Lee Harvey Oswald

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Lee Harvey Oswald

Lee Harvey Oswald (October 18, 1939 – November 24, 1963) was an American
Lee Harvey Oswald
Marxist and former U.S. Marine who assassinated United States President John
F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Oswald was honorably released from active
duty in the Marine Corps into the reserve and defected to the Soviet Union in
October 1959. He lived in the Belarusian city of Minsk until June 1962, when he
returned to the United States with his Russian wife, Marina, and eventually
settled in Dallas. Five government investigations[n 1] concluded that Oswald shot
and killed Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository as
the President traveled by motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas.

About 45 minutes after assassinating Kennedy, Oswald shot and killed Dallas
police officer J. D. Tippit on a local street. He then slipped into a movie theater,
where he was arrested for Tippit's murder. Oswald was eventually charged with
the assassination of Kennedy; he denied the accusations and stated that he was a
"patsy."[1][2] Two days later, Oswald was fatally shot by local nightclub owner
Photo taken in Minsk,
Jack Ruby on live television in the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters.
Warren Commission Exhibit 2892
In September 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted alone Born October 18, 1939
when he assassinated Kennedy by firing three shots from the Texas School Book New Orleans,
Depository. This conclusion, though controversial, was supported by previous Louisiana, U.S.
investigations from the FBI, the Secret Service, and the Dallas Police Died November 24, 1963
Department.[3][4] Despite forensic, ballistic, and eyewitness evidence supporting (aged 24)
the official findings, public opinion polls have shown that most Americans do Dallas, Texas, U.S.
not believe the official version of the events.[5] The assassination has spawned
Cause of Abdominal gunshot
numerous conspiracy theories.
death wound from Jack Ruby
Resting Rose Hill Cemetery
place Fort Worth, Texas
Contents 32.732455°N
Early life 97.203223°W
Childhood Nationality American
Marine Corps Criminal Assassination of
Adult life and early crimes charge President John F.
Defection to the Soviet Union
Kennedy and murder
Dallas–Fort Worth
of Dallas police officer
Edwin Walker assassination attempt
New Orleans
J. D. Tippit
Mexico Spouse(s) Marina Nikolayevna
Return to Dallas Prusakova (m. 1961)
John F. Kennedy and J. D. Tippit shootings Children 2
Arrest at the Texas Theatre
Police interrogation
Ruby's motive
Official investigations
Warren Commission
Ramsey Clark Panel
House Select Committee
Backyard photos
Other investigations and dissenting theories
See also
Further reading
External links

Early life

Oswald was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on October 18, 1939, to Robert Edward Lee Oswald, Sr. (1896–1939) and
Marguerite Frances Claverie (1907–1981). Robert Oswald was a distant cousin of Confederate general Robert E. Lee and served
in the Marines during World War I.[6] Robert died of a heart attack two months before Lee was born.[7] Lee's elder brother
Robert, Jr. (1934–2017)[8] was also a former Marine. Through Marguerite's first marriage to Edward John Pic, Jr., Lee and Robert
Jr. were the half-brothers of Air Force veteran John Edward Pic (1932–2000).[9]

In 1944, Marguerite moved the family from New Orleans to Dallas, Texas. Oswald entered the first grade in 1945 and over the
next half-dozen years attended several different schools in the Dallas and Fort Worth areas through the sixth grade. Oswald took
an IQ test in the fourth grade and scored 103; "on achievement tests in [grades 4 to 6], he twice did best in reading and twice did
worst in spelling."[10]

As a child, Oswald was described as withdrawn and temperamental by several people who knew him.[11] When Oswald was 12
in August 1952, his mother took him to New York City where they lived for a short time with Oswald's half-brother, John.
Oswald and his mother were later asked to leave after an argument in which Oswald allegedly struck his mother and threatened
John's wife with a pocket knife.[12][13][14]

Oswald attended seventh grade in the Bronx, New York, but was often truant, which led to a psychiatric assessment at a juvenile
reformatory.[15] The reformatory psychiatrist, Dr. Renatus Hartogs, described Oswald as immersed in a "vivid fantasy life,
turning around the topics of omnipotence and power, through which [Oswald] tries to compensate for his present shortcomings
and frustrations". Dr. Hartogs detected a "personality pattern disturbance with schizoid features and passive-aggressive
tendencies" and recommended continued treatment.[16]

In January 1954, Marguerite returned to New Orleans and took Lee with her.[17] At the time, there was a question pending before
a New York judge as to whether Oswald should be removed from the care of his mother to finish his schooling,[18] although
Oswald's behavior appeared to improve during his last months in New York.[19][20]

Oswald completed the eighth and ninth grades in New Orleans. He entered the 10th grade in 1955 but quit school after one
month.[21] After leaving school, Oswald worked for several months as an office clerk and messenger in New Orleans. In July
1956, Oswald's mother moved the family to Fort Worth, Texas, and Oswald re-enrolled in the 10th grade for the September
session at Arlington Heights High School in Fort Worth. A few weeks later in October, Oswald quit school at age 17 to join the
Marines (see below);[22] he never earned a high school diploma. By this point, he had resided at 22 locations and attended 12
schools.[n 2]

Though Oswald had trouble spelling in his youth[10] and may have had a "reading-spelling disability",[23] he read voraciously. By
age 15, he considered himself a Marxist according to his diary: "I was looking for a key to my environment, and then I discovered
socialist literature. I had to dig for my books in the back dusty shelves of libraries." At 16 he wrote to the Socialist Party of
America for information on their Young People's Socialist League, saying he had been studying socialist principles for "well over
fifteen months".[24] However, Edward Voebel, "whom the Warren Commission had established was Oswald's closest friend
during his teenage years in New Orleans ... said that reports that Oswald was already 'studying Communism' were a 'lot of
baloney.' " Voebel said that "Oswald commonly read 'paperback trash.'"[25][26][27]

As a teenager in 1955, Oswald attended Civil Air Patrol meetings in New Orleans. Fellow cadets recalled him attending C.A.P.
meetings "three or four" times, or "10 or 12 times" over a one- or two-month period.[28][29][30]

Marine Corps
Oswald enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on October 24, 1956, just after his
seventeenth birthday. He was underage and his brother Robert, Jr. was required to sign the
forms as his legal guardian. Oswald also named his mother and his half-brother John as
beneficiaries.[31] Oswald idolized his older brother, Robert Jr.,[32] and wore his Marine
Corps ring.[33] John Pic (Oswald's half-brother) testified to the Warren Commission that
Oswald's enlistment was motivated by wanting "to get from out and under ... the yoke of
oppression from my mother".[34]

Oswald's enlistment papers showed his vital statistics as 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 meters) in
height, 135 pounds (61 kg) in weight, with hazel eyes and brown hair.[31] His primary
training was in radar operation, which was a position that required a security clearance. A
May 1957 document stated that he was "granted final clearance to handle classified matter Oswald when he served in
the U.S. Marine Corps
up to and including confidential after careful check of local records had disclosed no
derogatory data."[35]

At Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi, Oswald finished seventh in a class of thirty in the Aircraft Control and Warning
Operator Course, which "included instruction in aircraft surveillance and the use of radar".[36] He was given the military
occupational specialty of Aviation Electronics Operator.[37] On July 9, he reported to the Marine Corps Air Station El Toro in
California then departed for Japan the following month, where he was assigned to Marine Air Control Squadron 1 at Naval Air
Facility Atsugi near Tokyo.[38]

