting Individual Coe¢ cients

1 Sometimes one may wish to predict the individual component βi ,

because it provides information on the behavior of each individual and
also because it provides a basis for predicting future values of the
dependent variable for a given individual.
2 Swamy (1970, 1971) has shown that the best linear unbiased
predictor, conditional on given xi , is the least-squares estimator b
βi .

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 227 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

De…nition (individual predictors for βi )

Lee and Gri¢ ths (1979) suggest predicting βi by
βi = b
βGLS + ∆Xi0 Xi ∆Xi0 + σ2i IT yi Xi b

This predictor is the best linear unbiased estimator in the sense that
E ( βi βi ) = 0, where the expectation is an unconditional one.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 228 / 258

6.1. Random coe¢ cient model

Predicting Individual Coe¢ cients : Lindley and Smith (1972)

1 It is also possible to consider a Bayesian approach: the random

coe¢ cient model is also called the hierarchical model
2 In this case, the prior distribution for the βi parameters is speci…ed
with the value for β, ∆ and σ2i .
3 From a Bayesian perspective, the likelihood is combined with priors to
generate posterior distributions of the parameters.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 229 / 258

Subsection 6.2

Other Heterogeneous Panel Data Models

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 230 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Heterogeneous panel data models

There are many other way to model the heterogeneity of slope parameters:

1 Mixed …xed and random (MFR) coe¢ cients model.

2 Mean group estimation.
3 Panel threshold regression models.
4 Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity.
5 etc.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 231 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Heterogeneous panel data models

There are many other way to model the heterogeneity of slope parameters:

1 Mixed …xed and random (MFR) coe¢ cients model.

2 Mean group estimation.
3 Panel threshold regression models.
4 Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity.
5 etc.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 232 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

De…nition (mixed …xed and random coe¢ cient model)

We assume that each cross section unit is di¤erent
K m
yit = ∑ βki xki + ∑ γli wli + vit i = 1, .., n
k =1 l =1

where xit and wit are each a K 1 and an m 1 vector of explanatory

variables that are independent of the error of the equation vit .

Hsiao C. (1989), ”Modelling Ontrario Regional Electricity System Demand

Using a Mixed Fixed and Random Coe¤cient Approaoch”, Regional Science
and Urban Economics, 19, 565-587

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 233 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models


The parameters β = ( β10 , β20 , ..., βK0 )0 are assumed to be randomly

(nK ,1 )

The parameters γ = (γ10 , γ20 , ..., γm

0 )0 are …xed.
(nm,1 )

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 234 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

In a vectorial form, we have

y = X β + W γ + v
(nT ,1 ) (nT ,nK )(nK ,1 ) (nT ,nm )(nm,1 ) (nT ,1 )

0 1 0 1
X1 0 0 W1 0 0
B 0 X2 C B 0 W2 C
X =B
A W =B
0 Xn 0 Wn

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 235 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Assumptions on the random coe¢ cients

The coe¢ cients of xit are assumed to be subject to stochastic restrictions
of the form

β = A1 β + ζ

A1 is an nK L matrix with known elements,

β is an L 1 vector of constants,

ζ is assumed to be (normally distributed) random variables with mean

0 and nonsingular constant covariance matrix C and is independent of
xi .

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 236 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Assumptions on the …xed coe¢ cients

The coe¢ cients of wit are assumed to be subject to

γ = A2 γ

A2 is an nm n matrix with known elements,

γ is an n 1 vector of constants.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 237 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

MFR model
Since A2 is known, we can rewrite the model as

y = X f
β + W γ + v
(nT ,1 ) (nT ,nK )(K ,1 ) (nT ,n )(n,1 ) (nT ,1 )

f = WA2 .
where W

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 238 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Many of the linear panel data models with unobserved individual speci…c
but time-invariant heterogeneity can be treated as special cases of this

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 239 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

A common model for all cross-sectional units. If there is no interindividual
di¤erence in behavioral patterns, we may let X = 0, A2 = en Im , so
model becomes
yit = wit γ + vit

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 240 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

When each individual is considered di¤erent, then X = 0, A2 = In Im ,
and the model becomes
yit = wit γi + vit

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 241 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

When the e¤ects of the individual speci…c, time-invariant omitted variables
are treated as random variables just as in the assumption on the e¤ects of
other omitted variables, we can let Xi = eT , ζ 0 = (ζ 1 , ..., ζ n ), A1 = en ,
C = In σ2α , β be an unknown constant, and wit not contain an intercept
term. Then the model becomes:

yit = β + γ0 wit + ζ i + vit

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 242 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Heterogeneous panel data models

