Observações PET Língua Inglesa 1º Anos 2020

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Escola Estadual Presidente Tancredo Neves

Educação e Cidadania para todos


Orientações sobre o PET (Plano de Estudo Tutorado)
Língua Inglesa - 1º ANO / 2020
Professora: Genoveva D. Araújo Turmas: 105 / 106 /107/ 108 / 109

 Correção da informação da primeira parte do texto (página 125):

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in ...

 Desenvolvendo o tema (sobre a primeira parte do texto):


No quadro da página 126 está faltando uma palavra (TWINS) para completar as lacunas da
primeira parte do texto (página 125) .

 Segunda Parte do Texto sobre William Shakespeare (Para a resolução das atividades 3 e 4).

London's first theater opened in 1576, Shakespeare worked in London as an _____________ and then started
writing ____________ too. In 1593 the plague, a terrible ______________ , killed thousands of people and
theaters were closed. During this time, William started writing poems instead of plays
plays. His short poems are
called ______________. Shakespeare helped build a new theater called The Globe, it opened in 1599. It was
round and had space for 3000 people. At The Globe some _____________ stood in front of _____________
and others had ____________. The ___________
____ shouted, clapped, booed and laughed while they
watched plays. Musicians created special noises to make the plays more exciting and they had a cannon and
made big bangs. No women acted in Shakespeare time, man and boys played all the parts. Shakespeare
wrote comedies with happy endings, like A Midsummer Night's Dream. He wrote tragedies which had sad
endings, like Romeo and Juliet. His history plays are about kings and queens, like Henry The Fifth.
Shakespeare wrote 38 plays maybe more. He loved language
language and invented new words and expressions that
we still use today. William became rich and famous. He had houses in London and Stratford. He died when he
was 52 on April 23, 1616. His plays and poetry were very popular four hundred years ago and they are st still
popular today. People all over the world love his work, because he wrote wonderful stories about very
interesting people.

 A segunda parte do texto sobre William Shakespeare (página126) fornecida no PET é idêntica à
primeira parte, a segunda parte está sendo disponibilizada nessas orientações.

 As palavras para completar a segunda parte do te

xto se encontram no quadro na página 127,
conforme fornecido no PET.

 Frase negritada para a atividade 4 (página 127).

William started writing poems instead of plays.

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