Like all marines, Oswald was trained and tested in shooting. In December 1956, he scored 212, which was slightly above the
requirements for the designation of sharpshooter.[21] In May 1959 he scored 191, which reduced his rating to marksman.[21][39]

Oswald was court-martialed after he accidentally shot himself in the elbow with an unauthorized .22 caliber handgun. He was
court-martialed a second time for fighting with a sergeant who he thought was responsible for his punishment in the shooting
matter. He was demoted from private first class to private and briefly imprisoned in the brig. Oswald was later punished for a
third incident: while he was on a night-time sentry duty in the Philippines, he inexplicably fired his rifle into the jungle.[40]

Slightly built, Oswald was nicknamed Ozzie Rabbit after the cartoon character; he was also called Oswaldskovich[41] because he
espoused pro-Soviet sentiments. In November 1958, Oswald transferred back to El Toro[42] where his unit's function "was to
serveil [sic] for aircraft, but basically to train both enlisted men and officers for later assignment overseas". An officer there said
that Oswald was a "very competent" crew chief and was "brighter than most people."[43][44]
While Oswald was in the Marines, he made an effort to teach himself rudimentary Russian. Although this was an unusual
endeavor, on February 25, 1959, he was invited to take a Marine proficiency exam in written and spoken Russian. His level at the
time was rated "poor" in understanding spoken Russian, though he fared rather reasonably for a Marine private at the time in
reading and writing.[45] On September 11, 1959, he received a hardship discharge from active service, claiming his mother
needed care. He was placed on the United States Marine Corps Reserve.[21][46][47]

Adult life and early crimes

Defection to the Soviet Union

Oswald traveled to the Soviet Union just before he turned 20 in October 1959; he had planned the trip well in advance by
teaching himself Russian and saving $1,500 of his Marine Corps salary (equivalent to $10,200 in 2018).[n 3] Oswald spent two
days with his mother in Fort Worth, then embarked by ship on September 20 from New Orleans to Le Havre, France, and
immediately traveled to the United Kingdom. Arriving in Southampton on October 9, he told officials he had $700 and planned to
stay for one week before proceeding to a school in Switzerland. However, on the same day, he flew to Helsinki, where he was
issued a Soviet visa on October 14. Oswald left Helsinki by train on the following day, crossed the Soviet border at Vainikkala,
and arrived in Moscow on October 16.[48] His visa, valid only for a week, was due to expire on October 21.[49]

Almost immediately after arriving, Oswald informed his Intourist guide of his desire to become a Soviet citizen. When asked why
by the various Soviet officials he encountered — all of whom, by Oswald's account, found his wish incomprehensible — he said
that he was a communist, and gave what he described in his diary as "vauge [sic] answers about 'Great Soviet Union'".[49] On
October 21, the day his visa was due to expire, he was told that his citizenship application had been refused, and that he had to
leave the Soviet Union that evening. Distraught, Oswald inflicted a minor but bloody wound to his left wrist in his hotel room
bathtub soon before his Intourist guide was due to arrive to escort him from the country, according to his diary because he wished
to kill himself in a way that would shock her.[49] Delaying Oswald's departure because of his self-inflicted injury, the Soviets kept
him in a Moscow hospital under psychiatric observation until October 28, 1959.[50]

According to Oswald, he met with four more Soviet officials that

same day, who asked if he wanted to return to the United States.
Oswald replied by insisting that he wanted to live in the Soviet
Union as a Soviet national. When pressed for identification papers,
he provided his Marine Corps discharge papers.[51]

On October 31, Oswald appeared at the United States embassy in

Moscow and declared a desire to renounce his U.S.
citizenship.[52][53] "I have made up my mind," he said; "I'm
through."[54] He told the U.S. embassy interviewing officer,
Richard Edward Snyder, that "he had been a radar operator in the Apartment building where Oswald lived in Minsk
Marine Corps and that he had voluntarily stated to unnamed Soviet
officials that as a Soviet citizen he would make known to them
such information concerning the Marine Corps and his specialty as he possessed. He intimated that he might know something of
special interest."[55] (Such statements led to Oswald's hardship/honorable military reserve discharge being changed to
undesirable.)[56] The Associated Press story of the defection of a former U.S. Marine to the Soviet Union was reported on the
front pages of some newspapers in 1959.[54]

Though Oswald had wanted to attend Moscow State University, he was sent to Minsk to work as a lathe operator at the Gorizont
Electronics Factory, which produced radios, televisions, and military and space electronics. Stanislau Shushkevich, who later
became independent Belarus's first head of state, was also engaged by Gorizont at the time, and was assigned to teach Oswald
Russian.[57] Oswald received a government-subsidized, fully furnished studio apartment in a prestigious building and an
additional supplement to his factory pay, which allowed him to have a comfortable standard of living by working-class Soviet
standards,[58] though he was kept under constant surveillance.[59]

From approximately June 1960 to February 1961, Oswald was in a personal relationship with Ella German, a co-worker at the
factory.[60] He proposed marriage to her at the beginning of 1961, but she refused with the explanation that she did not love him
and was afraid to marry an American.[60] Some researchers believe that German's rejection of Oswald's marriage proposal may
have had much to do with his disillusionment with life in the Soviet Union and his decision to return to the United States.[61][62]

Oswald wrote in his diary in January 1961: "I am starting to reconsider my desire about staying. The work is drab, the money I
get has nowhere to be spent. No nightclubs or bowling alleys, no places of recreation except the trade union dances. I have had
enough."[63] Shortly afterwards, Oswald (who had never formally renounced his U.S. citizenship) wrote to the Embassy of the
United States, Moscow requesting return of his American passport, and proposing to return to the U.S. if any charges against him
would be dropped.[64]

In March 1961, Oswald met Marina Prusakova (b. 1941), a 19-year-old pharmacology student; they married less than six weeks
later in April.[n 4][65] The Oswalds' first child, June, was born on February 15, 1962. On May 24, 1962, Oswald and Marina
applied at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow for documents that enabled her to immigrate to the U.S. On June 1, the U.S. Embassy
gave Oswald a repatriation loan of $435.71.[66] Oswald, Marina, and their infant daughter left for the United States, where they
received less attention from the press than Oswald expected, much to his disappointment.[67]

Dallas–Fort Worth
The Oswalds soon settled in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, where Lee's mother and brother lived. Lee began a manuscript on Soviet
life, though he eventually gave up the project.[68] The Oswalds also became acquainted with a number of anti-Communist
Russian and East European émigrés in the area.[69][70] In testimony to the Warren Commission, Alexander Kleinlerer said that
the Russian émigrés sympathized with Marina, while merely tolerating Oswald, whom they regarded as rude and arrogant.[n 5]

Although the Russian émigrés eventually abandoned Marina when she made no sign of leaving her husband,[71] Oswald found an
unlikely friend in 51-year-old Russian émigré George de Mohrenschildt, a well-educated petroleum geologist with international
business connections.[72][73] A native of Russia, Mohrenschildt later was to tell the Warren Commission that Oswald had a
"remarkable fluency in Russian."[74] Marina, meanwhile, befriended Ruth Paine,[75] a Quaker who was trying to learn Russian,
and her husband Michael Paine, who worked for Bell Helicopter.[76]

In July 1962, Oswald was hired by the Leslie Welding Company in Dallas; he disliked the work and quit after three months. On
October 12, he started working for the graphic-arts firm of Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall as a photoprint trainee. A fellow employee at
Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall testified that Oswald's rudeness at his new job was such that fights threatened to break out, and that he
once saw Oswald reading a Russian-language publication.[77][n 6] Oswald was fired almost 6 months later, on the first week of
April 1963.[78]