There are many other way to model the heterogeneity of slope parameters:

1 Mixed …xed and random (MFR) coe¢ cients model.

2 Mean group estimation.
3 Panel threshold regression models.
4 Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity.
5 etc.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 243 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Heterogeneous panel data models

There are many other way to model the heterogeneity of slope parameters:

1 Mixed …xed and random (MFR) coe¢ cients model.

2 Mean group estimation.
3 Panel threshold regression models.
4 Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity.
5 etc.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 244 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Consider an heterogeneous panel data model

yit = βi0 xit + vit i = 1, .., n

A consistent estimator of β = E ( βi ) can be obtained under more

general assumptions concerning βi and the regressors.

One such possible estimator is the Mean Group (MG) estimator

proposed by Pesaran and Smith (1995) for estimation of dynamic
random coe¢ cient models.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 245 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

De…nition (mean group estimator)

The mean group (MG) estimator is de…ned as the simple average of the
OLS estimators b
1 n
βMG = ∑ b
b β
n i =1 i

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 246 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Mean Group (MG) estimator

When the regressors are strictly exogeneous and the errors are i.i.d, an
unbiased estimator of the covariance matrix is given by
V b
βMG = ∆
! !0 !
1 1 n b 1 n b
1 i∑ n i∑ n i∑
∆ b
βi βi b
βi βi
n =1 =1 =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 247 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

For more details

Pesaran, M.H. and R. Smith (1995), “Estimation of Long-Run Relationships

from Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels”, Journal of Econometrics, 68, 79-114.

Pesaran, M.H.,Y. Shin and R.P. Smith, (1999), “PooledMean Group

Estimation of Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels”, Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 94, 621-634.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 248 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Heterogeneous panel data models

There are many other way to model the heterogeneity of slope parameters:

1 Mixed …xed and random (MFR) coe¢ cients model.

2 Mean group estimation.
3 Panel threshold regression models.
4 Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity.
5 etc.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 249 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Heterogeneous panel data models

There are many other way to model the heterogeneity of slope parameters:

1 Mixed …xed and random (MFR) coe¢ cients model.

2 Mean group estimation.
3 Panel threshold regression models.
4 Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity.
5 etc.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 250 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

Bonhomme S. and E. Manresa (2015), Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity in

Panel Data, Econometrica, 83(3), 1147-1184
This paper introduces time-varying Grouped Patterns of
Heterogeneity in linear panel data models.

A distinctive feature of this approach is that group membership is left


The authors estimate the parameters of the model using a “grouped

…xed-e¤ects” estimator that minimizes a least-squares criterion with
respect to all possible groupings of the cross-sectional units.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 251 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

A simple linear model with grouped patterns of heterogeneity takes the

following form
yit = xit0 θ + αgi t + vit

αgi ,t 2 A R denotes a group-speci…c unobservable variable

The group membership variables gi 2 f1, ..., G g and the

group-speci…c time e¤ects αgi t are unrestricted.

Units in the same group share the same time pro…le αgt

The number of groups G is to be set or estimated by the researcher.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 252 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

The grouped …xed-e¤ects estimator in this model is de…ned as the solution
of the following minimization problem:
n T
b = arg min ∑ ∑
b 2
θ, b
α, γ yit xit0 θ αg i t
i =1 t =1

where the minimum is taken over all possible groupings γ = fg1 , ..., gn g of
the n units into G groups, common parameters θ, and group-speci…c time
e¤ects α.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 253 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

For given values of θ and α, the optimal group assignment for each
individual unit is given by:

gbi (θ, α) = arg min yit xit0 θ αgt
g 2f1,...,G g t =1

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 254 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

This model can be extended to allow for group-speci…c e¤ects of

covariates (heterogeneous slope coe¢ cients):

yit = xit0 θ gi + αgi t + vit

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 255 / 258

6.2. Other hetorogeneous panel data models

The authors propose a very intuitive iterative algorithm to:

Estimate the parameters

Determine the group membership

For more details, see

Bonhomme S. and E. Manresa (2015), Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity in
Panel Data, Econometrica, 83(3), 1147-1184

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 256 / 258

6. Heterogeneous panel data models

Key Concepts Section 6

1 Heterogeneous panel data model.

2 Random coe¢ cient model.
3 GLS estimator.
4 Hierarchical model.
5 Mixed …xed and random coe¢ cients model.
6 Mean group estimator.
7 Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity.

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 257 / 258

End of Chapter 1

Christophe Hurlin (University of Orléans)

C. Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics II February 2018 258 / 258

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