Edwin Walker assassination attempt

In March 1963, Oswald used the alias "A. Hidell" to make a mail-order purchase
of a secondhand 6.5 mm caliber Carcano rifle for $29.95.[79] He also purchased
a .38 Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolver by the same method.[80] The Warren
Commission concluded that Oswald attempted to kill retired U.S. Major General Lee Harvey Oswald's $29.95
Edwin Walker on April 10, 1963, and that Oswald fired the Carcano rifle at secondhand Carcano rifle, in the US
Walker through a window from less than 100 feet (30 m) away as Walker sat at a National Archives
desk in his Dallas home. The bullet struck the window-frame and Walker's only injuries were bullet fragments to the forearm.[81]
The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations stated that the "evidence strongly suggested" that Oswald carried
out the shooting.[82]

General Walker was an outspoken anti-communist, segregationist, and member of the John Birch Society. In 1961, Walker had
been relieved of his command of the 24th Division of the U.S. Army in West Germany for distributing right-wing literature to his
troops.[83][84] Walker's later actions in opposition to racial integration at the University of Mississippi led to his arrest on
insurrection, seditious conspiracy, and other charges. He was temporarily held in a mental institution on orders from President
Kennedy's brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, but a grand jury refused to indict him.[85]

Marina Oswald testified that her husband told her that he traveled by bus to General Walker's house and shot at Walker with his
rifle.[86][87] She said that Oswald considered Walker to be the leader of a "fascist organization."[88] A note Oswald left for
Marina on the night of the attempt, telling her what to do if he did not return, was not found until ten days after the Kennedy

Before the Kennedy assassination, Dallas police had no suspects in the Walker shooting,[93] but Oswald's involvement was
suspected within hours of his arrest following the assassination.[94] The Walker bullet was too damaged to run conclusive
ballistics studies on it,[95] but neutron activation analysis later showed that it was "extremely likely" that it was made by the same
manufacturer and for the same rifle make as the two bullets which later struck Kennedy.[n 7]

George de Mohrenschildt testified that he "knew that Oswald disliked General Walker."[96] Regarding this, de Mohrenschildt and
his wife Jeanne recalled an incident that occurred the weekend following the Walker assassination attempt. The de
Mohrenschildts testified that on April 14, 1963, just before Easter Sunday, they were visiting the Oswalds at their new apartment
and had brought them a toy Easter bunny to give to their child. As Oswald's wife Marina was showing Jeanne around the
apartment, they discovered Oswald's rifle standing upright, leaning against the wall inside a closet. Jeanne told George that
Oswald had a rifle, and George joked to Oswald, "Were you the one who took a pot-shot at General Walker?" When asked about
Oswald's reaction to this question, George de Mohrenschildt told the Warren Commission that Oswald "smiled at that."[97] When
George's wife Jeanne was asked about Oswald's reaction, she said, "I didn't notice anything"; she continued, "we started laughing
our heads off, big joke, big George's joke."[98] Jeanne de Mohrenschildt testified that this was the last time she or her husband
ever saw the Oswalds.[99][100]

New Orleans
Oswald returned to New Orleans on April 24, 1963.[101] Marina's friend Ruth
Paine drove her by car from Dallas to join Oswald in New Orleans the following
month.[102] On May 10, Oswald was hired by the Reily Coffee Company as a
machinery greaser.[103] He was fired in July "because his work was not
satisfactory and because he spent too much time loitering in Adrian Alba's
garage next door, where he read rifle and hunting magazines".[104]

On May 26, Oswald wrote to the New York City headquarters of the pro-Castro
Fair Play for Cuba Committee, proposing to rent "a small office at my own
Oswald rented an apartment in this
expense for the purpose of forming a FPCC branch here in New Orleans".[105]
building in Uptown New Orleans c.
Three days later, the FPCC responded to Oswald's letter advising against
May–September 1963.
opening a New Orleans office "at least not ... at the very beginning".[106] In a
follow-up letter, Oswald replied, "Against your advice, I have decided to take an
office from the very beginning."[107]
On May 29, Oswald ordered the following items from a local printer: 500
application forms, 300 membership cards, and 1,000 leaflets with the heading,
"Hands Off Cuba".[108] According to Lee Oswald's wife Marina, Lee told her to
sign the name "A.J. Hidell" as chapter president on his membership card.[109]

According to anti-Castro militant Carlos Bringuier, Oswald visited him on

August 5 and 6 at a store he owned in New Orleans. Bringuier was the New
Orleans delegate for the anti-Castro organization Directorio Revolucionario
Estudantil (DRE). Bringuier would later tell the Warren Commission that he
believed Oswald's visits were an attempt by Oswald to infiltrate his group.[110] Oswald passing out "Fair Play for
On August 9, Oswald turned up in downtown New Orleans handing out pro- Cuba" leaflets in New Orleans,
Castro leaflets. Bringuier confronted Oswald, claiming he was tipped off about August 16, 1963
Oswald's leafleting by a friend. A scuffle ensued and Oswald, Bringuier, and two
of Bringuier's friends were arrested for disturbing the peace.[111][112] Prior to
leaving the police station, Oswald requested to speak with an FBI agent.[113] Oswald told
the agent that he was a member of the New Orleans branch of the Fair Play for Cuba
Committee which he claimed had 35 members and was led by A. J. Hidell.[113] In fact,
Oswald was the branch's only member and it had never been chartered by the national

A week later, on August 16, Oswald again passed out Fair Play for Cuba leaflets with two
hired helpers, this time in front of the International Trade Mart. The incident was filmed
by WDSU, a local TV station.[115] The next day, Oswald was interviewed by WDSU
radio commentator William Stuckey, who probed Oswald's background.[116][117] A few
days later, Oswald accepted Stuckey's invitation to take part in a radio debate with Carlos
Bringuier and Bringuier's associate Edward Scannell Butler, head of the right-wing Oswald's mugshot following
his arrest for disturbing the
Information Council of the Americas (INCA).[116][118][119]
peace in New Orleans,
August 9, 1963.

Marina's friend Ruth Paine transported Marina and her child by car from New Orleans to the Paine home in Irving, Texas, near
Dallas, on September 23, 1963.[102][120] Oswald stayed in New Orleans at least two more days to collect a $33 unemployment
check. It is uncertain when he left New Orleans; he is next known to have boarded a bus in Houston on September 26 — bound
for the Mexican border, rather than Dallas — and to have told other bus passengers that he planned to travel to Cuba via
Mexico.[121][122] He arrived in Mexico City on September 27, where he applied for a transit visa at the Cuban Embassy,[123]
claiming he wanted to visit Cuba on his way to the Soviet Union. The Cuban embassy officials insisted Oswald would need
Soviet approval, but he was unable to get prompt co-operation from the Soviet embassy.

After five days of shuttling between consulates — and including a heated argument with an official at the Cuban consulate,
impassioned pleas to KGB agents, and at least some CIA scrutiny[124] — Oswald was told by a Cuban consular officer that he
was disinclined to approve the visa, saying "a person like [Oswald] in place of aiding the Cuban Revolution, was doing it
harm."[125] Later, on October 18, the Cuban embassy approved the visa, but by this time Oswald was back in the United States
and had given up on his plans to visit Cuba and the Soviet Union. Still later, eleven days before the assassination of President
Kennedy, Oswald wrote to the Soviet embassy in Washington, D.C., saying, "Had I been able to reach the Soviet Embassy in
Havana, as planned, the embassy there would have had time to complete our business."[126][127]

While the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald had visited Mexico City and the Cuban and Soviet consulates, questions
regarding whether someone posing as Oswald had appeared at the embassies were serious enough to be investigated by the House
Select Committee on Assassinations. Later, the Committee agreed with the Warren Commission that Oswald had visited Mexico
City and concluded that "the majority of evidence tends to indicate" that Oswald in fact visited the consulates, but the Committee
could not rule out the possibility that someone else had used his name in visiting the consulates.[128]

Return to Dallas
On October 2, 1963, Oswald left Mexico City by bus and arrived in Dallas the
next day. Ruth Paine said that her neighbor told her, on October 14, that there
was a job opening at the Texas School Book Depository, where her neighbor's
brother, Wesley Frazier, worked. Mrs. Paine informed Oswald, who was
interviewed at the depository and was hired there on October 16 as a $1.25 an
hour minimum wage order filler.[129] Oswald's supervisor, Roy S. Truly (1907–
1985), said that Oswald "did a good day's work" and was an above-average
employee.[130][131] During the week, Oswald stayed in a Dallas rooming house
Texas School Book Depository, the
under the name "O. H. Lee",[132] but he spent his weekends with Marina at the building where Oswald worked as a
Paine home in Irving. Oswald did not drive a car, but he commuted to and from shipping clerk when he fired the fatal
Dallas on Mondays and Fridays with his co-worker Wesley Frazier. On October shots that killed Kennedy
20 (a month before the assassination), the Oswalds' second daughter, Audrey,
was born.

FBI agents twice visited the Paine home in early November, when Oswald was not present, and spoke to Mrs. Paine.[133] Oswald
visited the Dallas FBI office about 2 to 3 weeks before the assassination, asking to see Special Agent James P. Hosty. When he
was told that Hosty was unavailable, Oswald left a note that, according to the receptionist, read: "Let this be a warning. I will
blow up the FBI and the Dallas Police Department if you don't stop bothering my wife" [signed] "Lee Harvey Oswald". The note
allegedly contained some sort of threat, but accounts vary as to whether Oswald threatened to "blow up the FBI" or merely
"report this to higher authorities". According to Hosty, the note said, "If you have anything you want to learn about me, come talk
to me directly. If you don't cease bothering my wife, I will take the appropriate action and report this to the proper authorities."
Agent Hosty said that he destroyed Oswald's note on orders from his superior, Gordon Shanklin, after Oswald was named the
suspect in the Kennedy assassination.[134][135]

John F. Kennedy and J. D. Tippit shootings

In the days before Kennedy's arrival, several local newspapers published the
route of the presidential motorcade, which passed the Texas School Book
Depository.[136] On Thursday, November 21, Oswald asked Frazier for an
unusual mid-week lift back to Irving, saying he had to pick up some curtain rods.
The next morning (the day of the assassination), he returned to Dallas with
Frazier. He left behind $170 and his wedding ring,[137] but took a large paper
bag with him. Frazier reported that Oswald told him the bag contained curtain
rods.[138][139] The Warren Commission concluded that the package of "curtain
rods" actually contained the rifle that Oswald was going to use for the
assassination.[140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147] Witness Howard Brennan standing in
the same spot across the street from
Oswald's co-worker, Charles Givens, testified to the Commission that he last saw
the Texas School Book Depository
Oswald on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) at four months after the assassination.
approximately 11:55 a.m., which was 35 minutes before the motorcade entered Circle "A" indicates where he saw
Dealey Plaza.[n 8] The Commission report stated that Oswald was not seen again Oswald fire a rifle at the presidential
"until after the shooting".[148] However, in an FBI report taken the day after the motorcade.
assassination, Givens said that the encounter took place at 11:30 a.m. and that he
later saw Oswald reading a newspaper in the first floor domino room at 11:50 a.m, 20 minutes later.[149][150] William Shelley, a
foreman at the depository, also testified that he saw Oswald making a phone call on the first floor between 11:45 and
11:50 a.m.[151] Janitor Eddie Piper also testified that he spoke to Oswald on the first floor at 12:00 p.m.[152] Another co-worker,
Bonnie Ray Williams, was eating his lunch on the sixth floor of the depository and was there until at least 12:10 p.m.[153] He said
that during that time, he did not see Oswald, or anyone else, on the sixth floor and thought that he was the only person up
there.[154] However, he also said that some boxes in the southeast corner may have prevented him from seeing deep into the
"sniper's nest".[155] Carolyn Arnold, the secretary to the Vice President of the TSBD, informed the FBI that as she left the
building to watch the motorcade, she caught a glimpse of a man whom she believed to be Oswald standing in the first floor
hallway of the building just prior to the assassination.[156][n 9]

As Kennedy's motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza at about 12:30 p.m. on November 22, Oswald fired three rifle shots from
the sixth-floor window of the book depository,[157] killing the President and seriously wounding Texas Governor John Connally.
One shot apparently missed the presidential limousine entirely, another struck both Kennedy and Connally, and a third bullet
struck Kennedy in the head,[158] killing him. Bystander James Tague received a minor facial injury from a small piece of
curbstone that had fragmented after it was struck by one of the bullets.

Witness Howard Brennan was sitting across the street from the Texas School Book Depository and watching the motorcade go
by. He notified police that he heard a shot come from above and looked up to see a man with a rifle fire another shot from the
southeast corner window on the sixth floor. He said he had seen the same man minutes earlier looking through the window.[159]
Brennan gave a description of the shooter,[160] and Dallas police subsequently broadcast descriptions at 12:45 p.m., 12:48 p.m.,
and 12:55 p.m.[161] After the second shot was fired, Brennan recalled, "This man I saw previous[ly] was aiming for his last
shot ... and maybe paused for another second as though to assure himself that he had hit his mark."[162]

According to the investigations, Oswald hid and covered the rifle with boxes after the attack and descended through the rear
stairwell. About 90 seconds after the shots rang out, Oswald was encountered in the second-floor lunchroom by Dallas police
officer Marrion L. Baker, who had his gun drawn. The patrolman was accompanied by Oswald's supervisor, Roy Truly. Baker
made the mistake of letting Oswald pass after Truly identified him as an employee; Baker and Truly incorrectly assumed that
Oswald was not a suspect because he was an employee of the building. According to Baker, Oswald did not appear to be
"nervous" or "out of breath".[163] Truly said that Oswald looked "startled" when Baker pointed his gun directly at him.[164][165]
Mrs. Robert Reid, a clerical supervisor at the depository who returned to her office within two minutes after the shooting, said
that she saw Oswald "was very calm" on the second floor with a can of Coca-Cola in his hands.[166] As they walked past each
other, Mrs. Reid said to Oswald, "The President has been shot" to which he mumbled something in response, but Reid did not
understand him.[167] Oswald was believed to have left the depository through the front entrance just before police sealed it off.
Truly later pointed out to officers that Oswald was the only employee that he was certain was missing.[168][169]

At about 12:40 p.m., Oswald boarded a city bus. Probably due to heavy traffic, he requested a transfer from the driver and got off
two blocks later.[170] Oswald then took a taxicab to his rooming house at 1026 North Beckley Avenue and entered through the
front door at about 1:00 p.m. According to his housekeeper Earlene Roberts, Oswald immediately went to his room, "walking
pretty fast."[171] Roberts said that Oswald left "a very few minutes" later, zipping up a jacket he was not wearing when he had
entered earlier. As Oswald left, Roberts looked out of the window of her house and last saw him standing at the northbound
Beckley Avenue bus stop in front of her house.[172][173]

The Warren Commission concluded that at approximately 1:15 p.m., Dallas Patrolman J. D. Tippit drove up in his patrol car
alongside Oswald, presumably because Oswald resembled the police broadcast description of the man seen by witness Howard
Brennan who fired shots at the presidential motorcade. He encountered Oswald near the corner of East 10th Street and North
Patton Avenue.[174][175] This location is about nine-tenths of a mile (1.4 km) southeast of Oswald's rooming house — a distance
that the Warren Commission concluded "Oswald could have easily walked."[176] Tippit pulled alongside Oswald and "apparently
exchanged words with [him] through the right front or vent window."[177] "Shortly after 1:15 p.m.",[n 10] Tippit exited his car.
Oswald immediately fired his pistol and killed the policeman with four shots.[177][178] Numerous witnesses heard the shots and
saw Oswald flee the scene holding a revolver; nine positively identified him as the man who shot Tippit and fled.[179][n 11] Four
cartridge cases found at the scene were identified by expert witnesses[180] before the Warren Commission and the House Select
Committee as having been fired from the revolver later found in Oswald's possession, to the exclusion of all other weapons.
However, the bullets taken from Tippit's body could not be positively identified as having been fired from Oswald's revolver as
the bullets were too extensively damaged to make conclusive assessments.[180][181]

Arrest at the Texas Theatre

Shoe store manager Johnny Brewer testified that he saw Oswald "ducking into"
the entrance alcove of his store. Suspicious of this activity, Brewer watched
Oswald continue up the street and slip without paying into the nearby Texas
Theatre, where the movie Cry of Battle was playing.[182] He alerted the theater's
ticket clerk, who telephoned police[183] at about 1:40 p.m.

As police arrived, the house lights were brought up and Brewer pointed out
Oswald sitting near the rear of the theater. Police Officer Nick McDonald
testified that he was the first to reach Oswald and that Oswald seemed ready to
surrender saying, "Well, it is all over now." McDonald said that Oswald pulled
Oswald being led from the Texas
out a pistol tucked into the front of his pants, then pointed the pistol at him, and Theatre following his arrest for killing
pulled the trigger. McDonald stated that the pistol did not fire because the pistol's Tippit
hammer came down on the webbing between the thumb and index finger of his
hand as he grabbed for the pistol. McDonald also said that Oswald struck him,
but that he struck back and Oswald was disarmed.[184][185] As he was led from the theater, Oswald shouted he was a victim of
police brutality.[186]

At about 2 p.m., Oswald was taken to the Police Department building, where homicide detective Jim Leavelle questioned him
about the shooting of Officer Tippit. When Captain J. W. Fritz heard Oswald's name, he recognized it as that of the book
depository employee who was reported missing and was already a suspect in the assassination.[187][188] Oswald was formally
arraigned for the murder of Officer Tippit at 7:10 p.m., and by early the next morning (shortly after 1:30 a.m.) he had also been
arraigned for the assassination of President Kennedy.[189][190]

Soon after his arrest, Oswald encountered reporters in a hallway. Oswald declared, "I didn't shoot anybody" and, "They've taken
me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I'm just a patsy!"[191] Later, at an arranged press meeting, a reporter
asked, "Did you kill the President?" and Oswald — who by that time had been advised of the charge of murdering Tippit, but had
not yet been arraigned in Kennedy's death — answered, "No, I have not been charged with that. In fact, nobody has said that to
me yet. The first thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question." As he was led from
the room the question was called out, "What did you do in Russia?" and, "How did you hurt your eye?"; Oswald answered, "A
policeman hit me."[192][193]

Police interrogation
Oswald was interrogated several times during his two days at Dallas Police Headquarters. He admitted that he went to his
rooming house after leaving the book depository. He also admitted that he changed his clothes and armed himself with a .38
revolver before leaving his house to go to the theater.[197] However, Oswald denied killing Kennedy and Tippit, denied owning a
rifle, and said two photographs of him holding a rifle and a pistol were fakes. He denied telling his co-worker he wanted a ride to
Irving to get curtain rods for his apartment (he said that the package contained his lunch). He also denied carrying a long, bulky
package to work the morning of the assassination. Oswald denied knowing an "A. J. Hidell". Oswald was then shown a forged
Selective Service System card bearing his photograph and the alias, "Alek James
Hidell" that he had in his possession at the time of his arrest. Oswald refused to
answer any questions concerning the card, saying "you have the card yourself
and you know as much about it as I do."[198][199]

FBI Special Agent James P. Hosty and Dallas Police Captain Will Fritz (chief of
homicide) conducted the first interrogation of Oswald on Friday, November 22.
When Oswald was asked to account for himself at the time of the assassination,
he replied that he was eating his lunch in the first-floor lounge (known as the Fake Selective Service System
"domino room"). He said that he then went to the second-floor lunchroom to buy (draft) card in the name of "Alek
a Coca-Cola from the soda machine there and was drinking it when he James Hidell", which was found on
Oswald when he was arrested. "A.
encountered Dallas motorcycle policeman Marrion L. Baker, who had entered
Hidell" was the name used on both
the building with his gun drawn.[200][201][202][203] Oswald said that while he
envelope and order slip to buy the
was in the domino room, he saw two "Negro employees" walking by, one he alleged murder weapon (see CE
recognized as "Junior" and a shorter man whose name he could not recall.[204] 773),[194] and "A. J. Hidell" was the
Junior Jarman and Harold Norman confirmed to the Warren Commission that alternate name on the New Orleans
they had "walked through" the domino room around noon during their lunch post office box rented June 11, 1963,
break. When asked if anyone else was in the domino room, Norman testified that by Oswald.[195] Both the alleged
murder weapon and the pistol in
somebody else was there, but he could not remember who it was. Jarman
Oswald's possession at arrest had
testified that Oswald was not in the domino room when he was there.[205][206]
earlier been shipped (at separate
During his last interrogation on November 24, according to postal inspector times) to Oswald's Dallas P.O. Box
Harry Holmes, Oswald was again asked where he was at the time of the 2915, as ordered by "A. J.
shooting. Holmes (who attended the interrogation at the invitation of Captain Hidell".[196]
Will Fritz) said that Oswald replied that he was working on an upper floor when
the shooting occurred, then went downstairs where he encountered Dallas
motorcycle policeman Marrion L. Baker.[207]

Oswald asked for legal representation several times while being interrogated, and he also asked for assistance during encounters
with reporters. When H. Louis Nichols, President of the Dallas Bar Association, met with him in his cell on Saturday, he declined
their services, saying he wanted to be represented by John Abt, chief counsel to the Communist Party USA, or by lawyers
associated with the American Civil Liberties Union.[208][209] Both Oswald and Ruth Paine tried to reach Abt by telephone
several times Saturday and Sunday,[210][211] but Abt was away for the weekend.[212] Oswald also declined his brother Robert's
offer on Saturday to obtain a local attorney.[213]

During an interrogation with Captain Fritz, when asked, "Are you a communist?", he replied, "No, I am not a communist. I am a

On Sunday, November 24, detectives were escorting Oswald through the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters toward an
armored car that was to take him from the city jail (located on the fourth floor of police headquarters) to the nearby county jail. At
11:21 a.m. CST, Dallas nightclub operator Jack Ruby approached Oswald from the side of the crowd and shot him once in the
abdomen at close range.[217] As the shot rang out, a police detective suddenly recognized Ruby and exclaimed: "Jack, you son of
a bitch!"[218] An unconscious Oswald was taken by ambulance to Parkland Memorial Hospital — the same hospital where
Kennedy was pronounced dead two days earlier. Oswald died at 1:07 p.m;[132] Dallas police chief Jesse Curry announced his
death on a TV news broadcast.
At 2:45 p.m. the same day, an autopsy was performed on Oswald in the Office of the
County Medical Examiner.[217] Dallas County medical examiner Earl Rose announced the
results of the gross autopsy: "The two things that we could determine were, first, that he
died from a hemorrhage from a gunshot wound, and that otherwise he was a physically
healthy male."[219] Rose's examination found that the bullet entered Oswald's left side in
the front part of the abdomen and caused damage to his spleen, stomach, aorta, vena cava,
kidney, liver, diaphragm, and eleventh rib before coming to rest on his right side.[219]

A network television pool camera was broadcasting live to cover the transfer; millions of
people watching on NBC witnessed the shooting as it happened and on other networks
within minutes afterward.[220] In 1964, Robert H. Jackson of the Dallas Times Herald was
awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Photography for his image of the murder of Lee Harvey
Ruby about to shoot
Oswald by Jack Ruby.[221] Oswald, who is being
escorted by Dallas police.
Det. Jim Leavelle is wearing
Ruby's motive the tan suit. Det.
Ruby later said he had been distraught over Kennedy's death and that his motive for L. C. Graves is wearing the
dark suit. Ruby is
killing Oswald was "saving Mrs. Kennedy the discomfiture of coming back to trial".[222]
approaching Oswald from
Others have hypothesized that Ruby was part of a conspiracy. G. Robert Blakey, chief the side, where he is
counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations from 1977 to 1979, said: "The unnoticed by anyone in the
most plausible explanation for the murder of Oswald by Jack Ruby was that Ruby had photograph.
stalked him on behalf of organized crime, trying to reach him on at least three occasions in
the forty-eight hours before he silenced him forever."[223]

Oswald's body was buried on November 25 in Shannon Rose Hill Memorial
Burial Park in Fort Worth.[224] Reporters covering the burial were asked by
officials to act as pallbearers.[225] The original tombstone, which gave Oswald's
full name as well as birth and death dates, was stolen; officials replaced it with a
marker simply inscribed Oswald. His mother's body was buried beside his in

A claim that a look-alike Russian agent was buried in place of Oswald led to the
body's exhumation on October 4, 1981.[227] Dental records confirmed that it was
Oswald's replacement gravestone
Oswald's body in the grave and it was reburied in a new coffin due to water
damage to the original.[228]

In 2010, the Fort Worth funeral home that held Oswald's original coffin employed a Los Angeles auction house to sell it to an
undisclosed bidder for $87,468.[227][228] The sale was halted after Oswald's brother, Robert (1934–2017),[229] learned of the
transaction in a Texas newspaper and sued to reclaim the coffin.[227][228] In January 2015, a district judge in Tarrant County,
Texas ruled that the funeral home intentionally concealed the existence of the pine coffin from Robert Oswald, who had originally
purchased it and believed that it had been discarded after the exhumation.[227][228] The court ordered it returned to Oswald's
brother, plus damages equal to the sale price.[227][228] Robert Oswald's attorney stated that the coffin would likely be destroyed
"as soon as possible".[227][228]

Official investigations
Warren Commission
President Lyndon B. Johnson issued an executive order that created the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination. The
commission concluded that Oswald acted alone in assassinating Kennedy, and the Warren Report could not ascribe any one
motive or group of motives to Oswald's actions:

It is apparent, however, that Oswald was moved by an overriding hostility to his environment. He does not appear
to have been able to establish meaningful relationships with other people. He was perpetually discontented with
the world around him. Long before the assassination he expressed his hatred for American society and acted in
protest against it. Oswald's search for what he conceived to be the perfect society was doomed from the start. He
sought for himself a place in history — a role as the "great man" who would be recognized as having been in
advance of his times. His commitment to Marxism and communism appears to have been another important factor
in his motivation. He also had demonstrated a capacity to act decisively and without regard to the consequences
when such action would further his aims of the moment. Out of these and the many other factors which may have
molded the character of Lee Harvey Oswald there emerged a man capable of assassinating President

The proceedings of the commission were closed, though not secret. Approximately 3% of its files have yet to be released to the
public, which has continued to provoke speculation among researchers.[n 12]

Ramsey Clark Panel

In 1968, the Ramsey Clark Panel examined various photographs, X-ray films, documents, and other evidence. It concluded that
Kennedy was struck by two bullets fired from above and behind him: one of which traversed the base of the neck on the right side
without striking bone, and the other of which entered the skull from behind and destroyed its right side.[231]

House Select Committee

In 1979, after a review of the evidence and of prior investigations, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations
(HSCA) largely concurred with the Warren Commission and was preparing to issue a finding that Oswald had acted alone in
killing Kennedy.[232] However, late in the Committee's proceedings a dictabelt recording was introduced, purportedly recording
sounds heard in Dealey Plaza before, during and after the shots. After an analysis by the firm Bolt, Beranek and Newman
appeared to indicate more than three gunshots, the HSCA revised its findings to assert a "high probability that two gunmen fired"
at Kennedy and that Kennedy "was probably assassinated as the result of a conspiracy." Although the Committee was "unable to
identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy," it made a number of further findings regarding the likelihood or
unlikelihood that particular groups, named in the findings, were involved.[233] Four of the twelve members of the HSCA
dissented from this conclusion.[232]

The acoustical evidence has since been discredited.[234][235][236][237][238][239] Officer H.B. McLain, from whose motorcycle
radio the HSCA acoustic experts said the Dictabelt evidence came,[240][241] has repeatedly stated that he was not yet in Dealey
Plaza at the time of the assassination.[242] McLain asked the Committee, "'If it was my radio on my motorcycle, why did it not
record the revving up at high speed plus my siren when we immediately took off for Parkland Hospital?'"[243]

In 1982, a panel of twelve scientists appointed by the National Academy of Sciences, including Nobel laureates Norman Ramsey
and Luis Alvarez, unanimously concluded that the acoustic evidence submitted to the HSCA was "seriously flawed", was
recorded after the shots, and did not indicate additional gunshots.[244] Their conclusions were published in the journal
In a 2001 article in the journal Science & Justice, D.B. Thomas wrote that the NAS investigation was itself flawed. He concluded
with a 96.3 percent certainty that there were at least two gunmen firing at President Kennedy and that at least one shot came from
the grassy knoll.[246] In 2005, Thomas's conclusions were rebutted in the same journal. Ralph Linsker and several members of the
original NAS team reanalyzed the timings of the recordings and reaffirmed the earlier conclusion of the NAS report that the
alleged shot sounds were recorded approximately one minute after the assassination.[247] In 2010, D.B. Thomas challenged the
2005 Science & Justice article and restated his conclusion that there were at least two gunmen.[248]

Backyard photos
Around March 31, 1963, Marina took pictures of Oswald as he posed with a
Carcano rifle, a holstered pistol, and two Marxist newspapers — The Militant
and The Worker.[249] The pictures were shown to Oswald after his arrest, but he
insisted that they were forgeries.[250] In 1964, Marina testified before the Warren
Commission that she had taken the photographs at Oswald's request using his
camera — [251] testimony she reaffirmed repeatedly over the decades.[n 13]

These photos were labelled CE 133-A and CE 133-B. CE 133-A shows the rifle
in Oswald's left hand and newspapers in front of his chest in the other, while the
rifle is held with the right hand in CE 133-B. The Carcano in the images had
markings matching those on the rifle found in the Book Depository after the
assassination. Oswald's mother testified that on the day after the assassination
she and Marina destroyed another photograph with Oswald holding the rifle with Image CE 133-A, one of three known
both hands over his head, with "To my daughter June" written on it.[252] "backyard photos". Oswald sent this
image (as a first-generation copy) to
The HSCA obtained another first-generation print (from CE 133-A) on April 1, George de Mohrenschildt in April
1977, from the widow of George de Mohrenschildt. The words "Hunter of 1963.
fascists — ha ha ha!" written in block Russian were on the back. Also in English
were added in script: "To my friend George, Lee Oswald, 5/IV/63 [April 5,
1963]."[253] Handwriting experts for the HSCA concluded the English inscription and signature were by Oswald. After two
original photos, one negative and one first-generation copy had been found, the Senate Intelligence Committee located (in 1976)
a third backyard photo (CE 133-C) showing Oswald with newspapers held away from his body in his right hand.

These photos, widely recognized as some of the most significant evidence against Oswald, have been subjected to rigorous
analysis.[254] Photographic experts consulted by the HSCA concluded they were genuine,[255] answering twenty-one points
raised by critics.[256] Marina Oswald has always maintained she took the photos herself, and the 1963 de Mohrenschildt print
bearing Oswald's signature clearly indicate they existed before the assassination. Nonetheless, some continue to contest their
authenticity.[257] In 2009, after digitally analyzing the photograph of Oswald holding the rifle and paper, computer scientist Hany
Farid concluded[258] that the photo "almost certainly was not altered".[259]

Other investigations and dissenting theories

Some critics have not accepted the conclusions of the Warren Commission and have proposed several other theories, such as that
Oswald conspired with others, or was not involved at all and was framed. A Gallup Poll taken in mid-November 2013, showed
61% believed that Kennedy was killed as a result of conspiracy, and only 30% thought Oswald acted alone.[260]

Oswald was never prosecuted because he was murdered two days after the assassination. In March 1967, New Orleans District
Attorney Jim Garrison arrested and charged New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw with conspiring to assassinate President
Kennedy, with the help of Oswald, David Ferrie, and others. Garrison believed that the men were part of an arms smuggling ring
supplying weapons to the anti-Castro Cubans in a conspiracy with elements of the CIA to kill Kennedy.[261] The trial of Clay
Shaw began in January 1969 in Orleans Parish Criminal Court. The jury acquitted Shaw.
Several films have fictionalized a trial of Oswald, depicting what may have happened had Ruby not killed Oswald. The Trial of
Lee Harvey Oswald (1964); The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald (1977); and On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald (1986) have imagined
such a trial. In 1988, a 21-hour unscripted mock trial was held on television, argued by lawyers before a judge,[262] with
unscripted testimony from surviving witnesses to the events surrounding the assassination; the jury returned a verdict of guilty. In
1992 the American Bar Association conducted two mock Oswald trials. The first trial ended in a hung jury. In the second trial the
jury acquitted Oswald.

See also
Robert F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories
Sirhan Sirhan

1. These were investigations by: the Federal Bureau of Investigation (1963), the Warren Commission (1964), the
House Select Committee on Assassinations (1979), the Secret Service, and the Dallas Police Department.
2. The schools were:
1st grade: Benbrook Common School (Fort Worth, Texas), October 31, 1945
1st grade (again): Covington Elementary School (Covington, Louisiana), September 1946 – January 1947
1st grade (end): Clayton Public School (Ft Worth, TX), January–May 1947
2nd grade: Clayton Public School (Ft Worth, TX), September 1947
2nd grade (end): Clark Elementary School (Ft Worth, TX), March 1948
3rd grade: Arlington Heights Elementary School (Ft Worth, TX), September 1948
4th grade: Ridglea West Elementary School (since renamed Luella Merrett, Ft Worth), Sep. 1949
5th grade: Ridglea West Elementary School (Ft Worth), September 1950
6th grade: Ridglea West Elementary School (Ft Worth), September 1951
7th grade: Trinity Evangelical Lutheran School (Bronx, NYC, NY), August 1952
7th grade: Public School 117 (Bronx, NY), September 1952 (attended 17 of 64 days)
7th grade (end): Public School 44 (Bronx, NY), March 23, 1953
Reformatory: Youth House (NYC, NY), April–May 1953.

8th grade: Public School 44 (Bronx, NY), September 14, 1953

8th grade (end): Beauregard Junior High School (New Orleans), January 13, 1954
9th grade: Beauregard Junior High School (New Orleans), September 1954 – June 1955
10th grade: Warren Easton High School (New Orleans), September–October 1955 (Warren appendix 13)
(tried to enlist in U.S. Marines using affidavit claiming age 17)
(worked as clerk/messenger in New Orleans, rather than school)

10th grade (again): Arlington Heights High School (Ft Worth, TX), September–October 1956. Final withdrawal
from high school, 10th grade. (Warren appendix 13)
3. Warren Commission Hearings, vol. 22, p. 705, CE 1385, Notes of interview of Lee Harvey Oswald conducted by
Aline Mosby in Moscow in November 1959 (http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/html/WH_Vol22_
0366a.htm). Oswald: "When I was working in the middle of the night on guard duty, I would think how long it
would be and how much money I would have to save. It would be like being out of prison. I saved about $1500."
During Oswald's 2 years and 10 months of service in the Marine Corps he received $3,452.20, after all taxes,
allotments and other deductions as well as his GED. Warren Commission Hearings, vol. 26, p. 709, CE 3099,
Certified military pay records for Lee Harvey Oswald for the period October 24, 1956, to September 11, 1959 (htt
4. Though later reports described her uncle, with whom she was living, as a colonel in the KGB, he was a lumber
industry expert in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) with a bureaucratic rank of Polkovnik. Priscilla
Johnson McMillan, Marina and Lee, Harper & Row, 1977, pp. 64–65. ISBN 978-0-06-012953-8.
5. Warren Commission Hearings, vol. 11, p. 123, Affidavit of Alexander Kleinlerer (http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/j
fk/wc/wcvols/wh11/html/WC_Vol11_0067a.htm): "Anna Meller, Mrs. Hall, George Bouhe, and the
deMohrenschildts, and all that group had pity for Marina and her child. None of us cared for Oswald because of
his political philosophy, his criticism of the United States, his apparent lack of interest in anyone but himself, and
because of his treatment of Marina."
6. Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Dennis Hyman Ofstein: 'I would say he didn't get along with people
and that several people had words with him at times about the way he barged around the plant, and one of the
fellows back in the photosetter department almost got in a fight with him one day, and I believe it was Mr. Graef
that stepped in and broke it up before it got started...'
7. United States House Select Committee on Assassinations, Testimony of Dr. Vincent P. Guinn (http://mcadams.po
Mr. WOLF. In your professional opinion, Dr. Guinn, is the fragment removed from General Walker's house
a fragment from a WCC (Western Cartridge Company) Mannlicher–Carcano bullet?
Dr. GUINN. I would say that it is extremely likely that it is, because there are very few, very few other
ammunitions that would be in this range. I don't know of any that are specifically this close as these
numbers indicate, but somewhere near them there are a few others, but essentially this is in the range that
is rather characteristic of WCC Mannlicher–Carcano bullet lead.

8. Warren Commission Hearings, Testimony of Charles Givens (http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/givens

9. In 1978, she told author Anthony Summers that the FBI report misquoted her and that she "clearly" saw Oswald
sitting in the second floor lunchroom at 12:15 p.m. or slightly after. However, no other depository employee
reported seeing Oswald on the second floor between 12 and 12:30 p.m. (e.g., Mrs. Pauline Sanders (http://www.
aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/html/WH_Vol22_0351b.htm), who left the second floor lunchroom at
"approximately 12:20 pm," did not see Oswald at all that day).
10. The first report of Tippit's shooting (http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/tapes2.htm) was transmitted over
Police Channel 1 sometime between 1:16 and 1:19 p.m., as indicated by verbal time stamps made periodically
by the dispatcher. Specifically, the first report began 1 minute 41 seconds after the 1: 16 time stamp. Before that,
witness Domingo Benavides could be heard unsuccessfully trying to use Tippit's police radio microphone,
beginning at 1:16. Dale K. Myers, With Malice: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Murder of Officer J.D. Tippit, 1998, p.
384. ISBN 0-9662709-7-5.
11. By the evening of November 22, five of them (Helen Markham, Barbara Jeanette Davis, Virginia Davis, Ted
Callaway, Sam Guinyard) had identified Lee Harvey Oswald in police lineups as the man they saw. A sixth
(William Scoggins) did so the next day. Three others (Harold Russell, Pat Patterson, Warren Reynolds)
subsequently identified Oswald from a photograph. Two witnesses (Domingo Benavides, William Arthur Smith)
testified that Oswald resembled the man they had seen. One witness (L.J. Lewis) felt he was too distant from the
gunman to make a positive identification. Warren Commission Hearings, CE 1968, Location of Eyewitnesses to
the Movements of Lee Harvey Oswald in the Vicinity of the Tippit Killing (http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/w
12. "Two misconceptions about the Warren Commission hearing need to be clarified...hearings were closed to the
public unless the witness appearing before the Commission requested an open hearing. No witness except
one...requested an open hearing...Second, although the hearings (except one) were conducted in private, they
were not secret. In a secret hearing, the witness is instructed not to disclose his testimony to any third party, and
the hearing testimony is not published for public consumption. The witnesses who appeared before the
Commission were free to repeat what they said to anyone they pleased, and all of their testimony was
subsequently published in the first fifteen volumes put out by the Warren Commission." (Bugliosi, p. 332)
13. Testimony of Marina Oswald Porter (http://www.jfk-online.com/marinashaw2.html), Trial of Clay Shaw,
Criminal District Court, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, February 21, 1969.
United States House Select Committee on Assassinations, Deposition of Marina Oswald Porter (http://mcada
ms.posc.mu.edu/russ/jfkinfo4/jfk12/marinade.htm#maraug) (1977):
Q. I want to mark these two photographs. On the back of the first one, which I would ask be marked JFK
committee exhibit No. 1, it says in the bottom right-hand corner copy from the National Archives, records
group No. 272, under that it says CE-133B. I will ask that be marked JFK exhibit No. 1. (The above
referred to photograph was marked JFK committee exhibit No. 1 for identification.)
Q. New, this second picture that I will ask to be marked says copy from the National Archives, record
group No. 272, CE-133. I would ask that this be marked JFK committee exhibit No. 2. (The above referred
to photograph was marked JFK committee exhibit No. 2 for identification.)
Q. I will show you those two photographs which are marked JFK exhibit No. 1 and exhibit No. 2, do you
recognize those two photographs?
A. I sure do. I have seen them many times.
Q. What are they?
A. That is the pictures that I took.

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations, Hearings, vol. 2 p. 239, Testimony of Marina
Oswald Porter (http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol2/html/HSCA_Vol2_0122a.htm) (1978):
Mr. McDONALD. Mrs. Porter, I have got two exhibits to show you, if the clerk would procure them from the
representatives of the National Archives. We have two photographs to show you. They are Warren
Commission Exhibits C-133-A and B (http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol6/html/HSCA
_Vol6_0094a.htm), which have been given JFK Nos. F-378 and F-379. If the clerk would please hand
them to you, and also if we could now have for display purposes JFK Exhibit F-179, which is a blowup of
the two photographs placed in front of you. Mrs. Porter, do you recognize the photographs placed in front
of you?
Mrs. PORTER. Yes, I do.
Mr. McDONALD. And how do you recognize them?
Mrs. PORTER. That is the photograph that I made of Lee on his persistent request of taking a picture of
him dressed like that with rifle.

Marina Oswald Porter, interview with author Vincent Bugliosi and lawyer Jack Duffy, Dallas, Texas, November
30, 2000, reported in Bugliosi, Reclaiming History, p. 794.

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24. Warren Commission Hearings, CE 2240, FBI transcript of letter from Lee Oswald to the Socialist Party of
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_Vol9_0058a.htm), House Select Committee on Assassinations – Appendix to Hearings, Volume 9, 4, pp. 107–
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45. Summers 2013, pp. 140–141. The grades were -5 in understanding, +4 in reading and +3 in writing.
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a.htm), Warren Commission Hearings, vol. 9, p. 249.
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a.htm), Warren Commission Hearings, vol. 9, pp. 249–250.
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b.htm), Warren Commission Hearings, vol. 9, pp. 314–317.
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b.htm), Warren Commission Hearings, vol. 9, p. 314.
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Further reading
Bugliosi, Vincent. Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (https://www.amazon.co
m/Reclaiming-History-Assassination-President-Kennedy/dp/0393045250/) Norton, 2007, 1632 p. ISBN 0-393-
Epstein, Edward Jay. Legend: the Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company,
1978, hardcover, ISBN 0-07-019539-0
Ford, Gerald. Portrait of the Assassin. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1965, ISBN 0-684-82663-1.
Gillon, Steven. Lee Harvey Oswald: 48 Hours to Live Sterling. 2013. ISBN 1454912510
Mailer, Norman. Oswald's Tale: An American Mystery. New York: Ballantine Books, (1995) ISBN 0-345-40437-8.
McMillan, Priscilla Johnson. Marina and Lee (https://www.amazon.com/Marina-Lee-Priscilla-Johnson-McMillan/d
p/B000O613EW/) New York: Harper & Row, 1977.
Melanson, Philip H. Spy Saga: Lee Harvey Oswald and U.S. Intelligence. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1990,
hardcover, ISBN 0-275-93571-X
Nechiporenko, Oleg M. Passport to Assassination: The Never-Before Told Story of Lee Harvey Oswald by the
KGB Colonel Who Knew Him. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1993, ISBN 1-55972-210-X.
Posner, Gerald. Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (https://www.amazon.com/Case
-Closed-Gerald-Posner/dp/1400034620/) Random House, 1993, hardcover, ISBN 0-679-41825-3
Roffman, Howard. Presumed Guilty. South Brunswick and New York: A. S. Barnes and Company, 1976,
hardcover, ISBN 0-498-01933-0
Sauvage, Leo. The Oswald Affair. Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company, 1966

External links
Frontline: Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? (https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/oswald/)
American Experience: Oswald's Ghost (https://web.archive.org/web/20170106060329/http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/a
Kennedy Assassination Home Page (http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/) by John C. McAdams
Lee Harvey Oswald: Lone Assassin or Patsy (http://www.jfkassassination.net/oswald.htm) by John C. McAdams
Lee Harvey Oswald Chronology (http://jfkassassination.net/parnell/chrono.htm) by W. Tracy Parnell
Abrahamsen, D. (1967). "A Study of Lee Harvey Oswald: Psychological Capability of Murder" (https://www.ncbi.nl
m.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1806829). Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 43 (10): 861–888.
PMC 1806829 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1806829). PMID 19312773 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.
Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, Appendix 13: Biography of
Lee Harvey Oswald (https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/warren-commission-report/appendix-13.html)
Lee Harvey Oswald (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0652640/) on IMDb
Lee Harvey Oswald (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/781) at Find a Grave

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